Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Curt Lacy Extension Economist-Livestock Overview Current meat S&O Beef S&O Pork Poultry Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Livestock producers’ situation Red Meat and Poultry in Cold Storage Total number 9% higher compared to 07. Red meat unchanged 2.50 2.00 1.50 Beef -9% Pork +8% 1.00 0.50 Poultry +16% Millions Chicken +12% Turkey +23% 0.00 JAN MAR MAY JUL BEEF Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 SEP PORK NOV JAN POULTRY MAR MAY JUL Pork and Beef prices are higher compared to last year. 100 95 90 Avg. 2002-06 85 80 2007 75 70 2008 65 60 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 C T 55 O Major strength from hams and loins. Ribs and bellies are off from 2007. Weekly $ Per Cwt. JU L HOG CUTOUT VALUE AP R Pork cutout has been record high lately JA N Pork and Beef prices are higher compared to last year. Beef below last year for most of 2008. High likely occurred in early July. BOXED BEEF CUTOUT VALUE Choice 600-900 Lbs. Carcass, Weekly $ Per Cwt. 185 175 165 Avg. 2002-06 155 2007 145 2008 135 125 JAN Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 APR JUL OCT Broiler wholesale prices have also been strong. BROILER PRICES 12-City Composite, Weekly Cents Per Pound 90 85 Avg. 2002-06 80 75 2007 70 2008 65 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 T C O JU L 60 AP R SOME cost increases have been passed on . However, pressure from pork and beef has prohibited passing all of those costs along. JA N Total Meat Supplies are Higher Total + 4.7% YTD compared to 2007. Beef = +2.0% Poultry +4.4% Pork +9.5% TOTAL RED MEAT & POULTRY PRODUCTION Quarterly Bil. Pounds 100.0 80.0 OCT-DEC 60.0 JUL-SEP 40.0 APR-JUN 20.0 JAN-MAR 0.0 Avg. 2002/06 2007 2008 M-S-31 07/14/08 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Short Story More meat. Higher prices earlier in the year. However, a weak economy and burdensome supplies in Q2 and Q3 have conspired to depress wholesale prices. Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Beef Cattle Situation & Outlook Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Feeder Cattle Situation – A Tale of 2 Weights MED. & LRG. #1 & 2 STEER CALF PRICES 400-500 Pounds & 700-800 Pounds, Georgia, Weekly 125 Prices for calves and feeders have almost converged 120 115 105 100 95 90 85 80 700-800 400-500 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 T O C JU L AP R 75 JA N $ Per Cwt. 110 CATTLE ON FEED US Total, Monthly Mil. Head 12.5 Avg. 20022006 12.0 11.5 2007 11.0 10.5 2008 10.0 9.5 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG Livestock Marketing Information Center Data Source: USDA/NASS Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 SEP OCT NOV DEC C-N-10 09/19/08 Lower Cattle Supplies in the Fall NET FEEDLOT PLACEMENTS US Total, Monthly Mil. Head 2.8 2.6 2.4 Avg. 200206 2.2 2007 2.0 2008 1.8 1.6 1.4 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Net Placements lower. Feeders weighing more than 800# up. Feeders weighing less than 600# down. C-N-08 07/25/08 Livestock Marketing Information Center Data Source: USDA/NASS Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Projections for Remainder of 2008 and Early 2009 Quarter 400-500# Steers* 700800# Steers* Live Cattle (5 Area) Cull Cows* 8590% Q3-2008 $99-$105 $92-$98 $90-$95 $52-$58 Q4-2008 $90-$98 $85-$93 $85-$93 $42-$48 Q1-2009 $100-$110 $85-$95 $93-99 $46-$54 Q2-2009 $105-$120 $95-$103 $100-$107 $52-$60 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 2008/2009 Summary An improved economy would help beef demand. Larger total meat supplies in Q3 and Q4 could be troublesome. Corn crop (prices) vs. Live Cattle prices will continue to drive the train for feeder cattle prices. Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Marketing Alternatives This Summer and Fall Current pricing scenario favors adding as much weight as possible. Stockering or backgrounding may be economical. Retained ownership may be profitable this year. Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 BEEF COWS THAT HAVE CALVED JANUARY 1, 2008 (1000 Head) 272 1523 922 605 460 218 365 165 730 460 5.9 Hawaii 82.7 US Total 32553 Livestock Marketing Information Center Data Source: USDA/NASS 270 1644 1883 655 Alaska 733 VT 397 1511 2053 5240 1015 10 104 106 158 234 292 427 202 692 2080 1159 372 1079 197 943 519 677 553 513 936 12 NH 5 MA 9 RI 1.4 CT 6 NJ DE MD 9 4 44 1,020 to 5,240 (9) 520 to 1,020 (11) 290 to 520 (9) 80 to 290 (11) 0 to 80 (10) C-N-15 02/01/08 CHANGE IN BEEF COW NUMBERS JANUARY 1, 2007 TO JANUARY 1, 2008 (1000 Head) 7 141 -17 30 -13 5 20 -1 -3 US Total -339 Livestock Marketing Information Center Data Source: USDA/NASS -8 -2 -30 -45 Hawaii 5 -25 21 -10 0 -8 -55 -57 -15 Alaska 1 0 11 53 -10 -18 MA 2 RI -0 CT -1 NJ 1 DE 0 MD -6 -20 -74 22 1 -63 -4 0 -48 -66 8 1 -6 -40 -32 23 -14 2 to 141 1 to 2 -6 to 1 -25 to -6 -74 to -25 C-N-28 02/01/08 (13) (3) (13) (11) (10) JULY 1 BEEF COW INVENTORY U.S., Annual 50 Points to a January 1,2009 number lower than January 1, 2008 Mil. Head 45 40 35 30 25 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 Livestock Marketing Information Center Data Source: USDA/NASS Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 C-N-46 01/30/06 Drought and high inputs continue to cause herd reductions BEEF COW SLAUGHTER Federally Inspected, Weekly Thou. Head 80 75 Avg. 2002-06 70 65 2007 60 55 50 2008 45 T O C L JU AP R JA N 40 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 C-S-34 07/18/08 Fewer Cows = Smaller Calf Crop Fewer Supplies CALF CROP U.S., Annual Mil. Head 55 Smallest calf crop since 1952 50 45 40 35 30 1946 1951 1956 Livestock Marketing Information Center 1961 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Data Source: USDA/NASS Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 1991 1996 2001 2006 Fertilizer Prices 1997-2008 (and 2009) $1,500 $1,300 $900 $700 $500 $300 $100 19 9 7 19 9 8 19 9 9 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 A pr -0 8 M ay -0 Se 8 p0 Ja 8 n0 9 $/ton $1,100 Nitrogen (AN) Phosphorous (DAP) Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Potash (Muriate) $4.50 $4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.50 $0.00 1 9 9 7 1 9 9 8 1 9 9 9 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 Ju 8 l0 8 $/Gallon Fuel Prices 1997-2008 Diesel (bulk) Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Impact of Fuel & Fertilizer Prices on Cost of Production $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 2002 500# Calf ($/Cwt.) Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 2008 Hay ($/ton) Incentives to Expand Beef Herd Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Incentives to Expand Beef Herd Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Projected Prices 2009 and Beyond $130 $120 $110 $100 $90 $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 2009 GA 500# steer Source: USDA, LMIC and UGA 2010 GA 750# steer Choice fed steer Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 2011 GA Slaughter cow Other Issues Southeast Increasing demand for beef from alternative production systems More reliant on fertilizer Wider basis Increasing land values Natural Organic Grass-fed Increasing demand for locally produced foods Animal welfare MCOOL/NAIS Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Pork Situation & Outlook Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Pork Situation Pork Situation Record supplies in 2008. UNBELIEVABLE export demand has supported prices. Historically high input prices have certainly taken a toll on profits. Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Returns to farrow-finish hog producers have been negative for most of the past year! 20 04 M ay Se p 20 05 M ay Se p 20 06 M ay Se p 20 07 M ay Se p 20 08 M ay 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 Source: IA State University Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 HOG SLAUGHTER Federally Inspected, Weekly Thou. Head 2,500 Avg. 2002-06 2,300 2,100 2007 1,900 1,700 2008 T O C L JU AP R JA N 1,500 H-S-05 09/12/08 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 PORK PRODUCTION Federally Inspected, Weekly Mil. Pounds 530 Avg. 2002-06 480 430 2007 380 330 2008 T O C L JU AP R JA N 280 M-S-19 09/15/08 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 BARROW AND GILT PRICES Iowa - So. Minnesota, Carcass Base Price, Weekly $ Per Cwt. 90 85 Avg. 2002-06 80 75 70 2007 65 60 55 2008 50 Livestock Marketing Information Center Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 T O C JU L AP R JA N 45 H-P-09 08/14/08 U S NET PORK EXPORTS Carcass Weight, Monthly Mil. Pounds 480 430 Avg. 2002-06 380 330 280 2007 230 180 130 2008 80 30 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG Livestock Marketing Information Center Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 SEP OCT NOV DEC I-N-32 09/12/08 Pork Summary Record supplies of pork in 2008. Supplies will be reduced some in 2009. Packing capacity may be a concern this fall. Prices will be pressured this fall. Prices should be stable to higher next year. High input prices will continue to plague producers. Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Poultry Situation and Outlook BROILER PRICES 12-City Composite, Weekly Cents Per Pound 90 Avg. 2002-06 85 80 75 2007 70 65 2008 Livestock Marketing Information Center Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 T O C JU L AP R JA N 60 P-P-01 09/16/08 These prices do not tell the whole story! Cents Per Pound Skinless/Boneless, Northeast, Truckload, Weekly Northeast, Truckload, Weekly Cents Per Pound 80 180 75 170 70 160 Avg.Avg. 2002-06 2002-06 65 150 60 2007 2007 55 140 50 2008 130 2008 45 120 40 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 T T C C O O JU L JU L 110 35 R WHOLESALE CHICKEN BREAST PRICES WHOLESALE CHICKEN LEG PRICES AP APR Breast prices are running 10.5% lower than last year. Leg and wing prices are carrying the water for broilers this year. Exports have played a major role in moving the dark meats. JJA ANN US Broiler Exports, Annual Other Romania 8 Korea Billion Pounds RTC 7 July 2008 forward EMI Analytics forecast Ukraine 6 Cuba 5 Lithuania Angola 4 Taiwan 3 Turkey 2 Canada 1 Mexico 0 China 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 © EMI Analytics, All Rights Reserved Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Russia What’s the impact of higher feed-grain prices on broilers? Since 2006 US Broiler Production Cost (WOG basis) EMI Analytics model, weighted average, with OH & interest Corn prices up 67% Soybean meal prices up 206% Broiler costs up 137%. 85 80 2006 avg. 2007 avg. 2008 avg. 2009 avg. 75 cents/lb 60 cents 68 cents 81 cents 82 cents 70 Sept 2008 forward forecast 65 60 55 50 45 2000 2001 2002 © EMI Analytics, All Rights Reserved Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 US Broiler Average Profitability Index spot market prices, EMI Analytics model 25 index (1998-2000 base) 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 Sept 2008 forward forecast -15 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 © EMI Analytics, All Rights Reserved Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 2006 2007 2008 2009 Production will be lower the rest of the year. Broiler egg sets down. Broiler chick placements down. Total production for 2008 will be up “only” 2.3%. Will actually see a decrease in production in 2009. 9600 9400 9200 9000 8800 8600 8400 8200 2006 2007 2008 2009 Quarterly Broiler Production Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 2010 Projected Poultry Price Forecast Broiler prices should remain in the lower $80s. Breast prices will continue to struggle. Legs and wing prices should stabilize. HOWEVER, disruptions in the export market could be very problematic. Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 TOTAL RED MEAT & POULTRY PRODUCTION Quarterly Bil. Pounds 24.0 Avg. 2002/06 23.0 2007 22.0 21.0 2008 20.0 2009 19.0 JAN-MAR APR-JUN JUL-SEP OCT-DEC M-S-31 07/14/08 Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 Red Meat and Poultry Summary Record meat supplies this year. Q3-Q4 could be a big problem for pork supplies. Smaller beef, pork and poultry supplies in 2009. Exports for all meats continue to be favorable. All meat prices should remain steady to improving for the remainder of this year and next year. HOWEVER, if the economy continues to weaken all bets are off. Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008 QUESTIONS? Red Meat and Poultry Outlook Southern Region Outlook Conference September 24, 2008