UNIVERSITY OF MALTA Institute of Maltese Studies

Institute of Maltese Studies
M.A. in Maltese Studies
BMS5006 Maltese Culture and Identity
Exam Paper: Saturday 17th January 09.15-12.15
Duration 3 hours
Please find 8 questions to choose 3.
la. In what ways and for what reasons might the inhabitants of the Maltese Islands have
come to regard themselves as a people?
Ib. Is it right to assert that the core ethnic values of the Maltese played a decisive role in
the creation of Maltese consciousness?
2a. How far can we assume that Maltese culture and identity evolved as a result of the
dramatic success of the Knight Hospitallers of St. John in managing to govern Malta in
the crucial century following the Siege of 1565?
2b. 'The sense of Maltese identity was strengthened by the sheer presence of the Order
with which the Maltese came to identify'. Discuss.
3 a. Religion helped to preserve and intensify common sentiments circulating among
members of the Maltese community. Discuss with reference to Maltese myths.
3b. What does the Maltese 'festa' represent?
4a. Keeping in mind the case of Malta, how far may language be identified with
nationality or nationhood?
4b.How may traditional crafts be said to mark out aspects of identity? Give some
5. Have the press and media in Malta been rather characteristic of the place?
6. What may be said to define a Maltese political culture, to the extent that this may be
seen to exist?
7a. 'In Malta economic activity has been largely determined by geopolitics' Discuss
7b. 'For the Maltese, history was a little complex. Their new lords became themselves
their main providers; to some extent even their captive clients. The urge for freedom
therefore could not be quite identified with that for bread.. .The paradoxes of the Maltese
condition resurfaced again and again.'
(H. Frendo, The Origins of Maltese Statehood)
Discuss the above within the context of the development of British naval facilities in the
island and its impact on the process of the formation of Maltese statehood and national
8. 'Ethnic and/or religious minorities have integrated into Maltese society over time.'
Discuss critically giving examples from the Maltese-Indian and Maltese-Jewish