UCL CONFIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL STUDENTSHIP PROJECT BUDGET APPROVAL FORM NOTE: UCL minimum studentship costs are found HERE NOTE: Information on U.K. Government R&D tax credits is found HERE NOTE: Select “Highlight form fields” under the “Forms” menu to aid completion. Required fields are highlighted in RED. NOTE: When complete, please scan and email the PBA form to your Contracts Manager. Project Title: UCL Department: Cost Centre: Project Supervisor: Industrial funder: Research Council/Charity: Start date: End date: Cost Category TASK for FIS Student Stipend Tuition Fees Consumables Travel and Subs. Equipment Computer Costs Other TOTAL D-STU D-FEE D-CON D-TRA D-EQU D-COM D-OTH INDUSTRY/COMMERCE Budget Breakdown/£* RESEARCH COUNCIL/CHARITY Budget Breakdown/£* 0.00 0.00 Funder currency GBP£ [_] EURO € [_] USD $ [_] OTHER ✔ [_] (please state: ) * If funds are awarded in foreign currency see: UCL Approved Exchange Rates I confirm that the financial contribution of the industrial party to the research project complies with both the UCL and Research Council terms and conditions for co-funded studentships see Research Studentships) and with the UCL “Financial Regulations”, the Data Protection Act and UCL position on genetic modification activities. The Director of Estates and Facilities has been consulted to ensure that the cost of any necessary associated building or engineering work and any exceptional requirements for electricity or water etc. have been included. The Computing Resource Group (see CRAG) have been consulted where access to the UCL Research Computing Legion facility is required as part of the research project (Note: The CRAG will not be able to offer any guarantees of access to this facility unless such a consultation has taken place, in a timely fashion, prior to the submission of relevant research proposals). Appropriate UCL specialist staffs have been consulted, approvals granted or applied for (e.g. ethical committee). Adequate facilities are available to meet any Home Office requirements and appropriate provision made for any associated recurrent costs, including license fees. Adequate financial provision has been made in the application for specialist publications that either UCL or the Departmental Library will need to buy. The contract accords with the overall departmental research strategy and no additional financial or other commitment will fall on UCL without the prior approval of the faculty. The Department hereby confirms that, to its reasonable knowledge, neither the Principal Investigator nor any of the Co-investigators have previously or are currently being investigated for any scientific misconduct. Project Budget Approved By: Project Supervisor Head of Department/Division/Faculty Name: ___________________________ Name: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ Signature: ________________________ Date: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________ UCL Industrial Studentship PBA 10Mar10.doc