PALEOCEANOGRAPHY, VOL. 12, 12, NO. NO.2, PALEOCEANOGRAPHY, VOL. 2, PAGES PAGES191-205, 191-205,APRIL APRIL 1997 1997 The The California California Current Current of of the thelast lastglacial glacial maximum: maximum: Reconstruction °N based based on on multiple multiple proxies Reconstructionat at 42 42øN proxies Joseph Ortiz Ortiz'• and Joseph andAlan AlanMix Mix College of of Oceanic Oceanic and and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State State University, University, Corvallis Corvallis College Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon Steve Hostetler Steve Hostetler U.S. Geological Protection Agency, U.S. GeologicalSurvey Surveyat at U.S. U.S. Environmental Environmental Protection Agency,Corvallis, Corvallis,Oregon Oregon Michaele Kashgarian Michaele Kashgarian Lawience LawrenceLivermore LivermoreNational National Laboratory, Laboratory,Livermore, Livermore,California California Abstract: paleoceanographic proxies ininaazonal across the Abstract:Multiple Multiple paleoceanographic proxies zonaltransect transect across theCalifornia CaliforniaCurrent Current near 42°N record modern and last glacial maximum (LGM) thermal and nutrient gradients. The near42øNrecordmodernandlastglacialmaximum(LGM) thermalandnutrientgradients. The offshore thermal species assemblages and oxygen isotope offshore thermalgradient, gradient,derived derivedfrom fromforaminiferal foraminiferal slx•iesassemblages andoxygen isotopedata, data, was were wassimilar similarat at the theLGM LGM to to that thatat at present present(warmer (warmeroffshore), offshore),but butaverage averagetemperatures temperatures were3.3° 3.3ø ± 1.5°Ccolder. colder. Observed gradients require flow +1.5øC Observed gradients requirethat thatthe thesites sitesremained remainedunder underthe thesouthward southward flowof of the the California Current, and thus that the polar front remained north of 42°N during the LGM. Carbon CaliforniaCurrent,andthusthatthepolarfrontremainednorthof 42øNduringtheLGM. Carbon isotopic flux enhanced nutrients and of in isotopicand andforaminiferal foraminiferal fluxdata datasuggests suggests enhanced nutrients andproductivity productivity offoraminfera foraminfera in the northern California California Current Current up up to to 650 650 km km offshore. offshore. In marine organic organic carbon carbon and and thenorthern In contrast, contrast,marine coastal diatom diatom burial burial rates rates decreased decreased during during the the LGM. LOM. These contradictory results are are coastal Theseseemingly seemingly contradictory results reconciled by by model LGM windfield, which which suggest suggest that that wind wind stress stress curl curl at reconciled modelsimulations simulations of the theLGM wind- field, 42°N (and open-ocean upwelling) upwelling) increased, increased, while while offshore offshore Ekman Ekman transport transport (and (and thus thuscoastal coastal 42øN (andthus thusopen-ocean upweffing) decreased during during the the last last ice ice age. age. The of California upwelling)decmasexl Theecosystem ecosystem ofthe thenorthern northern CaliforniaCurrent Current during the the LGMapproximated LOMapproximated that in during thatof ofthe themodern modernGulf Gulf of of Alaska. Alaska.Cooling Coolingand andproduction production inthis this region was by stronger open-ocean upwelling and/or southward flow of of high-latitude high-latitude region wasthus thusdriven drivenby stronger open-ocean upwellingand/or southward flow water rather than watermasses, masses,rather thanby by coastal coastalupwelling. upwelling. Introduction Introduction summer. the summer.By By reconstructing reconstructing theLOM LGM zonal zonalthermal thermalgradient gradient here we infer infer direction direction in in the surface here we surface water water circulation circulation and and thus in the We We report report here hereon onconditions conditionsin thenorthern northernCalifornia California put limits on polar front movements. put limits on polar front movements. Previous Current during the the last (LGM). Currentduring lastglacial glacialmaximum maximum (LGM). Previous Hal LGMpolar polar front front moved moved south south of of these these sites, sites, flow Hadthe the LGM flow studies suggest that NE Pacific surface waters cooled by 2°-4°C studiessuggest thatNE Pacificsurfacewaterscooledby 2ø-4øC across the transect would have been northward, similar to the across the transect would have been northward, similar to the [Moore, 1973; Moore Moore et e al. [Moore, 1973; al. 1980] 1980]and andthat thatexport exportproduction production This would AlaskanStream Streamoff off British BritishColumbia Columbiatoday. today. This would be be decreased relative to present values [Lyle et al. 1992; Sancetta Alaskan decreased relativeto presentvalues[Lyle et al. 1992; Sancetta cores at er al. 1992]. et 1992]. These Thesepast paststudies studieswere werelimited limited to to aa few few cores at different latitudes, which which precludes precludesresolution resolution of of water different latitudes, water mass mass we focus To resolve flows. flows. To resolveregional regional currents, currents, we focus on on zonal zonal temperature andnutrient nutrient structures structures at at42øN 42°Nin in aa transect transect of of 10 temperature and 10 cores from coresthat thatspan spanthe theCalifornia CaliforniaCurrent Current from125°W 125øWto to 134°W. 134øW. To causes of To evaluate evaluate causes of oceanographic oceanographicchange, change,we wecompare compare geologic data data with with local local wind wind forcing forcingsimulated simulatedwith with aa regional regional geologic climate climate model. model. and Cape Our Our transect, transect, located located between between Cape Cape Blanco Blanco and Cape Mendocino, is sensitive translation of Mendocino, is sensitive to to southward southwardtranslation of the the polar polar front zone zone (the (the boundary boundary between between the the subarctic front subarcticand andsubtropical subtropical gyres) because because itit is is near near the the southern southernboundary boundaryof ofthe thetransition transition gyres) Today, year-round flow is is zone between these gyre systems. zonebetweenthesegyre systems. Today, year-roundflow southward (Figure1)and 1) andnear-coastal near-coastalupwelling upwellingisisstrong strong in in southward(Figure 'Now at Earth of University, •Now atLamcnt-Doheity Lamont-Doherty EarthObservatory Observatory ofColumbia Columbia University, Palisades, New New York. York. Palisades, Copyright 1997 by the the American Union. Copyright 1997by AmericanGeophysical Geophysical Union. Paper 96PA03 165. Papernumber number 96PA03165. indicated water indicatedby by warmer, warmer,more morenutrient-depleted nutrient-depleted waternear nearthe thecoast coast than offshore. If If the polar front front stayed to the the north, north, our thanoffshore. theLGM LGM polar stayedto our sites have remained remained under under aa southward southwardflowing flowing California California siteswould wouldhave Current, with colder nutrient-enriched water near the coast coast and and warmer, more nutrient-depleted waters offshore. warmer, more nutrient-depletedwatersoffshore. Methods Methods Foraminiferal Faunas: Faunas: Temperature Foramlnlferal Temperature and and Productivity Estimates Productivity Estimates We identified identifiedforaminiferal foraminiferalspecies speciespercentages percentagesin in the the >150>150We size class using standard CLIMAP taxonomic categories taxonomic categories [Parker, one exception. exception. In [Parker,1962: 1962:Be, BE,1977] 1977] with with one In this thisstudy, study,we we do not pachyderma do not recognize recognize the the "Neogloboquadrina "Neogloboquadrina pachyderma -neogloboquadrina dutertrei (P-D) (P-D) intergrade" intergrade"category category of of Kipp neogloboquadrina dutertrei Kipp tim ]Jxn size class using standardCLIMAP [1976]. [1976]. We compare compare modern modern foraminiferal foraminiferalfaunas faunasfrom from sediment sediment traps traps We and obtained and plankton planktontows tows with with local local fossil fossilassemblages assemblages obtainedfrom from wellpreserved LGM LGMsediments sediments(Table (Fable1). 1). Core Core top top faunas faunas in in well-preserved this area are highly dissolved and thus unusable for our study this areaare highly dissolvedand thus unusablefor our study [Karlin et al. al. 1992; 1992; Zahn Zahnetet al. al. 1991b; et al. [Karlin et 1991b; Lyle Lyle et al. 1992]. 1992]. 0883-8305/97/96PA-03 165$ 12.00 0883-8305/97/96PA-03165512.00 191 ORTIZ ET AL.: AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CURRENT AT AT 42øN 42°N ORTIZ ET CALIFORNIA CURRENT 192 135 135 55 55 130 130 125 125 115 115 120 120 110 110 135 135 55 130 130 115 115 I I I - 50 45 - 45 I 55 55 DNAMIC (FMA - 50 50 - 45 45 CAPE BLANCO CAPE BLANCO w ILl I 110 110 DYNAMICHT (FMA) 500 0 120 120 I •1 DYNAMICHT DYNAMIC HT ( (AS A S 00)) z 125 125 CAPE CAPE BLANCO BLANCO Q CAPE MENDOCINO MENDOCINO • 40 35 35 /Q N c% 30 30 - 40 - 35 - 30 A ^ 25 25 135 CAPE CAPE MENDOCINO MENDOCINO \ 'oo 40 40 35 - 35 - 30 30 B 130 1;30 125 125 120 120 115 115 110 130 130 155 LONGITUDE((°W) øW) 125 125 120 120 115 115 110 110 LONGITUDE LONGITUDE ((°W) øW ) FIgure Locations of of the the sediment cores (solid (solid circles) and sediment trap moorings moorings (solid Figure 1. 1. Locations sediment cores circles) and sediment trap (solid circles circles surrounded bycircles) circles) across acrossthe the California California Current Currentnear near42øN. 42°N. Contours Contours are are the the climatic climatic average surromxled by averagedynamic dynamic height field relative relative to to 500 500 m m in in units units of of geopotential (m2 2) Geopotential is measure of of the the geostrophic geostrophic heightfield geopotential (m2 s'2). Geopotential is aa measure flow during (a) (a) August, August, September, September, and March, and flow during andOctober Octoberand and(b) (b) February, February,March, andApril, April, using usingdata datafrom fromLevitus Levitus [1982]. Closer [1982]. Closercontours contoursdenote denotefaster fastercurrents; currents;arrows arrowsshow showthe thedirection directionof of flow. flow. Table Table 1. 1. Multitracers MultitracersCore Core and andTrap Trap Locations Locations Age A ge Name Conla Controla Latitude, Latitude, øN Depth, Depth, m Length, Length, cm 126.91 126.91 127.68 127.68 129.00 129.00 130.01 130.01 130.62 130.62 131.96 132.67 132.67 1120 1120 2717 2408 2408 2799 2799 3111 3136 3136 3136 3136 3330 3330 3680 3670 390 872 258 255 875 266 266 266 266 252 48 251 125.77 125.77 127.58 127.58 l32A)2 132.02 1000 1000 1000 1000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Longitude, Longitude, øW Sediment Cores Sediment Cores 6706-2 6706-2 W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8809A-53GC W8809A-53GC W8809A-21GC W8809A-21GC W8709A-O8PC W8709A-08PC W8809A-29GC W8809A-29GC W8809A-3IGC W8809A-31GC W8909A-57GC W8909A-57GC W8709A-OIBC W8709A-01BC W8909A-48GC W8909A-48GC type 1 and 2 type and 2 type type 3 type 3 type 33 type type 3 type 33 type type 3 type 3 type type 11 type type type 1I 42.16 42.12 42.75 42.14 42.26 41.80 41.80 41.68 41.58 41.54 41.33 124.94 124.94 125.75 125.75 126.26 Sediment Traps SedimentTraps Nearshore trap trap Nearshore Midway trap trap Midway Gyre trap trap Gyre N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 42.09 42.19 41.54 41.54 methods of age are used: used: Type Type II is stiatigraphy, type type 2 21s aThree methods of agecontrol control are iscazbonate carbonate stratigraphy, is cweniional '4C dating ciof bulk organic matter Lfrom Spigai. 19711, and conventional inc dating bulk organic matter [from Spigai, 1971], andtype type33is isAMS AMS'4C •nc on onplanklic plankticor orbenthic benthieforaminifera. foraminifera. 25 25 193 193 ORTIZ ET ET AL.: AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CURRENT CURRENT AT AT 42øN 42°N ORTIZ Foraminiferal sedimentIxap trap fluxes fluxes are are from Foraminiferal sediment from Ortiz Ortiz and andMix, Mix, [1992], but were modified by grouping P-D intergrade [1992], but were modified by grouping P-D intergradewith with Age Age Models Models Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. Age models are are needed neededboth both for for synoptic synoptic sampling sampling of of the Age models the LA3M andfor forcalculating calculating sediment sediment accumulation rates. Core LGM and accumulationrates. Core locations are given Stratigraphic control locationsare given in in Table Table1. 1. Stratigraphic controlincludes includes calcium carbonatepercentages, percentages, oxygen oxygen isotope isotope stratigraphy, calciumcarbonate stratigraphy, and dating. The horizon, defined and radiocarbon radiocarbondating. The LGM LGM horizon, defined here here as as between calendar-correctedradiocarbon radiocarbonages agesofof16-22 16-22ka, ka, is between calendar-corrected is Paleotemperature estimatesuse useaa version version of of the Palcotemperatureestimates the modem modem analog method tested tested on on both both core core top top and and sediment sediment trap trap faunas analogmethod faunas [Ortiz and Mix, this issue]. This method yields unbiased [Ortiz andMix, this issue]. This method yields unbiasedsea sea surface temperature (SST) (SST) estimates estimates with with an anRMS RMS error error of of 1.5°C surfacetemperature 1.5øC for the include (1) (1) for the core core top top dala data set. set. Additional Additional checks checks include radiolanan paleotemperature radiolarian palcotemperatureestimates estimates [Sabin [Sabin and and Pisias, Pisias, 19961, and (2) (2) fi•aO 8"O measurements of 1996],and measurements of G. G. bulloides. hulloides. We infer infer LGM LGM nutrient nutrient content contentand and foraminiferal forarniniferal productivity productivity We from (1) (1) fi•3C 8'3C gradients gradients of of G. hulloides bulloides across across the the transect and from transect and associated with in cores cores east east of of 129°W associated with high high%CaCO3 %CaCO3in 129øW(Figure (Figure2) 2) [Lyle et al. 1992]. Farther west, the carbonate high is [Lyle et al. 1992]. Fartherwest, the carbonatehigh is broader, broader, and the LGM LOMhorizon horizonisis chosen chosen near near the the younger andthe youngerend end of of the the carbonate carbonatehigh. high. Carbonate Carbonatepercentage percentagedata dataare arein in Table Table2. 2. Radiocarbon dateson on foraminifera foraminiferacome comefrom fromLyle Lyle et et al. al. Radiocarbondates (2) rates of of the (2) shell shell accumulation accumulationrates the heterotrophic heterotrophicplanktonic planktonic are from Modem shell accumulation rates rates are foraminifera. foraminifera. Modern shell accumulation from sediment trap fluxes, subject to little or no dissolution. LGM sedimenttrap fluxes, subjectto little or no dissolution. LGM faunas are well well preserved, preserved,but butpossible possible losses losses due due to to partial faunasare partial [1992], Gardner and the the present [1992], Gardneret et al. al. [this [thisissue], issue],and presentstudy study(Table (Table 3). that were 3). Dates Dates from from consecutive consecutive 2-5 2-5 cm cmintervals intervals that were not not statistically independent were were averaged. averaged. Reservoir corrections, statisticallyindependent Reservoircorrections, needed to adjust adjustfor for the the apparent apparent inc '4C age age of of the needed to thewater waterin in which which the assume that the foraminifera foraminifera lived, assume that benthic benthic foraminifera calcified in North 4C = -250% calcifiedin NorthPacific Pacificdeep deepwaters waterswith with A14C -250%o [Ostlund et et al. al. 1987], on scale of of Stuiver Stuiver and and [Ostlund 1987],as asdefmed defined onthe theA'4C A•nCscale Polach [1977]. Polach [1977]. The Thebenthic benthiereservoir reservoircorrection correction is is thus thus2380 2380 years, '4C half-life half-life of of 5730 years,using usingthe the"Godwin" "Godwin"inc 5730 years years[Faure, [Faure, 1977]. Subtracting Subtracting the the average between 1977]. average'4C •4Cage agedifference difference between benthic benthieand and planktonic planktonicforaminifera foraminiferain in the thesame samesamples samplesfrom from the benthic reservoir reservoir correction, correction, we we find fmd aa planktonic planktonic the assumed assumed benthie reservoir reservoircorrection correctionof of 718 718 years. years. This This estimate estimateis is virtually virtually preserved accumulation dissolution imply that rates are are dissolution imply that preserved accumulation rates We assume minimum estimates for for original original shell minimum estimates shellfluxes. fluxes. We assumeaa relationship between water column nutrient content and shell shell relationship betweenwater columnnutrient content and fluxes because nutrients of fluxes because nutrients control control the the food food supply supply of heterotrophic foraminifera foraminifera [Ortiz [Ortiz 1995; 1995;Ortiz Ortizet et al. al. 1995; heterotrophic 1995; Ortiz Ortiz and and Mix, M/x, 1992]. 1992]. Given Givenaalife lifespan spanof ofabout about11month month[Hemleben [Hemleben et et al.1988], a/.1988], foraminifera foraminiferalike like other otherzooplankton zooplanktoncan can respond respondto to changes in prey related to to upwelling events of changes in prey abundance abundancerelated upwelling events of several weeks duration, duration, in in addition to advective changes on several weeks addition to advectivechanges on longer [Barnard, 1994]. longertimescales timescales[Barnard, 1994]. W8709a-O8PC W8 709a-08PC W8809a-21GC W8 809a-21GC W8809a-53GC W8809a-53GC %CaCO3 %CaCO3 %CaCO 3 %CaCO33 %CaCO 20 20 0 0 0 m• I 100-ui100 I %CaCO 3 00 40 40 E 200 200 -,- 500 500 20 00-3:;i 100100 - 200 200 200 200 - 'S 300 300- ¬ i i 100 lOO E U 200 200- II 5 .5 100 -.': 100 200 200- 300 0 300- 0 400 400- 400 400- 400 400-- 500 500 500 J 500 500 500 -• 5 10 10 15 15 ! i 0 00• ! .5 300300 1) 500 500 -• I 100 lOO -- 400-400 U. 0o I 6706-2 6706-2 %CaCO3 %CaCO 3 00 51015 5 10 15 20 20 10 10 00 _ 300 300-- 300 - 300 400 400- - 10 W8709a-13PC W8709a-13PC %CaCO3 %CaCO 3 -- W8909a-48GC W8909a-48GC W8709a-01BC W8709a-01BC W8909a-57GC W8909a-57GC W8809a-3 1GC W8809a-31GC W8809a-29GC W8809a-29GC %CaCO3 %CaCO 3 %CaCO3 %CaCO 3 %CaCO3 %CaCO 3 %CaCO33 %CaCO %CaCO3 %CaCO 3 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 00 20 20 40 40 60 60 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 0 • 1010- 20 30- 30 40 4020- 5050 I 0.. El. ! I 0I II 0 o=L I i i 1010- 20 'S 30 30- 40 4020- 50 5O I 0 o •:• • 0... 20 40 40- 60 60--80 80100 100 - i II 0 I I 20 40 4060 60-80 •o- 20- 0 fl Q-. 0 0 20 60 20 40 40 60 20 40 40 60 60 0 20 .5 100 lOO 0 0 p. 1 'ii 0'II 0 I '5 0 _ 25 50 75 75-25- 1 %, 100 100-125 125 - 150 150 Figure carbonate stratigraphies stratigraphies for for the the 10 10 cores cores in in the the transect, orderedby by distance distance from from the the Figure 2. 2. Percent Percentcarbonate transect,ordered coast: while mark the the last last coast:6706-2 6706-2 is is closest closestto tothe thecoast, coast, whileW8909A-48GC W8909A-48GCis is farthest farthestoffshore, offshore.solid solidsquares squares mark glacial maximum(LGM) (LGM)samples samplesidentified identifiedby bycarbonate carbonatestratigraphy stratigraphy and and AMS?C AMS-'4Cdating. dating. Some glacialmaximum Somecarbonate carbonate data for 6706-2 6706-2 are Spigai [1971]. datafor are from from Spigai [1971]. Carbonate Carbonatedata data for for W8709A-I3PC, W8709A-13PC, 13TC, 13TC,W8709A-8PC, W8709A-8PC, TC, TC, and and W8709A-1BC W8709A-1BC from from Lyle Lyle et et al. al. [1992]. [1992]. ORTIZ El AL.: ORTIZ ET AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CURRENT CURRENT AT AT 42°N 42øN 194 Table Stratigraphies for Table 2. 2. Carbonate Carbonate Stratigraphies forthe theMultitracers MultitracersCores Cores Depth, Depth, cm cm CaCO, CaCO,, Depth, Depth, CaCO,, CaCO,, % cm cm % 6706-2PC 6706-2PC 11.5 102.5 124.5 152.5 175.5 0.72 0.72 5.5 1.19 1.06 1.95 1.95 1.68 703 70.5 2.36 2.36 8.88 12.44 202.5 202.5 215.5 249.5 252.5 3.12 3.12 5.84 7.94 7.94 6.07 6.07 3.65 4.42 4.42 2983 298.5 352.5 352.5 W8809A-3IGC W8809A-31GC 5.5 303 30.5 39.5 50.5 59.5 70.5 86.5 96.5 122.5 27.77 27.77 45.58 45.58 52.38 52.38 5032 50.32 46.78 31.22 31.22 14.83 2.87 52.54 52.54 1532 15.52 3.25 1137 11.37 8.73 5.55 5.5 60.5 1233 123.5 140.5 160.5 180.5 198.5 216.5 254.5 254.5 0.98 0.98 7.16 7.16 10.80 9.56 9.91 6.93 8.46 8.46 7.14 7.14 12.61 Depth', Depth', CaCO, CaCO,, cm W8809A-29GC W8809A-29GC 135.5 155.5 155.5 173.5 184.5 198.5 208.5 208.5 220.5 220.5 230.5 230.5 250.5 250.5 6.05 6.05 19.91 34.92 34.92 29.02 37.71 3733 37.53 40.48 40.48 30.21 1.85 6.30 6.30 W8909A-S7GC W8909A-57GC 5.5 20.5 30.5 40.5 47.5 55.5 64.5 73.5 73.5 91.5 CaCO, CaCO,, % % W8809A-2JGC W8809A-21GC W8809A-S3GC W8809A-53GC 137.5 150.5 170.5 185.5 202.5 222.5 222.5 241.5 255.5 255.5 Depth, Depth, cm cm W8909A-48GC W8909A-48GC 11.95 55.67 52.35 46.69 47.75 48.76 26.41 32.25 26.08 3.5 7.5 7.5 12.5 15.5 10.72 31.20 31.20 32.18 32.18 30.49 30.49 18.5 20.5 21.5 23.5 31.5 30.49 34.92 34.92 32.98 32.98 25.26 25.26 26.39 26.39 'Core top at 135 •Core topoccurs occurs atapproximately approximately 135cm cmdepth depthdue dueto todouble doublecoring. coting. identical to to that that of of Zahn Zahnet etal. ci. [1991a]. [1991a].The Thebenthic-planktonic benthic-planktonic identical age comparison comparison in in five five samples samples of of up up to age to 25,000 25,000 '4C •4Cyears years suggests that the average reservoir age of the surface water suggeststhat the averagereservoirage of the surfacewaterwas was roughly constant over over that that time time interval. interval. We roughly constant We thus thussubtracted subtracted 718 years years from fromeach eachof of the the planktonic planklonic foraminiferal dates, and 718 foraminiferaldates, and 2380 2380 years yearsfrom from each each of of the thebenthic benthicforaminiferal foraminiferaldates, dates,for for corrections on on bulk reservoir reservoircorrections. corrections. Reservoir Reservoir corrections bulk organic organic carbon dates dates are are calculated calculatedto toalign aligntheir theirages ageswith withthose those of of the the carbon reservoir-corrected This empirical reservoir-correctedcalcite calcite dates. dates. This empirical correction correction (4300 years) years) is open-ocean (4300 is larger largerthan thanany anyreasonable reasonable open-oceanreservoir reservoir age. It implies that some older reworked material is present present as age. It implies that some older reworkedmaterial is as part of the the bulk bulk organic part of organic carbon. carbon.The The conclusions conclusionsof of this this study study would wouldnot notchange changeif if the theorganic organiccarbon carbondates dateswere wereexcluded. excluded. The benthic and and planktonic planktonic ages ages of of >5000 >5000 The reservoir-corrected reservoir-corrected benthic '4C years were were converted converted to to calendar age (Table 3) using •4Cyears calendar age (Table3) usingthe the nonlinear relationship of Bard et al. [1992]: nonlinearrelationshipof Bard et al. [ 1992]: calendar age =-5.85 = -5.85 x x 10 (conventional '4C calendar age 10'6 (conventional t4Cage)2 age)2 ++ 1.39 '4C - 1807. 1.39(convential (convential t•Cage) age)1807. (1) ages in The '4C age' refers to to •4C '4C ages The term term"conventional "conventional•4C age" refers in radiocarbon years which which have have been radiocarbonyears beenreservoir reservoircorrected. corrected. Data Data used to construct construct the the non-linear non-linear relationship relationship of of Bard et ci. usedto Bard et al. [1992] by Bard et al. ci. [1993]. [1992] are are published publishedby Bardet [1993]. Bard Bardet et ci. al. [1992] [1992] also present a linear linear relationship relationship for alsopresent foruse usewith with'4C •C dates damsfrom from9 to between these these two to 18 18 ka. ka. Differences Differencesbetween two relationships relationships(linear (linear minus nonlinear) range from 5 to 360 years. minusnonlinear) range from 5 to 360 years. The The differences differences between the two two equations equations are arethus thus comparable comparable to to the the 2a betweenthe 2o errors errors of factors of our ourdates. dams.Likewise, Likewise,calendar calendarcorrection correction factorsfrom fromequation equation (1) of <5000 <5000 •C '4C years years are areclose closeto to the the precision precision of (1) for forages agesof of the the AMS-'4C dates.We Wedid didnot notattempt attempt any any correction correction factors for AMS-•4Cdates. factors for these young dates. dates. E. E. Bard Bard (personal communication, theserelatively relativelyyoung (personalcommunication, 1996) considers considers equation equation (1)appropriate (1) appropriate for 1996) for samples samplesbetween between 22,000 years, years, and and thus •C ages agesof of 10,000 10,000and and22,000 thuswell wellconstrained constrained for correction of of our our LOM for calendar calendarcorrection LGM samples. samples. Stable Stable Isotopic Isotopic Measurements Measurements Oxygen (•JtsO,) (8"O,) and were Oxygen andcarbon carbon(8'3C,) (•J•3C.)stable stableisotopes isotopeswere measured at Oregon State University using measured at Oregon State University usingaaFinnigan FinniganMATMAT251 stable isotope isotope mass with an 251 stable massspectrometer, spectrometer,equipped equippedwith an Autoprep Systems automated carbonate preparation AutoprepSystemsautomatedcarbonatepreparationdevice. device. Each sample consisted consistedof of 12 12 G. G. hulloides bulloides shells shells (300(300- to to 355Eachsample 355tni size) the LOM horizon in in 10 10 sediment !,tm size)collected collectedfrom from the LGM horizon sedimentcores. cores. Isotopic data use use the isotopic delta delta notation notation (õ), (6), in in per per Isotopicdata thestandard standard isotopic sell relative to the Pee scale. mil (%) (9'00)relative to the PeeDee Deebelemnite belemnite(PDB) (PDB)scale. Calibration to PDB PDB was Calibrationto wasdone donethrough throughthe theNBS-19 NBS-19and andNBS-20 NBS-20 standards Institute Standards and standards of of the National National Institute of Standards and Technology. External precision estimates for 6180 and 6'3C, Technology. Externalprecisionestimatesfor õt80 and õ•3C, based on replicate of local local calcite are _+0.08 ±0.08 basedon replicateanalyses analysesof calcitestandards, standards, are and respectively. and±0.04%o, :k0.04%o, respectively. Regional salinity (5) and the the oxygen oxygen isotopic isotopic composition Regionalsalinity (S)and composition of (6"O,,) are are positively [Craig of water water(•JtsOw) positivelycorrelated correlated [Craigand andGordon, Gordon, 1965]. 6hbO. is aa function function of of both both temperature (T)and 1965].Because Because •JtaO, is temperature (T) and 6"O, lines of constant 6"O, plotted in T-S space approximate õ•Ow,linesof constant õ•O, plottedin T-Sspace approximate lines density. linesof of constant constant density. This This relationship relationshipholds holdsover oversmall small spatial spatialscales scaleswhere whereit it is is safe safeto toassume assumethat that the theregional regional unity - 3180 slope and are We salinity •J•aO,• slope andintercept intercept areconstant. constant. Wethus thususe use the slope of 3'O, along the 42°N transect as a crude measure of theslopeof •JtsO, alongthe42øNtransect asa cn•e measure of the LOM density gradient. This gradient yields an estimate of theLGM densitygradient. This gradientyieldsan estimateof surface water water flow flow direction direction and magnitude, assuming surface and magnitude, assuming geostrophy. geostrophy. 195 195 ORTIZ ET AL.: AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CURRENT CURRENT AT AT 42øN 42°N ORTIZ ET Table 3. dates for for the Multitiacers Table 3. AMS-14C AMS-•nC dates Multitracers Cores Raw Raw Sample Sample Core Core W8709A-8TC W8709A-8TC W8709A-STC W8709A-8TC W8709A-STC W8709A-8TC W8709A-STC W8709A-8TC W8709A-8TC W8709A-8PC W8709A-SPC W8709A-8PC W8709A-SPC W8709A-8PC W8709A-8PC W8709A-SPC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-I3PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-I3PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8809A-21GC W8809A-31GC W8809A-3 IGC W8809A-31GC W8809A-31GC W8809A-31GC W8809A-3IGC W8809A-31GC W8809A-29GC W8809A-29GC W8809A-29GC W8809A-29GC W8809A-29GC W8809A-53GC W8809A-53GC W8809A-53GC W8809A-53GC W8909A-57GC W8909A-57GC W8909A-570C W8909A-57GC W8909A-57GC W8909A-57GC AMS-C,' AMS?C? Depth.' Depth,a cm cm Material Material Source Source 27-28 27-28 77-78 77-78 125-126 125-126 120-130 120-130 150-160 150-160 20-25 50-55 50-55 80-85 80-85 111-116 111-116 25-30 95-100 95-100 125-130 125-130 125-130 125-130 195-200 195-200 195-200 195-200 220-225 220-225 220-225 220-225 270-275 300-305 300-305 300-305 300-305 330-335 330-335 390-395 400-405 400-405 400-405 400-405 175-176 175-176 bulk bulkCorg Corg bulk bulkCorg Cor• bulk bulkCorg Corg planktics planktics planktics planktics planktics planktics plankucs planktics planktics planktics planktics planktics planktics planktics mixed mixedbenthics benthics mixed mixedbenthics benthics planktics planktics mixed mixedbenthics benthics planktics planktics mixed mixedbenthics benthics planktics planktics planktics planktics mixed mixedbenthics benthics planktics planktics planklics planktics planktics planktics mixed mixedbenthics benthics planktics planktics G. G. btdloides bulloides G. bulloides hulloides G. G. bulloides bulloides G. G. bulloides hulloides G. G. bulloides hulloides G. hulloides bulloides G. G. bulloides bulloides bulloides G. bulloides bulloides G. builoides G. bulloides builoides bulloides G. hulloides bulloides G. hulloides bulloides G. hulloides G. bulloides bu!!oids G. Lyle et etal. al. [1992] [1992] Lyle et cial. L¾1e al.119921 [1992] cial. Lyle et al. [1992] [1992] cial. Lyle et al.119921 [1992] Lyle et etal. Lyle al.119921 [1992] Lyle et eioj. al.119921 [1992] Lyle et ci al. [1992] Lyle [1992] Lyle ci aL 119921 L¾1e eta/. [19921 Lyle et ci al. [1992] [1992] Gardner Gardneret et al al.[this [thisissue] issue] Gardner Gardnercial. et al.Ithis [thisissue] issue] Gardner Gardner etal. et al. Ithis [thisissue] issuel Gardner Gardneretal. et al.[this [thisissue] issue] Gardner Gardneretal. et al. [this [thisissuel issue] Gardner Gardneretal. et al.[this [thisissue] issue] Gardner Gardnerci et al. [this [thisissuel issue] Gardner Gardnercial. et al.[this [thisissue] issue] Lyle et cial. L¾1e al.[19921 [1992] Gardner Gardnercial. et al.[this [thisissue] issue] Gardner Gardnerci et al. Ithis [thisissue] issue] ci al. [1992] Lyle et [1992] Lyle ci L¾1e et al. al. 119921 [1992] Gardner Gardnerci et al. al. [this [thisissue] issue] Gardner Gardner cial. et al. [this [thisissuel issue] this study this study this thisstudy study this study this study this thisstudy study this study this study this thisstudy study this study this study this thisstudy study this thisstudy study this thisstudy study this thisstudy study this thisstudy study this thisstudy study this thisstudy study 5-6 12-13 12-13 39-40 65-66 160-161 160-161 220-22 1 220-221 232-233 140-141 140-141 170-171 170-171 200-201 200-201 14-15 20-2 1 20-21 58-59 58-59 ka ka 6.94 6.94 10.44 10.44 15.30 15.30 12.28 12.28 15.85 15.85 15.76 15.76 18.49 18.49 20.92 21.16 21.16 7.00 7.00 11.01 11.01 11.51 11.51 9.96 9.96 14.63 14.63 13.43 13.43 15.86 15.86 14.04 14.04 15.27 15.27 18.49 18.49 16.87 16.87 18.37 18.37 19.82 24.05 24.05 21.96 20.92 16.10 16.10 16.54 16.54 3137 31.37 36.01 36.01 20.72 43.35 43.35 >45.60 >45.60 13.43 13.43 15.03 15.03 18.13 18.13 15.64 15.64 15.75 15.75 43.65 43.65 Raw Raw AMS-'4C AMS-•nC Error, ka Error, ka 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.13 0.21 0.21 0.25 0.25 0.29 0.29 0.40 0.28 0.28 0.38 0.38 0.61 0.61 0.23 0.23 0.36 0.36 0.33 0.33 0.23 0.23 0.39 0.39 0.19 0.19 0.50 0.50 0.28 0.28 0.22 0.38 0.38 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.61 1.53 1.53 0.49 0.49 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.10 0.10 0.50 1.26 1.26 0.14 2.37 2.37 N/A N/A 0.11 0.11 0.80 0.11 0.11 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.16 1.16 Reservoir Reservoir Corrected Corrected Age,d Age,d ka 2.64 2.64 6.14 11.00 11.00 11.56 11.56 15.13 15.13 15.04 15.04 17.77 17.77 20.20 20.20 20.44 20.44 6.28 8.63 8.63 9.14 9.14 9.24 9.24 12.25 12.25 12.71 12.71 13.48 13.48 13.32 13.32 14.55 14.55 16.12 16.12 16.15 16.15 17.65 17.65 19.10 19.10 21.67 21.67 2124 21.24 20.20 20.20 15.38 15.38 15.82 15.82 30.65 35.29 20.00 42.63 42.63 >44.88 12.71 12.71 14.31 14.31 17.41 17.41 14.92 15.03 15.03 42.93 42.93 Calendar Calendar Age, Age, ka ka 2.64 2.64 6.51 6.51 12.78 12.78 13.48 13.48 17.88 17.88 17.78 17.78 21.05 21.05 23.88 24.16 24.16 6.69 9.76 9.76 10.40 10.40 1034 10.54 14.34 14.34 14.91 14.91 15.87 15.87 15.67 15.67 17.18 17.18 19.07 19.07 19.12 19.12 20.90 20.90 22.61 25.57 25.57 25.08 23.89 23.89 18.19 18.19 18.72 18.72 35.30 39.96 39.96 23.66 23.66 46.82 46.82 >48.80 >48.80 14.92 14.92 16.89 16.89 20.62 20.62 17.63 17.63 17.77 17.77 47.09 47.09 aaW8709A-8PC overpenetrated by value must be totothe depth listed here for from W8709A-8PC overpenetrated by140 140an cm[Lyle [Lyleci etal., al.,1992]. 1992].This This value must beadded added thetabulated tabulated depth listed here forsamples samples from W8709A-8PC true W8809A-29GC and W8709A-8PCto to determine determine tmedepth depthbelow belowseafloor. seafloor. W8809A-29GCdouble doublecored coredby by135 135cm cmbased basedon onvisual visualinspection inspection andAMS AMSdating datingresults, results, 135 cm must must be be subtracted subtracted from fran the values tabulated here to determine true depth depth below below sea seafloor. 135 cm the values tabulated here to determine tme floor. b Raw data from Lyle cial. [1992] were originally published in reservoir corrected form. Revised calendar corrections for these samples are bRawdata from Lyleetal.[1992] were originally published inreservoir corrected form.Revised calendar corrections forthese samples are based themethods methodsdescribed describedininthe thetext. text. Dates Datesfrom fromGardner Gardner et etal. obtained from from J.V. J.V. Gardner Gardnerprior priorto topublication. publication. Values Values basedcxi on the al. [this [thisissue] issue]were wereobtained presented here are are averages of two two consecutive consecutive 2.5 2.5 cm cm samples. samples. The errors for for each each sample are listed listed in in the the table. table. presented here averages of Thesum sumof of the theindividual individualerrors sampleare CCalculated using the the Libby libby half-life for '4C. cCalculated using half-life for •4C. d The planktic and mixed benthic dates were reservoir corrected as described in the text. Following Lyle cial. [1992], the bulk Corg dates were dTheplanktic and mixed benthic dates were reservoir corrected asdescribed inthetext.Following Lyle etal.[1992], thebulk Corg dates were offset corrected planktic dates. offsetby by 4.3 4.3ka karelative relativeto tothe thereservoir reservoir corrected planktic dates. We estimate estimatethe theoxygen oxygenisotopic isotopic composition composition of of calcite calcite in in We equilibrium withthe thewater water column (0) using TT and equilibrium with column (8•gO,) using and8'O,, 8•gO,as as inputs equationof of Epstein Epstein et et al. inputs to to the thepaleotemperature paleotemperature equation al. [1953]. For use SST surface salinity salinity [1953]. Formodem modemconditions conditionswe we use SST and andsurface from Levitus [1982] [1982]as asthe theinputs. inputs. Conversion Conversion of of salinity salinity to from Levitus to the northeast relationship of of Zahn Zahn et et al. •5•80.uses usesthe northeastPacific Pacificrelationship al. [1991 a]: [1991a]: - 14.01 %. 8"0,, = 0.405(salinity) 0.405(salinity) 14.019'oo. (2) (2) To To estimate estimatethe the relative relative magnitude magnitudeof of the theLGM LGM SST SST and and surface salinity changes recordedin in 8•80., 8"O, we (1) an surface salinity changes recorded weassume assume (1) an LGM ice ice volume volume •80 6O effect relative values effectof of+1.3% +1.39'oo relativeto topresent present values slope [e.g., 1989; [e.g.,Fairbanks, Fairbanks, 1989;Mix, Mix, 1987], 1987],(2) (2)aasalinity-8'5O salinity-8•sO. slope the same as at present, and (3) a constant depth habitat for the same as at present, and (3) a constantdepthhabitat for G. G. bulloides sites at at present present [Ortiz et al. al. 1995]. bulloides((0O-30 30 m m in in these thesesites [Ortiz et 1995]. The third third assumption assumptionis is the the weakest. weakest. In The In the theGulf Gulf of of Alaska, Alaska, G. G. bulloides and 150 m [Miles, Zahn et bulloides resides residesbetween between 100 100 and 150 m [Miles, 1973; 1973; Zahn et al. depth range range is is within al. 1991a]. 1991a]. This This depth within the themain mainpycnocline, pycnocline, below the base base of of the below the the mixed mixed layer layer and andabove abovethe the North North Pacific Pacific halocline. to Zahn Zahn et et al. halocline. According Accordingto al. [1991a], [1991a], this thissubsurface subsurface habitat makes the the •O 8"O of G. up habitatmakes oflate lateholocene holocene G.bu!!oides bulloides uptoto1%o 19'oo enriched relative to seasonally weighted surface water 8O enriched relativeto seasonally weighted surface water•O, for for the of Alaska. Alaska. IfIf the the relationship relationship to to the the pycnocline is the Gulf Gulf of pycnocline is functional, functional, aa shift shift to to aasimilar similardepth depthhabitat habitatduring duringthe the1.GM LGM 196 196 AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CURRENT AT AT 42øN 42°N ORTIZ ET AL.' could result result in in aa •so 8"O offset offsetof ofup upto to 1%oo 1% during during the the LGM. could LGM. Thus Thus any downward shift of the depth habitat of G. bulloides toward anydownward shiftof thedepthhabitatof G. bulloides toward The x and andyy components of wind wind stress stress(()• are defined as: The x components of ) are defined as: (4a) 'r (4a) =PCaIUIU, the or in salinity thepycnocline, pycnocline, ordecrease decrease in the theregional regional salinity-slope result in of slopeat atthe theLGM, LGM,would wouldresult in an anoverestimate overestimate ofLGM LGM and cooling based on 8O,. cooling based on•0,. (4b) =PC,fr1Y, y = ey calF, (4b) The gradient, measured in LGM G. bulloides bulloides The offshore offshore813C 6nC gradient, measured in LGM G. (6'3C,) is compared with equilibrium calcite values shells, shells,is compared with equilibrium calcitevalues the wind stress components in per where where•x and and5ryare are the wind stress components indynes dynes per predicted from water column &'3C measurementson on dissolved dissolved are the products of the x or y ' and predicted from watercolumn 6•C measurements square centimeter, and square centimeter, and lala and I• are the products of the x or inorganic carbon carbon in in the the same sametransect transect [Ortiz [Ortizetetal. al. 1996]. 1996]. The inorganic The component of wind speed and and velocity velocity [Bakun componentof wind speed [Bakunand and Nelson, Nelson, with dissolved dissolved nitrate, nitrate, watercolumn 8'3C0 watercolumn 6nCmcare arewell wellcorrelated correlated with 1991]. field corresponds correspondsto toaa level level about about 40 40 m 1991]. The The model modelwind wind field m and thus we we consider consider the the isotopic isotopic data data to to be be aa good good proxy proxy for andthus for above sea level. Use of a constant logarithmic scaling factor abovesealevel. Use of a constantlogarithmicscalingfactorto to upper ocean nutrient nutrient gradients gradients in in this from 40 40 m m to to "standard" "standard" 10-m 10-m winds winds typically typically used for upperocean thisregion. region. We We emphasize emphasize convert convertfrom usedfor gradients because absolute absolute $•C 8"C values values are are affected affectedby by (1) (1) the calculations would decreaseour ourwind windstress stress estimates estimates by such calculations would decrease by gradients because the such We hold [CM decrease relativetotothe theHolocene Holoceneocean ocean (about(about 10-15% [Stull, [Stull, 19881. 1988]. We hold air air density density (p) (p) and and the the LGM&'3CDIC 6nCmcdecrease relative g cm cm'-aand dimensionless drag coefficient (Cd 8'3CIJC O.4%o; Cwry and and Crowley [1987]), dimensionless drag coefficient (Cd)) at at22 22xx iO 10-3g and1.3 1.3 0.4%0;Curry Crowley [1987]),(2) (2) the themodern modem decrease due CO2 the upper upper ocean x iO [Nelson, 1977; Bakun and 1991]. decrease dueto toinput inputof ofanthropogenic anthropogenic CO2 into intothe ocean x 10'3respectively respectively [Nelson, 1977; Bakun andNelson, Nelson, 1991]. along-shore (-0.6±O.2%c thisregion region [Ortiz [Ortizetet al. al. 1996]), 1996]), and To To calculate calculateoffshore offshoreEkman Ekmantransport, transport, the the along-shore (-0.6-!-0.2%o ininthis and(3) (3) the the coastal wind wind stress stress was wasobtained obtainedfrom fromthe the uu and andvvcomponents, components, potential for in potential for8'3C 6nCdisequilibria disequilibria inG. G.bulloides. bulloides.For Forequation equation coastal then to 0.6 0.6°ø by and by the theninterpolated interpolated to by 0.6° 0.6øresolution, resolution, anddivided dividedby the (3), carbon isotopic isotopic disequilibrium disequilibriumin in the the $nC, 8'3C, of of (3),we wemodel modelthe thecarbon Coriolis parameter, f. G. G. bulloides bulloides as as aafunction functionofofcalcification calcificationtemperature, temperature,T,, T c, Coriolisparameter,f. Wind stress stress curl, curl, the the second Wind secondwind wind variable variable we we studied, studied, is is following following Ortiz Ortiz er et al. al. [1996]: [1996]: defined defined as: as: = •nC, ö'3C, + + 813Ce 8•C, = 2.0crc'6•v•ø (3) (3) We use the the LGM modem analog analog SST We use LGM modem SSTvalues valuesderived derivedfrom fromthe the foraminiferal faunas faunas to foraminiferal to estimate estimateT,. T•. (ac) cur1C=1,-- (5) We windstress stresscurl curlon on the the model model grid grid using We calculated calculated wind using aa centered, centered, finite finite difference difference scheme: scheme: Simulating Simulating Wind-Driven Wind-Driven Upwelling Upwelling Upwelling, injects nutrients Upwelling,which whichinjects nutrientsinto intothe theupper upperocean oceanand and thus supports biological productivity, is driven by the winds in thussupports biologicalproductivity, is drivenby thewinds in First, along-shore two ways in in this boundary setting. twoways thiseastern eastern boundary setting. First, along-shore winds from the the north winds from north drive driveoffshore offshoreEkman Ekmantransport. transport.Coastal Coastal Active coastal coastal upwelling the upwellingreplaces replaces thewater watermoved movedoffshore. offshore. Active upwelling is limited to about 50 km offshore, mostly over upwellingis limitedto about50 km offshore,mostlyoverthe the continental shelf, but but its continentalshell its effects effectscan canextend extendfarther farther offshore offshore as as coastal seaward. Second, divergence of of coastalnutrients nutrientsare areadvected advectedseaward. Second,divergence winds (wind stress stress curl) curl)drives drivesupwelling upwellingininthe theopen openocean. ocean. In winds(wind In the positive curl thenorthern northernhemisphere, hemisphere, positive(cyclonic) (cyclonic)wind windstress stress curl induces oceanic upwelling, inducesoceanic upwelling,whereas whereasnegative negative(anticyclonic) (anticyclonic) wind-stress wind-stresscurl curl results resultsin indownwelling. downwelling. These Thesemechanisms mechanisms often reinforceeach eachother otherbut butare arenot notstrictly strictly linked. linked. Changes often reinforce Changes - 1r(i+1,j)r"(i 1,j)1 1'(i,j--1)_'(i,j_ 1)] iL curl•=[*Y(i+l,J)-*•(i-l, 1 (6) curFr =[ iL (6) that curl' based on and •5 at thatapproximates approximates curlyat atgrid gridlocation location based on• and at four neighboring grid points separated four neighboring grid points separatedby by distances distancesb.Lx ALx and and the ALy of 120 1977]. ALyof 120km km[Nelson, [Nelson, 1977]. We Wedid didnot notemploy employ the overlapping-grid overlapping-gridmethod methodof of Bakun Bakunand andNelson Nelson[1991] [1991]because because un]ike unlike their their irregularly irregularlyspaced spacedobservations, observations,our ourmodel modelwind wind fields relatively smooth 60-km fields are arerelatively smoothon onaaregularly regularlyspaced spaced 60-kmgrid. grid. Our wind stress stresscurl curlestimates estimateswere wereinterpolated interpolatedto to0.6 0.6° by 0.6 0.6°ø Our wind ø by resolution for graphic presentation using the nearest neighbor resolutionfor graphicpresentationusing the nearestneighbor method, yielding resolution resolution similar similar to to the method,yielding the seasonal seasonalmaps mapsof of Bakun Bakun and and Nelson Nelson [1991]. [ 1991]. in in one onemechanism mechanismcan canbe bedecoupled decoupledfrom fromthe theother. other. these two To isolate isolate these two effects effects of of coastal coastal and and open-ocean open-ocean upwelling calculated Ekman Ekmantransport transport and and wind wind stress upwellingwe wecalculated stresscurl curl using wind fields from the National Center for Atmospheric usingwind fieldsfrom the NationalCenterfor Atmospheric model climate model Research (NCAR) atmospheric Research (NCAR) atmospheric regional regional climate (RegCM). The of the the RegCM RegCM used usedhere herehas has 13 13 vertical vertical (RegCM). Theversion versionof levels and and 60-1cm 60-km grid grid spacing spacing over over aa 3000 3000 x x 3000 levels 3000 km kmdomain domain centered 16°W (i.e., (i.e.,the the comers corners of the centeredat at 38°N, 38øN,1116øW themodel modeldomain domain are NW=49.6°N, 137.3øW; 137.3°W; NE=49.6°N, 94.6°W; SW=23.9°N, are NW--49.6øN, NE--49.6øN, 94.6øW; SW=23.9øN, 130.1°W; SE=23.9°N, 130.1øW; SE=23.9øN,101.9°W). 101.9øW). Model Model wind wind fields fields from from Hostetler et al. for 60 Hostetleret al. [1994] [1994] were were sampled sampledfor 60 days daysto tocalculate calculate offshore offshore Ekman Elcmantransport transportand andwind windstress stress curl. curl. Perpetual Perpetual January and July July simulations simulations were wererun runusing using control control (0 (0 ka) ka) and Januaryand and [GM LGM (18 (18 ka) ka)boundary boundaryconditions conditionsderived derivedfrom from the the coarse coarse resolution general circulation circulation model model (GCM) (GCM)runs runs of of resolutionCOHMAP COHMAPgeneral Kutzbach and Guetter Kutzbach and Guetter [1986]. [ 1986]. Results Results Comparison of of Modern Comparison Modern and and Glacial Glacial Foraminlferal Foramlnlferal Faunas Faunas Modem Modern and and LGM LGM foraminiferal foraminiferal percentage percentagedata data appear appearin in Table 4, and and the the abundances abundances of of dominant dominant species Table4, speciesare areillustrated illustrated in Figure Left-coiling N. 3a) and in Figure 3. 3. Left-coiling N. pachyderma pachyderma(Figure (Figure 3a) and G. G. bulloides (Figure 3d) dominate the LGM fauna, accounting for bulloides(Figure3d)dominate the LGM fauna,accountingfor >70% of of the at This >70% the foraminifera foraminifera at each each site. site. This combination combination resembles the modern subpolar fauna faunaofof the the Gulf resemblesthe modern subpolar Gulf of of Alaska Alaska [Sautter and Thunell, Thuneil, 1989]. 1989]. High percentages of of these these species species [Sautterand High percentages occur in inour ourLGM [GMtransect transect as as far far west west as as 130°W, some 650 650 km occur 130øW, some km offshore. In left-coiling N. offshore. In contrast, contrast, left-coiling N. pachyderma pachydermaand and G. G. ORTIZ ET AL.: AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CURRENT AT AT 42øN 42°N ORTIZ ET CALIFORNIA CURRENT 197 0 00 N 00 %0 000 0ooeodd q bulloides uncommon at at 42øN, 42°N, accounting accountingfor for only only bulloidesare are presently presentlyuncommon about 10% of the fauna west of 128°W. Modem percentages rise about10% of the faunawestof 128øW.Modempercentages rise to to about about40% 40% of of the thefauna faunaat at126°W 126øW(300 (300km kmoffshore). offshore). 000do C Two and Two more more subpolar subpolarspecies, species,Globigerina Globigerinaquinqueloba quinqueloba and Globigerinita roughly equal equal Globigerinita glutinata, glutinata, were were found found at at roughly percentages in both data sets. sets. Another, percentagesin both the themodern modemand and LGM LGM data Another, al. 19961 the deep-dwelling Globorotalia scitula et al. the deep-dwelling Globorotalia scitula [Ortiz [Ortiz et 1996] in 000000000 N o 0 e ooooooooo• coo 00000 Oj o.o.o. oooc:5c•c5c5c•c5c5c5c:5c5 decreased in abundance abundanceininthe the LGM LGMsamples samplesrelative relative to to the decre• in the modem modemones ones(Figure (Figure3). 3). Transitional at Transitionaltaxa, taxa,including includingN. N. dutertrei, dutertrei,decreased decreased at LGM LGM relative Peak abundance relativeto to present presentin in the the cores coresnear nearthe thecoast. coast. Peak abundance of right-coiling right-coilingN. N. pachyderma pachyderma (30%) (30%)isis similar similar in in the of the modem modem and LGM LGMassemblages assemblages (Figure (Figure3h) 3h) but but moved moved offshore offshore during and during the 1GM expense of species the LGM at at the the expense of modem modemsubtropical subtropical species (Orbulina ruber) (Figure 3). (Orbulinaurnversa universaand andGlobigerinoides Globigerinoides ruber) (Figure3). - Cfl 0% In 0 ' 0" In 00 en In 0% N 00- %O %0 -.000 In N 0000000000-0 .O 0000000000000 The planktonic foraminiferal The LGM LGM planktonic foraminiferal fauna fauna at at 42°N 42øN records records expansion of expansion of subpolar subpolarconditions conditions as as far far west west as as130°W, 130øW, trending to to transitional transitional waters trending waters offshore. offshore. These These data data are are consistent with consistent with ice-age ice-age cooling cooling across acrossthe the entire entire transect. transect. 000000 0000 000000 In N en Similar to to the Similar the modem modem distribution, distribution, the the LGM LGM fauna fauna associated associated with cooler cooler water occurrednear near the the coast, coast, while with water occurred while the the wannerwarmer- 000000000000 N 000000000000 o.o.o.o.o.o. ooooooddddddd waterLGM LGMfauna faunawas wasfound foundoffshore. offshore. Some Some of of the the decrease decrease in in water 0. universa O. universaand andG. G.ruber ruberobserved observedcould couldreflect reflect greater greater dissolution in in LGM LGM sediment sediment samples samples than than in in modem dissolution modemsediment sediment trap samples. samples. IfIf so, the trap so,our ourresults resultswould wouldoverestimate overestimate the extent extentof of ice-age cooling far offshore. ice-agecooling far offshore. oooooo• --00 In 00 N 000% 0% 0% 0 00 N - en 00- Modern Analog Modern Analog Sea Sea Surface Surface Temperatures Temperatures 0. in the O. universa universa and and G. G. ruber ruber drive drive the the anomalous anomalous warmth warmth in the offshore estimate [Ortiz and Mix, this issue]. These species offshoreestimate[Ortiz and M/x, thisissue]. These speciesare are a en en en '0 0 In In N en en N en N N N N 000% In InN rare in in N. N. Pacific core tops midlatitudes, probably probably because rare Pacificcore topsfrom from midlatitudes, because Because the they they are are highly highly sensitive sensitive to to dissolution. dissolution. Because the N en N - OCnO%%C 0 en N en The modem analog analog SST The modem SST estimates estimatesderived derivedfrom from the themodem modem sediment trap trap faunas faunas track trackatlas atlasvalues valuesatatthe thecoastal coastalsites sites but but sediment overestimateSST SSTat atthe thesite sitefarthest farthestoffshore. offshore. The of overestimate The presence presenceof N 000 N '000 '0 - 000000000000 In 000000Cc1 calibration data set set is is composed of partially calibration data composedof partially dissolved dissolvedcore core tops, this "no-analog" bias shows up in the well-preserved tops, this "no-analog" bias shows up in the well-preserved sediment trapsamples. samples.We Weexpect expectthat thatthis thisbias bias isis not not aa sedimenttrap 00 problem problemfor for the theLGM LGM samples. samples. %O N %0 en co N In '0 N '00 In N N 0 '0 N NNenNen---. 00 Ifl N in The best best modern analogs for The modern analogs for the theLOM LGM California California Current Current foraminifera are from from core core top top sediments sediments in in the the Gulf of Alaska, foraminiferaare Gulf of Alaska, although some some analog analog samples from similar similar latitudes latitudes in in although samplescome comefrom the the North North Atlantic. Atlantic. The Thedissimilarity dissimilaritycoefficients coefficientsfor foreach eachcore core were small small (well (wellbelow belowthe theempirical empiricalcutoff cutoffofof0.2), 0.2),so so the the were analogs are excellent (Fable 5). analogsare excellent(Table 5). At the the LGM, the annual At LGM, the annualaverage averagemodem modem analog analog SST SST was was 3.3°±1.5°C cooler cooler than than modem modern atlas atlas SST SST at at 42øN 42°N (Table (Table 5, 5, 3.3ø+1.5øC Figure 4). SST remained coolest near the coast and increased Figure4). SST remainedcoolest near the coast and increased offshore. The offshore thermal thermal gradient gradient was was similar similar to to offshore. TheLOM LDM offshore today's (about 0.3°C // degree degree longitude). longitude). Given Given the the 1.5°C error today's (about0.3'12 1.5øC error of the of the method, method,there therewas wasno nostatistically statisticallysignificant significantstructure structureto to N 00 -.00 ' 0% N In In 00 In %0 en %0 qqqe0000In.00 00000000 In 000000000000 00 00 00 00 00 00N 0 0000-00000 N In'0 0000d I dddd4ddddd4•N e.i ooqoo.00%cN'o.-.o.c 00000ed..o the LGM the transect. transect. LGM - modern modern SST SST difference difference across the Oxygen Isotopes and and Sea Oxygen Isotopes Sea Surface Surface Temperatures Temperatures The 8•O &O of at LGM was washigher highernear nearthe thecoast coast The ofG. G.bulloides bulloides atthe theLGM and lower offshore (Figure 5, Table 5). This gradient agrees and lower offshore(Figure5, Table 5). This gradientagrees with gradients implied implied by by the the glacial glacial with the the sense senseof of temperature temperaturegradients I '0 N - N N - NNN o 1 -: of the the oxygen fauna. fauna. Predictions Predictionsof oxygen isotopic isotopic composition compositionof of equilibrium calcite,8•O,, 8'O,, based on modern equilibrium calcite, basedon modernatlas atlasSST SSTand and 0000 1-' 000000 .0 ' ORTIZ AT 42 42°N ORTIZ ET ET AL.: AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CURRENT CURRENT AT ON 198 o 80 80 a N. pachyderma L 60 •O 20 bG. glutinata • I n0 . '•10 < 0'•?:•. 10 < 5 •• 20 20 . I . • 'm, x 20 < < .... .2.-' ß,-'-• 00 ß . ø,i-..i.i. • 20 ß, ß, . • ß < 05 0 -r'-• -. 10 j••' 5 5 • . °: <10< 10 0 0 ßr- i ß, ß• ß \ • 15 i G. ruber I•=10 ' 10 Oq..... 0 134 132 134 132 130 130 128 128 126 126 124 124 134 134 132 132 130 130 128 128 126 126 124 124 Longitude (°W) Longitude (øW) Longitude Longitude(°W) (øW) -- -- -m°- -- 10 ' -=, 0 -• '--7:•=:'n 134 132 132 130 134 130 128 128 126 126 124 124 hh N. N.pachydermaR pachyderma R 2O- ', 20 20 40 - gr(7.quinqueloba qiwLuva g 30 20 20 10 0 134 134 132 132 130 130 128 128 126 126 124 124 134 134 132 132 130 130 128 128 126 126 124 124 o 50 50 øø40 40 f O.universa 10 40 40: , 134 134 132 132 130 130 128 128 126 126 124 124 134 134 132 132 130 130 128 128 126 126 124 124 d G. bulloides o 60: d G.hulloides o ø 15 eG.scitula 20 , ' , ß, ß • Oqav. , ß, ß• ß •' 0Oq o 80 80 • C N. dutetrei 15 • 10 5 5 134 134 132 132 130 130 128 128 126 126 124 124 'I 20 20 Modern sediment trap Modem sediment trapfaunas faunas ß < 5 5 • 0Oß.=•-=¾-• -'r = 134 134 132 132 130 130 128 128 126 126 124 124 Longitude (°W) Longitude (øW) Last Last Glacial Glacial Maximum Maximum fossil fossil faunas faunas Figure species percentages across the Figure 3. 3. Planktic Planktic foraminifera foraminifera species percentagesacross the transect transectat at 42°N: 42øN: (a) (a) left left coiling coiling N. N. pacizyderma, Co)G. (b) G. glistinata, N. d.uertrei, (d) G. G. bulloides, bulloides, (e) (e) G. G. scitula, scitula, (f) (f) O. 0. universa, pachyderma, glutinata, (c) (c) N. dutertrei, (d) universa, (g) (g) G. G. quinqueloba, (h) rightright- coiling and quinqueloba,(h) coilingN. N. pachyderma pachyderma and(i) (i) G. G. ruber. ruber. Solid Solid squares squaresdenote denoteLGM LGM horizon. horizon. Open Open squares denote modem modem sediment sedimenttrap trap data data based based on on flux-weighted flux-weighted averages averages of of seasonal seasonal data squaresdenote datareported reportedby by Ortiz Ortiz and and Mix M/x [19921. [19921. Assuming all of of the salinities, -0.09% 610 Assumingall the observed observedgradients gradientsin in 6180 8"0 arose arosefrom from salinities,yield yieldaazonal zonalgradient gradientin in 8'°O 8•'0,ofof-0.09%o 8"0 I/ temperature, the the associated associated offshore degree longitude (r•=0.79, (r2=0.79,n=10) n=10) at at these degreelongitude thesesites. sites. A similar similar temperature, offshorethermal thermalgradient gradientwould wouldbe be longitude. gradient calculatedfrom fromthe theLGM LGMsamples samples was -0.13%8•aO 6O // 0.50 0.5ø to to 0.6 0.6 °C ø(2/ /degree degree longitude. This This is is about abouttwice twice the the gradientcalculated was -0.13%o temperature gradient gradientat at present, present, and and twice twice that that estimated degree longitude (r2--0.72, (r2=0.72,n=10). n=10). The The offshore offshoreslope slope of of the estimatedfrom from degreelongitude the temperature the LGM fauna (+0.3 °C I ° longitude). Possible LGM denser water (colder and/or and/or saltier) saltier) near explanations LGM 8"O 8•'Odata datasuggests suggests denser water(colder near theLGM fauna(+0.3 ø(2/ olongitude). Possibleexplanations could LGM salinity salinity gradient gradient was was steeper steeper than than the the dense water couldbe be that that(1) (1) the the LGM the the coast coastrelative relative to to less less dense water offshore, offshore, implying implying southward geostrophic flow as at present. modem one, (2) the LGM salinity/8'8O slope was steeper than southwardgeostrophicflow as at present. modem one,(2) theLGM salinity/8•80,, slopewassteeper than Table 5. G. bulloides 355 gm) tm) Stable Across Table 5. LGM LGM Modem ModemAnalog AnalogMethod MethodSST SSTand andLGM LGM G. bulloides(300(300- 355 StableIsotope IsotopeMeasurements Measurements Acrossthe the Muhitracers Transe•t Transect Multi,racers Cove Core Name Name 6706-2 6706-2 W8709A-13PC W8709A-13PC W8809A-530C W8809A-53GC W8809A-21GC W8809A-21GC W8709A-O8PC W8709A-08PC W8809A-29GC W8809A-29Cd2 W8809A-31GC W8809A-3 IGC W8909A-57GC W8909A-57GC W8709A-01BC W8709A-01BC W8909A-48GC W8909A-48GC Sample Depth, Sample Depth, Longitude, Longitude, an cm 259-260 259-260 275-276 275-276 168-169 168-169 140-141 140-141 22-23 22-23 156-157 156-157 15-16 15-16 22-23 22-23 21-22 21-22 17-18 øW Mean LGM Mean LGM SSTaa Dissimilarity DissimilaritySST 124.94 124.94 125.75 125.75 126.26 126.26 126.91 126.91 127.68 127.68 129.00 129.00 130.01 130.62 130.62 131.96 131.96 132.67 132.67 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 9.0 9.0 10.0 9.8 9.8 8.8 9.3 9.3 9.8 9.8 10.6 9.8 11.8 11.8 Modem Modem LaMLGM-Present Present &80, 8180, SST SST1' SST b SSTChange Change %OPDB %0PDB 11.8 12.3 12.6 12.9 13.3 13.8 14.1 14.2 14.4 14.5 aBai,i foiaminifezal faimas using thethe modem analog method, associated errors are °C. aBa•,d onforaminife• faunas using modem analog method, associated errors are±1.5 :kl.5øC. 1'lnterpoheed to core re locations locatsons from fran Levitus [19821. bInterpolated to Levitus [1982]. -2.8 -2.3 -2.3 -2.8 -2.8 -4.1 -4.0 -4.0 -4.0 -3.5 -4.4 -2.6 -2.7 -Z7 2.79 2.97 2.97 3.16 3.16 2.70 2.70 2.81 2.28 2.67 2.52 2.19 1.82 &3C, 813C, %oPDB %0 PDB -0.03 -0.27 -0.27 0.20 0.20 0.07 0.07 -0.06 -0.06 0.07 0.07 -0.09 -0.09 037 0.37 0.82 0.82 0.87 0.87 ORTIZ AL.: GLACIAL CURRENT AT AT 42øN 42°N ORTIZ ET ET AL.' GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CURRENT Carbon Isotopes Carbon Isotopes and and Nutrient Nutrient Gradients Gradients 22 4Modem (sediment trap) foraminifera o• 18 • 14-• .- 12 In the In the absence absenceof of active activeupwelling, upwelling,modem modemsurface surfacewaters waters (offset to the LGM mean) yield 8'3C0 predictions near (offsetto the LGM mean)yield •nC, predictions near2.5%o 2.59'0o with small with small variation variation across acrossthe the transect transect(Figure (Figure 6). 6). Active Active upwelling upwelling brings bringsnutrient-rich nutrient-richwaters watersfrom fromaround around70 70 m m depth depth to the surface (Figure 6). This reduces surface 813C0 to to thesurface (Figure6). Thisreduces surface•nCc to values values near 8'3C, atatlOOm nearthose thoseat at100 100m m at atthe thesame samesite. site.The Themodem modem fi•aCc 100m increases offshore by about 19k. This shift reflects shoaling of increasesoffshoreby about 19'0o.This shift reflectsshoalingof the nutricline in in response to southward geostrophic flow the nutric]ine responseto southwardgeostrophic flow and and local localwind windforcing. forcing. The 8'3C of LGM G. G. bulk>ides bulloides range range from from -0.279k near The/5•C -0.279'0o nearthe the "...... m 16-1. Levitus SST """'"- T .__ I• 108 LGM fomminff' era coast near coast to to 0.879k 0.879'0o near132.5°W 132.5øW (Figure (Figure 6, 6, Table Table 5). 5). After After LGM radiolaria 6 ' 134 I 132 ' I 130 ' I 128 ' I 126 199 ' 124 Longitude (°W) Longitude (øW) disequilibrium effects are are estimated estimated and and removed removed (equation disequilibriumeffects (equation3), 3), the mean 613C of G. bulloides approximates water column 8'3C, themean/5•Cof G. bulk>ides approximates watercolumn/SnC, derived from ofofwater column 8'3CDIC corrected corrected for derived frommeasurements measurements water column/5•3Cmc for the 813CD1C decrease andthe themean mean ocean's ocean's theanthropogenic anthropogenic •5•Cmcdecrease and glacial-interglacial 613C01 shift. The The offshore gradient in glacial-interglacial •SnCmc shift. offshore gradient in 8'3C •SnC FIgure across the the transect. transect. Modem Figure 4. 4. Temperature Temperaturegradients gradientsacross Modem thermal gradient (open (open circles) circles) is is from fromLevitus Levitus[1982]. [1982]. Modem Modem thermalgradient analog SST estimates estimates based based on on the the sediment (open remains, suggesting large offshore nutrient gradients as at analogSST sedimenttrap trap faunas faunas(open remains, suggesting large offshore nutrient gradients as at squares) are from from Ortiz Ortiz and and Mix Mix [this squares)are [this issue]. issue]. Solid Solid squares squares present. Westward translation of the LGM 8'3C, gradient present. Westwardtranslationof the LGM •5•aC,gradient denote modem analog analog SST estimates based based on denote modem SST estimates on glacial-age glacial-age results from ~126øW 126°W and -128°W are Pisias results from and-128øW are from from Sabin Sabin and and Pisias relative westward relativeto to the thepresent presentgradient gradientsuggests suggests westwardtranslation translationof of the nutrient coupled to the associated associated nutrient gradients, gradients, perhaps perhaps coupled to an an increase increasein in net netupwelling upwellingas asfar farwest westas as130°W. 130øW. [1996]. Radiolarian estimate at at ~130øW 130°W isisfrom [1996]. RadiolarianSST SST estimate fromthis thisstudy. study. Error bars are _+1.5øC ±1.5°C for and radiolarian Error bars for both foraminiferal foraminiferal and radiolarian SST SST estimates. estimates. Shell Rates and Shell Accumulation Accumulation Rates and Foraminlieral Foraminiferal Productivity Productivity foraminiferal transfer function foraminiferal fauna fauna. . Imbrie-Kipp Imbrie-Kipp transfer function SST SST estimates estimates are are based based on on LOM LGM radiolarian radiolarian faunas. faunas. Radiolarian Radiolarian the modem modern slope, slope, or or (3) the (3) G. G. bulloides bulloideslived lived deeper deeperin in the thewater water column nearer nearer the the coast column coastduring duringthe theLGM. LGM. The 8h10of ofLGM LGMG. G.hulloides builoidesisishigher higherby by~39'0o -3% than The/5•'O thanmodem modem After accounting 8"O, predicted for the sea surface (Figure 5). /5•'O,predicted for theseasurface (Figure5). Afteraccounting for .3%oice icevolume volumeeffect effect meanocean ocean/5•sOw,we 8O,we can foraa 11.39'0o ononmean can estimate an an upper upper limit limit for for the temperature change change across across estimate the LGM LGM temperature The rates of of left-coiling and The accumulation accumulation rates left-coilingN. N. pachyderma pachyderma andG. G. bulloides bulloidesshells shellsnear near126°W 126øWare aremuch muchgreater greaterat at the theLGM LGM than than in traps (Figure 7). This This cannot cannot be be an in the themodem modemsediment sedimenttraps (Figure 7). an artifact the artifactof of dissolution, dissolution,because because theLGM LGM sediment sedimentsamples samplesare are -1 Modem 5180efromLevitus [1982] the assumingthe the slope slope of of the the regional regional salinity/8'8O thetransect, transect, assuming salinity//5•*Ow relationship unchanged, and andG. G. bulloides bulloides calcified calcified in in the the relationshipwas wasunchanged, mixed layer(its (its present present habitat habitat at at these mixed layer thesesites sitesas asrecorded recordedby by the MOCNESS plankton tows). M•S plankton tows). This This estimate estimate suggests suggests the magnitude of of the the •LOMcooling cooling at at these these sites sites could have been magnitude could have been •o we have 40.. 6°C at at most. 4ø- 6øC most. For For comparison, comparison, we have plotted plotted the the foraminiferal modem analog SST estimates estimates as foraminiferalmodem analogLGM LGM SST as equivalent equivalent 8'10, predictions using assumptions (Figure 5). /5•O, predictions usingthe thesame same assumptions (Figure 5). A 4°-6°C cooling based on the oxygen isotope data is at at the A 4ø-6øCcooling basedon the oxygen isotope data is the upper statistical limit of the 3.3°±l.5°C cooling estimated by u• statisticallimit of the 3.3ø+1.5øCcoolingestimatedby the modem analog analog faunal faunalmethod. method. However, is likely likely some the modem However, itit is some of of this thisapparent apparent4°-6°C 4ø-6øCcooling cooling reflects reflectslocal local increases increasesin in salinity upwelling, or or aa change salinitydriven drivenby by stronger strongerice-age ice-ageupwelling, changeof of the depth depth habitat habitatof ofG. G.bulloides. bulloides. For the For example, example,the the deviations deviations between expressed between the the modern modemanalog analogpaleotemperatures paleotemperatures expressedas as and the G. bulloides 8180 measurements can be minimized •so, andtheG. bulloides •so measurements canbeminimized a residual yielding a in aaleast sense, in leastsquares squares sense, yielding residualof ofO.09%o 0.099'0o (approximately our8•O 60 machine precision) using aa 8•so 8"O offset offset (approximately our machine precision) using than the of -O.75±0.05%o. This of-0.75:k0.059•. This offset offset is is smaller smaller than the 1% 19'0ooffset offset relative to waters attributed attributedtoto modern modem G. G. bulk>ides bulloides in in relative to surface surface waters the Gulf of of Alaska Alaska due due to to aa depth depthhabitat habitatnear near100 lOOm [Zahnetetal. the Gulf m [Zahn al. 1991a]. Thus, while G. bulloides 8"O helps to constrain the 1991a]. Thus,while bulk>ides 15•sO helpsto constrainthe zonal thermal gradient gradient it zonalthermal it does doesnot notprovide provideaaunique uniquemeasure measureof of the the absolute absolutetemperature temperaturechange. change. • Ice Volume • LGM E -4øC MAT '• SST . 4 136 136 ß 1111 I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' • ' LGM•sO fromG.hulloides Coast 134 124 124 132 132 130 130 128 126 126 122 Longitude (°W) Longitude (øW) Figure Oxygen isotopic composition (6O) of Figure 5. $. Oxygen isotopic composition(•O) of G. G. bulloides from from LGM LGM sediments sediments across acrossthe the Multitracers Multitracers transect. transect. bulloides Shown for for comparison comparison are equilibrium calcite calcite /5•O 6"O for Shown areequilibrium for modem modem waters squares). The data waters(open (opensquares). TheG. G. bulloides bulk>ides dataare areconsistent consistentwith with a 4•-6øC 4'-6°C cooling cooling assuming of +1.39k, a assuming(1) (1) an anice icevolume volumeeffect effectof +1.39'oo, (2) the the modem modern $S- /5•O 8180slope slopeof of +0.41 +0.41 also also applies the (2) appliesduring duringthe glacial, (3) aa mixed glacial,and and(3) mixedlayer layerdepth depthhabitat. habitat. The The foraminiferal foraminiferal modem analog SST estimates (open (open circles) modemanalog SST estimates circles)suggest suggestaa2°-4°C 2ø-4øC cooling. cooling. ORTIZ AL.:ßGLACIAL CURRENT AT AT 42øN 42°N ORTIZ ET ET AL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CURRENT 200 200 4 3- Modem fi13C 13Cce(O Modem Modern Modem (0m) m) 513 I '3Ce Ce -r I Post Post Upwelling Upwelling (1OOm (100 m)% • .......... .*. .................... •. • Active .... '""'-... '"'""•N x ,/'"Active Upwelling "--.... ß Upwelhng fluxes appears robust. robust. Because species are heterotrophic, fluxesappears Becausethese thesespecies areheterotrophic, they theyare aresensitive sensitiveto to food foodsupply supplyand andthus thusto to productivity productivity(Orfiz (Ortiz et rates of et al. aL 1996). 1996).We We interpret interpretthe thehigher higherLGM LGM accumulation accumulation rates of these to higher thesespecies speciesas as due dueto higher productivity productivityof of the theheterotropic heterotropic foraminifera. This isis consistent consistent with foraminifera. This with the the carbon carbonisotopic isotopic evidence for westward westwardexpansion expansion of of nutrient evidencefor nutrient supplies suppliesnoted noted above. above. Ekman Transport Ekman Transport and and Coastal CoastalUpwelling Upwelling The by the The seasonal seasonaloffshore offshore Ekman Ekman transport transport simulated simulatedby the RegCM for modem modern boundary boundary conditions conditions captures captures the the basic basic RegCM for Physiological offset ffset 0Coast Coast LGM G. bulloides hulloides LGM structure and magnitude magnitude of of the the coastal coastal upwelling upwelling seasonal seasonal cycle structureand cycle in the California California Current Consistent with in the Current(Figure (Figure 8). 8). Consistent with observations [Huyer, observations [Huyer, 1983], 1983], north northof of 40°N, 40øN,coastal coastalupwelling upwelling is is seasonal, seasonal,strong strong in in July July but butabsent absent(or (ordownwelling) downwelling)in in January. Between 40°N, coastal coastal upwelling upwelling persists persists January. Between30°N, 30øN, and and40øN, throughout the year, year, but but is is strongest strongest in in summer. summer. South of 30°N throughoutthe Southof 30øN Longitude Longitude(°W) (øW) both both observations observationsand and the the model modelrecord recordroughly roughly constant constant coastal upwelling throughout the year. Figure 6. 6. Carbon of G. Figure Carbonisotopic isotopic composition composition(8'3C) (õnC) of G. coastalupwelling throughoutthe year. North of of 45°N, offshore Ekman transport North 45øN, modelmodel-simulated simulatedoffshore Ekmantransport bulloides from from glacial glacial sediments sediments across acrossthe the 42øN 42°Ntransect. transect. The bulloides The exceeds This feature exceeds observed observed values values for for both both seasons. This feature magnitude of the carbon isotopic disequilibrium (physiological magnitudeof the carbonisotopicdisequilibrium(physiological effects at at the the northern of the offset, is estimated using equation equation 3. 3. probably probablyreflects reflectsedge edgeeffects northernboundary boundaryof the offset,A8'3C,,) ASnC,_,) in G. G. bulloides bulloides is estimated using Modem 8'3C values at 42°N based on measurements from Ortiz model domain. Peaks in observed offshore transport between Modem•nC, valuesat42øNbasedon measurements fromOrtiz modeldomain. Peaksin observedoffshoretransportbetween at plotted for after being being offset offset for for the the 35°N and 40øN 40°N are aredisplaced displacedsouthward southwardby bythe themodel modelby by 1ø-2 1-2°ø et al. al. [1996] [1996] are are plotted for reference referenceafter 35øNand glacial 8C01 shift -0.4%o and the anthropogenic shift ofof - latitude. This most most likely glacial•nCmc shiftofof-0.4%0 andthe anthropogenic shift latitude.This likely reflects reflectsdifficulty difficultydefming definingcoastline coastline 0.6%o. 0.6%o. shape shapeprecisely preciselyin in the thegridded griddedmodel. model. Simulated offshore Ekman transport at at the SimulatedoffshoreEkmantransport theLGM LGM was waslower lowerin in both seasons than than itit is is at at present present (Figure (Figure8). 8). North North of of 42øN 42°N the the both seasons more dissolved dissolvedthan thanthe themodem modemsediment sedimenttrap trapsamples. samples. Given predicts coastal coastal downwelling downwelling in in both Major more Given model modelpredicts bothseasons. seasons. Major potential errors errors in in sediment rates associated associated with with reductions in summer upwelling occur north of 40øN, 40°N, and and winter winter potential sedimentaccumulation accumulationrates reductionsin summerupwellingoccurnorthof timescale uncertainties, we we hesitate hesitate to to interpret interpret structure in the occursas as far far south south as as 33°N. timescaleuncertainties, structurein the downwelling downwelling occurs 33øN. South South of of 33°N, 33øN, decreasing offshore offshore accumulation accumulation rates. rates. Given Given the the consistency changesin in coastal coastal upwelling upwelling are are relatively relatively small, decreasing consistency predicted predictedchanges small, of the to modem probably within the the range range of of model model uncertainties. uncertainties. The of the result, result, however, however, the the net net increase increase relative relative to modem probablywithin The overall overall -1 -1 , 136 1 36 124 ß134 I ' 132 I ' 130 I ' 128 I ' 1126 • 6 ' 124 I ' 122 134 132 128 122 15000 15000 10000 10000- 4 5000 5000 --0---O-- 0 134 134 15000 130 130 132 128 128 126 126 S • 150001 ' • ' • B G. bulloides Modern Modern (sediment traps) (sediment traps) 124 124 LGM LGM 10000 10000 5000 5000 0 134 134 - 132 132 130 130 128 128 126 126 124 124 Longitude (°W) Longitude (øW) Figure Figure 7. 7. Shell ratesfor for(a) (a) left-coiling left-coilingN. N. pachyderma pachydermaand and (b) (b) G. G. bulloides, Shell accumulation accumulation rates bulloides,two two heterotrophic planktonic foraminifera. foraminifera. Modem from annually annually average average sediment sediment trap trap flux flux at at heterotrophic planktonic Modemrates ratesare arederived derivedfrom the LGM shell shell accumulations accumulationsare arefrom fromthe the 10 10 cores cores across the three threesediment-trap sediment-trapmooring mooringsites. sites. LGM acrossthe the 42°N 42øN transect. transect. ORTIZ CALIFORNIA CURRENT AT AT 42øN 42°N ORTIZ ET ET AL.: AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CURRENT 201 201 negative curl boundary, negative curl simulated simulatedalong along the the southern southern boundary,are are unrealistic. The modern July simulation also indicates unrealistic. The modern July simulation also indicateslocal local zones of (negative zones of intense intenseconvergence convergence (negativecurl) curl)near nearthe theupwelling upwelling 150150 front at and 32øN. 32°N. These features are arenot not present present in in the front at 38°N 38øNand Thesefeatures the maps of of Bakun and Nelson 11991]. Given these apparent maps Bakun and Nelson [1991]. Given these apparent 100100 weaknesses in in the the model simulations, we only interpret weaknesses modelsimulations, we only interpretbroad broad features, and and rely rely on on difference maps between modern and and iceicefeatures, differencemaps betweenmodem 5050 age The hope hope is is that that model modelbiases biasescommon commonin in both both ageconditions. conditions.The runs would wouldtend tendtotocancel, cancel,minimizing minimizingthe thenet net bias bias in in the runs the difference maps. difference maps. 0 .................................................................. •,, ... • •...•...• ..._-._.._-...2.,,,•..-'•,,. The LGM wind stress stress curl suggest enhanced The LGM wind curlsimulations simulations suggest enhanced positive curl curl in in offshore offshore regions regions for for both both the January and July Downwelling simulation positive the January andJuly -50 simulations (Figures 9b and 9e). LGM-minus-modem difference simulations(Figures and LGM-minus-moderndifference 48 ' ' ';6' ' '4'0' ' '4'4' ' '48 maps conf'um confirm that that ice-age ice-age curl curl was wasmore morepositive positive offshore offshore in in maps 100 both January Upwelling B: January both Januaryand andJuly. July.In In the theLGM LGMJanuary Januarysimulation, simulation,curl curl 200 200 Upwelling A:Jul• -- • ,. sMiømduel7t io n ; o 0 ' U . . . ! . . decreasednear nearthe the coast coast north north of Thus, on decreased of 33°N. 33øN. Thus, on an an annual annual 50 average basis, the the model averagebasis, modelsimulations simulationssuggest suggestaa net netwestward westward translation of of curl-driven upwelling offshore offshore between translation curl-drivenupwelling between30°N 30øNand and 42°N during during the the LGM, at 42øN LGM, relative relativeto to conditions conditions at present. present. 0 ', ,', Discussion Discussion -50 LGM "-. -100 150 Downwelling I The The Glacial Glacial Temperature Temperature Decrease Decrease \ Simulation"X , 28 28 40 44 36 32 ' ' '3•' 3•2 ' '20' ' '24 48 48 Latitude Latitude (°N) (øN) Our results suggest suggest that SST Ourresults thatthe themean meanannual annual SSTat at42°N 42øNduring during the 3.3°±1.5°Ccooler coolerthan thanpresent. present. This theLGM LGM was was3.3ø:1:1.5øC Thistemperature temperature estimate is consistent with faunal estimateis consistent withthe theradiolarian radiolarian faunaltemperature temperature estimates of Moore Moore [1973] [1973] and andMoore Mooreet et al. al. [1980] estimatesof [1980] in in three three cores near et al. cores near our our locations. locations. Similarly, Similarly, Prahi Prahl et al. [1995] compared temperature temperature estimates estimates based based on and radiolarian radiolarian compared onUk37 Uk•?and faunal estimates in in one here faunalestimates onecore corestudied studied here(W8709A-8PC) (W8709A-8PC)and and inferred an LGM LGMtemperature temperaturedecrease decreaseof of4.0ø+1.5øC, 4.0°±1 .5°C,similar similar to inferred our our estimate. estimate. The between these methods is somewhat The agreement agreement between these methods is somewhat surprising. Measurements ofofthe Uk37 index in in sediment traps surprising. Measurements the Uk3? index sediment trapsat at the same sites used here yielded an annual temperature of the samesites usedhere yieldedan annual temperature of reduction in in coastal coastal upwelling upwelling at at the the LGM is associated reduction LGM is associatedwith with 1O.6°±1.1°C withno no significant significant offshore offshore gradient gradient [Prahi 10.6ø+1.1øC with [Prahlet et al. southward translation of of atmospheric southwardtranslation atmosphericpressure pressuresystems systemsand and 1993]. This estimate is significantly cooler than the 12°-15°C 1993]. This estimate is significantly cooler than the 12 ø15øC associated winds, which is driven in the model by large associatedwinds, which is driven in the model by large annual mean SST SST at at these these sites. Prymnesiophyte algae which annual mean sites. Prymnesiophyte algae which northern hemisphere ice sheets and lower sea surface northern hemisphere ice sheets and lower sea surface generate the the alicenone alkenone signal signal bloom generate bloomin in the thespring springand andsummer summer temperatures. temperatures. and reside within within the the thermocline, thennocline, rather rather than than at at the sea and reside seasurface surface [Prahi et al. 1993]. In contrast, the radiolarian transfer [Prahl et al. 1993]. In contrast, radiolarian transfer Wind Wind Stress Stress Curl Curl and andOpen-Ocean Open-OceanUpwelIing Upwelling function generates generates temperatures temperaturesbased basedon on the the calibration calibration of function of Bakun and and Nelson Nelson [1991] [1991] report report modern modem seasonal seasonal variations variations Holocene Holocene faun_as faunas against against mean annual sea surface temperature. Bakun meanannualseasurface temperature. in stress curl curlover overthe theCalifornia CaliforniaCurrent. Current. In According to toPrahl Prahi et a al. different in wind wind stress In winter, winter, west west According al. [1995], [1995],these thesetwo twoseemingly seemingly different of 126°W along our 42°N transect, curl is negative, produce similar similar temperature temperatureestimates estimatesbecause becausein in the the of 126øWalong our 42øN transect,curl is negative, yielding yielding methods methodsproduce downwelling in the the interior gyre. In North Pacific, Pacific, mean mean annual annual SST SST over over the the range downwellingin interiorof of the thesubtropical sublxopical gyre. Insummer, summer, North range0°-15°C 0ø-15øCis is positive curl drives drives strong strong upwelling upwelling east east of of 128°W. equivalent to to the at positivecurl 128øW. South Southof of equivalent thesummer summertemperature temperature at the thepycnocline. pycnocline. 40°N, positive curl curl near near the thecoast coastpersists persists throughout throughout the the year, year, Sabin 40øN, positive Sabin and and Pisias Pisias [1996] [1996] used usedthe thesame sameradiolarian radiolariantransfer transfer and thus offshore upwelling reinforces year-round coastal function as as Prahl Prahi et transect from from 35° and thus offshore upwelling reinforces year-round coastal function et al. [1995] [1995] in in aa meridional meridionalIxansect 35ø upwelling in this this area. area. The to 55øN. 55°N. Their included two cores upwellingin TheRegCM RegCM simulations simulationsof of wind windstress stress to Theirtransect transect includedtwo coresused usedhere here(W8709A(W8709Acurl January (Figure (Figure 9a) 9a) and and July July (Figure 8PC and We supplement supplement the the two curlfor for modern modernJanuary (Figure9d) 9d) capture capture 8PC andW8709A-13PC). W8709A-13PC).We two published published these In January, curl is is negative LGMradiolarian radiolarian temperature temperatureestimates estimates at at 42øN 42°N with with one one from thesebasic basicfeatures. features. In January,simulated simulatedcurl negative LGM from offshore, consistent with observations. Positive Positive curl persists W8809A-3 1CC(radiolarian (radiolariantaxonomy taxonomy courtesy courtesy of of M. M. Webber, Webber, offshore, consistent with observations. curl persists W8809A-31GC near south of of Oregon The resulting radiolarian SST nearthe thecoast coastin in both bothseasonal seasonalsimulations, simulations,especially especiallysouth OregonState StateUniversity). University). The resulting radiolarian SST about 40øN. 40°N. about estimates cooling of of 4.2°±1.5°C, .5°C, and estimatesyield yield LGM LGM cooling 4.2ø+1.5øC,4.4°±l 4.4ø+1.5øC, and The model simulations simulations are are not not perfect, 2.4°±1.5°C in the the three three sites sites relative relative to to modem The model perfect,however. however. North North of of 2.4ø+1.5øCin modernatlas atlasvalues, values, 47°N, simulated curl curlisis always always positive, positive, unlike from the estimate of of 47øN, simulated unlike observations. observations. indistinguishable indistinguishablefrom the foraminiferal-based foraminiferal-basedestimate This is probably an edge effect near the northern limit of the 3.3°±1.5 °C cooling in this region (Figure 4). This is probably an edgeeffect near the northernlimit of the 3.3ø+1.5øC coolingin thisregion(Figure4). RegCM of positive The 3°-4°C cooling cooling we we estimate estimate was was roughly roughly constant constant across RegCM domain. domain. Similarly, Similarly, edge edge effects effects of positive curl curl The3ø-4øC across simulated along the the western boundarysouth south of of 32°N, estimate is is smaller the entire entire east-west east-west transect. transect. Our estimate smaller than the simulated along western boundary 32øN, and and the and simulated simulated offshore offshore Ekman transport FIgure Figure 8. 8. Observed Observedand Ekmantransport for (a) Modern Modern observations observations for for July for the theCalifornia CaliforniaCurrent. Current. (a) July compared with modern and LGM July simulations. (b) Modem comparedwith modem and LGM July simulations. (b) Modern observations with modern modern are are based based on on observationsfor for January Januarycompared comparedwith winds NCAR RegCM RegCM runs runs of of Hostetler Hostetler et etal. windsfrom from the theNCAR al.[1994]. [1994]. ORTIZ ET AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CURRENT CURRENT AT AT 42 42°N ORTIZ øN 202 50 o&njaivary Modm. n JanuaryQid Cuff on July Modern JulyCurl Curl Contours 1lO dynes (Contom 041 dyrman-3) Contours 1041 lO dyne. (ContOtl• dyr• an-3) ,•n4) 45 -I, -I dl - 3 45 ((39 .'-' L.1' ß•1 35 -14 t4 I -2 -3 30 3° 3o IL, --- I 25 130 130 120 120 125 115 115 110 I10 125 125 130 50 120 115 I15 110 11o LGM •ulyCurl (Contom los dyrescm4) 45 ,40 z• 4o 35 ß• 35 30 3o 25 130 120 120 125 125 115 115 110 110 Jainy LGM -- Mon Modexn Jau•'y aid Curl Contoiis 1041 lO dyne. (Contom dyr• an-3) e.14) 45 45 • 130 125 50 120 115 I10 LGM - ModernJulyCurl (Contom 104 d• ,m14) 2%f'l r_________' ' 45 7i 40 4O XII-. \.1 '• 35 35 1 t.. 30 3O 30 !: 25 ';'" : 130 25 125 125 120 Lcngimdc q'W) W) l.m•itud• 115 115 110 I10 130 130 125 125 120 120 LUik Loa•itud•(' q'W) 115 IlS 110 I10 FIgure wind curl Current region. region. Results January, Figure 9. 9. Simulated Simulated windstress stress curlfor forthe theCalifornia CaliforniaCurrent Resultsare arefrom from (a) (a) modem modemJanuary, (b) (c) glacial glacial January-modem January-modernJanuary, January,(d) (d)modem modernJuly, July, (e) (e)glacial glacial July, July, and (b) glacial glacialJanuary, January,(c) and(I) (f) glacial glacialJulyJulymodem July. Contours are wind modemJuly. Contours arein in 10° 104dynes dynescm3. cm4. Cyclonic Cyclonic windstress stresscurl curl(positive (positivevalues, values,solid solidcontours) contours) drives oceanic oceanic upwelling. upwelling. Anticyclonic Anticyclonic wind wind stress stress curl curl (negative contours) drives drives oceanic drives (negativevalues, values,dashed dashedcontours) oceanic downwelling. The The calculations calculations are are based based on on winds winds from from the the NCAR NCAR RegCM RegCM runs runs of of Hostetler Hostetler et et al. al. [[1994]. downwelling. 1994]. ORTIZ CURRENT AT AT 42øN 42°N ORTIZ ET AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CURRENT 5°-1O°C cooling suggested suggested by by Mortyn from 6180 5ø-10øC cooling Mortynet etal. al.[1996] [1996] from 8•aO Borderland bulloides in the Southern California of of G. G. bulloides California Borderland sediments, but but larger larger than than the cooling based on Uk37 sediments, the1.5°C 1.5øC cooling based onthe the U• tanperature Site 893 temperate index inc!•x in in ocean oceandrilling drillingprogram program(ODP) (ODP)Site 893 from Basin [Herbert et al. from the the Santa Santa Barbara Barbara Basin [Herbert et al. 1995]. 1995]. These These differences may in in part part reflect reflect regional variations, differencesmay regionaltemperature temperature variations, although Morlyn et al. [1996] did not attempt to constrain althoughMortyn et al. [1996] did not attemptto constrainthe the effect of upwelling-related upwelling-relatedsalinity salinityvariations variationson on8•aO, 8'o, which eff•t of which 203 203 depleted in nutrients nutrients are high in depleted in arehigh in 6"C01. 8•Cmc.The TheLGM LGMoffshore offshore gradient of 6'3C in G. bulloides thus implies higher gradient 8•C in bulloidesthusimplieshighernutrient nutrient content near near the content the coast coast and lower lower nutrient nutrient content content offshore. offshore. Zonal Thermal Gradients and Flow Zonal Thermal Gradients and Southward Southward Flow The gradient in in G. G. bulloides bislloidesacross across42øN 42°Nis is steeper steeper TheLGM LGM 6'3C 8•C gradient than the modern modernwater watercolumn columngradient gradientatatthe thesea seasurface. surface. ItIt is is thanthe similar to to the the modern 8'3C gradient gradient at at 100 m (Figure 6). The similar modem$'•C, 100 m (Figure6). The offshore subsurface enrichment trend offshore subsurface enrichment Ixend in in the the modern modern ocean ocean begins east east of of 128°W. high begins 128øW.In Inthe theLGM LGMsamples, samples, high8'3C $'•Cvalues values are not encountered east of of l30°W. are not encountered east 130øW.IfIfG. G.bulloides bulloidesoccupied occupiedaa surface habitat, habitat, LGM greatly enriched surface LGM surface surfacewaters waters were were greatly enrichedin in nutrients relative to to modem modem ones ones across If nutrients relative across the the entire entire transect. transect. If At 42°N, LGM LCM temperatures temperaturesremained remainedcoolest coolestnear nearthe the coast coast At 42øN, and increasedoffshore. offshore.This Thispattern patternisis similar similar to to the and increased the modern modern 100 m G. bulloides G. bulloides occupied occupied aa depth depth habitat habitat closer closer to to 100 m (consistent Gulf of of Alaska (consistentwith with its its apparent apparentmodern modem Gulf Alaska habitat), habitat), would would likely likely reduce reduc• the theamplitude amplitudeof of their theirinferred inferredcooling. cooling. zonal and suggests suggests that that aa zonal thermal thermal gradient gradient at at this this latitude latitude and southward flowing California California Current Current was was still still present southwardflowing presentduring during the LGM. The steeper offshore 60 gradient relative the LGM. The steeperoffshore8•aOgradientrelativeto to the the modem water column 8180, gradient at 42°N may suggest aa modernwatercolumn8•aO,gradientat 42øNmay suggest stronger density gradient, and if so, geostrophy would require strongerdensitygradient,andif so, geostrophywouldrequire enhanced southward this possibility enhanced southwardadvection. advection. However, However, this possibility should be viewed viewed with withcaution cautiondue duetotouncertainties uncertaintiesinin the the slope slope shouldbe of of the theLGM LGM S-8"O S-fi•aOrelationship relationshipand andforaminiferal foraminiferaldepth depth habitats. habitats. Southward flow at at 42øN 42°N requires requiresthat that the the LGM LGM polar polar front Southwardflow front remained north of of our our sites. sites. Had remained north Had the the Polar Polar front front shifted shifted south south of of our locations, local wind forcing would have been more heavily our locations,local wind forcingwouldhavebeenmore heavily influenced by by the influenced the cyclonic cyclonicAleutian Aleutianlow. low. In In response, response, aa poleward boundary current current of of the the subarctic subarctic gyre gyre polewardflowing flowing eastern easternboundary then offshore waters were in nutrients nutrients down down to to -~lOOm, then offshore waters were enriched enriched in 100m, and coastal waters waterscarried carriedroughly roughlythe the same samenutrient nutrient content content as andcoastal as modem In either modem waters. waters. In either case, case, 1GM LGM nutrients nutrients in in offshore offshore regions most likely regionsof of the theCalifornia California Current Currentax at 42°N 42øN were were most likely slightly to slightly to greatly greatly enhanced enhancedrelative relative to to their theirmodern modernvalues. values. Variations in [CM Variations in IfJM wind wind forcing forcing could couldcause causesuch such aa nutrient nutrient change by by (1) enhancing coastal change (1)enhancing coastalupwelling upwelling due due to to greater greater offshore Ekman offshore Ekmantransport, transport, (2) (2) enhancing enhancingoceanic oceanicupwelling upwelling resulting resulting from from greater greaterwind wind stress stress curl, curl, or or (3) (3) enhancing enhancing southward flow flow due due to to stronger southward strongerbasin basinscale scalewind wind stress sixesscurl. curl. We discount the first mechanism because the RegCM We discountthe first mechanismbecausethe RegCM results results suggest in the suggestthat thatcoastal coastalupwelling upwellingnorth northof of35°N 35øNdecreased decreased in the California Currentduring duringthe theLGM LGM(Figure (Figure8), 8), aa result result which which is is CaliforniaCurrent consistent rates of of coastal consistent with with lower lower accumulation accumulation rates coastal diatoms diatoms [Sancetta et al. 1992] and marine organic carbon [Lyle et al. al. [Sancettaet al. 1992] andmarine organic carbon [Lyle et would have replaced replaced the the California California Current Currentover over our our sites. sites. 1992]. would have RegCM simulations simulations support support the 1992]. RegCM the second secondmechanism, mechanism, Under such conditions, conditions, one one would expect to to see Undersuch wouldexpect seecold, cold, nutrientnutrient- enhanced LGM wind-stress wind-stress curl curl in in the Current enhanced LGM the California California Current enriched water walerthroughout throughoutthe the transect, transect, with with aa zonal enriched zonal thermal thermal relative This implies relative to to modem modemconditions conditions(Figure (Figure9). 9). This implies that that gradient gradientreversed reversedfrom from that thatobserved observed(i.e. (i.e.warmer warmertemperatures temperatures enhanced oceanic upwelling upwelling supplied suppliednutrients nutrients from from below below to enhancedoceanic to near This pattern, nearthe thecoast coastwith withaagradual gradualoffshore offshorecooling). cooling). This pattern, increase increase the the nutrient nutrient content content of ofoffshore offshoreLGM LGM waters, waters,decrease decrease which is similar which is similar to to the themodern modemwintertime wintertime regime regime at at 42°N, 42øN, their and the their6'3C b'•C composition, composition, andindirectly indirectlyproduce produce theobserved observed would be associated associated with with offshore offshore oceanic oceanic upwelling upwelling in in the would be the increase in offshore accumulation accumulation rates rates of increase in offshore of heterotrophic heterotrophic LOM LGM subarctic subarcticgyre. gyre. foraminiferal shells shells by by increasing foraminiferal increasingprey preydensity. density. The third potential potential mechanism for increasing increasing the the nutrient The third mechanismfor nutrient Enhanced Glacial Nutrient Content Enhanced Glacial Nutrient Content content content of of the the LGM LGM California California Current Current is is enhanced enhanced southward southward flow. the gradient ofofLGM flow.As Asnoted notedpreviously, previously, theoffshore offshore gradient LGM6180 We observed a >1%o 6'3C enrichment enrichment in LGM >1%O 8'3C LGM G. bulloides bulloides is consistent with enhanced southward advection during is consistent with enhancedsouthwardadvection during the the shells relative to to those those near near the the coast coast(Figure (Figure6). 6). This shellsoffshore offshorerelative This LGM. GCM results results of of LGM. The Thecoarse coarseresolution resolutionatmospheric atmosphericGCM enrichment does not appear to be related to the organisms enrichmentdoes not appear to be related to the organism's Kutzbach and Guener [1986] suggest that North Pacific winds Kutzbach and Guetter [1986] suggest that North Pacific winds physiological as physiologicalcarbon carbonisotopic isotopicdisequilibrium disequilibrium aspredicted predictedfor for were stronger and displaced southward at the LGM. These temperawre effects [Ortiz et al. 1996]. Paleoceanographic temperatureeffects [Ortiz et al. 1996]. Paleoceanographic were stronger and displacedsouthwardat the LGM. These changes increase the the proportion proportion of of cold, changescould could increase cold, nutrient-rich nutrient-rich factors that could in airfactors that could cause the enrichment enrichment include include variations variations in airwater flowing from the LOM North Pacific Current,into into the the water flowing from the LGM North Pacific Current, sea equilibration state, nutrient content, or some combination seaequilibrationstate,nutrientcontent,or somecombination equatorward LGM California as opposed Current, to the equatorward LGM California Current, as opposed to the of of both both effects. effects. Local Local equilibration equilibration with with the theatmosphere atmosphere poleward LGM Alaskan Current. This would shift the character seldom reaches completion completion in waters seldomreaches insurface surface watersdue dueto to differences differences polewardLGM AlaskanCurrent.This wouldshift the character the LGM LGM California California Current Current toward toward more more subarctic subarctic conditions conditions in the time of contact with the atmosphere (order of months) of the in the time of contact with the atmosphere(order of months) relative to to the the time time required for isotopic isotopic equilibration relative requiredfor equilibration(order (orderof of years to to decades) andcompeting competing biological biological carbon carbon transports. years decades)and transports. and result in in the the upward upwardtilting tilting of of isopycnals, andresult isopycnals,aa geostrophic geostrophic readjustment to enhanced enhancedsouthward southwardflow. flow. A readjustmentto A similar similar concept concept explains years with anomalous subarctic subarctic zooplankton zooplankton biomass explains years with anomalous biomass If 6'3C01 were fully fully equilibrated equilibrated with with the the atmosphere atmosphere (holding (holding If 8•Cmcwere in the the modem modern California California Current Current [Chelton, [Chelton, 1982; 1982; Chelton in Chelton and and other constant), itit would follow aa slope other effects effectsconstant), would follow slope near near -0.l4% -0.14%o Davis, Davis, 1982; 1982; Chelton Chelton et et al. al. 1982]. 1982]. be higher higher 6"CDZC I °Cso sothat that the the 8•C•c in •Cmc/øC incolder colderwater waterwould wouldbe The net net results results of of both The both the the second second and and third third mechanisms mechanisms than thanin in warmer warmerwater water[Kroopnick, [Kroopnick,1974]. 1974].In In this thiscase, case,we wewould would would be to to cool would be cool the the surface surface waters waters of of the the LGM LGM California California expect bulloides shells shells closer closer to to the 6'3C expectG. bulloides thecoast coastto torecord record •C Current and increase increase its its nutrient nutrient content. content. These Currentand Thesechanges changeswould would values higherthan thanthose thoseoffshore. offshore. This This is is not not the the case. values+0.4%o +0.4%ohigher case. in waters with with lower lower 5•C 6'3C values values farther farther offshore in turn turnproduce produce waters offshore A of 6'3C offshore is A better betterexplanation explanation of increasing increasing •C offshore is that thatsurface surface and the offshore shell accumulation accumulation rates of and increase increase offshore shell of waters rich rich in whereas those heterotrophic foraminifera. As a result, we cannot definitively in nutrients nutrients are arelow lowininö'3CDIC, • 8 Cmc, whereasthose heterotrophic foraminifera.As a result, we cannotdefinitively 204 ORTIZ AL.: GLACIAL GLACIAL CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CURRENT CURRENT AT AT 42øN 42°N ORTIZ ET AL.: distinguish between these mechanisms. Mechanisms 2 and distinguish betweenthese mechanisms. Mechanisms 2 and33 are however, large-scale are not notentirely entirelyindependent, independent, however,because because large-scale curl provide variations variations in in wind windstress stress curl provide the the forcing forcing for for the the Sverdrup balance as as well well as as for upwelling Sverdmpbalance for local localopen-ocean open-ocean upwelling [Chelton, [Chelton, 1981, 1981, 1982]. 1982]. Community Ecology of of the Community Ecology the Glacial Glacial California California Current Current The foraminiferal foraminiferal fauna fauna of of the the LGM LGM California California Current Current at 42°N 42øN is is similar similar to to that that of ofthe themodern modern Gulf Gulf of of Alaska. Alaska. Does Does the the ecologic shift recorded recorded by by the the foraminifera foraminiferareflect reflectthe the plankton plankton ecologicshift community as a whole? Perhaps. communityas a whole? Perhaps. Marine rates in Marine organic organiccarbon carbonaccumulation accumulation rates in some someof of the thesites sites at present, studied here were lower during studiedhere were lower during the the LGM LGM than than at present, export [Lyle et al. al. 1992]. lower carbon carbon export suggesting suggesting lower [Lyle et 1992]. diatom indicators indicators of of Chaetoceros spores, Accumulation rates Accumulation ratesof of Chaetoceros spores,diatom the coastal upwelling upwelling ecosystem, were themodern moderncoastal ecosystem, werealso alsolow low during during pollen assemblages [Sancetta et al. al. 1992]. the LGM the • [Sancellaet 1992]. Ice-age Ice-age pollen assemblages were dominated by pine and mountain hemlock, in contrast contrast to weredominatedby pine andmountainhemlock, in to the modem modem assemblage of the assemblage of oak, oak,redwood, redwood,and andalder alder[Sancetta [Sancellaet et and alder alder at at the the LGM suggests aa al. 1992]. 1992]. Loss Loss of of redwood redwoodand LGM suggests reduced supply due due to to loss loss of of summer summer coastal coastalfog. fog. Fog reducedmoisture moisturesupply Fog over relatively warm atmosphere is generated by is generatedby relatively warm atmosphereover colder colder all suggest (upwelled) oceanic waters. (upwelled)oceanic waters. These Theseresults results all suggestlower lower coastal coastalupwelling upwellingduring duringthe theLGM. LGM. Reduction of coastal coastal upwelling, upwelling, coupled coupled with with our our evidence evidence for for Reductionof higher nutrient content and foraminiferal shell fluxes along higher nutrientcontent and foraminiferalshell fluxes along an most most of of the the42°N 42øNtransect transectduring duringthe theLGM, LGM, suggest suggest an ecosystem similar to to that ecosystemsimilar that of of the themodern modernGulf Gulf of of Alaska. Alaska.The The high-nutrient, highCurrent is modern California Current modern California is aa high-nutrient, highThe chlorophyll, high-export ecosystem. chlorophyll, high-export ecosystem. The dominant dominantprimary primary et al. producers in this this environment producersin environmentare arelarge largediatoms diatoms[Hood [Hood et al. 1990]. that graze on on 1990]. These Thesediatoms, diatoms,and andthe themacrozooplankton macrozooplankton that graze them, export a relatively large fraction of the total biological them,export a relatively large fractionof the total biological In contrast, contrast, productivity as as fecal productivity fecalpellets pelletsand andsinking sinkingparticltu. particles. In the Gulf Gulf of of Alaska is aa high-nutrient, the Alaska is high-nutrient,low-chlorophyll, low-chlorophyll,lowlowof aa export system. export system.An An active activemicrobial microbial loop, loop, composed composedof variety of small autotrophs and heterotrophs, makes recycling varietyof small autotrophsandheterotrophs,makesrecycling more efficient efficient here here than than in in the more the California California Current Current [Miller [Miller et et al. al. 1991]. In In such such systems, systems, aa smaller 1991]. smallerfraction fraction of of organic organicmatter matter flowing CaliforniaCurrent Currentwas wasstill still present present at the flowing California at 42°N 42øNduring duringthe LGM, and that the polar front must have remained north of this LGM, andthat thepolarfront musthave remainednorth of this latitude band. latitude band. Cooling Cooling was waslikely likely aa response response to to stronger stronger open-ocean open-ocean upwelling advection upwellingand andsouthward southward advectiondriven drivenby by higher higherwind windstress stress curl. Coastal upwelling decreased at 42°N during the LGM. curl. Coastalupwellingdecreased at 42øN duringthe LGM. LGM watersof ofthe theCalifornia California Current Current were wererelatively relatively high high in LGM waters in nutrients offshore offshore (based (basedon on carbon carbon isotope isotope data) nutrients data) and and low low in in biomass due to (based biomassdue to more more intense intensegrazing grazingby by microorganisms microorganisms (based on reduced organic carbon accumulation rates and increases on reducedorganic carbonaccumulationrates andincreasesin in This suggests heterotrophic heterotrophicplankton). plankton). This suggeststhat thatduring duringthe theLGM LGM the of the the plankton planktoncommunity communityof thenorthern northernCalifornia CaliforniaCurrent Currentwas was similar to the of the similar to the modern modernplankton plankton community community of the Gulf Gulf of of Alaska. Alaska. Acknowledgmenta. the captain captain and and crew crew of Acknowledgments.We We thank thankthe of RN R/V Wecoma. Wecoma. I. Gardner (USGS) kindly provided unpublished '4C dates. M. Webber J. Gardner(USGS)kindlyprovided unpublished •nCdates.M. Webber and from andL. L. Welling Welling assisted assistedwith with the the radiolanan radiolariandata. data.Comments Comments fromN. N. Plains, P. Wheeler, Wheeler,M. M.Abbott, Abbott,L.L Welling, Welling, and and reviews reviews from Pisias,P. from J. J.Gardner, Gardner, D. reviewer Funding was D. Anderson, Anderson,and andan ananonymous anonymous reviewerwere werehelpful. helpful. Funding was from a NASA Graduate student fellowship and from NSF. Curation of froma NASA Graduatestudentfellowshipand from NSF. Curation of materials materialsat at OSU OSU was wasfunded fundedby byNSF. NSF. This This is is Larnont-Doherty Lamont-DohertyEarth Earth Observatoiy contribution 5599. Observatory contribution 5599. References References Bakun, A., and and C.S. CS. Nelson, The seasonal cycle of Bakun,A., Nelson,The seasonalcycle of wind-stress wind-stresscurl cud in in subtropical eastern boundary boundasycurrent current regions, regions,J. I. Phys. Phys. Oceanogr., subtropical eastern Oceanogr.,21, 21, 1815-1834, 1815-1834, 1991. 1991. Bard, E., M. M. Arnold, Arnold, and Bard, E., and B. B. Hamelin, Hamelin, Present Presentstatus statusof of the the radiocarbon radiocarbon calibration for the the Late Late Pleistocene Pleistocene (IPC4 (IPC4 abstracts abstracts and calibrationfor andsupplementary supplementary materials). materials).GEOMAR GEOMARReport Report15, 15, 52-53, 52-53,1992. 1992. Bard, E., B., M. 34.Arnold, Arnold,R.G. 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