EXECUTIVE ORDER Aug.,ust 22, 1973 No. D.B. -6 Providing for the establishment of the Defense and Disaster Relief Council and designating its Director and members. 1 2 3 I, Dolph Briscoe, pursuant to the authority vested in me 4 51 under the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and par- 61 71 ticularly by Section 6 (a) of the Texas Disaster Act of 1973, 8 9 (Acts, 1973, 63rd Legislature), hereby designate the Director 10 11 " of the Department of Public Safety as Director of the Division 12,1 131 14 of Disaster Emergency Services. 15 16 As Director of the Division of Disaster Emergency Services, he shall serve as my designated 171 18 19 agent -in the administration and supervision of the provisions 20 I 21 of t~e 22 23 1 granted Texas Disaster Act of 1973 and may exercise the powers t~ the Governor therein, and may accept from the Federal 24 II 25 11 Govenment, or ~ny pUblic or private agency or any individual, . . 281 as gifts, grants, or loans for the-purposes of civil defense or 32 I disaster relief and may dispense such gifts, grants, or loans 33 I 3Ll !! for the purpose for which they were made. 3511 ?('d .)°1 371 38 39 lJo The Director of the Division 9f Disaster Emergency Services is hereby designated as Chairman of the Defense and Disaster Relief Council herein established in accordance with Section 5 41 42 43H (c) of the Texas Disaster Act of 19730 411 I 45 I Pursuant to the-establishment of the Defense and Disaster It 6 47j Relief Council, I hereby designate the head of the following hiLll state a<;fencies, boards, . and commissions and representatives of 48 I I \. ! I ,i i 291 :J' ! I 26 1 27 any offer of services, equipment, supplies, materials, or funds ~? Ii , organized volunteer groups to serve as members of the' D~£cnse Disaster Relief Council and such others as may be added from ! I ~ ! I I I I time to time. 1 2 3 4 Adjutant· Generalis Department Texas Aeronautics Conunission Agriculture,Department Texas Air Control Board Attorney General State Auditor State Building Commission Comptroller of Public Accounts Board of Control Texas Education Agency Texas Employment Commission Department of Health Highway Department State Board of Insurance Texas Industrial Comr~ission Texas Board of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Parks and Wildlife Department Department of Public Safety Department of Public Welfare Railroad Commission Veterans' Affairs Conmlission Water Development Bo~rd water Quality Board Water Rights Conunission Texas Forest Service Texas Civil Air Patrol Conunission Division of Disaster Emergency Services Texas· Department of Conmlunity Affairs American Red Cross Texas State TeGhnical Institute 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . 12 13 1 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 1, 25 1 26 2" 1 29 1 281 30 1 31 32 1 331 ') I, I .yfj ? c; h ..J-:.i1 3t>( ""7 ! I i I j Ii ~ 1 !I i I' 1 1 381 Each of the above designated agencies and groups has legal func- 40 41 42 tions relating to important phases of the State and Federal 39 43, Disaster Acts. Duties and' responsibilities ~f each such agency Ll4 45 46 47 48 or group shall be delineated in the State Em.ergency Operations Plan and Annexes thereto. The head of each of the designated Sta'te agencies, boards and, commissions and organized 'volunteer groups may delegate a member of his staff to represent l~m on I ,I 1i I I \ j i ~ the Defense and Disaster Relief Council. t I i II 1 I I I I if , I 1 2 3 The .Division of Disaster Emergency Services shall estab'lisnl operational ~r~as to be known as Disaster Districts which shall 4 5 6 7 correspond to the boundaries of the Texas Highway Patrol Dis- 10 11 9 Disaster Committee for each Disaster District to be composed 12 of representatives of each State 8 I tricts and Sub-districts and shall arrange for a District . agency~ board or commission 13 III 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 , 29 30 31 32 having membership on the Defense and Disaster Relief ~ouncil. The Highway Patrol Commanding Officer of each Highway Patrol District or Sub-district shall serve as Chairman of the District Disaster assisted by Con~ittee. th~ Such Highway Patrol Chairman shall be Division of Disaster Emergency Services Repre- sentative assigned to that District who shall provide gUidance, counsel and a&~inistrative support as may be required. The Defense ill1d Disaster Relief Council is hereby authorized to issue such directives and executive orders as may be. 33 ..., II j!.' 35 36 necessary to effectuate the purpose of the Texas Disaster Act 37 38 of 1973 and is further authorized ?nd empowered to exercise the 39 specific powers enumer'ated in the Act. Ij 0 41 42 43 44 45 Ii 6 117 48 4.9 This Executive Order has been effective since May 28, 197~ and shall continue to be effective until abrogated or cw!celled. existing compacts, I agreements~ organizations, plans ions, directives and executive orders not in conflict . \ t II force and effect. ~1/?( /1 p-'/ ttL 2a-~ Do lp1;7'Briscoe Gove'rnor 0 f Texas . j;;iicd in (h;) O~iICC oi. Secretary of S~~~o August 22, 1973 Date Filed in Office of Secretary of State I ,t, .