The Future of Coastal Lakes in  Monmouth County 

 The Future of Coastal Lakes in Monmouth County John A. Tiedemann, Specialist Professor of Marine and Environmental Biology
Monmouth University School of Science
Dr. Michael Witty, Research Fellow
Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute
Dr. Stephen Souza, President
Princeton Hydro LLC
September 2009
This report was produced with funding from a grant provided by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Table of Contents I.
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Status of the County’s Coastal Lakes and Ponds ……………………………………………….
An Overview of the Problems Affecting Coastal Lakes and Ponds ……………………………
Recommendations ………………………………………………………………………………….
A History of Impairment ……………………………………………………………………………
The Need for Stormwater Management ………………………………………………………….
Achieving Sustainable Improvements in Water Quality ……………………………………… 11
IV.3.1 Source Controls – Local Ordinances and Regulations……………………….............. 11
IV.3.1A Nutrient Reduction Strategy – Fertilizer Application Ordinance………………..
IV.3.1B Stream Protection Strategies……………………………………………………..
IV.3.1C Waste Reduction Ordinances…………………………………………………….
IV.3.1D Canada Goose Control……………………………………………………………
IV.3.1E Zero Silt Runoff…………………………………………………………………….
IV.3.2 Delivery Control Techniques.…………………………………………………………...
IV.3.2.A Manufactured Treatment Devices and Retrofit Solutions………….................
IV.3.2B Bioretention Swales and Basins…………………………………………………..
IV.3.3 Stream Bank Stabilization……………………………………………………………..
IV.4 In-Lake Restoration……………………………………………………………………………..
IV.4.1 Algae Control…………………………………………………………………………..
IV.4.1A Algaecides………………………………………………………………………
IV.4.1B Oxidizing Agents……………………………………………………….............
IV.4.1C Dyes……………………………………………………………………………..
IV.4.1D Microbial Products………………………………………………………………
IV.4.2 Macrophyte Control…………………………………………………………………..
IV.4.2A Mechanical Weed Harvesting………………………………………………..
IV.4.2B Drawdown………………………………………………………………………
IV.4.2C Hand Harvesting……………………………………………………………….
IV.4.2D Benthic Barriers………………………………………………………………..
IV.4.2.E Lake Sweepers………………………………………………………………...
IV.4.2F Hydroraking and Rotovating………………………………………………….
IV.4.2G Chemical Weed Control……………………………………………………..
IV.4.2H Biomanipulation………………………………………………………………
IV.4.3 Alum Treatments……………………………………………………………………
IV.4.4 Aeration………………………………………………………………………………
IV.4.5 Dredging – Removal of Unconsolidated Sediments…………………………….
IV.4.6 The Role of Public Education in Managing the Coastal Lakes…………………
IV.4.7 Funding Opportunities………………………………………………………………
Glossary and Frequently Used Terms……………………………………………………………..
Appendix A – Overview of Commonly Occurring Macrophytes…………………………………
The Future of Coastal Lakes
in Monmouth County
John A. Tiedemann, Specialist Professor of Marine and Environmental Biology
Monmouth University School of Science
Dr. Michael Witty, Research Fellow
Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute
Dr. Stephen Souza, President
Princeton Hydro LLC
Herring runs, fyke nets, daysailors, rowing skiffs, gondola and swan boat
rides…Monmouth County’s coastal lakes have historically provided a variety of
commercial and recreational opportunities for area residents and visitors and served as
important habitats for fish and wildlife.
Unfortunately, over the past several decades these aquatic ecosystems have become
disturbed and degraded from the impacts of the intense development that surrounds
them. Unnatural modifications to adjacent shorelines and riparian corridors along their
tributaries and the introduction of a variety of pollutants from stormwater and runoff has
resulted in degraded water quality, disturbed fish and wildlife habitats, algae blooms,
and invasions of nuisance aquatic plants. As a result, the majority of the county’s
coastal lakes and ponds are now neglected and valued less for the natural resources
they support and the recreational opportunities they offer. Instead they are viewed as
little more than the terminal receiver of road and overland runoff from storm sewers,
algae covered mud holes, and havens for Canada geese.
Further complicating any attempt to manage or restore the coastal lakes and ponds is
the fact that with few exceptions, no organization, agency, or governing body has taken
responsibility for these waterbodies. Attempts to manage the coastal lakes have tended
to follow a disjointed path that has often limited the success and sustainability of
restoration efforts. Granted there are groups such as the Deal Lake Commission,
Wesley Lake Commission and Fletcher Lake Commission that have been able to rally
public support and have been able to make positive improvements in their respective
lakes. However, even these well organized groups have faced difficulty in obtaining
funding and sustaining the energy needed to achieve all their management and
restoration goals.
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It is time to change this state of affairs. State, county, and local governments must
partner with representatives of civic and community organizations, and local coastal and
watershed management groups to develop and implement cost-effectives strategies to
restore, protect, and maintain coastal lake ecosystems in Monmouth County
The challenge is to manage coastal lake environments in a manner that provides for the
maintenance of their ecological integrity and accommodates active and passive
recreational activities. However, this will be no easy task. New resources need to be
allocated at the state, county and municipal level, permit processes streamlined, and
problems such as dredging and dredged material disposal, aquatic weed control, and
stormwater infrastructure improvements addressed on a regional basis.
Status of the County’s Coastal Lakes and Ponds
In 2000, forty six states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia rated lake water
quality in their Clean Water Act Section 305(b) reports (USEPA 2000). In total, these
states assessed 43% of the lake acreage in the United States. The information reported
indicated that 45% of assessed lakes in the U.S. are impaired and partially or totally not
supporting one or more of these desirable uses:
Primary contact recreation (e.g., swimming);
Secondary contact recreation (e.g., boating, sailing, waterskiing);
Recreational fishing;
Fish consumption; and
Fish, wildlife and aquatic life support.
Another 8% of the assessed lakes were reported to be threatened for one or
more of these uses (EPA 2000).
In 1988-89, a regional study of lakes in Monmouth County was conducted by the
Monmouth County Department of Health (MCHD 1990a, MCHD 1990b). This study
included an intensive survey of water quality in nine coastal lakes and an analysis of
metal contamination in sediments collected from 20 lakes.
The water quality
investigation characterized physical parameters, nutrients, bacteria, and algal conditions
in nine coastal lakes: Takanassee Lake; Deal Lake; Wesley Lake; Fletcher Lake; Sylvan
Lake; Silver Lake; Lake Como; Spring Lake; and Wreck Pond. The conclusion of this
study was that all of these lakes were experiencing pathogen contamination, algal
blooms, aquatic weed overgrowth and eutrophication that was primarily related to inputs
of stormwater and runoff from their surrounding watersheds (additional information
found at: Our collective studies on
coastal lakes in the county completed over the last two decades have drawn similar
In June 2008, the Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute convened a Future of
Coastal Lakes Summit. At the Summit, attendees were asked to rank impairments
affecting coastal lakes in Monmouth County. The consensus was that coastal lakes in
Monmouth County are all impaired and not fully supporting desirable uses (Table 1).
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Table 1. Impairment Ratings for Monmouth County Coastal Lake
33 %
67 %
Boating, Sailing, Waterskiing
67 %
33 %
10 %
80 %
10 %
Fish Consumption
10 %
70 %
20 %
Fish, Wildlife, Aquatic Life
10 %
50 %
40 %
Good = fully supporting the use
Impaired = partially supporting the use
Severely Impaired = not supporting the use
Note: Results of Ratings by 47 attendees at the Future of Coastal Lakes Summit, June 2008 Attendees
represented state, county and local government agencies, lake commissions and associations, civic and
environmental organizations and citizens living lakeside.
An Overview of the Problems Affecting Coastal Lakes and Ponds
According to the USEPA (2000), lakes in the U.S. are being impacted by a number of
stressors including excessive nutrients, siltation and infilling, enrichment by organic
wastes that deplete oxygen in lake waters, or a combination of several pollutants and
Monmouth County’s coastal lakes are no exception. They are no longer primarily
recreational features, but instead have become the terminal sinks collecting pollutants
from surrounding land uses within their urbanized watersheds via stormwater and
runoff. This results in a change from the clear water of a pristine lake that supports
desirable wildlife and recreation (Bukata et al.. 1979), to lakes exhibiting impaired water
quality, degraded fish and wildlife habitats and use impairments. Impaired water quality
in Monmouth County’s coastal lakes is primarily related to pathogen contamination,
nutrient enrichment, erosion and sedimentation and floatables and debris.
Waterborne pathogens are a major concern in a number of coastal lakes in the county.
Once in a waterbody, these disease causing microorganisms can infect humans
through contaminated fish and shellfish, skin contact, or ingestion of water (Perdek et al.
The turbid waters of coastal lakes are ideal for the survival and growth of pathogenic
microbes. Some of these bacteria and protozoa originate from humans as well as many
animal species common in Monmouth County coastal watersheds including wildlife,
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pets and agricultural animals and are transported to coastal lakes by stormwater and
runoff. For example, pathogenic Eschericia coli (Somarelli et al. 2007), Salmonella
(Feare 1999), Campylobacter (Lillehaug et al. 2005) and Cryptosporidium (Zhou et al.
2004) are found in animal droppings and may be an early indication of future health
problems for humans. Waterfowl, such as Canada Geese, are important in this regard
and pathogenic bacteria are seen when their feces are examined (Hussong 1979).
When water quality drops below levels defined as safe by public health authorities, for
example 235 Escherichia coli/100 ml freshwater, restrictions on recreational activities
apply (MCPB 2008).
Monmouth County’s coastal lakes are eutrophic and are experiencing aquatic weed
overgrowth, algal blooms and associated habitat degradation. As a result, they do not
support the wildlife we value (Fruh 1967), they are unattractive and they smell of the
decay they conceal (Juttner 1984, Preti et al. 1993).
Although eutrophication is a natural process that continues slowly under natural
conditions, eutrophication can be accelerated from the introduction of excess nutrients,
particularly phosphates and nitrates, from nonpoint source pollution. Known as cultural
eutrophication, man-made sources of nutrients entering a waterbody cause undesirable
ecological changes in lakes and ponds.
Visual effects of eutrophication are commonly observed in the form of peaks of aquatic
plant growth such as duckweed (Lemna) and watermeal (Wolfia) and phytoplankton
blooms, especially those associated with cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). These life
forms are rich in intensely pigmented chlorophylls and carotenoids. These pigments
may become so abundant that they form conspicuous surface water discolorations
including green tints and other colors such as red, brown and yellow. Prominent effects
of algal and cyanobacterial blooms can also include an intense muddy odor and a foul
taste of the water and fish caught therein (Person 1982), musty odors from blue green
algae (Sigiura et al. 1998) and a sulfurous smell from anaerobic bacteria (Frank and
Fielding 2004). In addition, some species of algae produce substances which are toxic
for humans and domestic pets (Carvalho et al. 2008).
Other less conspicuous effects of eutrophication are elevated ammonium, depleted
oxygen, and increased water turbidity. Eutrophication also results in drastic changes in
the quality of coastal lake habitats, impairments to fish and wildlife, and impairments to
recreational uses.
Eutrophication includes surges of excessive plant growth and eventual decay, depleting
oxygen content. Plant pests may be controlled early using pesticides, calculating dose
in proportion to water volume but pesticide use must be consistent with activities such
as swimming and wildlife conservation. Floating and rooted plants may be harvested
using mechanical devices as well. However, there are regulatory issues related to the
disposal of harvested weeds that must be addressed. Specifically, as per existing New
Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) solid waste disposal
regulations, unless a composting facility is licensed for the acceptance of aquatic
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vegetation, the harvested weeds will not be accepted. This results in the material often
having to be transported to conventional landfills or being subject to excessive handling
and tipping fees.
In addition, the microbial decay of dead algae and macrophytes generates fine
particulate matter that remains in suspension for long periods. This organic turbidity
often defies settling causing the impacted lake or pond to appear muddy. While
decreasing the aesthetics of the lake, this turbidity also reduces the penetration of light
resulting in the shading of native plant growth and facilitating the development of
thermal stratification.
Lakes that are over-fertilized and shallow become ideal environments for blooms of
nuisance and invasive aquatic weeds. The constant influx and settling of fine grained
sediment further increases the viability of the lake to support dense stands of both
native and non-native plants with many of the former being highly invasive and difficult
to control. It thus is not uncommon for the coastal lakes and ponds to support extremely
high densities of such macrophytes as Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum), coontail
(Ceratophyllum), duckweed (Lemna), watermeal (Wolfia) and spatterdock (Nuphar) all
of which can reach densities so great as to impede boating, fishing and swimming,
decrease circulation and flow and increase sedimentation.
As egregious as the problems arising due to the over-fertilization of the coastal lakes
and ponds may be, the problems that have arisen due to the influx of sediment are
equally as significant. Erosion throughout Monmouth County results in large amounts of
sediment, sand and silt washing into the coastal lakes. This erosion dates back to the
early 1900s when land development and farming activities were conducted with little
thought to the ramifications of soil disturbance and soil loss. Over the decades that
followed, stream banks were denuded, floodplains filled and riparian areas paved,
causing more flooding that in turn further exacerbated erosion processes within the
tributaries of the coastal lakes. The down cutting and channelization of the stream
banks exposed clay deposits (green sands and marl) that once exposed are
exceptionally prone to erosion and, due to their acidic nature, difficult to stabilize.
These clays are so fine that they are considered colloidal and as such difficult to settle,
thereby leading to the muddy appearance so characteristic of many of the coastal lakes.
In addition to causing a visual or aesthetic impact, the fine clays can be harmful to
wildlife, especially the filter feeding clams, mussels and benthic invertebrates that are
important elements of lake and stream environments. Turbidity is particularly distressing
to fish and may inhibit their growth (Sigler et al. 1984) or cause fatal gill clogging in
extreme cases (Lake and Hinch 1999).
The biggest problem with the influx of all this sediment is the eventual infilling that has
led to significant water depth loss. Sediment infilling is by far not only one of the biggest
problems impacting the coastal lakes and ponds, but the most costly problem to correct.
Rates as high as 0.5% reduction in lake volume per year have been recorded by those
researching the demise and management of the lakes. Water slows down when it flows
from narrow fast streams into wide and relatively quiescent coastal lakes. This gives
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time for solids to settle before water continues to the sea. The process of sedimentation
is natural and usually slow i.e. millimeters per year in pristine lakes (Buynevich and
Fitzgerald 2003). However, erosion accelerates sedimentation and the subsequent
infilling of lakes (Panayotou et al. 2007). Sometimes the rate of accumulation can be so
great (Costantini et al. 2008) as to render a portion of a lake unusable within a very
short time. The transport of this particulate material and sediments into the lakes and
ponds may occur directly, with eroded bed and bank sediments being washed in with
stream flow, or indirectly, with the runoff collected and subsequently conveyed into the
lakes and ponds via the storm water collection system. The control of lake/pond infilling
starts with reducing erosion by implementing better stormwater management methods,
protecting and restoring riparian buffers, and remediating past erosion problem sites.
Eventually, the sediment deposited in the lakes and ponds will need to be removed. As
detailed in Section IV, the dredging operations needed to correct the impacts of
sediment infilling and reclaim lost water depth and lake volume are expensive and
require a significant amount of logistical planning and support. These projects also
cannot be conducted without first obtaining a number of NJDEP permits. The complexity
of the related regulatory issues associated with dewatering and disposal of dredged
sediment can make what appears to be the simplest of dredging projects overwhelming.
Trash, litter and other debris discarded or dumped in Monmouth County’s coastal
watersheds constitutes another significant problem. These floatables are carried into
the lakes and ponds by storm drains, as well as the streams that are tributary to the
coastal lakes. Floatables create more than just a trivial aesthetic problem. Floatables
also pose a threat to fish and wildlife and are costly to clean up. Discussions centering
on stormwater management (Section IV) cannot overlook the need to control this
problem. This starts with strong source control measures, requires the renovation,
upgrade and retrofit of existing stormwater collection systems, but ultimately needs the
support of the public as most of this problem is simply the result of littering and a
common disregard for the environment.
With respect to stormwater management, although nutrient and sediment loading
related impacts are highlighted, rain water running across parking lots, roads and paved
impervious areas will wash hydrocarbons and other oily pollutants into stormwater catch
basins. The resulting discharge to the rivers and ultimately the coastal lakes leads to
the accumulation of these contaminants (Overstreet and Galt 1995, Conides et al. 1996,
Conides and Parpoura 1997). Hydrocarbons harm freshwater organisms not only due
to their acute toxicity but also by triggering a number of chronic impacts that range from
coating water surfaces and gills to preventing the oxygenation of water and gas
exchange (Bhattacharyya et al. 2003).
Although alluded to above, when discussing the erosion of the tributaries of the coastal
lakes and ponds, development and disturbance along the shoreline of the coastal lakes
or along the riparian corridors of their feeder streams has also led to the destruction and
loss of the important natural functions provided by these areas. At a minimum, natural
shorelines provide a buffer between land-based human activities and adjacent waters.
Additionally, these areas provide important, but often underappreciated and overlooked
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natural services and functions critical to a healthy, vibrant aquatic ecosystem. The
riparian vegetation growing on the banks of streams prevents erosion and lessens
downstream sediment transport. This vegetation also adsorbs and attenuates nutrients
as well as the various contaminants contained in stormwater runoff. Vegetated riparian
areas and adjacent floodplains also help attenuate flood flows. These areas are also
often critical to the successful breeding of many aquatic organisms. Thus a natural
riparian area provides hydrologic, water quality, and biological benefits. As often occurs
though, critical stream-side riparian areas are cleared, paved and altered, all of which
creates problems with the downstream lake ecosystems.
Even along a lake’s
shoreline, one of the first actions taken is to clear away all the native vegetation to
increase views or improve access. This native vegetation is most often replaced with
lawn cover, which requires fertilizers and pesticide treatments as part of its normal
maintenance, or becomes replaced by invasive vegetation that often lacks the soil
stabilizing benefits of the native vegetation. Even more pervasive is the construction of
bulkheads and the filling of nearshore lake areas. This has a direct negative impact on
the lake’s wildlife and fishery due to the loss of important littoral zone habitat areas.
Thus, as will be discussed in Section IV, part of the long-term restoration of the coastal
lakes must include actions implemented to rehabilitate the loss functions and services of
disturbed riparian stream corridors and lakefront littoral zones.
Many of the problems discussed above have had measurable negative consequences
on the fishery of the coastal lakes. Of particular impact to the lakes’ fisheries has been:
Sediment infilling and loss of important spawning and nursery habitat;
Bulk heading and filling of lake shoreline littoral areas;
Colonization of invasive macrophytes, which again impact spawning and nursery
habitat, as well as impede predator/prey relationships;
Degraded water quality related to the influx of contaminants in stormwater runoff;
Accelerated eutrophication and its negative consequences of trophic shifts in
phytoplankton/zooplankton communities;
Diel oscillations in dissolved oxygen and pH, typically the result of dense summer
algae blooms, and
The establishment of non-native species, especially the common carp (Cyprinus
carpio) that disrupt habitat and compete with native fish for habitat and food.
Impacts to the lakes’ fishery translates to impacts to recreational fishing uses and this
further takes away from the viability of the recreational opportunities provided by the
coastal lakes and ponds. Correction of many of the problems negatively impacting the
fishery of the lakes and ponds are related to the restoration initiatives discussed in
Section IV, such as stormwater management, aeration, dredging and the control of
invasive weeds and nuisance blooms of algae.
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A History of Impairment
The conditions that impact the quality, ecology, recreational use and aesthetics of the
coastal lakes of Monmouth County are directly a function of the degree to which the
watersheds of these lakes have become developed. Over time, as the lands
surrounding these lakes evolved from farmland to cityscapes, the extent of impervious
cover increased and the amount of naturally vegetated lands decreased. The streams
that fed many of these lakes became altered as well, with the resulting changes having
serious consequences on the quality and conditions of the downstream lake ecosystem.
In some cases, this amounted to encroachment of development into the floodplain and
riparian areas associated with these streams. This led to increased flooding, stream
bank erosion, and increased pollutant transport. In other cases, the streams were
actually channelized, or even worse, placed within sub-surface pipes and culverts. The
evolution of the watersheds of the coastal lakes increased the rate and volume of runoff
conveyed to the lakes reducing water quality and setting the stage for their accelerated
eutrophication and sediment infilling. Although once the “crown jewel” of the community
as the watershed surrounding each lake became increasingly developed, the lakes
became relegated to the role of regional stormwater basins. Currently, though many in
name are considered recreational waterbodies, the primary role of most of the coastal
lakes is that of receptor of the untreated and unmanaged runoff generated by the
surrounding landscape.
Today, the landscape defining the watershed of the coastal lakes is most often
characterized by intensive residential and commercial development and large
contiguous swaths of impervious cover. Runoff generated from these areas is
conveyed to the lakes with little thought given to the management of any of the
associated pollutant load, not to mention the loss in recharge and the scour and erosion
caused by the increased volume of runoff. As a result, the water quality of almost all of
the coastal lakes of Monmouth County has declined. With this has come a loss in the
aesthetic attributes and recreational opportunities provided by these waterbodies.
As difficult as it may seem, a balance between watershed development, social needs
and expectations, and maintenance of the ecological integrity of the ecosystem of the
coastal lakes can be achieved. However, to be successful the long-term management
of the causes and impacts of the accelerated eutrophication of these lakes and ponds
requires a balance between what is good for the ecosystem and what is good for the
user community. This begins with a clear understanding of the ecological and
assimilative capacity of the ecosystem in question. This means that before any
restoration efforts are initiated a sound water quality database must be established. It
also requires formulating a balance between the contradictory goals of continued
watershed development and lake restoration.
It is a natural occurrence that people are drawn to water, and it is the positive attributes
of the coastal lakes and ponds that resulted in a steady increase in the development of
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their watersheds. But, as reflected in their current condition, the ecosystem of these
lakes and ponds is fragile. Over time the attributes of the coastal lakes that drew the
public to Monmouth County in the early 1900s resulted in the alteration and impairment
of these waterbodies. With increasing human activity came changes to the ecology of
the lakes. Again, as evidenced by the current state of most of the lakes, the resulting
water quality changes were not for the good. Although the public cannot easily relate to
elevated phosphorus levels or exceedances in total suspended solids, they do relate to
the ramifications of algae blooms, nuisance growth of aquatic plants and sediment
infilling. As such, emphasis is given in the recommendations following to management
measures aimed at correcting the cause of the lakes’ degradation while at the same
time improving the lakes’ ecology, water quality and recreational potential. This will be
different for each coastal lake and pond. Additionally, it will require a balance between
what is good for the lakes and what is feasible in terms of practicality, cost,
environmental regulations and community expectations and needs.
The Need for Stormwater Management
When formulating recommendations for the long-term management of the coastal lakes
and ponds of Monmouth County, emphasis has to be given to the control of stormwater
runoff. This is the key to the sustainable improvement of the County’s lakes. Better
management of stormwater runoff will:
Decrease the erosional forces that scour and destabilize tributaries;
Decrease the mobilization and transport of sediments that fill the lakes;
Decrease the amount of nutrient loading responsible for the eutrophication of the
Decrease pathogen inputs that result in lakes being unfit for swimming and
contact recreation; and
Decrease the influx of floatables and debris carried in from parking lots, roads
and other large areas of impervious cover.
While this may be the obvious solution, the successful implementation of measures that
can achieve the desired results remains an abitious goal. This is largely due to the
extent to which the lakes’ watersheds have become developed, the lack of land for
regional stormwater management facilities, and an apparent misunderstanding of the
direct link between better stormwater management and improved lake conditions.
To achieve measurable, sustainable improvements in lake quality, the management of
stormwater must be all encompassing and include provisions that address existing
problems and include a framework that protects against future problems. Stormwater
management must include both source control and delivery control techniques. As will
be discussed in detail herein, source control techniques reduce or prevent the
generation of runoff and associated pollutants. Such controls are best exemplified by
ordinances and regulations. Delivery control techniques intercept runoff and treat or
control it in a manner that reduces the overall volume of runoff and associated influx of
pollutants. These techniques are best exemplified by structural best management
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practices (BMPs) such as bioretention and infiltration basins, but also encompass nonstructural stormwater management measures and even land development and redevelopment techniques.
However, even if it was possible to put in place all of the stormwater management
measures needed to reduce exiting impacts to the lakes and prevent their further
deterioration, action would still be needed to rectify past impacts and restore these
lakes to their full ecological, water quality and recreational potential. Therefore, along
with watershed-based management measures there is a need for the implementation of
in-lake restoration measures. These are the actions that result in the removal of
accumulated silt, management of dense algae blooms, control of aquatic weed growth
and the improvement and restoration of aquatic habitats and aquatic communities. In
many cases to achieve the desired improvements in lake quality, restoration measures
must also be implemented in the lakes’ feeder streams and tributaries. Over time these
waterbodies have succumbed to the same aforementioned impacts caused by
watershed development. This includes poor water quality, as well as severely eroded
stream channels, minimal base-flow and loss of ecological services and functions
attributable to the filling and alteration of the floodplains, wetlands and riparian areas
once associated with these streams.
To achieve long-lasting, significant improvements the restoration and management of
the coastal lakes must follow a three pronged plan that:
Controls, reduces or eliminates existing stormwater related impairments;
Prevents or correctly mitigates potential future stormwater impairments; and
Repairs and restores the lost services and functions of the lakes and their
tributary streams.
As noted above, this requires a combination of source control, delivery control and
restoration measures implemented within the framework of a well-developed,
systematic plan. Because many coastal lakes and ponds are located within more than
one municipality and are impacted by upstream land uses, a coordinated regional
approach and support for restoration and management is warranted.
This is easier said than done given the existing institutional environment and the
complexity of State, County and local government interests and regulations affecting the
coastal lakes and their watersheds. It is also daunting when one considers the cost
associated with the implementing such an effort. Current coastal lake restoration and
management efforts in Monmouth County are diffused among governmental agencies,
local communities, lake associations and commissions, citizen groups and other NGO
groups. These efforts vary substantially being dependent on the capacity and authority
of various planning entities and the limited sources and amount of funding available to
actually implement the needed management measures. The goal of a regional
restoration strategy for Monmouth County’s coastal lakes is to provide the framework
within which the water quality of the coastal ponds and lakes can be measurably
improved. More so, their water quality must consistently exceed the State’s minimum
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standards so that they can be returned to swimmable and fishable conditions. Doing so
will enable these lakes and ponds to satisfy desirable ecosystem functions and support
community-based, socio-economic values.
Achieving Sustainable Improvements in Water Quality
As noted above, the success of any actions implemented to achieve long-term
measurable and sustainable improvements in the condition of Monmouth County’s
coastal lakes and ponds must focus on the control of stormwater. This must involve
both the reduction of pollutant loading and the reduction of the volume of runoff. To do
this effectively, both source control and delivery control techniques must be
implemented. The following paragraphs discuss the recommended stormwater control
measures that can reduce stormwater related problems, starting with source control
techniques and then followed by delivery control techniques. It should be emphasized
that many of the measures discussed below are currently required by State regulations
(N.J.A.C. 7:8, et. seq. and 7:15, et. seq.) but are either poorly enforced, or yet to be
implemented on a local level.
Source Controls - Local Ordinances and Regulations
Local ordinances serve as the cornerstone of any source control initiative designed to
decrease bacteria, nutrient, sediment and contaminant loading to the lakes. Local
ordinances are also a key element of any action taken to control the rate and volume of
runoff or to promote its infiltration and recharge. Likewise, local ordinances are key to
the implementation of stream-side and riparian corridor buffers intended to protect the
lakes’ tributaries from further impacts.
The following are examples of regulatory measures that, when consistently
implemented throughout a lake’s watershed, can greatly alleviate, correct and reduce
outstanding water quality problems. As noted above, some of these regulatory controls
have already been enacted by some of the coastal municipalities as part of their
adopted and NJDEP required municipal stormwater management plan (MSWMP).
However, in many cases, though adopted, implementation has been slow and
enforcement lacking.
Nutrient Reduction Strategy - Fertilizer Application Ordinance
Elevated levels of nutrients, particularly phosphorus, have directly led to the
eutrophication and degradation of the ecology of the coastal lakes. The eutrophication
of the lakes is best illustrated by the excessive and accelerated growth of algae and
aquatic plants (weeds) that characterize many of the lakes and degrades their aesthetic
and recreational values. When applied improperly, excessively or at the wrong time,
runoff of phosphorus containing fertilizer contributes to the eutrophication of the lakes.
Most soils in New Jersey contain sufficient amounts of phosphorus to support adequate
root growth for established lawns. Although phosphorus replenishment may at times be
necessary to sustain a healthy lawn, generally the amount applied far exceeds the
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amount actually needed. Soil tests can determine the type of fertilizer and fertilizer
application rates needed to sustain a healthy lawn. But such tests are rarely performed,
and as a result fertilizers are not applied in the most optimal manner, or in a manner
consistent with the protection or restoration of the lakes.
A solution to the improper or excessive use of fertilizers is to regulate their use by
means of an ordinance. A non-phosphorus fertilizer application ordinance will help
protect water quality of the coastal lakes by aiding in the overall decrease in phosphorus
loading. The ordinance will have its greatest positive impact when implemented to
regulate the use of phosphorus fertilizers on lakeshore lawns. However, its utility and
benefit can have watershed-wide benefits. A number of lake communities have
implemented non-phosphorus fertilizer ordinances. Such ordinances are in effect in
Sparta Township (Sussex County), Borough of Mountain Lakes (Morris County) and the
municipalities bordering Lake Hopatcong (Hopatcong, Jefferson, Roxbury and Mt.
Arlington). There is also a model lawn fertilizer ordinance promoted by NJDEP as
contained in the Tier A Stormwater Management Guidance Manual.
A fundamental element of any fertilizer ordinance must be soil testing. Thus, it is
recommended that a coastal lake fertilizer ordinance require a soil test be conducted
prior to the selection and application of lawn fertilizers. Additionally, the ordinance
should stipulate that only lawn fertilizers that contain no more than 2% phosphorus or
other compounds containing phosphorus, such as phosphate, may be applied to all
lawns that border any coastal lake and the streams feeding the lake. Allowances can
be made for the establishment of new lawns. Additionally, municipalities should work
with local businesses to promote low phosphorus products, including retailers of such
products and commercial lawn maintenance operations. This has greatly increased the
success of such efforts in the Lake Hopatcong and Lake Mohawk watersheds and could
serve as a model for the lake communities in Monmouth County.
Stream Protection Strategies
Riparian areas provide various functions, many of which are a direct benefit to public
health and safety. This is best exemplified by the flood attenuation capabilities of
riparian areas (floodplains). Ecologically, riparian areas provide critical habitat for many
aquatic organisms or organisms that use coastal lakes for foraging, nesting or refuge
habitat. Riparian buffers are also important in the maintenance of water quality as they
serve to filter runoff, decrease runoff volumes and flows and maintain the physical
stability of the banks of streams or lakes. When riparian buffers are undisturbed and in
a natural vegetated state, the combined ecological function of the stream and the
riparian corridor is maximized. Riparian buffers provide the following ecological
Provide shade that reduces water temperature;
Filter sediments and other contaminants;
Reduce nutrient loads of streams;
Stabilize stream banks with vegetation;
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Reduce erosion caused by uncontrolled runoff;
Provide riparian wildlife habitat;
Provide and protect fish habitat;
Maintain aquatic food webs;
Provide a visually appealing greenbelt;
Provide recreational opportunities; and
Reduce flooding by absorbing water.
In contrast, as the riparian corridor becomes increasingly denuded of vegetation, and
then subsequently colonized by non-native, invasive vegetation or increasingly covered
by impervious surfaces, these areas lose their ecological function and their ability to
reduce or mitigate the impacts of stormwater runoff. The protection of riparian corridors
through the implementation of riparian buffer ordinances is important.
Buffer width is an important factor in maintaining the functional attributes of the riparian
corridor, including maintenance of the water quality and ecological function of the
associated waterway. Even a small buffer (i.e. 25 feet in width) provides some benefit
to the physical stability and ecological services of the stream. However, as recognized
by the NJDEP, riparian corridor widths of greater dimension are more likely to
substantially reduce polluted runoff, provide an effective habitat for wildlife, ensure flood
control and maintain the stability of stream banks and lake shorelines. Currently the
NJDEP, through the Flood Hazard Area Rules (N.J.A.C. 7:13), mandates at a minimum
a 50 foot riparian buffer along all waters of the State. This buffer width can increase to
as much as 300 feet depending on the presence of threatened and endangered species
and the classification of the stream or lake as a Category 1 (anti-degradation)
waterbody. In the case of the coastal lakes, based largely on the very unstable sandy
soils and at times acidic clays that characterize the shoreline of streams and lakes, it is
recommended that the minimum riparian buffer be 100 feet as measured from the top of
the bank of either a stream or lake/pond. A Riparian Buffer Conservation Ordinance will
prevent further degradation of riparian areas and ensure that streams have a
functioning riparian buffer. This will aid in reducing the amount of sediment, nutrients
and other pollutants entering the coastal lakes.
It is recognized that the lands adjacent to many of the streams, as well as the lake
shorelines, are extensively developed. Thus, it could be argued that such a regulation
is meaningless.
However, disturbances of riparian areas still occur in some
communities as part of the redevelopment of lake front lots. With the removal of
existing homes and their replacement with larger dwellings comes the desire to clear
the natural vegetation and install lawn cover. A riparian buffer ordinance would limit
such clearing. Likewise, new development in the more distal reaches of the watershed
of some of the coastal lakes is taking place and such an ordinance would protect
against expanded stream related impacts. Finally, such an ordinance can come into
play even in commercial redevelopment scenarios, where steps can be taken to actually
reclaim past impacted riparian areas. Therefore, although arguably of limited value
where the riparian areas have been filled over and paved, protection of remaining lake-
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side or stream-side riparian areas has its place in the overall management and
restoration of the coastal lakes.
Waste Reduction Ordinances
Yard waste (grass clippings and leaves), pet waste and floatables (litter and urban
debris) all negatively impact the water quality and aesthetics of the county’s coastal
lakes. The State’s stormwater rules (NJAC 7:8) require municipalities to enact and
enforce ordinances to control such pollutants. Most of the communities have entered
into programs to label catch basins with “Drains to Lake” stencils or similar markers, or
to install “ecogrates” to reduce the passage of debris into catch basins. Yet, even with
these measures in place, the public continues to use catch basins as waste receptacles
ignoring the consequences their actions have on the quality of their lake. A recent study
shows that the phosphorus generated from grass clippings blown into storm drains and
catch basins can represent a substantial source of nutrient loading (England and Smith
2009). Yet homeowners and lawn contractors continue to blow or dump grass and
leaves down catch basins. The organic material can also increase the biological oxygen
demand in the receiving system and trigger declines in dissolved oxygen. In addition to
impacting water quality, dumped yard waste can clog stormwater systems and cause
localized catch basin flooding that in turn required maintenance at municipal expense.
Although the stormwater rules explicitly require the management of yard wastes, recent
municipal budget cuts have caused some towns to significantly reduce, and in some
case completely eliminate, municipal yard waste collections.
This perpetuates the
problem and increases the likelihood for curbside dumping. The same can be said for
pet waste and litter. Again, although the public has been informed and educated the
problem persists. Reduction in loading from these sources will require both ordinances
and continued public education.
Canada Goose Control
Canada geese have created a number of significant problems in the coastal lake and
ponds. These waterbodies, due to their setting and history, have become refuges for
large numbers of geese. As a result of high year-round densities of these birds,
problems such as eroded shorelines, excessive nutrient loading, elevated fecal coliform
concentrations, and diminished aesthetics of adjacent lawn areas have been repeatedly
documented. Although the public has been informed of the water quality, aesthetic, and
health problems attributable to geese, the feeding of Canada geese continues. There is
also often wide-spread resistance to the control of geese even though most
acknowledge that the nutrients and pathogens associated with the waste material of
geese cause algae blooms, unpleasant odors and sanitary problems.
In response, all of the coastal lakes should be encouraged to institute a goose
management program as part of their source control efforts. There are a variety of
strategies that can be included in such programs. An element of any program should
be an ordinance prohibiting the feeding of geese, on at least municipally owned or
managed properties. This prohibition will help prevent nutrients, organic pollutants, and
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pathogens associated with the fecal material of Canada geese from entering the lakes
and their tributaries. The control of geese will also help prevent overgrazing of common
lawn areas thus avoiding erosion related problems. Supplementing any feeding
ordinance should also be an educational program and related outreach materials posted
on the municipal websites. Lastly, population control measures should be considered.
These can include direct measures like egg addling and indirect measures like shoreline
landscaping modifications that remove open grazing areas attractive to geese.
Zero Silt Runoff Requirement
A unique element of the Regional Stormwater Management Plan developed for Deal
Lake is a proposed Zero Silt Runoff Ordinance. Given that watershed-based sediment
loading is a major problem for most of the coastal lakes and that most of the lakes and
ponds are impacted by accumulated silt and are in need of dredging, any measure that
reduces the influx of sediment is a positive. Even with the passage of the new
stormwater regulations, new development and the redevelopment of previously
developed properties continues with minimal effort to control sediment loading. The NJ
Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Standards apply to all new construction disturbing
greater than 5,000 square feet. The Deal Lake Regional Stormwater Management Plan
(RSWMP) calls for the imposition of the State’s erosion control standards on all new
construction and redevelopment related activities occurring within 500’ of the lake or
any of its tributaries that disturbs greater than 1,000 square feet. Projects determined to
be subject to the Zero Silt Runoff requirements will first develop and submit for the
review and approval by the Deal Lake Commission (DLC) the proposed erosion and
sediment control plan before submitting it to the Freehold Soil Conservation District.
The plan must identify in detail the measures that will be implemented to avoid soil
disturbance and mitigate any such disturbance so that at any time over the course of
the subject project no silt is conveyed into the lake, its tributaries or a stormwater
collection system that discharges to the lake or its tributaries. The erosion and
sediment control plan must include access approval for the DLC or its representative to
inspect all erosion and sediment control practices proposed for a project over the life of
the project.
The DLC or its representatives will be allowed access to the site for
routine inspection at a minimum weekly and following every significant rain event. In
addition to the standard erosion and sediment control techniques and materials (e.g.,
hay bales and silt fencing), developers will be encouraged to use additional runoff
management techniques such as:
Ultra-Inlet Guard®
IPP Inlet Filter
Ultra-Drain Guard®
For construction or disturbed sites where extreme conditions exist (e.g., slopes > 15%,
located within 100 feet of the lake, etc.) the DLC will encourage developers to use
advanced soil erosion control practices including polymers, erosion control blankets,
fiber matrices and bioengineering soil stabilization techniques. The Zero Silt Runoff
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Ordinance would also require developers to follow a regular schedule for the
maintenance of approved soil erosion control, sediment trapping devices, or other
measures implemented to retain soils on the project site. Inspections of active
construction sites would be conducted by trained professionals identified and hired by
the developer, and supplemented by periodic independent inspections of the project
sites conducted by municipal or Deal Lake Commission personnel.
Given the pervasive nature of sediment loading to the coastal lakes, it is recommended
that all the coastal lake communities consider adopting an ordinance or regulation
similar to the Deal Lake Commission’s Zero Silt Runoff element of the Deal Lake
RSWMP. If such an effort was implemented county-wide, each and every construction
site, whether a new or re-development project, would be required to adhere to the more
aggressive erosion control strategy outlined above. This would have a positive impact
on the lakes and add to the longevity of any dredging or sediment removal project.
Delivery Control Techniques
Delivery control techniques, also referred to as structural best management practice
(BMPs), are used to control the rate of flow, decrease the volume of runoff and
especially, reduce the pollutant load conveyed with stormwater runoff. Within the next
sub-sections of this report a variety of delivery control techniques that are suitable for
use in the management of the coastal lakes are reviewed. All of the highlighted BMPs
are designed to treat stormwater runoff passively; there are no pumps, moving parts, or
mechanical devices used to control or treat the runoff. Most rely on detention,
infiltration, settling and simple filtration to manage the collected runoff. This makes
these devices easy to maintain. Additionally, the majority of the stormwater BMPs
highlighted below are particularly well suited for use in the highly urbanized watersheds
that characterize the coastal lakes of Monmouth County in that they can be readily
integrated into existing stormwater collection and conveyance systems. Thus, their
installation does not require a lot of (or in most cases any) land. The technologies are
also recognize by NJDEP as suitable BMP approaches to the management of runoff
and all are consistent with the requirements set forth in the stormwater management
rules, the performance and design standards of the NJDEP BMP manual and the Tier A
stormwater management guidance manual.
It is stressed that there are numerous additional BMPs other than the delivery control
techniques presented below that would be suitable and would work well for the coastal
lakes. Therefore, other stormwater management options should not be dismissed. As
will be discussed at the close of this section, it may in fact be possible as part of
redevelopment projects to construct large basins that could be used to manage runoff
regionally. The same could potentially be accomplished through large-scale stormwater
efforts funded under the NJDEP 319(h) program. Therefore, although this section of the
report focuses largely on basic infrastructure retrofit delivery control techniques, it
should not be viewed as the only approach for the management of stormwater problems
for the coastal lakes. Consideration on a case-by-case basis should also be given to
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delivery control techniques including recharge basins, drywells, regional bioretention
basins, green roofs, and created wetlands.
Manufactured Treatment Devices and Retrofit Solutions
As discussed at the beginning of Section IV, improperly managed stormwater runoff is
responsible for most of the problems impacting the county’s coastal lakes and ponds.
The most effective way to deal with the pollutants and erosion related problems caused
by runoff is to intercept it and treat it before it enters the lakes. However, the age,
design and capacity of the existing storm water infrastructure associated with most of
the coastal lakes makes this difficult to accomplish. Additionally, the lack or cost of
available land greatly precludes opportunities for the construction of large surface BMPs
such as regional basins. Faced with these limitations one of the more feasible options is
the retrofit or upgrade of existing stormwater infrastructure using manufactured
treatment devices (MTDs). This section of the report focuses on the utility and
application of such devices.
Stormwater retrofits are essentially modifications or enhancements of an existing
stormwater conveyance system to improve the system’s pollutant reduction capacity.
The advantages to retrofits are that they require substantially smaller amounts of space
for installation than do the construction of at-surface basins and related BMPs. They
are also typically less expensive to implement. A list of some stormwater retrofits that
would be applicable for the coastal lakes is provided below. Illustrations of examples of
each of these BMPs are also provided. The installation of each retrofit is dependent
upon site specific conditions that need to be assessed.
SNOUT Oil-Water-Debris Separator - Converts an existing catch basin into a
water quality inlet. Primarily for oils, particulate material and trash. Not overly
effective, but inexpensive and at least capable of decreasing the transport of
sediment into the lake. Requires very little modification of the existing catch
basin structure. Typical cost including installation $500 to $1,500.
Water Quality Inlets – Filter inserts, baffle systems or sumps that slow and/or
passively filter the incoming stormwater thereby removing sediment and
particulates. The sumped basins should infiltrate the retained stormwater into
the ground, thus consideration needs to be given to depth to groundwater or
These easy to implement and relatively inexpensive retrofits can
effectively reduce floatables, particulate pollutants and pollutants adsorbed on
sediment particles (e.g. phosphorus). Typical cost with installation, $1,500 to
Manufactured Treatment Devices (MTDs) - Available through a variety of
manufactures (e.g., Stormceptor, BaySaver, SunTree, Vortechs, etc). These
larger and more sophisticated MTDs use various types of hydraulic techniques to
separate sediments and particulate material from the stormwater stream. These
Page 17 of 66
devices yield at least 50% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal and some can
decrease nutrient and pathogen loads as well. Typical cost with installation
$60,000 - $150,000.
Page 18 of 66
Illustrations courtesy of:
Baysaver Technologies
Suntree Technologies
Best Management Products, Inc.
Aquashield, Inc.
Page 19 of 66
Prior to implementing any stormwater retrofit project it will be necessary to accurately
map and detail the existing stormwater conveyance system. This information is critical
in properly sizing and even in selecting the appropriate BMP.
The types of retrofits discussed and illustrated above have been used to manage the
runoff in New Jersey lake communities that share many of the same land-limited and
development issues as the coastal lake communities. For example, using 319(h) funds,
these types of MTDs have been used to successfully correct runoff related problems in
the Lake Hopatcong and Greenwood Lake watersheds.
Bioretention Swales and Basins
Although there may be limited opportunity for the construction of new regional
stormwater basins, it may be possible to retrofit an existing basin to increase its
pollutant removal and sediment trapping efficiency. Such opportunities often arise as
part of a redevelopment project on commercial or retail sites, or may be possible using
NJDEP funding to improve existing municipally-owned and operated basins.
Biotreatment techniques make use of vegetation and special amended soils to
maximize the removal of pollutants by the introduced plants. This is accomplished via
filtering, settling or assimilation processes. The basins may also be designed to
promote the recharge of the collected runoff, thus decreasing the volume of water
discharged downstream of the basin.
Bioretention BMPs typically fall into two broad categories: swales or basins. A swale is
a wide, man-made shallow ditch used to temporarily store, route or filter runoff. Swales
are often used in rural areas in place of a conventional curb and gutter to collect and
convey stormwater, but can be used in urbanized areas as well. When properly
designed and used in combination with other structural stormwater measures,
bioretention swales can substantially improve the quality of stormwater. This is
accomplished in two ways. First, the vegetation present in the swale will reduce runoff
velocity. The extent to which this occurs is dependent on the length, depth and gradient
of the swale, as well as the density of the vegetation. As the runoff is slowed, sediment
particles begin to settle out of the stormwater stream. Second, a portion of the runoff
discharged to the swale will infiltrate into the soil, reducing the volume of runoff. The
extent to which this occurs is dependent on soil moisture conditions, the gradient of the
swale, the properties of the underlying soils, and the velocity of the runoff.
Bioretention basins are relatively large excavated depressions into which runoff is
conveyed and detained for treatment and renovation using specific types of plants.
These BMPs have high pollutant removal efficiencies, on the order of 90% Total
Suspended Solids (TSS) removal, and as much as 75% Total Phosphorus (TP)
removal. The biggest drawback with conventional bioretention basins is the amount of
land needed for their construction. However, as noted above, most conventional
detention basins (the standard type of stormwater BMP constructed starting from the
mid-1980s) can be easily and effectively renovated to function as a bioretention BMP.
In addition to swales and basins, small bioretention systems are being used more
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frequently in highly urbanized areas. These so-called pocket BMPs, or small scaled
versions of bioretention basins include the rain gardens and streetscape treatment
systems as illustrated below. These applications are especially well suited for small
catchment areas and existing developed neighborhoods.
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As with any BMP, even a simple retrofit will require maintenance to optimize their longterm operation and effectiveness. The frequency of maintenance for the basin inserts
and filters is greater than that needed for larger BMPs. This is a function of their limited
size and high trap efficiency. The need for maintenance increases during particularly
wet years when loading increases. The sediment, debris and leaf litter collected by the
inserts and sump type BMP retrofits usually needs to be removed twice per year. This
can be accomplished using a vac-all, hand labor or a small clam shell. The bioretention
basins normally need to be mowed once per year and perhaps the accumulated
sediment removed once every 2-5 years. The stormwater retrofits discussed above are
very cost effective delivery control solutions and will reduce the nutrient and sediment
loads (i.e. phosphorus and suspended solids) entering the coastal lakes via stormwater
Stream Bank Stabilization
As noted earlier, a major problem that has arisen due to improper or inadequate
stormwater management is the erosion and de-stabilization of the banks of the tributary
streams of the coastal lakes. The sediment present in the beds of the streams
represents a type of legacy load that is continually replenished by the failing banks and
subsequently pushed down stream into the lakes by each storm event. The erosion of
the streams is exacerbated by the sandy nature of the county’s predominant soils. Over
time as the stream banks become exposed, denuded of vegetation and subsequently
eroded, bands of clays have also become exposed. The clay lenses tend to be acidic
and difficult to revegetate or stabilize. Stream bank erosion is itself the most significant
underlying cause of the sediment infilling of many of the lakes, and unless corrected will
continue to plague the quality of the affected lakes and ponds. As is the case with any
remedial action, before money and time is spent in correcting stream erosion problems
a comprehensive reconnaissance of the streams draining to the coastal lakes must be
conducted, engineering plans prepared, projects ranked and prioritized and all the
required NJDEP permits obtained.
Depending on site-specific conditions stream bank stabilization projects can involve the
implementation of standard structural engineering techniques (i.e. rip-rap, gabions), soil
bioengineering techniques (i.e. biologs, installation of vegetation) or a combination of
both. Stream bank stabilization costs are highly variable and dependent on a number of
factors, but tend to range from $50.00 and $175.00 per linear foot. The price per linear
foot can be decreased if municipalities provide the needed equipment and some of the
labor. Another means of reducing the costs is to have volunteers assist with the
planting when the solution entails the implementation of soil bioengineering techniques.
Volunteer assistance may include boy or girl scouts, middle or high school students,
concerned local citizens, civic groups or Americorp personnel.
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In-Lake Restoration
In-lake restoration measures are the actions taken to remediate the impacts of
watershed development. These are the actions that the public typically want
implemented first as they are designed to decrease or correct the impacts of watershed
development. When done correctly, these measures can dramatically improve the
quality, aesthetics and recreational potential of a lake. But, unless backed by watershed
management measures that control the causes of lake eutrophication, infilling and other
impairments, the results may be short lived. Additionally, some of these measures
(such as those geared at controlling the growth of algae and weeds) should be viewed
more as maintenance as opposed to management actions as they will definitely need to
be repeated both intra- and inter-annually. The following provides an overview of some
of the more typically implemented in-lake restoration measures, all of which have some
merit in the management of the county’s coastal lakes and ponds. Again, it must be
stressed that implementation of any of these measures is part of long-term
management plan developed from a robust database that has accurately established
the root-causes of the lake’s problems and has identified the proposed measures as a
correct “fix”. In the following section, in-lake restoration options are divided into five
main categories:
Algae control;
Macrophyte (aquatic weed) control;
Alum treatments; and
Algae Control
A variety of products can be used to control nuisance algae blooms. These include
biological products, conventional algaecides, non-conventional algaecides and even
physical methods of control. Although the following is not comprehensive it does cover
all of the most commonly used products and techniques. Each has its limitations. In
particular, copper based algaecides must always be applied carefully and in a manner
cognizant of their potential negative consequences. Any type of control or treatment
should only proceed after the offending algae species has been correctly identified. The
treatment program should also call for some monitoring of lake water quality (pH,
dissolved oxygen and alkalinity) to ensure the treatment will not trigger a negative
impact on the lake’s fisheries. In all cases the product should be used in moderation
and as part of a program that also reduces the influx or availability of nutrients.
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The most commonly implemented technique used to control algae blooms involves the
application of some form of algaecide; a chemical that specifically kills algae. These
products are licensed for use in the aquatic environment by both the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (USEPA) and the NJDEP and are effective in the control of both mat
(filamentous) and planktonic forms of algae. The filamentous forms of algae are those
that create dense mats. These mats initially form on the bottom of the lake or pond, but
eventually rise to the surface creating the appearance of cotton candy or a floating
blanket. The planktonic or phytoplankton forms are microscopic and remain suspended
in the water column, although some will accumulate as scum at the surface. These
algae encompass a broad range of species and groups ranging from diatoms to
cyanophytes (blue-green algae). Not all planktonic algae, such as the diatoms, are
considered problematic, but some groups, such as the cyanophytes, routinely form
dense blooms. Most of the coastal lake algae related problems are due to mat algae or
cyanophyte blooms. The blooms typically intensify in the middle of the summer and can
render a lake unfit for recreational use. Although an algaecide application is typically
very effective in eliminating or controlling these blooms, as noted below these products
must be used cautiously and conservatively.
The most frequently utilized algaecides contain some form of copper, typically copper
sulfate (CuSO4). Copper based algaecides provide an extremely effective means of
quickly killing large amounts of algae for a small amount of money. As is the case with
all aquatic pesticides, there are no pre-emergent products, meaning an algaecide
application must occur after some amount of algae growth has developed in the lake.
Additionally, the control of the algae is brief (2-4 weeks) meaning that repeat algaecide
applications will be required. This is because these treatments only control a symptom
of the lake’s eutrophication problems (excessive densities of algae) and not the cause
of the bloom (excessive nutrient inputs, inadequate flushing or circulation, etc.). The key
to effective algae control using algaecides is to time the treatment before the bloom
peaks and use as little product as possible. Doing so results in suitable control without
creating some of the various problems associated with large-scale, high concentration
applications of copper-based algaecides. These problems are detailed below. It must
also be stressed that all algaecide treatments conducted in New Jersey must be done
by a NJDEP Category V licensed pesticide applicator, and will require a permit from the
NJDEP Pesticide Control Program and be implemented in accordance with the limits
and stipulations of the NJDEP issued treatment permit.
Several undesirable environmental impacts are known to be associated with excessive
or improper use of copper-based algaecide treatments. Negative impacts include fish
and zooplankton toxicity, the depletion of dissolved oxygen, copper accumulation in the
sediments, increased internal nutrient recycling and increased tolerance to copper by
some nuisance species of blue-green algae. Zooplankton is planktonic organisms that
feed on phytoplankton, bacteria and other microscopic organisms. They are a lake’s
natural means of controlling excessive algal growth. In sufficient numbers, zooplankton
can, on their own, limit the development of algal blooms. Zooplankton is known to be
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more sensitive to copper than algae. In fact, copper sulfate is approximately ten times
more toxic to zooplankton then it is to phytoplankton. In addition, the generation time of
zooplankton is substantially longer than algae. Therefore, these organisms require a
longer amount of time to recover from copper treatments relative to algae. While the
phytoplankton community can recover from a copper treatment within 1-2 weeks,
recovery of the zooplankton community may take several weeks.
Thus, the
phytoplankton tends to rebound quicker than other aquatic organisms from copper
If copper treatments cause a decline in zooplankton densities, a
perturbation of the lake’s food web will be experienced, resulting in the loss of the
natural control of algal densities. Miniminal use of copper based products will allow the
zooplankton to proliferate and, in turn, graze on the algae.
There are other negative side effects of frequent copper treatments. After copper
sulfate kills algae, and possibly other non-target organisms, in-lake rates of bacterial
decomposition will substantially increase.
Such elevated rates of bacterial
decomposition will consume dissolved oxygen (DO). If bacterial respiration is too high,
in-lake DO concentrations may decline rapidly to levels that trigger a fish kill. This is
especially true during the summer months.
There are some alternatives to copper based algaecides. These products may not
always be as effective, as quick or as cheap. However, when used properly they can
control algae growth and avoid obnoxious blooms. These alternative products fall into
three main categories:
Oxidizing agents;
Dyes; and
Microbial products.
IV.4.1B Oxidizing Agents
All of the oxidizing agents require a permit for use and application similar to the copperbased products, as will some of the dyes, depending on how they are labeled. The
microbial products on the other hand do not. The following provides a brief overview of
how these products work.
As is the case with the copper-based algaecides, the oxidizing agents also kill algae.
They also disrupt the cell wall, but do so using a peroxide-based chemical that causes
an oxidizing reaction. These products tend to be far more costly than copper based
algaecides but do not create the depressed DO conditions. As such, they tend to be
safer for use when sensitive fish are present in the lake or pond. Additionally, there is
no chemical residual as is the case with the copper based algaecides.
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The dyes work by decreasing the penetration of light. Less light results in less
photosynthesis, which in turn translates to less algae growth. There are a variety of dye
products on the market. As noted above, some are labeled as an algaecide and require
a NJDEP permit for their use. The impact of the dye will largely be a function of the lake
or pond’s flushing rate. The more water exchange or flushing that is occurring, the
more frequently the dye will need to be reapplied. Normally, dye applications are limited
to small lakes and ponds. These products can be used in concert with copper based
algaecides and oxidizers to increase the longevity of the algaecide application. A jar
test on the product should be conducted in advance of a dye treatment to ensure that
the dye will not create too artificial a color or bind to suspended sediments, which can
result in off color or a reduction in effectiveness.
Microbial Products
Microbial inoculants are available as solid (granular) or liquid products. These products
are essentially concentrated, common soil bacteria (Nitrosomonus and Nitrobacter) that
are used to reduce the availability of nutrients for assimilation by algae. These bacteria
are already present in lake and pond water, but not at concentrations high enough to
control algae growth effectively. This is basically accomplished through nutrient
competition by the bacteria. Theoretically, due to the quicker growth rates and turnover
time of the bacteria, they should be able to reduce the availability of nutrients for
assimilation by algae (mostly planktonic forms). It is important to note that the effect of
these products is considered to be algaestatic (preventing new growth of algae) as
opposed to algaecidal (killing existing algae). Hence, use of these products does not
require a NJDEP permit. However, it should be noted that since these products do not
kill algae, they need to be used in a proactive manner to inhibit growth, as opposed to
being used to control or eliminate an existing bloom.
The effectiveness of these products is highly variable, with them working best for small,
shallow ponds that flush infrequently and have moderate pH (7-8.5). The utility of these
products is therefore largely limited with respect to the management of any of the larger
coastal lakes (> 5 acres) or lakes that flush frequently which is the case for the majority
of the coastal lakes and ponds. Typically a number of treatments are required
throughout the growing season. The initial introduction of the inoculant is conducted in
early spring before algae growth is substantial and continues with the reapplication of
the product every 2-3 weeks over the entire course of the growing season (through
Barley straw is another type of product that falls under the microbial product heading. A
significant amount of research has been conducted on the efficacy and mode of action
of barley straw, with most of this work having been originally conducted in Great Britain
by Dr. Brian Moss, but more recently by Purdue University, University of Nebraska and
Iowa State University. Although results can be variable, the straw tends to be useful in
controlling algae growth. The research suggests that the algae control capabilities of
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the barely straw are the result of one of two factors. First, as it decomposes the straw
produces compounds including liganes, oxidized polyphenolics and hydrogen peroxide
that inhibit or reduce algal growth (primarily planktonic forms). These products may
either be exuded from the barley straw itself or created as a by-product of the metabolic
processes of the bacteria and fungi actively breaking down the straw as it sits on the
bottom of the lake or pond. The second mode of control may result from the uptake of
nutrients by the bacteria and fungi actively breaking down the straw, with the control
being similar in effect to that associated with the aforementioned bacterial inoculants.
As is the case with the bacterial inoculants, barley straw is considered to have
algaestatic as opposed to algaecidal properties.
Thus, to be effective the barley straw must be introduced before any substantial algae
growth has occurred. This again means initiating any such program in the spring. The
typical application rate is approximately 225 pounds of straw per acre of lake/pond.
The bales are usually staked to the lake bottom. It is recommended that the bales be
placed in some type of mesh or wire basket to prevent loose straw from floating and
accumulating on the shoreline. Over the course of the growing season the bales may
need to be replaced 2-3 times. Additional information and guidance on the use of
barley straw is available through the Lake Water Quality Extension Program, University
of Nebraska, the Centre for Aquatic Plant Management (
~gosta/pondstrw.sht), and the North American Lake Management Society
( The utility of barley straw in the control of algae blooms in the
coastal lakes may be hampered by two factors, the typically quick flushing rate of
these systems (which could flush out the beneficial chemical products or bacteria)
and their typical turbid nature (sediment settling on the straw may inhibit bacteria and
fungi activity).
Macrophyte Control
Weed or macrophyte control options suitable for the coastal lakes include a wide variety
of physical, chemical and biological options. Each option has its advantages and
disadvantages. Also, it is possible to utilize a combination of these measures to
manage weeds in a single lake. The following provides an overview of these options
beginning with the physical measures and ending with the biological control measures.
To aid those seeking to properly manage invasive macrophytes, a brief primer is
provided as Appendix A, to this report which touches on the life history and key
biological attributes of some of the more commonly encountered weed species found in
the county’s coastal lakes and ponds.
Mechanical Weed Harvesting
Mechanical control techniques involve the use of specialized machinery to cut, harvest,
dislodge or uproot aquatic weeds. The machinery used in these operations tend to be
paddle-wheel propelled, pontoon supported barges that both cut and collect aquatic
weeds. This is one of the most common methods of aquatic vegetation control used in
New Jersey, especially for the larger lakes. When correctly conducted, weed harvesting
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will not only reduce the density of nuisance aquatic weeds, but can effectively remove
significant amounts of organic material and nutrients (Souza, et al.., 1988).
Weed harvesting is generally considered a non-selective weed management technique
because all plants that come into contact with the cutting bar are cut and removed.
However, through proper planning and operator training it is possible to limit cutting in
prime fish spawning or nursery areas, or in areas where non-invasive plants are
dominant. It is also possible through altering the depth of the cutter head to maintain a
bottom “carpet” of plants. This can be advantageous in decreasing the propensity for
benthic algal mat formation. It can also increase the efficiency of the operation, but may
require multiple or repeat harvesting of the same areas over the course of the growing
season. As such, selectivity can be increased through pre-harvesting surveys and
directing the harvesting effort to areas where monoculture plant beds exist.
Mechanical harvesting is often viewed as a cosmetic or short-term measure for aquatic
plant control. Although it provides immediate benefits in the area subject to harvesting,
the effect may be temporary as plant growth is expected to continue. However the
technique does, have the ability to quickly provide relief from surface canopies and
dense underwater growth of nuisance plants. The tops of the aquatic plants are cut,
removing the growing leaves, seed heads and nutlets and flowering parts of strongly
rooted plants. Weakly rooted plants may be uprooted. For aquatic plants that propagate
primarily from seed banks or nutlets, such as water chestnut, removing the top of the
plant (which usually carries the seeds) prior to the maturation of the seeds can eliminate
the following year of growth. Multiple years of harvesting may gradually deplete the
bank of seeds in the sediments. It is recognized that fragments and “floaters” constitute
a big problem with any harvesting operation. Harvester operators must therefore
recognize this and be especially careful to collect and control the spread of plant
fragments. This is important for a number of reasons. First, the resulting fragments can
regenerate and create new plant growth in other areas of the lake. Second, the floaters
will tend to pile up in windward areas creating a major aesthetic problem. Third, the
retrieval of the wind concentrated floaters can result in a waste in operational time,
money and resources.
Largely due to the capital investment (for the purchase of the equipment) or operational
costs (to run and maintain the harvester or contract with a vendor for harvesting
services), weed harvesting is an expensive proposition. Mechanical weed harvesting
costs approximately $300 to $800/acre, and depending on the setting and density of
weeds, most units can cut and remove weeds from 2-5 acres per day. The actual
amount cut and harvested per day will be influenced by a number of factors ranging
from the experience of the operator to the weather conditions. One of the biggest
factors controlling productivity is the distance from the harvesting area to the disposal
site. Essentially the harvesting operation becomes less efficient as the time involved in
transporting cut weeds to shore increases. Docks, piers, stumps, hanging trees,
irregular shorelines and rocks and obstacles will all impact operations and decrease the
overall effectiveness of the harvester. Also certain plants, such as Vallisneria and the
stalked algae (Nitella) may be more difficult to harvest. Areas where dense plant growth
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has occurred, although easier to harvest may require more time simply due to the
frequency of off-loading.
In addition many of the coastal lakes and ponds lack an adequate launch area for these
machines. Although they can be placed in the lake by cranes, this greatly adds to the
overall cost of the operation. As noted above, harvesting will be impeded in areas with
a high density of subsurface obstructions (stumps, rocks, etc.) or numerous piers, docks
and other structures. For example, harvesting in Deal Lake is complicated by the
numerous low bridges and causeways that span the lake’s arms making these areas
basically inaccessible to the larger machines. Finally, the utility of weed harvesting can
further be impeded if the lake or pond is too shallow (<18”). Unfortunately, it is often
these shallow areas that become the most impacted by weed growth.
Weed harvesters can also be purchased. The price of a medium-sized unit is in the
$125,000 - $175,000 range. Along with the harvester a trailer and conveyor are also
needed. These additional pieces of equipment may add approximately $75,000 $100,000 to the overall purchase cost. In addition to the cost of the harvesters, there
are operational and maintenance costs and additional labor associated with the
transport and disposal of the cut weeds. Typical operational costs, based on the review
of actual data compiled for Lake Hopatcong and Sodus Bay, NY are approximately
$300 - 500 per day per harvester. These estimates include wages, insurance,
unemployment, workman’s compensation parts, maintenance, fuel, etc.
Although for a number of reasons one could conclude that weed harvesting is not a very
well suited operation for the coastal lakes, the applicability and utility of this approach
could be improved. First, weed harvesting operations should be conducted by smaller
units (5’ cutting swath). The machines are easier to launch, often have a collapsible
bridge (thus enabling to pass under low causeways), and are much more nimble than
the larger units. Second, rather than contract harvest of the lakes, a single harvester
and related support equipment (conveyor and trailer) could be purchased by the county
and through an inter-local agreement be used to manage weed growth using municipal
personnel in each of the coastal lakes. This shared services approach would reduce
overall costs of operation and maintenance and eliminate any downtime of the machine.
Drawdown entails the temporary lowering of a lake for the purpose of exposing the lake
bottom to achieve some degree of weed control. Typically conducted in the winter, a
lake drawdown capitalizes on exposure, freezing and desiccation to kill plant seeds or
destroy roots and rhizomes. Most drawdowns are conducted in the winter. Lowering of
the lake is achieved by diverting inflow or opening a valve, gate or other type of control
device at the lake’s dam or outfall. The lake may be fully or partially drained, allowing
the littoral zone to become fully exposed to the elements. Once lowered, the lake is left
in this lowered and exposed state over at least a two-month period during the middle of
the winter. Exposure of the hydrosoils within the littoral zone and any remaining plant
biomass facilitates the freezing of the plants and seeds.
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According to the literature, the success of such efforts are marginal with some plants
being impacted and other plants actually becoming more robust or at a minimum
showing no ill effect. Milfoil (Myriophyllum sp.) and Lilies (Nuphar sp. and Nymphaea
sp.) tend to be negatively affected, but pond weed (Potamogeton sp.) may actually
exploit such conditions and expand its coverage after a drawdown. This is especially
true for curly leaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus). This plant reproduces, in part, by
the spread of turions, specialized reproductive seedpods. The leathery nature of the
pods increases their resilience to exposure, desiccation and freezing. The resilient
nature of the turions allows the curly leaf pondweed to expand its coverage into areas
where other plants have been weakened or eliminated. Thus, the observation of
increased densities of this plant is not uncommon following a winter drawdown.
A large negative factor of drawdown is the impact it can have on a lake’s fishery. When
a shallow lake is appreciably lowered for a long period of time, all overwintering habitat
used by the lake’s fish could be eliminated. This could lead to a major die-off of the
lake’s fishery.
In addition to weed harvesting, drawdown is often used to facilitate dredging operations.
Typically, sediment removal can proceed more quickly, less expensively and with less
secondary impacts when the sediments are removed dry. Obviously any large scale
drawdown will impact a lake’s fishery, as noted above. However, extended drawdown
will allow the sediments to dewater in place, thus reducing the volume of material that
needs to be handled or exported. Dry dredging” the lake will also allow the use of
conventional construction equipment, which normally speeds up the overall operation
and lowers the overall costs as compared to dredging involving hydraulic equipment.
The lake’s fishery could then be reestablished following the completion of the dredging
operation by means of stocking specific game and predatory fish. Dredging and its role
in the restoration of the coastal lakes is discussed in greater detail in a subsequent subsection of this report.
Hand Harvesting
Hand harvesting and related manual weed control measures are best suited for small
areas due to cost, application and labor intensiveness. Private beaches, docking areas,
and areas around bulkheads and piers are the ideal locations for the more commonly
employed manual measures (hand pulling, diver assisted hand pulling, benthic mats,
etc.). None of these measures are regulated by the NJDEP, and thus can be conducted
without any permits.
Hand harvesting involves grasping the plant material as close to the sediment layer as
possible, even digging into the sediment to grab the root crown, and pulling the intact
plant out of the bottom sediment. Plants should be removed slowly to minimize
fragmentation, and if possible the entire root system should be removed from the
sediment along with the stalk or stem of the weed. Hand removal methods can be a
preferred technique for sensitive environments that harbor threatened native plants,
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have intermixed community of desirable and nuisance plants or are important fish
spawning areas (Cook 1993, Sutherland, 1990). Although limited by scope and the
degree of effort, hand pulling can be an effective means of controlling unwanted weed
In some cases, the removal of the weeds is conducted by divers who use suction
equipment to transport the pulled weed to the lake surface. The one significant positive
attribute of hand pulling of weeds, especially when it is done without the use of suction
equipment or divers, is that it is relatively cheap. However, it is very labor intensive.
Furthermore, the effectiveness of hand harvesting and hand pulling techniques are
often dependent on sediment types. The soft, silty sediments that characterize most of
the coastal lakes are ideal for hand harvesting operations, but their waters can become
quickly turbid as a result of the disturbance of fine silts and organic materials. This
decreases visibility, slows down the overall process and impacts the effectiveness of
weed removal.
In general, the majority of reports dealing with hand harvesting and hand pulling of
invasive plants conclude that it is most appropriate for small-scale weed control projects
or for use in highly sensitive areas, where the invasive plants are growing intermixed
with desirable native plants. A project of this nature coordinated by a local stakeholder
group would be a terrific opportunity to increase public support for larger, more intensive
and costly weed control options or to generate support for the watershed initiatives
needed to control the causes of the lake’s eutrophication. Thus, although the
applicability of this technique may be limited due to the scope of such projects, it has its
place in the management of the county’s coastal lakes and ponds.
Benthic Barriers
Benthic barriers, sometimes called benthic mats, benthic screens or bottom barriers,
prevent plant growth by blocking out the light required for growth. All aquatic plants
require sunlight. By inhibiting light penetration, the mats or barriers reduce
photosynthesis ultimately leading to the die-off or control of all plants present
underneath the barrier. Obviously this is a non-selective control strategy, meaning both
desirable and invasive macrophytes will be impacted. However, while benthic barriers
do not selectively control the underlying plants, the placement of the mats can be limited
to areas dominated by a combination of invasive plants or areas where a monoculture
of a particular invasive or nuisance plant occurs.
Many materials have been used as benthic barriers, including sheets or screens of
organic, inorganic and synthetic materials, sediments such as dredge sediment, sand,
silt or clay, fly ash, and combinations of the above (Cooke 1980b; Nichols 1974; Perkins
1984; Truelson 1984). The problem with using the non-screen or sheet techniques
(aside from potential impact associated with the sediment material) is that new plants
establish on top of the added layer (Engel and Nichols 1984). The problem with
synthetic sheeting is that the gases released from decomposing plants and normal
bacterial activities collect under the barrier, lifting it (Gunnison and Barko 1992).
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The common element associated with the bulk of the more commonly used textile type
products is that they are made of a negatively buoyant, gas permeable material. Such
benthic barriers, in order to be fully effective should have the following characteristics:
sufficiently opaque to block photosynthetically active radiation; durable enough to
withstand physical abuse (foot traffic, scrapping by boat hulls, boat trailer traffic); be
negatively buoyant; and allow for the escape of gases. It is also desirable for the
material to possess a smooth upper surface to inhibit fragment rooting (Cooke, 1993).
The material, which can run in sizes of 100’ x 25-50’ or even greater sizes, are typically
laid down on the lake bottom early during the growing season in advance of the
establishment of extensive plant growth. There is the need to anchor the material in
place. The anchoring system can be readily available materials such as re-bar or
concrete blocks, or product specific anchoring equipment that is slipped through the
material into the underlying sediments, much similar to a tent stake.
In addition to limiting growth through the reduction in sunlight penetration, the barriers
also provide a physical barrier to growth. The tightly weaved, open cell material will
control plant growth by reducing the space available for expansion and physically
limiting the development of the plant stem and leaves. In some cases, the mat can be
placed over actively growing plants. Most aquatic plants present under the screen will
be controlled within 30 days (Perkins et al. 1980). Unless the material is gas
permeable, the resulting gas generated through the biological decomposition of the
plant material can buoy the mat off of the bottom. For small applications, such as along
docks and private beaches, the average cost appears to be in the range of
approximately $1.10 per square foot installed. A typical installation (15’ X 100’) should
be in the range of $1,500 to $2,000. The ability to reuse the material over multiple
years will help to decrease the overall costs. This technique has a significant level of
practicality for implementation in the coastal lakes, given that most are relatively shallow
and have extensive littoral areas where weeds develop and grow quite easily. For the
most part, benthic mats can be set in place and anchored by volunteers or private lake
users after only minimal training. Applications in difficult sites, for example where water
depths drop off quickly or where there are a lot of underwater obstructions or areas
where heavy plant growth already exists, professional installation may be required. This
obviously increases the cost. Most of the larger installations will require the use of
scuba divers not only to set the material in place but also to anchor it to the sediments.
The Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) Vicksburg Experimental Laboratory offers the
following recommendations and cautions concerning the use of benthic mats:
“…Covering sediments that normally exchange gases with the water column will
trap gases. Covering clay or sand substrates where this type of gas generation is
not extensive will limit that type of problem. Covering highly organic sediments
will require that the operator consider this and develops a maintenance program
to deal with it. In addition, if the barrier is placed over actively growing weeds,
those plants will die and decompose under the mat. This will also create gas
problems in the short term. Gas buildup can be dealt with fairly easily. The
operator should have divers periodically inspect the mats and push gas bubbles
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to the edge of the mat, where they are released. Divers can also cut small slits in
the material to vent this gas. Pinning the material to the bottom will also help.”
Lake Sweepers
Lake sweepers are electric powered devices used to control weed growth in small
areas, usually around bulkheads and docks. The repetitive, gentle disturbance of the
sediment surface by the roller as it sweeps back and forth over the sediments impedes
plant growth both as a result of the mechanical damage to the plants or the constant
agitation of the sediments. The device can be free standing and anchored to a post
centered within the control area, although most are designed for attachment to a
permanent fixture such as a dock or pier piling. Operation of these devices requires a
lake-side electrical power source. Depending on the product, weed growth in an area
up to a 42-foot radius around the anchoring device can be controlled.
For the coastal lakes and ponds, lake sweepers are a very practical solution for the
control of weed growth around private docks, piers and bulkheads. It is best to install
and start operating these devices in the spring before plants begin actively growing. If
they are operated after plants have grown, plants could be uprooted or detached from
the sediment. In such cases, the detached plants should be removed from the water
with a rake or gathered by hand. Once the plants are cleared from the area, the lake
sweeper may only need to be used as little as one day per week or less to keep plants
from re-colonizing the area. Therefore, it is highly likely that one unit could be shared
by three to four lake front property owners. Little maintenance is required, but these
units must be removed from the water in winter in areas where lakes are expected to
freeze, as they will be subject to damage by ice flows. Cost varies between products,
with some of the cheaper, more basic units starting at approximately $1,000 but the
majority being in the $4,000 to $5,000 price range. The electrical costs associated with
the operation of these units must be added to the overall costs, but this should be far
less than $100 per year. Factors that may limit the practicality and utility of these units
include the presence of large rocks, stumps and similar underwater obstacles, steep
slopes and uneven bottom terrain. Obviously, their application is also limited to areas
where electrical service can be provided (typically 110 volt, 8 amps).
Hydroraking and Rotovating
Although rotovating and hydroraking have similar applications they are very different
with the former creating a greater amount of bottom disturbance than the latter.
However, rotovating usually achieves a longer period of weed control because of the
extent to which the lake bottom is disturbed and the amount of seed stock and biomat
removed as part of the process.
Rotovating and hydroraking can equally be used to control either weakly rooted plants
such as Eurasian water milfoil and stone wort or densely rooted plants such as water
lilies or reeds (Phragmites). Each of these techniques can be used as an alternative or
a compliment to standard mechanical harvesting (IV.4.2A). The machines used for
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either rotovating or hydroraking consist of a barge mounted cutter head, rototiller or
deep tine rake that cuts and/or dislocates aquatic plants and their roots from the
sediment. As with harvesting, the cut or dislocated plant material is removed from the
As noted above, rotovators work in a manner somewhat similar to a rototiller operating
on dry land. The blades of the cutter head, which may extend seven to nine inches
below the sediment-water interface, disrupt the sediments and in the process dislodge
and remove the plants including their roots. The dislodged plant and root material wraps
around the cutter device. The material is then freed from the cutter head by reversing
the rotation and dumped in a helper barge or a standard weed harvesting barge. In
those cases where the dislodged plants are freed to float in the water column they will
need to be removed with a conventional harvester.
The hydrorake essentially drags the rake’s long tines through the sediment in the
process raking up rooted weeds, benthic algae and non-rooted weed masses. The
material that collects on the rake is, as with the case of the rotovator, dumped into a
helper barge or conventional weed harvesters. As with the rotovator, floaters and other
freed material will need to be collected at the end of each day’s operation with a weed
Since hydroraking and rotovating removes the roots as well as the plant, the process is
typically considered more effective than mechanical harvesting as they have the
potential for providing a longer period of weed control. It has been demonstrated,
because of its mode of action and the disturbance of the sediments, to be capable of
maintaining low levels of weed growth for several seasons. For example, there are a
number of studies showing this technique controlling Eurasian water milfoil growth (a
plant with a weak root system) for as long as two years. As such, these techniques
provide immediate relief. Depending on the size of the rotovator, the types of targeted
plant material and site logistics they may work either faster or slower on per unit area
than large scale harvesting operations. This method of plant removal also tends to be
most efficient when the plants are shorter since longer plants tend to wrap around the
spinning blades and may damage the equipment. However, it must be recognized that
because most aquatic plants are annuals, new plant growth can easily occur if seeds
have already dispersed.
A typical rotovator barge is approximately as large as a large (8’ cutter head) harvester.
They tend to draft little water and thus may be able to operate in water as shallow as
18” – 24”. Given the size of the equipment, rotovators are typically limited to use in
large waterbodies. Hydrorakes, by comparison are somewhat smaller, typically the size
of a small to medium sized weed harvester. In some cases, due to their size and added
maneuverability, hydrorakes are a better choice for working around docks and piers or
in tight quarters. As with the rotovators, these units draft very little water. With respect
to either unit, there may be the need to use a crane to transfer the unit into the lake.
However, most of the more recently designed units can self-deploy much in the same
manner as a typical weed harvester.
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One of the most significant disadvantages of either technique is the turbidity that results
due the disturbance of the sediments. In addition to creating turbidity problems, this can
also lead to the release nutrients into the water column, create short-term oxygen
demand problems and impact benthic organisms and fish. Most of these impacts can
be avoided by erecting sediment curtains or turbidity barriers. Again, this adds to the
cost of the operation. Due to their disturbance of the sediments and creation of
turbidity, hydroraking and rotovating may also severely impact habitat critical to fish
The capital costs for rotovating and hydroraking machines are generally equivalent to
the capital costs for mechanical harvesting, with machines ranging in price from
$100,000 to $200,000. Operating costs are generally on the order of $200-300 per acre,
with only about 1-3 acres per day being hydroraked or rotovated. If contracted out, the
approximate cost of these techniques is on the order of $1,500 per acre (as based on
our actual experience with sub-contracting such work). These costs and time estimates
do not consider retrieval and disposal of the removed plants or the need to use a weed
harvester in tandem with the rotovator/hydrorake to transport weeds to disposal areas. It
should be noted that neither technique is selective, thus the operation will impact native,
beneficial non-targeted plants growing in the same areas as the invasive weed species.
Furthermore, rotovators, even more so than hydrorakes, cannot be easily maneuvered,
making their use in cramped areas or areas with numerous obstructions difficult.
Finally, neither type of machine should be used in areas having significant amount of
underwater obstructions, such as rocks and logs, as large submerged debris can
damage the equipment.
Overall, we feel that hydroraking in particular could successfully be used to control
weed growth or remove accumulated organic debris from the coastal lakes. However,
as is the case with the weed harvesters, deployment of the equipment will pose a
challenge. Therefore, it is important to conduct a detailed survey of the lake or specific
lake-area targeted for control. The survey should be used to establish the homogeneity
of the targeted weed stand and the presence of any submerged obstructions that could
impact the operation of either type of unit. To protect the lakes’ fishery resources, we
recommend that operations of this nature be conducted either in the late summer or
early fall.
Chemical Weed Control
Chemical weed control involves the application of specially formulated and approved
herbicides by NJDEP licensed applicators operating under a permit issued by the
NJDEP Pesticide Control Program. Chemical weed control is the most common
technique used to control aquatic weeds in New Jersey’s lakes, ponds and reservoirs.
There are two basic types of aquatic herbicides: contact and systemic forms.
As the name implies, a contact herbicide kills plants through direct contact with the
plant’s surface tissue. In doing so, the product penetrates the cell wall and causes the
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cells to lyse or disintegrate. To be effective, contact herbicides need to be introduced
only after weed densities have started to peak. Because of their mode of action, these
products initially need to be added at least twice over the course of the growing season
to control first the early growing plants and then control the plants that grow later in the
summer. In some cases, depending on local climatic conditions and the nuisance
species targeted for control, three or more treatments may be annually required through
the course of one growing season. Each treatment, especially when conducted later in
the growing season, increases the opportunity for phosphorus liberated from
decomposing weeds to be channeled into algae biomass.
Contact aquatic herbicides function similarly to copper-based algaecides; that is they
provide immediate, short-term control of excessive densities of nuisance aquatic plants.
Thus, contact herbicides have many of the advantages and disadvantages associated
with copper-based algaecides. The advantages include a fairly immediate (days to
weeks) reduction in nuisance plant densities and relatively low associated costs. The
disadvantages to the treatment of the lake in total with a contact herbicide include
potential impacts to non-target, desirable macrophytes, a depletion of DO as a result of
the bacterial decomposition of the dead organic matter, and the recycling of nutrients
back into the water column that would otherwise be bound in plant biomass. In fact,
many algae, especially cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) can effectively assimilate the
organic phosphorus liberated from the decomposing weeds. As a result algae blooms
may develop within 3-5 days of large scale contact herbicide applications.
In contrast to contact herbicides, a systemic herbicide affects the targeted plant
internally instead of externally. That is, uptake of the chemical disrupts biochemical
functions thereby killing the plant. SonarR (fluridone) and 2,4-D are two of the more
commonly used systemic aquatic herbicides. Systemic herbicides are designed to be
assimilated by the plant and then disrupt a biological process of the plant leading to its
death. They are usually applied early in the growing season, before significant plant
biomass has developed, but while the plants are in their highly active growth phase.
Once absorbed and assimilated by the plants it will begin to disrupt the plant’s metabolic
activities. In the case of fluridone this results in a disruption of the production of
chlorophyll pigments, which are used in photosynthesis. This effectively prevents the
plants from successfully photosynthesizing, eventually leading to the plant’s death. This
mode of action is in sharp contrast to contact herbicides that burn the plant tissue from
the outside.
There are a number of advantages to using systemic herbicides relative to contact
herbicides. First, contact herbicides typically require multiple applications, between two
and four treatments, through the course of one growing season to obtain an acceptable
level of control. In contrast, if properly timed and executed, one systemic herbicide
treatment application can result in an entire year of control. Second, while contact
herbicides need to be applied to lakes when plant biomass is peaking, fluridone is
typically applied in the spring when seasonal growth rates are high, but before the
plants have achieved maximum biomass. This treatment strategy effectively eliminates
the depletion of DO and the possibility of fish kills; a potential secondary impact
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associated with large contact herbicide treatments. In addition, because the systemic
herbicide treatment is conducted before the presence of a large amount of aquatic plant
biomass, the liberation of phosphorus from dead and decomposing plants is far less
than that experienced following a typical contact herbicide treatment. This decreases
the likelihood of post-treatment spurred algal blooms (Souza and Lubnow, 2000).
There are also some disadvantages associated with the use of systemic herbicides.
The primary disadvantage is relatively high cost of these products as compared to most
contact herbicides. For example, although the volume of fluridone, a systemic
herbicide, needed to control nuisance aquatic species is low (on average 20 ppb), the
typical unit cost is over an order of magnitude greater than that of contact herbicides.
Another disadvantage of many systemic herbicides, especially fluridone, is that due to
its mode of action, it is a slow acting herbicide, taking a minimum of 30 days to manifest
some observable degree of plant control. As such, targeted control concentrations
need to be sustained over the course of at least a month. This means outflow from the
lake needs to be minimal during the period of treatment and the product may need to be
introduced in a series of splits. This increases the opportunity for improper introduction
of the herbicide and sub-optimal control. Finally, some of the systemic herbicides have
use restrictions that limit their application in drinking water reservoirs or ponds/lakes
used for the irrigation of turf, ornamentals or agricultural crops.
For the coastal lakes, well planned and implemented herbicide treatments, whether
using contact or systemic products, present probably the most effective and costefficient mode of weed control. Unlike mechanical harvesting or hydroraking, chemical
control programs can be used even in the shallowest lakes and in areas with numerous
docks and other obstructions. A well timed program can result in season long control
with only one or two applications of the product. Again, a well designed program can
greatly diminish the likelihood of any impacts to fish, avoid secondary algae blooms and
avoid DO related problems. Selection of the correct product can also result in some
degree of selectivity, thus enabling the invasive species to be controlled while having
limited or no impact on desirable species. The cost of chemical control treatments
varies greatly with the area of the lake impacted by the weed infestation, the type(s) of
weeds requiring control, and especially the type of product being used (contact or
systemic). As such, it is not feasible to provide an average price per acre or even a
price range for a chemical control program.
Biomanipulation refers to a series of modifications made to the biota of lakes and of
their habitats to facilitate certain interactions and results leading to the control of
problematic algae and/or invasive aquatic weed. When discussing the management of
the coastal lakes, biomanipulation would most likely be used to re-structure the aquatic
food web to favor the growth of beneficial algae, minimize the density of blue-green
algae, and limit the density or spread of non-native invasive plants. For example, an
increase in piscivorous (fish eating) fish biomass could result in a decrease in
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planktivorous fish (smaller forage fish) biomass, with this in turn reducing grazing
pressure on the zooplankton. If successful, this would lead to increased zooplankton
biomass and a decrease in phytoplankton biomass. These conditions ultimately
produce an increase in water clarity and quality. Because of the complexities
associated with most biomanipulation projects, such techniques generally should not be
considered until a detailed biological and chemical database has been developed for
the lake or pond.
However, one type of biomanipulation though that could be used even with the
collection of only a limited amount of data is biological control of nuisance aquatic plant
species through the stocking of “weed eating” fish, specifically the Asian grass carp
(Ctenopharangyedon idella). However, it must be stressed that this is a regulated
activity, requiring a permit from the NJDEP. Before such a permit can be issued and
the fish stocked a fair amount of information must be supplied to the NJDEP.
Additionally, the NJDEP imposes significant restrictions on the stocking of grass carp.
First, the fish must be produced by a NJDEP certified hatchery and the stocking of the
fish must occur under the supervision of NJDEP Fish and Wildlife following the receipt
of the aforementioned permit. Second, the fish cannot be stocked in lakes larger than
10 acres. Third, it must be shown that the problem weeds are actually among those
preferred and eaten by these fish. And finally, it must be demonstrated that the problem
weeds must cover or impact at least 40% of the lake’s total area.
Alum Treatments
During periods of anoxia (depletion of dissolved oxygen) phosphorus becomes liberated
from the sediments of lakes and ponds at very high rates, typically 10-100 fold greater
than under oxic conditions. This liberated phosphorus can then be assimilated by algae
leading in many cases to algae blooms. Although the phenomena of internal
phosphorus release and recycling occurs more commonly in deep (>10 feet) lakes, it
can occur with a high degree of frequency in even shallow lakes and ponds.
Control of this internal phosphorus load is usually achieved by means of aeration or the
application of alum. The former is used to keep the lake’s water column destratified
(fully mixed) and well oxygenated (oxic), while the latter is used to bind and make
unavailable any of the released phosphorus. This section of the report addresses the
applicability of alum in the management of the coastal lakes. Although there are a
number of alum surrogates that can be used in a similar manner (e.g., PAC, ferric
chloride, various polymers), alum (Al2(SO4)3, aluminum sulfate) is the most commonly
employed product. While alum treatments are not regulated by the NJDEP, and hence
do not require a permit, the use of this product in the management of the coastal lakes
and ponds must be done carefully as alum can cause negative side effects. The three
main ways that alum has been used in the management of lakes are as follows:
Sediment sealing or blanket applications of alum involve the introduction of large
volumes of alum (typically on the order of 150-500 gallons/acre). The material is
dispensed over the surface of the lake, but the resulting alum floc coagulates and
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slowly settles to the lake bottom. The flock then becomes incorporated into the
sediments. Phosphorus released from the sediments, either during aerobic or
anaerobic conditions, is in turn bound by the alum present in the sediments. This
effectively reduces the liberation of phosphorus into the water column thereby
decreasing the magnitude of the internal load. This form of alum treatment has
been used for well over two decades in the management of lakes, and for the
most part lakes deeper than 10-15’.
This technique has limited utility with
respect to the management of the coastal lakes owing to their typical shallow
depth and high flushing rates.
Stormwater injection applications of alum involve the introduction of alum to
stormwater before or a it is discharged into a lake. This involves the construction
and operation of an injection system that is programmed to release a specified
amount of alum over the course of a storm event. While a practical technique in
the management of the coastal lakes, these systems tend to be expensive and
require a considerable amount of water quality and engineering data to design
and operate. However, these systems have been used very successfully in ultraurban setting and established lake communities as part stormwater retrofit
solutions. Currently there are two such units in operation in New Jersey, both at
Lake Mohawk, in Sparta, Sussex County. While the remaining discussion in this
sub-section of the report does not deal with stormwater injection systems, there
is a place for the use of this technique in the management of the coastal lakes.
Water column stripping entails the application of relatively high concentrations of
alum. In this case the objective of the operation is to have suspended material
and dissolved phosphorus bind to the alum floc. As the alum floc settles it then
clarifies the water column through a stripping action. Alum has been used in this
manner for decades in water treatment plants. Water column stripping is used in
the management of both deep and shallow lakes, and is the focus of this subsection as it is the most practical means by which alum can be used in the
restoration and management of the coastal lakes.
Before contemplating the use of alum, a considerable amount of work needs to be
conducted and a significant amount of data needs to be collected First, the lake’s
bathymetry must be profiled as accurate depth and volume data is needed to properly
compute the required alum dose. Second, the lake’s flushing rate and hydrologic
budget will need to be computed. Again, these data are key input parameters in the
computation of the alum dose, and will also be needed to project the longevity of each
alum application. Third, the in-lake phosphorus concentrations must be accurately
measured along with the lake’s alkalinity and pH. Finally, a bench test will need to be
conducted to arrive at the required and safe alum dosing rates. This is extremely
important as alum can induce negative environmental effects, namely fish kills. This
occurs due to the solubilization of aluminum, which is triggered as pH levels drop below
5.5. Alum, due to its acidic nature and the acidic reaction it causes in the water column,
will temporarily depress or lower the treated lake’s pH. As such, it is critical to
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understand how the lake will respond to the alum during the treatment. This is the
purpose of the bench test.
The treatment process is rather straight forward with the alum usually being applied in a
liquid form to the surface of the lake. Upon contact with the water, the alum is
chemically converted into aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3. This chemical reaction results
in the formation of a floc that causes the lake to take on a milky appearance. This is a
very short term effect, lasting a few hours during the time that the floc is binding with
particulate material and dissolved phosphorus. Once the floc settles the lake becomes
clear and the concentration of dissolved phosphorus is typically undetectable or very
As noted above, alum treatments need to be conducted with care and may not be
suitable for all of the coastal lakes. A considerable amount of research has been
conducted concerning the safe use of alum (Freeman and Everhart 1971, Cooke et al.,
1978, Kennedy and Cooke 1982). Given the high alkalinity and basic pH of most of the
coastal lakes, it should be possible to conduct alum treatments with little environmental
consequence. The key is to ensure that the application does not depress the pH below
5.5, and this can be determined through the aforementioned bench test. The longevity
of the treatment will be largely a function of the lake’s hydrology, with the technique less
feasible for lakes and ponds with high flushing rates.
In New Jersey, most lakes greater than 6 feet in depth become thermally stratified to
some extent over the course of the summer. Stratification is caused by the heating of
the water’s surface due to the increased intensity and duration of the summer sun.
Stratification refers to the thermal and density layering of the lake whereby a warm
water layer forms and subsequently sits over a cool water layer. The differences in
density between the warm and cool waters can become great enough to impede the
vertical mixing of the water column thus creating a stratified condition. The extent,
duration and frequency of thermal stratification is dependent on a number of factors
including water depth, clarity, color, but especially flushing rate (the rate of water in-flow
and discharge from the lake). Slow flushing lakes will be more prone to stratification
than will fast flushing systems. Waterbodies that stratify in the summer are subject to
the formation of zones of lowered oxygen levels, typically close to the bottom of the
pond or lake. These zones can quickly become devoid of oxygen (anoxic). Not only will
fish and other biota be unable to live in the anoxic zone of the lake, but also because of
resulting changes in sediment redox properties, large amounts of phosphorus will be
released from the sediments. As discussed elsewhere throughout this report, this
internally recycled phosphorus can stimulate algae blooms. Typically, any lake greater
than six feet in depth is subject to stratification and its associated problems. However,
even shallower lakes, especially those having limited through-flow or wind mixing, can
stratify. Although the degree of stratification is usually weaker than that observed in
deeper lakes, it can be intense enough, and of sufficient duration, to trigger all of the
above noted impacts.
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Thermal stratification and its related problems can be corrected using a properly
designed and operated aeration system. Aeration systems are typically used to
accomplish one of three objectives:
Introduce additional dissolved oxygen into the water column for the
improvement of a lake’s fishery;
Vertically mix a lake to keep it thermally destratified state; and
Reduce the occurrence of anoxia to control the release of phosphorus,
minerals and metals from the sediments.
Different aeration applications are suited for each of the above purposes. However, for
the coastal lakes, due to their shallow depth, the most effective aeration technique to
combat thermal stratification is one that uses diffused, compressed air. Called
destratification systems, these aeration applications are designed to destratify and
maintain a lake in a mixed state. This is accomplished by introducing compressed air
into the lake via a series of diffusers placed on the lake bottom. The air released from
the diffusers form very fine bubble patches that rise to the lake surface, in the process
creating an upwelling convection current that effectively breaks down the thermal and
density layering. Operation of these units typically begins in the spring before the onset
of stratification and continues until the fall when the lake becomes cooled in concert with
declining air temperatures. Destratification aeration systems range in price from $5,000
to well over $100,000 depending on the size and morphometry of the lake.
Dredging - Removal of Unconsolidated Sediments
Dredging is by far the in-lake restoration measure that has stimulated the greatest
amount of discussion and interest for the coastal lakes and ponds of Monmouth County.
This is because the majority of these waterbodies are impacted to some extent by the
silt and sediment that has accumulated over time as a result of improper stormwater
management, stream bank erosion and inadequate sediment control at construction
sites. Reclamation of most of the coastal lakes and ponds thus requires some degree
of dredging to improve recreational use and restore natural flow and circulation patterns.
It must be stressed that dredging should not be considered in itself as a weed control
measure. Although the removal of sediment will help address weed growth in especially
shallow areas, dredging is by far too expensive to be used for weed control. Although a
reduction in weed densities will be realized in the dredged areas, the benefits will be
short lived as it will not be possible or practical to deepen the lake to the point where
light cannot penetrate to the bottom of most of the lake. Any of the previously
discussed weed control techniques, especially the chemical control, weed harvesting or
hydroraking options, provide a far more cost effective means of controlling weeds than
does dredging.
When designing a dredging project all of the following must be taken into consideration:
Access to and operation within the targeted dredging area;
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The chemical and physical quality and characteristics of the sediments;
The dredging method that will employed;
The location and size of temporary sediment stockpiling areas;
The location and size of the final disposal area;
Ecological issues and conflicts; and
Permit application requirements and limitations.
Before any dredging operation is even contemplated sediment samples must be
obtained from the lake or the targeted location within the lake. The testing of the lake’s
sediments is required by NJDEP as part of the permit review process, and will likely be
mandated by the owner or operator of any off-site facility or property where the dredged
material will be ultimately disposed. The testing is very comprehensive and therefore
expensive. It typically entails at least the following laboratory analyses as specified by
Volatile Organics
(Semi-Volatiles, PAHs)
Heavy Metals
Additionally the physical properties of the sediments must be analyzed for the following
characteristics and parameters:
Water Content
Percent Solids
Grain Size Distribution
Organic Content
Bulking Factors
Basic site logistics must be considered due to traffic, noise, dust and possibly odor
problems. This includes how the project is to be staged and how equipment is to be
scheduled and then moved throughout the project site as the dredging operation
proceeds. For example, it may be necessary to create a temporary haul road for the
dump trucks, strategically locate temporary sediment stock pile areas, and establish
processes for the diversion of inflow to prevent the dredging area from becoming reflooded or to prevent any environmental impact to adjacent areas or down stream
ecosystems. An important, but often overlooked element of any dredging operation
pertains to traffic control. Given the number of trucks that are needed to haul the
dredged material off-site (which is typically the case), truck traffic can create significant
problems for any moderately sized dredging project.
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The removal of lake sediments is accomplished using one of three techniques:
Hydraulic dredging;
“Dry” dredging; or
A hybrid of the two.
Hydraulic dredges remove the material using an auger/suction type device that cuts the
sediments, liquefies it, and then pumps the slurry into a holding basin for settling and
dewatering. Typically hydraulic dredging is feasible only if a large disposal site is
available in an upland area located relatively close to the lake. With this technique the
lake is not lowered or dewatered. Rather, a dredging barge operates within the lake,
moving by means of spuds set into the sediments or a cable system strung from shoreto-shore. The process tends to be slow but can be fairly cost-effective, especially if the
dredged material can be left on-site within the dewatering basin(s). The major
drawback with hydraulic dredging is that the sediment slurry pumped from the lake will
have a very high water content. Thus large sediment containment and dewatering
basins are needed, and for the coastal lakes there is little available land to use in the
construction of such basins. Additionally, if the dewatered dredged material must be
transported off-site for final disposal the overall cost of the project will greatly increase,
due to the additional handling and transport of the sediment.
In contrast to hydraulic dredging, dry dredging requires the lowering of the lake’s water
level. The lake’s sediments are exposed to the air, thus facilitating their in-place
dewatering. Once the sediments are reasonably dry, conventional construction
equipment (i.e. backhoe, trackhoe, dragline bucket, bull dozers) can be used to remove
the material. To minimize impacts to recreational use, fish and other aquatic life, most
dry dredging projects are conducted in the fall/winter. Once the lake is drawn down, the
sediments should remain exposed for approximately 1 to 2 months to facilitate
dewatering. Even so, it still may be necessary during the dredging process to
temporarily stock pile sediments within or adjacent to the dredging area for a few days
to further promote their dewatering. Once sufficiently dewatered, the sediments are
loaded on trucks and transported to the disposal site. To minimize transportation costs,
the disposal site should preferably be located within 1 mile of the project area as
transportation costs alone can greatly escalate total project costs. For example, the
trucking cost alone is approximately $150,000 for the disposal of 25,000 yd3 of
sediments to a disposal site requiring a 5 mile round trip. If the disposal site requires a
25 mile round trip, the trucking costs for the same amount of dredged material increases
to approximately $400,000. Another issue that needs to be anticipated in a dry
dredging project is how to keep the project site from flooding over the course of the
sediment removal operation. This usually entails the construction of earthen berms to
segregate work areas. These berms are also used as haul roads for the dump trucks or
as staging areas for the track hoe used in the removal of the sediment.
Hybrid units used in the dredging of lakes include the aforementioned hydrorake
equipped with a bucket loader. Most of these hybrid machines are basically a floating
excavator or clamshell. They are best suited for use in very small projects (<1,000
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yds3) or as a supplement to either a hydraulic or dry dredge operation with the
machines used in areas where access may be difficult or where water levels never
adequately retreat.
Given the cost of any large dredging project, stakeholders may wish to implement the
project in a series of phases over a number of years. Such a strategy may be easier to
implement in terms of project logistics and budgetary constraints. Similarly, certain
highly impacted areas of a lake may be prioritized and the remainder of the lake left
alone. For the majority of the coastal lakes, a selective or spot dredging approach may
be the most feasible approach, especially in terms of cost control. For example, such
dredging can be used to target the removal of the sediment deltas at the discharge point
of streams or major storm sewers.
The feasibility of dredging all the accumulated sediment present in any of the coastal
lakes or ponds is low due primarily to the overall cost of such an operation. The current
per cubic yard cost for lake dredging (including all engineering and disposal costs)
range from $45-$75. The presence of any significant amount of contaminants will drive
the cost even higher. As such, it is unlikely that any of the lakes, with the exception of
the smaller coastal ponds, could be dredged in-total. Additionally, because the NJDEP
regulations (NJAC 7:7A, GP13) prohibit the deepening or expansion of the dimensions
of a lake or pond beyond its original contours, the extensive deepening of the lakes,
even if fiscally possible, would be prohibited by the regulations.
The Role of Public Education In Managing the Coastal Lakes
Coastal lake communities interested in developing and implementing lake and/or
watershed management projects must first begin with development of a lake restoration
plan. As illustrated in the earlier sub-sections, lake restoration and watershed
management is not a simple process. The success of a restoration program is
predicated on decisions and actions developed on the basis of a technically sound,
robust dataset that accurately characterizes the lake and its watershed. The plan must
also focus on correcting the causes and not just the symptoms of the lake’s problems.
That is, although it must seek to restore the lake through the correction of problems
such as dense weed growth and algae blooms or sediment in-filling, it must be focused
on correcting the underlying causes of these problems. As noted above, to the public
and the lake’s users the actions needed to correct these problems are not always
obviously linked to problems themselves. Source control efforts stressing phosphorus
reduction initiatives through yard waste management or better stormwater controls are
not as direct as weed and algae control efforts. Conversely, while the correction of the
factors responsible for lake’s problems needs to be the focus of the plan, to be
successful the plan must also take into account the immediate needs and concerns of
the lake community and lake stakeholders. Therefore, having and following a detailed
lake management plan is critical to achieving the long-term, successful restoration of
the coastal lakes.
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It is clear that a detailed, comprehensive lake and watershed management plan
consists of a number of integrated actions all linked to a common goal. However,
putting a complex plan in action requires a considerable amount of support, especially
when the need for some of the required actions may not be as obvious as are actions
geared toward weed or algae control.
Thus it becomes important during the
implementation phase of any lake restoration plan to inform and educate the public, the
lake users and the lake/watershed stakeholders of the “whats, whys and hows” of the
plan. This is where a well developed public education and outreach program becomes
valuable. Public education and awareness programs can lead to a more highly
educated and involved lake community. This is particularly advantageous when
developing or sustaining the support for long-term or costly efforts that may not yield
obvious or immediately measurable improvements, such as many of the source control
initiatives discussed previously. As such, any public education program created as part
of a lake restoration program should encompass the following:
A well defined, clear action plan;
A data-supported decision tree;
Easily defined objectives and goals that can be used to measure success and
report back to the community; and
Key project milestones.
Additionally, the plan must stress patience. It is neither possible nor realistic to expect
that a lake’s problems, which typically have evolved over a considerable amount of
time, can be fully corrected in a short amount of time.
Public education and outreach efforts also increase the opportunity for creating or
strengthening cooperative partnerships amongst stakeholders. For example, a project
could involve the integration of State regulatory personnel, County DPW, lake
management consultant, and local environmental commission.
During the course of creation and implementation of a lake restoration program, or even
during the implementation of a single objective of the plan, the community and
stakeholders can be kept informed using such outlets as:
Local website
Email posts
Public Access TV & Radio
All of these outreach mechanisms provide the means of keeping the public appraised of
what is being done while at the same time maintaining public input and involvement.
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Funding Opportunities and Sources
Before any discussion of lake restoration funding is initiated, it must be emphasized that
the competition for all of the sources noted below is significant and that any one funding
source may not be able to provide all of the monies required to restore a lake or
adequately manage its watershed. Also, the following should not be considered an
exhaustive investigation of potential sources of funding that could be sought to support
various types of lake restoration and watershed management activities. Rather, the
following is provided as a starting point.
Unfortunately, for any lake in New Jersey, whether it be coastal or in-land, there are no
ear-marked funding sources specifically available at the State or Federal level for use in
lake restoration. Also, there are no NJDEP grant programs specifically designed to
cover the expenses of lake dredging. Additionally, State and Federal funding cannot be
used to support any macrophyte or algae control project based on the use of chemicals
(algaecides or herbicides). Therefore, there are no easy sources of funding to support
any of the lake restoration projects most needed by the coastal lakes, whether that be
dredging or the control of algae blooms. This means that funding opportunities for
coastal lake restoration projects are scant and when they do become available either do
not provide ample amount to fully restore a lake or may not cover the restoration
activities most needed by the lake.
The best program for stormwater related funding is the NJDEP’s 319(h) program.
These funds are provided by the federal government (USEPA) but administered statewide by the NJDEP. This source of funding is routinely used for the implementation of
stormwater management corrective measures. This can include the purchase and
installation of manufactured treatment devices (MTDs), construction of rain gardens and
the construction of bioretention stormwater basin. These funds can also potentially be
used to cover restoration costs for the correction of eroded stream corridors, the
reestablishment or revegetation of riparian areas and even the restoration of an eroding
lake’s shoreline. However, currently for a lake to qualify for these funds it must have or
be part of an NJDEP approved Watershed Management or Watershed Protection Plan.
Of the numerous coastal lakes in Monmouth County, as of January 2009 the only one
having such plans is Deal Lake. One of the major benefits of NJDEP 319 funding is that
the State requires no set matching funds; that it is, a grant receipt is not obliged to
provide a certain percentage of funding as match for the money obtained through this
program. However, to demonstrate both commitment and support of the project for
which funding is sought, most recipients will provide some amount of in-kind match.
Normally this amounts to volunteered services associated with the execution or
management of project tasks or services (for example, lake cleanups) that are beneficial
to the project’s overall goal.
The 604 (b) grant program is another source of funding available through the NJDEP.
Each year, the State of New Jersey receives funds from the Federal government under
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Section 604(b) of the Clean Water Act to carry out planning under Sections 205(j) and
303(e) of the Act. These grants are specifically ear-marked for use in developing
management plans for onsite wastewater treatment systems (septic systems). Because
of the limited use of onsite wastewater systems to manage wastewater in the
watersheds of the coastal lakes, the applicability of these grants may be very limited,
but still should not be overlooked, especially for the larger lakes or the lakes with large
watersheds that encompass less extensively developed lands.
Another potential State source of watershed management related funding is the State’s
Environmental Infrastructure Financing Program. This is not a grant program, but rather
a low-interest loan program.
This funding has been used to facilitate the
implementation of various types of clean water projects. Funding from this source is
often used by municipalities to implement water quality protection measures such as the
installation of the MTDs. These low-cost loans (0% - to market rate interest, 20-year
payback) are obtained through either the NJDEP or the New Jersey Environmental
Infrastructure Trust. There are some conditions associated with the application of these
funds. In addition, incentives exist for stormwater projects for certain urban areas in the
form of the Smart Growth Financing Package.
Besides funding available through the NJDEP there are a variety of other funding
opportunities available through various federal agencies. It should be noted that for the
most part the various federal grants have a 25% - 50% cash match requirement. Some
of the most commonly sought funds for lake and watershed are obtained through the
USEPA, the US Army Corps of Engineers or the US Geological Survey, US Fish and
Wildlife Service and the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service. Since each
funding agency has very specific parameters for the types of projects that meet their
funding requirements, details of each are not provided in this report. However, any of
the following links will provide information about the funding opportunities available
through each of the above noted sources.
A somewhat unique source of funding that some of the lake associations representing
the lake communities of Monmouth County may qualify for are the Environmental
Justice grants available through the USEPA 1 . These funds are provided through the
USEPA to eligible organizations working on or planning to work on projects to address
local environmental and/or public health issues in their communities. To be eligible for
these funds the applicant must be either: a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization or a
recognized non-profit organization. As such, these funds are not available to a
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municipal entity. The funding is used primarily to build the capacity of community-based
organizations to address environmental and/or public health issues at the local level.
Finally, there are a number of private funding sources including foundations, fishing
interest groups and other lake or environmental advocacy or stewardship programs that
will provide lake associations and municipalities with funding to implement specific lakerelated projects. An example of such a funding source is the conservation grants
available through the Fish America Foundation.
Legislative allocations, commonly referred to as ear-marks, have been used in the past
to channel funding to lakes in Monmouth County for the implementation of specific
projects, including dredging. These types of funding opportunities are increasingly
difficult to obtain and may require an extensive amount of lobbying regardless of
whether the funding is coming from a state or federal legislative source. However, in
the case of the coastal lakes this may be a very likely source of funding at the state or
county levels if a number of lakes could be packaged together and the projects
demonstrated to have regional or event national significance.
Finally, lake communities should not overlook the positives that can be achieved
through the forging of inter-local agreements for shared services, or to create joint
funding opportunities for projects of regional significance. Many of the coastal lakes
can (and many have) benefit from such arrangements, especially as it pertains to the
pooling of funds or the sharing of resources. In some cases such inter-local
agreements are a requirement for eligibility for the various state and federal funding
opportunities discussed above.
Two examples of inter-local agreements that could be created for the county’s coastal
lakes are the Coastal Lakes Management Initiative and the Coastal Lakes Dredging
Initiative. With respect to the Coastal Lakes Management Initiative, in order to better
disseminate lake and watershed management information, learn about new
technologies, educate municipal employees, and create opportunities for roundtable
discussions about the issues facing the County’s coastal lakes, a Coastal Lakes
Management Committee should be formed. This committee could be composed of
members of the various county-wide lake commissions and associations, municipal
representatives, Monmouth County Planning and Engineering, Monmouth County
Mosquito Commission, Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute, Rutgers
Cooperative Extension and other interested groups that manage stormwater in the
coastal region of New Jersey. The committee would have four key purposes:
Serve as a clearing house for information on the management and restoration of
lakes and their watershed;
Form and oversee partnerships among the committee’s stakeholders;
Facilitate links between funding sources and prioritized projects, emphasizing
projects of regional significance or projects that could benefit multiple lakes or
lake communities; and
Serve as a uniform voice when dealing with legislators and regulators.
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Along the same lines, a Coastal Lakes Dredging Committee should be formed. This
could be accomplished through an inter-local agreement that would forge the
partnerships needed to implement dredging projects. Such a committee would have
four key purposes:
Bring together coastal lake communities having dredging needs with dredging
related resources (e.g., Monmouth County Mosquito Extermination Commission);
Function as a clearinghouse on dredging related information,
Aid communities in the preparation of dredging permit related material, and
Maximize the dredging efforts of lake communities by linking projects and using
other means to reduce overall costs.
With respect to the last item, a key element of a Coastal Lakes Dredging Initiative
should be the identification of multiple county-wide locations for the disposal of dredged
sediments. The lack of a suitably located and sized area where dredged materials
could be disposed of at no cost, has proven to be one of the biggest hurdles faced by
the coastal lakes. Having a number of such sites located in the county would address
this issue and decrease to some extent the cost of dredging.
The above two initiatives are excellent examples of the types of partnerships that could
come about through inter-local agreements among the coastal lake communities. Other
types of shared services directly related to the management and restoration of the
coastal lakes that would benefit from such agreements include sharing of equipment
used in the maintenance of stormwater management structures, development of unified
ordinances (non-phosphorus fertilizer, waste management, goose feeding, etc.), the
authoring and circulation of educational materials and the coordination and staging of
public outreach efforts.
Page 49 of 66
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Glossary of Frequently Used Terms
Acidity - The state of being acid that is of being capable of transferring a
hydrogen ion in solution; solution that has a pH value lower than 7.
Alkalinity - The capacity of water for neutralizing an acid solution. Alkalinity of
natural waters is due primarily to the presence of hydroxides, bicarbonates,
carbonates and occasionally borates, silicates and phosphates. It is expressed in
units of milligrams per liter (mg/l) of CaCO3 (calcium carbonate) or as
microequivalents per liter (µeq/l) 20 µeq/l = 1 mg/l of CaCO3. A solution having a
pH below 4.5 contains no alkalinity. Low alkalinity is the main indicator of
susceptibility to acid rain. Increasing alkalinity is often related to increased algal
productivity. Lakes with watersheds having a sedimentary carbonate rocks
geology then to be high in dissolved carbonates (hard-water lakes), whereas
those in a watershed with a granitic or igneous geology tend to be low in
dissolved carbonates (soft water lakes).
Anthropogenic activities – Impacted by, created by or resulting from human
Aeration - A process which promotes biological degradation of organic matter in
water. The process may be passive (as when waste is exposed to air), or active
(as when a mixing or bubbling device introduces the air).
Algae - Microscopic plants which contain chlorophyll and live floating or
suspended in water. They also may be attached to structures, rocks or other
submerged surfaces. They are food for fish and small aquatic animals. Excess
algal growths can impart tastes and odors to potable water. Algae produce
oxygen during sunlight hours and use oxygen during the night hours. They can
affect water quality adversely by lowering the dissolved oxygen in the water.
Alum Treatment - Process of introducing granular or liquid alum (Aluminum
sulfate) into the lake water, to create a precipitate or floc that is used to strip the
water column of fine particles and algae or used to treat the bottom sediment for
the purpose of limiting the internal recycling of phosphorus.
Ammonia - A colorless gaseous alkaline compound that is very soluble in water,
has a characteristic pungent odor, is lighter than air, and is formed as a result of
the decomposition of most nitrogenous organic material.
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Bathymetry - The measurement and mapping of water depths and bottom
Best Management Practices - Schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices,
maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce
the pollution of waters of the United States. BMPs also include but are not limited
to treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control plant
site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or wastewater disposal, or drainage from raw
material storage. Practices or structures designed to reduce the quantities of
pollutants -- such as sediment, nitrogen, phosphorus, and animal wastes that are
washed by rain and snow melt from farms into surface or ground waters.
Chlorophyll a - A green pigment found in photosynthetic organisms; used as an
indicator of algal biomass.
Clarity - The transparency of a water column.
Secchi disk
Composite water quality sample - A composite sample is a collection of individual
samples obtained at regular intervals, usually every one or two hours during a
24-hour time span. Each individual sample is combined with the others in
proportion to the rate of flow when the sample was collected The resulting
mixture (composite sample) forms a representative sample and is analyzed to
determine the average conditions during the sampling period.
Detritus - Organic detritus is material produced directly from the decomposition of
dead organic remains. Detritus also refers to the debris (organic and inorganic)
on the bottom of lakes that is partially integrated with the sediments.
Dissolved oxygen - The amount of oxygen dissolved in a stream, river or lake is
an indication of the degree of health of the stream and its ability to support a
balanced aquatic ecosystem. The oxygen comes from the atmosphere by
solution and from photosynthesis of water plants. The maximum amount of
oxygen that can be held in solution in a stream is termed the saturation
concentration and, as it is a function of temperature, the greater the temperature,
the less the saturation amount. The discharge of an organic waste to a stream
imposes an oxygen demand on the stream. If there is an excessive amount of
organic matter, the oxidation of waste by microorganisms will consume oxygen
more rapidly than it can be replenished. When this happens, the dissolved
oxygen is depleted and results in the death of the higher forms of life.
Dredging - Removal of sediment from the bottom of a water body.
Epilimnion- The upper layer of water in a thermally stratified lake or reservoir.
This layer consists of the warmest water and has a fairly uniform (constant)
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Commonly measured with a
temperature. The layer is readily mixed by wind action.
Eutrophication - A process that occurs when a lake becomes overly rich in plant
nutrients, leading to the excessive growth and development of algae and aquatic
plants. Eutrophication is a natural process often accelerated by cultural process ,
especially land development and agriculture. Not all eutrophic waterbodies are
problematic, as slightly or moderately eutrophic waterbodies support a complex
web of plant and animal life and have acceptable water quality characteristics.
Erosion- The wearing away of land surface by wind or water. Erosion occurs
naturally but farming, residential or industrial development, mining, or timbercutting can increase the rate and severity of erosion.
Fecal contamination - The presence in water bodies of living organisms (bacteria
and viruses) or agents attributable to waste material. Such contaminated waters
can cause negative human health effects. Fecal contamination may be a result
of wildlife, livestock, pet, waterfowl or septic and sewage discharges. The
presence of fecal contaminants typically measured and quantified using an
indicator bacteria such as fecal coliform or E. coli.
Herbicides - A compound, usually a man-made organic chemical, used to kill or
control plant growth.
Hydrology – Having to do with water and water budget. Data related to the
occurrence, circulation, distribution, and properties of the waters of the earth, and
their reaction with the environment. For lakes this is usually associated with the
quantification of the water flow into and out of the system and the study of
pollutant transport that occurs in concert with the inflow.
Hypolimnion - Bottom waters of a thermally stratified lake. This layer consists of
colder, more dense water. Its water temperatures remain relatively constant year
around and it may experience little or no mixing with the upper warmer layers of
the water body. The hypolimnion of a eutrophic lake is usually low or lacking in
Hypereutrophic - A lake characterized by excessive nutrient concentrations
resulting in extremely high productivity. Such waters are often impacted by dense
algal blooms and periods of oxygen deficiency.
In- situ water quality parameters - in place; in situ measurements consist of
measurements of water quality parameters in the field, rather than in a
Invasive species - A species whose presence in the environment causes
economic or environmental harm or harm to human health. Invasive species
may be a native or exotic.
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Limnology - The study of fresh water ecosystems, in particular lakes and ponds,
focusing on the integration of the waterbody’s physical, chemical, hydrological,
and biological attributes.
Littoral zone - 1. That portion of a body of fresh water extending from the
shoreline lake ward to the limit at which rooted plants can grow. 2. A strip of land
along the shoreline between the high and low water levels.
Land Use/Land Cover (LU/LC) - The arrangement of land units into a variety of
categories based on the properties of the land or its suitability for a particular
purpose. Used to characterize, model and quantify land development patterns of
a watershed.
Macroinvertebrates - An organism that lacks a backbone and can be seen with
the naked eye. Typically used in reference to clams, mussels, snails, worms and
aquatic insects.
Macrophyte - A large macroscopic plant, specifically aquatic forms such as a the
rooted, floating, and submerged plant life occurring in lakes and ponds.
Mesotrophic – Lakes with moderate quantities of nutrients and moderate
productivity in terms of aquatic animal and plant life.
Nitrogen - An essential nutrient in the food supply of plants and the diets of
Non Point Source Pollution - Water pollution that can not be traced to a specific
source. Human-made or human-induced pollution caused by diffuse, indefinable
sources that are not regulated as point sources, resulting in the alteration of the
chemical, physical, biological, and/or radiological integrity of the water.
Oligotrophic - Lakes that have a low supply of nutrients and thus contain little
organic matter. Such lakes are typically deep, natural lakes characterized by high
water transparency and high dissolved oxygen.
pH - A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a material, liquid or solid. pH is
represented on a scale of 0 to 14 with 7 representing a neutral state, 0
representing the most acid and 14, the most alkaline.
Periphyton - Microscopic underwater plants and animals that are firmly attached
to solid surfaces such as rocks, logs, and pilings.
Phosphorus - An essential nutrient for the food supply of plants. Tends to be the
nutrient most responsible for the eutrophication of lakes.
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Photosynthesis - The process by which plants transform carbon dioxide and
water into carbohydrates and other compounds, using energy from the sun
captured by chlorophyll in the plant. Oxygen is a by-product of the process.
Photosynthesis is the essence of all plant life (autotrophic production) and hence
of all animal life (heterotrophic production).
Phytoplankton - Microscopic, plants free floating in the water column of ponds
and lakes. Phytoplankton tend to accumulate near surface of the water column
where sunlight intensity is maximal for growth. The accumulation of
phytoplankton at the surface can lead to the formation of obnoxious scums,
referred to as blooms. Phytoplankton form the basis for all aquatic food chains.
Point Source Pollution - Source of water pollution emanating from discrete point
of origin such as the discharge pipe from a factory, sewage treatment plant, or
specific location or use.
Pollutant Loading - The amount of polluting material that is transported into a
lake over a given period of time. Pollutant loading is expressed as Lbs or
Secchi Disc Transparency – The clarity of a lake as measured using a flat,
white/black approximately 9” diameter disc that is lowered into the water until it is
just barely visible. At this point, the depth of the disc from the water surface is the
recorded Secchi disc transparency. This depth is approximately equal to the
10% of the incident light as measured at the surface of the lake. It is also
representative of the depth at which there is no longer enough light to support
algal or phytoplankton photosynthesis.
Sedimentation - Process of deposition of waterborne or windborne sediment or
other material; also refers to the infilling of bottom substrate in a waterbody by
sediment (siltation) as when soil particles (sediment) settle to the bottom of a
Specific Conductance - A rapid method of estimating the dissolved-solids content
of a water supply. The measurement indicates the capacity of a sample of water
to carry an electrical current, which is related to the concentration of ionized
substances in the water. Also called conductance.
Stormwater Runoff - Stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff and
drainage; rainfall that does not infiltrate the ground or evaporate because of
impervious land surfaces but instead flows onto adjacent land or watercourses or
is routed into drain/sewer systems.
Stratification - Formation of water layers each with specific physical, chemical,
and biological characteristics. As the density of water decreases due to surface
heating, a stable situation develops with lighter water overlaying heavier and
Page 59 of 66
denser water. The tendency in deep water bodies for distinct density layers of
water to form as a result of a vertical change in water temperature. During
stratification, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and other water chemistry parameters
do not mix well between layers, resulting in chemical as well as thermal
Submerged Aquatic Macrophytes – (Also see macrophytes) Aquatic vegetation
that lives at or below the water surface. Often referred to as aquatic “weeds”,
macrophytes include both native and non-native species. Although macrophytes
may create user related impacts when growing too dense, aquatic plants are
essential for a healthy lake environment as they provide among other things
important habitat for young fish and other aquatic organisms.
Total Suspended Solids - Solids that either float on the surface or are suspended
in water, and which are largely removable by laboratory filtering. 2) The quantity
of material removed from water in a laboratory test, as prescribed in standard
methods for the examination of water and wastewater.
Thermocline - The depth in a thermally stratified lake or reservoir at which an
abrupt change in water temperature and density is measured over a short
increase in depth.
Turbidity - A cloudy condition in water due to suspended silt or organic matter
often attributable to algae blooms or increased sediment loads.
Water Quality - The biological, chemical, and physical conditions of a waterbody.
Maybe used to define or measure of a waterbody's ability to support beneficial
Watershed management - A holistic approach applied within an area defined by
hydrological, not political, boundaries, integrating the water quality impacts from
both point and nonpoint sources. Watershed management has a premise that
many water quality and ecosystem problems are better solved at the watershed
scale rather than by examining the individual waterbodies or dischargers. Use,
regulation and treatment of water and land resources of a watershed to
accomplish stated objectives.
Weed harvesting – A mechanical means of controlling the growth of aquatic
macrophytes. Involves both the cutting and removal of macrophyte biomass.
Can be implemented on large scale using floating barge like machines or a small
localized scale using hand tools.
Zooplankton - Microscopic, floating and free swimming aquatic animals.
Zooplankton generally feed upon bacteria, suspended detrital material,
phytoplankton and each other.
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Appendix A: Overview of Commonly Occurring Macrophytes
Fundamental to the management of the aquatic “weeds” impacting the coastal lakes
and ponds of Monmouth County is an understanding about the nature, origin and basic
life history of the more commonly encountered invasive species. Although some of
these macrophytes are native, most of the problem weeds are invasive exotic plants.
The following is intended to provide an overview of the most commonly encountered
aquatic weed species. Focus is placed on the submerged plant species, as these are
usually the most problematic. Not included below, but recognized as at times being
problematic, are the floating plants such as spatterdock or yellow water lily (Nuphar),
the white and pink water lily (Nymphaea), duckweed (Lemna) and watermeal (Wolfia).
For additional information concerning these species refer to North American Lake
Management Society (, the University of Florida Center for Invasive
and Exotic Plants (, and the Northeast Aquatic Plant
Management Society (
1. Eurasian Water Milfoil, Scientific Name: Myriophyllum spicatum
Source: Robert Johnson, Cornell University. Ruthanna Hawkins
Cayuga Lake Watershed Network
Origin: Eurasia (Exotic)
Identification: Eurasian Water Milfoil is a submerged, rooted,
perennial aquatic plant characterized by slender reddish-green
stems often 6-20 feet in length. The leaves are feather like, olive
green in color and deeply divided. Each leaf consists of a
central axis with 14-24 very slender leaflets on either side.
Distribution: Milfoil is extremely tolerant of varying light, temperature, and salinity
conditions and has invaded waterbodies throughout North America. Milfoil is the most
comon invasive species occurring in the coastal lakes and ponds. Current research is
evaluating bio controls using the Milfoil weevil (Euhrychiopsis lecontei) and moth
(Acentria ephemerella).
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2. Eel Grass / Tape Grass, Scientific Name: Vallisneria americana
Source: University of Florida at Gainesville
Origin: Eastern North America
Identification: Tapegrass is a submerged perennial aquatic
monocot. The most prominent feature of tapegrass are its
long, slender, green, ribbon like leaves that often grow to the
waters surface. This plant holds to the substrate through
extensive fibrous roots, which extend from horizontal
rhizomes. A distinct feature of tapegrass is the long cylindrical
stalks that coil following pollination.
Distribution: Found throughout the entire United States.
Tapegrass is prominent throughout the bay, and grows in water depths up to 12 ft, in
dense monotypic stands.
3. Curly Leaf Pondweed, Scientific Name: Potamogeton crispus
Origin: Eurasia
Identification: Oblong, stiff, translucent leaves have
distinctly wavy edges with fine teeth and 3 main veins.
Sheaths (stipules) are free of the leaf base and disintegrate
as they age. Stems are branched and flattened. Flowers
are produced in spikes on stalks up to 7 cm long. Curly leaf
pondweed produces many sharp angled turions, which fall
to the lake bed by mid-summer.
Notable Characteristics: Curly leaf pondweed is able to
tolerate cool water. Due to its over-wintering it is often the
first plant species to grow in the early spring and often dies
back by the fourth of July. It reproduces via spiraled
turions deposited onto the sediment.
Distribution: Found throughout the entire United States.
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4. Coontail, Scientific Name: Ceratophyllum desmersum
Source: University of Florida at Gainesville
Origin: Unknown
Identification: The serrated, forked leaves of coontail
are arranged on the stems in whorls, with usually 5-12
leaves in each whorl. It is generally a dark, olive green
color, and rough to the feel. Lacking true roots, coontail
acquires most of its nutrients through the water column.
When growing close to the sediment coontail may
develop modified leaves or “holdfasts” which are used
to anchor to the sediment.
Distribution: Found throughout the entire United States.
5. Water Stargrass, Scientific Name: Zosterella dubia
Origin: Unknown
Identification: The long, grass like leaves of water stargrass
are similar to those of eel grass. Water stargrass may be
recognized by its narrow, parallel-sided leaves with many fine
veins, but lacking a central mid-vein. Leaves are alternate,
stipitate, linear, obtuse to rounded, or apicate at the tip. The
base of the leaves is jointed to a tubular sheath, which is
wrapped around the stem. Stems of water stargrass are
slender, elongate, and freely branched.
Distribution: Found throughout the United States.
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6. Slender Naiad, Scientific Name: Najas flexilis
Origin: North America
Identification: Leafs are glossy, green, and finely toothed and
are oppositely arranged. Stems are very thin, green, and
easily broken and fragmented.
Notable Characteristics: Slender Naiad is an extremely
valuable food for duck’s.
Distribution: Found throughout the north and western United
States. For the coastal lakes this species typically do not
reach nuisance proportions until the latter part of the
7. Elodea, Scientific Name: Elodea canadensis
Origin: North America
Identification: Leaves are small, green and lanced shaped.
Leaves attach directly to the stem in a whorl of three leaves.
Whorls density becomes greatest the closer to the apex of the
stem. Stems are long and slender. Female plants produce
tiny, white flowers with three petals that float on the waters
Distribution: Found throughout the United States except for
Texas, Louisiana, and Georgia. As this plant often remains
close to the lake bottom, it rarely becomes a nuisance plant.
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8. Water Chestnut, Scientific Name: Trapa natans
Source: University of Florida
Origin: Asia (Exotic)
Identification: Water Chestnut is an annual
aquatic plant with a submerged flexuous stem
and a floating rosette of leaves. The stems
possess long petioles with certain portions
capable of inflation, which can suspend the
leaves on the waters surface. Reproductive nuts
have 4 sharp spines that are hazardous to
swimmers. These seeds may remain viable in the
sediments for up to twelve (12) years.
Distribution: Invasive plant found in waters from
Virginia to upstate New York. The plant forms
dense, monotypic stands that preclude passage of canoes. The water chestnut
reproduces exponentially and 1 acre may produce enough offspring to cover 100 acres
the following year. Although not yet identified in any of the coastal lakes, it is becoming
increasingly common in New Jersey and is creating major impacts to fishing, boating
and swimming in lakes in Mercer, Morris, Hunterdon and Sussex counties.
9. Parrot Feather, Scientific Name: Myriophyllum aquaticum
Source: University of Florida
Origin: South America (Exotic)
Identification: oblong, deeply cut and feathery looking
leaves with bright blue-green color. Leaves are arranged in
whorls of four to six about the stem. Stems trail along the
ground or water surface, becoming erect and leafy at the
Distribution: Occurring northward from Florida. This
invasive plant occurs in numerous lakes throughout New
Jersey and is routinely encountered in Monmouth County.
Often confused with Eurasian water milfoil, this species is much brighter in color and
lacks the pronounced “bushy” and dark red terminus at the end of the stem
characteristic of M. spicatum.
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