OPENING CEREMONY AND FRESHERS’ PROGRAMME - ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/2015 welcome! 1 2 Opening Ceremony and Freshers’ Programme Academic Year 2014/15 1, 2 and 3 October 2014 3 4 Programme for Opening Ceremony Academic Year 2014/15 Wednesday 1 October 2014 0830hrs Doors open for new students 0900hrs University Wind Ensemble* directed by Dr Philip Ciantar 0900hrs Robing of Academic Staff in the Council Room 0920hrs Procession of Academic Staff to Hall 0930hrs University Wind Ensemble* 0940hrs Rector’s Speech 1000hrs KSU President’s Speech 1020hrs University Wind Ensemble* 1030hrs Opening of Freshers’ Week 1200hrs Inauguration Mass Sir Temi Zammit Hall ( University Chapel ( 9 3 on Campus Map) on Campus Map) *The University Wind Ensemble operates as part of the DegreePlus Programme, an initiative of the University of Malta. Further details may be obtained on: 5 The University Wind Ensemble Programme for the Opening Ceremony 2014 Happy Skyfall Hanukkah Dance (Sevivon) Brass in the Basement Game of Thrones Playing It Cool Arabian Dream Danza del Fuego Transformers P R O C E SS I O N O F AC A D E M I C STA F F : Trumpet Voluntary I M M E D I A T E LY A F T E R : Triton Fanfare AFTER KSU PRESIDENT’S SPEECH: Ceremony, Chant and Ritual DISMISSAL: Sine Nomine 6 P. Williams (arr. M. Brown) A. Adkins and P. Epworth (arr. J. Bocook) Traditional (arr. M. Conaway) L. Neeck R. Djawadi (arr. M. Brown) R. Perrin T. Molter R. W. Smith S. Jablonsky (arr. M. Brown) J. Clarke Robert W. Smith D. Shaffer R. W. Williams (arr. E. Huckeby) TUTORS: Mr Joseph Chircop and Mr Godfrey Mifsud MUSICAL DIRECTOR: Dr Philip Ciantar, Department of Music, School of Performing Arts Thursday 2 October 2014 Meetings with Year 1 Students The Registrar, Deans, Directors, together with the respective Heads of Departments, will welcome Year 1 students during a series of meetings. The meetings are scheduled as follows: 0900hrs Meeting with the Registrar at Sir Temi Zammit Hall ( F A C U LT Y O F A R T S Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Humanities Master of Arts Master of Arts in Mediterranean Studies Master in Interpreting Master in Translation and Terminology Studies F A C U LT Y O F E C O N O M I C S , MANAGEMENT & ACCO U N TA N CY Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business and IT Master in Accountancy 3 on Campus Map) for the following courses: F A C U LT Y O F M E D I A A N D KNOWLEDGE SCIENCES Bachelor of Communications Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) in Digital Arts Bachelor of Knowledge and Information Management Diploma in Archive and Records Management Diploma in Journalism Diploma in Library and Information Studies Master of Arts (Cognitive Science, Corporate Communications, Digital Arts, Media and Communications) F A C U LT Y O F M E D I C I N E A N D SURGERY Doctor of Medicine and Surgery Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Pharmaceutical Science) Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Technology (Honours) Master of Pharmacy Master of Science Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences Master of Science in Pharmacology / Clinical Pharmacology Master in Advanced Clinical Pharmacy 7 F A C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E Bachelor of Science (Honours) Master of Science Master in Applied Oceanography F A C U LT Y F O R S O C I A L WELLBEING Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Policy / Work Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Higher Diploma in Psychology Master in Probation Services Master of Arts in Social Work Master of Gender Studies Master of Gerontology and Geriatrics F A C U LT Y O F T H E O L O G Y Bachelor of Sacred Theology Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Human Studies Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Theology Licentiate in Sacred Theology I N T E R N AT I O N A L I N ST I T U T E FOR BAROQUE STUDIES Master of Arts in Baroque Studies I N ST I T U T E O F D I G I TA L GA M E S Master of Science in Digital Games I N ST I T U T E FO R S USTA I N A B L E ENERGY Master of Science in Sustainable Energy INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Human Language Technology Master of Arts in Linguistics Master of Science in Language and Computation Master of Arts in Linguistics INSTITUTE FOR TOURISM, T R A V E L A N D C U LT U R E Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Tourism Studies INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC A D M I N I ST RAT I O N A N D MANAGEMENT Diploma in Public Administration 0940hrs Introduction to DegreePlus For venues, please refer to the Campus Map which can be found on page 15. 8 1015hrs Meeting with the Registrar at Sir Temi Zammit Hall ( 3 on Campus Map) for the following courses: F A C U LT Y F O R T H E B U I LT ENVIRONMENT Diploma in Design Foundation Studies Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Built Environment Studies Master of Architecture Master of Engineering Master of Science (Built Environment) Master of Spatial Planning F A C U LT Y O F D E N T A L S U R G E R Y Master of Dental Surgery Bachelor of Science (Honours) F A C U LT Y O F E D U C A T I O N Bachelor of Education (Honours) Postgraduate Certificate in Education Master in Early Childhood Education and Care F A C U LT Y O F E N G I N E E R I N G Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Master of Science in Engineering F A C U LT Y O F H E A LT H S C I E N C E S Preparatory Course for Diploma in Health Science Bachelor of Science (Honours) Master of Science (Applied Biomedical Science, Food Studies and Environmental Health, Nursing, Podiatry, Communication Therapy, Clinical Biomechanics, Nursing – Mental Health, Health Services Management, Midwifery) F A C U LT Y O F I N F O R M A T I O N & CO M M U N I C AT I O N T E C H N O LO G Y Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Honours) Master of Science (Communications and Computer Engineering) Master of Science (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence) Master of Science in Information and Communication Technology Master of Science in Human Language Science and Technology F A C U LT Y O F L A W S Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Diploma of Legal Procurator Diploma of Notary Public Doctor of Laws Master of Laws Master of Arts in Law Master of Arts in Human Rights and Democratization of Government Master of Arts in Ocean Governance Master of Laws in Energy, Environment and Climate Change Law I N ST I T U T E O F C L I M AT E C H A N G E A N D S USTA I N A B L E D E V E LO P M E N T Master of Science (Sustainable Development) 9 INSTITUTE OF EARTH SYSTEMS Preparatory Course for Diploma in Agriculture Diploma in Agriculture Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Earth Systems INSTITUTE FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES Bachelor of European Studies Bachelor of European Studies (Honours) Master of Arts in European Politics, Economics and Law EDWARD DE BONO INSTITUTE FOR THE DESIGN AND D E V E LO P M E N T O F T H I N K I N G Master in Creativity and Innovation MEDITERRANEAN ACADEMY OF D I P LO M AT I C ST U D I E S Master of Arts in Diplomatic Studies Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution and Mediterranean Security Master of Diplomacy CENTRE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND B US I N E SS I N CU B AT I O N Master in Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS Bachelor in Dance Studies (Honours) Master of Music Master of Arts (Dance Studies, Theatre Studies) FO U N DAT I O N ST U D I E S PROGRAMME Certificate in Foundation Studies: Humanities and Commerce Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences Science 1100hrs Introduction to DegreePlus For venues, please refer to the Campus Map which can be found on page 15. 10 1015hrs Meetings with the Deans/Directors: F A C U LT Y O F A R T S Arts Lecture Theatre 2 F A C U LT Y O F E C O N O M I C S , M A N A G E M E N T & ACCO U N TA N CY M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Hall A 1 F A C U LT Y O F M E D I A A N D K N O W L E D G E SCIENCES Erin Serracino Inglott Hall – Lecture Theatre 1 4 F A C U LT Y O F S C I E N C E Science Lecture Theatre – John Borg Hall 5 F A C U LT Y F O R S O C I A L W E L L B E I N G M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Hall E 1 F A C U LT Y O F T H E O L O G Y M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Hall C 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L I N ST I T U T E FO R B A R O Q U E STUDIES 1 M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Rm 264 I N ST I T U T E O F D I G I TA L GA M E S M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Rm 164 1 INSTITUTE OF LINGUISTICS M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Rm 157 1 I N ST I T U T E FO R S USTA I N A B L E E N E R G Y M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Rm 104 1 INSTITUTE FOR TOURISM, TRAVEL AND C U LT U R E M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Hall D2 1 I N ST I T U T E O F P U B L I C A D M I N I ST RAT I O N A N D MANAGEMENT Lecture Centre Rm 116 4 11 1230hrs Meetings with the Deans/Directors: F A C U LT Y F O R T H E B U I LT E N V I R O N M E N T M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Hall A 1 F A C U LT Y O F M E D I C I N E A N D S U R G E R Y New Anatomy Lecture Theatre 7 F A C U LT Y O F D E N T A L S U R G E R Y M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Hall C INSTITUTE OF EARTH SYSTEMS M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Hall D1 1 INSTITUTE FOR EUROPEAN STUDIES M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Hall D2 1 F A C U LT Y O F E D U C A T I O N Sir Temi Zammit Hall 3 F A C U LT Y O F E N G I N E E R I N G Science Lecture Theatre – John Borg Hall 5 F A C U LT Y O F H E A LT H S C I E N C E S South Auditorium, Faculty of Health Sciences (at Mater Dei) F A C U LT Y O F I N F O R M A T I O N & C O M M U N I C A T I O N T E C H N O LO G Y Auditorium, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Building 8 F A C U LT Y O F L A W S M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Hall E 12 1 1 EDWARD DE BONO INSTITUTE FOR THE DESIGN A N D D E V E LO P M E N T O F T H I N K I N G M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Rm 154 1 M E D I T E R RA N E A N AC A D E M Y O F D I P LO M AT I C STUDIES M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Hall B2 1 CENTRE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND B US I N E SS I N CU B AT I O N Lecture Centre Rm 116 4 SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) Rm 104 1 1800hrs Meeting with the Registrar at M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre, Hall E (Gateway Building) ( 1 on Campus Map) for students following evening courses (undergraduate and postgraduate) offered by: Faculty of Arts Faculty for the Built Environment Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty of Information & Communication Technology Faculty of Laws Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Faculty of Science Faculty for Social Wellbeing Faculty of Theology Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development Institute for European Studies Islands and Small States Institute Institute of Maltese Studies Institute for Space Sciences and Astronomy Institute for Sustainable Energy Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Reserach Centre for Environmental Education and Research Centre for Labour Studies School of Performing Arts 13 Friday 3 October 2014 1000hrs Departmental Meetings Lectures for Year 1 students commence on Monday, 6 October 2014 14 Campus Map 4 6 7 2 5 8 3 1 1 M.A. Vassalli Conference Centre (GW) 2 Arts Lecture Theatre - P.P. Saydon Lecture Theatre (ALT) 3 Sir Temi Zammit Hall 4 Dun Mikiel Xerri Lecture Centre 5 Science Lecture Theatre - John Borg Hall (SLT) 9 6 Maths and Physics Building (MP) 7 New Anatomy Lecture Theatre (NALR) 8 Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Building 9 Chaplaincy A complete version of the map is available at 15 Your degree... and a little more The DegreePlus team welcomes you to University and invites you to enrol in some of the units on offer in 2014/15. DegreePlus is an initiative of the University of Malta which aims to help you add value to your experiences in higher education while studying for your degree. Your University years are a time for personal growth and development, and DegreePlus is tailor-made to provide you with a diverse and exciting range of opportunities to help you broaden your academic and non-academic horizons. The areas covered by DegreePlus include Voluntary Work, Entrepreneurship, Sport, Culture and Heritage, Languages, Music, Creative and Performing Arts and many more. There really is something for everyone! All DegreePlus units have been designed in awareness of student needs and aspirations, and the DegreePlus team is confident that you will find something there to meet your interests and expectations. For further information please visit or pop into our office in Students’ House. 16 The University of Malta Wind Ensemble The University Wind Ensemble, led by Dr Philip Ciantar, is performing in the opening ceremony. It is one of the initiatives of DegreePlus and was set up with the objective of providing a high quality performing experience to wind players. It aims at producing exciting and dynamic concert programmes and events for a wide range of audiences. The Ensemble meets every week for rehearsals and instrumental coaching sessions. Through the Ensemble, students from all University faculties and institutes are given the opportunity to meet in an informal manner and experience an array of musical genres and styles, ranging from arrangements of well-known orchestral pieces to jazz and contemporary music. In addition, students are encouraged to play solo pieces with the Ensemble and to produce their own musical compositions and arrangements. So try something different this year. Be creative: don’t hesitate, and enrol with the University Ensemble, or any other DegreePlus unit! If you are interested in engaging in one of these initiatives, just send us an email on and we shall be happy to help. 17 University of Malta Junior College PROGRAMME OF EVENTS ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/15 Thursday 2 – Tuesday 7 October 2014 Freshers’ Week in the Foyer Thursday 2 October 2014 Familiarisation tours of the College Collection of student cards for First Year students Friday 3 October 2014 Lectures start for Second Year students Familiarisation tours of the College Collection of student cards for First Year students Monday 6 October 2014 Lectures start for First Year students Wednesday 8 to Tuesday 14 October 2014 Extra-curricular Activities week in the Foyer 18 Wednesday 1 October 2014 1800hrs Introductory meeting for PLAS students (Centre for Liberal Arts and Sciences) Auditorium, Valletta Campus 19 Your degree... and a little more Degree Plus +356 2340 2092