JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 98, NO. B9, PAGES 15,967-15,985,SEPTEMBER 10, 1993 Imaging CrustalStructurein SouthwesternWashington With Small MagnetometerArrays GARY D. EGBERT Collegeof Oceanicand AtmosphericSciences,OregonState University,Corvallis JOHN R. BOOKER GeophysicsProgram AK-50, Universityof Washington,Seattle We usedata from a seriesof small (three to five stations)overlappingmagnetovariational (MV) arraysto imagevariationsof verticallyintegratedelectricalconductivityin the crustof southwestem Washington.Two principalstructuresare revealed: a large north-southtrendinganomaly(the southemWashingtonCascades Conductor(SWCC), which has been detectedby severalpreviousinductionexperiments),and a smalleranomaly which branchesoff of the SWCC just north of Mount St. Helens and trendswestwardbeneaththe ChehallisBasin. A weakereast-westtrendinganomalyis evidentfarther to the north beneathsouthernPuget Sound. The MV resultsconcerningthe SWCC arereasonablyconsistentwith the modelof Stanleyet al. (1987), who interpretthe anomalyas a suturezoneof mid-lateEoceneage,but the arraydataallowsus to map the horizontal extentand complexthree-dimensional characterof the SWCC in greaterdetail. We suggestthat the SWCC represents a sectionof the early Cenozoicsubduction zonewhichis analogous to the present-day Olympic Peninsula.In the regionwest of the Cascades,the array data showthat crustalconductivityis distinctly threedimensional,consistingof highly resistiveblocks(crystallinerocks)separated(in the upper5-10 km at least)by interconnected narrowregionsof higherconductivity(sedimentary units). This pattemof conductivity variationsis consistentwith the inferredorigin of the region as a seamountcomplex,which was subsequently broken into discreteblocks which have been thrusttogetherduring and after accretionto the North American continent. The distributionof anomalouselectriccurrentsand our model for crustalconductanceare in striking agreementwith a varietyof othergeophysicalconstraints, includinggravity,magnetics,presentcrustalseismicity, and the pattemof recentvolcanicvents. The St. Helensseismiczone (SHZ), which coincideswith the westemedgeof the broadsouthernportionof the SWCC, is abruptlyterminatedin the north by the smaller east-westtrendingconductivezone. North of the SHZ nearMount Rainier,seismicityis concentrated in a narrow bandcoincidentwith the very narrow northemportionof the SWCC. In addition,volcanicventsare concentratedaroundthe edgesof the SWCC but are rare in the interiorof the zoneof high conductivity.The magnetometerarray data thus suggestthat presentpattemsof crustaldeformationand volcanismare in part controlledby the complextectonichistory(and resultingcrustalstructure)of the region. INTRODUCTION While the tectonichistoryand crustalstructureof the regionare' understoodin broadoutline,there is much aboutthis region that is The crust in western Washington is structurally complex, in dispute.In particular,throughoutmostof WashingtonandOrereflectingthe tectonichistory of the Pacific Northwest margin of gon the boundarybetweenthe Peripheralrocksand the older crust North America (Figure 1). Since at leastthe earliestTertiary, the geologicaldevelopmentof the regionhas been dominatedby the to the easthas been completelycoveredby mid-late Tertiary and effectsof plate convergence,althoughBasin and Range extension Quaternaryvolcanismin the Cascades.Direct observationsof the and most probably interactionswith a mantle plume have also locationand nature of this sutureare thus impossible. Similarly, been important (see recent reviews by Armentrout [1987] and the accumulationof forearc basin sedimentaryand volcanicrocks Duncan and Kulm [1989]). Ongoing seismicityand active vol- obscuresdeeper structurein the Peripheral rocks. Geophysical canismin the Cascadesmagmaticarc attestto the continuedcon- methodsfor remote sensingof crustalstructureare thus critically of this complexregion (see vergenceof the subductingJuan de Fuca and overriding North importantto a further understanding Muffler [1990] and references therein for a range of geophysical Americanplates. East of the Cascadesin Washington,the basestudiesof this area). In this paper we use time variationsof the ment consists of Mesozoic and Paleozoic rocks which were geomagneticfield measured at an array of magnetometersto accreted to North America in the Mesozoic [Cowan and Potter, 1986]. West of the Cascades,the oldest rocks are the Paleocene image large-scalevariationsof vertically integratedcrustalconductivityin southwestern Washington. to Eocene basalts of the Crescent, Siletz, and correlative formaMagnetovariational (MV) array data can be used to map tions [Snavelyet al., 1968; Duncan, 1982]. These basalts,which were eruptedon an oceanicplate near North America and then anomalousmagneticfields inducedin the Earth by time varying accretedto the continentduring late Eocene subduction,formed externalsources.Suchmapsprovideindirectestimatesof the distribution of electric currents in the Earth and can be used to make the basementon which a forearc basin subsequentlyaccumulated [e.g., Armentrout, 1987]. The forearcbasinrocksand the Eocene inferencesabout lateral variationsof conductivity,which in turn basalts(togethercalled the Peripheralrocksby Tabor and Cady can be relatedto rock type [e.g., Gough, 1989]. We presenta sim[1978]) form the Coast Range and the basins of the Puget ple schematicmodel and overview of theseideasin Figure 2. To a large extent, the interpretationof MV data has been qualitative, Lowlands-Willamettetrough. with the existenceof conductivityvariationsinferredfrom careful examinationof geomagneticevent maps or from single-station horizontal to vertical field transfer functions (see Gough et al. Copyright1993 by the AmericanGeophysical Union. [1989] for a recent example). However, much more can be gleanedfrom MV data when more sophisticated quantitativeproPaper number 93JB00778. 0148-0227/93/93JB-00778505.00 cessingand inversionmethodsare employed[Beamishand Banks, 15,967 15,968 EGBERT ANDBOOKER: CRUSTAl. STRUCTURE INSWWASHINGTON 124 ø 123 o 122 o v 48 ø ............. Seo. .............. A ::,................ v• .................. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: GH PL / •:5:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:5:•:•:•:•:•:5. 47 ø WB 46 ø Port <F•Mostly Pre-Tertiary Continental Tertiary Marine and Sediments CFB lllllq III •...-'!•• Te rtiaryVolcanics Ouat. Volc. I---1 Ouat. Sed. (post-accretion of CFB) Fig. 1. Simplified geology mapof western Washington. Insetgiveslocation andregionaltectonic setting(WA, Washington; OR, Oregon;BC, BritishColumbia; VI, Vancouver Island).Key features notedinclude:principal basins(CB, ChehallisBasin;PL, PugetLowlands; AST,AstoriaBasin;GH,GraysHarborBasin),outcrops of theCrescent Formation Basalts (CFB,including BH, BlackHills,andWH, WillapaHills),volcaniccoverin theCascades andto theeast(RAI, MountRainier;STH, MountSt. Helens; ADA, Mount Adams; CP, ColumbiaPlateau;CRB, ColumbiaRiver Basalts),the Saint HelensSeismicZone (SHZ), and the southern Washington Cascades Conductor (SWCC)mapped by Stanleyet al. [1987]. Also,OSC,OlympicSubduction Complex; LRF, LeachRiver Fault; NC, North Cascades; CR, ColumbiaRiver; PS, PugetSound;H, HoodCanal;Sea.,Seattle;Port.,Portland. 1983; Banks and Beamish, 1984; Banks, 1986; Egbert and Booker, 1989; Egbert, 1991]. Here we apply quantitativemethods for MV array analysisto a seriesof small overlappingarrays run in southwesternWashingtonbetween 1980 and 1986. While our focus is on the final resultsand their significancefor the geology and tectonicsof this region, we also give, in the context of this illustrativecasestudy, an overview and summaryof the data processingand interpretationtechniquesusedhere. BACKGROUND Geologyand TectonicSetting The studyareain southwestern Washingtonoccupiesa section of the activePacificNorthwestmarginof North America(Figures I and 3). The arraycoversan area which includesthreeQuaternary volcanosof the magmaticarc associatedwith obliquesubductionof the Juan de Fuca plate (Figure 1): Mount St. Helens, EGBERTAND BOOKER:CRUSTALSTRUCTURE IN $W WASHINGTON Mount Rainier, and Mount Adams. It is a seismicallyactive area with a well-definedbut abbreviatedshallowdippingBenioff zone beneaththe PugetLowlands [Taber and Smith, 1985] and considerable crustal seismicity [Ludwin et al., 1991], primarily in the Puget Lowlands and in a narrow belt trending north-northeast from Mount Saint Helens (the Saint Helens Seismic Zone, or SHZ [Weaver and Smith 1983; Weaver et al. 1987]). \e\6 s 15,969 To the east and north of the MV array, the basementconsistsof Mesozoic and Paleozoic rock units. The western portion of the array is within the Coast Range province, which is underlain by the upper Paleoceneto middle Eocene basaltsof the Crescent, Siletz, and correlative formations. The thickness of these volcan- ics, which we refer to collectively as the Crescent Formation basalts,has been estimatedat 3-7 km or greaterby $navelyet al. [1968]. Petrologicand geochemicalevidenceimply that the Crescent basalts formed on oceanic crust as a chain of seamounts [Shayelyet al., 1968;Duncan, 1982]. Interbeddingof basaltswith distinctivecontinentallyderived conglomerateimplies that these islandswere formed close to the margin of the North American continent [Cady, 1975]. After accretion, the Crescent basalts occupiedthe forearc of the convergentmargin. From the middle Eocene to the middle Miocene, thick sequencesof marine and nonmarine sediments and volcaniclastic rocks accumulated in the forearc basin [Armentrout,1987]. Several pulsesof volcanism also occurredduringthis time, producingthe transitionaloceanic Cowlitz volcanics(43-38 Ma), the magmaticarc Goble volcanics (38-29 Ma), and the Columbia River basalts (15 Ma), which flowed into the region from the east. Paleomagnetic datarequiresubstantial (15ø-80 ø) posteruption clockwise rotation of the Crescent basalts [Wells, 1990]. Three mechanisms of rotationhavebeenproposed:(1) regionaltectonic rotation of a rigid microplateduring oblique collision with the North American continent, (2) rotation of the arc and forearc causedby intracontinental extensionin the Basin and Range,and (3) dextralshearof the continental margindrivenby the obliquely subductingJuande Fuca plate [Simpsonand Cox, 1977;Magill et al., 1981; Wells et al., 1984; Wells, 1990]. However, because overlying continentalsedimentaryand volcanic strata from the late Eoceneare rotatednearlyas muchas the basement,it is probable that most of the rotationis postaccretion[Wells et al., 1984]. In a summary overview, Wells [1990] concludesthat rotation of the coastrangeof Oregonis probablydue to a combinationof the secondand third mechanisms,while in southwestern Washington, rotation is dominatedby dextral shear. In particular,in the Willapa Hills (the southwestern cornerof the array, extendingto the Pacific Ocean and the Columbia River) differential clockwise rotations of smallstructural blocks(-10 km) of 20-65øhavebeen documented[Wells and Coe, 1985]. The Puget Lowlands-Willamettetrough,a discontinuousset of Fig. 2. Schematicoverviewof basicprinciplesemployedin mappingcrustal conductivityvariationswith magnetometer arrays. (a) We emphasizea simplethin sheetmodel in which conductivityvarieslaterally in a surface layer. The shadedregion is more conductivethan the light background. Spatially uniform time varying magneticfields induceelectriccurrentsin the Earth which are generallyperpendicular to the inducingmagneticfields and tend to concentratein the more conductiveregion. (b) Profile of the x componentof the magneticfieldH.r whichwouldbe observedalongprofile A-A'. The horizontalmagneticfields are a superpositionof internal and externalfields. Becauseof the concentrationof currents,Hx is enhanced over the conductivezone (and slightly reducedto either side). (c) Plan view of verticalcomponentH z. The signof Hz changesas the high conductivity zone is crossed. Since for quasi-uniform sourcesthere is no externalverticalcomponent,H z is due only to internalsourcesand thus clearly locateslarge-scalevariationsin conductivity. Note also that as the conductive zone narrows, the currents become more concentrated and are .g (c) Hz deflectedand the amplitudeof H z increases.Variationsof inducedhorizontal and vertical magneticfields at the Earth's surfacecan thusbe used to image lateral variationsof electricalconductivityin the crust. As suggestedby the simple model of Figure 2a, the methodhas relatively poor verticalresolution. Furthermore,without someindependentknowledgeof regional-scaledeep conductivityvariations,the absolutescaleof conductancein the surfaceis only weakly constrained. 15,970 EGBERT ANDBOOKER: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE IN SW WASttlNGTON 48 ø [ kilometers .'• :!, O• ; T C) N 46 ø '.fi';' O '"'""'O -,, .. ..',, ß O R E G O N .. ø ø ø Fig. 3. Stationlocations andarrayconnections for the 19 overlapping arraysin southwestern Washington State(containing a total of 49 stations)usedfor the analysis.All arraysareconnectedandcanbe combinedinto a singlesyntheticarray. basins extending from Puget Sound to southernOregon, lies betweenthe outcroppingCrescentbasaltsof the CoastRange and the Cascades.Gravity andmagneticdata suggestthat a thick section (20-30 km) of densemafic rocks,interpretedby Finn [1990] to be basaltand gabbro,underliesboththe CoastRangeand these basins,extendingeastto aboutthe longitudeof Mount St. Helens. This interpretationis supportedby recent seismic refraction profilesto the south,whichrequirea thick sectionof high-velocity crustunderlyingboth the CoastRangeand the Willamette Valley in centralOregon[Trehu et al., 1992]. This suggeststhat the section of crust containingthe Coast Range and the basinsof the PugetLowlands-Willamettetroughshouldbe consideredas a unit. We will refer to this sectionof crust as the Coast Range block [Finn, 1990]. It is clear that there must be some sort of buried suture between this block and the older crustto the east [e.g., Magill et al., 1981; Duncan and Kulm, 1989]. The northernboundaryof the Coast Range block is the exposedLeach River fault in southernVancouverIsland(Figure 1). Here Crescentbasaltsare thrustundera subductioncompleximagedby seismicreflectionprofilesto the north [Cloweset al., 1987]. The southernboundaryof the Coast Rangeblock is exposedin southernOregonin the Roseburgformation [Magill et al., 1981]. Aeromagnetic,gravity [Finn, 1990], and seismic[Snavelyand Wagner, 1982; Trehu et al., 1992] data imply that the westernboundaryof the Coast Range block is offshorein Oregonand at the coastin Washington. However, the eastern boundary in Washingtonand north-centralOregon is obscurebecauseof the essentiallycompletepost-Eocenevolcanic cover in the Cascades. PreviousElectromagneticStudiesin Southwestern Washington Law et al. [ 1980] collectedMV data at five sites in an east-west line which crossesthe center of the array (Figure 3) and found evidence for a substantialconductivity anomaly beneath the Cascaderange. They modeledthis anomaly as a narrow northsouthtrending linear feature and concludedthat the anomalous currents must be shallower than 25 kin. The conductor was subse- quentlytracedfurtherto the north,almostto Seattle,by Booker and Hensel [1982], who suggestedthat the anomalouscurrents were due to channelingof currentsfrom PugetSoundinto a zone of highconductivityundertheCascades. Furtherevidencefor a substantialconductivityanomalyin this area was providedby Stanley[1984] and Stanleyet al. [1987], who usedmagnetotelluric(MT) data from two roughlyeast-west profilesacrossthe Cascadesin southwestern Washingtonto constructtwo-dimensionalmodelsof crustalconductivity. Stanleyet al. [ 1987] referred to this anomaly as the southernWashington CascadesConductor(SWCC; seeFigure 1). In theseMT models the SWCC extendsfrom near the surfaceto depthsof 15 km or more and consistsof very conductive(1-4 ohm m) rocks. Stanley et al. [1987] believethat the SWCC representseitheran accretionary prismor forearcbasinrockswhich were accretedand subse- quentlycompressed againstthe pre-Tertiaryedge of the North EGBERTANDBOOKER: CRUS•rAh STRUC•rURE IN SW WASHINGTON American continent in the mid-Eocene. Because 15,971 shales hold can be repeatedfor a seriesof overlappingarrays to yield estimatesof relative amplitudesand phasesbetweenall stationsin a large syntheticarray [Beamishand Banks, 1983; Egbert, 1991]. For the resultspresentedhere, we have developedand useda multivariate generalizationand refinementof the transfer function methodwhich takesadvantageof the simultaneous natureof array data [Egbert and Booker, 1989] and allows for optimal combination of overlappingarrays [Egbert, 1991]. A summaryof these Seattle and in the south near the Columbia river. However, the methodstogetherwith a detaileddescriptionof the initial processEMSLAB array dataalsodetecteda broaderand deeperconductor ing of thesearraysis givenby Egbert [ 1991], This first step resultsin estimatesat a range of periodsof the continuingto the southunderthe high Cascadesin Oregon. The to inductionby EMSLAB MT data imply that this conductivezone is deeperthan total (internal plus external) fields corresponding spatially uniform sources. In the absenceof lateral conductivity approximately20 km [Wannarnakeret al., 1989]. Gough et al. [1989] suggestthe possibilitythat this deeperconductorcontinues variations, such sourcesinduce laterally uniform currentsin the into Washington,wherea shallowconductoris superimposed.In Earth which flow at right anglesto the external magneticfield. this view, the SWCC may representa compoundanomaly, which The resultinginternal magneticfields are in turn uniform and in phasewith the inducingsourcefields [e.g.,Rokityanski,1982]. In neednot extendas a singleunit throughthe crust. this idealized case, the polarization and phase of the external Array Studiesin SouthwesternWashington source are thus uniquely determined from the observed total fields. Lateral conductivityvariationsresult in (typically subtle) The data usedfor our analysisconsistof three-componentMV data collectedat a total of 49 sitesin a seriesof small arrays,each variationsacrossthe array in amplitude and phase of the total magneticfields, making a precisedeterminationof the external consistingof three to five simultaneousstations(Figure 3). All problematic.In general,then,determination data were collectedusing EDA three-componentfluxgatemagne- sourcecharacteristics tometers[Trigget al., 1970] between 1980 and 1986. For the first of the polarizationand phaseof the uniformexternalpart of the eight of the arrays,data were collectedat a 20-secondsampling observedfields requiressomefurther assumptions.One approach rate, with typical occupationtimes of approximately4 to 5 days. to this problem [e.g., Schrnucker,1970] is to choose,on the basis For the 11 remaining arrays, data were sampled at an 8-second of othergeologicalandgeophysicalinformation,a fixed stationas rate, and arraysran for approximately10 days each. Five of the a normal reference. At this site the horizontalmagneticfieldsare by lateral conductivityvariations. arrayswere occupiedin their entiretymore than once,so the total assumedto be uncontaminated number of separatearray experimentsconsideredis 24. Some The normal fields then implicitly definethe polarizationand phase preliminary results from these experimentswere reported by of the external sources and can be subtracted from the total fields to yield estimatesof the inducedanomalousfields,which indicate Bookerand Hensel [ 1982], and Egbert [ 1991]. geologic structure. We take a slightly different approachand assumethat the fields averagedacrossthe array are normal (i.e., DATA PROCESSING: SMOOTH ESTIMATES OF INTERNAL correspondto a spatiallyaveragedone-dimensionalEarth [Egbert ANOMALOUS FIELDS AND CRUSTAL CONDUCTANCE and Booker, 1989]). Note that with this definition of normal In this sectionwe summarizethe MV array data processing fields, the anomalousmagneticfields at all stationsin the array methodsappliedto the southwestern Washingtonarrays. The raw mustaveragezero for all polarizations. data consistof a seriesof three-componentmagneticfield time The estimated anomaloushorizontal magnetic fields for the seriesrecordedin the overlappingarrays of Figure 3. Each time combinedsouthwesternWashingtonarray are plotted for source series is divided into a series of short segments,tapered, and fields linearly polarizednorth-southand east-westfor a periodof Fourier transformed. The resultingFourier coefficientsform the 1000 secondsin Figure 4. Note that the anomalousfield vectors basis for all further processing. The final result is a series of are complex (reflecting phase and amplitude variations),owith smoothmapsof the period-dependent inducedanomalouselectric imaginary parts generallymuch smallerthan real parts. At most currentsand an estimateof the vertically integratedcrustalcon- sites the anomalous fields are small relative to the normal fields water trappedin claysand zeolitesand can remainhighly conductive even at low porosities,Stanleyet al. [1987, 1990] arguethat the SWCC, which extendsinto the lower crust, where porosities shouldbe low, is probablydominatedby shalefacies. The SWCC is also clearly evident in the EMSLAB magnetometer array data [Gough et al., 1989]. Data from this much larger scale array show that the SWCC is truncatedin the north near ductance. (displayedin the upperright cornersof the plots). Areas where the anomalousfield vectorsare negative(i.e., opposethe normal Array TransferFunctions fields, as in the westernpart of the array in Figure 4b) represent The first step is to combineall of the frequencydomaindata relatively resistiveregionswith reducedcurrentflow, while areas into estimates of the total magnetic fields which would be where the anomalousfields are positive(i.e., reinforcethe normal observedat all stationsin the combinedarray of Figure 3 if the fields, as in the area under the Cascadesin Figure 4b) represent externalsourceswere perfectlyuniformand linearly polarizedin more conductiveregionswith enhancedcurrentflow. Anomalous fixed directions(say, north-southand east-west). Simultaneous horizontalfield vectorsat anglesto the normal (e.g., in much of observationsin an array can be usedto estimateamplitudesand Figure 4a) result from channelingand redistributionof electric structures. phases(or complexamplitudes)of all field components relativeto currentsby three-dimensional the horizontalmagneticfield components at a fixed referencesite. The exact magnitudesof the anomalousfield estimatesplotted This is accomplishedin practiceby usingstatisticaltransferfunc- in Figure 4 are somewhatsensitiveto our definition of normal tion methods, which combine all available data to improve fields. However, becausethe normal fields are always taken to be signal-to-noise ratiosand averageout the effectsof small-scale spatially uniform, the pattern of variations in anomalousfields sourcevariations[e.g., Schmucker,1970; Beamish,1977; Egbert (and henceof relative conductivityvariations)is well determined. and Booker, 1989]. If two or more separatearrays sharea com- Vertical magneticfieldsare zero for inductionby uniform sources mon station,the two arrayscan be mergedby usingthe common in a one-dimensionalEarth, so the total vertical componentcan be station as a reference [Bearnishand Banks, 1983]. This process taken to be anomalous. The vertical components(real part only) 15,972 EGBERT ANDBOOKER: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE IN SW WASHINGTON 48.0 ß•)•/•/ (l-.• E-W SOURCE _•ANOMALOUS "'" i••'5"'•kJ(•• ,,,_• •,ANOMALOUS REALPART ff•l •'• ( '• ( a • s•u•cE T=1000 s y• ,•(• 47.5 k , NORMAL: _ T= 1000 s ,/.•..,-':•. 47.0 46.5 • ?• • • STH • ADA • • STH • ADA 46.0 45.5 / I 124.0 I I 123.0 I I 122.0 I , I 121.0 124.0 , 123.0 122.0 121.0 Fig. 4. Estimatesof the complexanomaloushorizontalmagneticfields which would be inducedat stationsin the combinedarray by sourceswith a periodof 1000 secondswhich are linearly polarized(a) north-southand (b) east-west.The total fields averaged over the array are assumedto be normal (i.e., representativeof a spatially averagedone-dimensionalEarth). The plotted anomalousfields representthe deviationsfrom the normal vectors,which are given in the upperright comer of each plot. Solid vectorsare real parts;dashedvectorsare imaginary. Relatively conductiveand resistiveregionsare characterizedby areaswhere the anomalousfield vectorsrespectivelyreinforceand opposethe normal fields. Anomalousfield vectorsat anglesto the normal fieldsindicatechannelingandredistributionof currentsby three-dimensional structures. for the southwesternWashingtonarray are printed on a map of stationlocations,with informal contoursto guide the eye, in Figure 5. Figures4 and 5 exhibit threeprincipalfeatures.First, the vertical componentcorrespondingto an east-westsourcepolarization is positive over much of the array, increasingto rather large valuesas the coastis approachedin the west (Figure 5b). This is the well-known "coasteffect" [e.g., Parkinson, 1962; Everett and Hyndman, 1967] resulting from a concentrationof north-south electriccurrentsflowing in the oceanand conductingsedimentsof the accretionarywedge at the continentalmargin [Weaver, 1962]. Superposedon the coasteffect are vertical anomalousfields which reverse sign along a north-southtrending line which passes throughthe SWCC (Fig. 5b). Evidenceof the SWCC is also seen in the anomaloushorizontal fields of Figure 4b, which are enhanced(at all available stations)in a belt passingthroughthe three Cascadevolcanosfrom the Columbia river to Puget Sound and in both the vertical and horizontal anomalousfield plots corresponding to north-southsourcepolarizations(Figures4a and 5a). Finally, an anomalyextendswest from the SWCC just north of Mount St. Helens along the northernedge of the Chehallis Basin. This featureis seenfor north-southsourcepolarizationsas an enhancementof the horizontal fields (Figure 4a) and a sign reversalin the verticalfields (Figure 5a). We refer to this feature as the ChehallisBasin Conductor,or CBC for short. Using the right-handrule for the Biot-Savart law, it is readily verified that the horizontal and vertical componentsof the anomalousfields mateshave been obtainedfor the southwesternWashingtonsynthetic array in 20 bandsat periodsfrom 60 to 10,000 s. The full set of 160 plotsrepresentsa completeestimateof the responseof the Earth (in this periodrange at the available sitesin the region) to uniform external magnetic field sources. In general, these responseestimatesvary smoothly with period. For subsequent discussionwe will focuson resultsfrom four representativebands evenly spacedin log period: T = 100 s, T = 300 s, T = 1000 s, and T = 3000 s. Spline Smoothingof lnternal Fields Figures4 and 5 are estimatesat a discreteset of pointsof the anomalousmagneticfields. The next processingstep involves smoothingand interpolationonto a regular grid, subjectto the constraintthat the interpolatedanomalousmagneticfieldsbe physically consistentwith sourcesof strictly internalorigin. To do this, we treat interpolationas a linear inverseproblem [Egbert, 1989]. The constraints are imposedby requiringthat the magnetic fields be the gradientof a scalarpotentialwith all sourcesbelow the surface. We then seekthe smoothestinternalpotentialwhich is consistent(within the estimationerrors)with the syntheticarray response. This approachis very similar to the method of harmonic splinesdevelopedby Shure et al. [1982] and Parker and Shure [1982] to find smoothmagneticfields at the core mantle boundaryfrom observationsat the Earth's surface. However, the rectangulargeometryappropriatefor regional arrays and uncerover the SWCC and CBC are both consistent with electric tainty about the depthof the sourcesresult in somemathematical currents inside the Earth. complications[Egbert, 1989]. The key resultsneededto solve Figures5 and6 representonly a small sampleof the anomalous this problem are proved by Meingut [1979], who developeda field plotswhich resultfrom the initial dataprocessing.For each naturalgeneralizationof cubic splinesfor interpolationof data in frequencyband there are real and imaginaryand horizontaland a multidimensionalsetting, and by Wahba and Wendelberger vertical field plots for each of two polarizations.Using a 25% [1980], who consider the application of these "multivariate bandwidth(= 9 bandsper decade)in the frequencydomain,esti- splines"to more generalinverseproblems. EGBERTANDBOOKER: CRUSTALSTRUCTURE IN $W WASHINGTON (a) N-S SOURCE ßVERTICAL FIELDS .o• 0)//•7 •.•-'• • '•d'.•'• (B) E-W SOURCE ' VERTICAL FIELDS REAL .... 15,973 REAL PART .13 PART 47.5 +.23 ß +.2: ß .+.25 47.0 46.5 •'•'.... -.15•9+ O? •-.16 e' ' - g •e / . ß • •-•-:-.o•,--'::.•__.' / • N 46.0 +.16 • +.0• e - .06 ß ß +.15 45.5 12:3.0 122.0 121.0 12:3.0 122.0 121.0 Fig.5. Estimates ofrealparts ofanomalous v•rtical fields which would beinduced atstations inthecombined array bysources witha periodof 1000seconds whicharelinearlypolarized (a) north-south and(b) east-west. Positive valuesof theverticalcomponentcorrespondto magneticfield vectorswhich point down into the Earth. Three substantialanomalousfeaturesare evident here:the largepositiveverticalfield in the westernpartof the arrayin Figure5b is the coasteffect,resultingfrom electriccurrent flowingin theconductiveoceanandsediments of the accretionary wedge. The northtrendingreversalin signunderthe Cascades (in Figures5a and5b; notealsothe enhancement of horizontalcomponents in this areain Figures4a and4b) coincideswith the SWCC; finally, a smallereast-westconductivezoneis markedby the east-westtrendingsignreversalwhichbranchesoff of the SWCC to the westjust northof Mount St. Helens. This anomalyis alsovisiblein Figure4a. Plots of the smoothing splineestimatesof the anomaloushorizontal and vertical magneticfields are given in Figures 6 and 7 for a periodof 1000 s. Note that becausethe interpolationprocedure allows for the actual estimated errors at each site, these smoothfields do not exactly interpolatethe discreteresponseestimatesof Figures4 and 5. The processingmethodsreviewedso far can be thoughtof as a generalizationand refinementof the vertical field hypothetical event map [Bailey et al., 1974]. However, insteadof usingonly single-stationverticalfield transferfunctions,all possibleinterstation and intercomponenttransferfunctionsare incorporatedalong with the physical constraintthat the sourcefor the anomalous fields be internal. Because horizontal components of the anomalousfields are sensitiveto structureimmediatelybelow the observationpoint while verticalcomponentsare sensitiveto structure off to the side, using anomaloushorizontal fields and the a priori physicalconstraintseffectively increaseshorizontalspatial resolution(e.g., comparethe vertical field contoursin Figures 5 and 7). There are still somesignificantholes in our stationcoverage, particularlynear each of the three Cascadevolcanosand on the eastern edge of the array. Because our procedure finds the smoothest anomalous fields consistent with the available data, fieldsplottedin Figures6 and7 are not seriouslyaffectedby aliasing. In particular,all of the lines which crossthe SWCC between Puget Soundand the ColumbiaRiver show a similar patternof sign reversal in the vertical componentand enhancementof the horizontal component. Given the strong north-south spatial coherenceof the availableanomalousfields,it is virtually certain that additional east-west transects across the Cascades would reveala grosslysimilar patternof anomalousfields. Equivalent SheetCurrents Using the Biot-Savartlaw, horizontalmagneticfields of internal origin can be transformedto an equivalent surface current sheet (i.e., a thin sheet of current below the observer which would reproducethe fields), by rescaling and rotating the magnetic fields90øcounterclockwise [Banks, 1979](seealsotheappendix). Applying this transformation to the anomalousmagneticfieldsof Figure 7 clearly displaysthe anomalouscurrent flow discussed above(Figure 8). Althoughthe inducedanomalouscurrentsare periodic,with the phaseand polarizationvarying acrossthe array, it will often be useful to refer to the "direction"of equivalentcurrentflow. For this purposeit is convenientto treat real and imaginarypartsas separatevectors. Note that the real current sheetsare in phase with the referenceexternalmagneticfields. The imaginaryparts of the current vectorsrepresentmagneticfields which lead the theseunsampledregionsare interpolatedacrosssmoothlywithout including unnecessarydetails. Of course,with additional sites, smaller-scalefeatureswould undoubtedlybe evident. Note, however, that the unsmoothedanomalousfields (Figures4 and 5) do reference fieldsby 90ø. We referto therealandimaginary parts generallyvary slowly betweenadjacentstations. This gives us as the in-phaseandquadraturecurrents,respectively. someconfidencethat the large-scalepatternof smoothanomalous The currentsof Figure 8 tendto flow in vorticeswhich closeon 15,974 48.0 EGBERT ANDBOOKER: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE IN SW WASHINGTON -ANOMALOUS• REA• N-S •/•, (a) SOURCE T= 1000s.••• ..! '' NORMAL 47.5 47.0 46.5 46.0 45.5 123.0 122.0 121.0 123.0 122.0 121.0 Fig. 6. Smoothingsplineinterpolationof three-component magneticfield vectors.The figuregivesthe real part of the horizontal components of the smoothest magneticfieldsof internaloriginthatareconsistent (within theestimationerrors)with theestimated anomalousfieldsof Figures4 and 5. (a) north-southsourcepolm'ization.(b) east-westsourcepolarization. 48.0 47.• ( ) E-W SOURCE - REAL Ok.)• (a) N-S SOURCE ANOMALOUS - I /•_) NORMAL CURRENT NORMAL CURRENT CURREN•-/••_,..•• I ' .... T= 1000s A-• 470 ," - --A' -•,T,,,'+•. •'-, ) •--• x x •, x •'''' L ••'•''''.9q5 J 46.0 I • ' '1-'''--' z, ...... ß 45.5 ß bi/l/i ' ' ' ''--•' • .... ' ,(•'•,,-''))&) .... I' I ?? ..... ' ' t•t_ . ,, _ ß I 123.0 122.0 123.0 121.0 122.0 121.0 Fig. 7. As in Figure6 but verticalcomponentfor (a) north-southsourcepolarizationand (b) east-westsourcepolarization. themselves,and in placesthey opposethe "normal"current. This is a result of the way we have defined anomalousfields, which must averageto zero. Relatively conductiveareas,where current flow is enhanced(with anomalouscurrentsreinforcing the normal), must be balancedby relatively resistiveareas,where current flow is reduced(with anomalouscurrentsopposingthe normal). In the simple schematicmodel of Figure 2 a laterally heterogene- ous surfacelayer overlies a one-dimensionaldeep section. The total currentat period T which flows in the surfacelayer can be written l(x, T)= Io(T) + $1(x, T), (1) where$I(x, T) representsthe anomalouscurrents(which average to zero) and Io(T) representsthe normal current flowing in the EGBERTANDBOOKER: CRUSTALSTRUCTURE IN SW WAS!•INGTON (a) N-S SOURCE ßVERTICAL FIELDS 15,975 (b) E-W SOURCE'VERTICAL FIELDS • - REAL PART REAL PART _ O. • 47.5 0.1 •0 47.0 46.5 46.0 45.5 123.0 122.0 123.0 121.0 122.0 121.0 Fig. 8. Realpartsof anomalous equivalent sheetcurrents for two sourcepolarizations. The vectorsin theseplots areobtainedby rotating theanomalous magnetic fieldvectors of Figure 6 90øcounterclockwise. Thevectors aretangent to streamlines of an equivalentsurfacesheetcurrentwhichwouldreproduce thesmoothmagneticfields. For Figure8a thenormalcurrentflow is from eastto west,while for Figure8b the normalcurrentflow is from southto north. Becausethe spatialaverageof the anomalous magneticfields(and henceof the currentsheet)is zero, the anomalouscurrentstend to flow in vorticeswhich closeon themselves. A-A' throughD-D' mark locationsof profilesplottedin Figures11 and 12. thin sheet. With the MV array data we can readily estimate81. Unfortunately, while consistencyof the total currentswith the physicsof electromagneticinduction(and the simple considerations discussedbelow) provide some information about Io, the absolutemagnitudeof this quantityis poorly constrainedby the MV data(seethe appendix). However, estimatesof I are highly desirable. As discussed below, total currentsbut not anomalouscurrentscan be easily root mean square(RMS) of (the real and imaginarypartsof) 81 for eachperiodT. Currentvectorsin eachof theseplots are also scaledby the anomalouscurrent RMS so that the typical lengths of the displayed vectors is constant. The RMSs of the total sheet currents(in-phaseandquadratureseparately)are displayedin the upperleft comerof eachplot. This displayof the currentsallows for an approximateseparationof amplitudeand phasevariations inverted for crustal conductance. Furthermore, the total current is (which we expectto be dominatedby Io) from variationsin the relatively large in conductorsand small in resistors,so lateralcon- geometryof the currentsheet.Note thatexceptfor thequadrature ductivity contrasts (and the manner in which currents are currentsat the shortestperiods,the geometryof the currentsvaries redirectedand channeledin complexthree-dimensional structures) little. This is consistentwith (2), giving us someconfidencethat are more clearly illuminatedin plots of I. These advantagesare our thin sheetmodelis approximatelyvalid. A moredetaileddisillustratedin Figures9 and 10, where we plot roughestimatesof cussionof theseplotsis deferredto the resultssection. total crustalcurrents(compareto Figure 8). In the long-periodlimit, where inductionin the surfacesheet SimpleInversionsfor Conductance can be ignored and galvanicredistributionof the currentsdomIn the model of Figure 2, a thin surfacesheetof variableconinates, the period dependenceof the currentsin the thin sheet ductance(conductivitytimesthickness) model can be separatedfrom the spatial dependence[e.g., Le S(x, y) = So+ 8S(x, y) (3) Mouel and Menvielle, 1982] Io(T) + 81(x,T) = 1o(T)[io + 8i(x)]. (2) Here, i +Si(x) is a real vector field (independentof period, divided as in (1) into constantnormal and spatially varying anomalousparts)and1o is a complexscalar. From (2) we seethat 1o(T) is determined,(at sufficientlylong periods)up to a single real scalarby our estimatesof 81. Thus fixing Re Io for a single perioddeterminesboth the in-phaseand quadraturetotal currents for all sufficientlylong periods. We have usedthis idea to estimate the currentsin Figures 9 and 10 by choosing(somewhat subjectively)Re Io(1000 s ) for eachpolarizationandthenscaling Io(T) (separatelyfor the real and imaginaryparts)by the relative overliesa layeredone-dimensional Earth.Forthefinalprocessing step we adopt this simple model for the crust of southwestem Washingtonand invert the sheetcurrentsfor crustalconductance S. Thismodelignoresanyverticalstructure in theupperinhomogeneous layerandfurtherassumes thatthe layer is verythin comparedto the penetrationdepthof the electromagnetic fields. The thin sheetmodelis thusmostreasonable at longperiods,where penetrationdepthsare greatestand vertical resolutionof the MV data is very poor. In the simplestsort of thin sheetmodel, the upperinhomogeneous layeris separated from deeperlayersby a layerof infiniteresistance whichpreventsverticalflow of currents [Price, 1949]. For this model a simple direct (almost linear) 15,976 48.0 47.5 EGBERTAND BOOKER:CRUSTALSTRUCTURE IN SW WASHINGTON [- 30 •XS• T-100 s 27 •XS• T-300 s • 24 •XS• T-1000s 21 •XS•? T-3000s l '-•• • InPhase '-•f•• InPhase l '-•.F• • InPhase I '-•f•• InPhase 47.0 47.5 I ............ 47.0 .... I :•.-.. T=100 s •7'•••Quadrature '_ , •,,,xxx ..... • • (•(•. Quadratur _ .•.• •• 123.0 ••I 121.5 I I [ I I I 123.0 121.5 I 123.0 121.5 123.0 121.5 Fig. 9. In phaseandquadrature partsof estimated totalsurfacesheetcurrentinducedby north-south sourcepolarization for four periods.The scalesfor currentvectors(givenin theupperleft comerof eachplot) areproportional to therelativeRMS amplitude of the anomalous currentsaveragedoverthearray. The totalsheetcurrentis formedby addingan estimateof the constant"nor- mal"current I0 to theanomalous currents. Forthein phase partat T = 3000s I0: .03{- .18•, where• and• areunitvectors pointingto the northandeastrespectively.For the shorterperiodsthis vectoris rescaledaccordingto the relativeRMS of the anomalous fields.Thenormal quadrature currents arechosen similarly, withI0 -- .02{- .04.•atT = 3000s. Thelocations of the threeCascadestratovolcanos (MountRainier,MountSt. Helens,andMountAdams)aregivenby thelargetriangles.All of the plots,exceptthosefor the shortperiodquadrature currents,are very similar. Althoughnormalcurrentflowsfrom eastto west,substantialcurrentis channeledto thenorthin theSWCC. In the westernpartof thearray,currentflowswestin two conductivechannels,onejust northof Mount St. Helensandtheotherat the northernendof the array. inversionof sheet currentsfor crustal conductanceis possible [Berdichevsky and Zhdanov,1984]. We outlinea practicalimplementationof this inversionin the appendix. This approachis simplistic but not completely unreasonable. Most of the anomalousstructureevidentin the currentsheetplots(Figures9 and 10) originatesin the crust (the anomaliesare tens of kilometerswide and are nearly independent of period),and highlyresistive layersare typicallypresentin the crustand uppermantle. Application of the simple thin sheet inversionoutlined in the appendixto long-period(T- 1000 s and T = 3000 s) anomalous fieldsfrom the syntheticarray yields the model of crustalconductance shownin Plate 1. With this simple approachto inversion, two parameterswhich are not directlyconstrainedby the MV data must be independentlyestimated: the normal current in the thin sheetI0 and the normal conductivitySo. In fact, the absolute scaleof crustalconductance in the modelof Plate 1 is essentially determinedby thechoiceof So (heretakento be 100S, equivalent to a 20-km-thick200-ohm m layer). Furtheruncertaintyin the relativevariationsof crustalconductance resultsfrom uncertainty concerning10. Experimentswith a rangeof valuesof Io indicate, however,that the geometryof the conductivityvariationsis very well constrainedand that the relative amplitudesof the variations (i.e., the ratio of highestto lowest conductance)are constrained within a factor of roughly3. Note that full nonlinear inversionsof the combinedarray response,basedon either more generalthin sheet[e.g., Vasseur and Weidelt, 1977; Fainberg et al., 1990] or fully threedimensional models, would substantially reduce this scale ambiguity,particularlyif constraints on known large-scalestructure (e.g., oceanbathymetryand conductivity)were incorporated. Thesemore complicatedinversionmethodsrepresentan important refinement of MV interpretationmethods which we are currentlypursuing. RESULTS The final resultsof the processing are containedin Figures9 and 10 andPlate 1. The equivalentcurrentsheets(Figures9 and 10) areestimates of thetotalcurrentflowingin a thin surfacelayer of laterallyvaryingconductance (Figure2). Plate 1 givesan estimateof theconductance of thissurfacelayer. The currentsin Figures9 and 10 havewidthsof 10-40km (seealsoFigures6 and8). The true anomalouscurrent distributionis almost certainly rougherthan thesesmoothestimates.These short-lengthscales imply that the anomalouscurrentsflow within at most a few tens of kilometers of the surface. The vertical distribution of conduc- tivity within this near surfaceregionis not resolvedby the thin sheetmodel of Plate 1. However, we can gain somequalitative insightinto the natureof vertical structuresby consideringthe EGBERT ANDBOOKER: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE IN SW WASHINGTON 48.0 :34 T=100s / '- ,, ,,,, ......... ..... 29 '•• In Ph.d, T=1000s I ; '- •_•? InT=8000 s Phase In Ph.d, I ' I 4•.0 I •,,•.-,,.lJl•,,, / / :3t 'X•? T=800s In Ph.d, I '- 15,977 I ,, l•l•.• 1•I%• .... ,, .... I I •Z,,,J ........ ........ • ...... • ,l •Z,,,IIIJ•,, •.• •,,,•, •,,,,• ........ ........ I , , 1•.•.• ,,•X•,,,,, • .... I I ...... ...... , •%• ,•%•, b• i llJ• I ,,.J....... ••,,, I ...i.... ,,,,•• ...I.... ,•%x• 1,,,,, I ...I..,,•• 48.0 T=3000 s quadrature '- ' jQuadrature '- •Quadrature/ '- ,Quadraturel '- 47.5 47.0 , , 46.5 / ..,%J•..,• . . ß . . . . • ....... ,, • • . . , ..,• .... • , • • ,• ..... . . , • , • .... .......... ,• • - ........ ,•, .............. , ,•.• 46.0 45.5 • I I I 123.0 I .• I :: I 121.5 , I _ I I 123.0 I I I I 121.5 I I 123.0 I ., , i I I 121.5 I I I 123.0 I ,, I I 121.5 Fig. 10. Totalcurrent sheets asin Figure9 foreast-west source polarization. Here,at T = 3000s,I0 =. 16• forin phase currents andI0 = .08•forquadrature currents. Totalcurrents forotherperiods areproportional torelative RMSasin Figure 9. Normal currentflowingfromthesouthisconcentrated in thenorth-south trending SWCC. A smalleranomalyis visiblein thewestern part of the array,particularlyin the short-period quadrature plots. period dependenceand phaseof the sheetcurrentsin Figures9 9). This suggests a sharptransitionto generallyvery resistive crustwestof the SWCC. Here, the outcropping CrescentFormapart of the The in-phasecurrents,whichare largerthanthe corresponding tion basaltsof the Willapa Hills in the southwestern quadrature currentsby as muchas a factorof 4, revealthemajor array and of the Black Hills to the north mark resistiveblocks structuresmost clearly. These are, to a first approximation, which are separatedby a conductivechannelbeneaththe northern and 10. independentof period. The most obviousanomalyis the northsouthtrendingSWCC mappedby Stanley[1984] and Stanleyet al. [1987] using MT. This anomaly results in a substantial enhancement of currentsundertheCascades for bothpolarizations edgeof the ChehallisBasin. Note that the resistiveblocknorthof the CBC extends east to the SWCC beneath the sediments of the PugetLowlands(Figure 9, Plate l). Fartherto the north,current flowswestacross PugetSoundandis deflected to thesouthalong the easternedge of Hood Canal by a resistivestructure,which from southto north(Figure 10). The anomalyis widestandmost probablyrepresentsunderthrustvolcanicsof the CrescentFormadiffusein southernWashingtonnearthe Columbiariver. North of tionon theeasternedgeof theOlympicPeninsula. At periodsbeyond1000 s the anomalouscurrentshave a fixed Mount St. Helens and Mount Adams, the anomalous currents become more concentrated, and the estimated conductance morphology with period-dependent but spatiallyconstantampliincreasessteeply. Further north, near Mount Rainier, there is a tudesand phases(Figures9 and 10). This is consistentwith norkink in the anomalous currents where the conductor shown in mal currentsinducedin a largerregion,which are then distorted by localvariationsof conductivityin a thin surface Plate 1 narrowssharply. The anomalouscurrentsthen turn toward andchanneled PugetSoundandbecomemorediffuseagainjust southof Seattle. layer[Banks,1979;Le MouelandMenvielle,1982]. The spatially The SWCC is alsoclearlyevidentin anomalous field plotsfor constantamplitudesand phasesare determinedby the normal the north-southsourcepolarization(which inducesnormalcurrent fields,whichdependon thelarge-scale deepregionalconductivity flow from west to east). Currentflowing from the east is chan- structure,while the morphologyof the anomalousfields is deterbut is clearest for east-west sources which excite current flow neled into the SWCC south of Mount Adams, with current flow ure 9). To the west, current is concentratedin the CBC, which minedby localvariationsin crustalconductance. This supports thevalidity(for longperiods)of the simplethin sheetmodelused to invertfor crustalconductance. It alsosuggests thatphases and branchesoff of the SWCC just northof Mount St. Helens,and in a zone of enhancedconductivitybeneaththe Puget Lowlands northwestof MountRainier(Plate1). Currentflow alongmuchof the westernedgeof the SWCC, which deflectsand channelsthe currentsnorthtowardPugetSound,is nearlynorth-south(Figure relative amplitudesof regionallyaveragedelectricfields can be approximately determinedfrom the anomalousmagneticfields. At periodsof the order 1000 s we would expectcrustalelectric currentsin this be stronglyinfluencedby currents(of largeamplitudeandlow phase)inducedin the highlyconducting acrossthe easternboundaryof the SWCC severelyreduced(Fig- 15,978 EGBERT ANDBOOKER: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE IN SW WASHINGTON ' 48.0 ' ' ',• X,• \ \•'•' • o1_• o o c• o o o • "t o 10'• S ' - øo o 47.5 * ß o o• o_ o ß•o• o o 47.0 O' • 0 • OO O o%' •AI o 0 00 ." •, o oo •1_ o • • •. o øo S 46.5 øøo o '{TH h 46.0 o• o . .. _ • . I 45.5 , , 124 , I ,• , 102 122 Plate 1. •in sheetconductancemodelfor the crestin southwesternWashingtonwith crustal e•hquakes •d volcanicventsoverlain. Eadhqu•es (0 to 15 km depth)are plottedas hexagonsscaledby size (smallest,2.0-3.9; m•ium, 4.0-4.9; !•ge, 5.0-5.9). Small crosses are basaltic vents; small diamonds •e andesitc •d dacite vents. •e St. Helcns Seismic zone (SHZ) coincideswith the westernedgeof the broadsouthern•nion of the SWCC, and is abruptly te•inated by the east-westtrend• CBC. Volc•ic ventsclusteraroundthe edgesof the SWCC. Sea., Seattle;STH, Mount St. Helens; RAt, Mount Rainier; ADA, Mount Adams. component, wherethisanomaly dominates at T = 100 ocean [e.g., Mackie et al., 1988]. In fact, for the north-south quadrature sourcepolarization(Figure9), for which oceaniceffectsshouldbe s and is very clear for T = 300 s, before vanishingfor longer. strongest,phasesof the long-periodanomalousfieldsare very low periods. In fact, adjustingfor differencesin plot scales,we see (=10ø-20ø), andamplitudes remainlargeevenat longperiods. that the in-phase and quadratureparts are roughly equal for a shalloworigin for this anomaly. This conThese characteristicoceaniceffects are less prominentfor east- T = 100 s, suggesting westsources (Figure10), for whichphases are =25ø- 35ø and clusion is supportedby the rapid decreaseof the anomaly with amplitudesdecreaserapidly at long periods. period. Comparisonwith Figure I showsthat the anomalycoinAlthough the full three-dimensionalelectromagneticinduction cides with the alignmentof the ChehallisBasin and the western problemis complexand allows a great rangeof phenomena,the part of the PugetLowlands. Thesebasinscontainconductivesedrelative magnitudesof the in-phaseand quadraturecomponentsof imentsand have a narrowconnectionsouthof Puget Sound. The the anomalousfieldsprovidea qualitativeindicationof the depths magnitude, phase, and strong period dependence of these and sizes of conductivestructures[e.g., Schmucker,1970]. The anomalouscurrentsimply that the basinsare distinct,with only a phaseof currentsflowing in near-surfaceconductorsis approxi- weak electrical connection. By comparison,the anomalousfieldsover the SWCC in Figure matelythesameas thephaseof the surface electricfields(45ø over a uniform conductor),so superficialconductivityanomalies 10 decrease in amplitude much more slowly (peaking near tend to have large quadratureparts. Anomalous fields arising T = 300 s) and do not show consistentlypositive phasesuntil from currents flowing in conductorsat greater depths (i.e., a T = 1000 s. The quadraturecurrentsare restrictedto the extreme significantfraction of the electromagneticskin depth or more) northernpart of the the anomalyat T - 100 s and extendfurtherto tend to have small (or even negative)quadratureparts. Of course, the south with increasingperiod, until at T = 1000 s the plots whether a conductoris "near surface"or not dependson period. closely resemblethose for the in-phasecurrents. This suggests that the conductive rocks which form the SWCC are shallower in At longenoughperiods,all anomalieswill appearnearsurface. These pointsare nicely illustratedby Figure 10. In additionto the northanddeeperto the south. However,it is alsopossiblethat the SWCC, a small north-southtrendinganomalyis visible in the self-inductionwithin the SWCC togetherwith inductiveand conwesternpart of the array at T = 100 s but is almostunnoticeableat ductivecouplingto PugetSoundin the northand the lower crustal T = 1000 s. This feature is much strongerin the corresponding conductorunderthe OregonCascadesto the south[Goughet al., EGBERT ANDBOOKER: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE IN SW WASHINGTON (a) N-S CURRENT: PROFILE A-A' 1989; Wannamakeret al., 1989] can explainthe period-dependent morphology of the quadrature anomalous currents. Threedimensionalmodelingwill ultimatelybe requiredfor a full understandingof thesedata, althoughtheseresultsclearly demonstrate that the SWCC representsa conductorwhich is much more massive than a few kilometers of sediments. .6 T=!00s r = soos r: •ooos /.,,;.,'-'...• /.,,,...' .2 .0 -.2 I -80 -40 0 40 I 80 (b) N-S CURRENT: PROFILE B-B' .6 .4 2 SWCC and the ocean. We note that Stanley's [1984] MT results showvery low electricfield phasesaround100 s periodsin this area. Again, this behaviorindicatescomplexthree-dimensional inductivephenomena, hereinvolvingthe interactionof the SWCC andthe highly conductingoceanto the west. The anomalouscurrentsexhibit some more subtle but systematicvariationswith period. Thesearebestexploredby considering selected cross sectionswhich allow results for all four periodsto be superimposed.For thispurposewe usethe real parts of the scaledfields plottedin Figures9 and 10. This effectively eliminates variations of normal field amplitudes and phases (largely determinedby regional-scaleinductioneffects), so that we may more directlyassesschangeswith periodof currentmorphology(whichis moreindicativeof localstructure).The conclusionswe reach from theseprofilesare qualitative. More detailed mappingof verticalstructurein conductivityvariationssuggested by this analysisrequiresMT data. We considertwo east-westprofiles(Figure 8), A-A' acrossthe northernpart of the SWCC nearPugetSoundandB-B' acrossthe centralportionof the SWCC. On the northernprofilethe relative amplitudeof the anomalydecreases steadilywith period,and the westernboundaryshiftsslightly to the east(Figure 1l a). On the centralprofile B-B', the anomalypeaksat 300 seconds.As period increases,the westernlimit of the anomalyshiftsto the east,and a broadelevatedshoulderon the anomalydevelopsto the east(Figure 1lb). The shift of the anomalypeak suggeststhat the SWCC dips down to the east, while the broad spreadto the east of anomalouscurrents at long periods suggestsa deep conductive - .4 ..... Note also that the in- phasecurrentsflowingin the SWCC havea kink wherethe CBC branchesoff. The amplitudeof this kink increaseswith period, and the kink is lessobviousin the quadraturecurrents,suggesting a deeporigin for thisfeature. For the north-southpolarizationthe quadraturecurrentsclosely resemble the in-phase parts at longer periods but not for T = 100-300 s (Figure 9). In theseshort-periodquadratureplots, currentsare large in the north, south,and east,but almostvanish in the westcentralpart of the array, wherethe anomalyassociated with the CBC fades out (compare to the in-phaseparts). This large-scale variation of quadrature amplitudes suggeststhat phasesin the electric fields are low in the region betweenthe 15,979 0 -2 -80 -40 0 40 80 (c) N-S CURRENT (N-S SOURCE): PROFILE B-B' .6 T .4 ..... 2 0 -.2 = !00s r: soo• .,'/&, r = •ooos ..'Z•!, _...... T=....3000s,SWCC..,•'-2 _ w -80 -40 0 40 80 E KILOMETERS Fig. 11. Crosssectionsof crustalcurrentflow derivedfromFigures9 and 10 for two east-westprofilesacrossthe array(seeFigure8 for profilelocations). (a) Relativeanomalouscurrentflow to the north acrossprofile AA' inducedby east-westsourcesdecreases at longerperiods. (b) Further southon profileB-B' acrossthe SWCC currentshiftsto the eastat longer periods.(c) Channeledcurrentsflow northacrossB-B' for north-south sourcepolarization, whichinduces east-west normalcurrents.The relative amplitudeincreasessteadilywith period,but the locationof the peak remainsfixed,slightlyto thewestof theanomalypeakin Figure11fib. C-C' and D-D' (Figure8). For profileC-C' on the westernedge of the SWCC, the peak associated with the CBC broadensand a secondpeak developsto the northas periodsincrease.Note that Cascades. Anotherview of the westernboundaryof the SWCC is given in at T = 3000 s the secondarypeak is well to the north of the Figure 11c, where we plot the currentswhich are induced by Chehallis Basin, demonstratingthat most of the current in the north-southsourcesand then channeledto the north acrossprofile CBC does not flow out of the SWCC throughthe near-surface B-B'. Here the peak of the anomalouscurrents,which is fixed basinsediments.Furtherto the weston profileD-D', currentflow slightly to the west of the peak for east-westsources,steadily is muchmoresharplypeaked,centeredalongthenorthemedgeof increasesin amplitudewith period. For a north-southpolariza- the ChehallisBasin. In both north-southprofilesthe secondzone tion, current flows from the east and concentratesnear the western of enhancedcurrentflow, acrossthe northem part of the Puget of period. boundaryof the SWCC. The fixed locationof the peaksuggests a LowlandsandthroughPugetSound,is independent zone in the lower crust beneath the Columbia Plateau east of the vertical westernboundary. The increasein relative amplitudeof the deflectedcurrentssuggeststhat a stronggradientin conductivity between the SWCC and the crust to the west persistsat depth. Togetherthe currentprofilesof Figures1lb and 11c sug- DISCUSSION The MV arrayresultsare generallyconsistentwith the conductivity modelsof Stanley[1984] and Stanleyet al. [1987, 1990] gestthattheSWCC dipsto theeastbuthasa sharp,nearlyvertical basedon three MT transectsacrosssouthwesternWashington. In particular,the MV conductance model (Plate 1) is remarkably westernboundary. In Figure 12 we plot currentsfor the two north-south profiles, similar to the estimateof conductancefor the SWCC given by 15,980 EGBr•T ANDBooroaR:CRUSTALSTRUCTURE IN SW WASHINGTON Stanleyet al. [1987] (see Figure 1). However, the resultsgiven hereprovidea three-dimensional contextin which to interpretthe MT transectsand suggestsomedifferences.The two-dimensional modelfor the centralMT profile (A-A' [Stanleyet al., 1987]) has a gradualboundary,with conductivesedimentaryrocks thinning and shallowingto the west. However, the MT transecton which this model is basedcrossesthe SWCC just noah of Mount St. Helens where the CBC branches off. The MV data show that the The variations of conductance inferred from the MV data correlatewith and illuminateother geophysicalconstraints.In Plate 2 we superpose the estimatedcrustalcurrentsinducedby noah-southpolarizedmagneticfieldson a map of isostaticresidual gravity [Simpsonet al., 1986; Finn et al., 1986; Williams et al., 1988]. The correlationof the sheetcurrentand the gravity anomalies in the westernpan of the arrayis quitestriking.The electriccurrentstendto flow aroundthe gravityhighs,whichare westernend of this transectis not typical of the SWCC; along most of the westernedge, there is an abrupt and nearly vertical contactbetweenvery conductiveand very resistiverocks(as seen alsoin the modelfor the northernMT profileC-C' of Stanleyet al stronglycorrelated with theresistivesections of theCoastRange block(compareto Plate 1). Note alsothe elongatedweakhighin [1987]). SWCC from the south. Stanleyet al. [1987] modelthe SWCC dippingdown to the east andsuggestthatthe conductiveunit hasbeenundenhrustandpossibly continuesto the east of the Cascadesunderthe Columbia Plateau. The MV data, which show the anomalousmagnetic fields shiftingand broadeningto the east at long periods,corro- the gravitymap along the easternboundaryof the SWCC. The currentsflow aroundthis elongatedresistivefeatureto enter the TheMV resultsarealsoconsistent with majorfeaturesin mag- netic anomalymaps. As discussedby Stanleyet al. [1987], the SWCC coincideswith a substantiallow in the magneticdata beneaththeCascades.The CoastRangeblockis characterized by a seriesof broadmagnetichighsboundedon the eastby a noahborate this. In the MT model the SWCC is bounded on the east southtrendingline which likely extendssouththroughOregon by a resistiveblockwhichwas interpretedby Stanleyet al. to be [Finn, 1990;Johnsonet al., 1990]. Finn [1990] haspointedout a localized pluton. However, the MV results show east-west that thisboundarycoincidescloselywith the westernedgeof the flowingcurrentschanneledinto the southernendof the SWCC by SWCC. Jointinterpretation of gravityandmagnetic datasuggests an elongatedresistiveblockalongits easternboundary(Figure9). a thick (20-30 km) sectionof densehighly magnetizedrocksin This suggests that the resistivestructureimagedon the MT tran- theCoastRangeblockwhichFinn [1990] interprets asconsisting sectis pan of a deep,noah trendingresistiveblockwhichcontin- of oceanicbasaltand gabbro.In general,the very resistivesecuesfor 50-60 km and definesthe easternedgeof the SWCC. The tionsof theCoastRangeblock(Plate2) correspond withhighsin secondMT profile (C-C') of Stanley et al., which crossesthe the magneticdata, while the CBC corresponds to an east-west SWCC just southof PugetSound,showsthe conductivezonenar- trendinglow [see Finn, 1990; Plate 2]. Note however that the rowing,shiftingto the west,andshallowing.All of thesefeatures magnetichigh in the resistiveblocknorthof the CBC extendsinto are consistentwith the pattern of anomalouscurrentsand the the ChehallisBasin(well to the southof the gravityhighseenin model for crustal conductance of Plate 1. Plate2). This suggests [Finn, 1990]thatthenorthernedgeof the ChehallisBasinis underlain(at shallowdepths)by a thin lip of CoastRangemaficrocks,whichhavebeenunderthrust by sedimentsalonga noahwesttrendingfault. This inferenceis strongly supported by our analysisof theMV arraydata. Stanleyet al. [ 1987, 1990]havenotedthat the spatialdistribution of crustalseismicityin southwestern Washington appearsto be closelyrelatedto the SWCC. A compilationof shallow(0-15 kin) earthquake epicenters(C. Weaver and R. Ludwin,personal communication,1992) showsa strikingcorrelationwith the MV crustalconductance model (Plate 1) and the equivalentsheet currents(Figure13). The lower line of concentrated uppercrustal (a) E-W CURRENT: PROFILE C-C' .4 .3 .2 T = 100s T = $00s .... T = 1000s ...... r = sooo : --,?\ ', .1 /1' -, tt z•.. /? "'...:...%.::.. .0 ". ,'•,'.._ ,- ........ _ ',, - 4"1 -' -100 -4•/ :' •"•:'. )1 • CBC:. "•:::"7 '"i • 0 '.--- rugeT Sound '-- : -50 , 50 seismicity(the SHZ [Weaver and Smith, 1984; Weaver et al., 1987]) lies alongthe easternboundaryof the SWCC. The SHZ is 100 (b) E-W CURRENT: PROFILE D-D' .4 ___ T = 100s T = 300s T = 1000s =sooos 1 truncated abruptlyby theCBC. Noah of theCBC, theseismically activezonejumpsto the eastand deepens[Ludwinet al., 1991]. Near MountRainiertheearthquake epicenters arealignedwith the narrownorthernportionof the SWCC, and the seismicallyquiet zonewestof Mount Rainierand southof PugetSoundcoincides with the resistiveblock just to the west. The smallereast-west conductivityanomaly acrosssouthernPuget Sound marks the boundarybetweenthisquietzoneandthe regionof highseismic ,' /":"' , • SoUnd o -1 -2 '•• _ I s -00 I -50 • I i 0 50 I N KILOMETERS Fig. 12. East-westcurrentflowing acrossprofiles(a) C-C' and (b) D-D' (seeFigure8 for profilelocations).In Figure 12fia currentflowingto the westout of the SWCC shiftsto the northat longerperiods.The northern limit of the exposedsediments of the ChehallisBasinis indicatedby the verticaldashedline. On the westemprofilein Figure 12fib, currentmorphologyis relativelyindependent of period. activity in the crustto the noah. In Plate 1 we have also plotted late Cenozoic (5 Ma and younger) volcanic vents [Guffanti and Weaver, 1988]. In southwestern Washington,thesetend to clusteraroundthe south- ern andeasternedgesof the SWCC. In the sameareaalongthe southeastern edgeof theconductivity anomaly,heatflowpeaksat 80-90mWm-2,thehighest valuereached intheWashington Cascades[Blackwellet al., 1990]. It is hardto avoidthe conclusionthat the SWCC represents a majorstructural featurein the crustof southwestern Washington whichis to someextentcontrollingpatternsof crustaldeformation EGBERT ANDBOOKER: CRUSTALSTRUCTURE 1NSW WASHINGTON 15,981 lOO 5o 470•- -'"" ß %%... ...... • " / ,,.",.%,..._,.., ! -.'"-""-""-••.,-'-'%\\'\ - t • ' ' .,.....• -.,\ •,,•,"'."",,".• "' b .... x,.,,,,.•.... 45.5 124 • ' •' \ '"'""'"'""-' -5o , • \,,..,.,.,,..... '"''"" ""• '""'"'"' 122 Plate2. Isostaticresidualgravityin westernWashingtonwith equivalentsheetcurrentoverlain. Redsaregravityhighs;greensandbluesare gravitylows. The scaleon the right is in milligals.Thepatternof currentflow in thewesternpartof thestudyareais consistent with channeling of currentsaroundthe "islands" of resistiveanddenseCrescentFormationmafic rocks.Note'alsothe weakelongated gravityhighon the eastern edgeof the SWCC. Currents form the east flow around this feature to enter the SWCC from the south. STH, Mount St. Helens; RAI, Mount Rainier; ADA, Mount Adams. and volcanism. Earthquakesand volcanicvents concentrateon theboundary of theanomalybut arealmostabsentin the interior. The SWCC thus representsa distinctblock of crust which is bounded by narrowzonesof activedeformation.The deformation zonescontainregionsof local crustalextensionconduciveto the formationof volcanic vents [Weaver et al., 1987]. The chain of late Cenozoic volcanic vents on the eastern boundary of the SWCC may reflectmoreactivedeformationalongthisboundary in the recentpast. The lack of earthquakes andvolcanicventsin the interior of the SWCC and the geometry of the conductor (localized in space, extending from near the surface to great depths)togetherargueagainstsomepossibleexplanations for the SWCC, suchas a magmabodyunderthe Cascadesor highlyfracturedrocksfilled with hot salinewater. The locationof the peak heatflow on the boundaryratherthanin the interiorof the SWCC hold water trappedin clays and zeolitesand can remain highly conductiveeven at the low porositieswhich should prevail at depthsgreaterthana few kilometers. Stanleyet al. [1987] concludethat the SWCC is formedfrom accretionaryprism and forearcbasin marine sedimentaryrocks whichweretrappedandcompressed againstthepre-Tertiarymargin of North Americawhenthe Crescentbasaltswere accretedin the Eocene. This is an attractivehypothesis,but it raisessome otherquestions.The SWCC is uniquein WashingtonandOregon, as evidencedby the EMSLAB MV array, which coveredboth statescompletely[Gough et al., 1989]. Althoughsmaller local reinforces this conclusion. Washington. The SWCC is an importantstructurewhichmodelsfor the tectonic historyof the region mustexplain. What is specialabout this small sectionof the CoastRange suturezone? One possible The MV resultsstronglysupportthe conclusionsof Stanleyet al. [1987, 1990] concerningthe geometryandconductivityof the SWCC. There is a massiveunit of very conductiverocks under the Cascadeswhich narrowsto the northand probablydipsdown to the east. The high conductivityis most likely intrinsicto the rocksratherthan being causedby currentconditionsin the crust suchas the presenceof hydrothermalfluidsor magma. Stanleyet al. [ 1987, 1990] considereda range of possiblelithologiesfor theseconductiverocksand concludedthat at least the deeperpart of the SWCC is mostprobablydominatedby shalefacies. Shales induction anomalies associated with the suture zone between the CoastRangeblock and olderTertiary rocksto the eastcannotbe ruled out, the accumulationof the large volumesof conductive sediment seenin theSWCCis clearly unique to s•)uthwestern suggestionis that the SWCC representsa sectionof the early Cenozoicsubductionzone which is analogousto the presentday OlympicPeninsula,wherean anomalously thick sectionof sedimentsis beingscrapedoff of the downgoingslab and piled up on the edgeof the continentat a highlylocalizedbendin the modern subductionzone. In this model, the sedimentsthat make up the SWCC could have been accreted well before the Crescent basalts 15,982 EGBERT ANDBOOKER: CRUSTAL STRUCTURE IN SW WASHINGTON o& o 2.0 O 3.O - 3.9 O 4.0 - 4.9 5.0 øo% A A - 2.9 - 5.9 o 0 ! I I I I I I I I I I 100 KM 0 I I I I I I I I i I I 100 KM Fig. 13. Seismicityof westemWashington(0-15 km) plottedon top of anomaloussheetelectriccurrentsobservedby an MV array.Symbolsaresizedby magnitude: smallest,2.0-3.9;medium,4.0-4.9;largest,5.0-5.9.The largetrianglesarethelocationsof the major Cascadevolcanos. (a) The sourcepolarizationwould drive the electriccurrentseast-westin the absenceof anomalous structure.Note how the currentsenteringin the southeast are deflectednorthas they run up againstthe seismiclineationof the SHZ. The SHZ is a boundarybetweena very resistiveblockto the westandthe SWCC to the east. Note alsohow the currentsare deflectedaroundthe very resistiveandnearlyaseismicblock westof Mount Rainier,northof the SHZ and southof PugetSound. Finally, notehow the currentsin the westernPugetSoundregionare deflectedto the southwest, presumablyby the resistiveCoast Range block. (b) The sourcepolarizationwould drive the electric currentsnorth-southin the absenceof anomalousstructure. Note thevery strongcurrentin the SWCC betweenthe SHZ andMount Adams.This strongcurrentcontinueswell northof Mount Rainier. were erupted. Brandon and Calderwood [1990] have suggested that the locationof the Olympic subductioncomplexis controlled by the upwarpingof the Juande Fuca plate requiredto accommodate the reversedarc of the subductionzone resultingfrom Basin and Range extension. Thus the presenceof an earlier zone of similar scaleand probablecompositionplacesconstraintson the geometryof the early Cenozoicsubductionzone. The MV data also image significantstructurein the Coast Rangerockswest of the SWCC. Here the crustis resistiveover a very thick section,with two narrow east-westzonesof relatively high conductivity. The clearestof these structuresis the CBC, which lies on the northernedgeof the ChehallisBasin. Currents flowing in near-surface basinsediments cannotexplainthe amplitude or period dependenceof this anomaly. For east-westsource polarizations there is a small north-south trending anomaly aligned with the exposedsedimentsof the Chehallis Basin and Puget Lowlands, but this vanishes for periods beyond 300 seconds.The much stronger,nearlyperiod-independent east-west trending anomaly associatedwith the CBC clearly indicatesa muchdeeperstructure.Near the westernboundaryof the SWCC, the CBC appearsto extend beneathresistivecrust to the north. The crustalblocksto either side of the CBC are highly resistive throughout,from the SWCC to the outcroppingCrescentFormation basalts(the Black and Doty Hills for the northernblock and the Willapa Hills for the southernblock). The northernedge of the Chehallis Basin is marked by numerousthrust faults (gen- erally downthrownto the south [Walsh et al., 1987]). To the north lies a seriesof west-northwest trendinganticlines.We interpret the CBC as a sectionof conductivemarinesedimentaryrocks which have been thrust under the resistive accreted oceanic base- ment rocks to the north. Wells and Coe [1985] presenta model for Eocenetectonicsof southwesternWashingtonin which the oceanic "Crescent"plate was folded and broken into smaller blocks,which were subsequently thrusttogetherduring accretion to the continent. It is quite possiblethat the CBC resultedfrom this processand is thus a fundamentalstructuralboundaryin the CoastRangerocks. The secondzoneof enhancedconductivityin the CoastRange block branchesoff of the top of SWCC, trendswest acrossthe northernportion of the Puget Lowlands,and is then deflectedto the southby the crescentbasaltson the easternedgeof the Olympic Peninsula(Plate 1, Figure 9). This structureis similar to the CBC in that it represents a deepconductivezone which separates resistivecrustalblocksmarked by exposedsectionsof the Crescent basalts(in this case the easternOlympic Peninsulaand the Black Hills). There is alsosomesuggestionin Figure 9 (which is supportedby the much larger scaleEMSLAB array; seeGoughet al [1989]) of an additionaleast-westconductivechanneljust off the bottomof the array coveragesouthof the Willapa Hills. It is temptingto suggestthat thesefeaturesare analogousto the CBC, and represent zones of sedimentswhich were thrust beneath discreteblocksof resistiveoceaniccrustduring accretion. How- EGBERTANDBOOKER: CRUSTALSTRUCTURE IN $W WASHINGTON ever, the geometryof theseconductivezonesis poorlyconstrained by existingarray coverage. The large clockwise rotation of the accreted terranes of southwesternWashingtonsince the Eocene have been attributed to tectonic processesoperating at two distinct scales [Wells, 1990]. Dextral shearrotationof the continentalmargindriven by obliquesubduction of the Juande Fucaplate [Beck, 1980;Wellset al., 1984] is accomplishedthrough relative motions of a large numberof elongatedbut thin (5-20 km) slicesof crust. From the pattern of surface faulting and the geographicdistributionof paleomagneticrotations,Wells and Coe [1985] and Wells [1990] argue that this representsthe dominant mode of postaccretion deformationin southwestern Washington.Late Cenozoicrotation at a largerscalehasbeenattributedto motionof a rigid microplate in front of Basin and Range extension[Simpsonand Cox, 1977; Magill et al., 1981, 1982]. This mechanismprobablydominates in the coastrangeof Oregonandlikely alsoplaysa role in crustal deformation and rotation in southwesternWashington, which occupiesa transitionzonebetweencompressional and extensional tectonicregimesto thenorthandsouth,respectively[Guffantiand Weaver, 1988; Wells, 1990]. The crustalstructuresimagedby the MV datarepresentan intermediatescale. Thesestructuresappear to exert considerable controlover the tectonicsof this region.As discussedabove,patternsof currentseismicityand recentvolcanism are stronglycorrelatedwith the MV conductancemodel. In addition,the grain of fault patternsappearsto be correlatedwith the structuresimaged by the MV data. Wells and Coe [1985] show left-lateral faults associatedwith shearingand rotationto trendwest-northwest in the Willapa Hills blockbut east-northeast in the Black Hills block to the north. Theseobservationssuggest that the deep conductive structuresimaged by the MV data representsoft zoneswhich to somedegreemechanicallyalecouple the more rigid interveningresistiveblocks. Thus, althoughlargescalegradientsin the patternof seismicity,volcanism,and crustal deformation and rotation in the Pacific Northwest are controlled by regionaltectonics,the detaileddistributionof thesefeatureson intermediatescalesis alsosignificantlyaffectedby existingstructuresin the complexaccretedcrust. 15,983 APPENDIX:EQUIVALENTSHEETCURRENTS AND THIN SHEET CONDUCTANCE Here we discuss a refinement of the equivalent current transform and summarize our inversion of smooth anomalous field data for crustalconductance.We considerthe simplethin sheet model of Price [ 1949], which consistsof a thin conductivesurface sheet of variable conductance S(x, y)= So + 8S(x, y) over a layeredone-dimensional Earthwhichis separatedfrom the surfacesheetby a layer of infinite resistance. Becauseof the resistivelayer the currentin the surfacelayer I(x,y) = Io + •SI(x,y)satisfies V.I =0 andthusmay be expressed in terms of a stream function l.•(x)•tlt(X) igy ly(x) =-•hlt(x) (A1) igx ' In the wavenumber domain,•~can be rel_ated to the anomalous magneticfield'components H.•, and Hz [Berdichevsky and Zhdanov, 1984] •2 k• +cogO•z(k•, ky)(So -1/Z n(A2) i[*12•'•(k•'ky) wherethetildedenotes thespatial Fouriertransform, k.•andkyare the horizontal wavenumbers, rl2=k.2• +ky 2, and Zn is the wavenumber-dependent impedance for the normal onedimensionalconductivitysection.Thus for this simplethin-sheet modelthe impedanceof the underlyingone-dimensional Earth can be usedto exactlytransformthe anomalous magneticfieldsinto the anomalouscurrentflowing in the surfacelayer. Note that in the limit co->O, the transformationreducesto rotating the anomalous fieldvectors 90ø counterclockwise. Equations (A1) and (A2) representa refinementof the simpletransformationof section3 to take accountof the field producedon the surfaceby imagecurrentsinducedin the underlyingone-dimensional section by the anomalous currentsin the sheet. Note that it is implicit in A clearer image of thevertical profile of conductivity through (A2) the crustin this regionwould be highly desirable.Althoughfull three-dimensional inversionof the MV arraydatawould be a useful step in this direction,the intrinsicVerticalresolutionof MV data is low. Significantimprovementsin verticalresolutionwill that constant(zero wavenumber) sheet currents cannot be uniquely determinedfrom the anomalousfields (for which the zerowavenumbercomponentis alsoambiguous). In fact, knowingtheanomalous surfacecurrentfor two orthogonal sourcepolarizationsis nearly enoughto determinethe conrequireMT data. However,success withMT requires detailed ductanceof the surface layer for this simple model. Let mappingwith closelyspacedelectricfield measurements, which R(x, y)=Ro+bR(x,y)=l/S(x, y) be the surface resistance. in practice requii'es datato be collected on a limitednumber of Then, sinceE(x, y) = R (x, y)I(x, y), we havefrom Faraday'slaw two-dimensional transects.On the other hand, MV data can be collectedat relatively low costusingsmall (5-10 station)sequential overlappingarraysandthenmergedinto syntheticarrays. MV array datathusrepresentan economicalway to map major crustal conductivityvariations(with poorverticalresolution)over a large area. Even with a wide stationspacing,MV datacanbe usefulfor reconnaissance beforemore detailedMV or MT experimentsare conducted.The MV and MT methodsare thus complementary and should probably be used together in areas where threedimensionalcomplicationsare li•ely. By itself, MV array data can providesubstantial insightinto crustalstructure.If usedin conjunctionwith MT and otherdata,the potentialof this geophysical tool is even greater. Indeed,joint inversionof MT profiles andMV arraydataprobablyoffersthebestpracticalhopefor constructingthree-dimensional imagesof crustalconductivityvariations. •-•-(R(x, y)ly(x, y)x•y(R(x, y)l.•(x, y))= •x icogttz(x,y). (A3) Equation(A3) mustbe satisfiedfor currentsinducedby sourcesof both orthogonalpolarizationsfor all frequenciesfor which the thin sheetapproximationis valid. An analysisof the uniqueness of the resistancesatisfying(A3) shows that if co• 0 and I is known for two orthogonalsourcepolarizations(more precisely, for two currentdistributionswhich are parallelonly on a set of measurezero), then R is uniquely determined. For co= 0, the resistanceis determinedonly up to a scalar multiple. Unfortunately,the thin sheetapproximationis mostreasonableas co->O, so that in practice,the absolutescaleof the crustalresistancecannot be determinedfrom anomalousfield dataalone. 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