Automated Planning Introduction to Planning Jonas Kvarnström Automated Planning Group Department of Computer and Information Science Linköping University – 2016 One way of defining planning: Using knowledge about the world, including possible actions and their results, to decide what to do and when in order to achieve an objective, before you actually start doing it 4 Some applications are simple, well-structured, almost toy problems Simple structure General Knowledge Single agent acting Specific Knowledge There are pegs and disks Three pegs, 7 disks A disk can be on a peg All disks currently on peg 2, in order of increasing size One disk can be above another Actions: Move topmost disk from x to y, without placing larger disks on smaller disks Objective All disks on the third peg, in order of increasing size jonkv@ida Towers of Hanoi 5 Some are larger, still well-structured What you can do: Put package p in truck t Drive to location Deliver p from t Objective: Deliver 20,000 packages (efficiently!) Which packages in which truck, in which order? Which roads to use? jonkv@ida Logistics Classical robot example: Shakey (1969) Available actions: ▪ Moving to another location ▪ Turning light switches on and off ▪ Opening and closing doors ▪ Pushing movable objects around ▪ … Goals: ▪ Be in room 4 with objects A,B,C ▪ 6 jonkv@ida Shakey Tall buildings, multiple elevators How to serve people as efficiently as possible? Schindler Miconic 10 system Enter destination before you board A plan is generated, determining which elevator goes to which floor, and in which order Saves time! Planning 3 elevators could serve as much traffic as 5 elevators with earlier algorithms 7 jonkv@ida Miconic 10 Elevators Bending sheet metal Initially: There is a flat sheet of metal Objective: The sheet should be in specific shape Constraints: The piece must not collide with anything when moved! An optimized plan for bending the sheet saves a lot of time = money! 8 jonkv@ida Bending Sheet Metal Competition: autonomous cars drive 212 km off-road Requires path planning Deciding how to get from one point to another, given: ▪ Speed limits ▪ Constraints on how you can move (turn radius, …) ▪ A map – that may not always be correct ▪ 2:00, 4:00 9 jonkv@ida DARPA Grand Challenge 2005 SIADEX Decision support system for designing forest fire fighting plans Needs to consider allocation of limited resources Plans must be developed in cooperation with humans – people may die! 10 jonkv@ida SIADEX ”Remote Agent” on Deep Space 1 spacecraft Controlled the spacecraft autonomously for 2 days Correctly handled simulated failures Rapid response to failures may be crucial to survival! 11 jonkv@ida NASA Remote Agent 12 Rapid generation of activity plans for Mars Rovers Primary platform for creating daily activity plans for Spirit and Opportunity Mixed-initiative tool: Human in the loop jonkv@ida NASA Mapgen And why should computers create plans? Manual planning can be boring and inefficient Automated planning may create higher quality plans ▪ Software can systematically optimize, can investigate millions of alternatives Automated planning can be applied where the agent is ▪ Satellites cannot always communicate with ground operators ▪ Spacecraft or robots on other planets may be hours away by radio 13 jonkv@ida Why should Computers Plan? A modern context for planning: Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) 15 jonkv@ida Context: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using knowledge about the world, including possible actions and their results… 17 Available actions, in this context: Take off ▪ Before: The UAV must be on the ground ▪ Result: The UAV is flying Fly to a point ▪ Before: Must have sufficient fuel ▪ Result: Will end up at the indicated point Land Must define this more formally next lecture! Fly a trajectory curve Point camera Take picture Start/stop video recording Transmit information to operator … Need other forms of knowledge as well… next lecture! jonkv@ida Actions for UAVs …to decide what to do and when in order to achieve an objective… Assist in emergency situations ▪ Deliver packages of food, medicine, water Which actions to perform? 19 jonkv@ida UAV Objective 1: Emergency Services Logistics Photograph buildings – generate realistic 3D models Which actions to perform? 20 jonkv@ida UAV Objective 2: Photogrammetry …decide…before you actually start doing it… We need a program – a solver / planner! 22 For photogrammetry planning with a single UAV: Knowledge: Amount of fuel available Knowledge: Actions – fly, aim and take pictures (consuming fuel) Objective: To have pictures of certain buildings, in the specified directions! Decide: What to do jonkv@ida Photogrammetry Planning 23 Exactly which class of problems should the algorithm solve? Find a plan taking pictures of buildings A, B, C and D in the LiU campus Too specific! Given as input a list of building coordinates, find a plan taking pictures of the given buildings Let's start here… jonkv@ida Solvers: Specific vs. General 24 Solver should handle all instances of a problem domain Photogrammetry Problem Domain Problem Instance(s) There will be an initial fuel level The actual positions and directions There will be interesting positions/directions The actual fuel level The objective is to have pictures of those Available actions: take off, fly, take picture, … … Write a solver based on this general information… …taking this specific information as its input at runtime jonkv@ida Problem Specification 25 Method 0: Let’s be reactive (no planning) and stupid while (exists unvisited position) { } pos ← some random unvisited position flyto(pos) aim() take-picture() Very fast algorithm Suboptimal… …decide the next step to do… …while you are doing it… jonkv@ida Method 0: Reactive + Stupid 26 Method 1: Let’s be reactive (no planning) and greedy while (exists unvisited position) { pos ← the nearest unvisited position flyto(pos) aim() take-picture() Start here } Greedy choice of action Better for this task, but not optimal For many other tasks: Still really bad Often, not thinking ahead means you can’t even solve the problem! (Fly too far run out of fuel; crack an egg can’t uncrack it; …) Run out of fuel here? jonkv@ida Method 1: Reactive + Greedy 27 Can be seen as search that immediately commits to choices Keeping track of [fuel left, visited positions, remaining positions] Not enough fuel left give up (actions already executed can't backtrack) (100, [pos1], [pos2,…,pos20]) (96, [pos1,pos7], [pos2,…,pos6,pos8,…,pos20]) (91, [pos1,pos7,pos8], …) (82, [pos1,pos7,pos8,pos4], …) jonkv@ida Method 1, continued 28 Method 2: Let’s think ahead First create a complete plan, with backtracking Then execute (100, [pos1], [pos2,…,pos20]) (96, [pos1,pos7], [pos2,…,pos6,pos8,…,pos20]) (95, [pos1,pos8], …) (91, [pos1,pos7,pos8], …) (82, [pos1,pos7,pos8,pos4], …) (81, [pos1,pos7,pos8,pos6], …) jonkv@ida Method 2: Think ahead 29 Method 2, step 1: ▪ call solve(100, [pos1], [pos2,…,pos20]) ▪ solve(fuel-left, order, remaining) { Have we already achieved the goal? if (remaining == []) return order; foreach position pos in remaining First choice: As before (greedy heuristic) in order of increasing If not feasible: Try the next nearest pos distance to current pos Out of fuel ”in simulation”, not in reality { f2 = fuel-left – fuel-usage(last(order), pos); if (f2 > 0) { order2 = solve(f2, order+[pos], remaining–[pos]) if (order2 ≠ null) return order2; } } Backtrack if there is no return null; feasible continuation } This is (one form of) planning! jonkv@ida Method 2: Think ahead – planning Method 2: Let’s think ahead – second, execute the plan ▪ foreach (position pos in sequence of positions) { flyto(pos) aim() take-picture() } Execution is separate! 30 jonkv@ida Method 2: Think ahead – execution 31 Photogrammetry Without Planning – reactive Generate one action (no lookahead) Execute it Repeat Problem spec Actions Photogrammetry Planning Problem spec Planner generates all actions Plan Execution system Actions jonkv@ida Reactive vs. Planning 33 Problem Instance Descr. What we did: Locations A, B, and C Directions North, South, West,East Helicopter H1 The goal is to have pictures at location A in direction North,… Domain-specific Planner Written with domain knowledge: There will be an initial fuel level There will be interesting positions/directions The objective is to have pictures of those Available actions: take off, fly, take picture, … Plan Efficient code Adapted to the exact problem Can even use Traveling Salesman algorithms… jonkv@ida Domain-Specific Planning 34 But: Some domains are less straight-forward Writing an efficient solver from scratch is difficult Specialization means less flexibility! What if… you want to deliver a couple of crates at the same time? ▪ Need to modify the code of the planner you have two UAVs and a UGV (ground vehicle)? ▪ Different algorithm: Multiple TSP you want to survey an area (send video feed of the ground)? you have dynamic no-fly-zones (”don’t fly there at 15:00-16:00”)? PG + Delivery Planner MultiTSP planner jonkv@ida Domain-Specific Planning 2 High Level Domain Descr. 35 High Level Instance Descr. There will be an initial fuel level There will be interesting positions/directions … Easier to specify, easier to change! In this particular problem we have: Locations A, B, and C Directions North, South, West,East Helicopter H1 The goal is to have pictures at location A in direction North,… Domain-independent Planner Written for generic planning problems Difficult to create (but done once) Improvements all domains benefit Plan jonkv@ida Domain-Independent Planning 36 To solve problems in other domains: Keep the planning algorithm Write a new high-level description of the problem domain Performance can be lower, but much less effort is needed Mars Rover problem instance Mars Rover Domain Domainindep. Planner Satellite problem instance Plan Satellite Domain Domainindep. Planner Plan jonkv@ida Domain-Independent Planning Problem Domain Descr. There will be an initial fuel level There will be interesting positions/directions … Easier to specify, easier to change! 37 Problem Instance Descr. In this particular problem we have: Locations A, B, and C Directions North, South, West,East Helicopter H1 The goal is to have pictures at location A in direction North,… Problem: Requires a very general planning formalism to specify this kind of information! Domain-independent Planner Written for generic planning problems Difficult to create (but done once) Improvements all domains benefit jonkv@ida Domain-Independent Planning 38 Which common language concepts would be sufficient for all of these very different domains? 3D Geometry Interaction Path planning Multiple agents Opportunistic goals Simple… Required concurrency Timing jonkv@ida Common Properties Very difficult to create a well-defined semantics for the combination of all of these requirements Can we create a single unified model + language supporting all of these domains? Can we create a single unified planning algorithm capable of generating plans in all of these domains? Extremely difficult to find an algorithm that works well in all cases 39 jonkv@ida Only One Solution? 40 Increasing a planner's expressivity: Can help ensure correctness Decreasing a planner's expressivity: Can't model resources, fuel usage (By many orders of magnitude) create infeasible plans Allows different heuristics Can help determine plan quality Allows different plan structures Which plan takes less time to Can exploit problem structure execute? Requires a model of time! … Can be necessary to handle: Incomplete information Non-determinism Concurrency ... Can improve performance Simplifies development … Conflicting desires – we need trade-offs! Decide what "kind" of domains your planner should be able to accept Write a planner for this expressivity jonkv@ida Different Requirements 41 *Except for standard Turing-complete programming languages, which don't count… “Truly domain-independent” Does not exist* Partial order of expressivity, "coverage"… … … Temporal planning Classical planning … MDP planning … Domain-specific Can specialize the planner for very high performance Must write an entire planner Some classes subsume others, some are simply different jonkv@ida Degrees of Expressivity Many early planners made similar tradeoffs in terms of… The expressivity of the modeling language The underlying assumptions about the world At the time this was simply "planning" or "problem solving" Later grouped together, called "classical planning" Restricted, but a good place to start Forms the basis of most non-classical planners as well Let's start here, then explore more expressive alternatives! 43 jonkv@ida Classical Planning 44 So exactly what is classical planning? Some disagreements… ▪ Inevitable: Just a group of similar techniques, formalisms Where to draw the line? We'll use the book's definitions Be aware:You can go outside those boundaries and still be "kind of classical"! jonkv@ida Classical Planning: Disagreements 45 A0: Finite number of states Can't model continuous positions of containers OK – we're only interested in some discrete alternatives: in pile x, on truck y, carried by crane z, … We want to affect a world which is always in a given state Another possible state A6: Every action results in a discrete state transition No concept of time No concept of continuous change (crane swinging from A to B), only: Before pickup, the container is on truck y; after, the container is carried by crane z Many planners do model some forms of time "semi-classical" jonkv@ida Assumptions 1 46 A1: We can always detect the current state Given A2, this only means that we know the initial state Without A2, we can execute an action and then know where we ended up The world is always in a given state Another possible state A2: Deterministic actions If we know the current state and the action that is executed, we know in advance exactly which state we will end up in Some planners support non-determinism Complicated due to explosion of possibilities! jonkv@ida Assumptions 2 A3: If we don't execute an action, we remain in the state No random changes in the world No other agents acting in the world At least not in the part of the world we model! The world is always in a given state 47 jonkv@ida Assumptions 3 other possible state 48 Another possible state Another possible state Goal states Another possible state Another possible state The world is always in a given state Another possible state A4: Restricted objectives The objective is always to end up in a goal state, a state having certain properties: No constraint on cost, time requirements, states to avoid, … Many planners support more complex objectives jonkv@ida Assumptions 4 A5: Sequential plans ▪ A solution never executes two actions concurrently ▪ Many planners do allow concurrency "semi-classical" A7: Offline planning ▪ No need to consider changes that may happen while generating plans. We can define many other classes of planning problem For now, we'll stay with classical problems Next time: High-level languages for specifying classical planning problems 49 jonkv@ida Assumptions 5