Document 13136616

2012 International Conference on Computer Technology and Science (ICCTS 2012)
IPCSIT vol. 47 (2012) © (2012) IACSIT Press, Singapore
DOI: 10.7763/IPCSIT.2012.V47.66
New Exact Traveling Wave Solutions for Two Nonlinear Evolution
Qinghua Feng+
School of Science, Shandong University of Technology, Zhangzhou Road 12, Zibo, Shandong, China, 255049
Abstract. In this paper, a generalized sub-ODE method is proposed to construct exact solutions of two
nonlinear equations. As a result, some new exact traveling wave solutions for them are found.
Keywords:sub-ODE method, traveling wave solution, exact solution, nonlinear equation,
1. Introduction
In scientific research, seeking the exact solutions of nonlinear equations is a hot topic. Many approaches
have been presented so far. Some of these approaches are the homogeneous balance method [1,2], the
hyperbolic tangent expansion method [3,4], the trial function method [5], the tanh-method [6-8], the nonlinear
transform method [9], the inverse scattering transform [10], the Backlund transform [11,12], the Hirotas bilinear
method [13,14], the generalized Riccati equation [15,16], the theta function method [17-19], the sine-Ccosine
method [20], the Jacobi elliptic function expa-nsion [21,22], the complex hyperbolic function method [23-25],
and so on..
In this paper, we proposed a sub-ODE method to construct exact traveling wave solutions for NLEES. The
rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe the sub-ODE method for finding traveling
wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations, and give the main steps of the method. In the subsequent
sections, we will apply the method to find exact traveling wave solutions of the Boussinesq equation and (2+1)
dimensional Boussinesq equation. In the last Section, some conclusions are presented.
2. Description of the Bernoulli Sub-ODE method
In this section we present the solutions of the following ODE:
G '+ λG = μG 2 ,
where λ ≠ 0, G = G (ξ )
When μ ≠ 0 , Eq. (2.1) is the type of Bernoulli equation, and we can obtain the solution as
+ deλξ
where d is an arbitrary constant.
Suppose that a nonlinear equation, say in two or three independent variables x, y and t , is given by
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P (u, ut ,u x , u y , utt , u xt , u yt , u xx , u yy ......) = 0
where u = u(x, y, t) is an unknown function, P is a polynomial in u = u(x, y, t) and its various partial derivatives,
in which the highest order derivatives and nonlinear terms are involved. By using the solutions of Eq. (2.1), we
can construct a serials of exact solutions of nonlinear equations:.
Step 1.We suppose that
u ( x, y, t ) = u (ξ ), ξ = ξ ( x, y, t )
the traveling wave variable (2.4) permits us reducing Eq. (2.3) to an ODE for u = u (ξ )
P(u, u ', u '',......) = 0
Step 2. Suppose that the solution of (2.5) can be expressed by a polynomial in G as follows:
u (ξ ) = α mG m + α m −1G m −1 + ......
where G = G (ξ ) satisfies Eq. (2.1), and α m , α m −1... are constants to be determined later, α m ≠ 0 . The
positive integer m can be determined by considering the homogeneous balance between the highest order
derivatives and nonlinear terms appearing in (2.5).
Step 3. Substituting (2.6) into (2.5) and using (2.1), collecting all terms with the same order of G together,
the left-hand side of Eq. (2.5) is converted into another polynomial in G . Equating each coefficient of this
polynomial to zero, yields a set of algebraic equations for α m , α m −1 ,...λ , μ .
Step 4. Solving the algebraic equations system in Step 3, and by using the solutions of Eq. (2.1), we can
construct the traveling wave solutions of the nonlinear evolution equation (2.5).
In the subsequent sections we will illustrate the proposed method in detail by applying it to Boussinesq
equation and (2+1) dimensional Boussinesq equation.
3. Application for Boussinesq Equation
In this section, we will consider the following Boussinesq equation:
utt + α u xx + β (u 2 ) xx + γ u x (4) = 0, α < 0
Suppose that
u (ξ ), ξ = k ( x − ct )
where the constants c, k can be determined later.
By using (3.2), (3.1) is converted into an ODE
(α + c 2 )u ''+ β (u 2 ) ''+ γ k 3u (5) = 0
Integrating (3.3) twice, and take the integration constant for zero, then we have
(α + c 2 )u + β u 2 + γ k 3u ''' = 0
Suppose that the solution of (3.4) can be expressed by a polynomial in G as follows:
u (ξ ) = ∑ ai G i
i =0
where ai are constants, and G = G (ξ ) satisfies Eq. (2.1). Balancing the order of u 2 and u ''' in Eq. (3.5), we
obtain that 2m = m + 3 ⇒ m = 3 .So Eq. (3.5) can be rewritten as
u (ξ ) = a3G 3 + a2G 2 + a1G + a0 , a3 ≠ 0
where a3 , a2 , a1 , a0 are constants to be determined later.
Substituting (3.5) into (3.3) and collecting all the terms with the same power of G together, the left-hand
side of Eq. (3.3) is converted into another polynomial in G . Equating each coefficient to zero, yields a set of
simultaneous algebraic equations as follows:
G 0 : β a0 2 + α a0 + c 2 a0 = 0
G1 : 2β a0 a1 + α a1 + c 2 a1 + γ k 3a1μ 3 = 0
G 2 : −7γ k 3λ a1μ 2 + 2β a0 a2 + (c 2 + α )a2 + 8γ k 3 a2 μ 3 + β a12 = 0
G 3 : −38γ k 3a2 μ 2 λ + (c 2 + α )a3 + 2β a0 a3 + 2β a1a2 +12γ k 3λ 2 a1μ + 27γ a3 k 3 μ 3 = 0
G 4 : 54γ a2 μ k 3λ 2 + β a22 + 2β a1a3 − 111γ a3λ k 3μ 2 − 6γ a1k 3λ 3 = 0
G5 :144γ a3μ k 3λ 2 + 2β a2 a3 − 24γ a2 k 3λ 3 = 0
G 6 : −60γ a3k 3λ 3 + β a32 = 0
Solving the algebraic equations above, yields:
Case 1:
a3 =
60γ k 3λ3
, a2 = a1 = a0 = 0, k = k, c = −α , λ = λ , μ = 0
Substituting (3.6) into (3.5), we have
u1 (ξ ) =
60γ k 3λ 3
G 3 , ξ = k ( x − −α t )
Combining with Eq. (2.2) and we can obtain the traveling wave solutions of (3.1) as follows:
u1 ( x, t ) =
60γ k 3λ 3
[de − λ k ( x −
−α t ) 3
where d is an arbitrary constant.
Case 2:
a3 =
60γ k 3λ 3
, a2 = a1 = a0 = 0, k = k, c = − −α , λ = λ , μ = 0
Substituting (3.6) into (3.5), we have
60γ k 3λ 3
u1 (ξ ) =
G 3 , ξ = k ( x + −α t )
Combining with Eq. (2.2) and we can obtain the traveling wave solutions of (3.1) as follows:
u1 ( x, t ) =
60γ k 3λ 3
[de − λ k ( x +
−α t ) 3
where d is an arbitrary constant
4. Application for (2+1) dimensional Boussinesq Equation
In this section, we will consider the following (2+1) dimensional Boussinesq equation:
utt − u xx − u yy − (u 2 ) xx − u xxxx = 0
Suppose that
u ( x, y, t ) = u (ξ ), ξ = kx + ly + mt + d
where l , k , m, d are constants that to be determined later.
By (4.2), (4.1) is converted into an ODE
(m2 − k 2 − l 2 )u ''− 2k 2 (u '2 + uu '') − k 4u '''' = 0
Integrating (4.3) once we obtain
(m2 − k 2 − l 2 )u '− 2k 2uu '− k 4u ''' = g
where g is the integration constant.
Suppose that the solution of (4.4) can be expressed by a polynomial in G as follows:
u (ξ ) = ∑ ai G i
i =0
where ai are constants, and G = G (ξ ) satisfies Eq.(2.1).
Balancing the order of uu ' and u ''' in Eq.(4.4), we have 2m + 1 = m + 3 ⇒ m = 2 .So Eq. (4.5) can be
rewritten as
u (ξ ) = a2G 2 + a1G + a0 , a2 ≠ 0
where a2 , a1 , a0 are constants to be determined later.
Substituting (4.6) into (4.4) and collecting all the terms with the same power of G together, equating each
coefficient to zero, yields a set of simultaneous algebraic equations as follows:
G0 : −g = 0
G1 : (k 2 + l 2 − m 2 )a1λ + k 4 a1λ 3 + 2k 2 a0 a1 = 0
G 2 : −7 k 4 μ a1λ 2 + 8k 4 a2 λ 3 + 2(k 2 + l 2 − m 2 )a2 λ + (m 2 − k 2 − l 2 ) μ a1 − a12 + 2k 2 a12 λ + 4k 2 a0 a2λ − 2k 2 a0 a1μ = 0
G 3 : 2(m 2 − k 2 − l 2 ) a2 μ − 4k 2 a0 a2 μ + 6k 2 a1a2λ −38a2 μ k 4λ 2 − 2k 2 a12 μ + 12a1λ k 4 μ 2 = 0
G 4 : −6k 2 a1a2 μ + 54a2 λ k 4 μ 2 − 6a1k 4 μ 3 + 4k 2 a2 2λ = 0
G 5 : −24a2 k 4 μ 3 − 4k 2 a2 2 μ = 0
Solving the algebraic equations above, yields:
a2 = −6k 2 μ 2 , a1 = −6k 2 μλ , a0 = −
1 l 2 + k 2 − m 2 + λ 2 k 4 k = k , l = l , m = m, d = d
where k , l , m, d are arbitrary constants.
Substituting (4.7) into (4.6), we get that
u (ξ ) = −6k 2 μ 2G 2 − 6k 2 μλ G −
1 l 2 + k 2 − m 2 + λ 2 k 4 ξ = kx + ly + mt + d
Combining with Eq. (2.2), we can obtain the traveling wave solutions of (4.1) as follows:
u (ξ ) = −6k 2 μ 2 (
+ deλξ
) 2 − 6k 2 μλ (
+ de λξ
) −
1 l 2 + k 2 − m2 + λ 2 k 4
Remark : Our result (4.9) is new exact traveling wave solutions for Eq. (4.1).
5. Conclusions
In the present work, we propose a new sub-ODE method, and then test its power by finding some new
traveling wave solutions of Boussinesq equation and (2+1) dimensional Boussinesq equation. This method is
one of the most effective approaches handling nonlinear evolution equations. One can see the method is concise
and effective. Also this method can be used to many other nonlinear problems.
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