Assoċjazzjoni Maltija għall-Istudji tad-Dritt Ewropew AMSDE

Assoċjazzjoni Maltija għall-Istudji
tad-Dritt Ewropew
Bringing together all those in Malta with an interest in
European Union Law
The Assoċjazzjoni Maltija għall-Istudji tadDritt Ewropew (AMSDE) was established in
March 2010 with the aim of promoting the
study and practice of European law in
Malta. It is a non-profit and non-political
association. As an affiliated member of FIDE
(Fédération Internationale pour le Droit
Européen/International Federation for
European Law), AMSDE is part of an
international network of European Law
Associations and represents Maltese
lawyers in the biennial FIDE Congress.
Membership is invited from:
The objectives of AMSDE are:
To promote and encourage the
study of all aspects of the law and
institutions of the European Union
and the relationship of that law
with national law and the
concerning the same;
Membership benefits include:
collaborative studies in the field of
European law;
To provide a forum in which all
branches of the Maltese legal
profession can engage in a
discussion of the legal issues raised
by Malta’s membership of the
European Union;
members of the Maltese Judiciary;
members of the Maltese legal
professions and holders of any
degree in law obtained from the
University of Malta or holders of
any degree in law obtained from
outside Malta resident in Malta;
such other persons, bodies or
recommendation of the Committee
of Management of the Association
the members in General Meeting
may consider to be in the interests
of the Association to admit to
membership of the Association.
Advance notice of all AMSDE
Free attendance to one yearly
event as specified by AMSDE;
Reduced rates for all other events
organised by AMSDE;
Opportunities for contribution at
AMSDE events and the biennial
FIDE Congress;
Invitation to the Annual General
Annual Membership rates:
In pursuit of the above, to work in
collaboration with, and as a
complement to other organisations,
bodies and associations having
similar aims.
AMSDE aims to bring together a variety of
interests and to address practitioners,
officials, academics and students alike
through the holding of meetings,
conferences, seminars, study groups, the
carrying out of research and the publication
of papers on EU law issues.
Individual Membership
Payments may be made by cheque or bank
transfer. Cheques should be made payable
to AMSDE, accompanied by the application
form and sent to AMSDE, (c/o Prof Eugene
Buttigieg) Faculty of Laws, University of
Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta. Bank
transfers should be made to the AMSDE
BOV account number 40019001076.
AMSDE Contact Details
Address: AMSDE, c/o Faculty of Laws, University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta
You can also contact us via the AMSDE Facebook Group.
Professor Peter Xuereb
Professor Eugene Buttigieg
Dr Patrick Buhagiar
International / Academic Liaison Co-ordinator
Dr Ivan Sammut
Other Officials
Dr Jeanette Ciantar
Dr Natasha Bountempo
Membership Application Form
Name _________________________________________________________________________
Profession _____________________________________________________________________
Academic Qualifications
Area/s of EU law of particular interest to you
Email ______________________________________
Telephone/Mobile _________________________________
Membership Fee for 2012/20131
Individual Membership
€ 30
Payment may be made by cheque or bank transfer. Cheques should be made payable to AMSDE,
accompanied by this form and sent to AMSDE, (c/o Prof Eugene Buttigieg) Faculty of Laws,
University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080. Bank transfers should be made to the AMSDE BOV
account number 40019001076.
Membership expires on the 30th September 2013, and can be renewed on the 1st October
2013 in respect of the year commencing on that day.