JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 94, NO. B10, PAGES 14,111-14,125, OCTOBER 10, 1989 MagnetotelluricObservationsAcrossthe Juande Fuca SubductionSystem in the EMSLAB Project PHILIPE. WANNAMAKER, 1 JOHNR. BOOKER, JEANH. FILLOUX,ALAN(3. JONES, GEORGE R. JIRACEK, ALAN D. CtIAVE, PASCALTARITS,HARVES. WAFF, GARYD. EGBERT,CHARLES t. YOUNG, JoHNA. STODT,MARIOMARTINEZG.,LAWRIEK. LAW, TAKESI YUKUTAKE, JIRO S. SEGAWA,ANTHONY WI-R'IE, AND A. W. GREEN,JR. A magnetotelluric(MT)transect has been obtainednear latitude 45øN from the active Juan de Fuca spreadingcenter,acrossthe subduction•x•neand Cascadesvolcanic arc, and into the back arc Deschutes Basin region. This paperpresentsthe MT data set and describesits major characteristics as they pertain to the resistivity of the subduction system. In addition, we discussthe measurementand processing proceduresemployedas well as importantconcernsin datainterpretation. Broadbandaudiomagnetotelluric (AMT)/MT soundings(approx. 0.01-500 s period) were collectedon land with considerableredundancyin site location, and from which 39 siteswere selectedwhich conattainupper crustalheterogeneitybut sense also into the uppermantle. Fifteen long-periodMT recordings(about 50-10,000 s) on land confirm the broadbandresponsesin their commonperiod range and extendthe depthsof explorationto hundredsof kilometers. On the Juan de Fuca plate offshore,33 out of 39 sea floor instrumentsat 19 locationsgave good results. Of these locations, five magnetotelluric soundingsplus two additional geomagnetic variation sites,covering theperiodrange200-105s approximately, constitute theoceanbottomsegment of our profile. The featare of the land observationswhich probablyrelatesmost closelyto the subduction processis a peak in the impedancephaseof the transversemagneticmode around30-50 s period. This phase anomaly, with a correspondinginflection in the apparentresistivity, is continuouseastwardfrom the seacoastand ends abruptly at the High Cascades. It signifies an electrically conductive layer in otherwiseresistivelower crust or upper mantle, with the layer conductancedecreasingeastwardfrom the coastto a minimum under the Coast Range but increasingsuddenlyto the east of the central Willamette Basin. The higher conductanceto the east is corroboratedby the vertical magneticfield transferfunction whosereal componentshowsnegativevaluesin the period range 100-1000 s over the samedistance. The transverseelectric mode apparentresistivity and phaseon the land display a variety of three-dimensional effects which make their interpretationdifficult. Conversely,both modes of the ocean floor soundings exhibit a smoothprogressionlaterally from the coastal area to the spreadingridge, indicating that the measurementshere are reflecting primarily the large-scaletectonic structuresof interest and are little disturbed by small near-surface inhomogeneities. The impedance data near the ridge are strongly suggestive of a low-resistivity asthenospherebeneath resistive Juan de Fuca plate lithosphere. Approaching the coastline to the east, both impedance and vertical magnetic field responsesappear increasingly affected by a thick wedge of depositedand accretedsedimentsand by the thinning of the seawater. INTRODU•ON Juande Fuca spreadingridge throughthe subductioncomplex, the Willamette Basin, the Cascades volcanic arc, and into the Our goal in acquiringmagnetotelluricmeasurements is to increase understandingof the physicochemicalstate of the Earth's interior through its influence on the electrical resistivity. Generationand subductionof the lithosphereare amongthe most fundamentalprocessesshapingthe earth and, for investigationby inductionresearchersin North America, the Juan de Fuca system is fortuitously close at hand. Consequently, we have collected a profile of tensor magnetotelluric(MT) soundingstrendingapproximatelyeast- back arc Deschutes Basin region. Consideration of the electric field with the magnetic in the MT method (i.e., measuringthe plave wave impedanceof the Earth) increases our resolution of buried structure, especially layerlike geometries,over using the magnetic field alone. This also makes interpretation more difficult, however, because the electric field can be strongly influenced by shallow crustal structureswhich are not our primary targetsof investigation. The landwardsegmentof the profile (Figure 2) consistsof west 39 and located near the center of the EMSLAB magnetovariationarray (Figure 1) [EMSLAB Group, 1988; Gough et al., this issue]. Because the profile crossesthe northernOregon coast near the town of Lincoln City, it is referred to as the Lincoln Line. The measurements are intendedto yield a detailedresistivity crosssectionfrom the 1Theaffffiations of theauthors maybefoundonthelastpageof this paper. Copyright 1989 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion selected broadband AMT/MT observations (approximately 0.01-500 s period) augmentedby 15 longperiod MT recordings(about50-10,000 s). A purposeof the broadbandsoundingsis to accountfor the effects of upper crustal lateral heterogeneity,but such soundingsalso sense throughthe crust and well into the upper mantle. The longperiod MT data confirm, but are generally of higher quality than, the broadbandresponsesin their commonperiod range and extend the depths of exploration to hundreds of kilometers. On the sea floor portion of the profile (Figure 1) [EMSLAB Group, 1988], we have five MT soundingsplus two additional magnetovariationsites which collected data Paper number 89JB00680. over the periodrange200 s to approximately 105s. The 0148-0227/89/89JB-00680505.00 coarsersite spacingrelative to the land in part is dictatedby 14,111 14,112 WANNAMAKER ET AL.:MAGNETOT•LURIC OBSERVATIONS ACROSS JUANDE FUCASYSTEM 50o 132 ø 124 ø 120 ø 1160 50 ø PACIFIC 48o - 46 ø 128 ø // JUAN DE PLATE MT.A aT,;,p Z •o•// .M,P .MT, P • -- . ß .... • 446 ø FUCA 'M . •// P eM,P M,VMT // eMT, 44 ø %oPLATE M• •& O M Magnetometer V Ve.icaITeIIuric .•// U O ( • 44ø MTMagnetotelluric 42 ø PVolcano Pressure Sensor A GODA 40 ø BASI N I _._•42 ø Mendocino Fracture Zone ;32ø 128 ø 124 ø 0 I 120 ø 4oø 1160 Fig. 1. Instrument locations of entireEMSLABarray.Onland,theunlabeled dotsindicate locations of three-component magnetovariometers. The E-W trendingconcentration of dotsin northwestern Oregondenotesthe long-period MT recorders alongthelandportionof theLincoln Line. Seafloor arraysitesarelabeled according toinstrument typeandsites 0 through8 aregivenfor theseafloorextension of theLincolnLine.No datawasrecovered fromseaf•oorsites0 and6. the muchgreaterexpenseof instrument deployment by ship but moreimportantly reflectsthe muchgreateruniformityof SourceFieldsandTensorRelationships the near-surfacegeologicstructureon the seafloor. Resultsat The MT methodmakes use of naturally-occurring electromagnetic (EM) fields as sourcesfor exploring periodsshorterthan about200 s inevitablyare lackingin resistivitystructure[Vozoff,1986]. Usually,the oceanbottom MT becausethe magneticsignalsespecially subsurface remoteoriginof thenaturalfieldstogetherwith theveryhigh are attenuatedby the overlying conductiveseawater. The index of refraction of the Earth relative to the air allows us to primary purposes of this paper are to present the measurementstaken by the numerousresearchersinvolved as a unified, coherent data set and to describe major characteristics of thedataas theypertainto theresistivityof treat theincident vector electric (E)andmagnetic (/•) fields as planar and propagatingvertically downward into the ground[butseeEgbertandBooker,thisissue].Owingto the the Juande Fuca subductionsystem. In addition,we discuss dominanceof conduction over dielectricdisplacement for the themeasurement andprocessing procedures employedaswell rangeof resistivitiesandperiodsof interest,the propagation as importantconcerns in datainterpretation.Severalpapers of EM fieldsin the earthis diffusive. The amplitudes of the on interpretation follow this one which make use of all or electricand corresponding orthogonalmagneticvectorsof a part of the Lincoln Line data set. planewaveenteringa uniformconducting half-space decrease A brief reviewof MT theoryis givenhereprimarilyto over adistance called theskin depth, 6'"503 •] pT define terms and conventions. The conceptsintroduced by1/e in meters, where p is the resistivity (inverse of conductivity provide a foundation for the detailed discussion of our observations which follows. We then describe the cr)in ohmmetersand T is theperiodin seconds.We seehere measurementand processingtechniquesemployedby the that the downgoingincidentfields can reach the deeper researchers who gathereddataalongour profile. This should structures andbe scattered backwith significantamplitudefor indicatethe difficulty of the measurements we make and the measurement, only at the longerperiods. This ability of MT rigorof themethods requiredto achievegoodresults. to discriminatein depth holds fundamentallyeven for WANNAMAKER ET AL.: MAGNETOT•L•C OBSERVATIONS ACROSS JUASDE FUCASYSTEM 123 ø 124 ø 14,113 122 ø 121 ø / \ ! I ,• / D • AH / / / / • /• s • / A '%.. ....... / ]I Deschutes• I m • • / Um .................. atillaI Plateau i • ] '•+ i Basin •,• ++• ',,• 1{ , I I Lava )1 I • Plains o + Broadband MT ß Long Period MT Fig. 2. Broadbandand long-periodmagnetotelluricsoundingsalongthe landwardportionof the Lincoln Line and also along the mini-EMSLAB test traversefarther south[Younget al., 1988]. Urban areasincludePortland(P), Salem (S), Eugene(E), Newport (N), Lincoln City (L), Bend (B), Madras (M), and The Dalles (D). Cascadesvolcanoesare labeledas triangles:Mount Hood (H), Mount Jefferson(Y),andSouthSister(S). complex natural settings, although often the effects of shallowstructures may persistin the data from shortthrough long periods(seediscussion of observedMT responses). The secondaryor anomalous EM fields induced around a three-dimensionalstructure in general may be polarized arbitrarily with respectto the incidentfields. Therefore, the mathematicallyto extremizethe tensorelementsand thereby obtain estimatesof geoelectricstrike [Word et al., 1971]. In natural three-dimensionalsettings,however, the principal direction or strike resulting from the impedancemay vary independentlyfrom that due to H z, with both period and relation between the total (E)and (H) at the surface for a plane wave sourcemust be expressedby a complex-valued tensor impedance,i.e., Ratherthan work directly with the impedanceelementsas they appearin (1), we insteadconstructsimplefunctionsfrom each. One useful functionis apparentresistivity,generically denotedby Pa, and definedfrom the elementmagnitudesin location. (1). Specifically, from Zxy, forinstance, it is "- Zyy.. a (1) i which can vary with period, from soundingto sounding,and with orientation of the x-y coordinates. Similarly, the relationship (2) can be definedfor the verticalmagneticfield. A right-handed coordinate system with z positive down is assumed. With field data, one often rotates the original x-y coordinates tO/to 2 I z,,.,,I (3) in unitsof ohmmeters,whereto= 2•r/T is radianfrequency and /t o is the magnetic permeability of free space. This operationwhen applied to the impedanceon a uniform halfspace returns the intrinsic resistivity p. For more complicatedgeometries, Pa versusT usually resemblesa smoothed version of the true resistivity over increasing distancesbelow the measurement site. It is commonpractice to substitutemeasuredapparentresistivity values into the 14,114 W••• ETAt..:1VI•a•,•E'r••c O•SEaV^T•ONS ACROSS JUaNDEFuc• SYSTEM previous formula for skin depth to obtain crude estimatesof depth to structure. Complementaryto the apparentresistivity electronicsensorand amplifier noise, chemical instability in is thephaseof theimpedance, e.g., ½xy.Overa uniformhalfspaceof anyresistivity,½xyis 45ø. Parenthetically, ½yxin al., 1983]. Cultural noise and thermaldrift presumablyare not seriouson the oceanbottom but attenuationespeciallyof the magnetic field signals by the overlying seawater prevents collectionof MT data at periodsshorterthan a few minutes [Filloux, 1987]. Sources of noise notwithstanding, the MT fields we measurealso departsometimesfrom the assumption of a plane wave geometry [Egbert and Booker, this issue]. Such departuresoccur toward long periods due to solarmagnetic storms in the magnetosphereand ionospherebut also at periods even less than 1 s during times of nearby thunderstorm activity. These characteristics of the measurementproblemnecessitateultra low-noisesensorsand signal conditioning plus sophisticated time series processing. Relevant features of the individual recording this case is -135ø due to the right-handed coordinatesystem, but we generally rotate this phase to the first quadrantfor display and interpretation.Over any one-dimensionalearth, a Hilbert transform relationship between the apparent resistivityand the impedancephasecan be proven [Boehl et al., 1977]. This proportionality between the impedance phaseand the slope of the apparentresistivityversus T is observed almost invariably over heterogeneousearths as well. A similar Hilbert transform relation between the real and imaginarycomponents of M•x and M•y is usually observedin keeping with the approximatelycausalnature of the linear system(2). The structureof the tensorrelations (1) and (2) simplifies for special cases of resistivity structure. Over a two- dimensional earth,elementsZxx,ZyyandMzx vanish if thex andy axes are alignedwith and acrossstrike respectively(the principal directions). This constitutesa decouplingof the total fields into two independent modes: the transverse electric(TE, or E-polarization with Ex, Hy, Hz) andthe transverse magnetic (TM, or B-polarization withHx, Ey,Ez). In other words, the TE mode comprises electric fields (currents)parallel to strike while the TM mode comprises electric fields (currents) perpendicularto strike. Since we could carry out only a single well-sampledprofile of MT soundingsin EMSLAB, we mustderivemeaningfulresistivity models using primarily a two-dimensional analysis [see the E field electrodes, vibration, and thermal drift [Clarke et instruments used in EMSLAB are summarized in Table 1 and explainedin more detail below. The electric fields invariably are obtained as voltage differences over orthogonal grounded bipoles, which terminate in quiet and stable chemical electrodesconsisting of a base metal and its salt [Petiau and Dupis, 1980]. The combinationusedmost often for the land data was Pb-PbC12 but goodresultswere obtainedalsowith Cu-CuSO4. To boost the E field signalof the land measurements, bipole lengthson the order of 100 m were laid out. A variety of types of sensor are availablefor measuringthe magneticfield. The broadband AMT/MT instrumentsin our study mainly utilized large, ferrite-cored induction coils for the three componentsof (B) although one systemused a cryogenic SQUID. The longWannamaker et al., this issue; Jiracek et al., this issue]. To periodrecordersemployedflux gate devices. Two additional facilitate two-dimensional modeling, the Lincoln Line was channelsof horizontalmagneticfield were recordedor taken designedto crosstectonicunits, includingboth upper crustal from a neighboringsite for use as independentreferencesfor noise cancellation in the broadband systems (see below). structure and the subduction system, whose preferred Output from the electric and magneticfield sensorswas fed orientationappearedpredominantlyN-S. Equations(1) and (2) reducemuch furtherwhen considering immediately through high-gain analog amplification and band limiting, usually with custom-built electronics. The just one-dimensionalgeometries. Now, the polarization of theincidentEM fieldsis immaterial sothat Zxy=-Zyx = Z1D, broadbandsystemsdivided their signalspectruminto at least three overlapping period bands. This was necessary to which is the scalar impedanceof the one-dimensionalearth, while Zxx,Zyy and H z all equal zero. One-dimensionaleconomize conductivity models of individual MT soundingsare very popular because the algorithms fit easily on desktop computers,but these models frequently are suspectdue to commondeparturesfrom one-dimensionalityin nature. They can be valuable in constructinginitial guessesfor subsequent two-dimensional modeling [Waft et al., 1988, Livelybrooks et al., this issue;Youngand Kitchen, this issue]. Measurementand ProcessingTechniques A minimum of five channelsof electromagnetictime series (Ex, Ey,Hx,Hy,Hz) needto be collected at a surveysitein order to estimate the MT transfer functions (1) and (2). Of foremost importance,the natural fields we measure are very low in strength;full-scale temporalvariationsof only about a nanoteslafor B =ktoll and a microvolt per meter for E are typical. The signalspectrummoreoveris far from white with strengths in the so-called mid or dead band (0.2-20 s approximately) often 10-100 times weaker than at periods above or below. Sources of electromagnetic noise on land which can rival or overwhelm the signal and so degradeour estimates include man-made or cultural interference, on the volume of time series to be collected and also allowed extra amplificationof the weak midbandsignal. After antialiasfiltering, the signalswere digitized and results stored, sometimespartially processed,on floppy diskettes for the broadbandsystemsor on cassettetape for the longperiod recorders. In addition to high sensitivity and complicatedin-field processingcapability, it was essential that all MT systemswere sturdily constructedto withstand adverseweather, dust, and mechanicalshock during transport and deployment.Also, the long-periodMT systemshad to be securelyconcealedto preventtheft or vandalismduringtheir approximately2-month durationof recording. A very thoroughdiscussionof the difficult measurement of sea floor electromagneticfields is given by Filloux [1987]. Electric fields again are obtainedas voltage differencesover finite bipoles, but for deployment from ships, it is compelling logistically to use rigid bipoles of short length (6.4 m typically and in EMSLAB). The length must be sufficienthoweverto escapeperturbationsof the electricfield in the vicinity of the instrument case. These arise from possible electronic leakage currents and electrochemical reaction between the case and the seawater, and because the case itself constitutes a resistive inhomogeneity in the WA•AMAI•ERET At..:MAOt•'rOTELLURIC OI•SERVATIOSS ACROSS JUA•DE FUCASYSTEM 14,115 TABLE1. Summary of Attributes of Magnetotelluric Recording Systems Usedin theEMSLABProject Broadband Land Michigan Techical University University Manufacture Periodrange (nominal),s Magnetometer Electrodearray PhoenixLtd. 0.003-1800 coils (Phoenix Ltd.) cross (30mbipoles) LongPeriodLand SDSU/CICESE University of Oregon GSC/Ottawa of Utah In-house 0.025-600 In-house In-house 0.025-1000 0.008-4000 squid coils coils (SHECorp.) (Geotronics Ltd.) (Geotronics Ltd.) Seafloor University of In-house In-house 40-30,000 32-175,000 128-DC fluxgates (EDALtd.) fluxgates (EDALtd.) suspended magnets (in-house) L cross cross cross cross (100m) (loom) (loom) (3OO m) cross (6.4 m) Electrodetype Pb-PbC12 Pb-PbC12 Cu-CuSO4 Pb-PbC12 Pb-PbC12 Pb-PbCl 2 Reference local (wirelink) local (wire link) local (wirelink) singlesite singlesite Processing cascade FFT FFT cascade decimation decimation, Institution In-house (150m) remote (radiolink) Scripps Washington Ag-AgCI neighboring site cascade decimation, cascade FFT, decimation, robust coherence sortingrobust processing robust processing processing In-fieldcomputer HP 9845B DEC PDP 11/23 DEC PDP 11/23 DEC PDP 11/23 Datel Ltd. cassette logger SeadataLtd. cassette logger PhillipsLtd. cassettelogger Reference to a company orproductnamedoesnotimplyapproval or recommendation of theproductby members of EMSLABor by theagencies whofundedtheprojectto theexclusion of otherproducts thatmaybe suitable. electrically conductive ocean host. An additional design criterion for the ocean floor electric field recording was the ability to measure the long-term field for oceanographic purposes [Chave et al., this issue]. To extract the minute signal from potentiallylarge electrodeoffset voltages,which themselvesmay drift in time, the electrochemicaloffsetswere estimatedindependentlyby an alternatingshort-circuitingof the voltage electrodesthrougha salt-bridgeswitch or chopper [Filloux, 1987]. The H field sensorsof four of the sea floor magnetometerson the Lincoln Line were suspended-magnet devices. These have a sensitivity of about 0.2 nT (for B), adequatefor long-periodfield variations,plus the advantage of extremely low power consumption. The other ocean bottom magnetovariation recorders on the Lincoln Line utilized flux gate sensors. Finally, one cannotoverstatethe extreme care required in fabricating sea floor MT instrumentation to withstand the high-pressure, corrosive, and conductive environment of the ocean bottom [Filloux, 1987]. That only one instrumentpackagefailed to return at all and that 33 out of 39 instrumentsin EMSLAB gave good data is a tribute to the growingreliability of long-termEM experimentson the oceanbottom. Spectral analysis methods used in EMSLAB have been reviewedby Joneset al. [this issue]and comparedusinglongperiod MT time seriesgatheredfor the project.One approach of long standingis simply to apply a fast Fourier transform (FFT) to each channelof EM time series,form cross-power and autopowerspectralaveragesover a finite bandwidth, and computeimpedanceand vertical field transfer elementsfrom the appropriate spectral combinations [Sims et al., 1971]. More recently, analysisusing cascadedecimation [Wight and Bostick, 1980] has become popular because it allows virtually real-time spectral estimation. Bias errors in the transfer function estimates of the broadband MT data were reduced or eliminated using the aforementioned reference fields, with error boundscalculatedaccordingly[Gamble et al., 1979a,b]. Most of the broadbandsystemsutilized local reference fields, measuredonly about 200 m from the base sensors, which worked well in most instances but which sometimeswere inadequatein the WillametteBasin areawhere cultural noise could be correlated over several kilometers distance. Both FFT and cascadedecimationapproacheshave been modified to sort spectrafrom subsetsof the EM time series according to quality and to reject outliers, thereby treating the nonstationary and sometimes nonuniform behavior of the signal and noise [Stodt, 1983; Egbert and Booker, 1986; Chave et al., 1987; Chave and Thomson, this issue]. To ensure consistency in sensor reliability, calibration,and data processingfor both broadbandand longperiod MT systems,a preliminaryfield test at six sitessouth of the Lincoln Line was cardedout in August1984 [Younget al., 1988] (Figure 2). Close agreementbetween the different broadbandinstrumentsand with the long-period results in their common period range confirmed that the various land MT systemscould yield equivalentdata at a particularsite on different days. The sea floor data in particular were processedwith a new robust, remote reference algorithm with jackknife error estimates that is described by Chave and Thomson [this issue]. The periods of interest for sea floor studiesextend to 105 s, a decademorethanon land. Sincethereare serious questionsaboutthe homogeneityof sourcefields at very long periods and because it is possible that contaminating electromagneticfields of variable wavelength induced by oceanmotionsmay be present,a carefulstudyof the behavior of remote reference estimates as a function of the reference type was conducted. Using sea floor site SF3 as the local station, robust remote reference estimateswere computed using electric and magnetic referencesat nearby (SF4) and distant(SF7 and SE3) sea floor sites and magneticreferences 14,116 from WANNAMAKER ET AL.:MAat•'rOTELLURIC OI•SERVATtONS ACROSS JUANDE FUCASYSTEM land stations at Victoria, British Columbia, and broadband values over their common period range (see discussion of static effects below). Overall, the MT response along our profile on land appears adequately sampledbecausethe soundingsare isotropicat short periods periods(beyond104s) for distantlocations. Thisis probably and tend to group distinctly accordingto the major geologic features crossed, in particular the upper crustal ones. To due to motional electric fields from gravity waves, and electric references were rejected. Distant land magnetic define the electrical structure of the Juan de Fuca plate referencesproducedbiasedresponsefunctions at long periods offshore, there are five MT soundingsplus two additional (greaterthan 104 s), suggesting sourcefield heterogeneity geomagneticvariation sites. Sampling demandsfortunately over the 200-1000 km distance separatingthe measurements. appear much lower on the sea floor due to the greater Identical bias effects were seen with distant sea floor sites. uniformity of geologicconditionsat shallow depth. Values By contrast,remote referenceestimatesusing a nearby sea from smoothedindividual responsecurveshave been used to define pseudosections for the sea floor data also. floor magnetometer were essentially identical to conventionalsingle-siteresults at periodsover about 1000 s yet dramaticallychangedthe estimatesat shortperiodswhere TransverseMagneticImpedanceFunctions American Bottom, Oregon. The results show that sea floor electricreferencesproduceerraticresponsefunctionsat short periods(below 1000 s) for nearbyreferencesitesand at long magnetometernoise is expected to increase as the external magneticfield becomesmarkedly attenuatedby the overlying seawater. In most instances, changes of over an order of magnitude in apparentresistivity were observed,and usable responsesto periodsof about200 s couldbe found. Basedon these tests, all of the sea floor data were processedusing a nearby sea floor magnetic site located at the same geomagneticlatitude for a reference. OBSERVED MAGNETOTELLURIC RESPONSES Theobserved transverse magnetic quantities Pyxandcpyx will be presentedat the outsetfor two reasons. First, as we will describe, the assumption of a two-dimensional resistivity variation beneath the profile is more immune to common three-dimensional effects for the TM mode data than for the TE. Second,the TM mode appearsto exhibit more clearly the effects of resistivity structurerelated to the Juande Fucasubductionsystem. The TM mode can be complicatedto understanddue to potentially widefluctuations of theelectricfield Ey over We now presentthe magnetotelluricmeasurements gathered along the Lincoln Line. The majority of the data is summarized in the form of pseudosections,where east-west location is the abscissaand log period is the ordinate for contour plots of apparent resistivity, impedance phase and sometimes short distances. These fluctuations arise from profile of concentrated MT observations,and the geologic structures beneath trend approximately N-S, a twodimensionalframe-work will be emphasizedhere over a full three-dimensionalanalysis. The measurementsthereforewill be described in terms of their analogous two-dimensional modes of polarization, with the applicability of a twodimensionalassumptiondiscussedfor each mode. Consistent with this, we define the x and y axes to coincide with geographic north and east for all stations and all periods. Following each set of pseudosections,examples of the raw data at several individual MT sites are given to convey the statisticalquality of our observationsand to substantiatekey characteristics of the response as they pertain to earth electric charge distributionsoriginating wherever the field crosses resistivity boundaries [Price, 1973; Jones, 1983; Wannamaker et al., 1984]. The charge in turn reflects the requirement that electric current across boundaries be continuous.Toward longerperiods,the influenceof boundary charges around two-dimensional or three-dimensional structures can remain strong but becomes independent of period as the governingHelrnholtzequationreduceslocally to Poisson'sequation.The result is a near-fieldor static,roughly multiplicative distortionof the impedancewhich would exist if the structure were not present. Therefore, while deep resistivity variationsaffect MT observationsonly at longer periodsthroughthe skin-depthconceptexplainedpreviously, near-surfacechangesboth may figure in the observationsat short periods and superimpose their effects upon the impedanceto arbitrarily long periods. This situationhas lead to repeatedcalls for the ability to samplethe MT response, especially the electric field component,more finely when structure. needed therealandimaginary partsof Mzy.Because wehavebutone The descriptionof the measurementson land is separated somewhat from that of the sea floor observations as the period range and stationdensityof the two data setsare quite different. Values defining the pseudosections of the land data were derived from hand-smoothing(by P. E. W.) of the field soundingcurvesat the 39 broadbandand 15 long-periodsites. The broadbandsoundingsusedwere selectedfrom a total of 73 site occupationsfrom three separatefield excursionsby the four institutionsaccordingto data quality and freedom from local three-dimensionaleffects. For pseudosectiondisplay, we wish to preserve, through the long-period range, the lateral variation in the apparentresistivity as sampledby the more numerous broadband soundings.The smoothed longperiod data hence were interpolatedlinearly to give values at the 39 broadband locations and the resulting long-period apparent resistivities were static-shifted to merge with the or even to make continuous E field measurements along one's profile [e.g., Bostick, 1986]. Fortunately,it is only the impedancemagnitude,and hence the apparent resistivity, which is distorted in this manner. As the distortion becomesperiod-independent,impedance phase anomalies diminish to zero. Small-scale, shallow inhomogeneityconsequentlyaffects the phase data only at relatively shortperiodswhile larger, deeperbodiesaffect the phaseat longerperiods.This very much easesthe recognition of deep target structuresbeneath extraneoussurficial clutter. Nevertheless,the apparentresistivity must be incorporated into the modeling processin order to resolve absolutevalues of crucial parameterslike depth and resistivity.To our great advantage, Pyxand ½yxarenotverysensitive to variations of the resistivity structure off-line from a profile (threedimensional effects); it is the boundary charge near to the measurementsite which most strongly affects the electric WANNAMAKER ET AL.: MAGNETOTELLURIC OBSERVATIONS ACROSS JUANDE FUC^SYSTEM OBSERVED field and hence the impedance[Wannamaker et al., 1984]. Given the prevailing N-S structural trends beneath the Lincoln Line, we believe that an accurate cross section can 14,117 w CR WV WC HC DB -2 result from two-dimensional modeling of the TM mode response [see Jiracek et al., this issue; Wannamaker et al., this issue]. Figure3 andPlate1 displaythepseudosections of Pyx and •Pyxobserved alongthe landportionof the LincolnLine. (Plate 1 can be found in the separate color section in this issue.) Characteristic of the apparent resistivity pseudosection is a strongvertical orientationof the contours, indicating that several major structural areas have been crossedover the line's 200 km length. The persistenceof this orientation to the longest periods is a clear manifestationof boundarychargeeffects as describedabove. øl//II I -•+2 • +• • i1[ i i ] i i i i i i i L [ i i i Ifil Ill I I I I I I I I • • i i i I I i [ i 11i I I -Pyx I I I I [ I I I II I [ ii -1 _ i j ] I I I [ 0 bo Porous, water-saturated sediments of the Willamette Basin (•yx constitute the most important upper crustal inhomogeneity affectingthe dataon land. They resultin valuesof Pyx typically below 10 ohm m throughoutnearly the entire period range extending over about the central third of the profile. Moderately higher values ~30 ohm m at short periods)near the middle of the basin correspondto overlying Columbia River basalt flows of Late Tertiary age. Flanking the expression of the Willamette Basin are high apparent resistivities, of the order of 100-1000 ohm m, over the Siletz River marine basaltsof the Coast Range to the west and the volcanic and intrusive rocks of the Western Cascades to the east. More near-surface material of low resistivity is evident between the Westem and High Cascadesin Figure 3 and may represent sediments and volcanics accumulated in the Cascadesgraben. Beneath the easternmostfour stationsof our profile in the Deschutes Basin, outcropping basaltic +3 • +4 30 ; ;77 ;,,•77; 7;; ;7 ;', 7 7 ; ;7;; ; ; ;;7•,,,, i 0 Fig.3. i 50 • , , , i 100 km Pseudosections of transverse magnetic apparent resistivity Pyxand impedance phase •pyx observed along thelandward portion of the LincolnLine. Importantphysiographic and structuralregions crossedinclude the Coast Range (CR), Willamette Basin (WB), Westem Cascades(WC), High Cascade(HC), and DeschutesBasin (DB). Zero tick on scalebar corresponds to coastline. Numerical valuesfor contouring arefromfield dataof 39 broadband and 15 longperiodMT sitessmoothedand mergedby P. Wannamaker. Color versionsof these pseudosections appearin Plate 1 in the separate color section of this issue. rocksgiveriseto valuesof Pyx around100ohmm at the shortestperiods. They fall rapidly to about 20 ohm m as period increasesto 1 s, however, with correspondinghigh aboveandbelow.The subtleinflectionin Pyx belowthe values of rpy x. Based justonskindepthcomputed usingPyx, Coast Range which correspondsto the small phase peak these data indicate a low-resistivity layer only several hundred meters down. Examining more closely the Coast Rangedata,oneseesPyx fallingfromtheshortest periods to a subtle minimum around 1 s, along with phases usually exceeding 45ø over the sameperiod range. Based again on describedis not discernedeasily in the apparentresistivity pseudosection. When Pyx is plottedin soundingform, however, the inflection is clearly above the noise (Figure 4). East of the central Willamette Valley, an actual minimum in Pyx at around100 s can be seenboth in the apparent skin deptharguments using Pyx, thesedataindicatethe resistivity pseudosection and the sounding curves (e.g., existenceof an electrically conductiveunit or layer over a depth range roughly of 1-2 km beneath the Siletz River volcanics. Structure off-line from the profile cannot be responsiblesince a minimum at around 1 s is seen in both Figure5). Theanomaly in Pyx and Oyx strongly suggests 1-10 eastward increase in conductance, is visible in the mini- the presence of a conductive layer whose conductivitythicknessproduct(conductance)increasesmarkedlyfrom west to east. Given the range of periods and apparentresistivities Pyx andPxy..Beneath all theconductive structures described characterizingthe anomaly,skin depth calculationssuggesta depth of a few tens of kilometersfor the layer. Note also that aboveliesa resistive basement andmiddlecrustcausingPyx the layer appearsto end or change abruptly near the High toriseandepyxtofallto30øorlessovertheperiod rangeof Cascades. Similar evidence for the layer, including its s. The feature of the observationswhich has intrigued us the EMSLAB results to the south [Young et al., 1988]. The mostis theridgein cpyxjustbelow100s periodextending amplitudeof our anomalyis considerablyweaker, especially across most of the Lincoln Line profile (Figure 3). The in the Coast Range, and occursat somewhatlonger periods, amplitudeof theridgeis nearly15ø at thecoastbut decreases than that observed by Kurtz et al. [1986] on Vancouver to only several degrees below the Coast Range and westernmostWillamette Valley (see Figure 4). However, the phaseanomalyincreasesabruptlyto the east startingbeneath the central Willamette Valley and reaches values under the WesternCascadesthat exceedby 25ø thoseat periodsa decade Island. This probably resultsfrom much higher resistivities above and below the conductive layer beneath Vancouver Island, relative to thosebeneaththe Coast Range, as implied by the generallyhigh values of apparentresistivity of Kurtz et al. At presentwe considerthe phaseanomalyof Figure 3 to 14,118 WANNAMAKER ETAL.:1VL•GNE'FOTELL•C OBSERVA•ONS ACROSS JUAN DEFUCA SYSTEM layer, the deephigh-resistivitymaterialextendstowardand may terminateunderthe High Cascades. The steepupturnin +3 rpy x at theverylongest periods, 5000s andbeyond, plusthe incipientrolloverin Pyx here,showthat the resistor E +2 possesses a lower limit beyondwhich resistivitydecreases again.This final mediumto whichour datais sensitive, if the data can be shown not to be respondingto some off-line (three-dimensional) structure,shouldlie at depthsof hundreds o '"" + 1 +13 of kilometers. The resultsat longerperiodseastof the High Cascades,in the DeschutesBasin, are very different from thosedetailed above. We have no long-period MT impedancerecordings east of Mount Jefferson but broadband data to 800 s have been obtained(Figure6). At periodsbeyondabout30 s, a decrease in Pyxisquiteapparent whilerPyx riseswellabove 50ø. Our 1 og T measurementshere in the east, however, show no indication (s) Fig. 4. Broadband(circles) and long-period(squares)MT data collectedby the Universityof Utah ResearchInstitute(UURI) andthe Geological Survey of Canada(GSC) some48 km inland on Lincoln Line. Displacement of about 1 km between broadbandand long- periodsitesis responsible for smallstaticoffsetin p•. Thelongperiod anomaly in •yx presumed tobeassociated withsubduction (A) is at its weakest in this area. Error bars are one standard deviation wherethey exceedthe size of the plottingsymbols. +3 •- xu ' i •,- i ux EMSL , 123 i mmmm mmm • .... •..:..." o '-'+1 i i i i i i I I I I I I '90 • 60 '-' 30 q3- model in this region should be treated with caution. The geomagneticarray coveragemay be especiallyuseful here in constraining our model structures. Nevertheless, it is obvious that a fundamentalelectrical boundary exists almost directly underthe High Cascades. In Figure 7 and Plate 2 are the pseudosections of apparent resistivity and impedance phase of the transversemagnetic mode of the sea floor data. (Plate 2 can be found in the separatecolor section of this issue.) In contrastto the land E +2 +0 of the deep,high-resistivity materialso obviouswestof the High Cascades. Interpretation of these data may be complicatedby their proximity to a major east trending boundaryin resistivitybetweenthe Blue Mountainsblock to the north andthe Basinand Rangeto the south[Goughet al., this issue], so that the assumptionof a two-dimensional apparent resistivity, we see only a smooth variation from west to east in the offshore results, suggesting minimal effects by shallow lateral inhomogeneity local to the individual measurementsites. The westerntwo soundingsat the shortestperiods exhibit high values of impedancephase and apparentresistivitieswhich fall rapidly with period from values around 100 ohm m. Based on skin depth using apparent resistivity, these results indicate a pronounced •"%...ß..."ß.• 0 -'1 • 1 og T i i i +1 +'2 +3 +4 ' - xu I •,- I i ux i i EMSL 200 ' (s) ee Fig. 5. Broadbandand long-period MT data collected by the University of Oregon (circles)and GSC (squares)about 123 km inland on the Lincoln Line. I i i i be the most obvious manifestation of resistivity structure which may be associatedwith the subductingJuande Fuca platebelowOregon. Especiallycloseattentionwill be given to this anomalyin the interpretationpapersin this issue,to define the permissiblerange of causativestructureand its significancefor physicalconditionsin the subduction zone. A very substantial volumeof resistiveearthmateriallies below the conductivelayer just described,presumablyin the ee me em el •le I +2 log T i +3 [s) Fig. 6. Broadband MT sounding collected by UURI about200 km uppermantle.Thatis evidentfromthesteepupturnin Pyx, inland on the Lincoln Line (its easternmost site of Figure 2). plusthedropin Oyxtolessthan30ø,atperiods of about100 Observethe lack of evidencefor the deepconductivelayer which was s andlonger(Figures3-5). As wasthecasefor theconductive apparent in Pyx andcpyx westoftheHighCascades. WANNAMAK]• ETAL.:MAONEFOTFiLURIC OBSERVATIONS ACROSS JUA•DEFUCA SYSTEM OBSERVED measured. Contributing to this effect also may be the thinning and termination of the seawater toward the coast [Ranganayakiand Madden, 1980]. A graphicconsequence of the wedge and seawater edge structuresis the more vertical orientation of the apparent resistivity contours as we approach the eastern end of the profile. Finally, all five W +2 SF8 SF7 I I SF5 SF4 SF3 I I 14,119 i Pyx soundings at the very longestperiods,greaterthan 104s, show ½yx increasing againto valuesover 60ø with Pyx decreasing. This behavior occursmore obviously in the TE mode (e.g., Figure 8). On the face of it, the deepeststructure we have sensed on the sea floor, with a scale of hundreds of +5 I I ! I kilometers, has resistivity which is very low. The relationshipbetweenthis conductorand the deepestunit, also conductive,inferredfrom the land data is not clear at present. I +2 Transverse ElectricImpedanceFunctions •+3 Over purely two-dimensional structures, the response .functionsPxyand cpxybehave muchmoresimply o +4 thandothe•I'M functions. Thisisbecause theelectric field Ex is parallel to resistivity contacts everywhere so that boundary charge effects do not arise. Consequently,the +5 Fig. 7. TE mode 0 100 I I influence uponboth Pxy and cpxyof relativelylarge,deep 200 km I Pseudosections of transverse magneticapparentresistivity py•,andimpedance phase•y•,observed at thefiveMT soundings on the ocean bottom segmentof the Lincoln Line. All electric field recording instrumentsand four of the magnetic recorderswere designedand built by J. Filloux. The magneticvariometerat SF8 was constructed by T. Yukutake,J. S. Segawaand colleagues,that at SF1 wasproducedby L. Law, andthatat SF2 by A. White. Color structuresmay emerge toward longer periods without static distortion by small-scale resistivity variations near the surface. The two-dimensional TE mode responsein that senseresemblesthe responseof one-dimensionalor layered earths. Basedon this characteristic, the TE mode impedance data, identified from field data by its correlation with H z, often is used to constructone-dimensionalresistivitymodels versionsof thesepseudosections appearin Plate 2 in the separate color section of this issue. i +3 ,= +2 plate. In the TE dataat SF7, a minimum in cpxy and an inflection in Pxy around 2000s periodat firstglancesuggest o that somewhat more resistive mantle material aforesaid conductive zone. i i SF7 • - transition from low resistivity in the upper few tens of kilometers to high resistivity below. The high resistivity region may representthe asthenosphere of the Juan de Fuca i ' •x oo oo ooooOøøøøøoO +! lies beneath the This subtle characteristic however is not sharedby the site closestto the ridge, SF8, nor by the westernmost sites SG4 and SE3 off the Lincoln Line and thus cannotbe consideredtypicalof the sea floor soundings. Toward the east end of the ocean bottom profile, the soundings appear increasingly affected by conductive material at relatively shallow depths. The apparent resistivitiesat the shortestperiods,say 200 s, progressfrom +13 c90 I I I I I I m 1 :.. . about10ohmm atSF5to3 ohmm atSF3.Thevalues of ½yx lessthan45øandtheuptumin Pyxatperiods below1000s 3O at these three sites is indicative of underlying resistive material. The high-level but large-scaleconductormanifest here probably is the thick wedge of depositedand accreted • i i +2 sedimentsassociated with the subducted slab. The response of this wedgeconductorappearsto be screeningevidencefor any possiblelow-resistivity asthenosphere as suggestedat the western sites. In the TM • I i i +3 log +4 i +5 T mode, the E-W limits of the sedimentary conductor acttokeepPyxlowat theeastern sea floor sites from the shortestthrough the longest periods Fig. 8. Apparent resistivity and impedancephase responsesat ocean bottom site SF7. Error bars are one standard deviation where they exceedthe size of the plotting symbols. 14,120 WANNAMAKER ETAL.'MAG•••C at individual MT sites when two-dimensional effects OBSERVATIONS ACROSS JUAN DEFUCASYSTEM seem apparent in the measurements [Word et al., 1971]. Unfortunately, the TE results are very susceptible to deviations of the structure along strike (three-dimensional effects), which are apparentat least in the surficial geology beneath our transect and are likely to exist in the deep structureswe are studying.Boundary chargesdo arise at such deviations andleadto staticeffectsin Pxy thatcannotbe accommodated in purely two-dimensional TE modeling approaches [Wannamaker et al., 1984]. Once again, the impedancephase is worth checking for evidenceof any deep target, even though its contributionto the responsemay not be modeledcorrectlyin terms of a two-dimensionalstructure. Pseudosections of Pxy and cpxyobserved alongthe land segmentof the Lincoln Line appear in Figure 9 and Plate 3. (Plate 3 can be found in the separatecolor section of this issue.) The pronouncedvertical orientation of the apparent resistivity contoursis as obvious here as it was in the TM modedata. Whereasthe lateralvariationin Pxy at short periods reflects differencesin near-surfaceresistivity along the profile, its preservationto the longestperiodsmeans that these near-surfacestructuresprobably also vary substantially perpendicular to the profile as discussedjust above. The signatures of the Willamette Basin and Cascades graben conductorsperhapsprovide the clearestexamplesof suchend Noteworthy is the lack of an obvious expressionof the subductionsystemin the TE mode resultsof Figure 9. In contrast to the TM mode,nosharppeakin cpxy or inflection in Pxy is visiblein theperiodrange30-100s. Thereis instead an overall decreasein the TE apparentresistivity plusgenerallyhigh valuesof phase(-50 ø) at periodsof 100 s and longer. One possiblefactor contributingto the TE behavior may be variations in the inferred deep conductive layeringalongstrike. In fact, thereis a major westwardshift in the Cenozoic volcanic front [EMSLAB Group, 1988] only 50 km north. The mini-EMSLAB results 50 km to the south describedby Younget al. [1988] supportthis conjecture. At site5 of thatstudy,oneobserves anactualpeakin cpxy and aninflection in Pxy around100s periodsuggesting thatthe deep conductiveunit is respondingin a somewhatmore onedimensional manner farther away from the possible discontinuity. The TE mode data of Kurtz et al. [ 19 8 6] appearto show the conductivelayer below VancouverIsland more clearly, perhapsagain due to higher resistivitiesabove and below that layer. Thereareotherpuzzling complexities observed in Pxyand Oxy at longperiodson land.Thehighvaluesof phaseand steeply declining apparentresistivitiesaround 100 s beneath the Western Cascadesmay primarily representthe decaying influenceof high resistivitiesin the upper and middle crustof effects.Valuesof ½xyof 30øor lessaround 10s periodplusa this area.However,the narrowanomalyof high ½xyand corresponding upturnin Pxy signifytheresistive basement rapidly droppingPxy at theseperiodsabout40 km inland and middle crust. The rather shallow conductive layers fromthecoast,plusthoseof increasing Pxy andlow cpxy at beneath the Coast Range and the High Cascades and Deschutes Basin volcanics, inferred from the TM mode data at shortperiods, areevidentin thepseudosections of Pxyand rpxyalso. w OBSERVED WC HC CR WB DB E very long periods (2000-5000 s) around 25 and 135 km inland are especiallyproblematicbecausetheir lateral extent seems so limited relative to the penetration depth of the incident fields. One may only speculateon the existenceof some three-dimensional electrical connection or coupling between narrow, shallow structures and much larger ones below or off-line. We do not observesuch problems in the TM mode data. Wannamakeret al. [this issue]presentmore quantitative demonstrations of the ability to fit the observations of Pxyandrpxywitha purelytwo-dimensional model -2 -1 •_ +1 • +2 +3 +4 I 0 I 50 I 100 km structure. The TE moderesponseon the seafloor appearsto be much simplerthan that on land (Figure 10 and Plate 4). (Plate 4 can be found in the separatecolor section of this issue.) Offprofile problems are much less likely becauseof the fairly homogeneous near-surfacesedimentresistivity. Like the TM mode, the TE results show high resistivities in the lithospherenear the ridge with a substantialconductorbelow, as well as very low resistivitiestoward the east end of the line as it passes onto increasing sedimentary thicknesses. Perhapsthe greatestdifferencein the two modesis apparentat moderate to short periods (less than about 3000 s) at the eastern three sites. Rather than remaining low from short through long periods, the TE apparentresistivity climbs very steeplyas T increasesfrom the shortestperiodsand is accompaniedby very low values of impedancephase around 1000 s (Figure 11). Over moderateperiods,3000-10,000 s, Pxy reaches valuesof 3040 ohmmetersacross theentiresea Fig. 9. Pseudosections of transverseelectric apparentresistivity pm andimpedance phase•m observed alongthelandward portionof the Lincoln Line. Constructionand labeling otherwiseare similar to TM data of Figure 3. Color versionsof thesepseudosections appear in Plate 3 in the separatecolor sectionof this issue. floor profile. We may be observingnearly two-dimensional behavior by Pxyand ½xyat leastin theuppertwo-thirds of the periodrange. The absenceof problemsthat besetthe land data, namely severe static distortions and other complex WAN•AMAKEa ETAL.' MAOSET•tmlC OaSERVA•ONS ACROSS JUANDEFUCASYSTEM OBSERVED ultra-deep conductiveregion appearssomewhatstrongerhere in the TE mode than in the TM, w SF7 SF8 • • • Vertical Magnetic Field Functions 10• A - ß +3 •30 o +4 •2• Pxy 3O 2O +5 I I I I I As implied by equation (2), a vertical magnetic field exists only when there are lateral variations of resistivity in the Earth. Electric current flow concentratesin good conductors relative to poor ones, resulting in a circulation of the anomalousmagnetic field about the structuresin accordance with Amp•re'slaw. For example,element Mzy acrossan isolated +2 m xy o +4 +5 I o lOO I I I 200 km I Fig. 10. Pseudosections of transverseelectric apparentresistivity of the Lincoln Line. Color versionsof these pseudosectionsappear in Plate 4 in the separatecolor sectionof this issue. I i +• ' (•- xU two-dimensional conductive axis exhibits a reversal of sign. If resistivitymerely increasesin one direction (-y or +y) across strike, a simple peak (positive or negative) results. Individual resistivity structures, including threedimensionalones,tend to respondover a limited period range in a fashion similar to the impedancephase [Wannamaker et al., 1984]. Thus the vertical magnetic field also favors recognitionof deep structuresbeneath complex near-surface heterogeneity. Furthermore,Mzy is affectedlessadversely I Pxyandimpedance phase•xy observed alongtheseafloorsegment I as mentioned earlier with Figures7 and 8. SF5 SF4 SF3 • ,•00•_00_• +2 14,121 I $F 4 - than the TE mode impedanceby interruptionsof a structural trend along strike. Specifically, the basic geometry of the anomalies (e.g., location and shape of peaks or crossovers) tends to remain although their amplitudes and breadths of period range can differ. The vertical magnetic field response along the landward portion of the Lincoln Line (Figure 12 and Plate 5) appearsto support and augment inferencesdrawn previously from the transversemagnetic impedance functions. (Plate 5 can be found in the separate color section of this issue). In the vicinity ofthecoastline, astrong positive anomaly inthe T:1=+1 ' •- Ux eeeeeeeeee•. real component ofMzy, denoted Re(Mzy ), shows an eee r e• --'"'""' • w +0 60 WB I .._ ß 'moomemo i HC DB I -' •- 1 og T (s) FiB. 11. Apparent resistivi W and impedance phase responses •or both• andT• modes atoce•bottom site SF4. +4 0 three-dimensional effects, gives us hope that a model resistivity section is achievable for the ocean results that is largely in agreementwith both modesof the MT impedance. Forperiods beyond 104s, ,oxyfallsmarkedly and c)xy exceeds WC ....'................................... I 90 . OBSERVED CR 70 ø over the entire ocean line. The inference of an , 50 Fig. 12. Pseudosections of vertical magneticfield transferfunction M,y, real andimaginary components, observed alongthe land segment of the Lincoln Line. Contour values are dimensionless. Color versionsof these pseudosections appear in Plate 5 of the separatecolor sectionof this issue. 14,122 W••• aT AL.:IV[AGariC OBSERVATIONS AcrossJU•d•D• Fuc• SYSTEM amplitude maximum around 300 s period, below which it weakensbut spreadslaterally. By 10,000 s, valuesexceeding 0.1 underlie the entire line. The associated imaginary component lm(Mzy ) is moresubdued in itsrangethanthe real, showingnegative amplitudesaround 10-100 s near the coast but becoming positive at longer periods. The most obvious candidate to explain the aforesaid vertical field responseis the conductive seawater of the Pacific Ocean. That hypothesismay be verified using a two-dimensional computer algorithm, however, since the bathymetry is orientedpredominantlyN-S and the resistivityof the seawater is well constrained[Filloux, 1987]. Whatever portion of the response cannot be explained by the known seawater providesinformationon the volume of conductivesediments offshore,in the trenchmelangefor instance,and alsoperhaps aboutthe deepasthenosphere below the Juande Fucaplate. Sedimentsof the Willamette Basin affect the responseof I I I I I I I' 0.75 0.00 .................... ß'.,..,.l•O OOO•%i•_ - .t • -0.75 I -2 I -1 I 0 I +1 I +2 I +3 I +4 1og T Fig. 14. Real andimaginaryresponsecurvesfor elementsM•x and Mzy in Figure12 overaboutthecentralhalfof theLincoln M•ymeasured byUURIandGSCabout 114km inland. Line and the period range 1-100 s. The negative peak in Re(Mzy)associated withthisconfined conductor liesabout50 krn inland with the valuesbecomingpositiveeastof about y = 75 krn. While this sign reversal probably signifies the point of greatest sediment thickness, the presenceof two positivepeaksat y = 85 krn and from 120-135km indicates either another depth maximum around 100 km inland or imaginary components,greatly exceeds that of Mzx over almost the entire period range, thereby substantiatingour assumptionof N-S trending geoelectricstructuresat least in this area. Obvious in the raw data here is the negative in perhapsan increasein basementresistivityfarthereast. The Re(Mzy ) around10-20s signifying theWillametteBasin. valuesnearzeroof bothreal andimaginaryMzy overthe central Willamette Basin at periods shorter than about 1 s reflect less the absenceof a structural responseat shallow levels than they do the erratic and unreliablecharacterof the datahere due to strongculturalinterference.The lossof these results prevents confirmation of the thickness of the Columbia River basalt flows in this area as inferred from the impedancefunctions. Examplesof the observations taken at individual MT sites near the westernand easternmarginsof the Willamette Basin are plotted in Figures 13 and 14. We observe first the excellent agreementbetween the broadbandand long-period data in their common period range of 60-300 s at both stations. In Figure13, theamplitude of Mzy, bothrealand 0.75 0.00 Also, the positive in this quantity developingbeyond 100 s is evidence for the Pacific Ocean and other large-scale heterogeneity. On its easternside, the effect of the basin on Mzx is nearlyas greatas on Mzy (Figure14) andthe coordinate rotation which minimizes M zx yields a geoelectric strike of aboutN35øE. Thepredominance of Mzy returnsbelow 100 s, however, showingthat deeperstructures are still alignednearly N-S. Following a subtle excursionto belowzerofrom100-1000s, Re(Mzy)at thelongest periods displaysthe positive valuesubiquitousto the Lincoln Line. Thereis a strong negative response in Re(Mzy ) associated with the western boundary of the Cascadesgraben located about 145 km inland (Figure 12). The lack of a positive counterpartto the east indicatesthat the conductivefill of the grabendoesnot terminateas abruptlyon this side but instead merges, or nearly does, with the shallow conductivelayer of the DeschutesBasin region as implied from the impedance functionsof Figure 3, 6, and 7. This responseof the graben structure attenuates rapidly as periods reach 100 s. At somewhatlonger periodshowever, 100-1000 s specifically, an additional negativeanomalyin Re(Mzy ) is resolved in -0.75 I I I I I I ]'--""=" 0.75 . 0.00 -0.75 I -1 I 0 I +1 I +2 I +3 +4 1 og T Fig. 13. Real andimaginaryresponse curvesfor elementsMzx and Mzymeasured by UURIandGSCabout48 km inland.Errorbarsare one standarddeviation where they exceed the size of the plotting symbols. this area (Figure 15) [see EMSLAB Group, 1988]. The anomaly is strongestbetweenthe Western and High Cascades but negative values extend west to within 100 km of the coast (as was seen in Figure 14). Given the persistence westward, the responsecannot be due solely to the abrupt transition in deep conductivityfrom west to east below the High Cascades, most obvious in Figure 3, although that transitionprobably contributes.We believe this negative in Re(Mzy ) thusis providing independent corroboration of the deep layer of high conductanceextending from the central Willamette Basin to the High Cascadesbrought to light by the TM mode observations. The peak negative response near y = 145 km may in part alsobe due to a conductiveaxis associatedwith the presentvolcanic arc, a hypothesisto be testedin subsequentpaperson interpretation. WANdAMAKER ETAL.:MAO•-'rOTELLURIC OBSERVATIONS ACROSS Jun• DEFUCASYSXEM 0.75 i i i i 0.00 -0.75 i i O.75 OBSERVED . ß1 : '1 i I w .1_ ............. I E SF8 SF7 +2 _1 EMSL 147 I 14,123 o I SF5 SF4 SF3 SF2 SF1 I I I I I I_ I I I I I +3 - • +4 0.00 -0.75 I, I -2 -1 +5 I 0 log I +1 T I +2 I +3 + 0 I I '4 (s) Fig. 15. Real andimaginaryresponse curvesfor elementsMzx and Mzymeasured by University of Oregon andGSCabout147km inland on the Lincoln Line. On the ocean bottom, we have seven geomagnetic variationsoundingsto characterizethe vertical field response over the Juande Fucaplate alongthe Lincoln Line. By far the most striking feature of the observations(Figure 16 and Plate 6) is the enormous positiveanomalyin Re(Mzy) at the easternfour sites some 50-100 km offshore,reachingunity at SF2, with complementarybehavior by the imaginary component. (Plate 6 can be found in the separate color Fig. 16. 0 100 I I 200 km I Pseudosectionsof vertical magneticfield transfer function Mzy, realandimaginary components, observed alongthe seafloor portion of the Lincoln Line. Contour values are dimensionless. Color versions of these pseudosectionsappear in Plate 6 of the separatecolor sectionof this issue. section of thisissue.)Anomalies in Mzy ontheseafloor,we shouldpoint out, may be amplifiedby the overlyingseawater at peak periods because current flow induced in the water substantially reduces the horizontal H field below it. The aforesaid anomaly occurs near the ocean floor-continental shelfbreakwherewater depthstartsdiminishingmostrapidly to the east. The vertical magnetic field neverthelessshould also carry information about structure beneath the ocean floor, for instance,the conductivesedimentmelange. By constrainingthe effect of the seawaterin the same manner as for the land data, the existenceof such structuremay be ascertainedthrough two-dimensional simulations. However, ,.., 0.75 N q•"= 0 GGGG O.OO I Themajoranomaly in Mzy justdescribed decreases rapidly 0.00 around 105s (Figure 16)TherateatwhichMzyresponses for the material I I I I I I i . - GGGGG - -0.75 I +2 include the conductive asthenosphere inferredpreviouslyfrom both the TM and TE impedancefunctionsand perhapsalsothe very deepconductor I I +3 log evidentat periodsbeyond104s. Finally,a verylargescale three-dimensional inhomogeneity is indicated at periods - zu z• 0.75 as period falls below 10,000 s and appearsto reach zero Candidates ••I -0.75 associated with a conductiveaxisbeneaththe spreadingridge. This is supportedby other EMSLAB geomagneticstations near the ridge crestnot on the Lincoln Line and alsoby earlier observationsand modeling of Law and Greenhouse [1981] acrossthe ridge northof the EMSLAB array. the mantle. fI I I I • thereis no discernible response in M zy that may be decayat long periodsis a functionof the resistivitybelow the causativestructure[Wannamakeret al., 1984]. The relatively steep decrease visible in the pseudosectionsuggeststhat conductivematerial of regional extent exists well down into $F 5 t +4 T +5 (s] Fig. 17. Realandimaginary response curves for M:xandMzyat greaterthan104s by elementMzx, whichwe includein the ocean bottom site plot of the responsefunctionsat site SF5 (Figure 17). For they exceedthe size of the plotting symbols. SF5. Error bars are one standard deviation where 14,124 WANNAMAKF_.R ET AL.:]Vff_AGNET••C OBSERVATIONS ACROSS JUA•DE FUCASYSTEM the x-y-z coordinatesystem adoptedin EMSLAB, which is that specified with equations(1) and (2), the negative values of Re(Mzx) and positive values of Im(Mzx) observedat periodsbeyond104s in Figure17 andoverthewholesea floor line imply that a lateral transition to higher deep resistivity should exist south of the sea floor array. Such behavior in Re(Mzx) appearsat the longestperiods of the land data as well (Figures 13-15). CONCLUSIONS We have collecteda magnetotelluricdata set of high quality that is richly informative about the resistivity expressionof the Juande Fuca subductionsystem. Upper crustalconductive units apparent upon inspection of the land observations include massive sedimentaryfill of the Willamette Basin as well as layers beneaththe Coast Range, from the Westernto the High Cascades,and in the DeschutesBasin area. All are underlainby resistivebasementand middle crust. Especially relevant to the subductionprocessbeneath the continentwe believe is a conductive,roughly horizontallayer at a depth of a few tens of kilometers in otherwise resistive lower crust and upper mantle which extends eastward from the coast and changes abruptly at the High Cascades. A fundamental transition in deep resistivity to that beneath the Deschutes Basin occurs below the active High Cascadesvolcanic arc. Seafloor MT soundingsover the Juande Fucaplate near the spreadingridge imply a highly conductingregion at depthsof some tens of kilometers that may represent the asthenosphere. Toward the coast, a conductive wedge of sedimentsincreasinglyinfluencesthe MT and geomagnetic soundings. Probably our best prospect for determining an accurate resistivity model from the observed data is to interpret the data carefully assuming a two-dimensional resistivity variation with a N-S strike. For such an analysis, the TM mode impedancefunctions should be emphasized since they are more robust to common deviations from the two-dimensionalassumption,with the vertical magneticfield and the TE impedanceexamined also for consistencyand additional information. It should be clear from our discussions,however, that certain important featuresof the data ultimately will be understoodonly in termsof fully threedimensional geometries. Valuable lessons have been learned about the collection of magnetotelluricdata in complex natural environments. First, observations of high statistical accuracy are required to resolve certain key features of the resistivity structure.The anomalyin Pyx around30-50s periodbeneaththe Coast Range, which is the most likely manifestationof subduction structurein this region, is only of several degreesamplitude. Luckily, the responseoccurredat periods where the natural fields are strong and cultural interference is relatively subdued. We cannotcount on suchgood forme always, and high quality data at shorter periods are important more generallyfor understanding upper crustalheterogeneity.It is therefore highly desireablefor the future that the broadband MT instrumentation incorporate full remote reference capability (sensor separations of 10 km or more) and statisticallyrobustprocessingto ensuresoundingcurvesthat are accurateover all periods. Second,the rate of collectionof MT data by research institutions is painfully slow and exhaustingdue again to the stateof the field systems.Highly desireable improvements in broadband instrumentation include acquisition of the mid- and low-band data simultaneously,completein-field data processingto yield a finished sounding on-site, and the ability to deploy additional electricfieldbipoles(especiallyEy) independent of the magneticfield apparatus. Similarly, improvementsin sea floor instrumentation to take advantage of modern electronicdevelopmentswould increaseour ability to utilize MT in the oceans. While better data analysishas increased the usableperiod range on the sea floor, the shortestperiods attainableat presentare limited by magnetometersensitivity. Implementation of the foregoing recommendations is essentialwe believe if the productivity of magnetotelluric profiling is to approachthat of reflectionseismicprofiling. Acknowledgments. We wish to acknowledge the following sourcesof funding supportwhich made the project possible:U.S. National Science Foundation, grants EAR-8410638 and EAR8512895; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Collaborative Special Grant A6892; Geological Survey of Canada;Ministry of Education,Scienceand Culture of Japan,Grantin-Aid for OverseasScientificSurvey61043014; AustralianResearch Grants Scheme,Flinders University and Australian Departmentof Science; Green's Foundation of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography; and AT & T Bell Laboratories.Second,we are very grateful to the U.S. Forest Service, Oregon State Department of Forestry, and the many private timber companiesand land owners who permittedaccessto measurements on their properties. Finally, we are indebted to the numerous graduate studentsand technical assistantswho worked on the field acquisitionand reductionof our data. This is GeologicalSurveyof Canadacontribution23388. REFERENCES Boehl, J. E., F. X. 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Wannamaker,Universityof Utah ResearchInstitute,391-C ChipetaWay, Salt Lake City, UT 84108. A. White, Schoolof Earth Science,FlindersUniversityof South Australia, Bedford Park, S. A. 5042, Australia C. T. Young, Departmentof Geologyand GeologicalEngineering, Michigan Technical University, Houghton,MI, 49931. T. Yukutake,EarthquakeResearchInstitute,Universityof Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan. (ReceivedMay 13, 1988; revisedApril 3, 1989; acceptedApril 3, 1989.) WATV•A•,A• ET A•.: lVlAO•'TOTm.CUlUC O,•Sm•VATiOlVS Across IUA•TDl• FUCAS¾STg• .SER ED B WC CR HC 14,271 DB /% ,,, -.2 - ,. -1 1.o . ! .. ß ß o 1o +1 1oo +2 '+3 +4 1o0o _ I I i l ....l I!1 ....I i ! Ill,l I,I ], ! I ! ..Ill I { I II.I I Illl I .I.... i i (deg) - 75 - 65 F-_-•.• - 45 i[mTqz] _ 25 15 +4 i I ' 0 W 1......... .50 I I. i I I00 km E Plate1. [Wannarnaker et al. ]. Pseudosections of transverse magnetic apparent resistivity P•x and impedance phase• observed alongthelandward portion of theLincoln Line. Pyx 14,272 WA•A•vIA• E?At,.:MAo•'ronu.UnucOUSmVAVIO•/S Across.IOA•I• FOCA S¾s• OBSERVED SF7 ! •*2 • SF5 4 3 I ' I i 2 ! I (œ.m) I - 1.0 10 Pyx •...... - I00 ,4 l *5 ! _J__ I i .... 1 1_ • - 1000 (deg) -55 -25 0 I00 260km W E Plate2. [Wannamaker et al.]. Pseudosections of transverse magneticapparent resistivityP•xand impedance phase•b•xobserved alongtheseafloorportionof theLincolnLine. Notedifferences in horizontalscaleand periodrangebetweenland and seafloor results. WAn'IV• ET AL.: MAO•TBTOnU.LLtr•c O•SmVA•IO•tSA•OSS :3UA•t DE FUCASYSTEM 14,273 OBSERVED CR WB WC HC DB (,-•' m) -2 - I.O -1 1o 1oo - +4 Pxy 1ooo (deg) -2 -1 75 - 65 +I xy +2 - +3 25 -15 +4 I ,, !_ I , i i 0 50 W I 1 100 km E Plate3. [Wannamaker et al.]. Pseudosections of transverse electricapparent resistivityPxyand impedance phase•xyobserved alongthelandward portion oftheLincoln Line. 14,274 WA•U•• ETAL: MAO1,/L•T••½ OgSlmVATIO•S ACROSS JUAn/D• FUCA S¾• OBSERVED SF8 SF7 • SF5 4 3 2 1 • ! •......... •.... [•• • - i.0 p xy •===,- lOO0 (deg) -65 •3 •"- , -55 -*4 ....... :35 -'25 -15 +5 o ,6o •6o•., W E Plate4. [Wannamaker et al.]. Pseudosections of transverse electricapparent resistivityPx• and impedance phase•Jx•observed alongtheseafloorportionof theLincolnLine. Notedifferences in horizontalscaleand periodrangebetweenland and seafloor results. WAlVNAlvIA• ET AL.: MAO••tmiC O•S•VATIONSACROSS JUANI• FUCASYsamuvi 14,275 BSERVED CR I -2 I I I ! ill WB II I III I 1 I I WC I I I Ill I I I II HC DB I II!ll 1 ! I (%) I -,• - 60 -1 - 4O +1 • +2 --20 N +3 +4 - '60 __. I I I .... I'1 ! I I I 111 I I 1 ....II I Iii I! I I. I i I I I I I,,I..l i i I !'"1"1"i"'1I I I I I III I.,.11...i I I11..i ...... I I I I II IIIIII I I i I I I (%) -2 -1 60 40 2o 3 O +1 o +2 - -20 N +3 - -60 +4 I I I I I III I1 I 111 i ! 0 50 i i ! I I,,I i ,I i I I l,, I II I..i Ill I ...1. l_ I 1 1oo km W Plate5. I E [Wannamaker et al.]. Pseudosections of vertical magnetic fieldtransfer elementM,y, realand imaginaryparts.observedalongthe landwardportionof the LincolnLine. 14,276 WANdAMAKER ET AL: 1VI_AGN•(7I'EI•URIC OBSERVATIONS AcrossJUA•D•- FucAS¾s• OBSERVED SF8 SF7 I SF54 I 3 • I 21 • 'i"• 90 ., 6O 3O O -30 i N -60 -90 (•) +2 œ1 90 •- -30 - -6O -90 O w 100 200 k m E Plate6. [Wannarnaker etal.].Pseudosections ofvertical magnetic fieldtransfer elementM,y,realand imaginaryparts,observedalongthe seafloor portionof the LincolnLine. Note differencesin horizontal scaleand periodrangebetweenland and seafloor results.