TDDD38 - Extra lecture User-defined literals Eric Elfving

TDDD38 - Extra lecture
User-defined literals
Eric Elfving
Department of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University
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Allows integer, floating-point, character, and
string literals to produce objects of
user-defined type by defining a user-defined
Allows the user to explicitly write values of their own
types as literals in code.
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constexpr long double operator"" _deg ( long double deg )
return deg*3.141592/180;
auto radians = 90_deg;
string operator"" _s ( char const * s, size_t n )
return string(s, n);
auto str = "a simple string"_s;
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• Always named operator"" _<your name>.
The underscore is mandatory for names not
declared in the standard.
• Can take several types 1 , but usally overloaded for
(unsigned long long)
(long double)
(const char *, size_t)
• Default arguments are not allowed!
See http:
for all
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Predifined in the STL
There is an inline namespace std::literals
declared over several header files:
• <chrono> has several user-defined literals defined
in std::literals::chrono_literals (all
overloaded both for long long and
long double):
Return type
duration representing hours
operator""min duration representing minutes
duration representing seconds
(also ms, us, ns for milliseconds, microseconds and
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• <string> declares
operator""s(const char*, size_t) (in
std::literals::string_literals to create
a std::string-literal
auto s = "my string"s;
static_assert(is_same<decltype(s), string>::value, ""); // C++11
static_assert(is_same_v<decltype(s), string>); // C++17
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• <complex> defines literals for imaginary numbers
in std::literals::complex_literals.
These are named i, il and if for the types double,
long double and float.
auto c = 3.5 + 5i;
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There is one problem with user defined literals. Even
though the value is sent from a literal (constant value),
the parameter is not regarded as a constant expression
in the function.
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bool operator"" _test(const unsigned long long t)
static_assert(t == 5, "");
Listing 1: GCC (6.0)
error: non-constant condition for static assertion
static_assert(t == 5, "");
error: 't' is not a constant expression
Listing 2: Clang (3.8)
error: static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression
static_assert(t == 5, "");
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Variadic templates to the rescue!
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We create a template class taking an argument pack to
parse several characters to an integer value.
using ULL = unsigned long long;
template<ULL Sum, char... Chars>
struct parse;
template <ULL Sum, char Head, char... Tail>
struct parse<Sum, Head, Tail...>
const static ULL value = parse<Sum*10 + (Head - '0'), Tail...>::value;
template <ULL Sum>
struct parse<Sum>
const static ULL value = Sum;
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Then we change our function:
template<char ...Chars>
bool operator"" _test()
static_assert(parse<0, Chars...>::value == 5, "");
bool b = 5_test;
bool b2 = 15_test;
Listing 3: Clang
error: static_assert failed ""
static_assert(parse<0, Chars...>::value == 5, "");
note: in instantiation of function template specialization
'operator "" _test<'1', '5'>' requested here
bool b2 = 15_test;