Shannon Lantzy  

SHANNON LANTZY CV August, 2014 Shannon Lantzy Robert H. Smith School of Business University of Maryland, College Park 202­550­7815 Education Doctoral Candidate, Information Systems (Advanced to Candidacy 2/2013) Decisions, Operations, and Information Technology Department Robert H. Smith School of Business University of Maryland, College Park Master of Information Management (MIM), 2010 College of Library and Information Systems University of Maryland, College Park BS, Mathematics & Philosophy, 2004 University of Maryland, College Park Research Interests Information asymmetry, information processing, information use, consumer judgment and choice, consumer­to­consumer information sharing, use, and value. Conference Acceptances ● ICIS 2014 Doctoral Consortium ­ Accepted ● ICIS 2014 ­ Accepted Research in Progress paper, “Credence Services: Content, credibility, and usefulness of online reviews” ● INFORMS 2014 ­ Invited abstract “Online Reviews of Credence Services: Content, credibility, and usefulness” ● Workshop on Information Systems Economics 2013 ­ “Naive or Savvy: How Credible Are Online Reviews for Credence Services?” ● Association for Consumer Research 2013 ­ “Naive or Savvy: How Credible Are Online Reviews for Credence Services?” ● Marketing Science 2013 ­ “Naive or Savvy: How Credible Are Online Reviews for Credence Services?” ● INFORMS 2011 ­ Invited abstract, "Lipstick on Pigs: How Informative Are Online Reviews of Credence Goods?" ● ICIS 2011 ­ Accepted Research in Progress paper, "A Systematic Examination of Member Turnover and Online Community Health." Invited Talks ● Center for the Advanced Study of Communities and Information. “Naive or Savvy: How Credible Are Online Reviews for Credence Services?” Awards ● Alumni Association Scholarship, University of Maryland (2013) ● Graduate School Summer Fellowship, University of Maryland (2013) ● Dean’s Research Fellowship, University of Maryland (2012­present) Teaching ● Fall 2013: BUSI785, "Project Management In Dynamic Environments" ­ Instructor ○ Section 1: Full­time MBA Students ○ Section 2: Part­time MBA Students ● Spring 2013: BUSI785, "Project Management In Dynamic Environments" ­ Instructor ○ Section 1: Full­time MS in Information Systems Students ● Summer 2011: BUSI 785, "Project Management In Dynamic Environments" ­ Teaching assistant Professional and Service Activities ● University of Maryland ○ Founded and led Decisions, Operations, and Information Technology Department Information Systems Student Presentation Series (2012­2014) ○ Participated in panel discussions for new PhD student orientation (2012­2013) ○ Served as social coordinator for school­wide Association of Doctoral Students (2011­2012) ● Reviewer ○ International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), 2011­2014 ○ Academy of Management (AoM), 2013 ○ Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2012 Professional Affiliations ● AIS, INFORMS, ACR Previous Employment NASA Headquarters (Information Dynamics) Washington, DC Consultant, Enterprise Architect, Project Management Professional August 2007 ­ August 2010 Paper: "Information Needs and Behaviors ­­ NASA Science Program Executives" Defense Technical Information Center Student Paper Award Winner. (link) NASA Headquarters (InDyne, Inc.) Washington, DC Project Manager, Software Development Team Lead, Business and Requirements Analyst Feb 2003­August 2007 Certifications ● Project Management Professional (PMP), Project Management Institute, 2008 (expired) ● Certified Enterprise Architect (CEA), Federal Enterprise Architecture Certification Institute, 2008 