GERONTOLOGY 310 PHYSIOLOGY OF AGING Fall 2008 USC Course Catalog Description: GERO 310 Physiology of Aging (4, Fa): Effects of normative aging processes on homeostatic mechanisms and how these changes relate to development of disorder and disease in later life. Lecture and discussion. Prerequisite: BISC 220L or BISC 221L. Classroom: GER 230 “Smart Classroom” Time: Mon./Wed. 10:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. Instructors: • Christian J. Pike, Ph.D. Phone: (213) 740-4205 Fax: (213) 740-4787 E-mail: Office Hours: Mon 11:50 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. and by appointment • Todd E. Morgan, Ph.D. Phone: (213) 740-4083 Fax: (213) 740-0853 E-mail: Office Hours: Wed 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. and by appointment Course Description Examination of human aging with major emphasis in the physiology of the later years and implications for health maintenance. The goal of the course will be to solidify biological concepts and theories that underlie the phenomena of human aging. Throughout the course special effort will be made to differentiate normal aging processes from age-related deterioration caused by disuse, misuse or abuse, and disease. Course Objectives By the conclusion of the course, students are expected to be able to: 1) Provide an informed opinion on key issues in biological gerontology relevant to health care practitioners, social service professionals, educators, administrators, and policy analysts. 2) Discuss the nature of biological aging as a composite of genetics and environment. 3) Clearly distinguish between normal aging processes and age-associated diseases. 4) Clearly distinguish between problems of disuse, misuse, abuse, and normal aging changes. Textbook The required textbook for this course is Human Aging: Biological Perspectives by Augustine G. Digiovanna, and there will be additional assigned readings for some topics. Students should read the assigned text/readings prior to class to prepare for class discussion. Students are also expected to use a medical dictionary to assist them in understanding the text and the assigned readings. 2 Evaluation This class is primarily a lecture course with audiovisual presentations, a textbook, and supplementary reading material. Evaluation in the course will be based on two midterm examinations, a term-paper, and a final examination. The examinations will not be comprehensive. A short quiz will be given after the first 2 weeks of classes. Examinations will consist of short essay questions designed to give you the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned. An outline of the examination schedule is given below: Test Quiz Midterm #1 Midterm #2 Final Examination Exam Date September 10 October 1 November 3 December 15 (8:00am to 10:00am) Lecture Dates/Topics Covered Aug. 25 through Sep. 8 Aug. 25 through Sep. 29 Oct. 6 through Oct. 29 Nov. 5 through Dec. 5 Students will be evaluated on the basis of: 1) Quiz + Midterm #1 (25%) 2) Midterm #2 (25%) 3) Final exam (25%) 4) Term Paper (25%) The Term Paper is due on or before the last day of class on Wednesday, December 3 If you are going to miss an examination, you MUST CALL AHEAD of time and reschedule to take the make-up test within the next week. Anyone who does not call ahead of time to reschedule will receive a score of zero for that exam. Students with Disabilities (the information below was provided by the office of the Provost) “Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure that the letter is delivered to any of the Instructors as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in on campus in STU 301, and is open from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776.” Gero 310 3 Term Paper Requirements & Guidelines All students are required to submit a term paper, representing their own original work that provides an in-depth review of an aspect of the Biology of Aging. Students will be free to choose their own topics, subject to final approval by the course instructor. Student papers must be printed (using a word processing program) and must be a minimum of eight (8) pages in length, using double-spaced type with a 12 point font. Leave a one-line space between each paragraph, use a one-inch all-around margin, and number each page consecutively. Be sure to give your term paper an appropriate title, and also make sure to put your own name on the paper. Student papers must include at least ten (10) literature references, not including the course textbook. Students are encouraged to use the campus libraries and the internet (e.g., PubMed) to find appropriate background information and references. The references used should largely be published primary journal articles from the bio-medical literature, rather than books, unpublished opinions from the internet (e.g., no wikipedia), or popular magazines. Use numbers to quote your references directly in the text of your term paper; like this (1). Extensive direct quotations are not appropriate for this term paper, and copying without giving credit is never acceptable. If you really want to include a quote or two, it/they should be no longer than three (3) lines long, and should be set inside quotation marks. Remember to fully reference the source of any quote you use in your reference list. All term papers will be due no later than the end of the last class. Term papers may also be given to the instructor at any time before this date. Students must turn in both written and electronic (send to instructor via email) copies of their term paper. Academic integrity is highly regarded and enforced in this class. With regard to the course papers, academic integrity violations include plagiarism, and turning in papers that were either purchased papers, written by someone else, or written for another class. Additional information on USC policies on academic integrity are available from several sources, including Scampus and the Office of Student Conduct (for example see Trojan Integrity: A Guide for Avoiding Plagiarism Violations of academic integrity will result in a course grade of F and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct. Journal References should look like this: 1. Pacifici, R.E. and Davies, K.J.A. (1991) Protein, lipid, and DNA repair systems in oxidative stress: the free radical theory of aging revisited. Gerontology 37, 166-180. Reference to a chapter in a book should look like this: 2. Crawford, D.R. and Davies, K.J.A. (1999) Regulation of Gene Expression During Oxidative Stress. In: Free Radicals in Physiology & Medicine (Sies, H., ed.) Chapter 2, pp. 21-35, Academic Press, New York. GERONTOLOGY 310 - PHYSIOLOGY OF AGING - FALL 2008 Month Date Day Topic Instructor Aug. 25 Mon. Introduction to class and structure/evaluation Pike & Morgan Aug. 27 Wed. Theories of biological aging Caleb Finch Sept. 3 Wed. Free radical theory of aging Kelvin Davies Sept. 8 Mon Genetics of aging Caleb Finch Sept. 10 Wed. Pathologies associated with aging Caleb Finch Sept. 15 Mon. Endocrine system in aging I Christian Pike Sept. 17 Wed. Endocrine system in aging II Christian Pike Sept. 22 Mon. Immune system in aging Christian Pike Sept. 24 Wed. Immune system in aging Christian Pike Sept. 29 Mon. Inflammation in aging Todd Morgan Oct. 1 Wed. EXAM Todd Morgan Oct. 6 Mon. Circulatory system in aging Todd Morgan Oct. 8 Wed. Respiratory system in aging Todd Morgan Oct. 13 Mon. Digestive system in aging Todd Morgan Oct. 15 Wed. Diet and Nutrition in aging Todd Morgan Oct. 20 Mon. Neurobiology of aging I Christian Pike Oct. 22 Wed. Neurobiology of aging II Christian Pike Oct. 27 Mon. Neurobiology of aging III Christian Pike Oct. 29 Wed. Neurobiology of aging IV Christian Pike Nov. 3 Mon. EXAM Todd Morgan Nov. 5 Wed. Reproductive system in aging I Christian Pike Nov. 10 Mon. Reproductive system in aging II Christian Pike Nov. 12 Wed. Urinary system in aging Christian Pike Nov. 17 Mon. Integumentary and Muscular systems in aging Todd Morgan Nov. 19 Wed. Skeletal system in aging Todd Morgan Nov. 24 Mon. Exercise and aging Todd Morgan Nov. 26 Wed. Sensory systems in aging I Christian Pike Dec. 1 Mon. Sensory systems in aging II Christian Pike Dec. 3 Wed. Evolutionary perspectives on longevity Caleb Finch Dec. 15 Mon. FINAL EXAMINATION Todd Morgan 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. 4 Gero. 310 – Fall 2008 DESCRIPTION OF CLASS TOPICS 5 ORIENTATION AND INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF AGING Instructor: Drs. Christian Pike and Todd Morgan - Class structure and evaluation, Course Objectives - Why the study of aging is important to your future - Overview of age changes - Overview of theories of aging - The role of aging in disease Text: Chapter 1 THEORIES OF BIOLOGICAL AGING Instructor: Dr. Caleb Finch - Demographics of aging: The Gompertz curve - Molecular changes: DNA, protein, lipids - Cell changes: dividing vs non-dividing cells - Systemic changes: hormones % immune systems - Evolutionary theory Text: Chapter 1 & 2 and Ricklefs R & Finch CE. A Natural History of Aging, Chapters 1 &2 (available on-line) FREE RADICAL THEORY OF AGING Instructor: Dr. Kelvin Davies - Oxidative stress: causes and consequences - Antioxidant enzymes and compounds - Damage repair and removal systems - Adaptive responses to oxidative stress - Oxidative stress and ageing Text: Chapter 2 and “handouts’ on blackboard GENETICS OF AGING Instructor: Dr. Caleb Finch - Species differences - Human sex differences - Twins - Centenarians Text: Chapter 2 and Finch CE & Longo V. Evolutionary Medicine: From Dwarf model systems to healthy centenarians. Science 299: 1342-1346; 2003. PATHOLOGIES ASSOCIATED WITH AGING Instructor: Dr. Caleb Finch - Cancer - Vascular Disease - Alzheimers Disease Text: Ricklefs R & Finch CE. A Natural History of Aging, Chapters 4 THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Instructor: Dr. Christian Pike - The endocrine glands - Mechanism of hormone action - Diabetes, stress response and glucose regulation - GH, IGF-1 and longevity regulation Text: Chapter 14 THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Instructor: Dr. Christian Pike - Basic components of the immune system - Age-related changes in the immune system - Self recognition in the immune system - The cell biology of HIV Text: Chapter 15 INFLAMMATION IN AGING Instructor: Dr. Todd Morgan - Basic pathways and mechanisms - Acute versus chronic - Effects on the brain Text: Chapter 15 and “Additional Materials” on Blackboard THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Instructor: Dr. Todd Morgan - Anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system - Age-related changes - Age-related disorders: atherosclerosis, high blood pressure Text: Chapter 4 and “Additional Materials” on Blackboard THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Instructor: Dr. Todd Morgan - Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system - Age-related changes - Age-related disorders: pneumonia Text: Chapter 5 and “Additional Materials” on Blackboard THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Instructor: Dr. Todd Morgan - Anatomy and physiology of the digestive system - Age-related changes - Age-related disorders Text: Chapter 10 and “Additional Materials” on Blackboard DIET AND NUTRITION IN AGING Instructor: Dr. Todd Morgan - Diet and age-related diseases - Obesity and type 2 Diabetes - Guidelines for healthy living Text: Chapter 11 and “Additional Materials” on Blackboard NORMAL FUNCTION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Instructor: Dr. Christian Pike - Basic anatomy of the nervous system - The synapse: target of drug therapy and drug abuse 6 - How neurons communicate Text: Chapter 6 AGING AND AGE-RELATED DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Instructor: Dr. Christian Pike - Normal age-related changes in the nervous system - Dementia - Alzheimer’s disease - Parkinson’s disease - Huntington’s disease Text: Chapter 6 THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Instructor: Dr. Christian Pike - Main functions - Male and Female systems: age changes, sexual activity - Frequency and enjoyment of sexual activity - Abnormal and disease conditions Text: Chapter 13 THE URINARY SYSTEM Instructor: Dr. Christian Pike - Anatomy and physiology of the kidney and urinary system - Incontinence, a major cause of institutionalization - Other age-related changes in urinary system - Alterations of drug metabolism in the elderly Text: Chapter 12 THE INTEGUMENTARY AND MUSCULAR SYSTEMS Instructor: Dr. Todd Morgan - Anatomy and physiology of skin - Age-related changes in skin - Anatomy and physiology of muscle - Age-related changes in muscle Text: Chapter 3 & 8 and “Additional Materials” on Blackboard THE SKELETAL SYSTEM Instructor: Dr. Todd Morgan - Anatomy and physiology of bone - Age-related changes in bone - Osteoporosis Text: Chapter 8 and “Additional Materials” on Blackboard EXERCISE AND AGING Instructor: Dr. Todd Morgan - Age-related changes in activity and physical performance - Beneficial effects of exercise during aging Text: Chapter 11 and “Additional Materials” on Blackboard THE SENSORY SYSTEMS Instructor: Dr. Christian Pike 7 - The visual system and effects of age - The auditory system and effects of age - Age-related changes in chemical senses with aging Text: Chapter 7 8 EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVES ON LONGEVITY Instructor: Dr. Caleb Finch - Comparative biology of aging - Life history and trade-offs - Human evolution Readings: Ricklefs and Finch, Capter 1 & 7; Finch CE & Stanford CB. Meat adaptive genes and the evolution of slower aging in humans. Q Rev Biol 79: 1-54; 2004