M.Sc in Artificial Intelligence Schedule of Tasks

M.Sc in Artificial Intelligence
(Taught and Research, Mainly Research) – Full Time
Schedule of Tasks 1
Friday 4th December 2015
Lecturers to submit proposals
Friday 29th January 2016
Students to submit their project proposals
Friday 5th February 2016
Head of Department to allocate Panel of Supervision
Friday 12th February 2016
Approval of Board of Studies on submitted proposals
Monday 29th February 2016
 Deadline by which supervisor(s) will be given feedback by the Panel of
Supervision – Submitting a progress report
 Board of Studies to review the submitted progress reports
 Head of Department to propose an external examiner (Either visiting / nonvisiting)
 Board of Examiners to allocate Board of Examiners
Friday 27th May 2016
Panel of Supervision Statement
- Panel of Supervision to meet and discuss the progress of the student.
Deadline for change of title and other requests
N.B. Dates are subject to change and students will be informed immediately.
Friday 2nd September 2016
Submission of first draft of dissertation to supervisor(s)
Friday 30th September
3 (Three) printed copies to be submitted to the departmental office and an electronic copy
to be via email to the departmental secretary (francelle.sicluna@um.edu.mt).
Dissertation to be approximately 32,000 words long, excluding references and
Copies to be immediately sent to the board of examiners, including the external
Friday 25th November 2016
Board of examiners to submit an individual dissertation report to the board`s chairman.
Week starting Monday 12th December 2016
Viva-Voce to be carried out according to procedures and format deemed affective by the
Masters in Artificial Intelligence Board of Studies.
The oral presentation will be composed of:
- A presentation session lasting not more than 15 minutes in which students will be
expected to summarise the contributions of the dissertation.
An interactive question and answer session with the Board of Examiners to
discuss in more detail the work of the student, not lasting more than 30 minutes