Previous This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Mis-scans identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. CHAPTER 7 Ecological Integrity, Socioeconomic Resiliency, and Trends in Risk Thomas M. Quigley Danny C. Lee Richard W. Haynes James R. Sedell Richard S. Holthausen Wendel J. Hann Bruce E. Rieman Bruce G. Marcot Amy L. Horne Thomas M. Quigley is a range scientist/economist with the USDA Forest Service, Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project, Walla Walla, WA. Danny C. Lee is a research biologist with the USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Boise, ID. Richard W Haynes is a research forester with the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Portland, OR. James R. Sedell is a principal research biologist with the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Corvallis, OR. Richard S. Holthausen is a wildlife biologist with the USDA Forest Service, Washington Office, Terrestrial Habitat Ecology Program, Corvallis, OR. Wendel J. Hann is a landscape ecologist with the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project, Walla Walla, WA/Boise, ID. Bruce E. Rieman is a research fisheries biologist with the USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Boise, ID. Bruce G. Marcot is a wildlife ecologist with the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Pordand, OR Amy L. Home is a research forester with the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. •&38 Integrity, Resiliency, Risk TABLE OF CONTENTS Ecological Integrity Composite Ecological Integrity Trends in Composite Ecological Integrity Methods Results and Discussion Social and Economic Resiliency Current Socioeconomic Resiliency Low socioeconomic resiliencyrating Medium socioeconomic resiliencyrating High socioeconomicresiliencyrating Trends in Socioeconomic Resiliency Risk Assessment: Human Ecological Interactions Current Risks Associated with Human-wildland Interaction Trends in Risks Associated with Human-ecological Interaction Results and Discussion Acknowledgments Literature Cited •..~.~..~`~.~'~.~....~...~....~....~..~........`.`....~...~'.~..~'...~....~.~..~..--.....~...~...~.........~....`..v. Integrity, Resiliency, Risk 839 840 841 841 845 855 855 855 857 857 857 860 860 860 860 875 876 •838 Integrity, Resiliency, Risk The Draft Environmental Impact Statements describe two primary needs underlying the proposed action: (1) restore and maintain long-term ecosystem health and integrity; and (2) support the economic and/or social needs of people, cultures, and communities, and provide sustainable and predictable levels of products and services. The needs are linked with specific goals selected by the EIS teams. The goals they identified include: 1) maintain, and where necessary restore, the long-term health and integrity of forest, rangeland, aquatic, and riparian ecosystems; 2) provide sustainable and predictable levels of products and services within the capability of the ecosystem; 3) provide opportunities for diverse cultural, recreational, and aesthetic experiences within the capability of the ecosystem; 4) contribute to the recovery and delisting of threatened and endangered species; and, 5) manage natural resources consistent with treaty and trust responsibilities to American Indian tribes (Preliminary Draft EISs 1996'). These needs and goals imply the desire to achieve and maintain ecological integrity at a high level. These needs and goals were examined by addressing ecological integrity, socioeconomic resiliency, and the risks associated with human ecological interactions. A composite estimate of current ecological integrity was developed across the entire Basin for all FSand BLM-administered land and the trend in ecological integrity was estimated for each alternative over the next 100 years. This required identification of the current condition of specific ecological integrity components (aquatic/riparian, forest, rangeland, and hydrologic) (Quigley and others 1996). Current socioeconomic resiliency was estimated for social and economic systems, and its variation across the Basin was described (Quigley and others 1996). The trends in risk associated with human ecological interaction represents the change expected to result from people interacting with the wildland system, and the change expect- ed as disturbances within the wildland system come in conflict with human assets. These trends are projected for each alternative. They provide useful estimates to show how FS and BLM management as proposed in the alternatives might influence ecological integrity and socioeconomic resiliency. These estimates are not intended to be measures of final outcomes, but are an indication of the direction of movement brought on by the implementation of each EIS alternative. Each alternative was evaluated to project how the actions of the FS and BLM would contribute to integrity, socioeconomic resiliency, and human ecological interactions, ECOlOffJCfll IntG^TitV It is recognized that there are no direct measures of ecological integrity and that assessing integrity requires comparisons against a set of ecological conditions and against a set of clearly stated management goals and objectives (Woodley, Kay, and Francis 1993). This process is not strictly a scientific endeavor (Wickium and Davies 1995), because to provide meaning, ecological integrity must be grounded to desired outcomes. The overriding ecological outcome expected, as articulated in the EIS Alternatives for FS- and BLM-administered lands within the Basiri) is to maintain or enhance ecosystem or ecological integrity, High levels of ecological integrity are dependent the maintenance of evolutionary and ecological processes, such as types and frequencies of disturbances, water cycling, energy flow, and nutrient cycling; ecosystem functions and processes that operate on multiple ecological domains and evolutionary time frames; and, viable populations of native and desired non-native species (see Haynes and others 1996 for a broader discussion). These processes and functions have transitioned from historic ranges of conditions to their present status, The basic components of ecological integrity on: 'On file with: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project, 112 E. Poplar Street, Walla Walla, Washington 99362. Integrity, Resiliency, Risk 83S include the forest, range, and aquatic systems with a hydrologic system interconnecting the landscape into a whole. High integrity for these components can be defined: ... . . .i . x A forest and range (terrestrial environment) system that exhibits high integrity is defined here as a mosaic of plant and animal communities, consisting of well connected, high-quality undoubtedly will be refined as additional infbrmation becomes available. Given more time and information, integrity indices might have included direct consideration for elements such as recovery cycles, synereistic interactions between environ^ memaj com*onems ^ biophysical linkageS) fcedback ^ ^j mechanisms m on differem ora] scales within the ^ *X°lTrlB^e±itf±±d Composite Ecological Integrity desired non-native species, the appropriate expression of potential life histories and taxonomic lineages, and the taxonomic and genetic diversity necessary for long-term persistence and adaptation in a variable environment. Subbasins (approximately 325,000 to 400,000 hectares in size) were rated as having high, mediuni) or low ecological integrity for: forest lands, rangelands, forest and rangeland hydrologic systemS) and aquatic systems (Sedell and others An aquatic system that exhibits high integrity is defined here as a mosaic of well connected, high-quality water and habitats that support a diverse assemblage of native and desired nonnative species, the fall expression of appropriate potential life histories and dispersal mechanisms, and the genetic diversity necessary for long-term persistence and adaptation in a variable environment. 1996 Landscapes jointly encompass the terrestrial and aquatic environments. A hydrologic network operates within basins on the landscape. A hydrologic system that exhibits high integrity is defined here as a network of streams, along with their unique ground water ecosystems, within the broader landscape where the upland, floodplain, and riparian areas have resilient vegetation, where the capture, storage, and release of water limits the effects of sedimentation and erosion, and where infiltration, percolation, and nutrient cycling provide for diverse and productive aquatic and terrestrial environments. These estimates of integrity and resiliency are presented as initial estimates based on our understanding of the information available. Absolute levels of integrity or resiliency within the Basin are not presumed to have been measured nor revealed. Rather, these represent thefirstattempt at estimating relative integrity at this spatial level and S4H Integrity, Resiliency, Risk >- ^ °f *f 164 sak^ ^ *? J^ was rated, and ratings considered all ownerships wlthin ^ Basm' T^ actual r*anf combined. bas< don ^™ ; descriptive data layers, empirical Process models, trend analysis, and expert judgment The basic data sets on which the ratings we f ******* aggregations of data from broadscale ma ? &emes> ^watershed information or model ro e P J ««>ns (Quigley and others 1996). These basic la ers y Provided ^f backdr°P for «f' "^/o^ f C°mP°SIte <jc°loflcal. mteSnty forL fS- and BLM-administered lands within each subbasm The 'L Component integrity layers were used wlth ^ in^tion brought forward through the assessment (Quigley and Arbelb,de in press), the evaluation of alternatives which included a discus»°n of k^)C T8"*7' T™5^ ^T^ j(Marcot 1996) and our understanding of conditlons ^dtrends'. to estimate the current composite ecological integrity for each subbasm (map 7.1). Composite integrity was estimated by comparing ** «™P°n«K ""*g"«y ratings and knowledge of ^ ?n-the^ound conditions with how each subbasm met the definitions described previously for systems with high ecological integrity. . . . . . . . . . The com P°s'te ecological integrity ratings are relatlve measures wlthin , ^ Basm- Hl& comP^f ecological integrity indicates that, relative to the subba ^ *f ^in^e ^essment area, a subbasm meets the defini ons of » ^ integrity more than those subbasins rated as medium or low. At present 26 percent of the FS- and BLM-administered lands within the Basin are rated as high integrity, 29 percent are rated as medium, and 45 percent are in low ecological integrity (fig. and 7.1b). Of the total area within the Basin that is rated as having high composite ecological integrity, 84 percent is on lands administered by the FS and BLM. A rating of low does not necessarily translate to "bad" or "poor". For instance, many of the subbasins rated as having low ecological integrity include large areas of farmland. These areas are important and may be functioning just as society would have them function. Trends ill Composite Ecological Integrity ® Trends in ecological integrity for FS- and BLMadministered lands are dependent on current integrity, future management actions (such as timber harvest, prescribed fire, grazing, and restoration), and unplanned disturbance events (such as fire, flood, insects, disease, and climate variation). Basic rule sets were developed to predict trends in integrity for FS- and BLM-administered lands. No attempt was made to project the component integrity elements directly. The projections available through the evaluation of alternatives were examined to determine which ones might provide the most universal predictors of change in integrity. Three primary indicators were chosen to use; each is equally weighted in its contribution to composite ecological integrity trends: forest and rangeland vegetation (as integrated indicators of such elements as disturbance, succession, management activities, exotics, and habitat); riparian management (as indicators of such elements as aquatic environment, riparian communities, connectivity of riparian and aquatic ecosystems across the FS and BLM landscapes, fragmentation, and habitats); and, road density changes (as indicators of such elements as change in erosion, sediment, terrestrial habitat fragmentation, and exotic introductions). A broad array of elements contribute to integrity trends and are represented by these three proxies (table 7 1) Methods — To identify expected trends in cornposite ecological integrity under each of the alternatives, a set of indices was generated based on expected changes in vegetation structure and cornposition, changes in road densities, and riparian management for each alternative. An intermediate score for vegetation was generated based on potential vegetation type (forest or range) and the prescription models (see the Landscape Ecology section of this report for detail concerning prescriptions) applied within each alternative (table 7.2). Intermediate scores were generated for each 1square-kilometer pixel within the Basin using the rule set in table 7.2, and the potential vegetation maps and prescription allocations developed by the landscape staff. Mean scores were calculated for each subbasin based on an aggregation of FS- or BLM- administered land only. The mean intermediate scores were used in combination with the current rating of composite integrity to derive an index of expected change (table 7.3). This index (vegidx) assumed values of-1, 0, or +1, where the sign of the index refers to expected direction of change in ecological integrity (that is, -1 indicates that ecological integrity as reflected in vegetation is expected to decline; +1 suggests improvement, and 0 suggests no change). No attempt was made to quantify the magnitude of the expected change, A similar index <r^ was constructed based on * Projections of future road densities (resulting from *e application of rule sets associating mtenSI { V ° , *""« management activity and current road densities) and our interpretation of the potential ecological ramifications of changing road densities. Two measures for each subbasin were calculated. One was the combined change in the proportion of FS- and BLM-administered ands wlthm each subbasin with less than 0.1 miles of road Per s<luare mlle &* Pro)ected b7 the sPatlal anal sls team Tms was referred to y )' « the change m low ™ad density. The second measure change m hl h road denslt 8 y> measured an equivalent chan e in the FS and g ' BLM-administered area with Sreater than 17 road miles PefS1uare mik These measures of change m road density were used on ^ S ™lt" tne current composite integrity rating to assign rdidx values (table 7.4). c Integrity, Resiliency, Risk 841 Map 7.1 - Composite ecological integrity ratings synthesized the forest, rangeland, forest and rangeland hydrologic, and aquatic component integrity ratings. Integrity, Resiliency, Risk Figure Percent of the Basin by composite ecological integrity. Figure 7.1b — Percent of FS- and BLM-administered land by composite ecological integrity. Integrity, Resiliency, Risk Table 7.1- Proxies or indicators used to estimate trends in ecological integrity for the EIS alternatives. Proxy Represents Forest and Range Vegetation • Trends in susceptibility to severe and frequent fires • Trends in susceptibility to insect and disease outbreaks • Trends in stand structure and composition • Changes resulting from management activities - traditional commodity or conservation emphasis - ecological emphasis - thinning from below, grazing systems, prescribed fire, riparian management • Trends in containment and eradication of exotics Riparian Management «Trends in aquatic ecological function • Trends in water quality • Trends in riparian vegetation - Forested mature or late serai stage - Rangeland cover and density • Trends in habitat connectivity for riparian and aquatic ecosystems across the landscape • Trends in diverse habitats for riparian communities Road density change • Terrestrial habitat trajectories • Trends in hydrologic function • Trends in sedimentation and erosion • Trends in the introduction and spread of exotics • Trends in the risks for fire occurrence • Trends in habitat fragmentation Table 7.2 - Intermediate scores used in the calculation of directional changes in integrity for each combination of prescription model and major vegetation group (forest or rangeland). Scores range from -5 (traditional production emphasis), to 0 (conserve existing structure and composition), to +5 (maximum restoration consistent with i - i - i i \ biophysical template). : ;—— Forest Rangeland Prescription Model score score r; + : + + *! « + +2 +3 S ™ S? 'LL DO ™ o , 1 ~2 c * o , 1 "7 "1 -° o +1 ™ N3 1 -4 MJ "1 IS 2 N7 N8 Potential Vegetation — Forest l A3 N1 844 ° Table 7.3 - Rule set for determining the expected directional change (vegidx) in ecological integrity, based on current composite integrity rating and mean intermediate vegetation score for each subbasin. Integrity, Resiliency, Risk 1 -3 H 1 -2 -3 Mean Intermediate Score Low -5 to 3 Vegidx — -1 Medium -5 to 1 -1 3 to5 1to3 ~ +3 -3 -4 Current Composite Integrity Rating 0 3to5 +1 H 'gh -5to° 0 to 1 -1 0 Low -5 to 4 4 to 5 -5 to 1 1 to 3 3 <°5 -5 to 0 1to5 Rangeland o Medium High 0101 UH5 +1 -1 0 -1 0 +1 -1 0 1!_ Table 7.4 — Rule set for determining directional change in integrity (rdidx) due to changes in area of low road density or high road density within each subbasin, and current composite integrity rating. Change in low road densities Change in high road densities Current Composite Integrity Rating any decrease 0 to 5% increase all any increase 0 to 10% decrease > 10% decrease > 5% increase any increase all all all low medium or high low or medium high low or medium high all 0 to 10% decrease > 10% decrease The third index of expected change (sgidx), was based on the level of riparian protection that would be provided on FS- and BLM-administered lands under each alternative. A simple rule set assigned values to each subbasin based on the alternative and whether the subbasin fell within one of several categories (table 7.5). This assignment was consistent with the evaluation of alternatives brought forward by the aquatic and terrestrial teams (see the aquatic and terrestrial sections of this report for a detailed description). For each alternative and subbasin, we calculated a final index of change based simply on the sum of vegidx, rdidx, and sgidx. This composite index of change assumed values ranging from -3 to +3, where +3 indicates a strong improving trend in ecological integrity, 0 indicates no change in ecological integrity, and -3 indicates a strong declining trend in ecological integrity. Values of -2 and 1 indicate declining trends in integrity, but not as strong as a value of-3. The same logic applies to upward trends in integrity associated with +2 and , , Results and Discussion — Each alternative results in a different projection in composite ecological integrity trends (maps 7.2 through 7.8) (see appendix 7A for a listing of all values by subbasin). Summing across all the FS- and BLMadministered lands within the basin shows that the alternatives provide varying trends in compos- Rdidx -1 -1 0 0 +1 0 -1 +1 0 +1 ite integrity (fig. 7.2). Alternatives 1 and 5 are dominated by declining trends (approximately 95% and 70% respectively), while Alternatives 2, 3, and 7 have 20 percent, 10 percent, and 5 percent area with declining trends respectively, Alternatives 6 and 4 show all areas as either stable or improving trends. Over 70 percent of the area in Alternatives 4 and 6 show improving trends, while Alternative 1 has less than 3 percent of the area in improving trends. Alternatives 5 and 2 have 20 percent of the area in improving In the discussions that follow, integrity trends are described in terms of the proxies used in this analysis. The proxies represent many elements and a more complete discussion would not focus on the proxies but the elements they represent. Refer to table 7.1 for a partial listing of the elements represented by the proxies. . . r . r Th e molst f°rest veg«anon types of western Mon tana and northe , ™ Idah° ^™ declining trends in Alternatives 1, 2, 3, and 5 with mostly stable trends in Alternatives 4 and 6. The declining trends generally reflect that favorable contributions to integrity trends from riparian strategies are offset by forest and rangeland vegetation trends and/or road density trends. Attaining stable trends in this area would result from favorable riparian strategies and intensive management of road networks (decreasing road densities). The Integrity, Resiliency, Risk 84S forest and rangeland vegetation management strategies applied within the alternatives were generally not effective in restoring composition and structure to that which would be consistent with the long-term disturbance processes and the capabilities of the biophysical environment. More extensive treatments, focused specifically on the mid-seral vegetation types and prioritized within the area, might result in favorable trends for the vegetation component of integrity. The specific interactions that would occur with changing vegetation treatments would need to be explored if such a proposal were to come forward. Where this area shows improving trends in ecological integrity in Alternative 7 is related to decreasing road densities and favorable riparian strategies as opposed to vegetation conditions consistent with long-term disturbance processes and the capabilities of the biophysical environment. The dry forest vegetation types of eastern Oregon show declining trends in Alternatives 1 and 5, stable trends in 2, 3, and 4, and improving trends in 6 and portions of 7. The rationale for these trends is similar to those for the moist forest types. In the action alternatives the improving-trend contribution from riparian strategies is generally offset by declining trends from road density changes. The forest and rangeland vegetation trends under the prescriptions of the alternatives did not result in improving trends in integrity. The forest and rangeland vegetation management strategies applied within the alternatives generally were not effective in restoring composition and structure to that consistent with the long-term disturbance processes and the capabilities of the biophysical environment. More extensive treatments, focused specifically on the mid-serai vegetation types, and prioritized within the area might result in favorable trends for the vegetation component of integrity. Alternative 6 shows improving trends for this area that reflect favorable riparian strategies and more aggressive road density management than the other alternatives. In the action alternatives (3 through 7) declining trends on rangelands generally reflect the degree $4B Integrity, Resiliency, Risk noxious weeds are contained or reduced, and the vegetation structure and cover type changes that result from grazing, disturbances, changes in fire regime, and woody species encroachment. Where aggressive management of noxious weeds, grazing management, watershed restoration, and road density reductions are planned, the trends are stable or improving, „. , .... _. The lar reserves f f ° ^™™ 7 hfe *™ where the integrity trend is projected to be declmm & Tms declmmg "end reflects *? «mefrarne (100-year projection), current conditions, and projected approach to fire management and road closures Fire suppression during the last several decades has been effective in removing fire from o{ th ^ f existing wilderness areas of central Idaho result ' ™% mL ^ bullduP f ^5 m much _, of [hls area This buildup of fuels ,s not projected to burn within the next decade, but is likely to burn with large fires in the next 100 years. For those areas showing declining trends in the 100year timeframe in the reserves, the trend in the next decade might be stable and in a 400 year timeframe might be favorable, . The ratlonal for the f "Panan strategy con<"bunon to ends ls related l " ° the management a PProach to,exi"m§ roads w"hm ** re se™s' Alternative 7 calls for the roads to be closed, but not necessarily obliterated or put to bed. Most, but not f' of the «^«m potential contnbur rs adverse ° *° ecological conditions from these flosed roads would bf ^dressed. This would like^ conmbute » problems during the 100 year timeframe as culverts become plugged and wash°uts ocLc,ur' and erosion on road surfaces >ncreases. Favorable trends in integrity for riparian strategies were not Rejected within reserves. Similar concerns are Pr°Jected for rangeland areas within T serve s related to f a .7°X1OUS ^ expansion and f the influe nce of wildfire in the absence of substantlal «^oration. Fire suppression was projected to occur cc tdm to natl nal fire S f P0'1^' b"r Pr°' j* ° jected wildnre size was larger than could be erreclively controlled, Table 7.5 - Rule set for assigning expected change (sgidx) in composite integrity due to implementation of riparian standards and guidelines under each o f the proposed alternatives. Alternative 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Conditions Sgidx Protected under FEMAT Greater than 50% in wilderness Otherwise Protected under FEMAT, PACFISH, or INFISH Greater than 50% in wilderness Livestock or timber emphasis areas Otherwise, and protected under FEMAT, PACFISH, or INFISH Greater than 50% in wilderness +1 0 -1 +1 0 -1 +1 0 Composite Ecological Integrity Trends Figure 7.2 - Trends in composite ecological integrity projected for each alternative (-3 is strongly decreasing; 0 is stable; +3 is strongly increasing) on FS- and BLM-administered lands. Note that the alternatives are not in numerical order. Integrity, Resiliency, Risk Map 7.2 - Long-term trends in ecological integrity for FS- and BLM-administered land: Alternative 1. Integrity, Resiliency, Risk Map 7.3 - Long-term trends in ecological integrity for FS- and BLM-administered land: Alternative 2. Continue Integrity, Resiliency, Risk ~