UCL CENTRE FOR LANGUAGES & INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION SSCs 2015-2016 French Medical Affairs and Culture - Medicine (Social, Historical and Political) Prerequisite for entry Successful completion of French for Business and Current Affairs at the UCL CLIE, have completed some post-‘A’ Level training or spent some time in the country actively using the language. Course duration 8 x 3-hour classes (year 1 and year 2 students), plus tutorials related to Project (year 1 students only). Self-Study 40 hours in total. Course codes LCFM6006. Aims and Objectives The course comprises knowledge and understanding both of the structure of the language and of the cultural (social, historical and political) contexts in which it is currently used. It enables participants to use their language skills in an academic environment. The course covers recent history, current affairs and the latest issues in society as well as other related topics. Students will give presentations and are involved in roundtable discussions and debates on a variety of current issues. Medical related issues/vocabulary will also be covered. Cultural awareness will be further developed and raised within a European/global context. The course will enhance knowledge and use of linguistically complex structures (a variety of styles and registers from a range of authentic material). Various transferable skills will also be further developed. Functions reporting and contrasting perspectives; suggesting and making hypotheses; explaining and defining the why and how of situations; expressing opinions, critical topic-related comments; debating, commenting, thinking analytically; being able to speak from different points of view in a debate composing written pieces of information for different purposes; conducting presentations on complex specialised topics; different registers of the language; preparing for a professional presentation; Course Content Main topics/themes to be covered French medical language; the micro-languages of different branches of medical career; bioethics and current affairs on health issues psychology, psychiatry and psychotherapies, the debate Medicine and art; medicine and cinema Skills Reading newspapers (economic, social and political): reading for gist, scanning for specific information; in-depth analysis of topics in major newspapers/magazines. Writing 350-400 respond to texts pieces of writing; analysis and review of articles; syntheses; note-taking from presentations, for short reports; writing up presentations. Listening News and documentaries: radio, TV, audio- and video-tapes (regular listening skills exercises); Presentations On line power point presentations and links from guests speakers. Speaking formal and informal discussions, debates, round table; presentations; discussing in small weekly forum, a regular practice; keeping informed with current affairs. Transferable research for, and presentation of, a project; thinking critically in French structuring oral presentations structuring essays in another language Linguistic Structures Discourse Strategies analysing/comparing texts from various sources (different text types); preparing oral contributions in different situations Main Aspects of These Strategies structuring (logical structures); linking devices (lexical, grammatical); stylistic levels, formal registers and their usage. Revision and consolidation of Various Grammatical Features – Functional Grammar (4 key functions as below) direct and indirect speech; concession and opposition : how to report and contrast opinions the expression of hypothesis with the conditional and the subjunctive modes: how to speculate causes/consequences and gerundive & present participle: how to deal with the ‘why and how’ the complex relative pronouns : how to support ideas with sub-clauses &further descriptions/details addendum : complex sentences, syntax and stylistical comments about the use of verbal forms supporting prepositions ; revising the passive form. Learning Resources Santé-médecine.com CLE INTERNATIONAL (2004); www.cle-inter.com Monolingual Dictionary (Le Petit Robert) Bilingual Dictionary (Collins/Robert) Authentic material from various media and academic sources advised by tutor; advanced functional grammar and reading folders designed by tutor. In addition there is a wide range of language learning materials available for self-study in the Self-Access Centre.