OVIDIUS IN EXSILIO Ovidius in exsilio huwa dramm bil-Malti miktub minn {or[ Peresso. F’dan ix-xog]ol imsejjes fi ymien Ruma tal-Qedem, Peresso j]allat elementi storici mal-fantayija artistika tieg]u biex jo]loq dramm li jiddeverti u jipprovoka fl-istess ]in. Fis-sena 8 WK, Ovidju, fl-aqwa tal-karriera tieg]u, kisirha bl-ikrah mal-Imperatur Awgustu. }add ma jaf x’kien [ara eyatt. Imma Awgustu kkastiga lil Ovidju bl-ikrah. Eyiljah g]al g]omru fl-art ta’ Tomis. ISOUARD ­­— SCHUBERT THE GREAT Jeune Orchestre Atlantique (Sainte, France) 50 strong orchestra performing on classical and romantic period instruments. Celebrating Malta’s classical music heritage: overtures and arias from the operas, Médecin Turc (1803) and Les Rendez Vous Bourgeois (1807) by Nicolò Isouard. Franz Schubert Symphony No. 9 in C major, The Great (1825). SUN22JULY time 2030hrs entrance €8 F’dan id-dramm, insibu lil Ovidju fl-eyilju, imdejjaq g]all-mewt u b’qalbu maqtug]a, mifrud mill]ajja ta’ tlellix li kien imdorri jg]ix Ruma. It-tama li g]ad xi darba jikseb il-ma]fra qieg]da dejjem tnin. Sa]]tu sejra lura, u qed jibya’ li anki l-Muya abbandunatu. Iyda, f’daqqa wa]da, jesperjenza mew[a ta’ kreattività [dida li ter[a’ tag]tih speranza g]all-]ajja. }a jibda jg]allem il-Latin lillbarbari... imma g]alfejn u fuq kollox, ]a jirnexxilu jil]aq l-g]an mi[nun tieg]u? THU26JULY, FRI27JULY 16+ time 2100hrs entrance €8 MALTA’S LOST VOICES: TRANSMEDIA — SINGING TO THE UNSEEN STORYTELLING EVENING THE SCIENCE OF BEER MALTA CAFÉ SCIENTIFIQUE Martin Polidano will be giving a Malta Café Scientifique talk on The Science of Beer, weaving historical fact into a journey about the science behind beer. Beer was one of the first uncontrolled experiments, with chance, seasons and the Bronze Age all shaping today’s drinks. Modern beer brewing leaves very little to chance. Martin will be giving personal insight into the whole process, from the carefully controlled compounds brewers measure to make sure your beer tastes always right, to the huge factories that quench our thirst in summer. He will talk about how beer is made, with over 1000 different beer varieties simply created by varying just a handful of ingredients. Apart from these details, he will give insight into how beer affects our health — pointing out the facts behind the Science of Beer. SUN29JULY time 2000hrs entrance €5 Proceeds go to RIDT A Transmedia Storytelling Competition was launched last May. Participants were invited to write a story to be developed into multiple storylines according to the various media platforms used. The idea was not to present the same story in as many different forms of media as possible, but to allow it to develop in the way each medium does best. During the Transmedia Storytelling Evening, the teams will present their work and answer questions from the five judges. The stories will be judged on their creativity, style, language and innovation in the use of the different media selected. A documentary will also be presented showing the narrative of the competition. The winner or winning team will be announced at the end of the evening. TUE31JULY time 2100hrs entrance €8 MUSKETTERIJA LETTERARJA POEŻIJAPLUS The Evenings on Campus literary evening is going to focus on a selection of Maltese texts written by past and present academics at the University of Malta. The unifying theme for the evening is celebration of life in its diversity. Over 39 academic writers have celebrated language, love, culture, literary figures, childhood, nature, relationships, special occasions, seasons and Maltese festas. The event is organised by Poeyijaplus which has joined forces with a number of young and enthusiastic actors and with well known musicians, Renzo Spiteri and Simon Sammut who will animate the evening with readings and live music. Research for this evening was carried out by Terence Portelli and compiled in a new and engaging anthology, Ba]]ara tal-Kelma: Kitbiet Letterarji ta’ Akkademici tal-Università ta’ Malta, which will be launched at this event. THU2AUGUST time 2100hrs entrance €8 Andrew Alamango and Filfla Records present an uncommon listening experience of Maltese music from the interwar period (1931-32). A very particular selection of 78rpm records from the now National collection of 160 discs, will be played off a turntable for an enhanced listening and appreciation experience. The story of music and musicians will unfold through the music played off these ‘sonic sculptures’ and anecdotes related to this early recording phenomenon. Each three minute song has a three minute story to be told. The public will have the chance to listen to unreleased material and get an insight into the music and musicians as told by Andrew Alamango. There will also be the opportunity of an open public discussion. SUN5AUGUST time 2100hrs entrance €8 20 YEARS Events will all be held on the Atriju Vassalli (main quadrangle) Tickets at €8 available at the door or from the Communications and Alumni Relations Office on campus Room 133, Administration Building, Msida Campus 2340 2043 / 2340 2142 or by SMS on 7984 3480 eveningsoncampus@um.edu.mt Find us on Facebook JUST SHORTS READING MEDITERRANEO III — pietre FILMS QOSRA BISS! An evening of short films organised by The Malta Film Foundation, organisers of the Malta Short Film Festival on TVM and Evenings on Campus. Come and discover 8 films by Maltese directors, some of which have won prestigious awards in international festivals. Directors are a balance of established directors and up-and-coming talent. Genres will vary from human stories, war film, animation and fiction. All films will be subtitled in English. A short Q & A session will be held with some of the directors participating. For further information write to Joyce Grech or Tony Parnis on info@maltashortfilmfest.com or call 99425594. MON6AUGUST 14+ time 2100hrs entrance €8 Italian artists Biancamaria Stanzani Ghedini and Massimo de Majo will conclude this edition of Evening on Campus, presenting their new production pietre. A poetic journey through the values and passions of Father Peter Serracino Inglott. “Tu es Petrus et super hanc petram…” A modern day Petrus, during his life Father Peter laid many first stones, on Malta and abroad. pietre (stones) is a homage to Life, through the causes and the values of openness and creativity. TRIPLE BILL ELEMENTS DANCE COLLECTIVE Elements Dance Collective is an independent dance group, intending to promote movement to the community as an artistic and educational outreach. The dancers come from different artistic backgrounds but all are trained in choreography, classical and neo-classical ballet, and contemporary dance. They have performed in various events — Notte Bianca, Birgu Fest and recently in St James Cavalier for the British Council’s 75th anniversary. On this occasion, Elements Dance Collective will be presenting a Triple Bill: #Error 404, Nameless and Bus Stop Blues. In between these pieces, short video/dance inserts will be shown. Dancers: Desiree Attard, Stefanelle Cachia, Valentina Azzopardi, Christabel Bajada, Patsy Scerri, Carla Schembri, Eleonora Fae, Elise Ellul Choreographers: Desiree Attard, Stefanelle Cachia, Valentina Azzopardi and Elise Ellul Rehearsal Director: Mavin Khoo Photographer: Dorianne Attard THU9AUGUST time 2100hrs entrance €8 Biancamaria Stanzani Ghedini and Massimo de Majo have again invited a group of well known international artists for their production: the Maltese master photographer Joe Smith will present a new video installation specifically made for this project, and for the musical side, Mro Alessandro Giachero (piano), Mro Andrea Lamacchia (double bass) and Mro Achille Succi (tenor sax and bass clarinet) will join the performance with newly composed works. SUN12AUGUST time 2100hrs entrance €8 ILLUSTRATIONS OF OVID’S METAMORPHOSES An exhibition of prints of Monika Beisner’s illustrations of Ovid’s Metamorphoses at the Museum of Archaeology in Valletta, set up in collaboration with Heritage Malta. Monika Beisner works from language and stories, rhymes and poems, and condenses them into glowing images: she materialises words in rich colour and lively line, summoning onto the page the pictures that form in her mind as she reads, and then passing these on as gifts to her audience. “Illumination” – in both senses of the word – describes her art more aptly than the term “illustration”: her pictures illuminate the stories she tells, and they also resemble the jewel-like images found in medieval and renaissance manuscripts. 17JULY - 15AUGUST venue National Museum of Archaeology Republic Street, Valletta entrance €8 20 YEARS 22 JULY - 12 AUGUST