Minutes Faculty Senate Meeting October 5, 2011

Faculty Senate Meeting
October 5, 2011
Professor Girard called the meeting to order at 2:20 P.M.
Present: Professors Jim Girard, Leigh Riddick, Barlow Burke, Melissa Becher, Phil Brenner, Joe
Dent, Christine DeGregorio, Alberto Espinosa, Bryan Fantie, Phil Jacoby, Bob Jernigan,
Jonathan Loesberg, Stacey Marien, Sarah Menke-Fish, Candice Nelson, Gemma Puglisi, Shalini
Venturelli, Patricia West, William Ryan, Lacey Wootton, Provost Scott Bass and Dean Phyllis
Chair’s Report, Jim Girard
Professor Girard informed the senators that the membership of the senate is still missing two
seats. It has been a difficult task trying to fill them and any assistance from the current members
would be appreciated. He also said that the Graduate Curriculum Committee as well is having
troubles and are not able to assign any current member as chair. Professor Girard will be meeting
with them again soon hoping to try and help them fill this crucial position.
Undergraduate Regulations Review, Leigh Riddick
Professor Riddick began review of the undergraduate regulations discussing the following topics:
Dean’s list- Should a student with an “I” or an “IP” be placed on the Dean’s list?
Discussion on this topic was postponed to allow more research with the Associate
Non-degree students language was changed to clarify that non-degree students
who take classes are not guaranteed acceptance into a degree program. This
structure was created to allow students when directed to improve chances of
admittance to the university but is not a guarantee for any student. It was decided
to send the language to the Associate Deans for their review.
Language was included to define who can and cannot take 600 level courses or
above except with the defined explanations.
Registration will be blocked for students who have not completed the college
writing requirement and mathematics requirement unless they have consulted with
an advisor so that students are not taking fundamental classes as juniors or seniors.
Regulations will state that transfer students are the only ones who will be able to
transfer with test scores to satisfy math requirements. Clearer language on when
AP and IB transfer credits are accepted was discussed.
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Language of expected internships and how they are handled overall at the
university to meet the national standards. Corrected table has been inserted.
Clarity for all schools in practice of counting credits towards their graduate
degrees earned as an undergraduate.
Certificate programs will be reviewed in the next year or two per the senate and
Provosts request.
Change in Grade Type from pass/fail to a letter grade or vice versa was proposed
to be moved from 10 days to the eight week midterm date to coincide with the
midterm date which is consistent with the drop date. The Senate VOTED, 13 in
favor, 1 opposed and 3 abstentions in favor of the eight weeks.
Late adds or Section Changes must be approved by the instructor, teaching unit
and the associate dean after the add/drop period.
Leave of absence conditions have been reorganized and put together in one section
for organizational purposes
Medical Leave of Absence was discussed to clarify the steps in notification of an
official leave as well as clarifying which AU official has this responsibility. It was
decided to take the discussion to the next senate roundtable meeting for the Deans
input. Access to campus facilities, by a student on leave of absence, during this
leave time was decided to include only those facilities that are open to the general
Clarification of language was made for students that are withdrawing from the
university to be clear that they may do so without revealing their reason for their
Amendments to Undergraduate Regulations, Lyn Stallings
Amendment 1: Add a section on Students Academic Grievances
Amendment 2: Add a section on Permit to Study Abroad
Amendment 3: Move section 11.5 combined Bachelors and Masters Degrees to section 10
making it section 10.2
Amendment 4: Move section 11.7 (Certificate Programs) to Section 10 (Special Programs and
Degrees) and make it section 10.3
Amendment 5: add Three Year Bachelors Programs as a section of 10.3
Amendment 6: Remove “program” from subtitle 11.4 Community Service Learning
Amendment 7: Omitted due to previous changes
Amendment 8: 12.7 Reduction of Course Load Due to Medical Reasons specified to follow
Amendment 9: 13.7 Trauma and Bereavement Policy- minor editorial change
The Faculty Senate Voted the above 8 amendments and the vote was unanimous in favor.
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For the Good of the Order
Professor Girard informed the Senators that the meeting scheduled for next week will be
cancelled because the Graduate Regulations are still under review.
The Meeting was adjourned at 4:20 P.M.
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