Summary Assignment Template - IEEE Style

Summary Title
Subtitle as needed
Author Name (Author)
Dept. name of organization (Line 1 of Affiliation - optional)
Name of organization - acronyms acceptable (line 2)
City, Country (line 3) (line 4)
All summaries must be in US English or British English (choose one). The summary should be
approximately 400 words. The title should be “TDDD65: Summary Assignment” and the subtitle should
be “Summary of [title of paper 1] and [title of paper 2]”. “Author name” is your own name, as you are the
author of this summary. Your affiliation is Linköping University.
Provide correct references to the two papers. See the examples below on how to refer to different kinds
of material. Use what you learned during the library seminar to find out more on how to refer to other
types of material, if needed. Remove the example references below before handing in your paper. Only
keep references which you are referring to in your text. This is an example of how to refer to paper
number four in the reference list [4].
This text is in Times New Roman, font size 11, with a line spacing of 1.5. The reference list is in font
size 9. Note that this template is based on an IEEE Template and therefore the references are in IEEE
style. The template follows the original template, except having larger margins, fonts and line spacing in
order to increase the readability. Keep this format throughout the paper. Use the WordCount function in
MS Word!
J. Clerk Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed., vol. 2. Oxford: Clarendon, 1892, pp.68–73.
I. S. Jacobs and C. P. Bean, “Fine particles, thin films and exchange anisotropy,” in Magnetism, vol. III, G. T. Rado
and H. Suhl, Eds. New York: Academic, 1963, pp. 271–350.
Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and
plastic substrate interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual
Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].
M. Young, The Technical Writer's Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.