
Faculty Senate Meeting
September 2, 2009
Professor Lyn Stallings called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.
Present: Professors Lyn Stallings, Stephen Silvia, Leigh Riddick, Fred Jacobs, Naomi Baron,
Barlow Burke, John Douglass, Brian Forst, Carole Gallaher, Nadia Harris, Robert Karch, Ira
Klein, Nanette Levinson, Brett Williams, Mary Mintz, Tony Riley, Jerzy Sapieyevski, John
Smith, Lenny Steinhorn, Steve Taylor, Anthony Wanis-St.John, Michael Wilkerson, Dean
Mussell, and Provost Scott Bass.
Welcome and Introduction, Lyn Stallings
Professor Stallings welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The Faculty Senate VOTED unanimously to approve the April and May Senate minutes.
Report of the President, Neil Kerwin
Incoming Freshman Class
The recruiting cycle for this academic year has been successful, and all of the recruitment and
enrollment goals have been met. The only exception is the Washington Semester Program,
which is of some concern.
The freshman class totals about 1,540 students, which exceeds the goal set of 1,500 students.
The SAT scores have increased slightly from 1259 to 1265 and mean GPA is marginally
changed from 3.78 to 3.77.
President Kerwin noted that there have been significant changes in the composition of the
freshman class. Since last fall, there was a 90% increase in the number of Pell Eligible Students,
advancing the socio-economic diversity of the class. With regard to diversity of the class, there
are 44 states represented, 39 countries, 21% are students of color, and 8% of the student body is
international students.
Moody’s reaffirmed American University’s financial standing with an A rating and a stable
outlook. President Kerwin is hopeful that Standard & Poor’s will also give an A rating, but with
a positive outlook.
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During this time of economic crisis in which about 75% of universities are cutting jobs and
freezing salaries, President Kerwin noted that American University is not cutting jobs and is, in
fact, hiring.
President Kerwin emphasized that American University has a very strong financial foundation.
President Kerwin stressed that American University has a very strong retention figure, at about
91%. He added that Washington, D.C. attracts many students.
Swine Flu Preparations
President Kerwin said that the number of swine flu cases may peak in October and again in
February. He added that the school administration is being very proactive and aggressive both
with regard to communication with the school community and with swine flu preparations. He
does not expect American University to close, and stressed that faculty should prepare their
courses with absenteeism in mind.
Strategic Plan
This is the first semester of implementation of the Strategic Plan. The biggest single event
associated with the implementation of the Strategic Plan was the passage of the two-year budget.
The budget is tightly linked with the Strategic Plan.
Board of Trustees
There will be a Board of Trustees meeting at the end of September. At that meeting, the
president of the American Council of Education, Dr. Molly Broad, will speak on trends in higher
education that she considers important. Additionally, the president of the Council for the
Advancement and Support of Education, will speak about the impact of philanthropy. Last, in
keeping with the new tradition of having the Deans make presentations to the Board of Trustees,
Dean Grossman will speak about the Washington College of Law.
Questions for President Kerwin:
Professor Sapieyevski made a statement commending President Kerwin for improving
transparency and the quality of administration and to acknowledge one of the sources of this
progress. Professor Sapieyevski stated: "If not for a handful of brave and principled people, this
improvement in governance would not have happened and we would still have the former
regime. These few courageous persons effectively questioned the previous status quo and they
deserve our gratitude."
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Professor Sapieyevski inquired about President's enrollment report, which talks about the
number of students enrolled, rather than the tuition revenue goal and whether or not we should
make adjustments to the size of the student body or the structure of tuition discounts. If
the tuition revenues are jeopardized it forces admitting more, often-lower quality students.
President Kerwin stated that the discounts are at average of 29%, in the middle range of the
competing institutions. President Kerwin assured that the targeted enrollment is 1500 students
and while there are no plans for substantial increase of this number, it will be kept without
Professor Riddick asked about the availability of the H1N1 vaccine for the campus population
and about campus preparations to take care of students who become ill. President Kerwin said
that the vaccine would be available in October at the earliest and university officials have offered
American University as an area center for administering inoculations. AU has requested enough
vaccine for everyone 26 years old or younger (in comparison with current guidelines of 24 years
or younger). There are already been some consideration of using some areas of the dorms as
isolation locations if a substantial flu outbreak were to occur, and the university has already
notified parents of students who are “local” to consider taking their children home if widespread
illness were to occur, in order to help with the burden of providing adequate care for those who
become ill and have families further from campus.
President Kerwin added that with regard to U.S. News & World Report rankings, sometimes the
mix of faculty, scholarly work, and class work is not reflected. Many of American University’s
individual colleges and schools are ranked higher, while the overall university ranking is not.
President Kerwin anecdotally added that if you consider only private universities, without
medical or engineering schools, American University should be ranked number one.
Professor Wanis-St. John asked what would precipitate a complete university closure. President
Kerwin indicated that there is no established threshold for the number of cases of the flu that will
precipitate closing the university.
Professor Forst asked about the status of the progress on the strategic plan. President Kerwin
said that the university is focused on the strategic plan and will be continuing to assess progress
using measurable outcomes. A portion of the Faculty Retreat will be devoted to discussing the
strategic plan.
Report of the Provost, Scott Bass
Organizational Changes
Provost Bass announced that the four Vice-Provosts are now in place: Vi Ettle, Vice-Provost of
Finance; Kay Mussell, interim Dean of Academic Affairs and Senior Vice-Provost; Phyllis
Peres, Vice-Provost, Undergraduate Studies; and Rosemary Wander, Vice-Provost Graduate
Studies Research.
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Additionally, Provost Bass introduced the new Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Peter
Starr, and the new Executive Director of Enrollment, Sharon Alston.
Middle States Preliminary Report
Provost Bass announced that this preliminary report by two external reviewers is nearly flawless
and there are virtually no criticisms. It will be sent to Middle States, who will review the report,
and then issue a formal report in October.
Provost Bass indicated that there is still much work to be done especially in advancing
assessment of learning. He noted that a particular strength in AU’s commitment was
exemplified by the establishment of a new Faculty Senate Committee on Learning Assessment.
Swine Flu Preparations
There are a number of different scenarios for which advance planning have been made with
regard to the possible swine flu pandemic. If students are absent from classes because of the
swine flu, faculty have been instructed not to expect homework with the same time frame as
usual in order to allow ill students to recuperate. The logic behind this is that it is necessary for
people to stay home and away from others if they are ill. Faculty should consider how to provide
students with any coursework that they have been missing while absent. Provost Bass added that
he does not foresee the University closing.
Washington Semester Program
This distinguished, fifty year old program has had considerable trouble with enrollment in recent
years, largely due to the weak economy and the increasing number of rival programs that have
been established. The program is expensive and many universities are encouraging their students
to participate in other less-expensive programs in the area. Provost Bass announced that the
array of professional development and continuing education programs will be broadened, and the
Washington Semester Program will fit within this broader umbrella of programs. There is a
search for a new Director.
Grant Proposals
A proposal for $2 million has been submitted to the National Science Foundation to upgrade the
mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in Beeghly Hall. Another proposal was submitted
for $8.7 million to the National Institutes of Health to renovate the third and fourth floors of
Beeghly Hall. These proposals will support scientific research and education at the University.
SAT Scores
A number of universities are reconsidering the use of SAT scores in determining access to higher
education. Recent data show a greater correlation between higher income and higher SAT
scores, which suggest that access to SAT training programs may be skewing results.
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As a result, there is a growing trend among universities to have SAT-optional college
acceptances. Provost Bass announced that while American University is not ready to do that,
there will be an experimental pilot program with early-decision applicants to determine whether
or not such an option would be beneficial for American University.
Faculty Retreat
The Faculty Retreat will be held on October 16th and October 17th, and there are about 263
registrants thus far. Bus transportation and day care will be provided. Dean Mussell and Dean
Durand are co-chairs of the planning committee.
Priority Areas for this Academic Year
Research and grant infrastructure task force
Full review of the General Education Program
Revision of the Faculty Manual
Achieving the Strategic Plan goals
Search committee is to be established for a Dean Academic Affairs and Senior Vice
Questions for Provost Bass
Professor Klein asked about the impact on one school – SIS – having more growth in freshman
students than other schools. Provost Bass indicated that additional faculty lines have gone to SIS
as a result of such a growth. There are a total of 37 lines, of which 10 are new lines, and of
which 3 or 4 will be added to SIS.
Professor Jacobs asked whether the existing Washington Semester faculty would fit into the
newly designed Washington Semester Program. Provost Bass said he had a conversation with
the faculty, which was very well received. They are aware that there is a $1.4 million shortfall.
He noted that it is possible for existing Washington Semester faculty to fit. One possible
immediate accommodation will be to have them teach classes offered on the main campus.
Report of the Dean of Academic Affairs, Kay Mussell
Dean Mussell thanked Professor Klein for all of his effort and hard work with the campus book
store. Over the summer, Dean Mussell and Vi Ettle met with the new campus book store
manager, Kristi Cole, who seems to be very experienced and attentive to the needs of American
University faculty and students. Kristi Cole has developed some procedures that may help with
book orders, such as electronic confirmation of courses being offered. Faculty should notify her
of any problems with book orders.
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Report of the Chair, Lyn Stallings
For the first time, the faculty Senate is using internet voting. The election, currently in progress,
is to fill two positions on the Committee on Faculty Relations. The election will end on
September 4th.
The Emeriti Luncheons are set for October 21st with Meike Meurs of Economics as the featured
speaker and March 17th with Eileen Findlay of History.
The ad hoc Faculty Senate salary equity study committee has met. Meike Meurs is chairing the
committee. The committee is awaiting the data needed to conduct the study.
Two members are needed for the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. Brian Forst volunteered
to be the at-large member and Tony Riley volunteered to be the general senate member. The
Faculty Senate VOTED and in favor of the two new members unanimously.
The Faculty Senate VOTED to ratify the slate of faculty representatives to serve as faculty
representatives on the committees of the Board of Trustees. The faculty representatives are Fred
Jacobs (Academic Affairs), Nanette Levinson (Alumni Affairs), Robert Karch (Athletics), Phil
Jacoby (Audit), Ira Klein (Campus Life), Lenny Steinhorn (Communication), Ron Anderson
(Finance & Investment), and Leigh Riddick (Trusteeship). Lyn Stallings and Stephen Silvia
continue to serve as members of the Board of Trustees.
Professor Stallings distributed to Senators lists of the Senate membership and Committee
memberships. She announced that the Faculty Senate website will be updated shortly.
This year three faculty Senate meetings will be in McDowell Hall, not the Butler Board Room.
A list of dates and locations was distributed.
Executive Committee Report
Ad hoc Faculty Manual Revisions Committee, Lyn Stallings
Professor Stallings reminded Senators who was serving on the committee. They are: Lyn
Stallings (Chair), Randall Blair, Barlow Burke, John Douglass, Mary Mintz, Leigh Riddick,
Stephen Silvia, Stephen Taylor, and Dean Mussell, ex efficio. There is a blackboard site with the
meeting minutes and revisions.
Faculty Development Committee, Nadia Harris
Professor Harris mentioned that guest speakers at the Faculty Retreat will be President Kerwin
and the president of the University of Maryland Baltimore Campus. Retreat topics will include
teaching, research, and faculty development.
Student Learning and Academic Engagement Committee, Ira Klein
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Professor Klein introduced Andy McCracken, Student Government president, and Abby
Matussek, Academic Director of Student Governance. Professor Stallings added that Austin
Yursik is the president of the Graduate Student Association.
Student government leaders will meet with Faculty Senate leaders to discuss an agenda decided
upon by the students.
Information Services Committee, John Smith
Professor Smith noted that the committee received a proposal for a new Academic and
Technology Steering Committee, which it will discuss at its first meeting.
One goal of the committee is to oversee a coordinated roll out of technology throughout the
campus, shepherding academic technology from the concept to funding phase.
The meeting adjourned at 4:30.
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