I choose this course after much research, reflecting and guidance by... undergraduate school at CUNY - Lehman College in Bronx, New York....

I choose this course after much research, reflecting and guidance by my advisors at my
undergraduate school at CUNY - Lehman College in Bronx, New York. Realizing the best way
to study English History would we be to study it in England I decided to apply to graduate
school in the United Kingdom. The extra preparation a taught MA programme would provide
for me a solid foundation for my PhD. After some research, I contacted several professors
whose work I’d come across and admired over the last few years, including Professor Bernard
Capp. Unfortunately, he was retiring but he liked my topic and forwarded my email to his
colleagues. After the warm response and enthusiastic advice I received from Professors Capp
and Knights, I knew that the University of Warwick was the best place for me to continue my
studies. Professor Knight recommended that I apply for a taught MA in Religious, Social and
Cultural History.
A taught Master’s degree in religious, social and cultural history will allow me to look at the
lives of women in Europe and especially in England. The period of 1500 to 1700 is part and
parcel of my planned PhD dissertation: the effect of Restoration actress upon the lives of
women earning money, property and identity independent of men through the 19 th century.
The 16th to 18th centuries saw great changes in England and Europe beginning with the
Renaissance in religion, divine right, civil war, revolution, the Enlightenment and the
emergence of the political party of which all had an influence the rights and occupations
women. My research interests lie in the social history and cultural history of the women in
English Restoration Theatre and my chosen MA coincides perfectly with it.
My hope after receiving my Masters and my PhD is that I may continue to do research and
teach on the subject of Restoration women and their legacy on those cultures influenced by
English Protestant society. I chose to do a taught Masters instead of going to a PhD straight
away because I still feel a bit rough around the edges. I firmly believe that the University of
Warwick will help me polish me skills and better prepare me for my journey as a PhD student.
As an older undergraduate student, with the help of my advisors Dean Timothy Alborn and
Professor Evelyn Ackerman at CUNY- Lehman, I was able to pick and choose courses that
would support my study of English history and theatre this included taking course in
European History, English Literature, theatre history, French language and theatre
management. While earning my undergraduate degree full time I also worked a full time job.
As a result my skills can using some honing.
The ability to study at Warwick with some financial aid will allow me to study history without
the worry and distraction of finding additional support.