JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 92, NO. C5, PAGES 5035-5044, MAY 15, 1987 The Upper Ocean Internal Wave Field' Influence of the Surface and Mixed Layer MURRAY D. LEVINE College of Oceanography,OregonState University,Corvallis A model is developed to calculate the upper ocean internal wave spectrum as modified by the surface boundary and mixed layer. The Garrett-Munk spectrumis assumedto describethe deep ocean wave field. The main effectof the surfaceand mixed layer is to align the vertical structureof the wavesforming vertically standingwaveslocally; this contrastswith the assumptionof random alignment in the GarrettMunk model.Model spectraand coherences are calculatedfor idealizedbuoyancyfrequencyprofilesand compared with the Garrett-Munk model. Measurementsin the upper 200 m from the Mixed Layer Dynamics Experiment in the northeast Pacific in 1983 are also compared with the model results. The most striking successof the model is predictingthe observedhigh coherenceand 180ø phasedifference acrossthe mixed layer of horizontal velocity. 1. INTRODUCTION A kinematic descriptionof oceanicinternal wavesis usually based on the hypothesisthat the wave field is composedof a random sea of linear waves.For deep ocean internal wavesthe most widely known descriptionis the one given by Garrett and Munk [1972, 1975] and summarized by Munk [1981] (hereinafter referred to as GM). The GM formulation assumesthat the ocean has no top or bottom boundary and that the buoyancy frequency N(z) varies slowly with depth compared with the fluctuations of the waves. This permits the vertical variation of wave amplitude and vertical wavelength to be scaled by N(z) (WKB approximation). Other models, such as the Internal Wave Experiment (IWEX) model [Mfi'ller et al., 1978], differ in detail but usually retain the basic tenets of the GM model. The GM model provides a standard with which to compare other models. In the upper ocean, say from the surface to 200 m, the GM model is expected to have limited application even discountingthe possibleeffectsof strong surface forcing or dissipation.This is becauseN(z) is no longer a slowly varying function and because the surface acts as a boundary which can reflect waves. Despite these limitations, the GM spectrum has been compared with upper ocean measurements made by acoustic doppler profilers [Pinkel, 1984], moored current meters, and thermistor chains [Kiise and Siedler, 1980; Levine et al., 1983a, b-I, towed thermistor chains [Bell, 1976], and vertical conductivity, temperature, and depth profilers [Pinkel, 1975, 1981]. These comparisons indicate that while some aspects of the GM spectrum are consistent with the data, many are not. Pinkel [1981] has discussed and modeled some of the effects of the surface on the internal wave spectrum; this model is mostly concerned with the effects of a frequency dependent waveguide thickness but does not explicitly considerthe effectsof wave reflection at the surface. The purpose of this paper is to develop a model that extends the GM formulation of the deep ocean internal wave field into the upper ocean by explicitly including the surface boundary and realistic upper ocean stratification. The deep ocean is still assumed to be composed of a collection of random waves with the amplitude distribution in frequency wave number space specified by GM. The modification of each upward-propagating wave is followed as the wave enters the upper ocean stratification and reflects off the surface; a standing wave in the vertical is formed locally. The statistical measures of the upper ocean wave field can be predicted by summing the contribution from all the waves. This procedure is analogous to that used to extend the GM model into the region near a turning point [Desaubies,1973]. The spectral quantities calculated from the model can then be compared with upper ocean observations.The model provides a useful framework for interpreting internal wave measurementsin the upper ocean in the same way as the GM spectrum does for the deep ocean. This comparison is a first step in studying the signature of other upper ocean processes, such as wind stressand solar heating, on internal wave observations. The unique set of observations available from the Mixed Layer Dynamics Experiment (MILDEX) provides a good opportunity to compare model predictions with data. MILDEX took place in the northeast Pacific Ocean about 700 km west of Santa Barbara, California, during October-November 1983. Measurements were made in the upper 200 m of temperature and velocity from beneath a drifting buoy and temperature from a towed thermistor chain. From these data, frequency and horizontal wave number spectraand coherenceswere calculated and compared with the model. The upper ocean spectral model is developed in section 2. Spectra and vertical coherencesfor idealized N profiles are then calculated from the model (section 3). In section 4, data from MILDEX are compared with the results of the model using the actual N profile. A summary and conclusion are presentedin section 5. 2. MODEL The first step in forming a statistical model of the upper ocean Copyright 1987 by the American GeophysicalUnion. internal wave field is to determine the structure of a single wave component as it encounters the upper ocean. Since the model is linear, all of the components can then be added together using the amplitide distribution that will yield Paper number 7C0227. 0148-0227/87/007C-0227505.00 5035 5036 LEVINE: UPPEROCEANINTERNAL WAVEFIELD LogN • • Note that the assumptionthat fl is slowly varyinghas been used in deriving (5). For a specifiedstratificationthe wave function½(z)can be solvednumericallyfor a givenincident wave with amplitudeI, wave numbera, and frequencyco. There is only one solutionof ½; this is not an eigenvalue problem that resultsin an infinite number of modal solutions. -d This boundaryvalue problemwas solvedusingan efficient finitedifference methoddueto LindzenandKuo [ 1969]. Spectralquantitiescan be calculatedby summingthe contributionfrom all the wavecomponents. It is assumedthat the collectionof wavesis horizontallyisotropic,and there is no correlationamongthe components. The frequency crossspec- traforhorizontal velocity Suandvertical displacement Scbetweendepthsz• andz2 canthenbe written[e.g.,Willebrandet Fig. 1. Samplesolutionof ½ and {pfor a typicalN profile.Below al., 1977] -d, a constantN regionis usedto determinethemaximaof ½ and {p needed formatching to thedeepoceanGM spectra (equation (8)). Su(co, Z1, Z2) •- ((_02 ._[_ f2)(CO2 __f2)1/2 2N(-d) nmax ß • en(CO)•Pn(CO, Z•)Ckn(co, %) deep oceanstatisticsconsistentwith the GM spectrum. Assumethat the horizontal velocity and vertical displacement of a single,horizontally propagating plane wave can be written z,, z,)= as u(x, z, t) = •2•p(z)exp [i(ax - cot)] (la) •(x, z, t) = •½(z)exp[i(ax - cot)] (lb) (6a) n=l ((_/)2 __f2)1/2.... N(-d) nllen((D)½n((-O' Z1)½n((D' Z2) (6b) wheref is theinertialfrequency anden(co) is thespectral distribution function.The wavefunctionsspecifythe verticalstructure of a plane wave at frequencyco and horizontal wave numberan, where•p= a-•(O½/Oz),a is the horizontalwavenumber,cois the frequency,and the real part of the right-hand side is implied. The wave function ½(z)is determinedby solving ½" =0 (2) where •2(z) =a2N2(z) _co2 092 _f2 (3) The surfaceis definedto be at z = 0, and z = -d is the depth below which the internal waves statistics are assumed -d the wave function can be written The indexn is oftenreferredto asa "mode"number.However, in thisapplication the verticalmodesare not determined by solvingthe boundaryvalueproblemoverthe entiredepthof theocean.Thespectral distribution function en(co) specifies the magnitude of eachwavecomponent at coandanandis determinedby matching thespectrum to thedeepoceanGM spectrum at z = -d. In the GM model,a is expressed as a functionof n and co (dispersion relation)usinga modifiedWKB approximation: as ½(z) = I exp [-ilS(z)z] + R exp [ilS(z)z] at z = -d nr•(co2_f2)•/2 an((D) -- -- (4) where/5(z) is a slowly varying function of z, and I and R are the complex amplitudesof an incident (upward propagating energy) and reflected wave (downward propagating energy), respectively.Recall that for an internal wave the phasepropagates upward (downward) while the energy propagatesdownward (upward). The z dependenceis the sameas usedby GM and is a simplifiedform of the WKB approximation. To solve (2) for an arbitrary N(z) in the region above z --d, boundary conditions at z = 0 and -d are needed. With little error the surfaceis assumedto be rigid, •p(0)= 0. Specifying the boundary at z = -d is more subtle sincethe phase of the reflection is not known before solving the problem. Sinceno energyis lost upon reflection,III- IRI, but arg I • arg R in general.Combining (4) and the derivative of (4), R can be eliminated, and the lower boundary condition can be expressedas a function of the incident wave amplitude only, ½' - ifl½ = - 2iflI exp [-ilS(z)z] to,z) Equation(6) represents the spectraof a collection of tlma x planeinternalwaves; fortheresults presented here,t/ma x-- 20. to behave as those specified by GM (Figure 1). Hence below z - z)= (5) b NO (7) whereb is thedepthscaleof N(z) (1300m), N ois thebuoyancy scale(5.24 x 10-3 s-• or 3 cph),and it is assumedthat co<< N. We choosethe versionof the GM formulationthat partitionsthe energyinto a discretesetof wavenumbers("modes") [Munk, 1981] rather than distributingit over a continuum [Garrett and Munk, 1972' 1975]. Note that a is not a function of z' the horizontalwavenumberdoesnot changeas a wave propagatesthroughstratificationthat only variesin the vertical. The mostpracticalmethodto determine%(co), suchthat the spectrum matchesthe G M spectrum at z-- -d, is to extend the numericalsolutionof ½ndeeperthan d into a regionof constantN = N(-d) (Figures1). In this constantN region,½ has a sinusoidalshapewith verticalwave numberfl determined from (3). The reason for solving ½ in this "artificial," constant N regionis to determinethe amplitude(maximumof ½n(z))of LEVINE.' UPPER OCEAN INTERNAL WAVE FIELD this wave component relative to the amplitude of the incident wave I. By equating the upper ocean spectrum (6) to the GM spectrum I-Munk, 1981] the spectral distribution function is 5037 Buoyancy Frequency (cph) 0 5 , I0 I 200• ' , , 0 5 I I0 I i i 5 I0 5 I I0 I 5 I0 15 I, I I I I found 2 Hn Eb2Nof 5O En(f-D)smax [½n2] r• 12(_D (8) where the parameter E is the nondimensional energy (6.3 E '"' I00 x 10-5) andtheweighting function H, =/•- • (j,2 + n2)- •. The parameterj, setsthe wave numberbandwidthof the spectral quantities and has a value of 3 in the GM model. The normalization constant H is chosen such that Cose' In practice,I is set to an arbitrary constant,and (2) is solved numericallyfor ½n(Z)using(5) as the bottom boundarycondition. The matching condition at z = -d (equation (8)) then Io lb , 2(] I 2b 5 Fig. 2. Buoyancy frequency profiles used in calculating model spectra.Case 1 is constantN, case2 is a stepin N, and case3 is the N profile from MILDEX. determines%(co)relative to this arbitrary constantsuchthat the absolute value of the spectrum (equation (6)) equals the GM The geometricfactor in the denominator of the integrand accounts level. for the contribution to the one-dimensional wave To comparewith data, two typesof statisticalquantitiesare investigated'moored and towed. This terminology follows the convention adopted by GM and refers to observations that are made from instruments which are fixed in space and instrumentswhich profile horizontally. The moored spectrumof number • from all wave numbers greater than • in a horizontally isotropic wave field. This integral was solvednumerically by first transforming the integrand to remove the singularity in the denominator using the method of Iri, Moriguti, and Takasawa [Atkinson, 1978]. The towed vertical coherenceof verticaldisplacement, MSs,is a frequencyautospectrum at a verticaldisplacement, TVCe is the coherence in horizontal fixed location in spaceand is given by (6b) MS•(ro,z) = S•(ro,z, z) (9) wave number at a fixed vertical separationand is given by TVC•(o•,Z1,Z2)= The moored vertical coherence of vertical displacement, [TS•(o•, z•)TS•(o•, g2)]1/2 MVC e is thecoherence in frequency for a fixedverticalsepa- .n•" S•((O, Z2) d(o(13) ....fN(z) (•En 2Zl, "•-•E'-•-I/2 ration and is given by S•(O), Z1,Z2) The correspondingmoored and towed spectral quantities for MFG,(o); z1, z2) =[S•(o), z1, z1)S•(o) ,z2, z2)] 1/2(10)horizontal velocity have the exact same forms with the subThe towedspectrum of verticaldisplacement, TSe is thehori- script • replacedby u. zontal wave number spectrumat a fixed time and is given by 2 z)da) • n•'• n [•v{•) OranS•(a), (•En 2 --z, •E2) 1/2 TS•(•, z) ..... TABLE Buoyancy Frequency la lb 2a constant, N -- N o constant,N = 3.2 N O step profile: N = N Obelow 50 m N = 0 upper 50 m step profile: N = 3.2N0 below 50 m N = 0 upper 50 m 2b 3a MILDEX 3b MILDEX 3c MILDEX Spectral Composition GM GM GM GM GM GM RESULTS--IDEALIZED N PROFILES with idealized N profiles (Table 1): constant (case 1) and step profiles (case 2) (Figure 2). These caseswere chosento isolate the effectson the spectrumdue to the presenceof a surface boundary alone (case1) and due to a mixed layer (case2). The step profiles consistof a 50-m-deep mixed layer with N = 0 above a region of constantN. To examinethe dependenceon the absolutevalue of N, two valueswere used: N = N O(cases (12) 1. Summary of Model Cases Case MODEL To illustrate the behavior of the model, two cases were run (11) where (Dn 2=f2 +(o• -• bNø• ?2 3. but no contribution fromn= 1, ex=0 GM with frequency dependent waveguide, bN o--• h(o) N la and 2a) and N = 3.2 N O(caseslb and 2b). The value off was chosento be the sameas at MILDEX (8.0 x 10-5 s-•). In all the spectral calculations the model spectrum was matchedto the GM spectrumat a depth of d = 200 m. ConstantN profile. A sampleof the wave functions½ and •p that determine the vertical structure of the spectra are shown in Figure 3. SinceN is constant,the wave functionsare purely sinusoidal.At higher N (case lb) the vertical wave number is higher for a given an becauseof the dispersion relation (3). The spectral shapesof the model in frequency(MS) and wave number (TS) nearly follow the GM prescriptionat all depths and thereforeare not shown. The spectrallevelsas a function of depth are shownin Figure 4. Accordingto the GM 5038 LEVINE:UPPEROCEANINTERNALWAVE FIELD C]. 1 0 2 i Mode Number .3 i 4 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 i •"'150 200 •. 1 2 3 Mode Number 4 5 6 7 8 0 this simplemodel.The negativecoherences are a resultof the deterministicalignmentof the wave functionscausedby the reflection at the surface.Specifically,the reflectionforcesthe maxima of 4) and the zerosof •J to occurat the surface.In the GM model there are no negative coherencesbecausethe alignmentof the wavefunctionsis random; all verticalcoherencesgo to zero monotonicallyas the separationincreases. Other deviations from the GM model occur near the surface. In the GM model at constant N the contours would be straight,parallellinesat a 45ø angleindicatingthat the coherenceis a functionof verticalseparationonly and not of absolute depth. The deviation from straight, parallel contours occursprimarilyoverthe adjustmentregion.The presence of a reflectingsurfacehas a relatively small effect on the near- 50 100 150 200 surface coherences. C. 1 2 .3 1 2 .3 Mode Number 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 0 50 100 150 200 d. 0 i '•100 i " ModeNumber 4 i 5 i 6 i 7 8 ' : ,," ,," (' Step profile. For the step profile the assumptionof a slowlyvaryingN(z), as usedin the GM model,appearsto be violated. Also, the GM spectrumis not defined within the mixed layer where N = 0. This model providesa method for extendingthe GM spectruminto the mixed layer, wherevertically propagatinginternal wavescannotexist. In the stepprofilethe wavefunctions,and hencethe spectra, differ from the constantN caseprimarily in the mixed layer. There is a turning point (co= N(z)) at the base of the mixed layer for waves of all frequencywhere the wave functions changebehavior from oscillatory(co< N(z)) to exponential •150 / [ : ', ", 200 MSu e. 1 O" 2 i .3 4 i i 5 i i 6 7 8 9 10 i i i ' ' 50 i ,iJ i..i..:..'...'...'....' •' 100 ß ø200 i/ ! ", TSu 101 10 o Mode Number 10 2 0 101 10 2 , : : : :'.:'•l ,,,;-• ; ;:::: . :ß::: ß.:,:::: lI 5O ,, ",, ) ,',, / II / ! I 100 Fig. 3. Wave functions of vertical displacementqJ(solid lines) and horizontal velocity 4) (dashed lines) as a function of depth for (a) case la, (b) case lb, (c) case2a, (d) case2b, and (e) case3. model, the spectral level should be constant with depth in a constant N ocean.However, in the model there is somedepth dependenceof the spectrain an "adjustment region" near the 150 2 2OO la :1: b. : :::: o surface. The verticaldisplacement spectra, MS• and TSo goto zero at the surface as a result of the upper boundary condition; the wavefunctionsqJ,are zero at the surface.At higher N the vertical wave numbersare higher, and correspondingly, the adjustment region is smaller. The horizontal velocity spectra, MS, and TS,, are also affectedby the surfaceboundary with an adjustment region that is approximately the same as for verticaldisplacement. At the surfacethe wave functions4), are at a maximum for all n, resulting in a spectrallevel that is 2-3 times greater near the surfacethan at depth. Examples of the moored vertical coherences(MVC, and MVC<) at 1.4 cph and towedverticalcoherences (TVC, and TVC•)at 10-4 cpmarecontoured in Figures 5 and6. The feature of the vertical coherencesthat differs most strikingly from the GM model is the presenceof "negative"coherences. The sign of the coherenceis used as shorthand notation to expressthe phase of the coherence:positive is in-phase (0ø), negativeis out-of-phase(180ø).No other phasesare possiblein 50 ,.,lOO , 10o .: : :2. ............. 01 J , 102 ........ i.!, oj .[ ??.. 101 , .... , :0 2 MS(. TS½ Fig. 4. Modelspectra (a) MS,,,(b) TS,, (c) MSe and(d) TS• asa function of depth for case la (light dashed), case lb (bold dashed), case 2a (light solid), and case 2b (bold solid). Absolute units of the spectra arearbitrary.Mooredspectra (MS,,andMSs)areevaluated at 1.4cph;towedspectra (TS.andTS•)areevaluated at 10-'•cpm. LEVINE' UPPER OCEAN INTERNAL WAVE FIELD 0 50 o 100 I 150 I \ 0 I 50 100 I I \ 150 [ ....... 0 200 100 150 150 0 50 100 150 200 o 50 • 0 50 lOO 100 150 0 lOO 150 15o • lOO 150 150 15o 200 2000 5b 160 1•0 200 5b l C•01•0 200 Depth (m) Contour plot showing the model vertical coherencesbe- tween any two depthsfor casela (N = No). The 1 contour is on the diagonal; the 0 contour is bold. Contour interval is 0.2; negative for the GM 50 100 Depth (m) values are shaded. The 0.5-contour o \ 50 1 5b l C•01•0 200 Depth (m) 100 0 50 so Fig. 5. 0 =========================== 100 sb 150 "::i:::::::i:!?:: ::::!:i:!::: 50 0 100 I ...... ============================================== \ 200 50 5039 model is shown as a dashedline. The mooredcoherences (MVC) are evaluatedat 1.4 cph; the towedcoherences (TVC) are evaluatedat 10-4 cpm. Depth (m) Fig. 7. Contour plot showing the model vertical coherencesbetween any two depthsfor case2a (Step of No). The 1 contour is on the diagonal; the 0 contour is bold. Contour interval is 0.2; negative values are shaded. The 0.5 contour for the GM model is shown as a dashedline. The moored coherences(MVC) are evaluatedat 1.4 cph; the towedcoherences (TVC) areevaluatedat 10-4 cpm. (• > N(z)). The wavefunctions½nare nearlyconstant,and ½n mixed layer whetherthe adjustmentregionis larger or smaller are nearly linear in the upper 50 m (Figure 3). At large vertical than the mixed layer depth. The velocityspectra(MS, and wavelengths(low modes)the wave functionsare similar to the TS,) are nearlyuniformin the mixedlayer becausethe ½nare constantN cases;the effectof the relativelysmall, mixed layer nearly uniform.However,the spectrallevel in the mixed layer is slight.For waveswith a verticalwavelengthcomparableor is slightly higher than the deep spectrumat low N (case2a) smallerthan the mixedlayer there are zero crossings in •pand and becomeslower at high N (case2b). maxima in •bnear 50 m depth (Figure 3). The main differencesin the coherencesof the step profile Below 50 m the spectraare similar to the constantN spec- compared with the constant N case also occur in the mixed tra (Figure4). In the mixedlayer,verticaldisplacementspectra layer (Figures 7 and 8). At a fixed vertical separation the (MScand TSc)decrease to zero at the surfaceas in the con- coherencewithin the mixed layer is higher than it is for the stant N case. The difference is that the decrease occurs in the 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 same separation in the constant N case. The differences are 200 o o 50 100 lOO MVCu 150 TVCu 0 • 15o 150 150 150- 200 200 5b 160 1•0 200 Depth (m) tweenany two depthsfor caselb (N = 3.2 No). The 1 contouris on the diagonal; the 0 contour is bold. Contour interval is 0.2; negative values are shaded. The 0.5 contour for the GM model is shown as a 100 150 200 100 MVCu ' 150 0 x: 100- lOO MVC• 0 sb Dep(h (m) Fig. 6. Contour plot showing the model vertical coherencesbe- 50 5O 100 5b 160 1•0 0 0 o 100 0 150 lOO 15o 50 200 100 50 o 50 50 o o Dep(h (m) Fig. 8. Contour plot showing the model vertical coherencesbetweenany two depthsfor case2b (Stepof 3.2 No). The 1 contouris on the diagonal;the 0 contouris bold. Contour interval is 0.2; negative values are shaded. The 0.5 contour for the GM model is shown as a dashed line. The moored coherences(MVC) are evaluated at 1.4 cph; dashed line. The moored coherences(MVC) are evaluated at 1.4 cph; the towedcoherences (TVC) areevaluatedat 10-4 cpm. the towedcoherences (TVC) areevaluatedat 10-4 cpm. 5040 LEVINE' UPPER OCEAN INTERNAL WAVE FIELD Buoyancy Frequency (cph) 10 -1 ß 10 ¸ I i I tllltl 101 ! i i Iiiiii lOOO-- 102 i I I , ,Ill -- 2000- __ -- __ -- -- __ 5000Fig. 9. from mode 1 is eliminated. This is accomplishedby setting H•- 0 and changingthe normalization constantH' H,for n > 1 is unchanged(equation(8)). Case 3b demonstratesthe effect of increasingthe horizontal wave number that has the most energy. As will be seen,the motivationfor eliminatingmode 1 is to improvedramatically the agreement between model and observed coherences. It may seem ad hoc to eliminate mode 1' however, the observaof mode 1 in the GM model is not conclusive.The resultsfrom IWEX [Miiller et al., 1978] showthat mode 1 may be relativelylessenergetic than the GM prescription. Other observations have also shownthat themodelfit is improvedusinga highervalueofj, [e.g.,Levineet al., 1986]'theeffectof higherj, is to reducethe ---- 4000- case 3b the contribution tional evidence that indicates the dominance -- 3000- Two other caseswere also run with the MILDEX N profile but usingmodifiedspectraldistributionfunctions(Table 1). In • ',.............. I I IIIIII Buoyancyfrequencyprofile for MILDEX. magnitude of mode 1 relative to the other modes. While totally eliminating mode 1 is extreme, this case serves as an indication of the effect on the spectrum for a decreasein the relative magnitude of mode 1. In case 3c the GM form of the dispersionrelation (7) is modified to model more realistically a variable N profile. In the GM model the vertical scale of the wave is a constant, b. A more accurate parameterization allows for a variation in the due to the absenceof zero crossingsin the wave functions in the mixed layer. Below the mixed layer the coherencestructure is nearly the same as the correspondingconstant N case. 4. MILDEX: MODEL AND OBSERVATIONS The statistical model developed in section 2 is compared with observations made during the Mixed Layer Dynamics Experiment (MILDEX). Three casesof the model are run with the N profile observed during MILDEX. The casesdiffer in the details of the spectraldistribution function (Table 1). One verticalscaleof the waveguideas a functionof frequency,h(co). For MILDEX an estimate of h(co)is taken to be the depth range below the mixed layer where co< N(z). To be consistent, a modificationof the stratificationscaleN Oin (7) is alsomade. The scaleN Ois replacedby the averagebuoyancyfrequencyN over the waveguideh(co).At low frequency,h(co)approaches the depth of the oceanand N is a minimum.As frequency increases,h(co)becomessmaller while N increases'the net effectfor MILDEX is a decreaseof the produceh(co)N as frequencyincreases.The consequence of replacingNob by of the cases(3a) usesthe samee,(co)as in section2; the other Nh(co)in (7) is to modify the horizontal wave number as a two cases(3b and 3c) are small modificationsof the weighting function of n and co.At high frequency,• has a larger value used in the GM model. Observed spectra and coherencesare then compared with the model results. Model. The only data neededto calculate the model spec0 tra for the MILDEX site is the buoyancyfrequencyprofile. A I composite N profile of the entire water column was created I from several sources(Figure 9). The stratification in the upper I •e ! ß Ii I 75 m is taken from a typical single profile observed by the ; ;' I _ _./. (.. Rapid Sampling Vertical Profiler [Newberger et al., 1984]. A I '" --. ß single realization is more representativethan an average profile where the sharp thermocline is smeared out due to the averaging of many profiles each of which has been displaced 100 vertically by internal waves.The profile was completedusing observations to 300 m made aboard Research Platform Flip (R. Pinkel, personal communication, 1986) and profiles to 800 m made aboard the R/V Acania (T. Stanton, personal com150 munication, 1986). Deeper values of N were estimated from historical data averagedin 1ø x 1ø squaresby Levitus [1982]. An enlargedview of the N profile in the upper 200 m is shown in Figure 2. I I 200 , 10-1 10 ¸ 10 • 103 First, model spectra and coherenceswere calculated (case _ _ ' 3a) usingthe sameGM parameters E, j,, b, and N Oand the samespectraldistributionfunction,•,(co),as in section2. For this case the model spectra are qualitatively similar to the results from the idealized step profile (case2). In case 3a, N(z) decreases below 50 m, while in case 2, N is constant below the mixed layer. b Velocity Spectrum, MSu (cm2 s-2 cph-1) Fig. 10. Moored velocityspectra,1/2 (MS,, + MSv),as a function of depth for frequencybands (a) 1.5-3.0 cph, (b) 0.375-0.75 cph, and (c) 0.0937-0.1875 cph. Data are shown as solid circles; model results are plotted as solid lines (case3a) and dashedlines (case3c). The 95% confidencelimits are indicated on the deepestvalues. LEVINE' UPPER OCEAN INTERNAL WAVE FIELD I I I I I I I $041 prising as there are many other sourcesof variability in the mixed layer that are clearly not due to free, linear internal waves. While the model spectral level does not agree perfectly with the observations, it is certainly better than the GM model, which is not defined in the mixed layer where N goes to zero. The observed spectral level in the mixed layer decreasesrelative to 70 m as frequency increases.Model case 3c with the frequency dependent waveguide also exhibits this same general behavior. I The depthdependence of the TS• asobserved by the towed thermistor chain in the wave number band from 10 -4 to 10-3 cpm is shown with the model results in Figure 11. As with MS,, the model cases3a, 3b, and 3c are similar. The data follow the model remarkably well indicating a slight maximum near 50 m. The absolute values are best fit by case 3c although there is lessthan a factor of 1.5 separatingthe cases. The GM model has no maximum but increasesmonotonically with depth following 1IN scaling. Although data are not available to estimate all possible autospectra,it is interestingto compare the depth dependence 100 I I I I I I I of the modeledMS<,MS,, TS<,and TS, (Figure12).As the I 10 4 103 Displacement Spectrum, TS½ (m2 cpm-1) Fig. 11. Towed spectrumof verticaldisplacementas a functionof depthfor the wavenumberband 10-4-10-3 cpm.Data are shownas solid circles;model resultsare plotted as a solid line (case3a) and a dashedline (case3b). The 95% confidencelimits are indicatedon the deepestvalue. than in case 3a at the same coand n. As a result, the spectral distance below the mixed layer increases, the spectra more nearly follow the N scalingexpectedfrom the WKB approximation, that is, velocity spectrascaleas N(z) and vertical displacementspectrascaleas 1IN(z). In the mixed layer, where N scalingis obviouslynot valid, the u spectraare nearly constant with depth, and the • spectradecreaseuniformly to zero at the surface,similar to the idealizedstep profile (case2b). A comparison of the frequencyand wave number depen- denceof the observedand modeledautospectraMS,, MSs, and TScare examinedin Figures13, 14, and 15. Frequency quantities for case 3c are a much stronger function of fre- spectraMS, from 15 and 141 m are plotted with the model quency,especiallyat high frequency. In all of these calculations no quantities have been calcu-. lated at frequenciesabove N(--d)= 3.5 cph. This is because Spectral Density (units arbitrary) there is no energy above local N in the GM model; above N, 10 o 1 01 1 02 freely propagatinginternal wavescannot exist.It is possibleto extend the analysis by using a different method at high frequency to set the spectrallevel, but this would complicatethe straightforwardobjectiveof this paper. Observationscomparedwith model. The model is compared with MILDEX observations from a drifter and a towed ther- mistor chain. The drifter consisted of a free-floating toroid buoy that was instrumentedbelow with a string of 15 VectorMeasuring Current Meters from 3 to 141 m and 4 Aanderaa thermistor chains from 70 to 800 m [Levine et al. 1984]. The deploymentwas near 33ø51' N, 126ø42' W; recoveryoccurred 19 days later about 80 km northeast.The thermistor chain was towed in the MILDEX area from the R/V Wecoma a total of nearly 2000 km [Baumannet al., 1985]. Twenty-eight temperaturesensorsspannedthe surfaceto 95 m depth. First, the autospectraof the data and model are compared. ,50 ,-- ,'/ // 100 TS• are shownwiththemodelresultsin Figures10 and 11. 150 The observedand modeled MS, are plotted together as a function of depth for several frequency bands (Figure 10). Below the mixed layer there is not much to distinguishamong 200. . ....... The depth dependenceof the observedautospectraMS, and , MS -- /,,,,, l••'•••/-i !/ : '.'.'.."..' the model cases 3a, 3b, and 3c. The absolute level and the Fig. 12. Model spectraas a function of depth for case3a. Abso- depth dependenceof the data reasonablyfollowsthe model; luteunitsof thespectraarearbitrary.Mooredspectra(MS,,andMSc) however,the agreementis worseat low frequency.Within the areevaluated at 1.4cph;towedspectra (TS, andTS•)areevaluated at mixed layer the spectrallevelsvary more in the vertical than 10-4 cpm. Buoyancyfrequencyscaling(WKB approximation)is indicated by the internal wave model. This is not too sur- shown as dashed lines. 5042 LEVINE: UPPER OCEAN INTERNAL WAVE FIELD .--.105 •-•103 i , i i l,,,l i i i ! Illll I I I , ' ' ' ' , , ' '''''1 ' '''''1 , ,i,, I ! o 10 4. e• 102 141m I E E 10 3 :• 102 •_1 0 o •10• o 10-1 • 10-2 •100 o o >10-1 •5 10-3 10-1 10-2 10 0 101 : '.'.',::'.:'. :'.'.'.'.'.'. '. :: :','.'. 10-2 Frequency(cph) 10-1 10 0 101 Frequency (cph) Fig. 13. Mooredvelocityspectra,« (MS, + MSv),asa functionof Fig. 14. Mooredverticaldisplacement spectrum, MSs,at 85 m. frequency at 15 (no offset) and 141 m (offset by factor of 100). Data are shown as solid circles. Model results are plotted as solid lines (case 3a). The portion of model case 3c that differs significantlyfrom Data are shown as solid circles;model results(case3a) are plotted as case 3a is shown indicated. 180ø phase differencewith a higher coherencein general than the smaller separationsof 55 m (15-70 m) and 71 m (70-141 m). Case 3a reproducesthe observed phase structure; how- as a dashed line. The 95% confidence limits are spectra in Figure 13. Again, only case 3a is plotted as the model results for the other cases are nearly the same. The greatestdifferenceamong the casesoccursin case 3c at high frequencywhere there is a sharp decreasein the spectrumin the mixed layer. The model spectralshaperepresentsthe data reasonablywell; however,there are differencesin the levels.At 15 m in the mixed layer the model is a bit higher than the observations;the G M spectrum is not defined where N = 0. At 141 m the model is lower than the data. This difference a solid line. The 95% confidence limits are indicated. ever, the coherence between 15 and 141 m is much smaller than observed.When mode 1 is eliminated (case3b), the coherenceincreasesdramatically. This is becausethe most energetic"modes"now have a singlezero crossingbetween15 and 141 m (Figure 3). The agreementof the model with the other is not due to a difference between the model and GM spectrum sincethey are virtually identical at this depth. A goodestimateof the verticaldisplacement spectrumMSc is available only at 85 m from the moored thermistor chain (Figure 14). As with the MS,, the differencesamong the cases and the GM model are slight; however, the agreement with the observationsis good. The wavenumberdependence of the observedTScat 50 m is compared with the model in Figure 15. The agreement between the model and data is good, especiallyin the midband of wave numbers. The model level is higher than the GM spectrum at low wave numbers and fits the data better. The model resultsbecomelessvalid at high wave numberssinceno contributionsfrom frequenciesbeyond 3 cph were used. In contrast to the autospectra the model coherencesvary substantially among cases3a, 3b, and 3c. A detailed compari- son of the model MI/C, with three observedcoherencesis presentedin Figure 16. In the GM model the MI/C, is not a function of the absolute depth but only of the vertical separation; the larger the separation,the smaller the coherence,with the phase always zero. Clearly, the data to not follow this behavior. The largest separation of 126 m (15-141 m) has a 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 Wove number(cpm) Fig. 15. Towedspectrum of verticaldisplacement, TSc,at 50 m. Data are shown as solid circles' model results(case 3a) are plotted as a solid line. The G M model is plotted as a dashed line. LEVINE' UPPER OCEAN INTERNAL WAVE FIELD Frequency 1 0 -2 1.00 e o 1 0 -1 1 0 -2 ß 0.50- o 0.25 10-1 o. I 15-70m ß ; r:: Frequency 1 O0 1 0-2 1 0-• ß -• ' b 70-141m ..... ' -'i - - 0.00 1 O0 I 15-141m _ ..... ', ',', ' .... I - ........ ee ß ß . • 90-- •_ 0 ' 10 . . m . ' ß ß " ß ' -- - c. ßß ß ß ß' ..... ß ' ß eeee ß - ß ß ............. -90 - L ß ß " ß ß . " ........ ß ß 180-- I Iø ß e,e O O Frequency 10 0 ........ I ........ I ........ I 0.75- ••- 5043 "' ß ß ß ß ß ' ß ß ß ß ß •- ... ß ßß ß " ß ' . - 180 , ,-......• ........ • ........ 10 -2 10-• 100 10• 10-• 100 101 10-• 100 1 Fig. 16. Mooredverticalcoherence oœvelocity,MVC,, between(a) 15 and70 m, (b) 70 and 141m, and(c) 15 and 141 m. Data arc plottedas solid½ir½1½s. Model coherences œor½as½ 3a (hold dashed),½as½ 3b (hold solid),and ½as½ 3½(light solid)arcalsoshown.Data abovethelightdashedlinearcs•gn•cant]ynonzeroat the90% confidence coherencesis not as good; however, it does show significantly wave is formed.The underlyingpremisehere is that there is a lower coherence at a smaller separation. Case 3c with the strong tendencyin the wave field toward random phases variable waveguide scaling is similar to case 3a at low fre- among the modes but that the phase relationshipsbecome quency;hencethe agreementwith the observationsis not very more deterministicin the vicinity of a reflectingsurface. The bestway to apply this model to a data setis to solveit good. However, at high frequencyin the 1.5- to 3-cph band the model coherencehas a peak with a 180ø phase difference with the appropriateN profile.However,a qualitativeindicabetween 15 and 141 m which agrees well with the data, al- tion of the effecton the spectracan be obtainedby examining though no better than case 3b. Case 3c also predicts a peak the results from two idealized N profiles (Table 1): constant with a 180ø phasedifferencebetween 15 and 70 m; while this (case1) and a stepprofilewith N = 0 in the upper50 m mixed does not quite agree with the observations,a similar feature layer (case2) (Figure 2). The effectof the surfaceboundary alone can be examined in the constant N ocean (case 1); varidoesoccur at a slightly lower-frequencyband. 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The main purposeof this paper is to developa formalismto calculate the effect of the surface boundary and the mixed layer on the spectralquantitiesof the internal wave field. It is assumedthat the deep ocean wave field follows the GarrettMunk description.The alteration of the wave field in the upper oceanis assumedto be due to the verticalvariation of N(z) and the presenceof a surfaceboundary.The structureof each wave component is tracked as it propagatesinto the upper oceanfrom the GM oceanbelow. All the wave components are then added together to produceestimatesof spectral quantitiesin the upper ocean. The results of the model are useful in interpreting upper ocean measurementsby indicating the modificationsin spectra and coherencesthat can be attributed directly to the kinematic distortion of the deep ocean internal wave field. In order to studyother aspectsof the upper oceanwave field it is first necessaryto understandthe passiveeffect of the surface and the upper oceanstratification.This is especiallyimportant when comparingobservationsmade in regionswith radically different N profiles. The spectralfeaturesof the upper oceanmodel that differ from the GM spectrumare due to the nonrandomalignment in depth of the verticalwave functions.In the GM model the phaserelationshipamong the vertical"modes"is assumedto be random. This may be a resonableassumptionin the deep ocean.However, near a reflectingboundary, suchas the ocean surface or the base of the mixed layer, a vertically standing ations of the spectralquantitiesin the vertical are causedby the particularalignmentof all wave componentsand not fluctuationsin N(z). Specificfeaturesthat differ from GM are as follows:(1) the deviationsfrom the GM spectrumand coherencesoccur near the surfacein an adjustmentregion,which is smaller at higher N, (2) at the surface,vertical displacement spectra (MScand TSc)go to zero,andvelocityspectra (MS,, and TS,) are a maximum(Figure4), (3) "negative"coherences are possible,and (4) verticalcoherences of • (MVCc and TVCc)decrease towardthesurface in theadjustment region while thoseof u (MVC, and TVC•) increase;very near the surfaceall coherencesincrease(Figures 5 and 6). The addition of a mixed layer (case2), whosedepth is small relative to the horizontal wavelengthof the wave,causesthe 4• wave functionsto be nearly uniform and the • wave functions to be nearly linear in the mixed layer (Figure 3). Below the mixed layer the verticalwavelengthof each componentis a functiononly of N (equation(7)), and hencethe verticalwavelengthsin casesl a and lb are the sameas in cases2a and 2b, respectively. At lower wavenumbers(lowermodes)the mode shapesfor the step profile are nearly the same as for the constantN case(Figure 3). However,at higherwave number (highermodes)the phaseof the verticalstructurefor the step profile is significantlyshiftedrelative to the constantN case; the depth of the shallowestzero crossinghas been shifted deeperin cases2a and 2b comparedwith casesl a and lb for the same mode. The major differencesin the spectralquantities betweenthe stepprofile cases(cases2a and 2b) and the constantN cases(casesla and lb) occur in the mixed layer 5044 LEVINE: UPPER OCEAN INTERNAL WAVE FIELD and can be summarized as follows: (1) in the mixed layer the spectraof velocity(MS u and TSu)are nearly uniform, and the spectral level is relatively higher for a lower value of deep N at MILDEX. There is also evidenceof a frequencydependent verticalwaveguideat high frequency(case3c). (Figure4), (2) Spectraof verticaldisplacement (MS• and TS•) decreasein the mixed layer to zero at the surface(Figure 4), and (3) All vertical coherencesare higher than the corresponding constant N casewhen at least one of the two depthsare in the mixed layer (Figures7 and 8). To apply the model to a realistic situation, the spectral quantities were calculatedfor the N profile observedduring the Mixed Layer DynamicsExperiment(MILDEX) (Figures2 and 9). The farther below the mixed layer, the more closelythe Acknowledgments. I thank JamesRichmanfor orchestratingthe Drifter experimentand providingme with the currentmeterdata, and Roland deSzoeke, Lloyd Regier, and Russ Davis for their role in planning,preparing,and deployingthe Drifter. I alsothank Clayton Paulsonfor allowing me to use the towed thermistorchain data, and Robert Pinkel and Tim Stantonfor supplyingthe N profiledata. The effortsof Eric Bealsin carryingout the numericalanalysisand Steve Gard in preparing the final figures are greatly appreciated.Discussionswith Phyllis Stabeno and Teresa Chereskin were most useful. The support by the Office of Naval Researchunder contract N0001484-C-0218is gratefullyacknowledged. modeledautospectra (TSc,MSc,TS•, MSs)followthe N scal- REFERENCES ing of the WKB approximation (Figure 12). The deviation from N scaling is greatestjust below the mixed layer and, of course,in the mixed layer itself where N scalingis not possible. 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