UNIVERSITY OF MALTA FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTANCY Master of Arts (Economics) DISSERTATION TITLES Course Group: 2000/2002 Name of Student Attard Antoine Briffa Anthony Brincat Andrew Camenzuli Carlos Alberto Cassar Alan Cassar Jennifer Dissertation Title The Relationship between Labour Supply and Income from Employment in Malta The Impact of very large projects on the Maltese Economy A Pricing Strategy for the Maltese Water Industry An Endogenous Growth Model for the Maltese Economy Forecasting Inflation in Malta: Is the Philips Curve Relevant? Measuring Potential Output for the Maltese Economy Supervisor Prof. L. Briguglio Prof. E. Scicluna Mr. E. Azzopardi Mr. G. Cordina Mr. G. Cordina Mr. G. Cordina Name of Student Pace Christopher Sciberras Christine Scicluna Marianna Vella Joseph Vella Mary Anne Xuereb Marisa Dissertation Title The Polak Model: An Application to the Maltese Economy From a Bank-based to a Market-based Financial System Mr. G. Cordina Mr. M. Bray Estimating Productivity of Educational Institutions: The Case of Maltese Secondary Schools The Influence of Houses prices on Household Consumption and Residential Investment in Malta during the period 1980 - 1998 The Emergence of Funded Pension Schemes in Malta: Implications of the Labour Market Prof. E. Scicluna The Tax Compliance Game: A Strategic Approach to Tax Compliance with Special Reference to the Tax Compliance Unit in Malta Mr. M. Bray Zammit Natalie Modelling the Resource Balance in the Maltese Economy No. of Students: 13 Supervisor Mr. E.P. Delia Mr. E.P. Delia Prof. L. Briguglio MASTER OF ARTS (ECONOMICS) COURSE GROUP: 2001/2003 Name of Student Bonanno Cheryl Buttigieg Scicluna Walance Farrugia Astrid Grima Melissa Psaila Roderick Scerri Karl Schembri Peter Tabone Manuel Zammit Victor No. of Students: 9 Dissertation Title Chairman Supervisor Mr G Cordina Prof L Briguglio The Impact of Market Disequilibria on Property Prices in Malta Prof L Briguglio Mr M Bray Innovation Policy in Malta Prof L Briguglio Mr G Cordina Prof L Briguglio Mr G Cordina Prof L Briguglio Mr G Cordina Mr G Cordina Mr M Bray Prof L Briguglio Mr G Cordina Prof J Bonnici Prof L Briguglio Prof L Briguglio Mr G Cordina A Study of Tourism Multipliers for the Maltese Economy Economic Convergence: EU Acceding Countries in Relation to EU Member States The Implications of the Balassa-Samuelson Effect on Malta's Inflation Rate in the Run-Up to European Monetary Union Membership The Pass-Through of Foreign Inflation and Exchange Rate Variations to Retail Prices in Malta Product Differentiation: After the Removal of Levies n the Local Beer Market A Labour Demand Function for the Maltese Manufacturing Sector: Using a CES Function Business Cycles and their Determinants in Malta Course Group: 2002/2004 CHAIRMAN: EXTERNAL EXAMINER: Name of Student Professor L. Briguglio Professor R. Falvey Dissertation Title Supervisor BORG Keith A Hedonic Real Estate Price Index in Malta Mr. G. Cordina BUGEJA Stephanie Estimation of the Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate for Malta Mr. G. Cordina BUHAGIAR Gordon Competition Constraints and Economic Policy in Malta FARRUGIA Nadia A Small Structural Model of the Maltese Economy Prof. L. Briguglio Mr. G. Cordina Name of Student Dissertation Title Supervisor GAVRITCHKINA Julia The Assessment of Household Wealth in Malta Mr. G. Cordina MONTFORT Karl The Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Malta Mr. G. Cordina PORTELLI Andrew An Inquiry into the Maltese Debt Servicing - Costs at Risk SAVONA Lara The Use of Economic Instruments for Environmental Management in Malta No. of Students: 8 Prof. L. Briguglio Course Group: 2004/2006 EXTERNAL EXAMINER: Name of Student BORG Amanda BUTTIGIEG GILI Maruska GRIMA Fabian MEILAK Christopher A. MUSCAT Pauline PIZZUTO Alexandra PSAILA Keith SAMMUT David SPITERI Kristy ZERAFA Mary Anne Prof. A. Markowski No. of Students: 10 Dissertation Title Estimating the Shadow Price of Surgical Operations in the Maltese Public Health Sector The Relationship between Money, Domestic Credit and Real Macroeconomic Variables in Malta Chairman Mr. G. Cordina Mr. M. Bray The Impact of Oil Price increases on Small Economies Prof. J. Falzon Export Concentration in Small States Prof. J. Falzon Capital Flows – To What Extent Do These Impact on Economic Growth in Developing Countries? Mr. G. Cordina The Implications of Income Tax Policies on Economic Growth Mr. G. Cordina The Relationship between Small Firms and Economic Growth – The Maltese Model Testing Ricardian equivalence for the Maltese Economy Prof. L. Briguglio Mr. M. Bray Energy Market Liberalisation Mr. G. Cordina Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion Mr. E.P. Delia Supervisor Prof. L. Briguglio Mr. G. Cordina Mr. G. Cordina Mr. G. Cordina Prof. L. Briguglio Prof. L. Briguglio Mr. G. Cordina Mr. G. Cordina Prof. L. Briguglio Prof. L. Briguglio Course Group: 2005/2007 CHAIRMAN: EXTERNAL EXAMINER: Name of Student Arpa Efrem Borg Elaine Busuttil Ranier Ellul Christianne No. of Students: 11 Dr. G. Cordina Prof. A. Markowski Dissertation Title International Electricity Grid Interconnectedness: An Economic Assessment with Respect to Malta An Analysis of Late Payments in Malta Labour Market Flexibility in the EU with a Particular Attention to the Local (Maltese) Scenario Research and Innovation Policy: Relevance for New, Small Member States of the European Union Lauri Romina A VAR Model for the Maltese Economy Governance and Economic Development: The Status of Small Island Statesthe Maltese Lira to the Euro: What are the Potential Implications From for the Local Price Developments and Consumer Behaviour in the ShortTerm and Long-Term Periods? Micallef Brian The Role of Monetary Aggregates in the ECB's Monetary Policy Strategy Scerri Dorianne Vulnerability, Resilience and Financial Sector Development Spiteri Audrey An Adjustment to the HICP Coverage: Special Focus on Housing Defining, Measuring and Analysing Poverty and Social Exclusion with Special Reference to Malta Ellul Nicholas Fabri Jean Paul Zammit Chantelle Supervisor Prof. E. Scicluna Ms N. Farrugia Prof. L. Briguglio Dr. G. Cordina Mr. C. Camilleri Ms. N. Farrugia Mr. C. Camilleri Dr. G. Cordina Ms N. Farrugia Dr. G. Cordina Mr. E.P. Delia Course Group: 2006/2008 CHAIRMAN: EXTERNAL EXAMINER: Name of Student Debono Christine Formosa Ingrid Gravino Daniel Mifsud Annaliese Perici Christine Porter Caroline Scott SueAnn Zammit Vanessa No. of Students: 8 Dr. G. Cordina Prof. A. Markowski Dissertation Title Supervisor The Weaknesses of Basel II in the Current Turmoil Scenario Prof. Lino Briguglio Measuring Market Efficiency: A Comparative Study Dr Gordon Cordina Welfare and Reallocation Impacts of Tax Policy in Malta: An Applied General Equilibrium Tax Model Prof. Lino Briguglio The Role of Emerging Markets in the Global Economy Prof. Lino Briguglio An Economic Assessment of Competition within the Customer Deposit Segment in the Maltese Retail Banking Sector Ms N. Farrugia Calculating the Green Gross Domestic Product for the Maltese Islands Dr Gordon Cordina Measuring the Welfare Effect Brought About by the Entry of Low Cost Airlines in the Maltese Islands The Housing Market and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in the Euro Area Prof. Lino Briguglio Prof. Lino Briguglio Course Group: 2007/2009 CHAIRMAN: EXTERNAL EXAMINER: Name of Student No. of Students: 11 Dr. G. Cordina Prof. A. Markowski Dissertation Title Supervisor Anabel Cauchi Constructing a Banking Stress Index for Malta Mr Silvio Camilleri Andrew Spiteri The Effect of the 2007-2009 Financial Crisis on European Small States With Special Reference to Economic Resilience Prof. Lino Briguglio Blaine Camilleri The Role of Government in the Maltese Economy: How Government affects Economic Growth Mr E P Delia Mr J P Fabri Christian Pace Assessing The Quality of Public Finances Christine Balzan Macro Stress Testing Model for the Domestic Banking Sector Mr Silvio Camilleri Name of Student Dissertation Title Supervisor Clyde Caruana Assessing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Welfare State. A comparative study of the EU27 Member States Dr Gordon Cordina Ian Sapiano Electricity Demand in the Maltese Islands – An Empirical Analysis Mr. Carl Camilleri Joseph Darmanin An Assessment of the Maltese Entry-Level Housing Market: A Fundamentals Based Analysis Dr Gordon Cordina Raniero Polidano A comparison between the United States and the European Union regarding the recent house price bubbles Dr Gordon Cordina Mr Keith Borg Roderick Armeni A Hedonic House Price Index based on Advertised Prices for Malta Silvio Attard Exchange rate pass-through to domestic prices: a pre and post EMU analsysis Mr. Carl Camilleri Course Group: 2008/2010 CHAIRMAN: EXTERNAL EXAMINER: Name of Student No. of Students: 12 Dr. G. Cordina Prof. A. Markowski Dissertation Title Supervisor Attard Sarah The setting of an optimum base rate – building a theoretical rate. Dr. G. Cordina Camilleri Brian Joseph The influence of time delay in games. Ms. J. Farrugia Caruana Joanna Regional Price Dispersion in Malta. Mr. K. Borg Maria Debono The effect of housing and financial wealth on consumption: The case for Malta. Dr G.Cordina Fenech Glenn A CBA on a number of Air Malta operated routes for a PSO appraisal. Ms. S. Vella Name of Student Dissertation Title Supervisor Flores Clinton D. The impact of T2S on the Securities Settlement Industry in Malta: An Economic Analysis. Mr. J. Rapa Galea Waldemar David Are Countries’ Economic Vulnerability consistent with their intrinsic Business Cycle Behaviour? A Comprehensive Empirical Analysis of possible influences. Dr. G. Cordina Lanzon David An Inquiry into the Relationship between Stock Prices and Aggregate Economic Activity. Prof. J. Falzon Miller Kirsten M. Do student stipends increase participation rates in post-compulsory education? Schembri Saviour Opportunities and Challenges for Rural Tourism in the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 for Malta: Lessons from the Valle D'Aosta Region in Italy's Experience Theuma Mark Bonello Mark Anthony An Evaluation of the Keynesian income-expenditure multiplier: A European case-study. Assessing the Economic Impact Arising from Sport Related Investment in Malta Prof. L. Briguglio Dr. G. Cordina Ms. S. Vella Dr. G. Cordina No. of Students: 2 Course Group: 2008/2010 Name of Student Dissertation Title Attard Sarah The setting of an optimum base rate – building a theoretical rate. Miller Kirsten M. Do student stipends increase participation rates in post-compulsory education? Dr. G. Cordina Prof. L. Briguglio No. of Students: 2 Course Group: 2009/2011 Name of Student Supervisor Dissertation Title Farrugia John The Effect of Fiscal Drag on the Maltese Economy – Analysing the Maltese Tax Burden through Tax Wedge Indicators. Gatt William Incorporating Economic Vulnerability in a DSGE Model. Supervisor Ms. S. Vella Dr. G. Cordina