– Task Two Year Abroad Language Learning

Year Abroad Language Learning – Task Two
Thank you for your detailed Action Plans, for which you have now received
online feedback, along with some detailed suggestions for materials and study
To follow up on this work, you need now to demonstrate the progress you
have made in grammatical accuracy and, where indicated, in the appropriate
use of more formal language structures.
By the end of Warwick’s Week 8, 4th March 2016, you are required to
upload via Tabula the following pieces of written work relating to your
experience of learning German in your Year Abroad:
Schreiben Sie einen kurzen Aufsatz (400 Wörter) zum Thema:
Das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache in ihrem kulturellen Kontext
You are required at the same time to present a second draft in which
you identify and correct errors, by means of detailed annotation
(footnotes) which should refer particularly to your chosen Grammar
Action Plan topics and relevant rules. Annotate also any appropriate
uses of formal structures which you have researched and practised as
part of your Action Plan, such as those indicated on the Year Abroad
Language Work web page:
We think you will find that this exercise confirms and consolidates your
independent learning, and provides useful preparation for your finalyear language work. At the very least, it should highlight any
outstanding areas of uncertainty while you have time to address them!