2012 International Conference on Image and Information Processing (ICIIP 2012) IPCSIT vol. 46 (2012) © (2012) IACSIT Press, Singapore A New Efficient Image Encryption Technique Based on Arnold and IDEA Algorithms Amr M. Riad 1 +, Amr H. Hussein 2, Hossam M. Kasem 2 and Atef Abou El-Azm 1 1 Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menofia University, Menuof, Egypt 2 Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt. Abstract. In this paper, a newefficient image encryption technique ispresented.It is based on a combination between chaotic Arnold’s cat map and the international data encryption algorithm (IDEA) in order to meet therequirements of secure image transfer. First, the IDEA accepts a 128 bits secret key which is used to generate an encryption key. The encryption key length equals the original image width (w). Second, the encryption key is used to generate the encryption matrix. The rows of the encryption matrix are formed by making successive (N-decimal) rotations from the encryption key. Third, the encryption matrix is simply XORed with the original image to produce a primary encrypted image. Finally, the Arnold cat map is used to shuffle thepositions of the primary encrypted image pixels to produce the final encrypted image. The results of several experimental, statistical analysisand key sensitivity tests showed that the proposed image encryptionscheme provides an efficient and secure way for imageencryption. Keywords: image encryption, arnold cat map, international data encryption algorithm (IDEA). 1. Introduction Among the many expressions of information, the image isbecoming a mainstream means of expression with its uniquevisual, direct-viewing, lively and other characteristics. In orderto ensure the security of digital images, researchers have putforward a lot of encryption algorithms. In recent years, with thechaos theory carried out and rapidly developed, many scholarsbegan to turn their sights on chaotic cryptography, and haveproposed many image encryption algorithms chaos-based [1]. Arnold’s cat map (ACM) [2-4] in recognition of Russian mathematician Vladimir I. Arnold, who discovered it using an image of a cat. It is a simple and elegant demonstration and illustration of some of the principles of chaos – namely, underlying order to an apparently random evolution of a system. An image (not necessarily a cat) is hit with a transformation that apparently randomizes the original organization of its pixels. The pixels rapidly degenerate into a television-static of chaos by iteration number five, with some unintelligible order prominent in a number of iterations prior to the original image reappearing on the fifteenth iteration. Therefore, the image is said to have a period of fifteen. From point of view, the ACM has two main disadvantages that are; after a number of iterations of the ACM, the original image will return, and the histogram of the encrypted image is the same as the histogram of the original image. This is due to the fact that the pixel values themselves didn’t change [5]. A well-known cryptographic algorithm is the IDEA. It came into picture in 1990. IDEA uses algebraic operations completely and it entirely avoids the use of any lookup tables or S-boxes [6-8]. IDEA most of which are used in text or binary data. It is difficult to use them directly in multimedia data. Multimedia data are often of high redundancy, of large volumes and require real-time interactions, such as displaying, cutting, + Corresponding author. Tel.: +2 01224751185. E-mail address: amr_riad@msn.com. 140 copying, bit rate conversion, etc. videos with these ciphers directly are time consuming and not suitable for real-time. In this paper, a new efficient image encryption technique based on a combination between Arnold’s cat map algorithm and the international data encryption algorithm (IDEA) is presented. The proposed technique follows four steps; first, the IDEA accepts a 128 bits secret key which is used to generate an encryption key. The encryption key length equals the image width (w). Second, the encryption key is used to generate the encryption matrix. The rows of the encryption matrix are formed by making successive (N-decimal) rotations from the encryption key. Third, the encryption matrix is simply XORed with the original image to produce a primary encrypted image. Finally, the Arnold cat map is used to shuffle thepositions of the primary encrypted image pixels to produce the final encrypted image. The performance of the proposed technique is measured through a series of statistical tests. These tests included entropy measurement, histogram analysis, processing time measurement, irregular deviation, histogram deviation, correlation analysis, key sensitivity, and exhaustive key search. The results of these experimental, statistical analysisand key sensitivity tests showed that the proposed image encryptiontechnique provides an efficient and secure way for imageencryption. The proposed technique run time is much smaller than the individual IDEA algorithm. On the other hand, compared to the Arnold algorithm, the proposed technique provides higher entropy, relatively uniform distributed encrypted image histogram, better irregular deviation, higher histogram deviation, and extremely high NPCR tests values greater than 99. Furthermore, the image decryption with a slightly different key fails completely to recover the original image. So, the proposed image encryption technique is highly key sensitive. 2. Statistical Analysis Used to Test the Proposed Technique Different statistical tests are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed techniqueentropy, Irregular Deviation, Histogram Deviation, Correlation, Correlation, Key sensitivity Test and NPCR and UACI [9-10]. 3. Proposed Image Encryption Technique In this paper, a new efficient image encryption technique based on a combination between chaotic Arnold’s cat map and the international data encryption algorithm (IDEA) is presented.Fig.1 shows the block diagram of the proposed image encryption technique. The proposed scheme follows these steps: 1. The image is transformed into a square × matrix. 2. The IDEA accepts a 128 bits secret key which is used to generate an encryption key from the input 1 vector “0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …….., W”. encryption matrix. The rows of the encryption matrix are formed by 3. Generation of the × making successive (N-decimal) rotations from the encryption key. 4. The encryption matrix is simply XORed with the original image to produce a primary encrypted image. 5. Arnold cat map is used to shuffle thepositions of the primary encrypted image pixels to produce the final encrypted image. Fig. 1: The block diagram of the proposed image encryption technique. 141 4. Experiimental Analysis A In this section, the performancee of the propposed techniq que is measuured throughh a series of tests. Thesee tests includded entropy measurement m t, histogram analysis, prrocessing tim me measurem ment, irregulaar deviation,, histogram deviation, d corrrelation anaalysis, key seensitivity, and d exhaustive key search. 4.1. Statisstical analyysis Some experimental e results are given in thiis section to demonstratee the efficienncy of our scheme. s Thee original-imaage with thee size 256 256 is shown in Fig. 2(a) and thee histogram of the origin nal-image iss shown in Fiig. 2(b). (a) (b) F 2: Originaal-image and its Fig. i histogram (a) original-im mage; (b) histoogram of the ooriginal-imagee. Fig.3 shhows the enccryption proccedure of thee cameraman n image usingg the propossed techniquee. The secrett key is takenn as 128 bitss key “'3032';'3334';'35366';'3738';'393 30';'3032';'33334';'3535'” ((in hexadecim mal). In thiss case, only 5-decimal suuccessive rootations of thhe encryptio on key are used. u The sttatistical anaalysis of thee proposed teechnique are listed in tabble (1) comppared to the ACM. The proposed p tecchnique resu ults in higherr entropy thann ACM, goood correlation between thhe original im mage and thhe encrypted image, smalller and thuss better irreguular deviatioon than ACM M, high histtogram deviaation of 1.00031 which iss much greaater than thee ACM histoggram deviatiion which eqquals zero. The T NPCR teests indicate that the propposed techniique is moree efficient andd immune too differential attacks thann ACM as listted in table (1). ( The propposed techniq que providess a uniform histogram h com mpared to ACM as show wn in Fig. 4. Fig. 3: Thhe encryptionn procedure off the cameram man image. (a) ( (b) Fig.4: Thhe histogram of o the encryptted image usin ng (a) Proposeed technique, ((b) ACM. 142 Tablle. 1: Statisticcal Analysis off the Proposed d Technique compared c to A ACM. Statistical Analysis En ntropy Coorr2 Irrregular Deviaation (DI) Hiistogram Devviation (DH) Time Consuming (Hole Proocess) NP PCR (first pixxel change) NP PCR (Middlee pixel changee) NP PCR (Last pixel change) Prroposed Tech hnique 7.9940 0.0024 0.5934 1.0031 0.534 secc 99.9985 99.9985 99.9985 A Arnold Chaottic Map (ACM M) 7.00097 0.00006 0.77165 0 0.0944963 sec 0 0 0 4.2. Key sensitivity s t test In this section we introduced several s key sensitivity s teests using thhe secret keyy with differrent decimall rotations off the generateed encryptionn key. For 5-ddecimal rotattions, the keyy sensitivity analysis sho ows that chaanging one bbit in the seccret key willl result in a completely different cippher image. In Fig. 5, we w have shoown the resuults of some attempts too encrypt imaage with sligghtly differennt secret keyys than the on ne used for the t encryptioon of the original image.. Particularlyy, in Fig. 5(aa) and Fig. 5(b) 5 respectively, the oriiginal imagee and the enccrypted imag ge producedd using the secret s key “'3032';'3334 “ 4';'3536';'37338';'3930';'3032';'3334';'35535'” (in heexadecimal) are shown,, whereas Fig. 5(c) annd Fig. 5(d) show thhe encrypteed images produced uusing the secret keyss “'2032';'33334';'3536';'3738';'3930';'30032';'3334';'33535'”and“'3 3032';'3334';'3536';'3738';;'3930';'3032 2';'3334';'353 4'” respectivvely. In Fig. 5, we have shown the original imaage as well as the threee encrypted images prod duced in thee aforesaid stteps. It is noot easy to coompare the encrypted e im mages by sim mply observing these images. So forr comparisonn, we have calculated c thhe correlationn between the t corresponnding pixelss of the threee encryptedd images. Forr this calculaation, we havve used the saame formula as given in Eq. E (5) exceppt that in thiss case A andd B are the vaalues of corrresponding pixels p in the two encryptted images too be comparred. In Tablee 2, we havee given the results r of thee correlationn coefficientts between the t corresponnding pixelss of the threee encryptedd images A, B and C. It is clear from m the table that t no correelation existss among the three encry ypted imagess even thoughh these have been producced by using slightly diffe ferent secret keys. k The imaages after the decryptionn of the encryypted image (shown in Fig. F 6(c)) witth the originaal secret keyy “'3032';'33334';'3536';'3738';'3930';'30032';'3334';'33535'” and Fig. F 6(d) shows the deccrypted imag ge using thee key “'30322';'3334';'35336';'3738';'39930';'3032';'3334';'3534'”.. It is clear that the deccryption witth a slightlyy different key fails comppletely and heence the propposed image encryption procedure p is highly key sensitive. s (a) Original O imagee (b) Encrypteed image with original key '3032';'3334';'3536'';'3738';'3930';'3032';'3334';;'3535' (c) Encrypted image witth key (d) Encrrypted image w with key '2032';'33334';'3536';'33738';'3930';'33032';'3334';'3353 '3032';'3334';'3536'';'3738';'3930';'3032';'3334';;'3534' 5' Fig. 5: Encrypted image with 5-decimal rotattions. 143 Table. 2: Coorrelation coeffficients betweeen the corressponding pixells of the threee different encrypted imagess obtained by using slighttly different secret key of th he image show wn in Fig. 5. Image 1 Imaage A of Fig. 5(a) 5 Imaage A of Fig. 5(a) 5 Imaage B of Fig. 5(b) 5 ( Original im (a) mage Image 2 Imagge B of Fig. 5(b) 5 Image C of Fig. 5(c) 5 Image C of Fig. 5(c) 5 Corrrelation coeffiicient 0.0217 -0.0819 0.1028 (b) Encrypted im mage with origginal key '3032';'3334';'3536';'33738';'3930';'33032';'3334';' 3535' (c) Decryppted image wiith original key (d) Decrypteed image with key '3032';'33344';'3536';'37388';'3930';'3032';'3 '3032';'3334';'3536';'33738';'3930';'33032';'3334';' 334';'35355' 3534' Fig. 6: Keey sensitivity test t results forr the 5-decimaal rotations. In the same way, the key sensitiivity tests forr 10, 15, 20, and 25 decim mal rotationss are made. The T resultantt correlation coefficients are listed in table (3). Table. 3: Coorrelation coeffficients betweeen the corressponding pixells of the threee different encrypted imagess obtained by using sligghtly differentt secret key off the cameram man image. Imagee 1 Image 2 Correelation coefficieents at 10 decimalss rotation Correlation n coefficients att 15 d decimals rotattion Correlation coeffiicients at 20 decimals rotation Correlattion coefficientss at 25 decimals ro otation Imagee A Imagee A Imagee B Image B Image C Image C 0.00213 -0.00792 0.11039 0.0211 -0.0786 0.1041 0 0.0212 -00.0788 0 0.1032 0.0186 6 -0.0802 0.1035 5 5. Conclu usions In this paper, a neew efficient image encrryption techn nique based on a combination betw ween chaoticc orithm (IDEA A) is presentted. The perrformance off Arnold’s caat map and thhe internatioonal data enccryption algo the proposeed techniquee is measured through a series of teests. These tests includedd entropy measurement, m , histogram analysis, a proocessing tim me measurem ment, irregu ular deviatioon, histogram m deviation,, correlationn analysis, keey sensitivityy, and exhausstive key seaarch. The results of these experimentaal, statisticall analysisandd key sensitivvity tests shoowed that thhe proposed image encry yptiontechniqque providess an efficientt and securee way for im mageencryption. The prooposed technnique run tim me is muchh smaller thaan the indiv vidual IDEA A algorithm. On O the otherr hand, com mpared to thee Arnold alg gorithm, the proposed tecchnique prov vides higherr entropy, unniformly disstributed enccrypted imagge histogram m, better irrregular deviation, higheer histogram m deviation, and a extremely high NPCR R tests valuees greater thaan 99. Furthermore, the image decry yption with a slightly diff fferent key fails f complettely to recovver the origiinal image. So, the propposed imagee encryptionn procedure iss highly key sensitive. 6. Refereences [1] J. M. Am migo, L. Kocarrev, J. Szczepanski. Theoryy and practice of chaotic cryyptography.Phhysics Letters, 2007,A 366,, pp. 211--216. 144 [2] L. Wu; J. Zhang; W. Deng; D. He. 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