* You * K-State * The World The Nonviolence Studies Certificate is available to all K-State students through the College of Arts & Sciences. The UG Nonviolence Studies Certificate is for you if you want to: * Change local and global conditions that lead to violence and system failu re. *Create egalitarian and just social relations that contribute to a better world. * Pursue a career in: * Development * Violence Prevention * Social Work * Foreign Service & Diplomacy * Law & Policy * Community Service * Art * Mediation & Arbitration * Education *Policy and Politics * Clergy * Ending poverty & inequality *Community/Group *Military “Soft Power” * Public Health * Journalism Organizing Nonviolence Studies Certificate Q ualif ying & Cross-Listed C ourses DAS/WOMST 355 DAS 455 A - Intr oduction to Non violen ce Studies: Be th e Change B - Intr o to Non violen ce Studies: Ever y Day NV ON L I N E Histor y & Th eor ies of Non viol en ce ON L I N E Sagr ika Gadgil Susan L Allen Th ea Nietfeld Tr ish Gott Mar y Tolar Terrie McCants Terrie McCants Terrie McCants Terrie McCants Jacque Gibbon s Rober t Sch aeffer Michael Wesch Valerie Carr oll Rh on da Janke Isidor Wallimann EDLST502 FSHS531 FSHS532 FSHS533 FSHS700 SOCWK568 SOCIO363 ANTHRO WOMST480 HORT640 (some year s) International Community Ser vice Seminar Cor e Con flict Resolution Con flict Acr oss Cultur es an d Contexts Pr even tion an d In ter ven tion of Violen ce Peace an d Con flict [in North ern Ir elan d] Social Wor k Practice 3 Global Pr oblems Intr oduction to An thr opolog y Women and En vir onmentalism Th e End of Industrial Societ y & Agricultur e as We Kn ow It? DAS/ WOMST590 EDCEP311 Torr y Dickin son SOCIO507 Applied Non violen ce * Femin ist Pr actice (on e cour se; split pr ojects) Pr oactive Educator s for th e Elimination of Rape and Sexual Violen ce (2 semester cour se: Fall an d Spr ing) International Devel opmen t & Social Ch ange WOMST105 WOMST 700 SOCIO 633 SOCIO 500 Intr o to Women ’s Studies In depen den t Study in NVS: Ever y Day Non violen ce Gender, Power & Development Human Trafficking Torr y Dickin son Susan Allen Nadia Shapkina Nadia Shapkina Mar y Todd Th er esa Selfa *Bold = Core NVS courses, r equir ed for NVS Certificate; some cour ses taught on lin e thr ough DCE, as n oted. All above cour ses coun t towar d 15-h our NVS Cer tificate. Watch for a n ew cour ses; and ASK us if you th in k a cour se is appr opriate an d sh ould be included! Prepare yourself to make a difference in your field and in the world around you. Join K-State's scholarly community of nonviolence thinkers, researchers and practitioners. For Additional Information contact: Dr. Susan L. Allen - slallen@ ksu.edu