GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 23, NO. 21, PAGES 2979-2982, OCTOBER 15, 1996 The Rainbow hydrothermalplume,36ø15'N,MAR C.R.German Southampton Oceanography Centre,Southampton, UK G.P.Klinkhammer & M.D.RudnickF Collegeof Oceanography & Atmospheric Sciences,OregonStateUniversity, USA Abstract. The Rainbow hydrothermal plume was discovered during a recent geophysical survey along 200km of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), SW of the Azores Triple Junction,in which at least sevennew sites of hydrothermalactivity were identified. Here, we present the first hydrographicstudy of the Rainbow plume, 36ø 15'N, the strongestof the features located during that survey. The plume is detectablefrom real-time in situ nephetometeranomaliesand extends10-15km, W-E, in a non-transformdiscontinuity(NTD) betweentwo adjacent ridge-segments. Maximum anomalies in the Rainbow plume indicate particle enrichmentsat least as large as those seen directly above the Trans Atlantic Geotraverse (TAG) vent-field (26øN, MAR). Analysisof hydrographic data indicates a vent source at Rainbow with a thermal [German et al., 1996]. The most pronounced signals recorded from that work were situated at ~36ø15'N in the NTD betweenthe AMAR (American Mid-Atlantic Ridge) and AMAR Minor segments [Detrick et at., 1995]. Evidence for hydrothermalactivity at this location was first identified when TOBI was towed througha particlerich layer of water, 1900-2100m depth, between36ø18'N and 36ø14'N- the Rainbow hydrothermalplume [German et at., 1996]. Here, we present results from a CTDnephetometer study which provides a direct intercomparison of this feature with other, wellcharacterisedhydrothermalplumes. Methodology The instrumentpackageusedcompriseda Neit Brown outputof up to 98 MW, representing140% of the thermal output previously attributed to TAG. Both lines of MkIII CTD equippedwith a ChelseaInstrumentsMkII evidenceindicate the Rainbow plume to be the strongest 33o55,0,'W suchfeatureyet foundon the MAR. Introduction High concentrationsof metal-rich sulphide and oxide particles precipitate when "blacksmoker"hydrothermal fluids issue from the seabed[Feety et at., 1987; Mottt & McConachy, 1988]. These particlesare carriedupwardby the turbulent plume, which mixes progressivelywith the surroundingwater column as it rises, until some level of neutral buoyancy is attained [Lupton et at., 1985]. Becausethe resultantplume remainsstronglyenrichedin suspendedparticulatematter relative to the ambientdeep ocean,optical sensorscan be usedto providereal time in situ information on the location and lateral extent 36ø16'O"N of theseplumes[e.g. Baker et at., 1995]. In recent work, a 25cm SeaTech transmissometer was Papernumber96GL02883. Fig. 1 Bathymetric map of the Rainbow hydrothermal area, 36ø15'N, MAR showing stations 10-12 (half-filled circles:dispersedplume signals),14 & 15 (solid circles: strong plume signals) and 16 & 17 (open circles: background signals). Bathymetry is given in 100m contours and all depths shallower than 2400m are demarcatedby light shading.The westernwall of the MAR rift-valley is seen in the NW comer of the figure. Two relict blocks within the offset are representedby shaded areasin the NE and SW comers,the more southwesterlyof these being Rainbow Ridge. Inset: schematiclocation map of the Rainbow area, Azores Triple Junction and Menez Gwen (MG) and Lucky Strike (LS) hydrothermal 0094-8534/96/96GL-02883505.00 fields. fitted to the SOC (SouthamptonOceanographyCentre) deeptowsidescansonarinstrumentTOBI (Towed Ocean Bottom Instrument) and returned signals indicative of particle-richhydrothermalplumelayers,coregistered with acoustic images of the underlying seafloor, at seven discrete tectonic settings along the MAR, 36-38øN 1NowatDepartment of EarthSciences, University of Cambridge, CambridgeCB2 3EQ, UK. (e-mail Copyright 1996bytheAmerican Geophysical Union. 2979 2980 GERMAN ET AL.' THE RAINBOW HYDROTHERMAL PLUME 42 5,4 3 3 I bOO oo 1800 oo 2000 oo 2200 oo 2400 oo l'emp 30 30 3• ' •1'••.,,. i........ i '-: . q2 33 54 35 IbO0 iõoo 2000 .2200 2400 .... -. 0 42 54 I 33 35 = ! ß , •_ _.• .. _,• 1600 !600 2000 2200 %1•1 lan 16 2400 Fig.2 Vertical profiles of temperature,salinity and nephelometervoltage at CTD stations 10-12, east of Rainbow Ridge; 14 & 15, north of Rainbow Ridge; 16 & 17, west of Rainbow Ridge. High nephelometer voltages above open-oceanbackgroundvalues indicate layers of water with increasedconcentrationsof suspended particulatematter,characteristic of deep-oceanhydrothermalplumes. Nephelometer. The same instrument package has been used previouslyto investigatethe TAG, Broken Spur and SnakePit hydrothermal plumes [Rudnicki et al., 1994; Jameset al., 1995]. Thus, our methodologypermits for a direct intercomparisonbetween the Rainbow plume and these other, well-characterised,hydrothermalareas. The instrument package was lowered vertically beneath the ship whilst holding station using GPS navigation. Calm weather permitted ship's position to be maintained to within 360m of target locations in all cases and, exceptionally, to within <50m. Results A total of seven CTD stationswere occupied during RRS Charles Darwin cruise CD89-90, September1994. Their locationsare shown in Fig. l, (bathymetrycourtesy of H.D.Needham, IFREMER). Initially, temperature, GERMAN ET AL.: THE RAINBOW Nephels :•.2 18001 ' , :•.:• •.4 , ', 3.5 , 2000[ 2!00•- 2200 t• I 2300l , I R•BOW / 3100 3200 3•00 3400 TAG i , 3600 Fig.3 Vertical nephelometerprofiles for station 14 (this study) and TAG [Rudnicki et al., 1994] (see text for discussion). The offset in backgroundreadings for the two profiles is understoodto be due to clouding of the nephelometerlenses during the TAG [Rudnicki et al., 1994] study. HYDROTHERMAL PLUME 2981 thick) layers of particle-laden water exist, overlying almostcompletelyparticle-freeopen oceanwater. With time, hydrothermalparticles would be expectedto sink from shallow, particle-rich layers into deeper, particlefree parcelsof water, therebyeliminatingthe fine, layered structurescurrently observed. Therefore, the station 14 and 15 profiles must representdata collectedfrom closeto a hydrothermalvent-sourcebecauseparticle settling has yet to exert a significant effect. By contrast, nephelometer profiles from stations 12-10 exhibit smoother,more coalescedprofiles. We interpret these to representprofiles from more distal portions of the same hydrothermal plume, at increasing distances from a common source,where particle settlinghas led to a more homogenised hydrothermal plume. The near-constant plume-height for maximum particle anomaliesat all stations (2000-2100m) is also consistentwith the argument that these profiles represent different portions of a common, laterally-advectingplume. Prior work has already establishedTAG as the strongest hydrothermal plume yet known along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge [Rudnicki et al., 1994; James et al., 1995]. In Figure 3, nephelometersignalsobservedfrom CTD 14 at Rainbow are compared with the strongest signals yet collected from TAG [Rudnicki et al., 1994]. The TAG profile was collectedduring a 9-hour time seriesstudy salinity and nephelometer profiles were collected at directly above the known vent-site at TAG which also interceptedthe buoyant hydrothermalplume. By constations 10 and 11, which demarcate the section of TOBI trast, data from this study were collected without transect along which transmissometeranomalies were knowledge of the precise location of venting on the originally identified, and at station 12. Pronounced seabed. Any maximum plume signals reported here, nephelometer anomalies were observed at all three therefore, should be considered as minimum estimates of stations (Fig.2) and close similarities are seen in the what would be observed directly above the Rainbow profiles, both in terms of maximum nephelometer plume'ssource. Despite this, the nephelometersignalat measurementsand also in the approximatedepth at which station 14 is at least as high as the highest signals maximum particle anomaliesare observed. These three recorded previously at TAG (Fig.3). This provides profiles, with their similar signals, are observedover a immediate, empirical evidence that the Rainbow hydistanceof ~12km. This is surprising,becauseprevious drothermal plume must be at least as strong as that at studiesof the TAG and Steinah611hydrothermalplumes, MAR 26øN and Reykjanes Ridge, 63øN [ [Rudnicki & Elderfield, 1993; German et al., 1994] have failed to yield detectablehydrothermalplume signalsat distancesgreater than 3-5km away from their source. Subsequentplume observations were recorded from stations 14 and 15, occupied 1-2 km west of station 12 in water depthsof ~2400m (Fig.l). Thesetwo profiles yielded even more pronouncednephelometeranomalies (Fig.2). Further, plume structureat stations14 and 15 indicated multiple discrete layers of particle-rich and particle-free water, unlike stations 10-12 which exhibited single broad maxima. Occupationof two furtherCTD stations,16 and 17, 1-1.5km further west, revealed no detectable TAG. A more quantitativemeasureof the Rainbow plume's strength can be achieved from a consideration of the hydrographicdata. A simple mathematicalmodel can be used to estimate the thermal flux needed to produce a hydrothermalplume at a given level of neutralbuoyancy within a stratifiedwater column[Speer& Rona, 1989]. A revisedversionof this model, which quantifiesplume data against background CTD profiles, has recently been applied to predict a total output of 70 MW for the TAG hydrothermal plume [Rudnicki et al., 1994]. Here, we apply the same model to Rainbow hydrothermalplume data. We use CTD stations 16 and 17 to define "background"temperature and salinity profiles (Fig.2) nephelometeranomaliesat all (Fig. 2). and assume the depth for our source of venting to be 2400m - the recordedwater depth at stations14 and 15. Discussion Then, using the plume heights at which maximum The nephelometerprofiles presentedabove, combined nephelometeranomaliesare recorded(2040m and 2060m) with the TOBI/transmissometer anomalies reported the model predictsthermal outputsof 63MW and 98 MW, previously [German et al., 1996], are consistentwith a representing 89% and 140% of the thermal output single hydrothermal plume advecting from west to east previously calculated for TAG. These results provide away from a sourcewhich is located close to CTD stations independentconfirmationfor the strengthof the Rainbow 14 and 15 but to the east of stations 16 and 17. The plume relative to other MAR hydrothermalfields. Features comparable to the Rainbow plume are not profiles at stations14 and 15 indicate that thin (10-20m GERMANET AL.'THERAINBOWHYDROTHERMAL PLUME 2982 uncommon, however, along the faster-spreadingEast PacificRise (EPR) andJuande FucaRidge(JdFR). Plume studies from the JdFR, have calculated maximum heat fluxes from individual vents of up to 50MW with total segment-scaleheat fluxes estimatedat 66-239MW [Bemis et al., 1993]. Further, neutrally-buoyant plumes overlying the Endeavour and Cleft segments (JdFR) commonly exceed 10-15km in extent [Thomson et al., 1992; Baker, 1994]. Studies from the EPR, 9-11øN, have detectedcontinuousplume signals for up to 55km along axis [Baker et al., 1994] whilst along the southernEPR (17ø30'- 18ø40'S) continuousplumes in excessof 100km along:axis have been detected [Urabe et al., 1995]. Nevertheless,the Rainbow hydrothermal plume remains ß unique to the MAR in both sourcestrengthand lateral persistence. Conclusions The RAINBOW hydrothermal plume represents the strongest such feature yet reported from the MAR. Particle concentrationsat plume height are at least as great as at TAG, and the distanceover which the plume is advected, 10-15km, is much more pronouncedthan any other MAR hydrothermalfield. Preliminary modelling, basedon simple plume theory, predictsa thermal output for the Rainbow plume of up to 98MW, representing 140% of the thermal outputpreviouslycalculatedfor the TAG hydrothermal field. This further emphasisesthe apparent strength of the Rainbow hydrothermal plume becauseTAG had previously been consideredto be the largestknown vent-site on the MAR. Acknowledgements. We thankP.Taylorand R.Cave(SOC) for CTD support at sea and help in preparing Figs. 1-3. The manuscriptbenefittedfrom the thoroughreviewsof Dr.D.Fornari (WHOI), Dr.K.Speer (IFREMER) and an anonymousreviewer. Thisresearchwassupported by the BRIDGE CommunityResearch Project(NERC, UK), by EC (MASTII) contractMARFLUX/ATJ, by a NATO CollaborativeResearchGrant (CRG/GPK) and by a NATO Fellowship(MDR). 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