Compilers and Interpreters Tutorial 1

Sorin Manolache
Compilers and Interpreters
Tutorial 1
Sorin Manolache,
• flex and bison documentation available at
• online version of this tutorial:
November 30, 2005
Sorin Manolache
• is a scanner generator
• the input is a file (specification file) containing mainly a set of
rules for the token construction
• the output is a C source file containing the scanner code
• the entry point is the function
int yylex()
• yylex scans tokens from the FILE *yyin (stdin) until
– a rule matches and the associated action executes a
return statement
– EOF is reached. yylex then returns 0
November 30, 2005
Sorin Manolache
Flex – Input File Specification
• 3 parts separated by %% on a new line
optional definitions
optional rules
optional additional C code
• rules section
– format
<unindented pattern><whitespace><action>
– everything different from the above pattern is copied
verbatim to the output file
– action is C code
November 30, 2005
Sorin Manolache
Flex – Patterns (1)
November 30, 2005
matches the character ‘x’
matches any character except newline
matches any (one) of the characters between
the brackets
matches any (one) character different from
the characters between the brackets
matches zero or more (unbounded)
occurrences of r. r is itself a regexp
matches one or more (unbounded)
occurrences of r. r is itself a regexp
matches zero or one r. r is itself a regexp
matches either r or s. r and s are themselves
matches r followed by s. r and s are
themselves regexps
Sorin Manolache
Flex – Patterns (2)
matches r. Used for priority overriding
matches r occurring at the beginning of line
matches r at the end of line
matches the end of file
matches r in the context s. r is a regexp.
s denotes a context (start condition)
• use ““ or \ for avoiding the special meaning of some symbols
• special characters can be used: \n \r \t \a \b \f \v \0
• operator priorities:
– (), []
– *, +, ?
– concatenation
– |
November 30, 2005
Sorin Manolache
Flex – Matching (1)
• “greedy”, matches as much as possible
• if more than one rule can be applied, then the first appearing in
the flex specification file is preferred
• if no rule matches, then the default rule applies: it copies the
character to the output
• after matching
– yytext (extern char yytext[];) contains the
matched text
– yyleng (extern int yyleng;) contains the
matched text length
November 30, 2005
Sorin Manolache
Flex – Matching (2)
• Special actions, macros and handy functions:
– REJECT, choose next best rule, either a “later” one
matching the same text, or another rule matching a
the largest prefix of the matched text
– yymore(), do another match and append its result to
the current match
– yyless(int n), push all but the first n characters
back to the input stream (to be matched next time).
yytext will contain only the first n of the matched
– YY_USER_ACTION denotes an action to be taken
before the matched rule action
November 30, 2005
Sorin Manolache
Flex – Definitions Section
• format:
<unindented name><whitespace><definition>
• similar to macros, referred later in the rules section
• reference to a definition: {name}
• example:
{DIGIT}* return INT;
• everything between %{ and %} is copied verbatim to the generated C source file, both in the definitions and in the rules section
November 30, 2005
Sorin Manolache
Flex – Contexts (Start Conditions)
• handy for matching some rules only if the scanner is in some
state (context), for instance, when parsing inside comments or
inside quotes
• the context (start condition) is defined in the definitions section
• the scanner enters a particular context after executing the
action BEGIN(start_condition_name)
• if the start condition is exclusive then only those rules match
that are specific to this context, i.e. those rules prefixed with
• if the start condition is inclusive then non-prefixed rules may
match also
• prefixed rules cannot match if the scanner is not in the corresponding context (the start condition is false)
November 30, 2005
Sorin Manolache
Flex – Contexts (2)
• the scanner exits a particular context either by entering another
one or by entering the initial “start condition”
• syntax of start condition declaration:
%x exclusive_start_condition_name
%s inclusive_start_condition_name
• example:
%x html_tag
November 30, 2005
printf(“%s\n”, yytext);
Sorin Manolache
Flex – Running and Compiling
• -i case insensitive, or %caseless
• %yylineno
• %yywrap or %noyywrap
• %main or %nomain
• -o output file, or %output=”name”
• if main or yywrap have to be provided (no %nomain or no
%noyywrap) and are not provided by the user, then one has to
link with the -lfl
November 30, 2005