Document 13135660

2009 International Symposium on Computing, Communication, and Control (ISCCC 2009)
Proc .of CSIT vol.1 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore
The Partial Proposal of Data Warehouse Testing Task
Pavol Tanuska 1+, Pavel Vazan 1 and Peter Schreiber 1
Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Material Science and Technology,
Paulínska 16, 91724 Trnava, Slovakia
Abstract. The aim of this article is to suggest the partial proposal of datawarehouse testing methodology.
The analysis of relevant standards and guidelines proved the lack of information on actions and activities
concerning data warehouse testing. The absence of the complex data warehouse testing methodology seems
to be crucial particularly in the phase of the data warehouse implementation.
Keywords: Data warehouse, testing, methodology, UML.
1. Introduction
In the phase of testing methodology designing for the process of the data warehouse validation, it is
necessary to consider the results and knowledge acquired in the analysis of the existing standards and
guidelines. The analysis of valid European standards and guidelines related to software products evaluation
has been done by authors as an opening part of proposed testing methodology. There has been analyzed
many standards that deal with software life cycle processes (e.g. ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC 15288, ISO/IEC
TR 12182, ISO/IEC TR 15271, ISO/IEC TR 16326), software products operating reliability evaluation (e.g.
DIN/IEC 56/363 (458,478, 575)), with general evaluation of software products and tools (e.g. ISO/IEC
14598, ISO/IEC 14102) and with systems of software quality assurance (e.g. ISO 9001:2000, ISO 25000,
DIN ISO/IEC 12119, DIN 66272) and also standards that deals with metrics (e.g. ISO 9126-2, ISO 9126-3,
ISO 9126-4). Special part was an analysis of guidelines Gamp4 and TickIT. All this selection represents
about 150 standards and guidelines, which cover the area of the software evaluation. The analysis result is,
that the software testing is standardized in details, but without special cases (like e.g. data warehouses)
specification. The data warehouses have been used massively only in the last few years and they are specific
with some properties and processes like data pump (ETT process), metadata management, multidimensional
database design and management, special OLAP-reports design, etc. [1]
In the first stage of the methodology design, it is necessary to focus on attributes of testing scenario.
2. Identification of the essential DW test scenario attributes
When proposing the scenario attributes, the authors used the test procedures acquired from the results of
analysis of relevant standards and guidelines. The outcome is the statement that testing is inevitable and
important. It is worth to state that in testing software systems (including data warehouse) the designers and
testers appear from following scheme shown on fig.1.
There are numerous testing methods and approaches, yet individual standards do not provide detailed
information, thus offering room for various disinformation. As for the design of data warehouses, it is worth
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 421 918 646 061; fax: +421 33 5511758.
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to state that the current standards and guidelines do not cover the activities relevant for building a data
warehouse. [4]
Neither particular procedure nor activities regarding the process of a multidimensional databases
proposal, ETT process or optimisation of scripts for OLAP reports are available.
Fig. 1: UML sequence diagram of testing process.
While designing the proposal of DW test attributes, we therefore enhanced the standard testing methods
by the activities which are generally not involved in testing standard information systems.
The scenario (for a test or a set of tests) should comprise the following attributes [2]:
• To unambiguously describe the purpose of testing, including instructions defining step-by-step
procedure as well as the activities that should be performed by the testing person or team.
• To provide a link to the specifications of the tests administration check (traceability), specifying the
document and section which defines the test requirements, e.g. URS or FS.
• To identify specific performance requirements and define the necessary test types including the
selection of appropriate testing methods and techniques, particularly regarding the specifications of
ETT process and meta-data testing.
• To complete all the items necessary prior to testing, such as documentation, sources, software,
interfaces, data etc.
• To build and subsequently verify specific testing configuration.
• To define the input parameters, particularly those regarding specific activities such as data pump
implementation, mainly exact definition of parameters related to the building and loading a multidimensional database. The whole process entails transformation of data into de-normalised structures
and involves data selection, cleaning, integration, derivation and following de-normalisation.
• To define the acceptance criteria specific for data warehouses, i.e. a defined set of anticipated results,
which the test should achieve in order to be considered successful.
• To identify the data to be recorded, i.e. to define the data related with the administered test, which
should be sensed and recorded, such as input, output, descriptions comprising the identification of
every equipment used, and calibration certificates, wherever necessary.
• To exactly record all the tests and their results in the form of test protocols, designed for individual
stages of testing. All the test protocols have to be approved by an associated test manager and must
comprise all relevant items described in International standards, while the new items, not specified
in standards and guidelines, must be clearly marked.
• To design the activities associated with the test completion. This section provides detailed
information on the activities which will set the testing system into defined, e.g. resetting the process
parameters, setting the system in a safe state, or warm/cold restart.
In order to remove redundant duplicity in the process of designing the test, it is recommended to provide
links to relevant information comprised in the specification of the test administration check where applicable.
Format of the test scenario may allow recording the test results directly into a copy of the approved test
specification. Related forms should therefore bear the names of the test administrator and witness, their
signatures as well as the date of the test execution.
Other very important attributes related to test scenario should include: testing prerequisites, proposal of
traceability matrix and specification of test procedures.
3. The testing task as a part of testing scenario
The logical continuation of data warehouse testing methodology is the proposal of realization of data
warehouse test scenario, what are concrete principles that are necessary to do in the process of data
warehouse testing.
Preliminary to inscribe the mode of test scenario realization, is necessary to mention problem of testing
strategy, too. [5] Data Warehouse testing strategy determines the project’s approach to testing. The strategy
looks at the characteristics of the system to be built, and plans the breadth and depth of the testing effort.
The testing strategy will influence tasks related to test planning, test types, test script development, and test
In Data Warehouse building efforts, one of the most important critical success factors is to have
consistent and timely data in the Data Warehouse, allowing users to have consistent and timely answers to
their queries. Unlike information systems, DW unifies information from the various data sources including
different database systems, different applications, flat files and even Excel sheets. The unification process
contains extraction of this data from the original source, performing necessary massaging and placing into
the DW. This is the most complex and time consuming part of the whole DW implementation which
contains number of custom built programs, scripts as well as commercial software specifically designed for
ETT. Verification of ETT process by applying necessary tests is an important step of the DW
implementation process. This testing includes, but is not limited to, stand alone tests of each script, program
and modules, integrity testing of theses which will work together and of course the consistency of data which
finally loaded to DW.
Accuracy of the data and performance of the DW are also subject to testing before DW goes into
production. Because queries run against a DW differ in type than a typical OLTP application, the
performance expectations are also different. The data volume stored in the Warehouse is also a factor of
rationalizing a more realistic performance expectation.
In the process of testing there is necessary to reflect on following attributes (represented by set of
important activities), that has influence on methodology proposal and also on testing progress:
testing plan, technology and tools,
identification of testing constraints,
design requirements,
specification of test-cases series,
identification of possible problems,
creation of testing procedures,
technical architecture,
completion of criteria,
time scheduling,
error tracing and message allocation,
plan authorizing.
The special part is creation of testing tasks, which will be performed in the process of testing
implementation. The testing tasks that must be implemented in the process of the testing can be split into
four logical objects plus two actors.[3] In the real testing system these objects can represent four autonomous
tests tasks. Whole process of testing task execution is designed on fig. 2 in UML sequence diagram.
Fig. 2: Process of testing task execution.
The diagram on fig. 3 shows possible set of status testing task in process of testing. Testing starts by
creation of task in status “New”. If tester begins to edit anything in task records, the status will change into
“In process”.
Fig. 3: UML State machine diagram of testing task.
This status represents realization of testing task. If tester during the testing finds that task has wrong
specification, status will change into “Infeasibility” and task finish. The status “Waiting” arise if some
obstructions appear in testing task solution. The tester knows that continuation with that task is possible after
obstruction removal. When the obstruction disappear the testing task change status into “Checkout” and
process can continue in realisation.
Having successfully finished the testing task the tester change the status into “Will be validated” and will
send task to validator. The validator will check the task realization step by step. If finds some errors in
realization (data error, error in definition, tester error…) he will send task back for checkout. In other case
change task status into “Validated” and process will finish.
4. Acknowledgements
The testing phase as one of the stages of DW development lifecycle is very important, since the cost
depleted for the elimination of a potential error or defect in a running data warehouse is much higher. A data
warehouse as well as an information system can be physically correctly tested only when the working
database is loaded. The aim of this article has been to suggest partial proposal of datawarehouse testing
This contribution as a part of the project No. 1/4078/07 was supported by VEGA, the Slovak Republic
Ministry of Education’s grant agency.
5. References
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[3] Zobok, Maroš: Čiastkový návrh smernicepre testovanie veľkých softvérových systémov. Final thesis MTF STU
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[4] Tanuška P., Schreiber P., Zeman J.: The realization of data warehouse test scenario. In: III. Meždunarodnaja
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