GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, VOL. 10, NO. 3, PAGES 527-541, SEPTEMBER 1996 Calcite dissolutionin sedimentsof the Ontong-Java Plateau: In situ measurementsof pore water Oz and pH Burke Hales Lamont-Doherty EarthObservatory of ColumbiaUniversity,Palisades, New York Steve Emerson Schoolof Oceanography, Universityof Washington, Seattle Abstract. We presentin situelectrode measurements of sediment resistivity, porewateroxygen, andporewaterpH fromthreestations between2300and3000m depthontheOntong-Java Plateauin thewesternequatorial Pacific.Oneof thesestations is alsothesiteof a concurrent benthicchamberincubation experiment [Jahnkeet al., 1994]. Theporewateroxygendataanda steadystatediffusionandreactionmodelconstrain thedepth-dependent rateof oxicrespiration in thesediments andimplya diffusive fluxofoxygen tothesediments of 10-21gmolcm-2yr-1. Giventheserespiration rates,theporewaterpH datacannotbeexplained withoutcalcite dissolution drivenby metabolically produced CO2. Thedissolution necessary to explainthe observations, quantified bya statistical approach, is3.5-6gmolcm-:yr-1,whichcorresponds toat least20-40% of the calciterain to thesesediments.Over 65% of the total dissolutionis drivenby metabolic CO:. Oxygenfluxesandnetcalcitedissolution constrained by theelectrode dataare compatible withthebenthicchamber measurements of Jahnkeetal. [ 1994]. Thedissolution flux, whilea significant partof theearlydiagenesis of calcitein thesesediments, is lessthanwouldbe predicted by earliermodelsof dissolution, andJahnkeetal. [1994]probably couldnotdistinguish it from zerowith thebenthicchambertechnique.The dissolution ratesfoundin thisstudyare lowerthanpreviousestimates because therespiration reactionis concentrated nearthesedimentwaterinterface,andthe calcitedissolution rateconstants arevery small. The statisticalevaluation of theporewaterpH dataandmodelconstrain thecalcitedissolution rateconstant to 0.005-0.16% d'1,followingthegeneraltrendof lowervaluesdetermined byin situtechniques ratherthanby laboratorymethods. Introduction We describea studyof the early diagenesisof organiccarbon and calcium carbonate in pelagic sedimentsof the western equatorialPacific. Our goals were (1) to determinethe total respirationand dissolutionfluxes within the sedimentsand comparethem to the ratesof supplyto, and burial within, the sediments;(2) to separatethe effects on calcium carbonate dissolution due to bottom water undersaturation from those due to metabolicaddition of CO2 within the sediments;and (3) to determinethe empiricalformsof the kineticsof thesereactions within the sediments. Understanding the mechanismof calcitedissolutionis critical becausethe balancebetweenthe influx of alkalinity from rivers andthelossby oceanicburialof calciumcarbonatecandetermine theCO2partialpressure (Pco2) of thesurface wa•ers andhenceof metabolically producedCO2 can drive atmospheric CO2 differencesbetweenglacialandinterglacialperiodsif the ratioof the supplyratesof organiccarbonand calciteto the sediments changedover thosetimescales.It is clear that calciumcarbonate accumulationin the sedimentsis linked to glacial cycles [e.g., Farrell and Prell, 1989]; however, separatingthe effects of dissolution(eitherdue to bottomwatersaturationstatechangesor increased supply of organic matter to the sediments)from changesin productivityis difficult without quantificationof the kinetics of dissolution. These are not new questions,but there is a fair amountof disagreementbetween historical attempts to answer them. Emersonand Bender[ 1981] first quantifiedthe amountof calcite that could dissolvein sedimentsin responseto metabolically producedCO2. Subsequent in situpH electrodemeasurements in pore watersof sediments[Archer et al., 1989;Hales et al., 1994; theatmosphere on glacialtimescales [ArcherandMaier-Reimer, Cai et al., 1995] both above and below the saturation horizon 1994; Emersonand Archer, 1992; Broecker, 1989;Boyle, 1988; could not be explained without dissolution in responseto Broeckerand Peng, 1987]. Archer and Maier-Reimer [1994] metabolicallyproducedCO2. Studiesof pore water chemistry, argued that dissolution in pelagic sediments driven by measuredin pore waterscollectedwith in situ samplers,also implicateddissolutiondriven by metabolicCO2 [Sayles,1980, 1985; Saylesand Curry, 1988;Martin and Sayles,1996]. Bulk Copyfight1996by the AmericanGeophysical Union. sediment calcite content and sediment dissolution indices based on foraminiferal assemblages,however, often do not show significantchangesabove the depth of the saturationhorizon PaperNumber96GB01522. 0886-6236/96/96GB-01522512.00 527 528 HALES AND EMERSON: CALCITE DISSOLUTION IN SEDIMENTS Pacific Ocean 5øN ...... Ontong-JavaPlateau In Situ Electrode Measurements (this study) Benthic Flux Measurements (Jahnke et al. 1994) •k ElectrodeandBenthicFluxMeasurements • •500 40 00-2øS • • I 155øE 160 ø ' 165 ø Figure 1. Map of theOntong-Java Plateaustudyarea.Depthcontours in meters. [Berger et al., 1982]. Jahnke et al. [1994], basedon direct measurementsof calcium and alkalinity fluxes at the seafloor, questioned earlierestimatesof metabolicdissolution.They found significant alkalinity and calcium fluxes out of sedimentsat depthsbelow the saturationhorizonbut nonefrom depthsnearor abovethe saturationhorizon. Fluxes predictedwith respiration and dissolution rate models used previously [Emerson and Bender, 1981; Archer et al., 1989; Archer and Maier-Reimer, 1994] were significantly greater than the benthic chamber measurements, while modelsincludingdissolutiondrivenonly by bottom water undersaturationwere in agreement with these observations. The rateof calciumcarbonate dissolution in seawater Recis given by the empiricalexpression: Rd, c=kd, c[CaC03(s) ](1-•c)nc whereKsp.c is thethermodynamic solubility of calcite[UNESCO, 1987]. The rate constantlq.c and the reactionordernc are determinedempirically. Field studiesof calcitedissolutionhave generallyassumedthat the exponent,nc, is 4.5 [Archeret al., 1989; Hales et al., 1994; Jahnke et al., 1994;Berelsonet al., 1994;Caietal., 1995;MartinandSayles, 1996],followingKeir [1980],although otherlaboratory studies haveshown thatnc may be as low as 2 [Walter and Morse, 1985]. There is less agreementabout the value of kd.c. Keir [1980]performed laboratory measurementsof the rate of dissolutionof several differentkindsof naturalandsynthetic calcite,findingthatthe best value for bulk sedimentwas at least 1000% d'l, which appears tobein accord withthe•4Cages of themixed layers of deeppelagiccarbonatesediments[Keir and Michel,'1993]. (1) Determinations of kd. cbased onfielddatagenerally haveyielded much lower values. Measurementsof in situ benthic fluxes [Keir, 1980; Morse, 1978; Walter and Morse, 1985]. The saturationstate of the surroundingwater with respectto calcite [Jahnkeet al., 1994;Berelsonet al., 1994],in situmicroelectrode porewaterpH profiles[Archeret al., 1989;Cai et al., 1995; FIc is definedby Haleset al., 1994],or carbonate chemistry of porewaters collectedwith in situsamplers[Martinand Sayles,1996], interpreted with modelsof the porewaterreactions, give estimates of k•cfrom0.2to 100% d'•. ac--[Ca2+][CO32-] (2) Ksp, C HALES AND EMERSON: CAI•ITE DISSOLUTION IN SEDIMENTS 529 Table 1. Ontong-JavaPlateauStationDescriptions BottomWater Properties Station Depth, m Oxygen, gmol kg-1 ALK, geqkg-1 2A 2322 128 2404 2B 3 2335 2966 128 140 2404 2411 DIC, • 2345 2345 2358 91_+ 13 gmol kg-1 C,bw' % * 91_+ 13 75_+ 11 *Theuncertainty in •C,bw isduetotheuncertainty incalculating carbonate ionconcentration from the alkalinity(ALK) and dissolvedinorganiccarbon(DIC) measurements and the uncertainty in the 1-atmcalcitesolubilityproduct. Setting Three stationswere occupiedon the Ontong-JavaPlateau,a topographic highin thewesternequatorial Pacific(Figure1), on a cruiseby the R/V Moana Wave in Juneof 1991. Two of the stationsat --2300 m are spatiallyseparatedby less than 1 km, verticallyby lessthan15 m, andareconsidered duplicates. The plateauhashighcalcite(>70%by dry mass)from 1500m to nearly5000 m, andis in a uniformlylow productivityportion of the world's oceans[Berger et al., 1987]. This location is ideally suited to addressthe stated goals because(1) the sedimentsare well characterizedhere, including estimatesof dissolution from sedimentary indicators[e.g.Bergeret al., 1982] and rates of sedimentaccumulationand benthicmixing [Berger and Killingley, 1982], and(2) Jahnkeet al. [1994] basedtheir conclusionsregardingmetabolicdissolutionon benthicflux chamber results from two sites here. One of these, the station referredto by Jahnkeet al. as"NS",is thesameasourstation3. This studyrepresents the first successful attemptto quantify the rate of calcite dissolution with both benthic chamber and in situ electrode measurementsat the same site. The pertinent bottom water characteristics of the stations are summarized in The vertical spacingbetween measurementsis known very well; the locationof the interfacerelativeto eachoxygenandpH electrodewas determinedfrom their respectiveprofiles' Each profile includeda seriesof measurements in the overlyingwater that showed little change as the depth increased. The first measurement that deviatedsignificantlyfrom thesewas assumed to be below the sediment-water interface, and the location of the interfacewas determinedby interpolation(estimatedaccuracyis about 20% of the vertical interval or 0.5-1.0 mm). The interface for the resistivityelectrodewas determinedby interpolationas the depthwherethe resistivitywas 10% higherthanit wasin the bottom water[Archer,1990].Theinterface determined by measuringthe lengthdifferencebetweenthe resistivityelectrod e and each of the others and assuminga fiat seafloor was not systematically differentfrom the abovemethod. Electrode driftwasassessed bymakingtwomeasurements of each electrode in the overlying water after the profile was completed. If thesevaluesdiffered from thosein bottom water prior to entering the sediment by more than 10% (15% for resistivity) of the total changerecordedby the electrode,that profile was discarded. Two of the four oxygen electrodes performed acceptably at each station. Two pH electrodes Table 1. The rangein estimatedbottomwater saturationstate with respectto calciteis due to uncertainties in boththe bottom water carbonate ion and the estimated solubility product for performed acceptably at station 2A,butonlyoneperforme d calcite. relationbetweenthe signalin bottomwater(concentratio n Methods acceptablyat stations2B and3. Oxygenelectrodeswere calibratedin situby assuminga linear determinedby Winklet titration)and the opencircuitreading (zero oxygenconcentration).We have shownthat the assumption of an open circuit reading at zero oxygen is valid with In Situ Electrode Measurements measurements in oxygendepletedsedimentsin PugetSound(B. The microelectrode measurements were madein situby an Hales, unpublished data, 1990). The pH electrodes were calibratedon the ship prior to deploymentwith pH 7 andp H 8 updatedversion of the profiler used by Hales et al. [1994], deployed on a free-vehicle lander. This a substantial buffers,madeup to the ionic strengthof seawaterwith KC1. The improvement overthebox-coredeployment methodfollowedby differencebetweenthesesolutionsand seawatermay meanthere Hales et al. [1994] andArcher et al. [1989], becauseof decreased are differentliquidjunctionpotentialsfor the electrodes between wire time and the decreasedpotentialfor introducingartifacts the buffersand seawater.This is not a significanterror,however, associated with takinga core. On eachdeployment, the profiler since we are interestedin the pH differencesbetweenbottom water and pore water (ApH), not the absolute value of the was configuredwith one resistivity,four oxygen,and fourpH electrodes.All electrodes usedwereof thesametypeasusedby seawaterpH. The slope thus determinedwas correctedfor the Hales et al. [1994]. Electrodemeasurements were made at 0.25- temperaturedifferencebetweenthe laboratoryand the bottom 0.5-cm vertical intervals from a few centimeters above the water using the Nernst equation. Error bars on each electrode sediment-water interface to as much as 9 cm below. Each measurementbelow the interfaceincludethe uncertaintydue to measurement is theaverageof thelastfive readingsoutof a suite both short-termvariability (i.e., the standarddeviationof the five readingsof eachelectrodeat eachdepth)andthe uncertaintydue of 15 readingsmadeonceevery10 s. 530 HALES AND EMERSON: CALCITE DISSOLUTION IN SEDIMENTS to the differences between the measurements in bottom water all cases were bottom water concentrations at the interface and beforeand after profiling(i.e., "drift"). Most of the uncertainty zero-derivativesat the deepestpart of the model. Both models derives from the latter. were solvedby discretizingthe differentialequationsdescribing the systemandinvertingtheresultingmatricesusinga tridiagonal Bulk Sediment Measurements on Retrieved Cores approach[Presset al., 1989]. The oxygenmodel was linear and independentof the pH model, so it could be solveddirectly. Sedimentsampleswere taken from subcoresof Soutarbox coresat two locations. One set of sampleswastakenat 2-3-mm Numerical solutionswere verified by comparisonto analytical resolutionoverthe upper10 cm of the sediment,andanotherwas solutions. The pH modelrequiredsimultaneoussolutionof the takenat =1 cm resolutionover the upper30 cm of the sediment. Bothsetsof sampleswereanalyzedfor particulate organiccarbon andtotalcarbonby a Carlo-ErbaCHN analyzer.Organiccarbon wasmeasuredon samplesthathadbeentreatedwith HC1vapor followedby directadditionsof ultrapureHC1to eachsampleto removeall solid carbonates[Hedgesand Stem, 1984]. Calcium carbonate content was calculated assuming the difference betweenacid-treatedand untreatedsampleswas entirelydue to calciumcarbonate.Porositywascalculatedfrom measurement of thedry massof thefine-resolution samplesandthesaltcontentof the samples. Bottom Water Properties Temperature and salinity were taken from the nearest Geochemical Ocean Sections Study (GEOSECS) station, at corresponding depths. Bottomwater oxygenwasdeterminedon the ship by Winkler titration on bottle samples. Bottomwater alkalinity (ALK) and dissolvedinorganiccarbon(DIC) were determinedby Gran titrationwith ultrapureHC1in a closedcell monitoredby a RosspH electrode. The titrationwascalibrated with ALK andDIC standards (A. Dickson,ScrippsInstitutionof Oceanography,personalcommunication,1991). Precisionof replicatealkalinity and DIC measurements was lessthan0.25%. There was an artifact associated with the volume of the titration cell, which appearedto be systematicallyincreasingin volume overthe courseof thecruise. As a result,samplestitratedlaterin the cruiseyieldedestimates of ALK andDIC thatwereup to 1% higher than samplesfrom the same locations titrated earlier. However, the most importantparameterfor this study was the distributions of ALK, DIC, anddissolved calcium, Ca2*. Species included in ALK and/orDIC wereCO2'(CO2(aq) q-H2CO•), HCO•',CO•2',andB(OH)4'.Thespecies HCO•'andB(OH)4' were eliminatedalgebraicallyfrom the equations,usingthe acid-base equilibriumrelationships betweenthemandthe otherspeciesand the dissociationconstantsfor carbonicand boric acidssuggested by UNESCO [1987]. This left a combinationof threecoupled, nonlinear differential equations withCO2',CO32', andCa2*asthe dependentvariables. Becauseof the nonlinearity,the tridiagonal inversionof the matricesdefinedby thesediscretizedequations had to be executediteratively,usingNewton's method[Presset al., 1989]. The pore water pH data are presentedas ApH, the differencebetweenpore waterpH and bottom water pH. For comparisonto the data,modeledpore waterApH wascalculated fromtheresulting modelsolution for CO•2'andCO2'fromthe relationship where the subscriptsBW and PW distinguishconcentrations in bottom water and pore water, respectively. This result is relatively insensitiveto the choice of equilibrium constantsfor carbonicand boric acids,as long as a consistentbuffer systemis employed. Diffusivity in the pore waters is approximatedby Di.•,w = Di/F [Bemer,1980;McDuffandEllis, 1979]whereD•is the diffusioncoefficientfor speciesi in "clear"waterandF is the sedimentformationfactor,determinedby measurements with the resistivityelectrode. Diffusion coefficientswere takenfrom Li carbonate ionconcentration ([CO32']).Theaccuracy withwhich andGregory[1974](forCa2+,HCO•'andCO32'); Broecker and [CO32'] couldbedetermined wasrelatively insensitive tothiscell Peng[1974](forCO2');andWiseandHoughton [1966](for02). volume error, since it affectedALK and DIC similarly. There Borateion (B(OH)4') was assumedto have the samediffusion coefficientas HCO3'. The modelsincludeda diffusivesublayer titrationsperformedearlierandlater in the cruise. Calculationof that was 0.5 mm thick; diffusivitiesin this layer were assumedto [CO•2']isverysensitive toerrors in ALKandDIC;theanlaytical equal the clear water diffusivities;respirationand dissolution precisionof 0.25% in both measurementsyields uncertaintyin rateswere zero in the diffusivesublayer. wasno significant difference between [CO•2']determined from the calculated [CO•2-] of about+6%. Uncertainties in the dissociation constants of carbonic and boric acids [UNESCO, 1987]havelesseffect,sincecalculation of [CO•2']fromALKand DIC dependson the ratios of the constantsand not the absolute values.Evengiventheuncertainty in calculation of [CO32'], these stationsare more undersaturatedwith respectto calcite than similardepthsat the nearestGEOSECSstation,whichis nearly 2000 km east of the Ontong-JavaPlateau. This follows the generaltrend of a westward-shoaling of the calcite saturation horizonevidentin theGEOSECSequatorialdata. Pore Water Models The pore water 02 andp H data were interpretedusingonedimensional, steady state mathematical models simulating diffusionand reactionsin the sediment.Boundaryconditionsin Results Bulk sedimentpropertiesfor the top 10 cm of the sediments are presentedin Figure 2. Calcite contentsare fairy constant with depthat 85-92%. Thereis slightlyhighercalciteat station2 than at station 3, but the difference is similar to the reproducibility of each measurement(based on duplicate measurements of the same sample). Organic carbon is consistently low (0.1-0.4%) at bothstations,with station3 being slightly enrichedover station2. The organiccarboncontentat bothstationsdecreases weaklyoverthetop 10 cm,butthechange is small relative to the measurementerror, and the decreaseis not by any meanscontinuous.For thisreasonthe organiccarbondata were not usedto constrainthe ratesof respirationwithin, or the flux of metabolizable carbon to, the sediment. HALES AND EMERSON: CALCITE DISSOLUTION IN SEDIMENTS g CaC03/100g g OrganicCarbon/100g 0.1 I 80 0.5 0.3 l• ß I 531 85 90 95 B) O I $I • ll• I / W I I ß 4 Depth (cm) Sta. 2 5 ll Sta. 3 $ ll I / ! II / ', I .... I .... I .... I , Figure 2. Solidcarboncontentof Ontong-Java Plateausediment,as percentages of the total solids: (a) organic carbonand (b) calcium carbonate. thepH profilesandthereturntoward,andevenbeyond(at station 2A), their bottom water values at depths >2 cm below the interface. This could not happenwithout dissolutionof some carbonatemineralat depthsof a few centimeters in the sediment. These stations are strongly undersaturatedwith respect to aragonitein thebottomwaters,andit is unlikelythata significant 1 amountof thismineralcouldpersistto thesedepths[e.g.Hales et • = F •' (4) al., 1994]. Indeed,Berger et al., [1982] observedno aragonitein [Andrewsand Bennett,1981];porositymeasuredon subsamples the sedimentsthey collectedfrom the Ontong-JavaPlateau at thesedepths. The only conclusionthat can be drawn is that from box coresdecreasedto constantvaluesof about70% by 3-4 cm below the interface (data not shown), implying that the calciteis activelydissolvingwithinthe sediments. exponentb is about2. Oxygen (Figure 3b) decreases smoothly throughoutthe measurementregion, showingcurvatureeven at Discussion the deepestpenetrationof the electrodes. The pH data is We interpretedthe pore water databy simulatingthe vertical presentedas ApH, the differencebetweenpore water pH and distributions of oxygen and pH with steady state, onebottomwaterpH (Figure3c). Negativevaluesof ApH meanthat the pore water is more acidic than the bottom water; positive dimensional diffusion and reaction models to evaluate the pertinent reaction rates in the sediment. The approachis valuesindicatethe opposite.All electrodesat all stationsshowa essentiallythe same as used by Hales et al. [1994], and the shift towardlower pH below the interfaceto a minimum, and a governing equationsand numerical solutionsare describedin gradualreturn towards(in one caseeven beyond)bottomwater values. There are severalinterestingqualitativefeaturesof these detailby Hales [ 1995]. data. The first is the significantdifferencebetweenthe two sets of oxygenprofilesat Stas.2A and2B, implyingdifferencesin the The Pore Water O2Model The microelectrode dataare shownin Figure3. The formation factor (Figure 3a), defined as the ratio of resistivity in the sedimentsto that in the overlyingwater,reachesa fairly constant value of about 2 by 3-4 cm below the interface at all stations. Porosityq• is relatedto formationfactorF by therelationship oxygenflux into the sedimentsbetweenthesetwo stations. The pH profilesare alsodifferentbetweenthe two stations,with thepH minimumat station2B beingroughlytwice as low as at station 2A. Pore wateroxygensimulationsare sensitiveto the depthdependent rateof oxygenconsumption Ro2(Z ) assumed to follow the empiricalform: Since the saturation state of calcite must be similar at the two sites,the moreacidicporewatersat stationB mustbe due to the greaterrespirationratesin the sediments, asimpliedby the oxygengradients. Also remarkableis the existenceof minima in Ro2(Z ): (1-q•)(rl e-r2z +r3e-r4z ); (5) whereq•is the porosity(calculatedfrom the formationfactordata 532 HALF3 AND EMERSON:CAI_E:ITEDISSOLUTIONIN SEDIMENTS Station 2A-- 2322m Formation Factor Oxygen(gmol/kg) 1 1.5 2 30 50 70 90 110130 -1 b.O, . ß [ .... • , ._ P ......... '......... '......... '......... '.......t•"-1 ApH -0.04 -0.02 0 "'''1 ......... I....... • ....... c) I I •' ß I = I d• 3 t Depth (cm) 4 - I oi ß I I I I I i I ;.I ......... I ......... I ......... I ......... I ........ .I ..... ,• Station 2B-- 2335m Formation Factor 1 1.5 2 -1 '•' ' ' ' .... ['' Oxygen(gmol/kg) 30 50 70 90 ApH 110130 -0.04 .... [ ........ -0.02 0 [ .......... • .... : , ß I I I 2 - I I I I I Depth 3:, (cm)4:' I I I I . -[ I I .'[ I I 5 I '[ 6 I I I I I I I I - I I I I I 7 I - - - I [ , I I I ' I ...I ......... I ......... I ........ ' Figure 3. In situelectrodedatafromthe Ontong-Java Plateau:(a) formationfactor,definedastheratioof the resistivitymeasured in the sediment to thatmeasured in theoverlyingwater,(b) porewater oxygen,and(c) porewater pH, expressed asApH,thedifference between porewater pH andbottomwaterpH. In figures3a-3c, depthis expressed positivedownward,with the sediment-water interfaceat zero (solidhorizontalline). The vertical dashed linesrepresent thebottom watervalueof eachproperty. Different shaped symbols in thesameplot represent measurements madeby separate electrodes.Profilesrepresented by the diamonds will be referredto as profile1,thoserepresented bythecircles willbereferred toasprofile2. In allplots,thelarger,opensymbols 1 cm .abovethe interfaceare measurements madeaftercompleting the sediment measurements, represented by the smallersolidsymbolof thesameshape.In somecases, thesepointsarepartiallyobscured by themeasurements prior to penetrationof the sediment.All measurements belowthe sedimentwaterinterfacehaveerrorbars;those notvisiblearesmaller thanthesymbols themselves. Sincethemeasurements abovetheinterface areall replicate measurements of bottomwater,theirscatter isindicative of theirreproducibility anderrorbarsarenotgiven. HALF3 AND EMERSON: CALCrrE DISSOLlrrION IN SEDIMF_.aN• 533 Station 3-- 2966m 1 Formation 1.5 Factor 2 -1•'• '''....''' 0 oA) ApH Oxygen(gmol/kg) -0.04 30 50 70 90 1101)0 u......... I......... I......... I......... I........ '1"• -0.02 0 "'"1 I........ • ...... : C)......... ß _ 1._• .! ß I ' ß .! D• ,. ß ß ptl•'-' ;. g , - I ß ! ß ! . . ! 6• ß i I ß i I . 7"-! i L -! . 8" ,! I I i I L i I I I I I. I I I I I i 9" ;I ......... I......... I ......... I......... I ......... I.... h• : .... I ......... I ......... I ........ . . . i Figure 3. (continued) and (4)) and rl, r2, r3, and r4 are adjustable parameters.This expression of Ro2is similarto thatusedby Hammond et al., [ 1996]andis slightlymoredetailedthanthatusedby Haleset al., explicitly include the dependenceon the solid fraction of the model sediments, of organic (1- {). carbon Although degradation conceptually [Berner, similar1980], to a "multi-G" our goal [ 1994],whousedat mostthreeadjustable parameters, anddid not was only to matchthe oxygenprofile as accuratelyas possible. Determinationof the optimum combinationof four adjustable parameters manually is difficult, so the oxygen model was executedby an optimizationroutine(Powell'smethod,Presset al., 1989] that adjustedrl, r2, r3, andr4 to minimizethedeviation betweenthe data andthe modeloutput. Figure4 illustratesthe needfor inclusionof all four adjustable rate parameters(two exponentialterms)in orderfor the modelto fit the oxygendatathroughoutthe profile;resultsfor othercases Oxygen (gmol/kg) 60 80 100 120 140 are summarized in Table 2, where there are some trends worth noting. In all simulations, most (>70%) of the oxygen consumption is dueto the first exponentialtermin (5), whichhas a scaledepth(1! r2) of 1.7-3.5 mm. This meansthat mostof the CO2 wasgeneratedvery nearthe interface.As expected,oxygen fluxes calculatedfrom the model outputat station2B are greater than those at station 2A. This difference is greater than the differencebetweenindividualprofilesat eachstation,but is only Depth (cm) Figure 4. Exampleoxygenmodeloutputfor station3, compared to oxygenprofile 2. Model outputwith respirationratesthat are constantwith depth (heavydashedline); a single,exponentially decayingfunctionof depth(heavysolidline); or a combination of a constantand a singleexponential(light dashedline) do not provideadequateagreementwith the data over the entiredepth range,while that with a two-exponentialformulationdoes(light solid line). The inflection near the interfacein the profile with respirationdescribedby a singleexponential(heavysolidline) is due to the fact that the gradientin formationfactoris significant relativeto thereactiontermin thatdepthinterval,Notethateach exponentialterm containstwo empirical parameters(see, e.g. (5)). 534 HALES AND EMERSON: CAI_L'TrE DISSOLUTION IN SEDIMF_2q'I• Table 2. OxygenModel Results OxygenConsumption Rate Parameters* r •, r2, rs, r4, Integrated(Net) Consumption, gmol02 gmol02 (cmssed.solids) 4 (cmssed.solids) 4 gmol02 Station Profile yr4 cm4 yr-• cm4 cm-2yr4 2A 1 2 111 192 2.85 4.25 8.50 6.57 0.352 0.277 9.7 9.6 2B 3 1 262 2.87 6.86 0.318 18.7 2 305 3.47 2.69 0.132 16.8 1 2 281 854 4.18 6.17 3.09 3.45 0.200 0.228 14.0 21.1 *The rate parametersr•, r 2, r s, and r4from (5) are determinedby an optimizationroutineas the combinationthat minimizesthe deviationbetweenthe model simulationand the porewateroxygendata [seeHales, 1995]. The integrated consumption is calculatedfromthisbest-fitsimulationandis oppositeandequalto the flux at the sediment-water interface. slightlygreaterthanthe differencebetweenthe two estimates at station3, implyingthatthe variabilityin benthicoxygenflux is as largeover spatialscalesof a few centimeters as it is overa few thousand meters. The two estimates of oxygen flux to the carbon Rco2. Uncertainties in the magnitude and depth dependences of these reactions must be addressed before attemptingto ,quantifythe calcitedissolutionimplied by thepH sediment at station3, 14 and21 gmolcm'2yf•, arein good agreementwith the flux predictedby the benthic chamber Assumingthat the order of the dissolutionreactionnc is known to equal 4.5, the importantparameterscontrollingthe measurements, 18+8gmolcm'2yr4. calcitedissolution ratearethe dissolution rateconstant ka,c and Consideringthe detailedsensitivityanalysisof thepH model that follows, some discussionof the uncertaintiesassociatedwith the ri parametersof (5) is justified. There are, of course, uncertainties in theseparameters for a givenoxygenprofilethat are not shownin Table 2. Becauseof the shallowscaledepthof the first exponentialterm in (5), (even when the increasein the term (l-q>)is considered,the scaledepthof this term is of the orderof 2.5-5 mm), the parametersr• and r2 are the leasttightly data. the saturationstateof the bottomwater with respectto calcite flc,bw.The rate constanthas a wide rangeof reportedvalues. Keir [1980] determined that1•,c wasover 1000%d'• with laboratory measurementsof the dissolution rate of natural sediments,while Jahnkeet al. [1994] reporteda rangeof 0.05- 0.5% d'•, basedon in situmeasurements of seafloorcalciumand alkalinity fluxes.Thisis a relative difference of over104,leaving essentially no predeterminedlimits on this parameter. We constrained, and we will limit the rest of this discussionto those examinedrate constants in the range10'3-104% d'•, which terms. includesall previousestimates.The bottomwatersaturationstate Constraint of these values is difficult to address unequivocally,becausetheyare sodependent on oneanother.If, for example,r• is held constant,adjustments of only a few percent in r2 generatemodel profiles that do not approximatethe data acceptably;the sameis true if r2 is held constantand r• varied. depends onboththethermodynamic solubility product Ksp,c and the bottom water carbonate and calcium ion concentrations. uncertainties The in the measured bottom water DIC and ALK lead to However, if both are allowed to vary in such a way that the implied 02 flux to the sedimentremainswithin a few percentof the optimum,r• andr2 valuesas muchas 20% differentfrom the optima in Table 2 yield acceptable approximationsof the uncertaintiesin the calculatedcarbonateion concentration of up to 6%. The UNESCO [1987] solubility product is about 8% higherthan the lower limit of estimatesbasedon Mucci's [1983] 1-atmsolubilityandsimilarlylower thanthe upperlimit of those basedon Plath et al.'s [1980] 1-atm solubility measurements. electrode data. These uncertainties,however, are smaller than the This meansthatourestimateof flc,bw hasuncertainties of about differences implied by inter-electrode variability. In the followingsection,uncertainties in Ro2will be limitedto only the different setsof ris implied by the different electrodes.In that way, Ro2is treatedas a singleinput parameterto thepH model, ratherthanfour, with limits that are definedby the optimumfits to thetwo observed02 profilesat eachstation. +14%, which we used to define the practical limits. This assumesthat Millero's [1983] pressuredependence is correct;at thesedepths,the pressuredependenceof Ingle [1975] predicts only abouta percenthighersolubility. MetabolicCO2 productionis linearly proportionalto the rate of oxygenconsumption: The Pore Water pH Model Model simulationsof pore water pH are sensitiveto two reactions, thedissolution rateof calcite(Ra, c, asexpressed by (1)) and the rate of CO• productionduring metabolismof organic Rco2= flRo2, where B is a stoichiometric constant. (6) At each station there are two estimatesof Ro2,determinedby the two oxygenprofilesat each station(seeTable 2). As statedpreviously,the differences HALES AND EMERSON: CALCITE DISSOLUTION IN SEDIMENTS ApH -0.1 -0.05 ApH 0 -0.1 -0.05 535 ApH 0 -0.1 -0.05 2 Depth (cm) 3 Figure 5. Model pH curvesat (a) station2A, (b) station2B, and (c) station3, for threescenarios:no dissolution (heavysolidlines),nometabolic CO2production (heavydashed lines),andthebestfit to thedata(lightsolidline). betweenthesetwo estimates of Ro2aregreaterthanuncertainties in eachestimate,and the practicallimits on this parameterare definedby the two estimates.The constant13can be between 0.55 (alkaneequivalentorganiccarbon;seeHaleset al. [1994]or 0.77 (Redfield organiccarbon). A recentwater columnstudy [Andersonand Sarmiento,1994] estimatedthis parameterto be 0.69, anda benthicflux chamberexperiment[Hammondet al., 1996] gave an estimateof 0.67, but the reportederrorbarswere large enough that these estimatesdid little to discriminate betweenthe upper and lower limits statedabove. We usedthe aboverange(0.55 to 0.77) asthe practicallimitson 13. contrast to all the observations. Furthermore, the no dissolution simulations greatly overpredict the acidification of the pore waters. It is clear that neither case excluding the effects of metabolic dissolutioncan reproducethe observations,and that dissolutiondriven by metabolic CO2 productionmust play a significantrole in determiningthe porewater chemistryat these stations. To addressthe apparentdisagreement betweenthe pH data and the no metabolic dissolution scenarios, we determined the constraints posedby thepH dataon the dissolutionflux predicted by the model,giventhe practicallimits on the four modelinputs The primary goal of the pH modelingexercisewas to assess discussedabove. Figure 6 demonstratesthe sensitivityof the the importance of calcite dissolution driven by metabolic modelsimulationsto theseparameters.Sensitivityto 13(Figure processes relativeto thatdrivenby bottomwaterundersaturation. 6a) over its entire practical range is similar to a factor of 2 As a first step, we addressedtwo simplecasesthat includedno adjustment in the rateconstant(Figure6b). The mostsensitivity, metabolic dissolution of calcite. These are (1) the "no dissolution" case, where the respiration reaction produces carbonicacid,but no calciumcarbonatedissolves(effectivelythe however, is to the bottom water saturation state. A similar shift in modelpH resultsif this valueis alteredonly abouta percent fromits optimumvalue. This sensitivity to f• meansthat,in sameas assuming thatkd.c is zero),and(2) the "no CO2"case, somecases,thepH datathemselvesprovidea betterconstrainton of alkalinity where the respirationreactiondoesnot producecarbonicacid this parameterthanthe bottomwatermeasurements while consumingoxygen(effectivelythe sameasassumingthat13 and DIC. The first step in constrainingthe model simulationswas is zero), and calcitedissolvesonly in responseto bottomwater undersaturation.The rangein pH for thesetwo casesis presented choosinga statisticthat quantifiedthe deviationbetweenmodel in Figure5, alongwitha scenario including metabolic dissolution simulations and the data. We chose the "average relative that providesthe best fit to the pH data in the range of input absolutedeviation"(ARAD), definedby: parameters investigated (described below). The two no (7) dissolutioncurvesrepresentthe rangeof possiblesolutionsgiven N i=l O'i the two different estimatesof the oxygen consumptionrate at eachstationand the practicalrangeof 13;the two no CO2curves representthe rangeof solutionsfor the saturationstateof the whereN is thenumberof datapointsin a givenprofile,mi is the modeloutputat depthi, di is the valueof the dataat thatpoint, bottomwatersgiven in Table 1 and dissolutionrate constantsof 0.05%and0.5%d4 (therangesuggested byJahnke etal. [1994]). and oi is the analytical standarddeviation of the data at that It is worthnotingthat no combinationof dissolutionparameters point, as describedin the methodssection. The ARAD is a linear in the no CO2 casecan generatenegativevaluesof ApH, in version of thefamiliarZ2whichisthenaveraged overthenumber ARAD__I•Imi-dil 536 I-•ES ANDEMERSON: CALCITEDISSOLUTION IN SEDIMENTS ApH -0.04 '"'1 ApH -0.02 ......... -0.04 I ......... '''l mmmmmmmmm ApH -0.02 ......... 0 -0.04 ß ß B = 0.77 (cm) • I 0 m. 1 Depth -0.02 I ......... . k =0.02 I ß ! i • i $ i $ i • i i I $ i % !*, ,. .,, t '. ß I 'k = 0.01 ' B-0.S: . !' ', mm' •' I I m m- ' ' - •", m m- _ ' e"- m m ß • m m . ,. '...I ........ m m le ! I I ! i I- I I . I I s ß ß ß I ,•' ..., ....... l., i ...I ..... m . . ' m I I m i m, m m i m mI , m Figure6. Demonstration of thesensitivity of thepH modeloutputat station3 to (a) thedepth-dependent rateof CO2generation, (b) dissolution rateconstant, and(c) bottomwatersaturation. In all cases, thelightsolidlineis the model output withkd, ½= 0.014% d'x,•½,bw = 76%,B= 0.64,andtheoxygen consumption ratedetermined byoxygen profile1. The othercurvesin figures6a-6carethe sameasthiscurve,with oneof theseparameters altered.In Figure6a,theheavysolidlineis theresultif Bis 0.77'theheavydashed linehasB= 0.55. Theheavydottedlineis output if theoxygen consumption ratedetermined byoxygen profile2 isused.Figure6B shows theresultif kd,½ = 0.01% d'•(heavy solid line)or0.02% d'•(heavy dashed line).Figure 6Cshows theoutput for•½,bw = 75%(heavy dashed line)and•½,•w= 77%(heavysolidline). of datapointsin the profile. It is a more'robust'statisticthan ApH -0.02 -0.01 0 I I stepwasto searchtherangeof inputparameters untilwe founda I minimumvalueof theARAD. Because everydataprofilehas different analyticalerror bars and different degreesof "noisiness", therewasno universally acceptable valueof this statisticfor all profiles,and we visuallyevaluatedthe model outputto assess the "goodness" of fit. Thisis preciselywhat Presset al. [1989]referto as"chi-byeye",butthepresence of variability in theobservations thatwecannot expectthemodelto I I fit %% , I I % 'acce' I 3 Depth (crn) 4 higher-order statistics liketheZ2,because thedependence onIm idllis lesssensitive to outlying pointsthanhigher-order termslike (mi_di)2 [Presset al., 1989]. (Thisstatistic is theoneminimized in theoxygenratedetermination described above.)The second I I reproduce withintheanalyticaluncertainties of themeasurements I (e.g.,thevariability in thepH dataat station 2A below4 cm)left I us with no other alternative. I I I The minimum ARAD, or "best fit" case was evaluated for eachpH profiletodecide whether ornotthefit wasgoodenough I I I I I Figure 7. Examplep H model profilesdefiningthe "region of agreement"with the data. The solid line is the model solution with the lowest ARAD, or best fit. The two dashed lines are modelsimulationsthat fit the dataacceptably;simulationsthat fit worsethan thesedashedlines have greaterARAD statisticsand are deemedunacceptablereproductions of the data. Data shown here are p H profile 2 from station 2A; this procedurewas repeatedfor pH profile 1 at this stationand the profile at station 3. 15M 3M ?5 •C,bw (%) ?5 •C,bw 80 Of•C,bw pre_determined lower 85 3M 85 from oxygen profile 1 ••Ro2 from oxygen profile 2 90 15M 90 log(ka,cl(%d-•) ) -1 -2 -3 -1 log(ka,cl(%d-•) ) Limits on B) 7o ?5 ?5 :ainedupper 80 of (%) 80 85 90 Agreement with pit :2 Agreement with pH 1 Region ofagreement; B=0.55 ofagreement; B .•Re gion B= =0.64 0.T -3 90 -1 -2 0 -3 -2 -1 log(k,•,cl(%d43) this 1øg(ka'c/(%d4)) the dissolution rate parameters, demonstratecl for station Figure 8. The procedure for constraining Contour plot of the bRAD statistic for profile 2, with oxygen of the log of the dissolution rate constant and the bottom water ß es inFigure 7.Solutions was also followed for station 3.(a) of the bRAD and corresponds to procedure the maximum value hedashed lin urs represent consumption rate 1,[5 0.64, as afunction allowable •dding ines; soluU 3Mrepresen . saturation state. The contour labeled .... . ß solutions ma,,-- k and•c,• .... thedashed 1 ..... 'OhS outsloe m •- ß t tooactb•,•- . will mours labeled _ _•adW,F•res 8b-Sd commnauuns o[_. a,c data •etter_than •_ RAD't•at•s,c•,., .... :••im•re •. potct• w contour fitthe ev•u<ofA eanne•ß.... changes within the ..... ximum allowabl ...... <}•' tha• the dash ofthe region ofacceptable fitto mult'p _ __u aata bya M).(b)•e sensitivity •1es cla•ty only the contours with B=0.64 will be shown in the ot me •,,• factor ot mre• ,,,•to pH •rofile 2for oxygen consumption rates determined by deviate from me p,•.... . ra .teisO more appropriate for show only the region of acceptable fit (ARAD • s iration reaction B. •or ß ,hich respiraUon c bm with region instoichiomet• •fthe re p o• ..... •table (c) Regions a•e--__ :•fit nowa•ofknowing • • qame asFigure • , •,•,n nrofile l; Figures 8cand _=0.64.•*--•. ince there ,•" must l u, ..... • 81% • ...... atible rt' •tins ......ot e . • 8d.d2 B •m cases •-,,sidetea. _....r than •sC•,,,v ..... rwin, day)) tot en rofilcs 1an _'• •,reemem for..... _.... ,,,• of•c• gr•a•. -•,•-(k.J(percem v• •- .• value oxyg P ionu,• . d •o •m• '. value .... . rofile 2,}•ereg• . 1suenmpos• ß_•a them•mum -• ot•rt•,this stauon, the •immu,,, • o-•ves thefinal P•P t wire pHurof• eavetheP•ame vmue ot-•c.•,, .... o•• c ='t•vo • eS lrauu ß -=•n •arametet '••' a eemen r ll•t sinceboth..P • o • qven the Pre ..... nceaurex• • a ga) is -u.o. • ._. ß n The sameuTM •t• = •'•;' ..... , •er day)) •s -• .... log(k•d[ pe•c•,,• parameters- emits'on the dissolution rate 538 HALESANDEMERSON:CALCITEDISSOLLrrION IN SEDIMENTS to merit discriminationof othermodelsimulationsagainstit. The modelcurvesin Figure5 showthat, while not perfect,the bestfit solutionsfor the two profiles at station 2A and the profile at station3 did a goodjob of describingmostof the variationin the data,while the bestfit at station2B did not do nearlyaswell. We will limit the rest of the analysisto Stas.2A and 3. Given this "optimum"combinationof parametersfor eachprofile, we then adjustedthe input parametersaway from that optimumuntil the simulationno longer agreedwith the given profile (Figure 7). The value of ARAD correspondingto these simulationswas of acceptablefit, andloosenthe constrainta givenpH profilehas on thedissolutionparameters. Addinga secondpH profiledoesprovidefurtherconstrainton the field of acceptablefit in k-fl space(Figure 8d), as the two profiles must have the same value of bottom water saturation. While it is not clear that they must necessarilyhave the same deemed uncertainties in Rco2,the dissolutionrate constantat this station the maximum allowable deviation from the data. Simulationswith ARAD lessthanor equalthis valuefit the data better than the dashedlines in Figure 7 and were acceptedas reasonableapproximations of the data;thosewith greaterARAD values fell outside the dashedlines in Figure 7 and were not acceptedasreasonablesimulations. The ARAD was tabulatedas a functionof the model input parametersand plottedin parameterspacefor eachpH profile. Figure 8a demonstrateshow the ARAD varies as a function of ka.c and•c,b•, The closedcontour,labeled"M," represents the boundaryof the "field of acceptablefit" to pH profile2 at station 2A, drivenby the respirationrate determinedby oxygenprofile 2 (at that station), with a stoichiometryof 0.64, as a functionof value of ka,c (e.g., becauseof spatialheterogeneity in the size distribution, surface area, or mass fraction of the calcite), the requirement of equalflc,•wprovidedsomefurtherconstraint on the value of ka,c (Figure 8d). Taking into accountthe mustbebetween0.025%and0.16%d" (Table3), andthebottom watersaturationratio with respectto calcitemustbe betweenthe practicallower limit of 78% (determinedpreviously,seeTable 1), anda maximumconstrained by the dataof 81%. Includingtheuncertainty in flc,•wcaused by uncertainty in the carbonateion concentration,this upper limit implies that the solubilityproductat station2A mustbe at least5% greaterthan the UNESCO [1987] value, which is about equal to the stated uncertainties. It is, however, incompatible with the lower solubility suggestedby Mucci [1983], which implies that the bottom water saturation state can be no lower than 85%. The upperlimit of •C,b•at station2A alsoprovides a morerestrictive log(kd. c/(percentperday))andflc,bw (percent).Any combination upperlimit of •C.b• at station3, because the calcitesolubility of kd,c andflC,•w withinthiscontourgivesan acceptable fit to the product (Ksp,c) at station 3 mustbe 11%higherthanat station 2A, electrodedata (see Figure 7); combinationsoutsidethe contour generatemodel simulationsthat deviate unacceptablyfrom the observations.The fact that the field of acceptablefit has finite becauseof the difference in depth between the two stations. Following the above procedure,this additional constraintat station 3 restricts thevalueofka, cto0.005-0.05% d"there(Table dimensions in k•,c and•C,bw impliesthatthepH datais capable of 3). The inclusiverangefor bothstations, 0.005-0.16%d" is at constrainingboth of these parametersmore tightly than the predetermined limits discussed above. Figures 8b and 8c illustrate how the field of acceptablefit movesin this 'k-fl space'in responseto changesin Rco2. Figure 8b demonstrates the effectof variable13.(For the sakeof clarity, this responsewill not be shown in Figures 8c and 8d.) The dependenceon Ro2 is shown in Figure 8c. Note that both estimatesof Ro2 and the entire practical range of 13generate modelsimulationsthat agreeacceptablywith the datawithin the least 4 ordersof magnitudelower than the valuesKeir [1980] determinedfrom laboratoryrate measurements.It is alsolower than any other value previouslydeterminedin the field but followsthe generaltrendof lower rate constantsobservedin field experiments thanin the laboratory[Archeret al., 1989;Cai et al., practicallimitsof bothkd, c andflC,b•,Thismeansthat,unlikethe dissolutionrate parameters,constraintson the respirationrate parameters13and Ro2 are not improvedover the a priori limits statedabove. An additionalproblem is that we do not know which rate of respiration was more appropriatefor this pH profile; therefore we had to use the union (rather than the intersection)of the two fieldscorresponding to the two estimates of Ro2as the regionof acceptablefit. A consequence of this is that additionalestimatesof Ro2canpotentiallyexpandthe region 1995; Hales et al., 1994; Berelson et al., 1994; Jahnke et al., 1994;Martin and Sayles,1996]. Using the constraints of thepH profileson thesecontrolling parameters,we quantifiedthe calcitedissolutionfluxes. The total dissolutionwas plottedin parameterspaceand presentedas contours, muchastheARAD. Simplysuperimposing thefieldof acceptablefit as determinedaboveover thesecontoursgavethe rangeof dissolution flux constrained by thedata. Thisprocedure is illustratedin Figure 9 for station2A, 13= 0.55 and 0.77, and oxygenconsumption rate 1 from Table 2. Note that the field of acceptable fit is essentiallyparallelto the flux contoursin Figure9 for a given valueof 13.This means thatthe uncertaintyin dissolution flux is relativelyinsensitive to Table 3. The pH Model Results Station 2A 3 kdc, %•'• 0.025 - 0.16 0.005 - 0.06 flc,bw, % 78 - 81 68 - 80 TotalDissolution, gmolcm'2yr4 3.5 - 6 3.5 - 6 The rangesin all of thesequantitiesincludeuncertainties relatedto B andRo2. The lowerlimitof •c bwat station2A is thepredetermined limitbasedontheprecision of the measurement of i'fiealkalinityanddissolved inorganic carbonandtheuncertainty in the solubilityproduct.The pH observations constrainthe upperlimit at stations2A and3, and the lower limit at station 3. HALES AND EMERSON: CAIX21TE DISSOLUTION IN SEDIMENTS A) 539 Table 3. Calcitedissolutionfluxesat both stationsare 3.5-6 gmol 13= 0.77 cm'2yr'l. Because a 40%increase in 13(from0.55to0.77)givesa 10 70 70% increasein dissolutionflux, thereappearsto be a superlinear dependenceon 13,which is probably due to the high-order dissolution kinetics. The fact that the dissolution fluxes at stations2A and 3 are similar despite the differencesin total oxygen flux and bottom water saturation state is due to the shallowerscale depthsof the respirationreactionsat station3, 75 andthelowerrangeof ka.c constrained by thepH datathere. (%) The predictedrate of calcite dissolutioncorrespondsto 2040% of the calcite rain to these sediments,given the sediment calcite content and independentestimatesof the sedimentation rate [Berger and Killingley, 1982]. This is probablya lower boundof the fractionof the rain thatis dissolved.For example,if a 1:1 ratio is assumedbetween the organic carbon and calcite Lower limit offlC,bw 80 _ _ _ pperlimitof D•,bw 85 fluxes to the sediment, then our estimates of dissolution 2 correspondto 37-64% of the rain. In either case, dissolution accountsfor a significantfraction of the rain to the sediments. Model runswith the samerangeof bottom-watersaturationstates 90 -2 -3 -1 log(kd,½/(%d-•)) and dissolution rate constants as in Table 3, but without metabolicCO2 production(i.e., 13= 0) predict only about 1.2 gmol cm'2yr'l of calcitedissolution, implyingthatmetabolic dissolutionis responsible for 65-80% of thetotal. B) 13=0.55 Conclusions 70 (%) 80 Lowerlimitof •C,bw Upperlimitof 85 We find that there is significant calcite dissolution in the sedimentsof the Ontong-JavaPlateauand that the dissolutionis driven. primarily by metabolic CO2. Jahnke et al. [1994] concludedfrom benthic flux, chamber experimentsat station 3 thatdissolutiondrivenby metabolicCO2wasnot asimportantas previous models had predicted. Fluxes predicted by both methods are summarized in Table 4. As noted previously, electrode-based oxygenfluxesare within the methoderrorsof the fluxes determined by the benthic chamber measurement. Somewhatsurprisingis the fact that the range of calcium and alkalinity fluxes predictedfrom the modelsof pore waterpH in this study overlapswith thosereportedby the benthicchamber technique. The reason for the apparent difference in the conclusions about the importance of metabolic dissolution between 9O this work and that of Jahnke et al. is due to different representations of the respirationkineticsin the two studies. Jahnkeet al. [1994] simulatedconcentrationchangesin the -3 -2 -1 0 chamberas a functionof time usinga sediment/porewater model log(kd,c/(%d-•)) that approximatedrespirationas a reactionthat was first-order Figure 9. Exampleof dissolutionflux estimationat station2A with respectto organiccarbon,following the work of Archer et for theoxygenconsumption ratedetermined by oxygenprofile1, al. [1989] andArcher and Maier-Reirner[1994]. This gave a with B equal(a) 0.77, and(b) 0.55. The heavy,labeledcontours respirationrate that varied with depthin the sedimentby means arecalcitedissolution fluxes,withunitsof gmolcm'2yr4. The of a single exponential term. Given the stated bioturbation regionslabeled"pill" and"pH2" arethe limitsof acceptable fit coefficient and respirationrate constant,the scaledepth for the to the pH data determinedpreviously. The allowablerangein respirationreactionin Jahnkeet al.'s [ 1994] model was about 1.5 dissolutionflux is constrained by thesetwo regionsandthe limits placedon Flc.bwby the proceduredescribedin the Figure8 cm. In contrast,the porewater oxygenprofilesmeasuredby the electrodesrequiredtwo exponentialtermsto fit the data. Most caption. (>70%) of the oxygen consumptionwas accountedfor by the term with scaledepthsof 0.2-0.4 cm. Thus moreof the metabolic theaboveuncertainties in k•candFlc,•w, in thisfieldof k-Flspace. CO2 productionwas shiftedtowardthe sediment-waterinterface where it had a greaterchanceof diffusing out of the sediments As a result,mostof the uncertaintyin the implieddissolutionflux comesfrom the uncertaintyin 13. Repeatingthis exercisefor before it could promote dissolution. We ran several model both stationsand takinginto accountthe rangesin the estimates simulationscomparingthe dissolutionflux driven by the twoof 13andRo2,yieldedtheestimates of dissolution summarized in exponentialmodel of respirationto that driven by a first-order 540 HALESAND EMERSON:C3J.LTI'E DISSOLUTIONIN SEDIMENTS Table 4. Comparison to BenthicChamberResultsat Station3 Flux Method Benthic chamber [Jahnke et al., 1994] Porewaterprofiles Oxygen, Calcium, Alkalinity, gmol cm '2yr'• gmol cm '2yr4 gmol cm '2yr4 - 18+_8 0.35_+4.2 1.4_+6.3 - 14- -21 3.5- 6 5.5- 10 (this study) Negative signs ontheoxygen fluxesindicate thatthefluxistothesediment, whilethefluxesof calciumandalkalinityareoutof thesediment.Calciumfluxesbasedon theporewater electrode measurements areequaltothetotaldissolution (Table3). Alkalinityfluxesarecalculated from FA = 2Fca+0.15fiFo 2 where F^,Fca,andFo2arethealkalinity, calcium, andoxygen fluxes, respectively, and0.15Bisthe stoichiometric relationship bet•veen oxygenconsumption andnitrateproduction, assuming Redfield C:N stoichiometry. Pacificimplyoxygen fluxestothesediments of 10-21 model. For all otherparametersequal,the first-orderrespiration Equatorial reactionwith a scaledepthof 1.5 cm droveabouttwice as much gmol cm'2yf•andcalcite dissolution rates of3.5-6gmolcm'2yr '•. dissolution(for the observedrangeof ka,c and •2c,bw) as a formulation consistentwith the pore water oxygen data. In addition,Jahnkeet al. [1994] assumedthat the organiccarbon undergoingdegradationhad Redfield stoichiometry(B = 0.77). In the previous section,B was found to be one of the most important factors influencing the magnitudeof the estimated dissolutionin our sensitivityanalysis,with a 70% increasein the predicteddissolutionfor B = 0.77 overthatpredictedfor B = 0.55. These two differences in the description of the respiration Thisdissolution ratecorresponds to at least20-40%of thecalcite rain to thesesediments.Dissolutiondrivenby CO2producedby metabolism of organicmatterin thesediments accounts for 6580% of the total; the observed pH datawereincompatible with any scenarioexcludingthe effectsof metabolicallydriven dissolution. Thepredicted oxygenfluxeswerein goodagreement with fluxes determined at one of these stationsby a benthic Andersonand Sarmiento[ 1994], our estimatesof the calciumand alkalinity fluxes would fall entirely within the error bars of the chamberincubationexperiment[Jahnkeet al., 1994]; calcium andalkalinityfluxescorresponding to thecalcitedissolution rate predicted by theporewatermodelwerealsocompatible withthe chamber-determined fluxes. Our pore water oxygenprofiles demonstrated that the majorityof the metabolicCO2production was very near the interface,which allows a greaterfraction to diffuse out of the pore water before it reactswith calcite. The benthic chamber measurements. pore waterpH data constrainthe calcite dissolutionconstantto The sensitivity of the estimated dissolution flux to the respiration reaction illustrates the necessity of accurate quantification of its depth dependencewhen attempting to constrain dissolution rate parameters. Without accurate, quantitative information about the depth-dependence of the respirationreaction, kinetic parametersand the proportionof 0.005%-0.16%d'l, the lowestvalueof thisparameter ever reported. This combinationof kinetic parametersdrives less dissolution than previous models: our representation of respirationdrivesabouthalf the metabolicdissolutionpredicted by simpleexponentialmodelsof respirationwhichreleaseCO2at greater depths in the sediment, for the observedranges in metabolic dissolution cannot be assessed from flux data alone. A dissolution rate constant and bottom water saturation state. reaction could lead to as much as a factor of 3 difference in the predictedmetabolicdissolution.Had we restrictedthe valueof B in our modeling exercise to 0.69, following the results of factor-of-two difference in dissolutionflux implies ordersof magnitudedifferencesin the predicteddissolutionrate constant Acknowledgements. NSF Grant OCE 9217233 fundedthis research. (for theserangesin ka,c and•2c,bw, seeFigure9). Thissensitivity We greatlybenefitedfrom the insightfulreviewsof R. A. Jahnkeandtwo anonymnous reviewers.We would like to thankJ. 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(email: semerson (ReceivedJanuary17, 1996;revisedMay 13, 1996; acceptedMay 14, 1996.)