UCL Earth Sciences Careers Forum 2014 The 2014 Forum took place on the 30th of January 2014 Lyndsey Douglas (Natural History Museum): Lyndsey works as the Digitizer Technician London at the Natural History Museum, London. She is interested in Palaeontology and have been employed on various collection based projects which are based around digitization, documentation and public engagement. Her interest in museums began when she was Volunteering at the NHM after graduating from UCL. She is currently developing this by working towards the AMA Associateship of the Museums Association. Stephanie Robson (Environment Agency): Stephanie is a Technical Officer (Groundwater and Contaminated Land) at Groundwater & Contaminated Land; Wessex Area, South West Region Stephanie graduated from UCL in 2010 receiving Environmental Geoscience MSci, degree. Judith Woo (Talbot): Judith is an Exposure Management Analyst at Talbot Underwriting Ltd with responsibilities including the RDS submission, system development and non-modelled catastrophe research. She joined Talbot in 2010 with previous experience in catastrophe modelling for Guy Carpenter where she was also a member of a European Initiative Group. Judith holds a PhD in Volcanology and is an co-author of several papers on unrest in Campi Flegrei, in Southern Italy. She is an honorary research associate for University College London. James Scotchman (NEFTEX): James works as a Geoscientist at Neftex Petroleum Consultants Ltd, a UK geosciences consultancy business. He holds a PhD from UCL, Earth Sciences and his thesis was entitled "Stratigraphic context and timing of sand supply to deepmarine Ainsa basin, Middle Eocene, Spanish Pyrenees: Constraints from geochemistry and sedimentology". During his PhD study James undertook the summer internship at Exxon Mobil, Houston, USA working with the Integrated Reservoir Performance and Prediction group. Howard Nicholls (Spectrum Geo Ltd): Howard graduated from UCL in 1986 with a degree in Geology. Began working at Spectrum, a Multi-Client Seismic Company, based in Woking, in 1989, employed as a land seismic processing specialist. Spent over 20 years learning the dark arts of seismic data processing, which included several prolonged periods working abroad (South America, US, Egypt & Libya). Travelled extensively as part of my job, particularly US, Middle East (including Syria & Iran) and Far East. 2 years ago moved into Spectrum’s Multi-Client division, responsible for QC of all seismic processing for the department in EAME. Part of a team of G & G specialists looking for opportunities for new surveys in areas not yet explored for hydrocarbons.