2014 1st International Congress on Computer, Electronics, Electrical, and Communication Engineering (ICCEECE2014) IPCSIT vol. 59 (2014) © (2014) IACSIT Press, Singapore DOI: 10.7763/IPCSIT.2014.V59.19 Some Solutions of the Modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation by Painleve Test Attia A.H. Mostafa+ Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 16, P. P. 550 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Abstract. The Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation which is a third order diffusion equation has been of interest since John Scott Russell (1845) [1]. In this work we study the modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equation, through this study we find that the (mKdV) does not satisfy Painleve’s property even although that we were able to find analytic solution for this equation. Keywords: Kortewege-de Vrise equation, Painleve’s property, Modified Korteweg-de Vries equation, Resonanse points , Exact solutions. 1. Introduction Most phenomena in the many scientific fields can be classified as linear or nonlinear differential equation, these phenomena can be described as for instance, plasma or flow of blood, or the movement of water waves as well [2]. In this work, we tried to find a solution to this kind of equations although it is normally not easy to find clear-cut solutions. But by using Painleve’s method it is possible to help finding a clear solution which physicists, doctors, and others may benefit from. 2. Painleve Test In the present section we apply Painleve’s equation in the (mKdV) equation: 2 ut u u x u xxx 0, Let u = j 0 \ {0} (1) u j j p be the perfect series solution of the equation (1), where u j and are analytic functions in a neighborhood of the manifold t , x 0 [3]. First, we need to calculate value of p, where p is the equipoise point in the series solution. Now, to derive u in the series solution, where ut t , x u t , x / t , ux t , x u t , x / x and uxxx t , x 3u t , x / x3 , by substituting these into the equation (1), and by paralleling the lowest powers in the generated equation we find j − 3p − 1 and j − p − 3 then p = 1, and by accomplishing the summation, we obtain: + Attia A.H. Mostafa Tel: (+318)611497138 E-mail: attia2004@yahoo.com E-mail: attia716@gmail.com 105 j 4 j 4 ( j 3)u j 2t u j 3,t j 3 j 2 j 1 k j k j 4 u j k uk i ui ( j k 1) x u j k 1, x uk i ui j 0 k 0 i 0 k 0 i 0 j 4 j 4 j 4 u j 3, xxx 3( j 3)u j 2, x xx 3( j 3)u j 2, xx x j 3 j 2 j 2 j 4 2 j 4 3( j 2)( j 3)u j 1, x x 3( j 2)( j 3)u j 1 x xx j 1 j 1 j 4 3 j 4 ( j 3)u j 2 xxx ( j 1)( j 2)( j 3)u j x 0, j 2 j 0 To acquire then at j = 0 in the equation (2), we obtain: 6 u0 i x , To acquire (3) i 1, , then at j = 1 in the equation (2), we obtain: i 6 xx u1 , 2 x (4) Since p = 1, by using the technique of amputating, and let u j 0 for all j > 1. Then the series solution u = p j 0 u j becomes: 1 j (5) u u 0 uj To acquire u2 ,then at j = 2 in the equation (2), we obtain: 2 3 xx xxx t u2 , 2 x 6 x x i (6) Now, in equation (2), we must find all coefficients of uj where u j 0 for all j < 0. u j 0 If j k 2 k 0 x uk i ui ( j k 1)u j k xu0 ( j 1)u j k 0 i 0 j k 2 If i k x uk i ui ( j k 1)u j k x u0 u j i 0 k 0 j k 2 If k j x uk i ui ( j k 1)u j k x u0 u j k 0 i 0 The relation becomes: 3 2 ( j 3) j j 1 3 x u j u j 3,t x u0 u j i ui ( j 3)u j 2t i 1 4 1 j 1 k j 1 k uk i ui u j k ( j k 1) x uk i ui u j k 1, x u j 3, xxx k 1 i 0 k 0 i 0 2 3( j 3)u j 2, x xx ( j 3)u j 2 xxx 3( j 2)( j 3) u j 1, x x u j 1 x xx 3( j 3)u j 2, xx x , We observe that the all coefficients of (7) in the equation (7) are (j − 3) and 106 (2) 3 1 j , then, in the generic of the integer resonance point is j = 3. 4 2 The other resonance points are contingent on the value of α. For instance, if α = −6, the resonance points are j = −1, 3, 4. Now, at j = 3, and by using the equations (3), (4) and (7), we get, 2 2 u0,t u0, xxx 2 x u1u2 2 xu0u1u2 u0 u2, x 2 xu0u1u1, x 2 u0, x u1 2 u0u2u0, x 0, but, =0 for all j > 1, we get. 2 u0,t u0, xxx 2u0u1u1, x u0, xu1 0, Inconsistent at the resonance point j = 3, this means that the modified Kortewegde-Vries equation (1), does not satisfy the Painleve’s property. Now, at j = 4 in the equation (7), we have, 2 u1,t u1, xxx t 2 3 x u2, xx 3 xx u2, x xxx u2 6 x u3, x 6 x xx u3 3 k 3 k 3 3 x u4i ui x uk i ui 3 k u4k uk i ui u3k , x 0,(8) i 1 k 1 i 0 k 0 i 0 By implementing the equation (3) into the equation (8), and u j 0 for all j > 1,we get, 2 u1,t u1 u1, x u1, xxx 0, Then (9) is also a solution of the (mKdV) equation (1). 3. Analytic Solution: In this section, we pursue the project to derive analytic solution. They are unvarying under this transmutation, T : a b , ad bc, xxx 3 xx c d The Schwartzian derivative [4]. S x 2 , (10) 2 x The dimension of velocity, C t , x (11) The compatibility of C and S described by [4]: (12) St Cxxx 2Cx S CS x 0. By comparing the equations (10) and (11) with the equation (6), and, we observe: C S. =0 for all j>1 (13) By substituting S = C into the equation (12), we get: (14) St 3SS x S xxx 0, This is Korteweg-de Vries(KdV) like equation. 4. 4 Exact Solution: Solution for constant S. The functions of constant S= 2 2 where λ is a constant, are solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries like equation (14). 107 Lemma 1: Let 1 and 2 be two linearly independent solutions of the equation, 2 d f z 0, 2 dz (15) which are defined and holomorphic on some simply connected domain D in complex plane, then w z 1 z / 2 z satisfies the equation [2], [4], (16) w, z 2 f z , Conversely, if w(z) is a solution of (16) at all points of D, then one can find two linearly holomorphic independent solutions 1 and 2 of (15) such that w z 1 z / 2 z in some neighborhood of z0 D. Lemma 2: The Schwartzian derivative is invariant under fractional linear transformation acting on the first argument, the form [2], [4]: aw b ; z w; z , cw d ad bc, where a, b, c and d are constants. Case I : For S=-2 2 , we get, 2 2 S , x -2 . Hence f x in (16), and two linearly independent solutions are: 1 E (t )e x F (t )e x 2 G (t ) e , Therefore by Lemma1 and Lemma 2, obtain: x x E (t )e F (t )e (t , x ) , x x G (t ) e x H (t ) e x EH FG H (t )e (17) By using the equations (11) and (13), then: 2 C S t 2 . x (18) Now, to find the differential equation of coefficients E(t), F(t), G(t) and H(t), we derive t , x in the equation (17), to get t t , x and x t , x , and substituting them into the equation (18), we obtain: 2 x 2 x H (t ) F (t ) F (t ) H (t ) e G (t ) E (t ) E (t )G (t ) e t x 2 x G (t ) e H (t ) e and x C G (t ) F (t ) F (t )G (t ) H (t ) E (t ) E (t ) H (t ) , G (t ) e x H (t ) e x 2 2 H (t ) E (t ) G ( t ) F ( t ) , x x 2 G (t ) e H (t ) e Then, the equation (18) becomes: 2 x 2 x G (t ) E (t ) E (t )G (t ) e H (t ) F (t ) F (t ) H (t ) e 2 H (t ) E (t ) G (t ) F (t ) G (t ) F (t ) F (t )G(t ) H (t ) E (t ) E (t ) H (t ) 2 2 , 2 H (t ) E (t ) G (t ) F (t ) Then 108 G(t ) E (t ) E (t )G(t ) e2 x H (t ) F (t ) F (t ) H (t ) e 2 x G(t ) F (t ) 3 F (t )G (t ) H (t ) E (t ) E (t ) H (t ) 4 H (t ) E (t ) G (t ) F (t ) , This takes us to a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equation in all coefficients E(t), F(t),G(t) and H(t), then: ( a ) GE EG 0 (b) HF FH 0 (c ) GF FG HE EH 4 3 HE GF particular solutions of (a) and (b) respectively are: E(t) = AG(t) and F(t) = BH(t) where A and B are real arbitrary constants. By using (a), (b) and (c), we get: 3 B G(t ) H (t ) H (t )G(t ) A H (t )G(t ) G(t ) H (t ) 4 H (t )G(t ) A B , then; H (t ) H (t ) G (t ) 3 4 , G (t ) By integrating, we get: H (t ) 3 exp 4 t G (t ) then the equation (17), becomes: t , x 3 AG (t ) exp x BG (t ) exp 4 t x 3 G (t ) exp x G (t ) exp 4 t x , which leads to: 1 Ae 1 Be t , x , 1 e 1 e where 1 x 2 A B cosh 1 A B sinh 1 2 cosh 1 2 , Then: t , x K1 K2 tanh 1, (19) where K1 and K 2 are arbitrary constants, and K1 A B / 2 and K2 A B / 2 . For K1 0 , and by substituting the equation (19) into the equation (4), we obtain: 2 2 6 K 2 sec h 1 tanh 1 , u1 i 2 K 2 sec h 1 Then: 6 u1 i tanh 1, where 2 1 x 2 t . Hence u1 x, t is the first exact solution for modified Korteweg-de Vries equation (1). Now, by the equations (3), (4), (5) and (19), we obtain: i u 6 K 2 sec h 21 K 2 tanh 1 u1 , 109 Then 6 u i coth 1 , where 1 x 2 2t. Hence u(t, x) is the second exact solution for modified Korteweg-de Vries equation (1). Case II: For S=2 2 ,we have: 2 2 S , x 2 . Hence f x in (16), and two linearly independent solutions are: 3 E (t )e ix F (t )e ix 4 G(t )e , Therefore, Lemma1 and Lemma 2, obtain: ix ix F (t ) e E (t ) e (t , x ) , ix ix H (t )e EH FG, H (t )e G (t ) e ix ix (20) By using the equations (11) and (13), then: (21) 2 C S t 2 . x Now, to find the differential equation of coefficients E(t), F(t), G(t) and H(t), we derive t , x in the equation (20), to get t t , x and x t , x and by substituting them into the equation(21), we obtain: 2ix 2ix H (t ) F (t ) F (t ) H (t ) e G (t ) E (t ) E (t )G (t ) e C 2i H (t ) E (t ) G (t ) F (t ) G (t ) F (t ) F (t )G(t ) H (t ) E (t ) E (t ) H (t ) 2 2 . 2i H (t ) E (t ) G (t ) F (t ) This takes us to a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations in all coefficients E(t), F(t),G(t) and H(t), then: ( a ) GE EG 0 (b) HF FH 0 (c ) GF FG HE EH 4i 3 HE GF particular solutions of (a) and (b) respectively are: E(t) = MG(t) and F(t) = NH(t) where M and N are real arbitrary constants. By substituting these into (c), we get: H (t ) 3 exp 4i t G (t ) Then the equation (20), becomes: t , x 3 G (t ) exp ix G (t ) exp 4 it ix which leads to: (t , x ) 3 MG (t ) exp ix NG (t ) exp 4 it ix i2 Ne 2 , where 2 x 2 t , i2 i2 e e Me i2 M N cos 2 M N sin 2 2 cos 2 . Then: t , x K3 K 4 tan 2 , (22) 110 where K 3 and K 4 are arbitrary constants, and K3 M N / 2 and K4 M N / 2 For K3 0 ,by substituting the equation (22) into the equation (4), we get: 2 2 6 K 4 sec 2 tan 2 , u1 i 2 K 4 sec 2 Then: 6 u1 i tan 2 , where 2 2 x 2 t . Hence u1 ( x, t ) is the third exact solution for modified Korteweg-de Vries equation (1). Now, by the equations (3), (4), (5) and (22), we get: 6 2 K sec 2 i 4 u u1, K 4 tan 2 Then: 6 u i cot 2 where 2 2 x 2 t . Hence u ( x, t ) is the fourth exact solution for modified Korteweg-de Vries equation (1). 5. References [1] K. Brauer, The Korteweg-de Vries Equation: History, exact Solutions, and graphical Representation, University of Osnabrck, Germany (2006). 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Attia Mostafa: I was born in Shahat, Cyrene in the east of Libya. I graduated from The University of Omer Al-mukhtar, Elbida- Libya. I did my master in the mathematics, at The University of Sirt-Libya. I am interesting in linear and nonlinear waves equations. I am currently doing a Ph.D thesis at Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade-Serbia. 111