Route 79 Davol Street Corridor Study Fall River, MA

Route 79 Davol Street Corridor Study
Fall River, MA
Working Group Meeting #1
September 19, 2012
Fall River Boys and Girls Club
803 Bedford Street
Regional Transportation Impact Area
Analysis Locations
Focus Area
Analysis Locations
Draft - Goals and Objectives
• Identify opportunities to improve mobility, connectivity, and safety along
and across the Route 79 and Davol Street corridor study area
• Promote and foster regional and local economic development potential
• Improve the quality of life for residents
• Provide better multimodal connectivity between downtown Fall River and
its waterfront
• Enhance multimodal access to the future South Coast Rail
• Balance local and regional mobility
• Improve and enhance safety conditions
• Increase opportunities for economic development and land use feasibility
• Minimize potential impacts to the environment and community
Draft - Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Measures of Effectiveness
Operational Functionality
Intersection / roundabout delay and level of
Volume to capacity ratio
50 and 95 percentile queues
Highway and ramp level of service
Average travel time through the Route 79
Area wide travel time reliability
Travel Time
Overall network delay
Average travel times within regional
transportation impact area (Rte. 79, Rte. 24,
Rte. 6)
Vehicle-miles traveled
Vehicle-hours traveled
Draft - Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Measures of Effectiveness
ADA Compliance
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety
Number of conflicts with vehicles
Provision of designated facilities
Vehicular Safety
Conformance to AASHTO and MassDOT
Maintenance of traffic during construction
Emergency Vehicle Access
Health and Environmental Effects
Impacts on environmental resources
Sustainable Design
Air Quality
Inclusion of Low Impact Design (LID)
Net change in impervious surface area
Total emissions
Draft - Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Measures of Effectiveness
Land Use and Economic Development
Area of created developable land
Economic Development Potential
Socio-Economic and Fiscal Impacts
Accessibility of potential development parcels
Number of east-west connections between
Fall River and waterfront
Number of new jobs
Number of new housing units
Generated disposable income
New tax generation
Draft - Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Measures of Effectiveness
Community Effects
Number of pedestrian crossings/access
points to waterfront
Linear feet of sidewalk
Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations
Vehicular Accommodations
Visual Impacts
Pedestrian delay
Linear feet of designated bicycle facilities
(path, bike lane, sharrows)
Ease of access to South Coast Rail
Redistribution of peak hour and daily
Number of east-west connections
Fall River and waterfront
Ease of access to South Coast Rail
Landscaping opportunities
Water views
Draft - Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Measures of Effectiveness
Community Effects (continued)
Compatibility with local and regional
transportation plans, strategic plans and
plans of conservation and development
Construction duration
Lane closures and detours
Maintenance of access to abutters
Construction Impacts
Disruption to local businesses
Right-of-way impacts
Order of magnitude implementation cost
Construction Cost
Right-of-way costs
Route 79/Davol Street Corridor Study
Fall River, MA