International Summer School on Practice-based Studies An international forum for the study, development and promotion of practice-based studies in organization, administrative and policy sciences 2013 Edition How to conduct practice-based studies in social and organizational research: Concepts, strategies, and consequences Warwick Palazzo, Venice, 10-13 September 2013 10.4511.15 09.00-10.45 Monday September 9 Tuesday September 10 Wednesday September 11 11.15-13.00 13.0014.15 14.15-15.30 15.3016.00 16.00-17.30 Coffee break Research Clinic* Approx. 10-15 students and faculty in dialogue Coffee break Research Clinic* Approx. 10-15 students and faculty in dialogue Arrivals and Welcome Dinner An introduction to practice and why it matters Theodore Schatzki How to study practice Davide Nicolini & Maja Korica Thursday September 12 Dynamics of social practices Friday September 13 Studying routines Mika Pantzar Martha Feldman Coffee break Coffee break An introduction to practice and why it matters Lunch Theodore Schatzki Studying practices ethnographically Lunch How to study practice Davide Nicolini Studying practices ethnographically Dvora Yanow Dvora Yanow Coffee break Dynamics of social practices Ethnomethodology and practice Coffee break Studying routines Mika Pantzar Martha Feldman Lunch Jack Whalen Lunch Coffee break Ethnomethodology and practice Jack Whalen Joint Closing Panel on Routines and Practices *Research Clinic is envisioned as an opportunity for faculty and a smaller number of students to get together, discuss several of the papers and projects submitted by students for consideration, consider how they might be improved, and what they might tell us about practices and/or how to study them. Additional social event: Thursday 12 September at 6pm – optional visit to Fondazione Cini, Island San Giorgio (more info at, with Pasquale Gagliardi Programme, September 2013