Science and Engineering Subcommittee REPORT December 2009 I. Viterbi School of Engineering A. Information Technology Program Create two courses 1. ITP-385x (3) IT Consulting and Professional Services Information Technology (IT) Consulting life cycle. Client relationships. Problem evaluation, solution development and implementation. Systems analysis and evaluation. 3rd party consulting. Prerequisite: ITP-101 or ITP125. Not available for major credit in engineering. Approved ITP-488x (3) Managing Supply Chains with Advanced Planning & Optimization Drivers and obstacles to the process of coordinating the flow of material/information along the logistics chain. Optimize the supply network, from raw materials to sales. Prerequisite: ISE-583 or ITP-320. Not available for major credit for undergraduates in engineering. Approved B. Revise six courses 1. ITP-215Lx (2) Current: ITP-215x: 3-D Modeling, Animation, Compositing and Special Effects Overview of developing a 3D animation: from modeling to rendering. Basics of surfacing, lighting, animation and modeling techniques. Advanced topics: compositing, particle systems, and character animation. Recommended preparation: knowledge of any 2D paint, drawing, or CAD program. Revised: ITP-215Lx: 3D Modeling, Animation, and Special Effects Developing a 3D animation from modeling to rendering: Basics of surfacing, lighting, animation, and modeling techniques. Advanced topics: compositing, particle systems, and character animation. Recommended preparation: Knowledge of any 2D paint, drawing, or CAD program. Not available for major credit in engineering. Approved 2. ITP-305x (3) Current: Advanced 3-D Modeling, Animation, and Special Effects Advanced modeling, surfacing, and animation techniques, as well as compositing, dynamics, scripting, and other advanced 3-D automation procedures. Prerequisite(s): 1 from (ARCH-207a or ITP-215 Revised: Advanced 3D Modeling, Animation, and Special Effects Advanced modeling, surfacing, and animation techniques as well as dynamics, scripting, and other advanced 3D automation procedures. Prerequisite(s): 1 from (ARCH-207a or ITP-215 (no change in prerequisites). Not available for major credit in engineering. Approved 3. ITP-315x Current: Applications for 3-D Special Effects and Character Animation (2) This advanced 3D animation course explores applications of various special effects processes, focusing on the use of particle systems, texture mapping, character and facial animation, and live action compositing. Prerequisite: ITP-215 Revised: 3D Character Animation (3) Advanced exploration of the process of bringing 3D characters to life from concept to model, and through production to finished performance. Prerequisite: ITP-215 (no change) Not available for major credit in Electrical Engineering. Approved 4. ITP-320Lx (2) Enterprise Wide Information Systems Current: The role Information Systems play in an organization and the challenging task of implementing and managing the IS function are both examined in detail. Prerequisite: ITP-101 Revised: The role Information Systems play in an organization. Integration of Business Processes by using Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP). (No prerequisite) Not available for major credit in engineering. Approved 5. ITP-360x (3) Current: 3-D Industry Tools Techniques, concepts and tools for professional 3-D animation development. Strengths/weaknesses of industry-standard middle-end and high-end animation packages; hands-on instruction, discussion, and analysis. Prerequisite: ARCH207a or ITP-215 Revised: 3D Compositing and Visual Effects Advanced techniques for 3D animation and visual effects development including 3D pre-visualization, match moving, dynamics, multi-pass rendering, and digital compositing. Prerequisite: ITP-215. Not available for major credit in engineering. Approved 6. ITP-414x (3) Current: Advanced Project Development Advanced planning, budgeting, and production processes and techniques for new media projects; team-building and management practices for creative teams. Graded CR/NC. Junior or senior standing. Recommended preparation: a minimum 20 units from the ITP 3-D Animation minor. Graded CR/NC. Revised: Seminar and 3D Portfolio Development Advanced processes for developing 3D animation, showcasing skill sets, and qualifications for positions within the 3D animation industries; including demo reel, media, and website creation. Prerequisites: ITP-215 and 1 from (ITP-305 or ITP-315 or ITP-360). Letter graded. Not available for major credit in engineering. (No registration restriction.) Approved II. LEONARD DAVIS SCHOOL OF GERONTOLOGY Gerontology A. Revise Program Eff. Term: Fall 2010 M.A. Gerontology (28) Drop GERO 513 from six programs: MA, Gerontology, Master of Aging Services Management, Master of Long Term Care Administration, Online Gerontology Certificate, MSG/DDS, and PharmD/Certificate programs. Substitute GERO 508 for all programs except the MASM, which already includes GERO 508. > Approved B. Drop Course Effective Term: Spring 2010 GERO-513 (2, 4) Stress, Health, and Aging A presentation of the importance of controlling stressful interaction. Aging is accelerated by stress induced disorders of regulation such as high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. > Approved III. College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences A. Chemistry Revise course 1. CHEM-201Lgx (4) Chemistry in the Environment, Energy and Society Current: A range of issues where chemistry impacts society will be explored. Topics such as global warming, pollution, energy utilization and genetic engineering will be covered. Not for major credit for Chemistry and Biological Sciences. Revised: A range of issues where chemistry impacts society will be explored. Topics such as global warming, pollution, energy utilization and genetic engineering will be covered. Students who have taken CHEM 105ab previously or concurrently with CHEM 201 will not receive credit for CHEM 201. [No credit restriction.] Chair comment: It would be nice to have readings attached to the syllabus. Approved B. Earth Sciences Revise three courses. 1. GEOL-125Lg (4) Earth History: A Planet and Its Evolution Current: Basic principles of physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics used in evaluating clues written in the rock record, and the processes that have shaped our planet. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours. At least one field trip required. Not available for major credit to earth or geological sciences majors. Revised: Same description. Remove credit restriction. Chair comment: It would be nice to see readings from the text associated with the syllabus. Approved 2. GEOL-130Lg (4) The Nature of Scientific Inquiry Current: Examination of the scientific process: what constitutes science; evolution of ideas about the nature of space, time, matter, andcomplexity; paradigm shifts in the biological and earth sciences.Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours. Not available for major credit to earth or geological sciences majors. Revised: Same description. Remove credit restriction. Approved 3. GEOL-150Lg (4) Climate Change Current: Climate systems from the beginning of earth history to the present; tools and techniques used to reconstruct prehistoric climate records; effects of climate variations on development of life forms on earth. Not available for major credit to earth or geological sciences majors. Revised: Same description. Remove credit restriction. Chair comment: It would be nice to see readings from the text associated with the syllabus Approved C. Kinesiology Create two courses 1. PHED-115 (1) Surfing Fundamental instruction of surfing skills; water safety and etiquette; wave recognition and forecast interpretation; surf culture; board selection; surf related strengthening and stretching. Approved 2. PHED-124 (1) Walking for Fitness Develop a strong fitness foundation through walking; fitness assessment and individualized programs; gait biomechanics and power walking; injury prevention; strategies for special populations. Approved