DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR PRIVATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL APPROVAL Please submit the following documents along with the application fee to the following address: New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development Division of Accounting P.O. Box 955 Trenton, NJ 08625-0955 Please check (√) items to ensure inclusion. Included For LWD Use Only (√) Acceptable Needs Further Development Items 1. 2. 3. 4. Administrative Requirements for PVS Approval Checklist Completed Application for Initial Approval Signed and notarized Statement of Assurances Non-refundable application fee of $700 in the form of a certified check or money order only, payable to the Treasurer, State of New Jersey 5. Franchise agreement (if applicable) 6. Certificate of Authority, Certificate of Incorporation or Formation, or proof of registration with county clerk’s office 7. Incorporation papers (if applicable) 8. Business Registration Certificate 9. Bank statement or voided check in school’s name 10. Tuition Performance Bond which includes bond number, name and address of school, amount of bond and expiration dates. The obligee must be listed as the Department of Labor and Workforce Development 11. Current Public Liability and Workers’ Compensation Certificate of Insurance 12. Certificate of Occupancy from local municipal authority 13. Current Certificate of Fire Inspection 14. Current Certificate of Health Inspection (if applicable) 15. Building lease signed by both school and building owners 16. Sketch of floor plan which includes exits, restrooms, break areas, classrooms, labs, office where student records are located 17 Business Plan 18 Enrollment Agreement 19 School catalog which includes Dispute Resolution Policy and Refund Policy 20 Sample of proposed advertising/marketing materials 21 Literacy Curriculum Approval Checklist along with supporting documentation for all literacy related programs (see literacy checklist) For LWD use only Signature: Program Specialist Date Note: Sample documents are provided in the Initial Application Packet ALL FORMS MAY BE DUPLICATED AS NEEDED State Of New Jersey Department Of Education and Labor and Workforce Development Application For Initial Approval 42004 -1–