JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 94, NO. C1, PAGES 995-1011, JANUARY 15, 1989 Quantificationof SandBar Morphology: A Video TechniqueBasedonWave Dissipation T. C. LIPPMANN AND R. A. HOLMAN College of Oceanography,Oregon State University, Corvallis A techniqueis presentedto remotelymeasurethe scalesand morphologyof natural sandbars based on the preferentialdissipationof wind waves and swell over the crestsof the bar. Photographicor video images are recorded and statistical uncertaintiesassociatedwith incident wave height modulations removedby averaging(time exposures).Ground truth testing of the techniquewas carried out as part of the SUPERDUCK experimentin October 1986. The time exposuresgenerallyprovideda good mappingof underlyingmorphology,allowing detectionof the bar and determinationof cross-shore and longshorelength scales.However, during high waves, persistentsurfacefoam obscuresthe relationship of image intensityto local dissipation(modeledtheoreticallyby dissipationof a random wave field), and an enhancementtechniqueof image differencingmust be done to remove the bias. Errors in the estimateof bar crest distancefrom the shorelineare generally less than 35%, but this value dependson the geometryof the particularbar. Logistic simplicityand quantitativecapabilities make this techniquevery attractive. INTRODUCTION thought, it is now feasible [Huntley et al., 1981; O ltrnanShay and Guza, 1987]. Measuring the morphology over large enough spatial coastlines. The accumulation of sediment into large-scale features makes them an important, as well as interesting, scales and short enough time scalesremains a major diffisediment transport region. They are also very dynamic. culty, exacerbated by the scientific emphasis on storm While annual cycles in sedimentdepositionare observedon periods when bar evolution is occurringmost rapidly. Traditionally, bar measurements are made using in situ field most coastlines (with offshore transport tending to form techniquesthat, due to hostile conditions in the surf zone bars during higher energy wave conditions in winter environment, are not always easily applied. Also, the large months), significant morphological changesalso occur on a scale of most bar forms requires extensive surveying both much shorter time scale, especially in responseto storms. cross-shoreand alongshore,typically on the order of many The physicalprocessesthat contributeto the dynamicsof hundredsof meters. Nonstationaritymay lead to errors if the barred beaches are clearly not as simple as for plane beaches. Yet the new information available from studying bar moves significantly during the surveying period. these more complicatedenvironmentsmay provide valuable Hastening the surveying process can eliminate bar clues into the nature of the fluid-sediment interaction. In stationarityproblems,but not without the inevitable loss in particular, cross-shoreand longshore length scales of bars spatial resolution and the potential introduction of spatial may potentially be related to fluid parametersif appropriate aliasing. dynamicalmodels are available. We have developeda remote sensingtechniquethat allows The literature containsa numberof models for bar genera- the visualization and subsequentquantificationof nearshore tion by fluid motions. It has been hypothesizedthat linear morphology based on the patterns of incident wave breakbars are formed at the breaker location of plunging incident ing. The premise of the techniqueis that more waves break waves [Keulegan, 1948; Shepard, 1950; Miller, 1976], or over the shallows of the bar than surrounding areas. The under nodes or antinodes of waves standing against the sharp contrast between breaking and nonbreaking regions shoreline [Carter et al., 1973; Lau and Travis, 1973; Short, may be imaged photographically;however, instead of using 1975; Bowen, 1980]. Hypothesesexist for the formation of an instantaneous"snapshot,"we employ a long time expothree-dimensional crescentic [Bowen and lnman, 1971], sure, thereby averagingout fluctuationsdue to incident wave welded, and apparentlyaperiodicsandbars, based,for exam- modulations and giving a statistically stable image of the ple, on the interactionof phase-locked edgewaves[Holman wave breaking pattern. Figure 1 illustrates the technique. and Bowen, 1982]. Yet, surprisingly, these models are The breaking wave pattern in Figure la suggeststhe preslargely untestedunder natural conditions. ence of a sand bar, but the poor spatial coverage provided There are several reasons why field tests have not been by breaking crests and the statistical uncertainty associated accomplished.Propermeasurementof the low frequency"surf with natural modulationsin wave height render the details of beat," invoked by several of the models, requires sophisti- the bar morphology uncertain. In Figure lb the breaking cated analysistechniquesto resolve particular trapped (edge pattern has been averagedover a 10-min period in a time waves) and leaky modes. Though this techniquerequires a exposure.This image yields a much clearer view of the bar. more extensive array of instrumentation than originally Spatial coverage is both extensive and of high resolution. Nonstationarity problems are avoided, since the sampling Copyright 1989 by the American GeophysicalUnion. interval (10 min) is substantially less than the observed time scales of appreciablebar movement [Sallenger et al., Paper number 88JC03642. 1984]. Finally, the logistics of the remote measurement 0148-0227/89/88JC-0 3642505.00 technique are not constrainedby high-energy surf zone conOffshore sand bars are common features of the world's 995 996 LIPP• AND HOLMAN: QUANTIFICATIONOF SAND BAR MORPHOLOGY Fig. la ': ß .{ -....i:.!;;½•: 7'*--... -..,....:.;• . .... ....... Fig. 1b Fig. 1. (a) Oblique snapshotof wave breakingon October 10, 1986, at low tide duringthe SUPERDUCK experiment. (b) A 10-min time exposurefrom the samedate and tide. The white band at the shorelineis the dissipationmaximum corresponding to the shorebreak, while the band offshoreindicatesthe presenceof a sandbar. ditions and can be utilized wherever an adequate vantage point is accessible. There has been some work on this problem as early as the 1940s using aerial photography [e.g., Wiegel, 1947; Lundall, 1948; Harris and Urnbach, 1972], however with large uncertaintiesresultingfrom the small numberof infre- light intensity patterns observed in time exposure images and the underlying morphology, we make a working assumptionthat light intensity will vary as the dissipation of the incident waves. Modeling of dissipation over arbitrary topographyusing the random wave model of Thornton and Guza [1983] then gives guidanceto the expectedperforquent observationsand limited knowledge of the precise mance of the technique (while measured light intensity connection between instantaneous visual wave breaking profiles turn out to be very similar to calculated profiles of patterns and underlying topography. Our approach will dissipation, lending support to our assumption,we do not greatly improve these estimatesand allow for quantitative actually test this hypothesis by measuring wave dissipation). evaluation of the technique. Following the theory is a section on the photogrammetry Our discussionof the techniquewill start with the theoretical background.To understandthe relationshipbetween the involved in the transformation of oblique images. The theo- LIPP• ANDHOLMAN:QUANTIFICATION OFSANDBARMORPHOLOGY retical resolution and accuracyof the techniqueare then discussed, followed by a descriptionof our field methodsand laboratory digitization techniquesusing a computerized image processor.Finally, we will discussfield tests based on field data from the 1986 SUPERDUCK experiment [Crowson et al., 1988]. TiIEORY sity signal to determine the location of the bar crest, not the break point. However, this problem, which also occurs in the theory of longshore currents [Thornton and Guza, 1986], can be correctedby consideringa random wave model where wave energy is consideredcomposedof a distribution of waves with heights that are described statistically [Thornton and Guza, 1983]. For the remainder of the paper we will The patterns of light intensity that are recorded in the time exposurephotographsare a result of the bubbles and foam of breakingwaves.To relate this visible signalto the fluid motions (and hence the underlyingbar morphology), we must make some assumptionabout the mechanism of bubble formation. For the purposesof this paper we will hypothesize that the light intensity recorded on the film, I(x,y), is simply proportional to the local incident wave energy dissipation l•(x,y), 997 Random focus on the random Wave wave model. Model Models for the shoaling and breaking of random wave fields have been publishedby a number of authors[Collins, 1970; Battjes, 1972; Kuo and Kuo, 1974; Goda, 1975; Battjes and Janssen,1978; Thornton and Guza, 1983]. These models considerthe wave energy to be composedof a distribution of waves of varying height. The analysis is then carried out statistically, representingthe waves in terms of probability distributions whose bulk properties may be (1) found by integration. Many of these models invoke depthwhere the angled brackets indicate time averaged. Since limited breaking to determine dissipation (equation (2)). modelsof dissipationover a barredprofile suggesta strong However, the latter two [Battjes and Janssen, 1978; dependenceof local dissipationon underlyingmorphology, Thornton and Guza, 1983] specify dissipationand use (2) in dissipationmay serve as a proxy measureof the nearshore the opposite direction to find wave height. We will follow topography. the analysisof Thornton and Guza [1983] (hereafterTG83). We will approachthe problemthroughthe energy flux Using the extensivedata set from the NearshoreSediment balance, TransportStudy (NSTS), TG83 showedthat the wave heights H of a randomincidentwave field were well describedby a a'-•' (Ecg) =• PgH c = <e> (2) Rayleigh probability distribution, where p is density,g is the accelerationdue to gravity,E is p(/_/)=2// exp- thewaveenergydensity, andcgis thegroupvelocity. (4) The simplestrepresentation of wavesshoalingon a beach assumesthat the incident energy is narrow banded and can which is an implied function of local depth, and hence of be represented by a singlefrequency f andwaveheightHrms. cross-shoredistance. Surprisingly, this result was found to Outside the surf zone, dissipationis throughbottom fric- be valid throughout the entire nearshore region, including tion. This is small comparedwith the dissipationdue to surf the surf zone where the underlying assumptionsof linearity zone breaking[Thorntonand Guza, 1983] and providesno are clearly violated. As the wave field shoals, some portion of the waves surfacesignalfor imaging.Thus we take wave energyflux begin to break, modifying the distribution.The form of this Ecgto be conserved outsidethebreakerline.Insidethesurf zone, wave height is assumeddepth limited, similar to soli- modification is the main distinguishingfeature of the abovetary wave theory [McCowan, 1891] or monochromaticlab listed random wave models. TG83 are unique in that their results[Galvin and Eagleson,1965] and supportedby field model for the shoaling of the wave height distribution is based on field data from a barred beach (Soldier's Beach, tests [Thornton and Guza, 1982], Hrms(X ) = •[h(x) x < xb (3) where xt, is the position of the breaker line and h is the still water depth.Thus wave energyflux is strictly a functionof depth, and local dissipationis simply determinedfrom the flux gradient(equation(2)). Dissipationover an arbitrary beachprofile can easilybe calculatedusing(2) and (3). This monochromatic representation of the wave field, while simple, has several distinct disadvantages. First, if taken strictly, wave heights should actually increase as wavespropagatefrom the bar crest into the deeperwater of the trough.However,this nonphysicalresult can be simply avoided if, as a wave is numerically shoaled,the criterion for whetherit is breakingis basedon a "local" wave height, calculatedby inviscid shoalingfrom the point immediately offshore. The second problem with the monochromatic model (more severefor our application)is that the maximum dissipationwill generally be at the initial break point. This is, again, a nonphysicalresult, as well as an unfommate one for our technique,sincewe are interestedin using the inten- California) wherein the wave height time series were augmentedwith a record of which waveswere actuallybreaking. They expressthe probability distributionof breaking waves pb(H) as a weightingof the distributionof all waves, pb(H) = W(H) p(H) (5) where, from the data, they determine the best form of the weighting function to be They then model the dissipationof a breakingwave based on a periodicbore model [Stoker, 1957;Hwang and Divolcy, 1970], 3 l•= f-pg(B/-/) 4 h (7) whereB is an empiricalbreakercoefficient,roughlyrepresenting the fraction of the bore face that is covered with foam. The mean dissipation(1•) is then the integral through the breaking wave height distribution, 998 LIPPMANNAND HOLMAN: QUANTIFICATIONOFSANDBARMORPHOLOGY Plane 0 Beach Case i -2' -6 0 20 4'0 6'0 80 1;0 120 x (m) Random Wave Model 1.2 200 1.0 '•--ø Hrms 150 0.8 0.6 100 •: 0.4 A 50 0.0 , E , 0 20 , , 40 60 1;o 8'0 V o 12o piest beach profile and provides a good illustration of the behavior of wave dissipation over unperturbedtopography. The second, Torrey Pines beach (the site of the NSTS results) was used first to check the model results against TG83 (an error check of the programming) and, second,to show the sensitivity of dissipation to minor perturbations in an otherwisesimple profile. Finally, a barred profile from the SUPERDUCK experimentwas usedto show the ability of dissipation(and hence the time exposuretechnique)to highlight the bar crest location. The latter case was also used to provide an understandingof the ground truth studies,conductedduringSUPERDUCK, that will be discussed later. Figure 2 showsthe behaviorof the random wave model on a plane beach profile, shown in the top panel. The model shows a single broad dissipation maximum offshore, resulting from the distribution of wave heights with some dissipationarising offshore due to the more energeticwaves while most waves break near a finite break point. There is a dissipationmaximum (albeit broad) despite the fact that the beach profile is plane. The area under the curve must equal the deep water energy flux. Figure 3 shows the model results for Torrey Pines beach on October 20, 1978, during the NSTS experiment.This day was chosen as one of the two data runs analyzed in TG83 againstwhich we could check the functioningof our model. Again, the beach profile is shown in the top panel, with associatedHrms and (1•) curvesfor and randomwave model shown in the lower panel. Since the distribution of dissipation is dependenton local water depth, peaks of dissipation xi'm) Fig. 2. Model results as waves are shoaled over a plane beach profile (top panel). The behaviorof Hrms and (e), plotted against offshore distance, is shown for the random wave model in the Torrey Pines 20 OCT 78 bottom panel. 3rem 5 Hnns _ (•> ='-• pgB 3ey2h 3 1 H (8) -1 -2- Application of the Model Numerical implementationof the randomwave model was carried out to determine the behavior of dissipation over variousprofiles, and to provide a comparisonfor field tests, to be discussedlater in the paper. The energy flux balance (2) forms the basisfor the model. TG83 note that in testing a variety of numerical schemes,the simplestforward stepping techniquewas foundto be sufficientlyaccurate.We will -4 100 1•0 2;0 2,, x (m) Random Wave Model 0.8 use this same algorithm, ecv, l--gq,,I + ax Starting from the deepest grid point (assuming a wave height that has been linearly shoaledfrom deep water), the wave energy flux is steppedlandward.For the randomwave model, the flux at any shorewardpoint, labeled 2, is calculated using the flux and dissipation(equation(8)) found at the next seaward point, labeled 1. Note that the shallow water assumption is valid for all casesexamined.Valuesused for B and ? are 1.54 and 0.42, respectively,taken as repr•.sentative of field data [TG83]. Examples Theoretical dissipationprofiles have been calculatedfor three beach profiles. The first, a plane beach, is the sire- 0.6 ,,,,,' Hrms 0.4 40 0.2 20 ¾ 0.0 100 0 150 200 250 x {m.) Fig. 3. Model test resultsfor wave shoalingand dissipationover a surveyedprofile (top panel)from TorreyPinesbeachon October20, 1978. The cross-shore behaviorof Hrms and (e) are shownfor the randomwave model in the lower panel. LIPP•N SUPERDUCK 999 ANDHOLMAN:QUANTIFICATION OFSANDBARMORPHOLOGY poorlyreproduced, sinceour dissipation modelartificially 11 OCT 86 forceswave height to zero at the shoreline(we allow no standingwave component). The influenceof deep-water significant waveheightH 0 on the randomwave model is shownin Figure 5. For any off- shoreposition, it appears thatan increase in H0 will result -2 in an increasein local RMS wave heightHrmsup to a maximumvaluewhichdepends on depth.Furtherincreases in H0 have no effect, and the local wave field is said to saturate. This behaviorshowsthe mergingof the dissipation-based model of shoalingused here with earlier depth-limited -5 100 modelsfor depthsthat are "shallow"with respectto the waveheight,a point that was alsomadetheoretically in 500 TG83. x(m) Variation of wave period T will affect the modelin two Random Wave Model ways.The deepwaterenergyflux (henceareaunderthedis- lOO 1.0 - 0.8 ..--" rms 80 , •6o SUPERDUCK E 11 OCT 86 o J 0.4' -40 • v 1 A 0.2' • 20 •V 0 0.0 O0 200 300 400 500 x (m) Fig.4. Model resultsfor wave shoalingand dissipationover a barredbeachprofile(toppanel)fromSUPERDUCK on October11, 1986. The cross-shore behaviorof Hrmsand(t) are shownfor the 5 100 randomwave model in the lower panel. i 200 ß i 300 ß i ß 400 500 100 will reflect positivechangesof slope ("bumps"in the E 8o- perturbation profile).Themodelindeed yieldsa well-defined dissipation peakoverthelargeoffshore bumplocated at x = ß"" 60- perturbations (sandbars,terraces) in thebathymetry. v 40 Figure4 shows waveshoaling anddissipation for a barred beachprofile (actuallya linearstormbar whichformed duringtheSUPERDUCK experiment). A second perturbation r.O 20 200 m. Thusit appears thatthe imagingof dissipation may proveusefulin determining thehorizontal lengthscales of 375 m offshoreis the residualof a semipermanent second linear bar. Three featuresare apparentin the dissipation curves. Offshore, the presence of the second bar H 0 = 1.50 v o lOO 200 300 400 500 1.5 (perturbation) is indicated by therandom wavecurveby a smalldissipation peak,shoreward of whichdissipation is H 0 = 1.50 lower but not zero. This is similar to the resultsfor the low- tideterraceon TorreyPinesbeach.The well-developed inner bar is clearlyhighlighted by thedissipation curve.However, the locationof maximumdissipationis displacedseaward from the measured bar erest(locationof minimumdepth)by 20 m, a resultof weightingthe dissipation towardthe larger waves.Continuinglandward,the troughis indicatedby a ß .•0.5 • o.5o 0.0 , regionof essentially zerodissipation. Thiscontrast between 100 200 300 400 500 thelargedissipation overthebar andzerooverthetrough x (ml distinguishes (at leastqualitatively) the signaldueto sand barmorphology fromthatof a terraceor moreminorperturFig.5. Influence of deep-water rmswaveheightH0 overa barred bation.Finally,we seea narrowdissipation maximumnear beach profile(toppanel)fromSUPERDUCK onOctober 11, 1986. the shoreline,a featurethat alsoshowsup in the field tests The effect of increasingH0 on dissipation,(t), and local wave locations is shownin themiddleandlower discussedlater. While the presenceof this shorebreak heightHrms at offshore maximum is reasonable,the details of its location may be panels,respectively. 1000 LIPPMANNAND HOLMAN: QUANTWICATIONOFSAND BARMORPHOLOGY Theoretical Error vs. Non-dimensional Wave Height 0.40 noted that this value is just from one sample geometry and would be different for different beach profiles. For instance, the value of Xc does not enter into the dimensionalerror Ax, so that for bars that are farther offshore the error would be smaller, and vice-versa.Similarly, for larger hc (suchas for higher tides), Hc*wouldbesmaller, andfor highertides,xc 0.30 would be larger. Both would tend to yield smaller relative errors. Again, the opposite is also true, so that for lower fides and smaller he, estimateswill tend to be worse. x 0.20 PHOTOGRAMMETRY We wish to use oblique images to quantify the offshore and longshorelength scalesof the sand bar (and potentially other variables). Although photogrammetric equations for transformingimages have been developed[e.g., Okamoto, 0.00 1982], the necessaryequationswill be derived here for com1'o 15 20 pleteness. H c The location of any object in the image is a function of the spatial orientation of the camera in relation to ground Fig. 6. Fractional error in locating the bar crest from theoretical topography and can be determined by a simple analysis of dissipationmaxima plotted againstnondimensional wave height/-/•c. the geometry. We will outline the equations that define the transformation between image coordinates and ground coordinates. When transforming from ground to image sipation curve) dependslinearly on T. Also, the dissipation coordinatesthe equationsare fully defined. However, since (equation (8)) is inversely proportional to T. The net result the image is two-dimensional while the ground is threeis that dissipation profiles for different wave periods have dimensional, the opposite process (called rectification) is different magnitudes but the same structure, including locaunderdetermined. This is overcome by assuming one tion and shape of peaks. dimension to be known. For example, in rectifying images The saturationbehavior of dissipationis beneficial to our of waves the vertical coordinate is assumed to be at sea objective of locating sand bar features,since the location of level; errors of the order of the wave amplitudeare assumed the offshore dissipationmaximum is only weakly sensitive negligible comparedto the height of the camera. to offshore wave parameters.This is quantified in Figure 6, The geometry and labeling conventionsused in the rectiwhich shows the fractional error in locating the bar crest fication process are shown in Figure 7. Image coordinates (difference between the location of the offshore dissipation will be denoted with small letters (x,y), and ground coordimaximum and the measuredbar crest position Ax, divided by nates will be denoted with capital letters (X,Y). The optic the offshore distanceto the bar crest at mean tide xc) versus center of the camera is located at point O, a distanceZc the nondimensional wave height, above the x-y (ground) plane. The camera nadir line intersectsthe ground at the nadir N. The image points lie in the focal plane, which for our purposeswill be consideredthe 1'1 positive, consistent with traditional photogrammetry The variables hc and kc refer to the depth and local wave conventions. The focal plane is separated from O by the number at the bar crest, and k0 is the deep-waterwave num- focal length fc, determined by the camera lens. The optic ber.Hc*is derivedby shoaling thedeep-water energyfluxto axis intersects the center of the focal plane at point p, the bar crest, if wave breaking were not allowed (note that the secondterm in (10) is the shoalingcoefficient).Figure 6 shows that the fractional error in locating the bar crest 0 prinmpal line varies from 0% for small waves that just break over the bar 0.10 i (Hc*= 0.5-1.0)to about35%for a saturated wavefield. •.•, fc focal plane The above analysis suggeststhat if the visible intensity signal recorded in time exposure photographsdoes depend on incident wave dissipation, then the time exposuretechnique should work. Best resultswill occur for waves which just break over the bar, but even for larger waves the error in bar location identification 35% will reach a maximum value, for the above case. If the results are to be used to test bar generation models based on standing wave motions, wherein the bar location Xc scales as C•2x c Zc--• g[• J. / / / •Ground (11) Plane where• is the effective beach slope ando = 2Kfisthe radian frequency,then errorsof less than 18% will occur in the predicted frequencyf of the standingwave. It shouldbe Fig. 7. Geometry and labeling conventionsused for photogrammerry. LIPPMANNANDHOLMAN:QUANTIFICATION OFSANDBARMORPHOLOGY called the principal point, and forms an angle x (the camera tilt) with the vertical nadir line. The principal line passes through the principal point and bisectsthe focal plane. The principal point is also the origin for the image coordinate systemwith the principal line as the y axis. The nadir point acts as the origin for the camera coordinatesystem with the principal line in the ground plane defining the positive y axis. The ground location of any point Q is determinedfrom its imagecoordinates (Xq,yq) by Xa = sec + a) tan (12) 1001 The unknowns •c, x, and • can be determined quite accurately by making use of targets at known locations in the image. By knowing both the ground and image coordinates of particular points, (12), (13), and (14) can be solved iteratively to calculate the unknowns. If one known point and the horizon are used, the solution will be unique. If two or more known points are used, the problem is overdetermined and can be solved by m'mimizing an appropriateerror term. Using this techniquein analyzing the images discussed later in the paper, we find typical errors in the estimatesof x, •, and f• to be less than 0.25ø, 0.5', and 0.5%, respectively, roughly consistent with theoretical expectationsdiscussedbelow. ¾• = Z• tan(z + a) TI-IEORETICAL RESOLUTION AND ACCURACY The photogrammetric measurementsoutlined in the last where the angles ot and •/are defined as section are based on estimates of one distance (the camera height) and two angles (vertical and azimuthal). The precision of the techniquethen relies on the precisionof each of and (13) these estimates. While there may be errors associated with estimating camera height above some surface, there is no inherent limitation on that measurement.On the contrary, there is a discrete resolution associatedwith our estimates of angle. Transformation in the opposite direction, from ground to For image quantificationwe use an image processingsystem image points, is done by simply inverting and combining (describedlater) which breaks the image into a 512 x 512 (12) and (13) to yield array of pixels. Since we can resolveto no better than + 1/2 pixel, we find a fundamentallimit on angularresolutionto yq=f½tantan 4 and _x be Aot = AT = 15/1024 (assuming tan 15/2• 15/2). For our typicalwide-anglelens, 15= 40', so Aot= 0.04'= 7 X 10-4 (14) radians. From(12) we seethat theprecisionof estimates in YI2is given by AYe2 AHc 2A(x+el) Y•2 Hc sin2(x+ o•) Several complications arise in applying these relationshipsin the field. First, theseequationsare a functionof the camera tilt and focal length. Field measurementof tilt may be awkward and inaccurate, and the focal length of a zoom lens may be hard to estimate. Second, we do not generally work from a 1:1 positive, but instead either read distances on a photographicenlargementor count picture elements (pixels) on a television screen. In doing so we will have altered the apparent focal length of the image by an unknown amount. We can solve for the "magnified" focal length analytically using Xe where xe is the measureddistancefrom the principal point to the right-handedge of the enlargedimage and 15is the horizontal field of view of the lens. Unfortunately, for most cases,15itself is not accuratelyknown. Third, the direction of aim of a camera in the field is generally chosen to give the best view. Thus the ground coordinatesystemdefined by the principal line may not be particularly convenient.The transformedground points can be easily rotated into a more traditional coordinate system, for example with the x axis directedoffshore, if the angle • between the two coordinate systems is known. Unfortunately, accurate estimation of • in the field is again difficult. 2A(x + o•) 1.4x 10-z sin 2(x + o•) (16) sin 2(x + o•) Sensibly, resolution degrades as (x + e•) approaches•/2, or as the point of view approachesthe horizon. If we take the maximum useful vertical angle to be 85ø (5 ø from the horizon), the resolution in Y will be 0.8%. Note that the fractional errors also increase as the view approachesnadir. However, this is simply a result of normalizingby Y•2, which goes to zero at the nadir; absolute errors will actually be a minimum. The error in X estimates(normalizedby Y•2, roughly representingthe distancefrom the camera) is given by AXQ={A" 4 tan•/ tan TA(x +el) Y12 [-•-c ] sin(x+a)+ cos (x+a) + 1 AT sin (x + a) cos27 (17) For typical camera views, sin (x + or)= 1; hence the theoretical resolution is again limited by angular resolution through the last two terms. Using representativevalues, we find a worst case resolution of 0.3%, a smaller value than for Y, partly due to the choice of normalization. Since the camera coordinate system is not usually aligned with the survey system, we chose a conservativeestimate that spatial 1002 LIPP• ANDHOLMAN:QUANTE•CATION OFSANDBAllMORPHOLOGY 600 I •. E 500 z 400 m 300 ' o 03 200 CERC frf Pier i i iii iiiiiiii iiiii • I CERC Tower O 100 .i:i:5:!:i:i:5:i;i:i:i.:5:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:;:5:!:!:i:i:i:i:;:!:i:i:5:i ............................................ ..,:.... ............... ................................................... :.:.: .............. :.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ........ i:.i•"• [ i i i400 i i i200 i I iOO0 I I i 800 i 600 400 LONGSHORE DISTANCE (m) Fig. 8. Map of the field site during the October portion of SUPERDUCK. The stippled area indicatesthe ground coveragein the field of view of the camera.Cross-shoretransectSD200 is the location of some example profiles in the text, while SD210 is the locationclosestto the main instrumentline in SUPERDUCK. Longshorespacingfor the CRAB surveylines was 20 m (there existsan intermediateline, SD205, betweenthe two lines indicated). resolution distance in either from axis will be of the order of 0.8% of the the camera. While fundamental limits on precision depend, for our system, simply on the angular size of the pixels, the absolute accuracy of our measurement depends on cumulative errors from a number of geometry, then solve for the maximum vertical angle for which estimates. If the location of the camera is well known, the error in the first term of (16) and (17) results largely from errors in determining sea level (assumingthat the ocean surface is being imaged). For the data discussed later, this will be of the order + 0.25 m with a camera height of 40 m, so that the relative error contribution is 0.65%. This error could be substantiallylarger for lower camera heights. Estimation of the vertical and horizontal angles actually incorporatesparameterssuch as x,j ø, and q•,each of which has associatederrors.If we assumethat the parametersthemselveswere estimatedbased on the location of two known points (as outlined in the previous discussion),then they will collectively incorporatethe error of four separate angle measures, 4Act. Including the error associatedwith estimating the angle of interest, the total angularerrorcouldbe 5Ac•= 0.20*= 3.5 x 10-3 radians. For a maximum vertical angle of 85', and including the error for cameraheight, the theoreticalworst case accuracyshouldbe this resolution is achievable. Fla.13 TECHNIQUES The time exposure technique for estimating the incident wave dissipationdistributionand hence large-scalenearshore morphology was tested as part of the DUCK85 and SUPERDUCK experimentsin September1985 and October 1986, respectively, at the Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility (FRF) in Duck, North Carolina. The DUCK85 experiment [Mason et al., 1987] was used to perform initial testing primarily with standard 35-mm cameras and simple photographictime exposuretechniques. The images acquired were projected onto an x-y digitizer table, and the location of the intensity maximum determined visually [Holman and Lippmann, 1987]. Results from that experimentwere encouragingbut indicateda need for further quantification and for more sophisticated digitization methods. During SUPERDUCK the use of video imagerywas implemented as an improvement to the photographictechnique.A Panasonic black-and-white television camera was mounted on top of a 40-m-high tower erected on the dune crest. Figure 8 is a map of the field site during the Octoberportion of the SUPERDUCK experiment showing the location of the AXQ AyQ • < = 0.65% + (5 x 0.8%) < 5% (18) study area, referred to as the minigrid, in relation to the FRF YQ YQ tower and the groundcoverageassociatedwith the camera. As shown, the accuracy and resolutionof the systemdeHourly video recordsof 20-min length were acquiredfrom pendson the angularfield of view 15and the verticalangle October 6-16. Time exposures were created digitally by (x + or). The value of 15used here is for a wide-anglelens mathematicallyaveragingsuccessivevideo frames over a 10and gives a worst case result. Clearly, a telephoto lens, min period using an Imaging Technology image processing zoomed in on the subject at hand, will yield improved esti- system in a DEC LSI 11/73 host computer (Figure lb is an mates. The vertical angle becomes critical as (x + or) example time exposureimage from October 10). Using the approachesthe horizon.While 85ø is a reasonablevalue for photogrammetry results, the time exposure image can be a maximum angle, a better approachto experimentaldesign rectified to produce a map view with known scaling. The would be to determine the required resolution and camera rectification process involves mapping the oblique image LIPPMANNAND HOLMAN: QUANTIFICATIONOFSANDBARMORPHOLOGY 1003 Fig. 9. Rectified time exposureimage obtainedat low tide on October 16, 1986, encompassing the minigrid area. The longshoreand cross-shore distancesare scaledequally with tic mark spacingof 50 m. The thin white band indicates the shore break, while the broader offshore band showsbreaking over the bar. The relative size in raster width reflects the pixel resolutionin the original time exposure. intensities, pixel by pixel, onto the scaled grid. From the rectified view, cross-shore intensity profiles at prescribed longshoredistancesare easily found. Figure 9 is the rectified image of the minigrid area outlined in Figure lb. Figure 10 shows an example cross-shoreintensity profile and the local bathymetry. Clearly, there are local maxima in the intensity distribution in the vicinity of the shoreline and the bar, which appear very similar to the model results presented earlier (Figure 4). Note that only relative magnitudes of intensity are relevant within an image; absolutemagnitudes vary with ambient light and camera aperature. Quantification of images is accomplishedusing an image processingsystem. Extracting information with this system is objective and allows for minimum handling of raw data. Furthermore, with the aid of the image processor we may digitally enhance the images to best reveal the information available. For example, though some video records do not yield high-contrastraw images, the image processorallows 5.0 :•.....Bathymetry - %• Intensity _ -o Cross-Shore Profile16Oct.86 ....................... SD200 -5.0 us to increase the dynamic range of the image by stretching the contrastto as many as 256 gray shades. Ground truth bathymetry data during SUPERDUCK were collected by the FRF staff using the CERC Coastal Research Amphibious Buggy, or CRAB [Birkemeier and Mason, 1984]. Figure 8 shows the location of the intensive survey region referred to as the minigrid. The bathymetry was sampled once per day (October 6, 9-16) along preset crossshore profile lines spaced approximately 20 m apart alongshore. Each survey went beyond the first (and most prominent) sand bar, with the exception of the tenth, when adverse conditions prevented survey completion. Figure 11 shows three-dimensional oblique views of the minigrid survey for October 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 16 [Birkemeier et at., 1988]. A maximum of 20 shore-normal image intensity profiles within the minigrid area were analyzed for each data run. As in Figure 10, each profile contained a maximum intensity (or peak) in the vicinity of the shoreline and the bar, provided the waves were breaking offshore. Given the large amount of data, 464 cross-shore comparisons, not all the profile plots are included. Instead most of the data are summarized in the following analysis using two-dimensional plan view maps indicating the surveyed bar location and digitized intensity maximum location at different stages of the tide. With this sampling scheme we are able to determine the behavior of the cross-shore intensity distribution in relation to the bathymetry under varying wave conditions, water levels, and beach state. Table 1 summarizes the sampling times, wave conditions,.and video quality for each data run. 1142 rn I I I I 50 I00 150 200 i 250 RESULTS I 300 Cross-Shore Distance (m) Fig. 10. Example cross-shoreintensity profile and bathymetry for October 16, 1986, during SUPERDUCK. The intensity values are nondimensionalwith absolute magnitudesthat are not related to the bathymetry. Time Exposures The researchobjectivesof the time exposuretechniqueare threefold. The first is to infer the presence of a sand bar from an offshore intensity maximum correspondingto the maximum time-averaged incident wave dissipation. The 1004 LIPP• AND HOLMAN: QUANTIFICATION OFSANDBARMORPHOLOGY SUPERDUCK OCT s 11 OCT BATHYMETRY OCT 86 86 86 s•__..__ 13OCT86 ............. ? F_. •... ' d. • 15 OCT - 86 16 OCT 86 . Fig.11. Three-dimensional obliqueviewsof theminigridsurveyduringSUPERDUCK [Birkemeier et al., 1988]. second is to determine the cross-shorelength scale of the bar from the locationof the intensitymaximum.The third is to detect the presenceof any longshorevariability in the The theoretical dissipation model suggeststhat best resultswill be obtainedfor small waves that just break over thebar(H*c valuesof 0.5 to 1.0). For October6 an average bar and determineappropriatelongshorelengthscales.We value of H* c was approximately 0.85, and while the will examine each objectivein turn. bathymetrywas complex,therewere local regionsof good LIPPMANNAND HOLMAN: QUANTIFICATIONOF SAND BAR MORPHOLOGY TABLE 1. Date SamplingTime, Wave Conditionsand Video Qualityfor MorphologyImagesDiscussedin Text Tide,m (October) Time, Hrm•, m f, Hz Video Quality • 6 6 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 low -0.11 mid 0.25 high 0.80 mid 0.27 low -0.27 low -0.08 mid 0.55 high 1.10 low 0.09 mid 0.56 high 1.06 1400 1730 1130 1445 1800 0600 0915 1230 0720 1040 1400 0.82 0.56 0.43 0.44 0.38 0.33 1.35 1.58 2.06 2.13 2.06 0.1680 0.1719 0.1641 0.1641 0.1641 0.2656 0.1484 0.1406 0.1094 0.1563 0.1016 good good good good good good poor (rain) poor (rain) good good good 12 12 low mid 0830 1145 1.65 1.85 0.0938 0.0859 excellent excellent !2 13 13 13 14 high 0.93 low -0.22 mid 0.15 high 0.73 low -0.36 mid 0.17 high 0.70 low -0.22 mid 0.30 high 0.76 high 0.91 mid 0.40 low -0.30 1500 1000 1230 1600 1100 1.77 1.20 1.25 1.25 0.75 0.0859 0.0820 0.0977 0.0977 0.0977 excellent good good good poor (noisy) 1400 1700 0.69 0.61 0.1055 0.0938 poor (noisy) poor (noisy) 1130 1445 1800 0600 0915 1230 0.77 0.64 0.54 0.49 0.68 0.72 0.1719 0.1719 0.1641 0.2349 0.1992 0.2031 good good good good good good 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 0.03 0.45 1005 stippled area whose bounds correspond to a deepening by 5% of the bar crestdepthhc, usually 5-10 cm.) The shape and trend of the bar in Figure 14 appearsto be preserved at all stages of the tide. However, the offshore location of the intensity peaks does not fall over the bar, and in fact lies inside the crest well into the trough. This result cannot be reproduced in any way by our model and shows that our assumption that the average visual wave breaking signal represents incident wave dissipation is invalid under these conditions. Investigation of the original video images reveals two apparentsourcesfor the error. The firrite distancerequiredfor wave reformation after passing the bar crest appears to provide a minor landward offset. Most of the error appears to stem from preferential persistenceof foam in the trough Simple Time Exposure 6 OCT 86 140 y=1187m 120 100 Int. 80 60 -2 •, Bathy. -3 40 20 -4 lOO 150 200 300 250 bar definition (Figure 11a). Figure 12 shows the midtide intensity transects for the three best defined sand bar profiles (determined from minigrid bathymetry). The inten- 12o y = 938 rn sit3' maxima clearly indicate the presence of the sand bar, althoughthe peak definition is somewhatsubfie for the y = -lOO 1187 wansect, consistent with the subtle nature of the bar. There is excellent agreement between the locations of the intensity maxima and bar crest, well within the resolutionof the image. This supportsthe validity of the model and the potential of the technique for imaging morphology under optimal conditions. Figure 13 is the rectified time exposureimage obtained at low tide on October 11, a day when model performancewas expected to be poorer due to the larger wave heights Int. -1 -80 c: -(30 -- -2 -3 -4 40 lOO 150 200 250 300 (average He*= 4.3, 2.6, and2.4 for low, middleandhigh tide, respectively). The bathymetric survey (Figure 11c) showed the bar to be linear with no longshore variability. The intensity distribution in Figure 13 confirms this, showhag a clearly linear pattern and providing a good qualitative descriptionof the sand bar. While the qualitative descriptionis good, the quantitative behavior of the technique breaks down in an unexpected way. Figure 14 showsthe location of the intensitypeak for low, middle, and high tide over the minigrid area. Also shown are the locations of the mean shoreline t y = 777 rn ' 112o - 100 - -8O Int. -2 -6O -3 and bar crest. -4 i ß i ß i ß ;40 The latter is depictedby a central line (the best estimateof 100 150 200 250 300 bar crest position) surroundedby a stippled area, reflecting the fact that the bar itself may not be well defined. (From Cross-shore distance (m) Figures 12 and 17, it is clear that bar definition is typically based on three CRAB survey points with a typical spacing Fig. 12. Local bathymetry and cross-shoreintensity profiles from of 15 m and whoselocationsare subjectto operatorsubjec- a simpletime exposureobtainedat midtideon October6, 1986. The tivity. To parameterize this uncertainty, we have added the three transectswere chosenas having the best defined bars. 1006 LIPPMANNANDHOLMAN:QUANTIFICATION OFSANDBAll MORPHOLOGY Fig. 13. Rectified time exposureimage encompassingthe minigrid area obtainedat low tide on October 11, 1986. The longshore andcross-shore distances are scaled•quallywith tic markspacingof 50 m. The imagecontrasthasbeen stretchedto better reveal the bar location. The weak offshoreintensitymaximumcorresponds to a poorly defined second bar. region. This differential in foam persistence weights the intensitymaximum shorewardfrom the location of maximum wave dissipation. We know of no testable physics to describe this behavior and hence allow us to remove the The two transectsdiffer by 10 m in offshore location and are centered about the mean bar position. The intensity and bathymetry profiles for this day and for all others tested from SUPERDUCK showedsimilar structure.The presenceof bias. By examining those records for which a well-defined bar is present, we find that approximately 42% of the intensity maxima were located shoreward of bar crest and that these were generally associatedwith high waves and strong onshore winds. This latter observation suggests a potential mechanismwhich would need considerablefurther testing, though it should be noted that moderate-to-strong onshore winds could blow spray from the active wave breaking regions (especially for plunging breakers) shoreward to cause an inshore bias in the Longshore Transects 16 OCT 86 ' 250 x=60 rn 200 t. 150 maximum intensity location. In addition, high winds could cause whitecapsin regions of little or no incident wave breaking, also biasing the intensity distribution. The capabilitiesof the techniquefor detectingand quantifying longshore variability are illustrated in Figure 15, a comparison of shore-parallel transects of intensity and •r'•Bathy ' lOO -4 -1500 -1•00 -11'00 ß -9•)0 50 -700 bathymetry forOctober 16,a dayof lowerwaves (H•*= 1.7). 225 1 SimpleTime ExposureData 250 x=70rn October 11 -200 o lnt.•, -175 low tide • -1 mid tide • 150- - 150 • hightide -2 mean shoreline • Bathy. 125 100 1500 1400 • 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 -3 -1500 -1;•00 -1•00 ß -9'00 100 -700 Longshoredistance(m) Longshore distance (m) Fig. 14. Location of the mean shoreline, measuredbar crest (solid squares),and intensitymaxima from simpletime exposuresobtained Fig. 15. Shore-paralleltransectscenteredover the mean bar disat low, middle, and high tide on October11, 1986. The stippledarea tance, 60 m (upper panel) and 70 m (lower panel) offshore,from a indicates the area around the crest for which the water depth is simple time exposure obtained at low tide on October 16, 1986. Variationsof intensity correspondto the underlyingbathymetry. within5% of he LIPPMANN ANDHOLMAN:QUAN'rlFICATION OFSANDBARMORPHOLOGY 1007 Fig. 16. Rectified differencingtime exposureobtainedat low tide on October 12, 1986. The bright white band offshoreindicatesthe presenceof a sandbar, whereasthe shorelineis indicatedby a relative darknesswithin the shorebreakregion.The longshoreand cross-shore distancesare scaledequallywith tic mark spacingof 50 m. dips in the shore-parallelbathymetry (caused possibly by topographicallytrapped rip currents), originally a concern, does not appear to cause a problem, since the relative "darkness"above the deeper channel is imaged in a consistent manner with the darknessdue to reducedbreaking in the same region. Several other examplesof rhythmic morphology from other times of year confu-mthe robustnessof the technique for this purpose, indicating that the time exposures can in fact be used to detect and measure dominant breaking pattern is indicated again by the high-intensity band offshore. The differencing techniquerequires the selection of two free parametersto yield an optimal image. The first is the time interval betweenimagesto be subtracted.The secondis a threshold value below which contrast differences are con- siderednegligible (and are mapped to zero). This threshold serves the double purpose of eliminating minor values of difference that result from camera shake or the inevitable longshorelength scalesof a sandbar system[Holman and video noise, as well as eliminating the negative values of Sallenger, 1986]. difference (since time averaging allowing both positive and Overall, the time exposure technique appearsto be a very negative differences must always be zero). While resulting useful tool for determiningthe presenceof a bar systemas image quality is influenced by the particular values of these well as the presence and length scales of longshorevari- parameters, the conclusions about sand bar morphology ability. Cross-shorescalesare well reproducedunder certain (intensity peak locations) are not overly sensitive. Fixed conditions, but an observer hoping to use photographic values have been used throughout this paper to eliminate time exposures,for example,would have to bear in mind the selective bias. potentialfoam bias and make a qualitativeassessment of the We start our examination of the differencing time expoproblem before quantifying any sample (residual foam is sure technique by again looking at the limiting case where visible, so at least an assessment can be made). This waves just begin to break over well-defined bar crests. problemseemsto reducethe effectivenessof the time expo- Figure 17 is a bar location map for October 9 indicating the sures. However, if an image processingsystem is available, estimated bar locationandintensity maximaat low (H*c• more powerful techniquesare availableto improve the situation. We have developed a modification to the technique, DifferencingTime ExposureData called differencing time exposure, that eliminates this 25O October 09 problem. Differencing Time Exposures One way to altogetheravoid the dynamicsof residualfoam accumulation is to eliminate unwanted, persistent signals that do not pertain to active breaking (thus energy dissipation). This elimination can be accomplishedby subtracting video frames, separated in time by a given interval (commonly0.5-1.0 s) to yield a differenceimage. Regions of little or no contrast change, such as areas of persistent foam, will show zero difference. Areas of active breaking will show large intensity changes,hence large difference signals.A time exposurecan be made by averaginga set of thesedifferenceimagesover a suitableperiod, again 10 min for our case. Figure 16 is an examplerectified differencing time exposure image from October 12. The offshore lowtide mid tide 150- mean shoreline ' 1500 ' 1400 I 1300 ' I 1200 ' I 1100 ' I ' 1000 I 900 ' I 800 700 Longshoredistance(m) Fig. 17. Location of mean shoreline, measured bar crest (solid squares),and intensity maxima from differencedtime exposuresobtained at low and midtide on October 9, 1986. The stippled area indicates the area around the crest for which the water depth is within 5% of he. 1008 LIPPMANN ANDHOLMAN:QUANTIFICATION OFSANDBARMORPHOLOGY Differencing TimeExposure Data OifferencingTime Exposure 09 OCT 86 250 lowtide• 35 2 mid tide • y = 1328 rn > 25 •, • 15 (n '• 5 -2 (• '• C: • •oo.hightide• . 150 - ! •c•Bathy. mean shoreline -5 -3 100 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 -15 -4 100 150 200 250 Longshoredistance(m) 300 Fig. 19. Location of mean shoreline, measuredbar crest (solid squares), and intensitymaximafrom differenced time exposures obtained at low, middle, and high tide on October 11, 1986. The stippledarea indicatesthe area aroundthe crestfor which the water depthis within5% of hc. 40 2 1 y=1187m -30 0 Int. -1 -20 estimate for most of the data. At lower tide levels the inten- = sity moved offshore, consistentwith greater dissipation -2 10 offshore. Forlowtide(He*•- 4.3)themeanvalueof Ax/xc• -- 39%, somewhat above the same range for the model -3 calculations(Figure 6) but not unreasonable. -4 100 ß i 150 i [ 200 i 250 ß o Figure 20 showsthe performanceof the techniquefor October16 when the bathymetrywas quite variable in the 300 longshore. At hightide(H*c • 0.4) thewaveswerebarely 2 breakingover the bar, and the intensitymaximumprovided an excellent mapping of even this complicated bar 6O morphology ' However,for low tide (H*C • o • 1.7), the differencingtime exposuremaximum is further offshoreand correspondsto the location of the more continuousslope .o.Z' breakat about1.75-mdepth.TheH* valuefor the slope c -3 10 -4 100 0 150 200 250 300 Cross-shore distance (m) Fig. 18. Local bathymetryand cross-shoreintensityprofiles from a differencedtime exposureobtainedat midtideon October9, 1986, break was approximately 1.0, large enough to allow significantbreakingthere. This may explain the "selection" by the techniqueof the straighterslopebreak insteadof the complicatedand more poorly definedbar crest. The above discussionsupportsthe hypothesisthat our time exposuretechnique(modifiedby a differencingalgorithm) is representativeof energy dissipationof incident wave breaking. Continuingthe comparison,we attemptto characterizethe discrepanciesin bar location Ax as a func- for the three best defined sand bar locations. 0.8) andmidtide(H* • 0.6) for the differencing algorithm c DifferencingTime ExposureData 250 (He*= 0.45 at hightide andno waveswerebreaking October 16 lowtide• offshore). At midtide the intensity maximum location falls mid tide • 200-high tide• ' ";'-•'::•':•:'• within the survey error of the position of the bar crest, indicatinga good estimateat all longshorelocations.Crossshore profiles correspondingto several regions with well150definedbar crestsare shownin Figure 18. Not surprisingly the offshore intensity maximum shows excellent agreement - mean shoreline with the bar crest location. Furthermore, the intensity maximum has moved offshore at lower water level, 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 consistentwith the results of the dissipationmodel (Figure 6; equation (10)). Longshoredistance(m) Figure 19 showsthe resultsof the differencingtechnique for October11, when the bar was linear but the simpletime Fig. 20. Location of mean shoreline, measured bar crest, and exposure results were their worst. The improvement is intensitymaximafrom differencedtime exposuresobtainedat low, middle,and high tide on October16, 1986. The stippledareaindi. ß 100' I ' • ' • ' • immediately evident; at hightide(H*c= 2.4) the intensity catesthe area aroundthe crestfor which the water depthis within locations lie quite near the crest within the range of bar 5% of hc. LIPP• AND HOLMAN: QUANTIFICATIONOF SAND BAR MORPHOLOGY DISCUSSION Differencing Time Exposure Data Both the simple time exposure and the differencing time exposure techniques seem to provide a valuable tool for studying nearshoremorphology. Both detect the presenceof a bar system and allow measurementof any dominant longshore length scales of rhythmicity. Both can be used to estimate cross-shorelength scales, a necessaryprerequisite for testing bar generationmodels. The results from the differencing technique are quite similar to the model, which is based on sound physics, so relative errors are better understood and, fortunately, are constrained by incident wave saturation. The simple time exposure technique may be biased by problems associatedwith residual foam accumula- 0.30 0.20 0.10 tion,so thatfor nondimensional waveheights H* greater o.oo-I -0.10 0 1009 , 5 ! 15 2O than about 1, estimates of bar position can be subject to error for which we have little understanding. Nonetheless, our results show that the simple time exposure will generallyyield good bar positionestimates.This is due to a fortuitous case of compensatingerrors; dissipationof larger waves tends to give errors in the offshore direction, while foam tends to compensate toward the onshore. Unfortunately, we have only a qualitative understandingof the process.When residual foam is apparent,the techniquewill be Fig. 21. Results from differencing time exposureson October 9, workbestat lowtidewhenH*cis low, andwill generally 11-13, 15-16, showing the fractional error in locating the bar crest worse for highertides(higher H'c).Correcting theoffshore plotted against nondimensionalwave height H*c. Negative Ax/xbar discrepancy between intensity maximum and bar crest values indicate a landward offset in intensity bar location estimate. locations usingH* wouldbe difficult;detailsin thebeach profile, as well as surfacefoam biasing,may causeerrorsin the location of intensity maxima which are unrelated or not easilyrelatedto theH* parameter. Thus,we stopshortof tion of nondimensional wave heightH* The Ax values calculatingcorrectionequationsfor the bias. The relevanceof H* in understanding errorsin the arisingin the differencingtechniquefor October9, 11-13, ½. technique is reassuring from a theoretical point of view. 15-16 are normalized by the mean distanceto the bar crest However, it is of dubious practical value, since we do not (different along each profile for each day) and plotted know hc, the depth at the bar crest. Instead, a user of the against H* in Figure21. The results,whilenoisy,arenot inconsistentwith the model behavior shown in Figure 6. Shoreline Agreement Shoreline Agreement A further feature in time exposuresis the representationof a shore break which shows up 'as higher intensity values along the beach face. The cross-shoreprofiles shown in Figures 12 and 18 have well-definedpeaksin the vicinity of the shoreline. This intensity maxima for all cross-shore profiles (from simpletime exposures)are comparedquantitatively with the calculated shoreline location in Figure 22. The calculated shoreline location was determined as the intersectionof the linearly interpolated profile and the still water level at the time of the survey. The correlationis very good (r = 0.92); however,the slopeof the line throughthe data is slightly greater than unity, potentially a result of setup or other swash dynamics. For individual days the agreementis excellent; for example, on October 12 when image quality was best the interceptis -2.0 and the slope 150 140 o 130 0 120 11o lOO 90 1.02 (r = 0.97). The persistenceof foam near the mean run-up location generatesan unusual result for the differencing technique. Since foam intensity appears fairly constant, the contrast differencewill always be low; hence the mean shorelinefor the differencing image often shows an intensity minimum that correspondsto the location of the maximum for the simple time exposure.Shorelinelocation appearsbest done with the simple time exposure. 80 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Survey measurement (m) Fig. 22. All shoreline intensity maxima locations from simple time exposuresobtainedat low, middle, and high tide on October6, 9-16, plotted against measured shoreline location. The regression line is given by y = -14.8 + 1.15x (r = 0.92). 1010 LIPP• AND HOLMAN: QUANTIFICATIONOF SANDBARMORPHOLOGY techniquemust refer back to the qualitative wave parameterizations. Both simple and differencing techniqueswork well when the waves are "just breaking" over the bar. The simple techniquestartsto break down when the presenceof foam no longer seemsdirectly related to the amount of local dissipation. Both of these limits are of a type that may be visually assessedprior to analysis. The calibration of the time exposure technique discussed in this paper assumesthat the appropriatemeasureof a sand bar location is the point of minimum depth. This may not always be true. For example, .for the bar generationmechanism presentedby Holman and Bowen [1982] the sandbar is treated as a perturbationto an underlyingbeach profile. The point of maximum perturbationwill always be offshore from the point of minimum depth, on the seaward slope of the typical bar where the local slope equals a representative mean slope. Thus the errors in the time exposuretechnique will probably be less for this application. Holman and theoretical dissipation modeling. Relative errors may be assessed usingH'c, but adjustment corrections maynot be reliably made using this parameterdue to unknown profile characteristics and a breakdown in understanding the physical behavior of surface foam accumulation. Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the entire FRF staff for their tirelessefforts during SUPERDUCK, particularlyCurt Mason (who made it all happen), Bill Birkemeier, and Ronbo. COL Grum was instrumental in approval and constructionof the FRF tower. Much credit and personal thanks are owed to Paul O'Neill, whose engineering skills and programming contributionsmade this work possible. Funding for the developmentof the image processing systemand time exposuretechniquewas provided by the Office of Naval Research,Coastal SciencesProgram, under contractN0001484-0218. The groundtruth studyduringSUPERDUCK was fundedby the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,Coastal EngineeringResearch Center under the Barrier Island Sedimentation work unit (thanks, Suzette). The analysis was carried out while the authors were on temporary leave at Dalhousie University, and we thank them for their hospitality.Finally, thanksto Marcia for the care packages. Bowenalsopointoutthatin •heirtheorya low-tideterrace can be thought of as a small-amplitude bar. Again, the appropriate location of the maximum perturbation would be at the slope break, just the point imaged by the time exposure technique. Batties,J. A., andJ.P. F. M. Janssen, Energylossand set-updueto CONCLUSIONS We have developed a technique to measure the scales and morphology of natural sand bars based on the preferential dissipation of wind waves and swell over the shallows of the bar. We do not actually measure dissipation, but instead record the visual signal created by breaking incident waves and assume that this is proportional to dissipation. The visual wave breaking patterns are imaged photographically, with statisticaluncertaintyreducedby the use of time exposures (essentially averaging over a length of time long compared with modulation time scales for incident wave height). Analysis of the photogrammetryshows that positional information in the resulting images can be quantified to an accuracyof 5% of the distanceto the camera. Theoretical modeling shows the sensitivity of incident wave dissipation to perturbations in bottom slope; hence the potential for using dissipationto locate bars. An impor- tant parameter is the nondimensional waveheightH* (Ho/?hc)(kc/2ko) 1/2,whereH0 is thedeep-water RMS wave C -- height, hc and kc are the depth and wave number at the bar crest, k0 is the deep-water wave number, and y is a breaker constant, takenas0.42for thisstudy.ForH* = 0.5-1.0the c waves are just breaking and the dissipation maximum corresponds well to thebar crestposition. LargerH* result c in weighting the dissipationmaximum farther offshoreup to a maximum location beyond which the local wave field is saturated.The maximum discrepanciesbasedon a reasonable example are 35% of the true bar crest distance. Ground truth testing,conductedduring SUPERDUCK, confirms the capabilities of the time exposure technique for detecting the presence of a sand bar system as well as detecting longshore variability and rhythmicity and quantifying length scales. Cross-shorescale estimatesare good for smallH* but for higherwaves,persistent foambiasesthe C' Batties,J. A., Set-up due to irregularwaves, Proceedingsof the 13th International Conference on Coastal Engineering,pp. 19932004, Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., New York, 1972. breaking of random waves, Proceedingsof the 16th International Conferenceon CoastalEngineering,p. 569, Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., New York, 1978. Birkemeier,W. A., and C. Mason,The CRAB: A uniquenearshore surveyingvehicle, J. Surv. Eng., 110(1), 1-7, 1978. 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