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O V e rn0 r
As required by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6252-13a, 56, the Register
publishes kxecutive orders issued by the Governor of Texas. &pointmenls made .and proclamations issued by the governor are also
published. Appointments are published in chronological order.
Additional information on documents submitted for publication by the
Governor's Office can be obtained by calling (512) 475-3021..
Executive Orders
Goalsfor A warding Contracts to SlnalL and Minorily Businesses under Texas Civil Sfafufes,Article 51860 and
Article 5190.3.
WHEREAS, in promulgating the Small Business Assistance Act of 1975, the legislature found that an indispensable element of the American economic system is free and vigorous competition, and it is the policy of this
state to ensure economic competition by assisting small business entities; and
WHEREAS, in 1981the legislature established the Small and Minority Business Enterprise Division of the Texas
Industrial Commission for the purpose of further implementing the Small Business Assistance Act of 1975 by
encouraging greater small and minority business development; and
WHEREAS, although minority-owned businesses constitute one-third of small businesses capable of doing business
with the state but only a negligible number of state contracts awarded to small businesses were awarded to
owned minority businesses in 1982; and
WHEREAS, the failure of minority-owned businesses to receive an equitable share of contracts awarded by the
state to small businesses is a threat to the well-being of this state in that the preservation and expansion of economic
competition has been inadequate to benefit all persons of this state; and
WHEREAS, the governor is one of the persons designated by Texas Civil Statutes, Article 5190.3, QlO(c), for
oversight responsibility of the Small Business Assistance Act of 1975 and has an affirmative duty pursuant to
the Texas Constitution. Article IV, $10, to see that thelaws of the state are faithfully executed.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mark White, governor of Texas, do hereby direct each state agency engaged in procurement of goods and services, pursuant to Texas Civil Statutes, Article 5186a and Article 5190.3, to establish annually small and'minorit~business participation goals of 10070, 30% thereof representing purchase and service:
contracts solely for mninority business enterprise.
The Small and Minority Business Enterprise Division of the Texas lndustrial Commission is hereby directed, to
redouble its efforts to encourage development and support of minority-o\\;ned businesses throu,ohout the state
by expansion of'the Inaster list of such businesses and by provision of technical assistance to such in procuring
state contracts. The division shall further actively assist other involved state agencies, boards, commissions, task
,forces, committees, or councils in reachins the goals established hereby.
This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended.
or rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on May 19, 1983.
Restnrctwing and Retiarrtittg /he Go\.erttor's Cottrrrri~reeor1 Etrrploj~rtettro f /Ire Hurrdicapped os /Ire Go~~er~ror's
Corrrtrtitteefor Disabled Per-sorts; Repealing E.vectttive Order- M'PC-I4A.
WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has enacted legislation stating that it is the policy o r the State of Tesas to
encourage, assist, and enable persons with disabilities to participate in the social and economic life of the state;
to achieve maximum personal independence to become gainfully employed; and to otherwise fully .enjoy and
use all public facilities available within the state; and
WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has enacted legislation stating that it is the policy of the State of Texas to
provide rehabilitation and related services to persons with disabilities so that they may prepare for and engage !
in gainful occupation; and
February 14, 1984
EREAS, the federal Congress has passed legislation to authorize programs to promote and expand employopportunities in the public and private sectors for persons with disabilities, and to place such persons in
REAS, as governor of the State of Texas, I am deeply interested that there be cooperation with and bethe Texas Legislature, state agencies, the federal Congress, and the President's Committee on Employnt of the Handicapped in the achievement of their stated goals.
, THEREFORE, 1, Mark White, governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hereby revoke,
~ n dand
, repeal Executive Order WPC-14A and do hereby establish the Governor's Committee For Disabled
sons, hereafter referred to as the committee.
. Purpose. The committee shall carry on a continuing program to promote employment and public awareness
the abilities and special needs of persons with disabilities of this state.
11. Organization.
(1) The committee shall be composed of 16 members appointed by the governor who shall serve for twoterms and at the pleasure of the governor. At least eight of the members shall be persons with disabilities.
(2) The governor shall designate one committee member to serve as chairman and one committee member
serve as vice-chairman at the time the committee members are appointed.
(3) The chairman of the Texas, Employment.Commission, the commissioner of the Texas Rehabilitation
ommission, the executive director of the Texas Commission for the Blind, and one representative of the Office
the Secretary of State shall serve as ex officio members of the 'committee. '
(4) Appointed committee members shall serve without. pay, but shall be entitled to actual and necessary
tee shall have an executive director who will effect coordination between'the Texas Rehabilitation Commis-
e relationship between the committee and the administrative support agency shall.be governed by memoranm of agreement between the governor's office and the administrative support agency, the Texas Rehabilitan Commission. All state agencies with responsibilities relating to employment and to services for persons'with
abilities are encouraged to assist and support the committee.
(6) The committee shall make such rules and designat.e such subcommittees as it determines advisable for
Functions. The committee shall:
(1) cooperate with the Texas Legislature, the governor's office, and the President's Committee on Employ-
concerning the abilities and special needs of persons with disabilities;
(3) encourage coordination between local, state, and federal agencies in their activities to promote the employment and public awareness of persons with disabilities;
(4) inform persons with disabilities of programs of rehabilitation,vocational training, job placement, and
,other social services available to them;
(5) inform the public of 'the abilities and accomplishments of persons w.ith disabilities;
(6) inform the public of the benefits to the community when persons with disabilities become self-sufficient
and self-supporting;
(7) encourage employer acceptance and placement of workers with disabilitie's;
(8) conduct conferences and forums of concerns relating to persons with disabilities;
(9) promote a favorable climate in the business community for employment of persons with disabilities;
(10) cooperate and coordinate committee activities with state agencies or councils with responsibilities related
to services for persons with disabilities, iqcluding the Texas Planning Council for Dev.elopmental Disabilities;
(I I) communicate on a regular basis with the governor's office in an advisory capacity on matters pertain'.' ing to disabled persons;
(12) receive, review, and tecommend to the governpr appropriate action concerning the implementation of
a state plan for persons with disabilities (This provision shall expire at the time that the Council on Disabilities
becomes advisory to the Texas' Health and Human Services Coordinating Council);
(13) advise the Council on Disabilities in preparation of an annual working plan and approve such plan
subject to review by the governor's office.
February 14, 1984
9 TexReg
V. Reports. The committee shall annually report to the governor on the state of employment of persons with
disabilities. This report may include any recommendations believed necessary or desirable to promote bdter quality
of life opportunities for the employment of persons with disabilities. The committee chairman shall also report
quarterly to the governor's office on committee activities.
modified, or rescinded by me.
Governor of Texas
Establishing the Governor's State Agency Executives Council.
WHEREAS, sound fiscal management mandates using the most cost effective administrative methods available
to provide public services and the widest possible sharing of state agencies' nonfinancial resources; and
WHEREAS, individual state agencies often have expertise, information, or techniques applicable to other agencies' operations; and
resources; and
cils to address common problems;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mark White, governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me, do hereby create
and establish a Governor's State Agency ~xecutivesCouncil.
The council shall consist of the chief administrative officer of each designated state agency. The governor shall
designate member agencies at. the time of the council's creation and biennially thereafter.
Functions of this council shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) provide a mechanism for dealing with problems comnion to the largest state agencies;
(2) facilitate common responses to,federal regulations or initiatives affecting more than one state agency;
(3) originate or respond to initiatives designed to improve agencies' operational efficiency or effectiveness;
state agencies and the governor's office.
The council shall study and make recommendations to the governor on these and on other management and
administrative issues as. appropriate.
In carrying out theseduties,.the council is encouraged to draw upon the demonstrated expertise and capabilities
Staff support for the council and its working groups or committees shall be provided by the Office of the Governor or member agencies as appropriate.
The State Agency Management Effectiveness Council established by Executive Order WPC-17 is hereby abolished.
modified, or rescinded by me.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on August 8, 1983.
o/the Texus Depurtmenr of Public Safety as Director of the Division on Emergency Management of the Office
of the Governor.
9 .-;TexReg 892
February 14, 1984