h-of the Governor @Iishing the Texas State Complete Count y t t e e the bicsntarmial of the United Stltso C-; and , the &national a ~ s u son A@ 1. 1990 the 1990 census will detamine the allocation of the 435 congressid districts rmong the states, md will be used m ative d i d c t i n g activities in 1991; and , the 1990 census will affect federal funding for the State of Texas throughout the next decade given that thirty-five ofallfaderalf~grwtpro~e.ea~~usingdiredcmsu~~sdthatcensusd9u~~affactrm frading programs; and , the undeacount of Texas midents during the 1980 carsus has been estimated to be as high a8 547.000. 396,000 of minorities; and notwithstaading any future d a r t s by the united states Bof tfie Cto statismy ~ d j u s f t or ~ m&rco& census niay not measurably dccracrse the w d mxkmmt without substadd sfforts to aummge all Texam to 1 mthe1990census;and .. . e created Comphe Count Committees, amposed of civic. ~ ~ a n d t ~ c a r r r m i n b g h a v e b . m ~ e l y the creation of a statewide complete count committee would inmeam the visibility of census promotion rctivitice and thereby serve to increase the public awsrsna~of dw importsnce of the 1990 c4nwt and reduce the , THEREFORE,I, W a r n P. Clrments, Jr., Gwamcn of Texas, do hersby create the CENSUS COhPLJilE COUNT OF TEXAS. herehf%zrr e f d to as the Committee. amsist of nine manbas appointed by me. Chumittee manbas will be civil, and church leadas who efforts and will m e at the pleasure of thc b e m m . commbe msmbsn arc to & been active m local md to enunnnge 0 t h w m m d t i m in cmsur promoti0a activities. local efforts to promote pdcipatkm in the 1990 e famed this Committee to honor those who have worked w diligmtbr to ensure that all Texm arc couuted in the 1990 be representative of those iadividuals. , and fhe m e m k s of the Committee of the Committee s e m e w i t h o u t arreim-of ~ cxpmses barred aspart of sgviceon the Committee. shall be effective i m m d a d y md shall remaia in full fara and dect until &p&dxz 1, 1990, or until or rescinded by me. s h , Texas, on Merch 8, 1990. Wllllem P. Chenta, Jr. Govemar of Texarr Ez". State PIanning Region to Promote Affordable Housing AS, the EAST TEXAS HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION, hereinah the Coqmation, is a duly organized and validly ting joint housing carparation created plrrsuant to the provisions of Chapcar 394 of the Local Government Coda which is currently mnquised of Gregg, Harxkm, Henderson, Marion, Panola, Rusk, Smith and Upslrus Counties, and, Corpodon was created, inter aliq m order to provide low interest martgage funds far the purpose of promoting housing for low and moderate mwme families withiu the East Texas area; and, the REAS, the C d i o n k r s Courts of Angelinn, N~cogdochssand Q l a Counties have peritioned the Cmporation for incbion the Corporation in order to promote affordable housing within such counties, and the Corporation has indhed its r g r e accept such proposal; and, REAS, there exists common and interrelated problems of affordable housing within the counties com@sing the Corporation, and Andemm, Angelinn, Camp, Cherokee, Nacogdoches. Rains, Wcr, Van Zandt and Wood Co-, and. AS, it appears that the C k p o d a n has the clear present and unique oppammity to sponsor a program which will provide cost mortgage loans within the seventeen CO~tieslisted below, a function which neither the Deep East Texas Council of emments or the East Texas Council of Governments is providing or is capable of providing under existing staturory or I regulatory law in this state; and, WHEREAS, the inclusion of Angelina, NacogQches and Tylu Counties in the Carporation will have no adverse impact upon the existing Deep &st Texas Council of Oovemments or the East Texas Council of Owuxnnents; I" March 27, 1990 14 TexRegl667