JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 89, NO. C4, PAGES 6403-6414, JULY 20, 1984 Universal Similarity and the Thicknessof the Viscous Sublayer at the Ocean Floor T. M. ellRISS! AND D. R. CALDWELL Schoolof Oceanography,OregonState University Experimentsconductedon the Oregon continentalshelfin June 1979 indicatethat the boundarylayer flow at the seafloorwas hydrodynamically smooth. Fine-resolution velocity profiles are used to test the assumptionthat the flow behavedlike a universallysimilar, neutrally buoyant flow over a smoothwall. The non-dimensionalthicknessof the viscoussublayeris far more variable than has been observedin laboratory studiesover perfectlysmoothwalls. This variability may conceivablybe related to upstream changesof surfaceroughnessor to the presenceof distributedroughnesselements.Laboratory results indicate that the near-bed flow adjusts extremely slowly to upstream roughnesschangesand suggests that flow near the sublayerin the oceanmay be influencedby roughnesschangesas far as tensof meters upstream. Data gatheredduring that experimentwill be usedto test the applicability of the assumptionsthat lead to the conventional The simplestmodel that might describethe flow near the seabedis provided by laboratory studiesof neutrally stratified equationsfor suchflows. This questionis far from academic. turbulent boundary layers [Monin and Yaglorn,1971; Town- Papers dealing with sedimenttransport and boundary layer send,1976; Yaglorn,1979]. This model is especiallyappealing processes[e.g., Bowden, 1978; Wirnbushand Munk, 1971; becauseuniversal similarity applies to these flows; experi- Komar, 1976] often cite equationswhich imply that, if a vismental results,when expressedin the appropriate nondimen- coussublayerexists,the flow behaveslike a universallysimisional forms, are independent of flow conditions and fluid lar, neutrally buoyant flow over a smoothwall. properties.In particular, profiles of mean velocity become THEORETICAL BACKGROUND "universal"when velocitiesand distancesfrom the boundary The developmentof Monin and Yaglorn[1971, chapter 3] is are appropriatelynondimensionalized. recastslightly here to emphasizethe significanceof the viscous In an earlier paper [Caldwell and Chriss,1979], we demonsublayer.Given a sublayerin which the molecular viscosity,v, strated the existenceof a viscoussublayerin the near-bed flow dominates the vertical transport of momentum, the stressat on the Oregon shelf. A more detailed examination of adthe wall, Zo,is givenby ditional data from that experiment revealed a "kink" in the % = •v (•U/•z) (1) velocity profiles 11-15 cm above the bed. We concludedthat the flow above the kink was significantlyinfluencedby form wherep is the densityof the fluid and • is the meanvelocity drag due to topographic irregularities [Chriss and Caldwell, at a distancez from the wall. Defining the friction velocity by 1982]. Although the flow was "hydrodynamicallysmooth" in u, = Co/p)'/2 (2) the sensethat a viscoussublayerwas always present,the true bed stress(computed from the velocity profile in the viscous integrating(1) yields,for the profile in the sublayer, sublayer)was severaltimes smaller than the stresscomputed U(z)= u,2z/v (3) from the portion of the velocity profile influenced by form drag. A subsequentexperiment(June 1979) again confirmed In the overlying turbulent logarithmic layer, the shearis given the existenceof a viscous sublayer. Although the profiling by sensorssampled only the lowermost few centimetersof the boundary layer, independently measured currents 59 cm - u,/k (4) above the bed agree very well with those predicted from the c3(lnz) sublayer data and a constant stress assumption, suggesting that form drag effectswere insignificantduring this later ex- which defines von Karman's constant, k. Integrating (4), we obtain periment.We might, then, picturethe near-bedflow as closely resemblinglaboratory flow over a smooth wall, but perturbed U(z) = (u,/k)In (z) + C (5) in somelocations by the effectsof small-scaletopography. where C is a constant of integration. Defining the sublayer Because the data from June 1979 show no measurable influenceof topographicirregularities,we use them here to exam- thickness,rS,by the intersectionof the extrapolated sublayer ine the hypothesisthat, in the absenceof such influence,the profile(3) and the logarithmicvelocityprofile (5), we obtain INTRODUCTION flow can be appropriately describedas a universallysimilar, neutrally buoyant boundary layer flow on a smooth wall. U,2(•/¾--(u,/k)In (rS) +C (6) Therefore C is explicitly a function of rS' C -- u,2(•/¾ - (u,/k) In r5 • Now at Departmentof Oceanography, DalhousieUniversity. Copyright 1984 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. (7) Thus for the logarithmic portion of the turbulent boundary layer, Paper number 4C0327. 0148-0227/84/004C-0327505.00 U(z)= (u,/k)In (z/•5) + u,2•5/v 6403 (8) 6404 CHRISSAND CALDWELL' UNIVERSAL SIMILARITY AND VISCOUSSUBLAYER cludesnot only the "true" viscoussublayer (the linear velocity profile region) but also a portion of the "buffer" region, in which molecular viscosityand turbulence both contribute to the vertical momentum transport. Although some authors define the sublayer thicknessby the linear region alone, our definition has the advantage that it can be directly related to the constantB in the logarithmic layer equation. Furthermore, becausedeterminationof the highestlinear point is strongly influenced bythevertical sampling intervalandmeasurement error, estimatednondimensionalthicknessesin laboratory experiments show more variability when defined by the linear profiles.For universalsimilarity to hold, the nondimensional thicknessof the viscoussublayer,definedin either way, must be constant [Monin and Yaglom, 1971]. Data presentedlater in this paper demonstrate that our conclusionsregarding / variabilityof • + are independent of our choiceof definition. Not all flows over smooth walls obey universalsimilarity. For example,the "constant"B in (10) may be larger than 25 in Fig. 1. Theoreticalmean velocity profile for a logarithmiclayer some smooth-walled boundary layer flows of polymer soluoverlyinga viscoussublayer.A logarithmicscalehas been usedfor tions [Huang, 1974]. In wind tunnel studiesby Antonia and the distancefrom the boundary. Luxton [1972], Mulhearn [1978], and Andreopoulosand Wood [1982], boundary layer flows adjusted very slowly to changes from rough to smooth surfaces.The "constant"B in equation This form of the logarithmicprofile equationdemonstrates (10) may be as large as 15 near the change of roughness,and that the mean velocity in the logarithmic layer above a tens of boundary layer thicknessesdownstreamit may still be smoothwall depends not onlyon u, but alsoon 6 (Figure1). as large as 7. U(z) Definingthe nondimensional distancefrom the wall,z +, the nondimensional sublayerthickness, 6 +, and a nondimensional EXPERIMENT meanvelocity,U +, by z/(v/u,),6/(v/u,),andU/u,, respectively, The experiment was carried out June 5-13, 1979, on the equation(8) becomes U + = (l/k) In (z+/g+) + g+ (9) If k and • + are "universalconstants," thisequationdefinesthe logarithmic portion of all neutrally buoyant turbulent boundary-layerflowsover a smoothwall. It is important to clarify the relationship between (9) and the commonly cited nondimensional equation [Monin and Yaglom,1971,pp. 276--277], U + =Alnz + +B (10) Comparison of (9) and (10) demonstratesthat B is related to /i+ by 90-m and 185-m isobathsalong 45ø20'N on the Oregon shelf. The surface sediment at the 90 m station is a fine sand, whereasat 185 m it is silty sand [Runge, 1966]. A roughness Reynoldsnumber,u,d/v, basedon the maximumparticlediameter(d = 0.007cm),the largestu, (0.48cm/s),and the kinematicviscosity (0.015cme/s),is 0.22,wellbelow5, the upper limit for hydrodynamicallysmoothflow [Schlichting,1968]. A time-lapsemotion picture camera,mounted on the instrumented tripod to monitor the condition of the sensors,showedno bedformslikely to influence the near-bed flow. However, becauseof the relativelypoor quality and restrictedfield of view (•1 me) of the photographs, the absenceof suchfeaturesin the photos is inconclusive.The velocity data were obtained from profiling heated-thermistorsensorsmounted on the 2-mB = -A In (rS+) + r5+ (11) high tripod. Most data (24 mean velocity profiles)come from In laboratory studies of flows over smooth walls without two deploymentsat the 185-m station. Four additional proroughnesschanges,A and B do not vary significantly with fileswere obtainedduring one deploymentat the 90-m station. fluid propertiesor flow conditions,thus lending support to A data acquisitionsystemon the tripod sampledeachthermisuniversal similarity [Monin and Yaglom, 1971, p. 277]. The tor at an interval set between2 s and 4 s, dependingon the most reliable data [Monin and Yaglom, 1971' Yaglom, 1979] deployment duration, 1-3 days. Additional instrumentation indicate that A is close to 2.5 (corresponding to avon included profiling and stationary temperature sensors,a SaKarman's constant of 0.4) and that B is between 5 and 5.5. vonius rotor, a 25-cm path-length beam transmissometer,and (Although various investigatorscite slightly different values a high-resolutionpressuretransducer. Each thermistor (ThermometricsInc. seriesFP14) consisted for A and B, the differencesare small and are usually attributed to measurement errors or to differences in the obof a 0.02-cm-diameterthermistor bead sealedin the tip of a servedz + ranges.)It shouldbe clear from (11) that universal 0.2-cm-diameter,1.2-cm-longglassrod. This rod was epoxied similarityrequiresthat the nondimensional sublayerthickness to the end of a 0.4-cm-diameter,9-cm-longpiece of hypoder•+ is constant and that its value lie• between 11 and 11.6 mic tubing attachedto the profiling mechanism.Current was (correspondingto B = 5-5.5). Becausethe differencebetween suppliedto each heated thermistor to heat it approximately •5+ = 11•1and •5+ = 11.6 corresponds to a changeof at most 20øCabove the water temperature.The temperaturedifference 2% in U(z), the differencebetween these two values is not betweenthe thermistor and the water dependson the power significant,so we will refer to the laboratory•+ as 11.1.We dissipatedand on the rate of removal of heat by the water emphasizethat this value,like equation(11), is basedon oper- flow. Because the calibration is a function of both the water ationally defining the sublayerthicknessby the intersectionof temperatureand the orientation of the flow with respectto the the extrapolatedlinear and logarithmicprofiles.Thus •+ in- thermistor,each thermistorwas postcalibratedat the temper- CHRISS AND CALDWELL: UNIVERSAL SIMILARITY AND VISCOUS SUBLAYER 6405 atures and flow directionsobservedduring the experiment. Calibrations were performedby towing in a 1-m radius annular channel. The power dissipatedin the thermistor per unit changein temperaturewasrelatedto the flow velocityby P/AT = a + bUN (12) where P is the power dissipatedin the thermistor, AT is its temperaturerise, U is the speed,and a, b, and N are experimentally determined. Inversion of this formula allows the calculation of speedfrom measurementsof P/A T computedfrom the output of a bridge circuit [Caldwell and Dillon, 1981]. By using(12) with empiricallydetermineda, b, and N, speedcan be determinedwithin 0.1 cm/s in the laboratory. No changes in calibration were observed for sensors calibrated 0.5- both before and after field deployments.The heated thermistorsmeasure speedonly, flow directionbeingdetermined(to within 5ø)by a 0.20 small vane. The heated thermistors were carried up and down by a crank-and-pistonmechanismdriven by an underwatermotor. The profiler mechanism was mounted 0.5 m outside one tripod leg, assuringunobstructedflow through an arc of 300ø. Only casesof unobstructedflow were chosenfor analysis.The profiling period was set at either 57 or 566 s. The vertical travel was 6 cm. To ensurethat the thermistorspenetratedthe viscoussublayer,we allowed the thermistorsto penetrate the sediment(in somecasesas much as 4 cm). Becausethe lighting and resolution of the Super-8 camera systemwere inadequate to define details in the area where the thermistorspenetrated the sediment, there is no direct information on the extend to which the penetration disturbed the interface. However, becausethe sensordiameter was very small, we believethat the resulting disturbance did not affect the measurements.The agreement of the heated thermistor profile with Savonius rotor measurementssupports this assumptionand suggests that the effects of sensorfouling were insignificant(see Discussionsection). The vertical position of the thermistorswas determined(to within 0.03 cm) from the output of a potentiometerconnected to the profiler motor. The position of the sediment-water interface(for each mean velocity profile) was taken to be the I 2 3 4 5 6 0 (cm/s) Fig. 3. Samedata as in Figure 2 but with a logarithmicscalefor the distance above the sediment. zero-velocityinterceptof the linear velocityprofile in the viscous sublayer. The calculated current velocity does not decrease exactly to zero within the sediment, but instead becomes constant at 0.1-0.4 cm/s, dependingon the particular sensor. This happens because the velocity calibrations for water are not valid in the sediment, which has different ther- mal properties.The varianceof the signaldropsnearly to zero at the intercept,confirmingit as the positionof the sedimentwater interface. Becausethe profiling mechanismhad its own referencing "foot," its vertical positionwas relativelyconstantin spite of potential tripod settling.Nevertheless,the calculatedposition of the zero-velocity intercept sometimesincreasesslightly (typically by less than 0.1 cm) from one data interval to the next, suggestingthat someminor settlingof the profiler "foot" may have occurred.Becausethe mean velocity data for each of the studied intervals is referencedto the position of the zero-velocityintercept for the same interval, the effect of settling on the sublayerdata is negligible. The Savoniusrotor was calibratedin the tow facility at the Bonneville Dam laboratory of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.The standarderror of the calibrationequationis 0.3 cm/s,and the rotor thresholdis approximately2.0 cm/s. ANALYSIS •D - W W Mean velocity profileswere constructedby averagingover periods9-132 min long, eachperiod containingmultiple traverses.With the exceptionof a few short (10-21 min) intervals in which the flow was accelerating or decelerating (0.002< IOU/Otl< 0.012 cm s-e), the studiedintervalswere chosenfor steadinessof speedand direction.The lower por- W Z 0 I ;) 3 4 5 6 U (cm/s) Fig. 2. Typical mean velocity profile for the June 1979 experiment.The lowermoststraightline represents a linear fit to the points in the viscoussublayer,whereasthe uppermostline representsa fit to thepointsin the lowerportionof the logarithmiclayer. tion of each traversewas divided into segments0.1 cm thick for averaging,and the mean for eachsegmentwas determined by averagingall measurementswithin it during the repeated traverses.In a typical averaged profile (Figure 2), the linear profile just above the sedimentdemonstratesthe existenceof a viscoussublayer.A semilogarithmicplot (Figure 3) showsthat the upper sectionof the profile looks like a logarithmiclayer. (In the logarithmic layer, velocitieswere averaged over 0.3 cm.) The shear in the sublayerwas determinedby linear regression,and the bed stress and the friction velocity were computedby using(1) and (2). 6406 CHRISS AND CALDWELL: - / - E UNIVERSAL SIMILARITY AND VISCOUS SUBLAYER / $=14.0 u/u. / • / $: 12.9•/u.'"""¾ / • ence our estimate of k. Becauseof potential tripod settling and/or irregular microtopographysurroundingthe tripod, the effectivelocation of the rotor may not have been exactly at 59 cm above the mean position of the sediment.Having no evidenceof either effect, we simply note that, for thesedata, k changesonly by 1.5% for each 3-cm error in the effectiverotor position.Basedon the physicalnature of the sediment,we feel that tripod settling in excessof 2-3 cm was unlikely and thus that a "corrected" estimate of k would be no less than 0.42. (Even a very large tripod "settling"of 10 cm would reduceour estimateonlyto 0.41).For typicalconditions (u, • 0.25cm/s), 0 0045 0 090 0135 •/u.(cm) Fig. 4. The thicknessof the viscous sublayer plotted versus the ratio of the kinematic viscosityto the friction velocity.The solid line representsthe expected relationship for a nondimensionalsublayer thicknessequal to 11.1. Broken lines representnondimensionalsublayer thicknesses equal to 8.3, 9.3, 12.9,and 14.0,respectively. Sensorssometimesmalfunctioned(due to seawaterleakage) or were broken during recovery.We allowed for thesecontingenciesby usingseveralsensorsand alwaysrecoveredat least one functioning sensor for postcalibration.Comparison of profilesfrom two thermistorsseparatedhorizontally by 11 cm during one of the 185-m deploymentsshowscloseagreement in sixof tenintervals, theaveragedifference between u, values an error of 0.4 cm/s in the measuredrotor velocity resultsin an error of 0.07 in k. Considering the standard error of the rotor calibration (0.3 cm/s), the error bounds(+0.05) on our estimateare not surprising.Somesuggestions in the discussion section,if correct, make our estimate of k somewhat uncertain. The Thicknessof the ViscousSublayer One of the implicationsof universal similarity is that the nondimensional sublayerthickness, 3 +, is constant.We have determinedthe thicknessof the viscoussublayerfrom 28 mean velocityprofiles.When the thermistordata did not encompass enough of the logarithmic layer to determinethe log layer shearaccurately,(4) was usedwith k -0.4 to extrapolatethe velocityat the top of the heatedthermistorprofile downward in order to determinethe log-linear intercept.We have used the acceptedvalue of k = 0.4 for subsequentcomputations because this value is within the error bounds for our estimate. being only 3%. The four remainingintervalsshow an average Use of the measuredvalue, k = 0.43, in calculationsof • + and U (59 cm) would change the calculated quantities by only differenceof 25%. Although thesefour profilesdo not agreein the sublayer,they agree very well above, suggestingthat the + 1% and -3%, respectively,changesinsignificantwith redifferencesmay reflect real differencesin the near-bed flow spectto other potentialerrors.By this procedure,3 + values rather than sensor malfunction. If the differences were caused by sensormalfunction,the malfunctionsmust have been episodic, for theseintervals are bounded by others in which the two sensorsagree closely. The differencesin the flow could have been the result of tiny topographic irregularities,their influence being limited to flow from certain directions. Becauseour photographyis inadequate to show such features and becausethe only argumentsfavoring sensormalfunction are that the two sensorsdo not agree, the data from both sensorswere used when they differed. Inclusion of data from both sensorsdoes not significantlyaffect the conclusionsof thispaper. Estimationof yon Karman's Constant varies from 8 to 20. DISCUSSION The variabilityin 3 + suggests somequestions: 1. Does the scatter (Figure 4) reflect true variation or experimental error .9 2. If the variationsare real, are they causedby small-scale, local irregularitiesof the seabed? 3. Given u, (from the sublayerprofile)and the shearin the logarithmic layer, (4) can be solvedfor k. Becausethe traverse was limited to 6 cm to increase resolution are determined from heated thermistor data alone, and so are independent of the rotordata.A plot of $ againstv/u, (Figure 4) showsthat $ doesscalewith v/u,, but not perfectly. Rather than lying between11 and 12 as in laboratory studies,3 + in the viscous sub- layer, and becausethe thermistorspenetratedthe sedimentat the bottom of the profile, enoughof the logarithmiclayer was not always covered for accurate determination of the shear (and hence k) by using heated-thermistordata alone. Therefore we determined the log layer shear from the difference betweenthe mean velocity at the top of the traverse and the mean velocity from the Savonius rotor, the center of which was approximately 59 cm above the sediment. For the 23 profiles in which the rotor was above threshold, k is 0.43 + 0.05 (95% confidenceinterval for the mean). This compareswell with other estimates,including0.419 + 0.013 from a turbulent Ekman layer in the laboratory [Caldwell et al., 1972], 0.41 + 0.025 from a summaryof atmosphericestimates [Garratt, 1977] and 0.40 + 0.01 from recent marine estimates [Soulsbyand Dyer, 1981]. Several types of errors may influ- What is the effect of a variable 3 + on the flow above? The most significanterrors are probably causedby the sampling scheme.The close agreement of predeploymentand postdeployment calibrations, as well as the agreement of u, values calculated independently from two sensors,makes seriouscalibrationdrift unlikely,and the useof singleprofiling sensorsto determinethe profiles(and hence3+) eliminates intercalibrationerrors.This advantageof usinga singleprofiling sensoris somewhatoffset,however,by the samplingerror which resultsfrom the lack of continuoussamplingat each elevation.Although each sensorwas sampledevery few seconds, the samples at any given elevation occurred far less frequently,the exact timing being determinedby the profiling period and the position within the profile. (Becauseof the crank-and-piston nature of the profiling mechanism, the number ofsamples andthetimingof thesesamples varie s with the position in the profile.) If the flow has significantvariability on time scalesshorter than the interval between successivesamplesat a given height,the calculatedmean velocity elIRISS AND CALDWELL' UNIVERSAL SIMILARITY AND VISCOUS SUBLAYER may differ from the mean which would have been measured by samplingcontinuouslyat that elevation. A sampling error analysis (appendix) was performed by taking data from another experimentduring which the sensors remained almost stationary within the viscoussublayer and buffer layer (and for which continuous time seriesare available) and then subsamplingby usingthe profiler periodsand sampling scheme used to collect the data reported in this 6407 16 14 paper.This analysissuggests that,if •5+ for the "true"velocity profile were 11.1, sampling error would result in approxi- matelyone •+ measurement in twentybeingsmallerthan 8.3 or larger than 14.0. The bounds of 8.3 and 14.0 are conservative becausethey are calculated assumingthe simultaneous occurrenceof two types of errors which may be uncorrelated. 0 More realistic estimates are 9.3 and 12.9. The number of •+ 4 6 8 I0 ROTOR U (59crn) measurementsoutside even the conservativelimits (Figure 4) is far greaterthan would be expectedif • + were always11.1 2 12 14 16 (crn/s) from the laboratory value cannot be attributed to sampling Fig. 6. The velocity at 59 cm determined by the Savonius rotor versusthat calculated by using the measuredvalues of the friction velocity and the sublayerthicknessin equation (8). The straight line indicatesa 1:1 relationship between the measuredand calculated ve- error alone. locities. and if all deviations from this value were the result of sam- pling error. Thereforedeviationof the measured•5+ values The conclusion that the measured variations in • + are real is supported by a comparison of the mean velocities determined by the Savoniusrotor 59 cm above the sedimentwith the velocitiesat 59 cm expectedbased on sublayermeasurements alone. We first evaluate the hypothesisthat the varia- average difference between the rotor-derived velocities and thosecalculatedfrom the heated thermistorsis only 0.5 cm/s, not much larger than the standard error of the rotor calibration (0.3 cm/s). Since the Savoniusrotor was separatedhori- bility in •5+ is due to error in determining•5,the true valueof zontallyfrom the thermistors by 1.3 m, the measuredu, and •+ being11.1.By usingu, for eachtimeintervaland the •5+ valuesmust representthe averageflow conditionsover assumption that •5+ - 11.1,we have used(8) to calculatethe expectedmean velocity at 59 cm for each interval, taking k -0.4. The calculatedand measuredvelocitiesdo not agree very well (Figure 5). The agreementis markedly improvedif several square meters (or more) of the seabed, rather than merely reflectinglocal influences. As a furthertest,we usethe u, valuesfrom the sublayerto calculatethe • + requiredaccordingto (8) to predictthe rotor the measured•5+ valuesare used(Figure6). The observation velocity.If the deviationsof the measured• + valuesfrom a that a variable•+ yieldsbetteragreement than a constant•+ constant value were caused by experimental error or very againsuggests that • + is truly not constantand that the scat- small scale irregularities,the "required"and measured•5+ ter in Figure 4 is not primarily due to experimentalerror. values should be uncorrelated. On the other hand, if the mea- The fact that the u, and •5valuesusedin (8)came entirely sured thicknessesrepresent near-bed flow conditions over a from heated thermistorsand yet closelypredict the rotor velocities is evidence for the quality of the heated thermistor data. This agreementalso suggeststhat form drag does not measurably influence the flow in the lowest 59 cm. The 16 14 horizontal scaleof severalmeters,then there should be a sig- nificantcorrelation.A plot of the "required"and measured•5+ values shows a definite relationship (Figure 7). Testing the hypothesisthat thesevariablesare uncorrelatedis equivalent to testing the hypothesisthat a regressionline through the points in Figure 7 would have a slope of zero. Results of a statistical analysis using the t test [Draper and Smith, 1966] indicate that this hypothesiscan be rejected at the 99.9% confidencelevel.This supportsour conclusions that • + is not constantat the ocean floor and that most of the variability in 6+ is not the result of local small-scaleirregularities,but rather reflectsflow variability extendingover horizontal scales of several meters. Are deviationsfrom the "universalvelocity profile" (10) significantly greater than the deviations of typical laboratory data? Figure 8 is a standard nondimensionalplot of our mean velocityprofiles.The line U + - z+ (for thelinearprofilein the viscoussublayer)and the line U + -2.5 In z + + 5.1 (for the 0 2 4 6 8 I0 12 14 16 ROTOR 0 (59crn) (crn/s) Fig. 5. The velocity at 59 cm determinedby the Savoniusrotor versusthat calculatedfrom the friction velocity determinedin the viscoussublayerwith the assumptionof a nondimensionalsublayer thicknessof 11.1. The straight line indicatesa 1:1 relationshipbetween measured and calculated velocities. "universalvelocity profile" in the logarithmiclayer) have been includedfor reference.The scalingimplied by universalsimilarity fails to collapse our data on the "universal profile." Comparisonwith Figure 9 (reprinted from Monin and Yaglom [1971]) demonstratesthat deviationsfrom the "universalprofile" are much larger than the deviationsin the elevenlaboratory investigationsreported by Monin and Yaglom. When a different symbol is used to identify each of the profiles upon which Figure 8 is based, it becomes obvious 6408 ellRISS AND CALDWELL' UNIVERSAL SIMILARITY AND VISCOUS SUBLAYER 23 eralizationof the Blackwelderand Haritonidis velocityprofile data to other boundarylayer experimentsmay yield erroneous results,and because we haveno evidence that U,,ogis larger thanU,vi•• in our study,wefeelthat otherexplanations for our 5+ variabilityshouldbe explored. What are the consequences of this variability of 6 +? Computations of shear stress,based on a single log-layer sensor and the assumption that 5+ = 11.1,will overestimate the true stressif 5 + is larger(equation(8)).This is alsotrue for calculations using (10) with B = 5.1. With our data, differencesbetween the true stress and that calculated from the rotor veloci- ty assumingB = 5.1 (5+ = 11.1) are as large as 60% of the true 77 , , , ad II , , , 1,5 I , , , 19I , , , MEASURED 8+ Fig. 7. The measurednondimensionalsublayer thicknessversus the sublayerthickness"required" to predict the measuredrotor velocity (at 59 cm), given the friction velocityfrom the sublayermeasurements.The error bars indicate the changein the "required" nondimensionalsublayerthicknesswhich would be causedby an error of 0.3 cm/s in the measuredrotor velocity. (Figure 10) that the deviationsfrom the "universalprofile" are not due to measurementerror, but rather to variationsin 6 + The slope of the profilesis consistent,however,with A • 2.5 (that is, with k • 0.4). Not only does 6 + (as we have operationally definedit) vary (Figure 10), but so doesa nondimensional sublayerthicknessdefinedby the linear velocity profile alone. Thus it is clear that our conclusion(that 6 + is not constant)does not depend upon any particular definition of stress. While our experimentsare, to our knowledge,the only studies in which velocity measurementshave been made within the viscoussublayer of a geophysicalflow, several other experi- mentsalsosuggest that 5+ may vary.Csanady[1974] summarized the resultsof experimentsby Portman [1960] and $heppard et al. [1972] in which wind velocity profiles over lakes indicated that Zo was significantlyless than expectedfor a universallysimilar,neutrallybuoyantflow. Equating[Y(z)= (u,/k) In (Z/Zo)with (8), it is clearthat for smoothflow, the so-calledroughnesslength Zois simplya functionof the thicknessof the viscoussublayer: Zo= 6 exp (-6u,k/v) (13) and that the commonlyusedexpression zo = v/9u, (14) is appropriateonly for the specialcasein which 6 + = 11.6. Becausethe Portman [1960] and Sheppardet al. [1972] data indicatedthat Zowasoftensmallerthan v/9u,, Csanadyconcludedthat 5 + was often larger than 11.6. He further con- 6 +' For completeness, we note that velocity profile data from a recentlaboratory study of a smooth-walledturbulent boundary layer [Blackwelderand Haritonidis, 1983, Figure 2] show a degreeof scatterin the logarithmiclayer which is not tremendouslydifferentthan that of our Figure 10. Although individual mean velocityprofilesare not identifiedin their figure,the scatterin the log layer data is not inconsistentwith that ex- pectedfrom(9) if 6+ is allowedto vary fromapproximately 13 to 16 (assumingk = 0.4). Becausethe aboverangeof 6 + esti- 40 i ' ' .... 'l ' ' ...... I ' ' ' ..... I 30 mates (togetherwith potential samplingerrors) appearsade- quate to explainmost of the 6+ variabilityobservedin our study, we feel that these data deservefurther comment. Although the emphasisof their study was on the "bursting" phenomenonand not on the form of the mean velocityprofile, ß 20 the authorsdraw attentionto the atypicallylarge U + values in the logarithmicregion as well as to the large scatterin these values.They suggestthat the reasonfor theseobservationsis relatedto the fact that the u, valuesusedto nondimensionalize the velocityprofileswere derivedfrom the velocitygradient in the viscoussublayer,rather than from the slopeof the logarithmic profile.Theyfurthernotethat U,,og(derivedfrom the logarithmic profile, apparently assuming k = 0.41) was typically15% larger than U,visc (derivedfrom the sublayer). Although generalization of these results might suggestthat io other experiments (see, for example, Bakewell and Lumley [1967, Figure 1]; Wallace et al. [1972, Figure 1]) do not show this effect. Furthermore, these data seem to be consistent with theassumption that U,,o•= U,vi•c. Because it appearsthatgen- IOO IOOO z logarithmicvelocityprofilesnondimensionalized by U,visc will deviate significantlyfrom U+= 2.5 In z + + 5.1, data from Z+= Fig. 8. Nondimensionalplot of all the velocity data from this study.The straightline is for the so-called"universalvelocityprofile" in the logarithmiclayer. The gap in the data representsthe distance betweenthe top of the heatedthermistorprofile and the rotor located at 59 cm above the sediment. CHRISS AND CALDWELL: UNIVERSAL SIMILARITY AND VISCOUS SUBLAYER 6409 2O eludedthat•i+ variedinversely withu, at lowwindvelocities, with •i+ rangingfromlessthan 11 to 40. What Causesthe Variabilityin • + 9 Energy balanceconsiderationsled Csanady[-1974,1978] to concludethat sublayerthickeningis likely to result from any processwhich extractsenergyfrom near-wallregion.Csanady [1974] concludedthat sublayer thickening over lake surfaces during light winds may have been causedby work against surfacetension.Arya [1975] found an increasein •i+ with U+: 2.5Inz++5.1 _ / - U+ =---•-n I0- increasingstabilityin thermallystratifiedflow over a flat plate and attributed it to work against buoyancy forces.For very unstablestratification,the sublayerwas thinner than for a neutrallybouyantflow. Gust [1976] reports laboratory experimentsin which the thicknessof the viscoussublayerfor dilute seawater-claysuspensionswas two to five times larger than for comparable suspension-free flows. He suggestedthat this thickening was related to elastic deformation of clay mineral aggregatesby the turbulentflow.The valueof u, determinedfrom the slope of the logarithmic profile was significantlylarger than that from the sublayershear,an effectnot observedin our data. 0 show that the bottom few meters were within a few milli- degreesof isothermal. Caldwell [1978] found that when the bottom layer was nearly isothermal, salinity variations within it were lessthan 0.002 parts per thousand(below the resolution of the best instrumentation).Thus we cannot infer any i i i i i i i I I0 i i 40 Z+= Z We haveattemptedto correlateour •i+ measurements with someother quantities.Temperatureprofilesfrom a freely falling microstructureprofiler [Newberger and Caldwell, 1981] i i Fig. 10. Nondimensionalplot of the velocitydata for three different time periods. The dashed line representsthe velocity profile expectedfor a nondimensionalsublayerthicknessof 11.1. The slope of both straight lines is that expectedfor von Karman's constantequal to 0.4 (cross,u, = 0.22 cm/s,6+= 11.2,intervallength= 22 min; opencircles,u, = 0.24 cm/s,6+-- 14.7,intervallength= 21 min; solidcircles, u, = 0.25cm/s,6+ = 16.3,intervallength= 132min). influenceof densitygradientson •i+ Data from the 25 cm path-length beam transmissometer Neither the pressuretransducernor the heated thermistors (optical axis located 21 cm above the sediment),and from a similar unit mounted on the microstructureprofiler, indicate show any influence of surface gravity waves. The maximum much lower suspended-sediment concentrations(0.4-3 mg/li- measured friction velocity was significantly below the estiter) than the smallest(150 mg/liter) in Gust's experiments.The mated critical value (u,=0.88 cm/s) for sediment retransmissivity showsno correlationwith •i+. Significantcon- suspension[Miller et al., 1977], so it is unlikely that either centrationgradients,however,could have existedbetweenthe sedimentresuspensionor near-bottom oscillatory flow is responsible for the observedvariationin •i+. bed and the lowestpositionsof the optical sensors. Gordon [1975] suggeststhat turbulence parameters may vary with acceleration in tidal flows.Becausea tidal signalis not obvious in our current records, we looked for a corre- lation between •i+ and the tidal phase determinedfrom bottom pressuremeasurements.We found no correlation, nor did we,findanyrelationship between •i+ andt•U/t?tfor the studied intervals, or between •i+ and the interval length. During severalhoursin which the flow directionvaried by less than 8ø,•i+ variedfrom 11 to 18,indicatingthat •i+ variability is not necessarilyassociatedwith major changesin flow direction. CouldSmall-Scale Roughness Influencec5 +? Three laboratory studies[Antonia and Luxton, 1972; Mulbeam, 1978; Andreopoulos and Wood, 1982] have investigated various aspectsof the responseof turbulent boundary layers to rough-to-smoothtransitions.Details and some of the findings differ, but the following results are common to all: even though the flow in the internal boundary layer after the roughnesschange was hydrodynamically smooth, it did not have the universal smooth-wall structure characterized by to I I0 !fi• t. I0• lfi* Fig. 9. Nondimensionalplot of the velocitydata from 11 different laboratory investigationsof turbulent boundary layers over smooth walls.(Reprintedfrom Monin and YaglomI-1971].) U+= 2.5 In z + + 5.1. Instead,the constantB in (10) was significantlylarger than 5.1 (as large as 15 near the roughness change), and decreased downstream. In the Antonia and Luxton [1972] and Andreopoulos and Wood [1982] studies,B 6410 CHRISS AND CALDWELL' UNIVERSAL SIMILARITY AND VISCOUS SUBLAYER Error aO _u. •./ .... a{i•-z)-•-/ ......... J 18'BL In $ __1 / I / of the internal boundary layer disagree with the figures and appear to be in error. We have taken the data from the figures.) Although the scalinghelps to collapsethesedata, estimates of B and 5mL/Zo from Mulhearn [1978] are significantly largerat equivalentx/(v/u,)positions.Becausethe upstream stress distributions were very different in the Antonia and Luxton [1972] and Mulhearn [1978] experiments,Mulhearn emphasizes that the two experimentsshouldnot be considered equivalentfor the purposeof modelinggeophysicalflows. Because of this, and because the differencesin flow conditions in the Antonia and Luxton [1972] and Andreopoulosand Wood [1982] studieswere not sufficientlylarge to constitutean ideal test of the scaling,the following estimatesof equivalent distances should be treated with caution. Assuming that downstream distances canbe scaledby v/u,, U(z) andusingthev/u, rangeof ourstudytogether withthoseof the laboratory experiments,we concludethat the distancesin Fig. 11. Theoretical mean velocity profile for the case in which form drag influencesflow abovean internalboundarylayer of thick- the threestudiescouldrepresentdistances 4-30 timeslargerin layer velocitiesoutsidethe internal boundarylayer. influenced the near-bed flow we measured. the ocean. These estimates,and the fact that the laboratory ness61B,•. Hereu, is thefrictionvelocitydetermined fromthesublayer flowsat the last measuringstations(1.2-2.3 m from the roughvelocityprofile and is the appropriate quantity for use in the internal boundarylayer, while U, is a frictionvelocitywhichreflectsthe nesschanges)had not yet adjustedto the universalsmoothwall velocity profile, show that roughness changes several influenceof form drag on the overlyingflow. The error shownis that which results when sublayer measurementsare used to predict log meters to tens of meters upstream could have significantly decreasedto 7 at the last measuring stations, 16 and 55 boundarylayer thicknesses (respectively)downstream.In Mulhearn's study, B was approximately 9 at the last station. By using (11) (assuming A = 2.5) to convert the respectiveB valuesto 5+, we seethat the equivalentvariationin 5+ is from 23 near the roughnesschange to 13-16 at the last stations. (Antonia and Luxton suggestthat k is significantlylarger than 0.41 immediately downstream of the roughnesschange.If so, Although we have referredto the Andreopoulosand Wood experimentas a study of a rough-to-smoothtransition,it actually studiedthe responseof an initially smoothboundarylayer flow to a very narrow strip of roughnessfollowed again by a smooth surface.Although the roughnessstrip extendedonly 15 cm in the flow direction, the flow in the internal boundary layer had not adjustedto the "universal"smooth-wallprofile 235 cm downstream.Thus relatively small patchesof surface roughnesslocated significant distances upstream may have the 5 + = 23 estimatemay be 10% too high.)Thus upstream beenresponsible for our observationof 5+ valueslargerthan roughnesschangescould be responsiblefor the large valuesof 11.1. However' 5 + we observe. 1. If upstream roughnesschanges were present, why is there agreement(Figure 6) betweenthe velocitiesdetermined by the rotor and those extrapolated upward from the heated Do the downstream distancesin these laboratory studies represent significant distancesin our experiment? One approach (following Andreopoulosand Wood [1982] and Mulhearn [1978]) is to nondimensionalizethe distance downstream from the roughnesschange x by a length Zo which characterizesthe downstream smooth surface. Since Zo de- thermistormeasurements assuming constantu, ? 2. Why does 5 + vary during periodsof nearly constant flow direction ? It is clear from Figure 11 that the answer to the first pendsstronglyon 5 + (whichvariessignificantlydownstream), questiondependson the height of any internal boundary layer there is some question about which Zo value to choose.An- presentand on the differencein u, betweenthe internal dreopoulos and Woodusethe Zoat theirlaststa[ion(ef- boundarylayer and the flow above.The data of Andreopoulos fectivelyassuming5+= 13), whereasMulhearn uses a Zo and Wood [1982] and Antonia and Luxton [1972] indicate value calculated assuming a smooth plate unperturbed by that at xu,/v = 24,250,5mL/Zowas approximately55. Mulroughness changes(5+ • 11).Becausezo computedassuming hearn'sresultssuggest a value6 timeslarger.Assumingu, 6 + = 11 is almosttwicethat computedassuming6 + = 13 (see 0.25 cm/s (typical in our study),the equivalentdistancefrom a roughnesschangewould have been approximately 14 m in our experiment,and 5mEcould have been 55 Z o (or more). In an for the downstreamsurface.This is equivalent to nondimen- earlier experiment [Chriss and Caldwell, 1982], we observed sionalizing x by v/u,. Scalingx by v/u, and scalingthe inter- Zo values up to 1.4 cm on the Oregon shelf (but interpreted nal boundary layer thickness,5•BL, by the roughnesslength, the associatedvelocity profiles in terms of form drag due to Z o, for the rough surfaceresultsin the nondimensionalthick- distributedbiogenicroughnesselements),so 5mEcould be apness(6mL/Zo) of the internal boundary layer at Antonia and proximately77 cm. Although the existenceof a 77-cm-thick internal boundary Luxton's last station agreeing(to within 30%) with 5mL/Zo at the equivalentx/(v/u,) position in the Andreopoulosand layer would not degrade the velocity predictions at 59 cm Wood experiment.Scalingx in this manner, the valuesof B at (Figure 11), errors in U(59) are expectedfor 5mLlessthan 59 equivalent nondimensionaldownstreamdistancesin the two cm. Figure 11 indicatesthat the error in predicting U(59) is experiments agree very well, except close to the roughness given by change.(In both the Antonia and Luxton paper and the Andreopoulosand Wood paper, equationsdescribingthe growth error= [(U, - ,,)/k]In (59/t$mL) (15) equation (13)), it seemsreasonableto eliminate this variability by fixingthe 5 + valueusedto computethe "characteristic" Zo CHRISS AND CALDWELL' UNIVERSAL SIMILARITY AND VISCOUS SUBLAYER Using(15) with t•iB L = 30 cm and u, = 0.25 cm/s,the error is only0.4 cm/sevenif the frictionvelocityU, outsidethe internal boundarylayer were twice u,. Thus the agreementbe- 20 tween the rotor velocitiesand the velocitiespredictedby sublayer data (Figure 6) cannot be used to argue against upstreamroughnesseffectsas causesof the observed5 + variability. Changesin flow direction and site during the various deploymentscould have causedthe distancebetweenthe sensors and upstream "roughnesspatches" to vary, thereby re- 18 sultingin 5 + changes. However,this hypothesis doesnot explain the variationof 5+ duringperiodswhenthe flow direc- ' I ' 6411 I I ß ' I ß 16 l•+ ß fi + 14 tion was nearly constant.There seemsto be somedependence of 5+ on u, duringtheseperiods(Figure12).Perhapsu, changescould have caused5+ to vary. Analysisof Antonia 12 Could Distributed RoughnessElements Have Caused the 6+ Variation? 103 ø O 99 ø 1-1 96 ø + I0 0.20 ationof 5+ withu, is not largeenoughto explainthevariability in 5+ we observedfor nearlyconstantflow direction. + ß 97ø and Luxton's data from two locations (x = 30 cm, 117 cm) indicatesthat whenu, wasincreased by a factorof approximately 1.6, 5+ did increase,but by lessthan 13%. This vari- ' • I 0.22 • I I 0.24 ß 95ø i I 0.26 i I 0.28 & 89* ß 84* I 0.:•0 u• Fig. 12. Nondimensionalsublayerthicknessversusfriction velocity for deployment 1 data intervals with flow from similar directions. The mean flow directionfor eachinterval is givenwith respectto the tripod coordinatesystem. In another experiment [Chriss and Caldwell, 1982] on the Oregon shelf in October 1978, the heated thermistorsprofiled from the viscous sublayer to 20 cm above the sediment-water In view of theseresults,it is possiblethat the variability of interface.The velocity profilesexhibited "kinds" located 11-15 5+ withu, for nearlyconstant flowdirection(Figure12)may cm above the sediment-water interface. We concluded that the primarily reflect changesin the nondimensionalroughness flow above the kinks was influenced by form drag due to heights of distributed roughnesselementsdue to changesin small-scaletopography,and that the regionbelowthem repre- u,. Sinceit is unlikelythat the roughness geometryand the sented an internal boundary layer between roughnessele- position of our sensorrelative to roughnesselementswould be ments.Valuesof 5+, corresponding to the z0 valuesreported the same for all flow directions, one should not expect a for the internal boundarylayer, rangefrom 7.8 to 16.1,with 4 strongcorrelation of 5+ and u, whendata for manyflow of 5 lying between13.3 and 16.1. Our attemptsto obtain directionsare plotted together(as in Figure 4). However, there stereophotographsof the area failed,but bottom photographs shouldbe a strongrelationship between 5+ andu, for interalong the sameisobath,65 km south,frequentlycontainedsea vals when flow is from the same direction. In addition to the urchins(6-8 cm in diameter) and biogenicsedimentmounds data shown in Figure 12, there were three other instancesof up to 15 cm high. We concludedthat thesefeaturescould have more than one flow measurementfrom approximately the samedirection. Although in each instancethere are only two beenresponsiblefor the form drag. Chenand Roberson[1974] studiedthe responseof the near- measurements(Table 1), each pair comesfrom a different dewall air flow in a smoothpipe to low concentrations of equi- ploymentusingdifferentsensors.In all cases,5 + is larger at distanthemisphericalroughnesselements.The roughnesscon- the larger friction velocity. centration, ,•, the ratio of the sum of the base areas of the For comparisonwith our field results,we consideronly the hemispheresto the total boundary area, was varied from low roughnessconcentration(4 = 0.0046) laboratory results 0.0046 to 0.039 by changingthe radii of the individual hemi- because the 5 + values and the variations in 5 + observed at spheresfrom 0.55 cm to 1.59 cm. The downstreamand cross- theseconcentrationsare comparableto thosein our data, and streamspacingremainedfixed at approximately20 cm. Veloc- becauseuseof the low concentrationdata will yield conservageometry.Recallingthat h+ varied ity profiles were obtained at one position from which the tive estimatesof roughness roughnesselement had been removed. The nondimensional from 112 to 226 in the • = 0.0046runs,and usingu, = 0.25 distance(xu,/v) from the upstreamroughness elementvaried cm/s as a typical friction velocity, the equivalent roughness from 25,600 to 84,300, whereasthe nondimensionalheight of heights ontheseafloor wouldbe6-14cm.Assuming uniformthe roughness elements (h+ = hu,/v) variedfrom 112to 433 ly spacedroughnesselementsof 10 cm diameter on an otherduring the experiment.In the internal boundary layer, the wise smooth boundary, the spacing between the elements profiles indicate that the "constant"B increaseswith increas- would have to be 1.3 m in order to have • = 0.0046. Bottom ing u, (whichwe computedfrom the slopeof the logarithmic photographs[Chriss and Caldwell, 1982] indicate that these profile in the internal boundary layer, taking k = 0.4). For estimatesof roughnesselement height and spacing are not ,•= 0.0046, B increased from3.5to 11asu, increased from31 unreasonable. to 62 cm/s.The equivalentchangeof 5 + is from 9 to 18. For • = 0.039,B increased from 10.0to 17.2(5+ = 17 to 5+ = 25) as u, increasedfrom 18 to 41 cm/s.For runs at fixed ,•, the sizeand spacingof the roughnessremainedconstantand only the flow velocity(and u,) changed.Thusat fixed,• the significantvariableis the nondimensional roughness height,h+. For To what extent would a roughnessgeometrysimilar to that of Chen and Robersoninfluencethe accuracyof our velocity predictions at 59 cm? Chen and Roberson found that, with one exception,a noticeable kink in the velocity profiles oc- ,• = 0.0046, h+ varied from 112 to 226, whereasfor ,• = 0.039, elements. In the• = 0.0046run withthelargesth+, U, above theinternalboundary layerwas41% largerthanu, insideit. h + varied from 192 to 433. curredat the heightof the roughness elements, and that U, above the kink was related to the form drag causedby the 6412 CHRISS AND CALDWELL' UNIVERSAL SIMILARITY AND VISCOUS SUBLAYER TABLE 1. Friction Velocitiesand NondimensionalSublayer Thicknesses for Pairs of Data Intervals With Mean Flow From Approximatelythe SameDirection Deployment Data Flow u,, Number Interval Direction* cm/s 6+ 1 1 B C 200 ø 210 ø 0.24 0.13 15.0 11.6 2 2 C D 105 ø 107 ø 0.13 0.10 14.4 8.0 3 3 C G 110 ø 105 ø 0.29 0.21 16.1 10.7 most reasonable causes appear to be upstream changes of surfaceroughnessor distributedroughnesselements. 5. Although the Savonius rotor data in the logarithmic layer does not demonstratean influence of form drag on the near-bottom flow, the accuracyof the rotor is inadequateto rule out such an influence. *Tripod coordinate system. Assumingu, = 0.25 cm/s, U,- 1.41 u,, 14-cm-highrough- nesselements,and an internal boundary layer of equivalent thickness,equation (15) indicatesthat the error in predicting U(59) from the heated thermistor measurementswould be less than 0.4 cm/s. Therefore roughnesseffectssimilar to those studied by Chen and Roberson could have caused our ob- served6+ variability without significantlydegradingthe agreementbetween measuredand predicted velocitiesat 59 cm (Figure 6). If internal boundarylayersthinnerthan 59 cm werepresent, however,our estimateof 0.43 for von Karman'sconstantmay be too low. Given an extreme case of a 14-era-thick internal boundarylayer overlainby a regionwith a 41% larger friction .velocity,the true k could be 0.07 higher than we estimated. The existenceof k significantlylarger than 0.4, while unexpectedin flow over flat uniform surfaces,could neverthelessbe consistentwith observationsthat k is not always0.4 in internal boundarylayersassociatedwith roughnesseffectsEAntonia and Luxton, 1972; Paola et al, 1980]. If internal boundary layerspresentwerean appreciable portionof 59 cm thick,our 6. In typical flow conditions,it is difficult to use widely separatedsensorsto test hypothesesabout boundary layer flow, becausethe differencebetweenthe velocitypredictionsof two models may be of the same magnitude as the calibration error of the sensors.Had we profiled our sensorsoccasionally to 50-100 cm, we could have obtained data more suitable for hypothesistesting. 7. Laboratory resultssuggestthat the near-bed flow may adjust slowly to changesin surfaceroughness,and that even the flow near the viscous sublayer may be influenced by roughnesschangeswhich occurred several meters to several tens of meters upstream. Extremely detailed information on upstreammicrotopographywill be required for the unequivocal interpretationof near-bedflow measurements. APPENDIX: THE SAMPLING ERROR ANALYSIS Errorsin 6+ valuescan occurbecause profilingsensors do not make continuous measurements at each elevation. The "sampled"mean velocity at an elevationmay differ from the "true" mean velocity, which would have been measuredby a fixed sensorsamplingcontinuously.We evaluated the effect of suchsamplingerror on 6+ measurements by assuming a vis- coussublayer with6+ = 11.1anda typicalu, (0.25cm/s),and determining how sampling errors at each elevation would changethe 6+ value computedfrom this profile.Assuming k = 0.4,the errorin 6+ dependsonlyon the errorin determining the linear velocity gradient in the sublayerand on the error in the mean velocityat the top of the heatedthermistor profile(in the lower logarithmiclayer). An ideal samplingerror analysisrequiresthe subsampling estimateof k = 0.43 may not be significantlyin error. Because of continuous time series from fixed elevations. Data from we lack the continuousprofilesrequired to evaluatethis influanotherexperimentconductedat the 185-mstationduringthe enceof internal boundary layers,our estimatemust be viewed June1979cruiseEChrissand Caldwell,1984] werecollectedby with caution. usinga profiler with an extremelyslow vertical motion (2.1 CONCLUSIONS During this experiment the near-bed flow was hydrodynamicallysmooth. The data have been used to test the assumptionthat the flow behavedlike a universallysimilar, neutrally buoyant flow over a smooth wall. We find the following: x 10-4 cm/sto 1.2 x 10-3 cm/s),sothat selected shortintervals of the data representcontinuoustime seriesfrom nearly fixedelevations.The elevationsat the top of the profileduring that experimentcorrespondedonly to the upper buffer layer (z+ = 18-29)ratherthan to the lowerlog layer(z+ = 30-40) but are sufficientlycloseto provideestimatesof potentialsampling errors in data from the lower log layer. It should be 1. A'viscous sublayer wasalways present anditsthicknessnotedthat the nondimensional sublayerand bufferlayerspecscaledroughlywith v/u,, but the nondimensional thickness tra presented in Chriss and Caldwell [-1984] contain less varied more than in laboratory flows over perfectlysmooth energy than similar nondimensionalspectra from smoothwalls.Thus evenwhena viscoussublayerexists,the boundary walledlaboratory flows and that, in usingthesetime seriesfor layer flow cannot alwaysbe preciselydescribedby the equa- the samplingerror analysis,we assumethat they are repretions for a universallysimilar, neutrally buoyant boundary sentativeof thosewhich would have beenobtainedduring the layer over a smooth wall. experimentreportedin this paper.Consideringthe spatialand 2. Estimatesof von Karman's constantare not appreci- temporal proximity of the two experiments,we feel this asably differentfrom valuesdeterminedin the laboratoryand in sumption is reasonable. We comment, however, that if the other geophysicalflows.Theseestimatesare not definitive be- {scaled)energyin the very near bottom velocityfluctuations cause the influence of internal boundary layers on the more closelyresembledthat of smooth-walledlaboratoryexmeasurements cannot be determined. periments,then the followingestimateswould representlower 3. Measurednondimensionalsublayerthicknesses are rep- boundson potentialsamplingerrors. resentativeof flow conditions averaged over at least several To evaluatepotential errors in the log layer data collected squaremeters of the seafloor. usingthe 57-s profiler period, portionsof the continuoustime 4. The variability in the nondimensionalsublayerthick- seriesdiscussed aboveweredividedinto intervals10 min long, nesscould be causedby a number of phenomena,but the closeto the shortestaveragingtime usedin our study.These CHRISS AND CALDWELL: UNIVERSAL SIMILARITY AND VISCOUS SUBLAYER 6413 serieswere then subsampledat intervalswhen the 57-s profiler (softwaredevelopment),as well as Ralph Moore and Robert Schum, would have been within the top 0.1 cm of its profile. The who constructedand helpedcalibratethe sensors.PriscillaNewberger and Stuart Eide read the manuscriptand furnishedadviceand assistpercent differencebetweenthe mean velocity of the subsam- ance in innumerable other ways. This material is based upon work pied data and the mean of the entire 10-min serieswas taken supportedby the National ScienceFoundation under grant OCEto be the "sampling error" for the experiment.Based on 55 7918904. suchsamplingexperiments,the mean value and the standard deviations of the "sampling error" are 0.17% and 2.61%, reREFERENCES spectively.Eleven similar experiments using a 566-s profiler Andreopoulos, J., and D. H. Wood, The responseof a turbulent period and a 40-min averaging interval yield 0.18% and boundary layer to a short length of surface roughness,d. Fluid 3.43% for the mean and standard deviation of the sampling error. To estimatethe effectof samplingerror on the linear velocity gradient in the viscoussublayer,one would ideally like to subsamplecontinuousseriesfrom various sublayer locations. Unfortunately, for most casesduring the very slow profiler experiment,the elevationscorrespondingto the sublayer occurred in the center of the traverse where the vertical motion wassufficiently fast(1.2 x 10-3 cm/s)that it is impossible to obtaineven 10 min of sublayerdata at relativelyconstantz+. We have thus had to restrict our analysis for the sublayer measurements to intervalsof low u, in whichthe sublayerwas sufficientlythick that one sensorremained in the sublayer at the top of the traverse.Due to this constraint, we were unable to subsamplecontinuousseriesobtained from positionsbelow z+= 4. We assume,however,that the samplingerror estimatesobtainedusingdata from the regionz + = 4-9 are not significantlydifferent from estimateswe would have obtained at other sublayerpositions.Each samplingexperimentconsisted of subsamplingthe continuousseriesat intervalswhen the 57-s profiler (for example) would have been at given sublayer positions,and for each position computing the percent difference between the mean velocity of the subsampleddata and the mean of the entire series. The total effect of the samplingerrors at all sublayer positions on the computed velocity gradient was determined as follows:we firstassumed a knownsublayerprofilewith u, = 0.25 cm/s and then added the percentagesamplingerror for each elevation to the velocity for the known profile. The re- sultingvelocitieswere treatedas raw data and a new u, (which now includedthe effectsof samplingerror) was deter- minedby linearregression. Comparisonof the new u, values with 0.25 cm/syieldedthe percentsamplingerror in u,. On the basis of 32 such sampling experiments(using both 57-s and 566-s profiler periods),the mean and standard deviation of the estimatederrorsin u, were0.39% and 4.21%,respectively. Given theseestimatesof the samplingerror in the velocity at the top of the profileand the samplingerror in u,, we can look at "worstcase"errorsin •5+ whichmight resultif errors two standard deviations from the mean occurred simulta- neouslyin both of thesequantities.Given a true •5+ of 11.1, Mech., 118, 143-164, 1982. Antonia, R. A., and R. E. Luxton, The responseof a turbulent boundary layer to a step change in surface roughness,2, Rough-tosmooth, d. Fluid Mech., 53, 737-757, 1972. Arya, S. P.S., Buoyancy effectsin a horizontal flat-plate boundary layer, d. Fluid Mech., 68, 321-343, 1975. Bakewell,H. P., and J. L. Lumley, Viscoussublayerand adjacent wall regionin turbulent pipe flow, Phys.Fluids,10, 1880-1889, 1967. 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