Axio Survey 1 of 4 Summary Survey Name: EDCEP 103 Assessment Offering Name: EDCEP 103 Pre-Course Assessment - October 2012 Offering Date: 10/1/12 to 10/14/12 Statistics Started: 39 out of 44 Opted out before starting: 1 Completed: 39 Drop outs after starting: 0 Average completion times: Average Time To Complete Survey: 18 minutes 30 seconds. Average Time Spent Before Quitting: Not enough information. Page 1 Question 1 What is your current status as a K-State student? Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate 12 (30.77%) 9 (23.08%) 7 (17.95%) 10 (25.64%) 1 (2.56%) Other 0 (0%) N/R 0 (0%) Question 2 Please answer the following with regard to your confidence in addressing these college health issues. 5/6/2013 9:56 AM Axio Survey 2 of 4 How confident are you in your ability to: 2.1 Select a healthy eating plan using U.S. government dietary guidelines Extremely confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not confident at all N/R 8 (20.51%) 16 (41.03%) 10 (25.64%) 5 (12.82%) 0 (0%) 2.2 Develop a physical activity plan that meets U.S. government activity guidelines? Extremely confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not confident at all N/R 8 (20.51%) 17 (43.59%) 6 (15.38%) 8 (20.51%) 0 (0%) 2.3 Implement coping strategies to manage current life stressors? Extremely confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not confident at all N/R 8 (20.51%) 18 (46.15%) 8 (20.51%) 5 (12.82%) 0 (0%) 2.4 Help a friend who has consumed too much alcohol? (e.g. vomiting, passed out) Extremely confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not confident at all N/R 16 (41.03%) 12 (30.77%) 8 (20.51%) 3 (7.69%) 0 (0%) 2.5 Discuss with a partner protective (safer sex) behaviors relating to safer sex? 5/6/2013 9:56 AM Axio Survey 3 of 4 Extremely confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not confident at all 19 (48.72%) 9 (23.08%) 10 (25.64%) 1 (2.56%) N/R 0 (0%) 2.6 Identify behaviors that can maintain health and prevent illness? Extremely confident Somewhat confident Not very confident 12 (30.77%) 19 (48.72%) 8 (20.51%) Not confident at all 0 (0%) N/R 0 (0%) 2.7 Implement protective behaviors that reduce injury resulting from distracted driving? Extremely confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not confident at all N/R 18 (46.15%) 13 (33.33%) 7 (17.95%) 0 (0%) 1 (2.56%) 2.8 Locate campus resources that support college students with health issues? Extremely confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not confident at all N/R 10 (25.64%) 18 (46.15%) 9 (23.08%) 2 (5.13%) 0 (0%) 2.9 Find reliable health information on the internet? Extremely confident Somewhat confident Not very confident 15 (38.46%) 17 (43.59%) 3 (7.69%) 5/6/2013 9:56 AM Axio Survey 4 of 4 4 Not confident at all (10.26%) N/R 0 (0%) - End of Survey © 2013 Axio Learning. All Rights Reserved. 5/6/2013 9:56 AM