The Teachers Who Leave: Pulled by Opportunity or Pushed by Accountability? Sara Champion (Stanford University) Annalisa Mastri (Mathematica Institute) Kathryn Shaw (Stanford University) May 6, 2011 Draft: please do not quote. There is clear evidence that teacher quality is very important in increasing student performance (Rivkin, Hanushek, and Kain, 2005). In this era of increasing emphasis on accountability for students and teachers, what policies should be adopted to increase teachers’ quality? One option is higher pay levels. A second option is to increase the variance of pay across teachers. It is likely that many high quality college students avoid the teaching profession because pay is compressed across teachers: star people may not enter teaching because there are few upside gains to performing well in teaching. Hoxby and Leigh (2004) show that pay compression is correlated with a lowering of teachers’ SAT scores from 1963 to 2000. In what follows, three key questions are addressed. How much is teachers’ pay compressed and what is causing the compression? Are teachers leaving teaching for better opportunities elsewhere? Did moving to accountability standards in some districts alter quit rates and pay in those districts? These questions are addressed by using more comprehensive longitudinal data on teacher’s careers and employers than has ever been available previously. The data set is the Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics (LEHD) data that contains complete earnings records for the population of employees from 1992 to 2003 for all employed people in seven U.S. states, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The earnings records are the reports that each employer submits to the state Unemployment Insurance office for every employer in the firm. 1 The data set used herein follows 288,186 male teachers during their teaching careers and after they leave teaching if they leave. Therefore, the data set contains 1,749,878 person-year observations of the population of all male teachers in the seven states. These teachers are employed by xx school districts. The full population of male and female teachers is xxx teachers in these data for these states. One key advantage of this large data set is that there are enough male teachers so that post-teaching careers can be examined. Women are dropped in most of 1 The authors obtained access to these data, that were constructed by the Census group, by working through the confidential Census center. 1 this analysis because women are more likely to take time off for family reasons, and thus their post-teaching pay is difficult to interpret. The data is described in more detail in the next section, followed by sections that address each of the three key questions listed above. The conclusion summarizes and interprets the results. I. The Data Set on Teachers and Those Leaving Teaching The data set is an employee-employer matched data set that follows the careers of teachers. The data records teachers’ incomes when they enter teaching, get promoted, or leave. The data comes from the earnings data for each employee that is reported by firms to the state-level unemployment insurance system. Therefore, the data matches employee records to firm records. A group of economists at the Census put together this data set by contacting all the state Unemployment Insurance agencies, and this data set is labeled the Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics (LEHD).2 The data set used for this analysis is the population of all employees working in the Elementary and Secondary Education industry for seven U.S. states from 1992 to 2003.3 The states are Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. These states were chosen because they are diverse in many aspects, including collective bargaining laws, regional characteristics, and educational policies. For every individual who ever worked in the state, the data contains a quarterly earnings history for each job held during the sample period. The data are derived from mandatory reporting to state-level unemployment insurance systems, and thus the non-response rate is very low. Because employers report earnings for every employee, the earnings of every person working for a given employer are known precisely: the income measures are not responses from employees answering surveys on past earnings. There is limited individual demographic information (age, race, and gender) and the identity and characteristics of each employer the individual worked for over the sample period are known. The sample used in this paper is restricted to men. It is limited to men because the LEHD data does not contain information on hours worked, so female labor supply choices that are unobserved would dramatically limit of modeling of the income dynamics of teachers. 2 We obtained access to these confidential data by through U.S. Census Research Data Centers. The research in this presentation was conducted while the authors were Special Sworn Status researchers of the U.S. Census Bureau at the University of California Berkeley Census Research Data Center. Any opinions and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Census Bureau. All results have been reviewed to ensure that no confidential information is disclosed. This research uses data from the Census Bureau's Longitudinal Employer Household Dynamics Program, which was partially supported by the following National Science Foundation Grants SES-9978093, SES-0339191 and ITR-0427889; National Institute on Aging Grant AG018854; and grants from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. 3 This corresponds to NAICS industry code 611110. It is additionally required that the employer be publicly owned; thus this analysis focuses entirely on public school teachers, even though it is also possible to analyze private schools. 2 Therefore, the data contains 288,186 male full-time public school teachers, or 1,749,878 personyear observations. The larger data set on all teachers contains xxx person-year observations. This data set follows teachers and those who leave teaching, the “leavers.” Leavers are defined as individuals who initially worked as full-time public school teachers and then changed careers. A leaver’s earnings and industry of employment are known even after this career change. These data on individual teachers’ incomes is also matched to data on school district information. This data is from the Schools and Staffing Survey that is done by the Department of Education. What are the unique advantages of these data? First, other researchers have used data sets on teachers within individual states, but not across multiple states. Second, most importantly, these data follows teachers after they leave teaching, which has not been done for a large data set on teachers.[footnote the studies] Third, given the size of the data set, it is possible to limit the analysis to men. While that may seem like a disadvantage, given the labor supply concerns, it can be an advantage. All of the analysis below can be replicated for all teachers, and in some instances, the replications for all teachers are summarized in footnotes. Lastly, the income of the teacher can be the full income on all jobs, not just the income from the school (thus including second jobs and summer jobs). What are the disadvantages of these data? There are two. First, there is no information on the person’s occupation or education. To focus on teachers, very careful lower limits on earnings have been imposed on the data. Second, the lack of hours of work is a drawback. II. Rising Relative Pay Compression Over Time Could rising pay compression contribute to the low aptitudes of teachers? Rising pay compression has been cited by Hoxby and Leigh (2004) as a primary source of declining aptitude of teachers. The detailed panel data available here can be used to show whether pay is compressed, but also why pay is compressed. Basic means for the data on teachers’ pay are in Table 1. Average pay is about $45,000 in 2002 dollars. Unionized teachers are paid more than nonunion teachers, as a reflection of the nonunion southern states. One key result is that the variance of teachers’ pay, across teachers, has not risen over time. Consider the 90th, 50th, and 10th percentiles for teachers’ log(earnings). Figure 1a shows that these percentiles are unchanged across academic years 1992/93-2002/03. Table 2a presents the underlying numbers, as well as the standard deviations of earnings by year. In contrast, the variance of pay has risen over time for the college-educated workforce. The college educated earnings come from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) data. Figure 3 1a plots the 90th, 50th, and 10th earnings percentiles for the college educated sample of male heads of households for the PSID data.4 The data underlying Figure 1b are in Table 2b. Are these results sensitive to the changing composition of the teaching workforce? If there are more older teachers retiring than younger teachers entering, the variance of earnings would fall over time, because the variance of pay is greater for older workers. Therefore, wage regressions are estimated to control for changes in the composition of the teaching workforce. Adjusting for shifts in the composition of the teachers’ population does not change the results. Figure 2 plots the time series of the 90th/50th/10th percentiles of the residuals from a regression of pay on age dummies, district, and year dummies by union and nonunion districts.5 The level of pay rises slightly for nonunion states, but the variance of pay is unchanged for these earnings residuals that capture the average within age group and within district variance of pay. Similarly, turning to the PSID data to compare to the college-educated, introducing controls for changes in the age or occupational composition of the college educated workforce does not change the conclusions there on the rising variance of pay.6 Most notably, the rising variance is not because some occupations, like finance, pay star workers exceedingly large sums. The rising variance occurred within all occupations, on average. Using the LEHD data for all workers (not just teachers or the college educated), Bryson and Freeman (2009) show that the rising variance of pay occurred more across firms than within firms across workers. Therefore, after controlling for changing demographics, from 1992-2003, the highest paid teachers’ earnings fell nearly 3% over time relative to the median teacher, while the highest paid college-educated individuals’ earnings rose 12%. Figure 3 displays the 90th / 50th ratios for teachers versus college-educated men after controlling for changes in the age composition of the workforce and occupation. The focus throughout this paper is on the upper tail of the income distribution for teachers – on the 90th/50th percentile pay cutoffs. This focus arises for two reasons. First, the theoretical focus of this paper is that teachers are not rewarded with upside gains when they perform well. Therefore, the focus is on the 90th/50th ratio. That ratio has risen for the college educated, but not for teachers. Among the college educated, all the action in the last twenty years has been in the rising upper tail. Second, the data set has high quality data for the upper tail of income for teachers, but not for the lower tail. Recall that the data set is of all employees in schools who earn above a minimum teachers’ pay. At the lower end of the income distribution, this may contain non-teachers who work in schools, like cafeteria staff. That’s a drawback. The advantage of the data is that it follows the careers of people who move from teaching to administration, so these data measure the upside income gains for those entering teaching. Thus, 4 Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) data for male household heads for survey years 1991-1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, and 2007 are used, but the income data refers to the year before the survey year. The PSID is a nationally representative longitudinal sample of approximately 9,000 U.S. families. The sample is restricted to male household heads with 16 years of education (a college degree but no more) and the income measure used is the head’s income from wages and salaries. The PSID data has been found to be comparable to the CPS, but is used here for its panel a s p e c t . 5 In the figures, the residuals are scaled by the mean of log earnings from the corresponding regression sample. 6 S ee w orking paper, C ham pion, M aastri, and S haw (2009). 4 the upside 90th percentile will be higher than past research papers using data only on teachers, and thus in some sense, the data here is more accurate. The administrative jobs are what teachers could aspire to do over the course of their careers. In sum, while the rest of the economy has seen a dramatic increase in the level of pay for the top 90th percentile of the pay distribution, teachers have not. The most highly paid teachers earn nearly the same in 2003 that they did in 1993, relative to the median teacher. Is the rigidity of the pay distribution over time due to unions? Remarkably, no. The within district wage variance regressions confirm this point – for all districts, union or nonunion, the variance of pay does not change over time. There is, however, a slight rise in the level of pay for those in non-union districts over time. Since all public school districts have pay standards set by public bodies, there appears to be little difference between union and nonunion pay practices. III. What are the Forces Compressing Teachers’ Pay? It is very well known that teachers’ pay is set by a formula. Within a unionized district, a teacher’s pay is determined solely by educational level of the teacher, and seniority, and in some districts, by field of teaching (science versus English) and grade level of teaching, and perhaps school conditions (like city versus suburban). An example of a typical teacher’s pay schedule is displayed below. The displayed table is for the Milwaukee, Wisconsin school district. It shows that the level of pay can vary across districts, but within a district, pay is a fixed function of the education and age (or seniority) or the teacher. 5 No existing papers have studied the extent and nature of pay compression using detailed panel data. The contractual formulas like the one above seem to compress pay, just as union contracts typically do (Freeman, 1982). But how do pay profiles change and what are the underlying implications for the investments in human capital and effort? Pay regression results from the LEHD panel data on pay for teachers are compared to the panel data for the PSID data set on the college educated workforce. The Structure of Pay The sources of pay compression are assessed by decomposing the variance of pay. Start with the wage regression. The basic wage regression is as follows: (1) ln Yit = β0t + β1iAgeit + α0i + eit 6 where (1) contains person-specific entry level wages, α0i, that are a function of talent and effort and human capital investment. It also contains a person specific growth rate, β1i, because it is likely true that the growth rates of learning differ between teachers and non-teachers. And there are random shocks, which are assumed to be i.i.d.. The risky shocks, eit are independent of other variables, like effort or investment β1iAgeit. The risky shocks, eit are not serially correlated: an unexpected wage cut today does not persist for future years.7 Start with the simplest possible wage regression, for teachers and non-teachers college educated. Using the traditional Age and Age-squared, it is clear that the teachers profiles are much flatter. These results are displayed in Figure 4, though that figure introduces age dummies for every age because the 1.7 million observations in the Teachers data permit semi-parametric estimation. Now, consider the structure of pay more carefully by decomposing the variance of pay across people. Assuming that the age growth rate is not person-specific, replacing β1i with β1 , then the variance at each time t is equal to: (2) var(ln Yit ) = var(β1Ageit) + var(α0i) + 2cov(α0i,β1Ageit) + var(eit) given the assumptions of the wage equation above (such as i.i.d for the residual shock). The variance decomposition of (2) produces marked differences between the composition of pay for teachers in the LEHD versus the college educated in the PSID. These results are displayed in Table 4 and a series of figures. First, the age-earnings profiles are much flatter for teachers than non-teachers, thereby displaying pay compression across age groups. Recall that based on the regression results for (2) with a person-specific fixed effect, Figure 4 plots the pay profiles of teachers and college educated to display the steeper profile for teachers. To measure the low variance of pay across age groups, the regression results of Table 4 compare the estimated values of the the variance of pay across ages, var(β1Ageit), for teachers and for non-teacher college educated: this variance is.20 for teachers and is .55 for non-teachers (Table 4, row 6). Second, the variance of pay across people due to person-specific fixed effects is much smaller for teachers than non-teachers. That is, var(α0i), is also half as great for teachers than for the general college educated; .29 versus .76 (Table 4, row 6. columns 1 and 9). Pay is compressed within age groups.8 7 Research has shown the latter is not true: wage shocks do persist for short periods (Gottschalk and Moffitt, and Luigi). But the estimation of persistent wage shocks is beyond the basic objectives of this paper. 8 Based on the work of Hoxby and Leigh (2004), it is clear that a good portion of the smaller variance for teachers is that the range of their aptitudes, based on test score data, is much lower for teachers than for the general population of college educated. They show that the most highly talented sort away from the teaching profession, and this sorting has increased over time. 7 And lastly, but importantly, the variance of residual pay is much lower for teachers than for the college educated. This variance, var(eit), is about one-fifth as large for teacher as for the college population: it is .1 for teachers and .54 for non-teachers (Table4, row 7, columns 1 and 9). 9 Demand Shocks Responses in Teachers’ Pay Is teachers’ pay responsive to the conditions in the external labor market that surrounds teachers? The goal of pay is to retain high quality teachers – to retain and reward those who are the skills and desire to teach well – to form a good job match, relative to teachers’ outside options. How should the management practices for teachers’ pay achieve high quality matches between the firm and the employee? One option is to offer pay packages that are responsive to demand conditions, so pay adjusts in response to changes in alternative wages in non-teaching jobs. A second option is to offer pay packages that are not responsive to external conditions, because teachers prefer to be insured from outside shocks. Teachers are choosing the second option in pay, conditional on employment. Teachers’ pay is statistically responsive to local demand shocks, but the effect is quantitatively small. The details of the regression results are in the working paper Champion, Maastri, and Shaw (2010). Demand shocks are the county-level wages and employment levels. However, the size of the effects is very small. Has pay changed over time, with changing market conditions from 1992 to 2003? It has slightly. Figure 5 displays the predicted wages from wage regressions that interact each age dummy with a time trend. As shown, pay for younger workers rose slightly over these booming years. Teachers’ Pay: Where You Start is Where You Stay For teachers, where you start is where you stay. The results above show that there is very little mobility to other income levels. The variance decomposition of pay above also shows that teachers are highly insured against shocks—the variance of residual shocks to pay, var(eit), is very low. 10 Putting these together, the R-squared for the teachers’ regression is exceedingly high – the regression predicts 91 percent of the variance in pay! This is because there are no random shocks to pay – pay is set as a function of the person’s age and education. Because age and person fixed effects can serve as proxies for age and education, the R-squared is very high, even though the sample size is large 1.7 million data points of male pay in teaching. For the 9 The R-squared in the person fixed effects regression is very high for teachers because there are no shocks, eit, for teachers. In contrast, the R-squared in the person fixed -effects regression for college educated is lower because the variance of the person effects α0i is much higher than for non-teachers, but the residual shocks eit have a much higher variance. Note also that the corr(α0i,β1Ageit) in Table xx is not informative because the only personal variation in β 1 Age it is in Age, so the correlation is picking up differences in sorting or sampling in the data set. 10 These income numbers do not contain income shocks from permanent layoffs: when men in the sample don’t t e a c h f o r a y e a r , w e a s s u m e t h e y h a v e l e f t t e a c h i n g . 8 college educated, the fixed effects regression predicts 64 percent of the variance of pay – there are many determinants of pay other than the person fixed effects.11 Thus, teachers’ are highly insured against shocks, but in addition to being insured against random idiosyncratic shocks, they are insured against pay outcomes that could be under the individual teacher’s control. That is, teachers are not rewarded for individual-specific differences in human capital investment or effort. Consider the likely differences between teachers and non-teachers. The drawing below displays hypothetical age-earnings profiles. As in the regressions above, for three hypothetical people, Persons 1 through 3, the variance of pay is lower and the growth rates are flatter, for teachers versus non-teachers. The variance in growth rates is lower, compared to the nonteachers. In addition, for Person 4 among non-teachers, his pay starts low and grows through human capital or effort. As a result, the variance of pay should be high for the young and then for the old. Hypothetical Age-Earnings Profiles The regression results can be used to mimic these drawings, by comparing the variance of pay by age for teachers and non-teachers. In all data sets, the variance of pay rises with age, as some people at the high end are working harder, or investing more, or finding better matches with an employer, as in the drawing above. In the raw data on teachers, there is rising variance of pay with age: Figure 6 displays it for union and union teachers, by showing the 90th/50th/10th. How does this compare to non-teachers? Figure 7 shows the 90th/50th ratios by age. For the teachers, the variance of pay is stable after the mid-30s age range. For non-teachers, it begins to 11 Regression results in working paper Champion, Maastri, and Shaw (2010) also show that regressing current income on lagged income produces and R-squared of xx percent for teachers, and xx percent for non-teachers. In addition, the coefficients on lagged income are xx and xx, respectively. 9 rise at that point. Of course, keep in mind that the non-teachers PSID data has much smaller sample sizes. The bottom line is that for male teachers, the lifecycle phase when promotions and pay raises should increase the variance of pay across workers – in the late 30’s and 40’s – they don’t. Are teachers are making lower investments in human capital investment and in effort than are other occupations? Age earnings profiles are flatter for teachers, as described above. However, this could reflect wage bargaining, not human capital investment, and there may be less scope for on-the-job training among teachers. What other evidence is there? There is also less variance in person-specific growth rates for teachers than for the collegeeducated in the PSID sample. Using the longitudinal PSID data and the LEHD data, we can estimate person-specific growth rates by estimating regression (1) in growth rates and letting the person effect becomes the person growth rate. Our results (in the Appendix), show that the variance of growth rates is lower for teachers than college educated PSID, though these person growth rates are not estimated very precisely given the short length of the panel for each person. Overall, these results suggest that teachers are over-insured and under-rewarded. Flat pay may have been appropriate in the years when data on performance was rare. In those days, pay and promotions could have been idiosyncratic. Today, data is easily kept on teachers based on students’ output on tests, or files of subjective performance evaluations. Therefore, teachers can be paid based on their input – on the effort that they put into teaching. If their input is poor, they can be fired. Teachers can also be paid on output – on either objective tests or subjective evaluations. Other occupations have increased their performance pay on both fronts and the variance of pay across individuals has risen (Lazear and Shaw, 2009, and Lemiuex, Parent, MacLeod, QJE). IV. The Teachers Who Leave: Seeking Opportunity? There are two unique features of these data on teachers. It is possible to follow the careers of teachers after they exit teaching—few other data sets do this. And, this data set covers seven states and 1.7 million male teachers, so it is possible to follow large numbers of men as they exit. No past studies have been able to achieve this. Men are important for post-teaching careers, because they are less likely to exit the labor force or reduce hours of work post-teaching. In these data, 5% of male teachers leave permanently, and 36% leave and then return within our panel period. Why do teachers leave teaching? A simple model is the following: (3) pr(exit) = EPV(pay in alternative job) – EPV (pay in teaching job) where we focus on the expected present value (EPV) of pay, but admittedly, many factors other than pay enter the decision to leave. 10 The pay regressions above provide predictions on who is likely to leave for better opportunities outside teaching. The focus is on the gap between alternative pay and teachers’ pay that was evident in the regressions and figures. Consider young teachers first. Figure 4 (above) and Table 4 show that young might have a great deal to gain by leaving teaching. From age 22 to age 40, the income of teachers grows by 4.2 percent a year (from $22,026 to $46,630), whereas the pay of non-teachers college educated grows by 6.3 percent a year (from $19,930 to $58874) (Figure 4). This point is reinforced in the decomposition of variance of Table 4. The variance of the income growth rates is only .1 for teachers, but .55 for non-teachers (row 5). And the variance of the person effect explains 87 percent of the total pay variance for teachers but 64 percent for non-teachers. Of course, teachers also have a much lower variance of residual shocks (.1) compared to non-teachers (.54), which could be luck or could be effort related. In sum, the young will leave for upside potential, based on several features of the teachers’ market. The highly compressed age-earnings profiles in teaching make alternative occupations, with greater returns to human capital investment and effort on the job more attractive; the lower overall variance of pay will induce younger to leave for greater upside gains; and the rising pay compression over time will lead them to leave for upside gains. These influences depend on the assumption that the young were surprised after entering teaching: either they discovered that their “match” in teaching was poor, or that they did not fully realize that teaching offered such poor pay options as they age. If these young had been fully would never have entered. And of course, that is one-underlying point of the research on teachers: high quality young people are not entering (Hoxby and Leigh, 2004). The same points follow for older workers. By the time a teacher is 40 years old, the average teacher earns $46,630 and the average college-educated worker earns $59,874 (Figure 4). This is both due to a steeper age-earnings profile in non-teaching jobs and a rising variance of pay with age in non-teaching jobs. Assuming they are equally talented, the teacher may find at that point that the gains from moving exceed the loss of rents from staying in teaching (including the pension effects, which are not estimated in these data). Pay for Leavers Are teachers pulled out of teaching for better opportunities? The data suggests they are not. No matter how you cut the data, those who leave teaching typically earn much less after leaving. After several years, pay rebounds for the young; it never does for the old. A series of graphs and tables display answers to key questions about those who leave teaching. The LEHD data set contains data on 44,490 men*years of data, or on about 11,000 men who leave teaching. Overall, for both men and women, there are 288,186 leavers, with 1,749,879 data points on their post-teaching earnings patterns. But the focus is on men. In these LEHD data, 5 percent of men leave teaching. The annual exit rate for a man age 22 to 26 is 7 percent. For women, the turnover rates are xx and xx, respectively for the all women and young women. These turnover rates are typical for those college educated (the PSID data shows similar rates). 11 For those “leavers,” pay after leaving teaching is on average much lower than while teaching. As shown in Table 5, two years post-teaching, only 45 percent make at least 80 percent of what they made while teaching. After four years out, 54 percent make 80 percent or more of what they made while teaching. Where do the leavers go? A significant percent – 29 percent – stay within the educational services industry (Table 6). Otherwise, they scatter to all industries. Though not shown in the table, young leavers are more likely to leave the educational services industry. Younger leavers do better than older leavers. The way to see this is in Figure 8, displaying predicted age earnings profiles by age group. These profiles are the true wage growth, based on within-person fixed effects earnings regressions (Table 7). The age-specific results are very clear – the young have higher pay growth. The key result from the age-earnings profiles of Figure 8 is that male leavers in their prime earnings years do poorly. In these LEHD data, men could be returning to school or retiring. But during the ages 30 to 44, both are unlikely. Yet, the prime-age men who leave teaching earn very low incomes post-teaching when they should be fully employed in peak earnings years. Are there some “star” leavers who obtain high-paying jobs after they leave? The answer is largely no. Figure 9 shows that the 90th percentile earnings level at each age is a log(earnings) of almost 11.0, or almost $60,000 dollars. It rises slightly with age. The bottom 10th percentile earn a very low 8.5, or $4,915, but keep in mind that the lower earnings group might not be teachers prior to leaving. They might be older janitors. Therefore, focusing on the upper tail, all those who leave Elementary and Secondary Education are not high performers after leaving. Are the leavers lower “quality” than the stayers in teaching? That’s impossible to determine because teachers’ pay is based on pay scales, not on the teacher’s productivity while teaching. So, we can’t see if the star teachers stay in teaching. However, Figure 10a shows that the average pay of the leavers while teaching is only slightly lower than those who stay. Rather than look at average pay levels, Figure 10b looks at the within-person age-earnings profiles. It also shows that the predicted pay profiles of leavers after leaving is markedly lower and steeper than when they were teachers (following the same people longitudinally). [add info to tables on how these predictions were done.] These results using the LEHD data suggest that those who leave are of very low quality, as measured by their post-teaching pay. They may be leaving teaching because they don’t “match” there. If peoples’ skills are multi-dimensional, people must match their talents to the job. However, the post-leaving pay suggests they don’t match any where else soon. Alternatively, it might be the case that teachers who leave are low quality: skills in the labor market are onedimensional so there are high performers and low performers due to effort or intelligence. The poor post-teaching earnings suggest that leavers are not high performers by any measure. They are below average performers. These results are restricted to male teachers, because their work lives are less likely to be altered by maternity leave or child-rearing. However, the results are comparable for women, 12 though harder to establish given the absence of hours of work information in the LEHD data. Lacking hours information, for women (and men), those with very low earnings are dropped from the data during the low-earning years. The two key results for male teachers are replicated are replicated for female teachers. First, women’s earnings post-leaving are persistently lower. Second, across all ages, including those post-child-rearing years, there is no noteworthy fraction of female leavers who increase their earnings. Very few women move to high earnings jobs post teaching (add results from working paper). V. The Teachers Who Leave: Pushed by Accountability? The result on leavers pose a striking puzzle: no economic model would predict that teachers would leave teaching for pay cuts, but the data show that the vast majority of leavers do see their pay fall. Pay post-teaching remains low for the four years that we follow them after leaving. The question is clear: why do teachers leave for lower pay? The answer would seem to be that they are pushed out of teaching into lower paying jobs. What pushes them out? The Introduction of Accountability Reforms During the period of 1995 and beyond, three states in these data, Florida, North Carolina, and Illinois, introduce accountability reforms. In these reforms, the districts that have test scores that are below the mandated values will experience sanctions, which could be as strong as the closing of schools. The details of the reforms and sanctions are described in the Appendix. The Accountability Reform Treatment Effect The goal is to estimate an exit rate model as a function of the accountability treatment. The model is as follows: (4) emit = Xit β2 + Zct β3 + Ddt β4 + δpred + λpret + γ1 Iafterdt + γ2 Tdt + uit where emit is the exit rate out of teaching , and the model of exit rates in (4) contains a district fixed effects. In these models, i indexes teachers, t indexes school years, d indexes districts, and c indexes counties. λpret controls for a pre-period time trend which is allowed to vary for the treatment and control groups. Iaftert is an indicator equal to 0 for all person-year observations in a state before accountability reform was enacted and equal to 1 in all person-year observations after accountability reform was enacted. Tdt represents the percent of a district’s teachers that were working in schools classified as low performing and were thus threatened by accountability sanctions. The matrix Xit contains person specific controls: race, sex, and age. The matrix Ddt contains time-varying district level controls: the median percentile of teacher earnings and the 13 number of teachers. The matrix Zct contains time-varying county specific controls that measure local labor market conditions: the unemployment rate12, the Bureau of Economic Analysis’s average wage13, wage and salary employment, and population. The γ2 is the parameter of interest as it reflects the change in exit resulting from accountability. γ2 is expected to be positive if accountability increases exits. It is not straightforward to compare the treatment and control groups in this sample. A teacher-year observation is "treated" if that teacher worked in a district that had at least one low performing school that year. A teacher-year observation is part of the "control" sample if that teacher worked in a district with no low performing schools that year. (There are no "treated" observations before accountability was introduced since the low-performing distinction did not exist.) The percent of a district’s teachers working in low performing schools changes over time as a district’s schools enter and exit from the low performing schools category. The only comparison group that it is possible to identify over the whole sample period is those districts that were never treated and those districts that were ever treated. Districts that were ever treated had higher unemployment rates, but lower average wages. Additionally, ever-treated districts had a much higher percentage of black teachers (25 percent vs. 6 percent) and were less likely to be urban. Last, for ever-treated districts, median home values and median incomes were lower while the percentage of residents below the poverty line was higher. The control group used in the estimation of the treatment effect is actually more similar than these means suggest as treated districts are also compared to themselves if they enter and exit treatment after accountability reforms are introduced. (The only district that does not enter and exit treatment in the post period is the Chicago Public School District.) The Impact of Accountability on Teachers’ Exit Rates: Pushed Out by Accountability? Preliminary results demonstrate that exit rates are significantly higher in accountability districts. Moreover, the magnitude of the effect is also large. [Results will be described in the seminar.] The Impact of Accountability on Teachers’ Pay and Effort Existing research shows that accountability had two effects. The first effect is that it raised the test scores for students. A second effect of accountability reforms of the 1990s is that they raised the effort levels of teachers working in low-performing schools. Champion (2011) shows that teachers’ effort levels rose by showing that their moonlighting hours decreased. Using the same LEHD data that is used in this paper, Champion shows that when accountability was imposed on districts that had 12 The county year level unemployment rate is from the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s Local Area Unemployment t a t i s t i c s ( L A U S ) p r o g r a m . 13 Average wage is equal to a county’s total wage and salary disbursements divided by a county’s wage and salary employment. It is an annual measure that should be correlated with changes in the wage rate for available m o o n l i g h t i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s . S 14 higher levels of low-performing schools, the moonlighting in those districts dropped. The only sensible explanation is that effort rose. Did effort rise because teachers were monitored more closely, or because they were given performance pay? The data suggests that teachers were not given performance pay. Since teachers’ wage contracts are quite visible, it is well-known that few districts introduced performance pay changes.14 Regressing individual pay data on a measure of school accountability, teachers in reform districts did not experience higher wage growth. Individual teachers were not paid more; the mean level of pay did not rise in these districts; the upside gains to effort measured by increasing 90/50 or 50/10 ratios did not rise. [results will be described in the seminar] The Impact of Accountability on Leavers’ Pay [to be added] VI. Conclusion As widely suspected, teachers’ pay is very compressed. It is compressed across age groups: the age-earnings profile of teachers is flatter than that of a typical college-educated workers. Pay is also compressed within every age group: the variance of pay for middle-aged teachers is lower than that of middle-aged college educated. Putting these together, the typical rising variance of pay with experience is weaker for teachers than the college educated. And thus, the expected present value of earnings has a much lower variance for teachers than nonteachers. Part of the lower variance of pay for teachers is that they have far fewer random shocks to pay (given employment) than non-teachers. This could be desirable—they are insured against typical risks that other employees feel. But they are also potentially over-insured. The pay compression implies that the returns to human capital investment on the job and effort are very low. The pay compression for teachers has risen over time relative to non-teachers. The variance of pay for the college educated has rose over time; the variance for teachers did not rise. These features of teachers’ pay suggest that a subset of teachers may leave for better opportunities elsewhere. The data shows that they do not. Four years after leaving, only 54 percent of leavers make as much as they did while teaching. The earnings for those in the 90th percentile of earnings for leavers are also not high. 14 See the discussion and references 15 in the Conclusion section below. Thus, most teachers who leave are not pulled by opportunity. Those who leave teaching tend to be very low quality (as measured by future pay). A puzzle then exits: why do teachers leave for lower pay? The data here suggests that a subset of lower quality teachers are being forced out by accountability reforms. The exit rate of teachers is considerably higher when accountability rules are tighter. Overall, an average increase in accountability reform is likely to have accounted for a xx percent increase in the exit rate of teachers. Moreover, the data shows that these are not high quality performers: their postteaching earnings are very low. These results, on the impact of accountability on teachers’ exit rates and post exit performance, are surprising. The literature on the impact of the accountability movement on education has reached several conclusions. One is that accountability has appeared to increase the quality of education – test scores have risen. While some improvement may be the result of changes in testing procedures, some of the improvement in student performance is real. What caused the changes? Teachers may be working harder, as described above (Champion, 2011). Several things have not changed: pay formulas are unchanged, as shown above, and hiring practices (outside charter schools) are unchanged. But there is considerable evidence that management quality has gotten better – principals are managing their schools more tightly. A potential management tool that principals may use is forcing out the lower quality teachers. Union contracts do not permit performance-based layoffs. Therefore, there is widespread perception that firing is not used to improve teachers’ quality. But principals have other mechanisms for forcing out lower quality teachers; imposing greater teaching loads and following rules on hours of work. In sum, the puzzle is only partially resolved. The puzzle is, why do the vast majority of those who leave teaching move to lower paying jobs? A portion of the teachers who leave are forced out by accountability reforms. The remainder may be forced out as well due to poor performance, but we have no measures of the mechanisms that are used to achieve this. These results have implications for the future of the accountability reforms that are now well underway. The empirical results herein show that reforms can raise teachers’ average quality by pushing out poor performing teachers. But unless class size is rising, these teachers need to be replaced. Accountability reforms may have pushed out poor performers, but the next step needed to attract good performers. The stock of teachers needs to be replenished with higher quality performers.15 A key innovation is also the use of greater performance based pay. Performance pay can take either of two forms. It can be rewards on the job for superior performance. As the data on pay compression shows, higher pay variance could attract better teachers. Performance pay can also be implemented by raising hiring standards. If teachers are hired more carefully, then paid in accordance with their initial talent, that too is performance pay. The innovations 15 As the baby-boom generation retires in the next ten years, teachers exit rates will be especially high, because the w o r k f o r c e i s a n o l d e r w o r k f o r c e . 16 that should follow from the Race to the Top are aimed at both uses of performance pay.16 Given the tight budgets that exist in states, raising the average pay of teachers may not be likely. The alternative to attract better average teachers is to raise the variance of pay. The press often states that in education, scarce resources need to be well-spent. All resources in the world are scarce and need to be spent to reflect that scarcity. The point for education is that state and Federal fiscal deficits are making expenditures in education relatively more scarce at a time when the returns to education are rising. How should the declining relative educational dollars be spent? Empirical results using the longitudinal LEHD herein suggest that the aptitudes of teachers are stunningly low relative to the college educated population and enhanced pay for performance through either careful hiring or output based pay may be warranted. 16 The Department of Education created the Race to the Top tournament in which states with the best reform plans will share a total of $4 billion to implement their plans. The competition ended in August 2010: in the first round of grants, 40 states applied and tw o w on, and in the second round, 46 applied and ten w on. 17 Appendix: Accountability Reforms17 Education policy aimed at improving student achievement has changed markedly over the last three decades. Initially, most education policies focused on more careful regulation of the inputs required for education production. For example, more stringent certification requirements were placed on individuals wishing to teach in public schools, and class size quotas were imposed. Though some of these changes, such as smaller class size, appear to have been successful, the approach of regulating inputs overall has not been effective at improving student performance broadly. This has resulted in a shift toward accountability systems. Accountability systems leave much more in the hands of the district leaders and principals, allowing them to determine how best to improve student performance. Rather than regulating specific things like class size or teacher certification at the state level, accountability sets a performance target and allows administrators and teachers to decide how to achieve it. This is perhaps the preferred method, as it seems plausible that the individuals who are in the school from day to day might better know the challenges, as well as the best solutions. The success of such a method depends very much on the ability of the local administrators to observe and to know not only where student performance is lacking, but also what will and will not improve student performance (Hanushek and Raymond 2001). Furthermore, they must be empowered to act on the changes they know they need to make (Loeb and Strunk 2007). It is also important that improvements in student performance can be measured reliably over time so that credit (or blame) can be assigned appropriately. Accountability so far can be divided into two types, test-based and market-based systems. Many reforms are a mixture of both systems. The economic theory rationalizing these two different systems is distinct, though both should lead to improved efficiency in education production. Market-based systems, which allow increased school choice via passing out vouchers to students attending failing schools, should improve efficiency due to increased competitive pressures. Test-based systems are expected to work via increased information (a school’s average student performance on achievement tests) made available to teachers, administrators, parents, and the community in general. This information increases pressure on local schools as members of the local community have educational incentives, as well as financial incentives. Financial incentives exist because quality of schooling is capitalized into housing prices (Figlio and Lucas 2004; Rouse, Hannaway, Goldhaber, and Figlio 2007). Researchers have done much work to assess the impacts of accountability systems. Most of the literature has focused on the impact of reforms on student achievement (as measured by changes in standardized test scores). Two influential nation-wide studies that use data at the state-year level concluded that accountability significantly increased educational achievement. (Carnoy and Loeb 2003; Hanushek and Raymond 2005). Like the results presented here, these studies used variation in accountability reforms during the 1990s. 17 T h i s a p p e n d i x i s a n e x c e r p t 18 f r o m C h a m p i o n ( 2 0 1 1 ) . Other studies, many state-specific, have suggested that not all of the observed gains in student achievement are “real” and that the measured gains in student performance are being distorted via manipulation of testing conditions (Jacob and Levitt 2003), reclassification of students into special education (Figlio and Getzler 2002; Hanushek and Raymond 2005; Jacob 2005; Cullen and Reback 2006), poorly designed tests and test scoring methodologies, and increased school dropout rates. There are fewer studies that analyze the effects of accountability on teacher behavior. Influential research published thus far studies how teacher turnover is influenced by accountability reforms. (Boyd et al. 2005; Clotfelter et al. 2004; Feng, Figlio and Sass 2009) These papers focus on teachers in North Carolina, New York, and Florida and the results are somewhat mixed. Boyd et al. find that in response to the introduction of testing, teacher turnover decreased among those teachers most likely to be affected. Clotfelter et al. find that introduction of accountability has led to increased teacher turnover in schools serving low-performing students, but that it is not evident that accountability reforms led to less qualified teachers in these schools. Feng et al. find that teachers in schools with an unanticipated shock in accountability pressure (due to a major rule change in Florida’s accountability system) are more likely to move to another district, and are more likely to exit the teaching labor force, than schools not experiencing an unanticipated accountability shock. Importantly, the strength of the accountability system implemented does affect potential for student achievement gains. To be considered strong, an accountability system must have well-defined performance measures and targets. It must also have consequences for those who perform poorly and rewards for those who perform well. The best systems focus on an accurately computed measure of a teachers’ value-added. Though inferior to value added, a performance target defined by test score gains is preferable to one defined by test score levels. Using an accountability strength index that ranks states according to the strength of their implemented accountability systems, Loeb and Carnoy show that achievement test gains are higher when accountability is stronger (2003). Consequences in strong accountability systems can take many forms. Reconstitution of a school, intervention in the management of a school (for example principal transfers), and loss of students (through vouchers) are some examples. Further examples include required principal and teacher evaluations and required training sessions. Training sessions are intended to improve teacher and administrator skills, so that these individuals become better at the delivery of education. Often, these sessions occur after regular school hours or on weekends, thus teachers required to attend have less hours available for moonlighting. Strangely, one common consequence for poor performance is increased funding. The idea is that the additional funding can be used to improve teacher skills or to provide educational resources (inputs) that are important but lacking. (Often, low performing schools have lower per student funding than other schools in the local area or state.) Rewards in strong accountability systems are typically monetary and include cash bonuses to teachers in schools that perform especially well. (Ideally these bonuses would be 19 individualized, rather than at the school level, but this is not at all common.) Recognition as a top school is perhaps also a reward in its own right. There are not very many examples of rewards because accountability systems thus far have tended not to focus on rewards nearly as much as on negative consequences for low performing schools. The analysis in this paper exploits variation in moonlighting behavior resulting from the introduction of three separate accountability systems in Florida, North Carolina, and the Chicago Public School District in Illinois. North Carolina and Illinois’s systems were implemented in 1996 and are primarily test-based. Florida’s system, implemented in 1998, is a mixed system with a market-based component, vouchers for students in failing schools, and a test-based component, publication of school report cards, as well as specific consequences for schools receiving two F’s in a row. All systems studied rely on a mixture of mandated student achievement levels, as well as expected achievement growth rates for classification of low performing schools from year to year. Both Florida and North Carolina assign performance ratings to each school.18 Chicago simply set a minimum acceptable threshold for student achievement and classified schools as failing or not failing.19 Florida Accountability Reforms Florida’s performance ratings are based on student achievement results from the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Tests (FCAT) that were administered for the first time in 1998. Performance grades were assigned to schools based on these test results beginning in the summer of 1999. Because teachers in 1998-99 knew that students test scores from that school year could be considered for accountability purposes, 1998-99 is considered the year of accountability introduction from the perspective of teachers. FCAT tests are aligned to state standards. Reading and writing tests were administered to students in grades 4, 8, and 10 annually. Math tests were administered to students in grades 5, 8, and 10 annually.20 See Chiang 2009 for a more detailed description of the criteria used to determine school grades and of Florida’s accountability system generally. Students in Florida schools that received a failing grade two years in a row were entitled to vouchers for private school tuition, or the option to transfer to a better performing (C graded or higher) public school.21 The take-up rate for these school choice options is hard to determine due to lack of appropriate data, but has been estimated to be 5-10 percent per year according to Florida Department of Education personnel (Rouse, Hannaway, Goldhaber, and Figlio 2007). School districts in which at least one school received a D or an F faced a required evaluation by a community assessment team consisting of local and state administrators, parents, and business representatives. These teams made recommendations to the state and local school boards on how schools could improve performance, and technical assistance was made available by the state. 18 Categories in North Carolina include exemplary, meets expectations, no recognition, and low performing. Florida r a d e d s c h o o l s o n a n A - F s c a l e . 19 That 15 percent of a school’s students meet national norms as measured by the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) reading test. 20 Beginning in 2001-02, students in grades 3-10 all took math and reading FCAT tests. Test scores from all grades were not linked to accountability ratings until 2002-03, however. g 21 The private school voucher option was ruled unconstitutional by the Florida Supreme Court in 2006. 20 Most importantly, failing schools were given access to highly trained reading coaches and teams from the Assistance Plus program. These teams provided a host of support to failing schools including recommendations regarding professional development for teachers and assistance to administrators in analyzing critical needs and developing plans for addressing those needs. Rouse et al. survey Florida principals who report that schools lengthened instructional hours and increased planning and professional development time so that teachers could improve their instruction. It has been demonstrated in numerous studies that student achievement improved as a result of this accountability system (Greene 2001; Figlio and Rouse, 2006; West and Peterson 2006; Chakrabarti 2007 and 2008). North Carolina Accountability Reforms North Carolina introduced achievement tests aligned with state standards in 1993, but did not tie these test results to accountability consequences and rewards until 1996 for elementary and middle schools, and 1997 for high schools. All students in grades 3-8 were tested in math and reading, and students in grades 4-7 were tested in writing. High schools students were tested at the end of fundamental courses such as Algebra I, English I, U.S. History, and Biology. Tests across subjects are combined into a composite score. Schools are classified as low performing if they do not have sufficiently high levels of student achievement (50 percent of students scoring at grade level) or if they do not have sufficient improvement in student achievement since the previous year.22 Of the three systems in this sample, North Carolina is the only one with significant positive incentives or rewards. Teachers in schools designated as exemplary are given a $1500 bonus. (The amount is $750 for teachers in schools that merely meet expectations.) Because these financial incentives are tied only to improvements in student test scores, teachers in low performing schools can seriously compete for these rewards - not just teachers in the best schools. North Carolina also has significant sanctions for low performing schools. Low performing schools are assigned state assistance teams that perform a comprehensive needs assessment, evaluating teachers and administrators. Also this team aids the school in implementing (or revising) a school improvement program. In a survey of North Carolina principals, 2 out of three respondents said that the accountability system helped them to make their teachers more effective (Ladd 2004). Principals chose to allocate relatively more resources to low-performing students and asked teachers to volunteer extra hours after school and on Saturdays to tutor students. It is clear that student achievement in North Carolina rose after this accountability system was introduced, but it is difficult to attribute it entirely to accountability because other educational policies were changed simultaneously. These programs, legislated in the early nineties a few years before the accountability system was introduced, increased teacher salaries from below the national average to the national average, and invested in teacher training programs (Ladd 2004). 22 The required improvement is school and year specific. Given the composition of students in the previous year and the composition of students in the current year, an expected gain in student achievement is predicted at the school l e v e l . 21 Chicago Public School District Accountability Reforms In 1995, Illinois legislation was passed which gave Chicago’s mayor, Richard M. Daley, considerable control over the administration of Chicago Public School District (CPS). Furthermore, it gave CPS administrators the ability to impose sanctions on schools that performed poorly and did not improve over time. This legislation also diminished the Chicago Teachers Union’s power to influence working conditions, hours, and hiring and firing rules via collective bargaining (Quality Counts 1998). In 1996, a high stakes accountability system was introduced with several components. Under the new system, in hopes of improving student effort, students in the 3rd, 6th, and 8th grades were no longer “socially promoted.” Instead they were required to score at or above a certain level on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) in order to be promoted to the next grade (Jacob 2005). Furthermore, to increase teacher and principal effort, schools having 15 percent or fewer students at or above national norms on the ITBS reading exam were put on academic probation. A school on academic probation was given significant financial resources to be used on professional development activities for the school’s faculty. (Funding provided for these activities was 100 percent in the first year and decreased to zero percent by the third year.) Schools that did not improve adequately on the ITBS from year to year faced direct intervention or reconstitution (Hess 2002). Reconstitution typically involved the firing or reassignment of teachers and school administrators. For the school year beginning in 1996, 109 schools were put on probation. Seven low-performing high schools on academic probation were reconstituted and 30 percent of teachers in these seven schools were replaced (Hess 2002). “…[A]s early as 1997 teachers and administrators in probation schools reported being extremely worried about their job security, and staff in other schools reported a strong desire to avoid probation” (Jacob 2005). Jacob demonstrates that the accountability reforms implemented in 1996 led to marked improvement in the math and reading achievement test scores of Chicago students with gains averaging 0.2 to 0.4 standard deviations on the ITBS. Performance improved disproportionately for students in lowperforming schools. 22 References Autor, David, Lawrence Katz, and Melissa Kearney, 2006. “The Polarization of the U.S. Labor Market,” American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 96:2 (May): 189-194. Autor, David, Frank Levy, and Richard Murnane, 2003. “The Skill Content of Recent Technological Change: An Empirical Investigation,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(3), November, 1279-1333. Brill, Steven, 2010. “The Teachers’ Unions’ Last Stand,” The New York Times Magazine, May 17, 2010. Champion, Sara, 2011. “Increased Accountability, Teachers’ Effort, and Moonlighting,” working paper, Stanford University Graduate School of Business. Champion, Sara, Anna Mastri, and Kathryn Shaw, 2010. “Teachers’ Pay: Where You Start is Where You Stay,” working paper, Stanford University Graduate School of Business, presented at the Society of Labor Economists meetings, London. Chingos, Matthew M., and Martin R. West, 2010. “Do More Effective Teachers Earn More Outside of the Classroom?” working paper. Lazear, Edward and Kathryn Shaw, 2006. “Personnel Economics: The Economist’s View of Human Resources,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21(4): 91-114. Lemieux, Thomas, 2006. “Post-secondary Education and Increasing Wage Inequality,” working paper. Lemieux, Thomas, W. Bentley McLeod, and Daniel Parent, 2008. “Performance Pay and Wage Inequality,” working paper. Mincer, Jacob, 1947. “Investment in Human Capital and Personal Income Distribution,” The Journal of Political Economy, vol.66, pp. 281-302. Stinebrickner, Todd R., Benjamin Scafidi, and David L. Sjoquist, 2006. “Do Teachers Really Leave for Higher Paying Jobs in Alternative Occupations?” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 6: Iss. 1, Article 8. 23 11.8 11.6 11.4 Log Earnings 11.2 11 p90 10.8 p50 10.6 p10 10.4 10.2 10 9.8 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Year th Figure 1a: Log Earnings 90 /50th/10th Percentiles for Teachers 11.8 11.6 11.4 Log Earnings 11.2 11 p90 10.8 p50 10.6 p10 10.4 10.2 10 9.8 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Year Figure 1b: Log Earnings 90th/50th/10th Percentiles for College-Educated 24 11.8 Log Earnings Residuals (Scaled by Mean) 11.4 11 Union p90 Non-­‐Union p90 Union p50 Non-­‐Union p50 10.6 Union p10 Non-­‐Union p10 10.2 9.8 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Year Figure 2: Log Earnings 90th/50th/10th Percentiles for Teachers, Controlling for Composition Changes Data in predicted values from yearly regressions of ln(earnings) that take out the on age, state, and district/occupation effects. 25 1.08 1.07 Log Earnings Residual Ratios 1.06 1.05 p90/p50 PSID 1.04 p90/p50 Teachers 1.03 1.02 1.01 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Year Figure 3: Log Earnings Ratios for 90th/50th Percentiles Teachers are College Educated (PSID) Residuals are from regression of 1n(earnings) on age and state dummies. 26 11.2 11 Predicted L og Earnings 10.8 10.6 College-­‐Educated 10.4 Teachers 10.2 10 9.8 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Age Figure 4: Age-Earnings Profiles for Teachers and College-Educated (Results are from a person fixed-effects regression of ln(earnings) on age and age-squared.) 27 11.2 11.0 Predicted L og Earnings 10.8 10.6 2003 10.4 1993 10.2 10.0 9.8 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Age Figure 5: Shifts in Age Earnings Profiles Over Time Profiles are predicted from a regression of 1n(earnings) on age dummies interacted with a time trend. 28 11.8 11.6 11.4 11.2 Log Earnings 11.0 Union p90 Non-­‐union p90 10.8 Union p50 Non-­‐union p50 10.6 Union p10 Non-­‐union p10 10.4 10.2 10.0 9.8 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 Age Figure 6: Log Earnings 90th/50th/10th Percentiles by Age Group 1.09 1.08 Log Earnings Ratios 1.07 1.06 1.05 PSID p90/p50 Teachers p90/p50 1.04 1.03 1.02 1.01 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Age Figure 7: Log Earnings Ratios for 90th/50th Percentiles for Teachers and College-Educated (Results shown here are for union teachers.) 29 10.4 10.2 Predicted L og Earnings 10 9.8 Age 22-­‐29 Age 3 0-­‐34 Age 35-­‐39 9.6 Age 40-­‐44 Age 4 5-­‐50 9.4 9.2 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 Years Since Leaving Teaching Figure 8: Post-Leaving Experience-Earnings Profiles by Age Group Log Earnings Regressions include person fixed effects, experience dummies, and state dummies. Age Group is classified by the age a leaver is when leaving teaching. 30 11.5 11 10.5 Log Earnings 10 9.5 p90 p50 9 p10 8.5 8 7.5 7 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Age Figure 9: 90th/50th/10th in Leavers’ Earnings by Age Group 31 49 50 11 10.8 10.6 Predicted L og Earnings 10.4 10.2 10 Always Teachers Pre-­‐Leave 9.8 Post-­‐Leave 9.6 9.4 9.2 9 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Age Figure 10a: Age Earnings Profiles for Leavers and Stayers in Teaching Age-Earnings for OLS Regressions These profiles compare those stayers, who are always teachers, to leavers after they leave teaching and before they leave. The Age-Earnings Profiles are the coefficients on age dummy variables. 11 10.8 10.6 Predicted L og Earnings 10.4 10.2 10 Always Teachers Pre-­‐Leave 9.8 Post-­‐Leave 9.6 9.4 9.2 9 30 35 40 45 Age Figure 10b: Age-Earnings Profiles for Fixed Effect Regression Regressions include age and state dummies as well as a person specific fixed effect. 32 Table 1: Variable Means Union All age≤ 50 Annual Wage Log Annual Wage SD N NT Non-union Age 22-29 Age 30-39 Age 40-50 All age≤ 50 Age 22-29 Age 30-39 $45,252 $34,201 10.72 (0.34) 165,751 1,099,879 10.44 (0.22) 38902 137502 Age 40-50 $40,946 $50,011 $40,135 $32,860 $37,798 $43,915 10.62 (0.29) 70277 31484 10.82 (0.33) 117,307 647893 10.6 (0.28) 122,435 649,999 10.4 (0.18) 32228 101451 10.54 (0.24) 56782 219055 10.69 (0.30) 71963 329493 Annual wage is earnings over the 4 quarters of the school year, adjusted by CPI-U 2003 by region. 33 Table 2a: Variances by Year for Teachers Variance of Earnings* Variance of Earnings within Age, State** School Year Mean σ p10 p50 p90 σ p10 p50 p90 1992 10.7 0.33 10.26 10.706 11.12 0.28 -0.38 0.0098 0.35 1993 10.72 0.34 10.26 10.725 11.16 0.29 -0.39 0.0134 0.36 1994 10.7 0.34 10.25 10.703 11.14 0.29 -0.39 0.0132 0.36 1995 10.7 0.34 10.24 10.701 11.14 0.29 -0.38 0.0134 0.36 1996 10.61 0.33 10.2 10.615 11.04 0.27 -0.37 0.0131 0.34 1997 10.63 0.33 10.21 10.632 11.07 0.28 -0.38 0.0164 0.34 1998 10.65 0.32 10.24 10.654 11.07 0.28 -0.38 0.0145 0.34 1999 10.67 0.32 10.26 10.670 11.08 0.28 -0.38 0.0188 0.34 2000 10.66 0.31 10.26 10.660 11.07 0.28 -0.38 0.0145 0.34 2001 10.68 0.31 10.28 10.681 11.08 0.28 -0.37 0.0128 0.34 2002 10.7 0.3 10.32 10.700 11.09 0.28 -0.36 0.0095 0.34 *Statistics on actual Earnings by year ** Statistics on the residual from a yearly regression of in(earnings) on age dummies and state dummies. *** Statistics on the residual from a yearly regression of in(earnings) on age dummies, state dummies, and district dummies. Variance of Earning σ 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.26 0.26 0.25 p10 -0.35 -0.36 -0.37 -0.36 -0.35 -0.36 -0.36 -0.36 -0.35 -0.34 -0.33 Table 2b: Variances by Year for College-Educated Variance of E Variance of Earnings* Variance of Earnings within Age, State** O Year Mean σ p10 p50 p90 σ p10 p50 p90 σ p10 1991 10.75091 0.5557839 9.987393 10.78703 11.42113 0.5136402 10.1579 10.86526 11.41661 0.4466349 10.265 1992 10.78543 0.5496808 10.09448 10.82428 11.45156 0.5017742 10.24274 10.88042 11.4164 0.415579 10.289 1993 10.82942 0.5653179 10.08832 10.8691 11.50059 0.513446 10.18024 10.87557 11.404 0.4311212 10.344 1994 10.8216 0.557568 10.04288 10.83013 11.48998 0.4903298 10.24808 10.84508 11.39477 0.4050586 10.335 1995 10.79393 0.5678223 10.08301 10.78289 11.47334 0.5152859 10.23203 10.86149 11.46513 0.4056807 10.354 1996 10.80212 0.5777761 10.03749 10.81369 11.50344 0.5335431 10.16292 10.84212 11.49627 0.4291796 10.292 1997 10.83648 0.5720847 10.09838 10.84084 11.55461 0.5127651 10.16131 10.86064 11.47698 0.3809198 10.351 1999 10.88962 0.5952824 10.13997 10.87052 11.58901 0.5280824 10.17226 10.84296 11.45105 0.4435315 10.319 2001 10.97726 0.6017324 10.27531 10.95631 11.71994 0.545901 10.19999 10.80458 11.52415 0.4490683 10.33 2003 10.88443 0.6513262 10.15815 10.85032 11.61386 0.5651613 10.18115 10.81176 11.54094 0.4849509 10.314 2005 10.89781 0.6372501 10.16572 10.88948 11.64015 0.5478667 10.13751 10.8336 11.45301 0.4580235 10.289 2007 10.93888 0.6588384 10.16768 10.91332 11.67534 0.5761228 10.09541 10.83155 11.47491 0.4928971 10.272 *Statistics on actual Earnings by year ** Statistics on the residual from a regression of in(earnings) on state dummies and age dummies interacted with year dummies. *** Statistics on the residual from a regression of in(earnings) on state dummies, 1-digit occupation dummies, and age dummies interacted with year dummies. 34 Teachers Age Age 2 Constant R2 NT N PSID Sample 0.0830 0.1512 (298.49) (21.36) -0.0007 -0.0015 -(200.70) -(16.25) 8.5060 7.3444 (1527.39) (55.62) 0.8976 0.7737 1,749,878 8,544 288,186 1,558 Table 3: Quadratic Age-Earnings Profiles for Teachers and College-Educated 35 Table 4: Decomposition of Variance Teachers - Union 2 3 22-29 30-39 1 All 1 Dependent Variable: σy 0.34 0.22 4 40-50 5 All Teachers - Non-union 6 7 22-29 30-39 8 40-50 9 All College Educated PSID 10 11 22-29 30-39 12 40-50 0.29 0.33 0.28 0.18 0.24 0.3 0.91 0.98 0.74 0.95 A: ln(Earnings) Regression with Age and State Dummies 2 σxβage 3 σeit 4 R 2 0.16 0.07 0.07 0.09 0.12 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.24 0.29 0.06 0.04 0.3 0.21 0.29 0.32 0.26 0.17 0.24 0.29 0.88 0.94 0.73 0.95 0.21 0.09 0.05 0.07 0.17 0.1 0.03 0.03 0.073 0.086 0.008 0.002 B: ln(Earnings) Regression Adding Persons Fixed Effects (with Age and State Dummies) - XTREG 5 σxβage 0.2 0.1 0.08 0.05 0.33 0.11 0.13 0.11 0.55 0.37 0.20 0.13 6 σαi 0.29 0.19 0.28 0.32 0.33 0.16 0.24 0.29 0.76 0.70 0.65 0.80 7 σeit 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.09 0.1 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.54 0.63 0.37 0.53 8 σxβ+αi 9 10 R 0.32 0.2 0.28 0.32 0.27 0.16 0.22 0.28 0.73 0.76 0.64 0.80 2 0.91 0.8 0.89 0.92 0.88 0.75 0.85 0.9 0.64 0.59 0.75 0.79 2 0.87 0.7 0.85 0.91 0.79 0.6 0.76 0.86 R for regression with αi only C: ln(Earnings) Regression Adding District Fixed Effects (with Age and State Dummies) 11 σxβage 0.15 0.06 0.04 0.06 0.12 0.04 0.04 0.05 12 σηD 0.13 0.1 0.13 0.14 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 13 σeit 0.28 0.19 0.26 0.3 0.26 0.16 0.23 0.29 14 σxβ+ηD 0.2 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.13 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.33 0.28 0.22 0.22 0.2 0.19 0.08 0.07 10.72 10.44 10.62 10.82 10.6 10.4 10.54 10.69 1,099,879 137,502 314,484 647,893 649,999 101,451 219,055 329,493 15 R 2 D: Means of ln(Earnings) 16 17 Number of Observations 18 Number of Persons 165,751 38,902 70,277 117,307 122,435 32,228 56,782 71,963 19 Number of Districts 1,431 1,263 1,366 1,379 645 582 624 630 36 Table 5: Fraction of Leavers’ in Earnings Growth Categories Post-Teaching Years Since Leaving 2 3 4 $0 to annual minimum wage 0.28 0.23 0.21 min wage to.8*Teaching Earnings 0.27 0.25 0.25 .8*Teaching Earnings and Higher 0.45 0.52 0.54 Panel A: after teaching Pay Table 6: Distribution of Leavers by Industry Leavers' Industries (2 digit NAICS codes) Percent Educational Services 29% Public Administration 9% Administrative and Support 7% Construction 7% Health Care and Social Assistance 5% Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 5% Wholesale Trade 4% Retail Trade 4% Manufacturing 4% Finance and Insurance 3% Teacher Exit Rate - men 5% - women 8% 37 Table 7a: Leavers’ Post Teaching Experience-Earnings Profiles Age Group Years Since 1 2 3 4 5 Leaving 1 ommitted category 2 0.127 0.081 0.014 -0.103 -0.121 (4.06) (3.24) (0.55) -3.91 -4.51 3 0.295 0.206 0.172 0.056 0.116 (9.33) (7.87) (6.31) (2.11) (3.86) 4 0.355 0.276 0.212 0.115 0.1 (9.95) (9.63) (7.04) (3.90) (2.47) 5 0.462 0.349 0.263 0.16 0.15 (10.74) (10.47) (7.97) (4.88) (3.07) 6-10 0.551 0.353 0.359 0.17 0.154 (12.04) (10.33) (10.53) (4.90) (1.80) Constant 9.75 9.81 9.74 9.75 9.65 2 R 0.644 0.666 0.675 0.687 0.709 NT 6,514 9,767 10,748 10,293 7,618 N 1,485 2,175 2,431 2,410 2,500 Regressions are ln(earnings) for each age group after leaving teaching, with person fixed effects, state dummies, experience dummies, and clustered standard errors. Table 7b: Persistence in Leavers’ Post-Teaching and Pre-Teaching Earnings All Teachers Union Non-union Cons γi R2 Cons γi R2 Cons All -0.13 0.78 0.03 0 0.73 0.03 -0.09 -(11.26) (17.76) -(12.98) (13.20) -(5.80) 20-29 0.57 0.38 0.004 0.53 0.32 0.004 0.47 (26.07) (3.18) (15.81) (2.03) (14.15) 30-39 0.13 0.98 0.04 -0.19 1 0.05 -0.14 -(7.60) (14.54) -(8.30) (11.64) -(5.74) 40-50 -0.62 0.82 0.05 -0.65 0.95 0.06 -0.53 -(31.84) (13.20) -(25.36) (11.97) -(17.04) Regressions are αipostTeach=γ0+γ1 αipreTeach by Age Group of Leaver 38 γi 1.54 (23.70) 0.71 (3.85) 1.37 (13.37) 0.9 (18.88) R2 0.11 0.01 0.09 0.06 Appendix Table A1: Median, 10th, 90th Percentiles (for Figure 4) Age 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 p10 10.00 10.07 10.10 10.15 10.18 10.19 10.21 10.21 10.22 10.23 10.23 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.24 10.25 10.25 10.26 10.27 10.29 10.30 10.31 10.33 10.35 10.37 10.39 10.41 10.42 10.43 10.44 10.44 10.42 10.40 10.36 10.32 10.27 10.24 10.22 10.19 10.17 10.17 10.17 10.16 Union Teachers p50 10.29 10.33 10.36 10.41 10.44 10.47 10.50 10.52 10.54 10.57 10.59 10.60 10.62 10.64 10.65 10.66 10.68 10.69 10.72 10.75 10.77 10.80 10.82 10.84 10.87 10.89 10.90 10.91 10.93 10.94 10.94 10.94 10.94 10.94 10.92 10.90 10.87 10.83 10.79 10.75 10.74 10.71 10.70 p90 10.54 10.56 10.60 10.64 10.69 10.73 10.78 10.82 10.85 10.89 10.92 10.94 10.97 10.99 11.01 11.03 11.05 11.08 11.10 11.13 11.15 11.17 11.19 11.21 11.23 11.25 11.26 11.28 11.29 11.30 11.31 11.32 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.32 11.32 11.30 11.28 11.27 11.27 11.26 11.27 Non-union Teachers p10 p50 p90 10.05 10.25 10.47 10.12 10.30 10.53 10.15 10.34 10.57 10.17 10.37 10.60 10.18 10.39 10.62 10.19 10.41 10.64 10.20 10.44 10.67 10.21 10.46 10.70 10.22 10.48 10.73 10.23 10.51 10.75 10.23 10.52 10.78 10.22 10.53 10.80 10.23 10.55 10.82 10.22 10.56 10.84 10.22 10.57 10.86 10.22 10.59 10.88 10.23 10.60 10.90 10.24 10.61 10.92 10.24 10.62 10.94 10.24 10.64 10.96 10.25 10.65 10.98 10.26 10.67 11.00 10.27 10.69 11.02 10.28 10.71 11.03 10.29 10.72 11.06 10.29 10.74 11.08 10.30 10.76 11.10 10.32 10.78 11.12 10.32 10.79 11.14 10.32 10.80 11.16 10.32 10.81 11.17 10.32 10.81 11.18 10.31 10.81 11.18 10.28 10.89 11.18 10.26 10.80 11.18 10.24 10.78 11.17 10.22 10.77 11.17 10.19 10.76 11.15 10.18 10.73 11.14 10.16 10.71 11.12 10.16 10.70 11.12 10.16 10.70 11.12 10.16 10.70 11.10 39 PSID College-Educated p10 p50 p90 9.31 9.76 10.45 9.60 10.12 10.64 9.56 10.24 10.87 9.66 10.33 10.92 9.85 10.44 11.05 10.04 10.57 11.11 10.05 10.59 11.11 10.13 10.68 11.27 9.99 10.68 11.33 10.12 10.75 11.40 10.19 10.73 11.39 10.20 10.87 11.37 10.26 10.80 11.35 10.30 10.84 11.40 10.23 10.88 11.39 10.38 10.95 11.48 10.34 10.98 11.52 10.21 10.91 11.49 10.22 10.99 11.63 10.18 10.94 11.57 10.06 10.95 11.54 10.16 10.94 11.62 10.25 11.02 11.57 10.27 11.00 11.71 10.08 10.97 11.65 10.29 11.02 11.81 10.29 10.99 11.73 10.32 11.01 11.79 Appendix Table A2: Teacher Age-Earnings Profiles (for Figure 7) Union FE OLS Non-Union FE OLS Union Age FE OLS 0.74 (181.13) 0.76 (185.55) 0.78 (189.82) 0.8 (193.86) 0.81 (197.78) 0.83 (201.37) 0.84 (204.46) 0.86 (207.37) 0.87 (210.58) 10.05 0.91 1,099,879 165,751 0.46 (114.63) 0.48 (120.45) 0.41 (126.43) 0.53 (133.04) 0.55 (138.76) 0.57 (143.94) 0.59 (148.37) 0.6 (152.45) 0.62 (156.92) 10.29 0.21 Non-Union FE OLS Age 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 0.07 (19.90) 0.12 (35.79) 0.18 (51.61) 0.23 (64.71) 0.28 (75.74) 0.32 (86.66) 0.37 (96.50) 0.41 (104.87) 0.44 (113.77) 0.48 (121.62) 0.51 (129.44) 0.54 (136.27) 0.57 (142.80) 0.6 (148.84) 0.62 (154.65) 0.65 (160.24) 0.67 (165.71) 0.7 (171.02) 0.72 (176.19) 0.04 (11.81) 0.07 (19.90) 0.12 (31.52) 0.15 (40.13) 0.18 (47.28) 0.21 (53.84) 0.24 (59.12) 0.26 (63.97) 0.28 (68.98) 0.3 (73.04) 0.31 (76.45) 0.33 (80.10) 0.34 (83.54) 0.35 (86.48) 0.37 (89.96) 0.38 (93.64) 0.4 (97.80) 0.42 (102.74) 0.44 (108.92) 0.07 (17.30) 0.13 (31.03) 0.18 (44.62) 0.24 (57.30) 0.3 (70.56) 0.35 (83.13) 0.41 (95.40) 0.46 (106.97) 0.52 (118.66) 0.57 (128.66) 0.61 (138.24) 0.66 (148.16) 0.71 (157.35) 0.75 (166.28) 0.8 (174.83) 0.84 (182.69) 0.88 (190.94) 0.92 (198.48) 0.96 (205.75) 0.05 (12.49) 0.08 (20.05) 0.11 (25.70) 0.13 (30.21) 0.15 (35.38) 0.17 (39.98) 0.19 (45.04) 0.22 (50.11) 0.23 (54.24) 0.25 (57.15) 0.26 (59.42) 0.27 (62.03) 0.28 (63.96) 0.29 (67.08) 0.31 (69.86) 0.32 (72.53) 0.33 (75.82) 0.35 (78.94) 0.36 (81.17) 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Constant 2 R NT N Corr αiXβ 40 -0.2 1 (213.05) 1.03 (220.15) 1.07 (227.57) 1.11 (234.66) 1.15 (241.79) 1.18 (248.13) 1.22 (254.17) 1.25 (261.55) 1.29 (268.43) 9.76 0.88 649,999 122,435 -0.67 0.37 (84.79) 0.39 (88.20) 0.41 (92.19) 0.42 (95.66) 0.44 (99.48) 0.45 (102.56) 0.47 (106.37) 0.49 (111.45) 0.52 (116.40) 10.26 0.17 Appendix Table A3: Shifts in Age Earnings Profiles (for Figure 5) Age 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 AgeD 0.03 (1.78) 0.05 (3.83) 0.09 (6.61) 0.12 (8.79) 0.14 (10.51) 0.17 (12.56) 0.18 (13.54) 0.20 (14.83) 0.22 (16.31) 0.23 (17.17) 0.24 (17.79) 0.25 (18.83) 0.27 (20.43) 0.29 (22.21) 0.32 (24.14) 0.35 (26.45) 0.38 (28.99) Teachers AgeD*Trend 0.00 (1.12) 0.00 (1.45) 0.01 (2.09) 0.01 (2.68) 0.01 (3.36) 0.01 (3.61) 0.01 (4.55) 0.01 (4.99) 0.01 (5.22) 0.01 (5.88) 0.01 (6.51) 0.01 (6.65) 6.65 (6.14) 0.01 (5.23) 0.01 (4.34) 0.01 (3.06) 0.00 (1.71) Age 40 cons R2 NT 0.23 1,749,878 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Trend 41 Teachers AgeD*Trend 0.00 (0.64) 0.00 -(1.10) -0.01 -(2.65) -0.01 -(3.35) -0.01 -(3.37) -0.009 -(4.27) -0.009 -(4.34) -0.008 -(3.90) -0.004 -(2.94) -0.004 -(1.65) -0.003 -(1.55) AgeD 0.41 (31.50) 0.45 (34.90) 0.50 (37.92) 0.52 (40.25) 0.54 (42.02) 0.58 (44.69) 0.6 (46.42) 0.62 (47.61) 0.62 (48.10) 0.62 (48.11) 0.64 (49.27) 0.008 (5.02) 10.22 Appendix Table 3a: Age Earnings Profiles for Leavers (Pre and Post) and Stayers OLS Age Pre-Leave 10.38 10.4394306 10.4486324 10.4569959 10.4578956 10.4785894 10.4837154 10.49571 10.5053604 10.5068612 10.5191545 10.5433652 10.5634443 10.5794796 10.5940586 10.6070146 10.6251845 10.6308881 10.6323305 10.5979566 Always Teachers 29 10.46 30 10.5596178 31 10.5828384 32 10.6008531 33 10.6187747 34 10.6338445 35 10.6482017 36 10.6612072 37 10.6752858 38 10.6894303 39 10.7056055 40 10.7215608 41 10.7391032 42 10.7575455 43 10.7759345 44 10.7951725 45 10.812766 46 10.8297859 47 10.84385 48 10.8566047 49 10.8682992 50 10.8883277 Regressions include age and state dummies. Fixed Effect PostLeave 9.68 9.8079566 9.8191523 9.8114592 9.8043682 9.8272173 9.806554 9.7463151 9.7393795 9.7101704 9.6975798 9.7354441 9.6432778 9.6594254 9.6908348 9.6709354 9.6188126 9.6373112 9.6143838 9.6002846 9.6300995 9.6305652 42 Pre-Leave 10.37838 10.4239924 10.4406 10.4576045 10.4712803 10.4904483 10.4992685 10.5090135 10.5203972 10.5301307 10.5385907 10.5546096 10.5618461 10.5729185 10.5809696 10.5885832 10.5938806 10.5939378 10.5877578 10.5611644 Always Teachers 10.29108 10.4089081 10.4503449 10.4872465 10.5254865 10.5594798 10.5939122 10.625246 10.6574417 10.6874661 10.7169881 10.7441951 10.7710941 10.7968341 10.8215489 10.8449961 10.8670486 10.8888993 10.9089478 10.9280318 10.9475045 10.9681172 Post-Leave 9.100986 9.3321296 9.3857908 9.4973442 9.5577929 9.65897 9.7205213 9.7373135 9.7805532 9.8162208 9.8553936 9.9624878 9.9931438 10.0590687 10.105786 10.131622 10.149444 10.177534 10.205419 10.231192 10.295569 10.291559 Appendix Table A4: Earnings Response to Demand Shocks (Fixed Effects Results) Wage and Salary Employment Age Age2 Union 0.0656239 (200.20) 0.0005249 -(143.56) Personal Income Non-union 0.0909133 (192.61) Union 0.068161 (219.16) Non-union 0.0897903 (184.54) -0.0006113 -(112.00) -0.00055 -(157.52) -0.0006091 -(108.09) 0.0150163 (1.99) -0.0430391 -(7.22) 0.043048 (5.23) 0.0278254 (3.75) -0.0606676 -(10.04) 0.0290106 (3.79) 0.0489078 (6.41) -0.0004057 -(1.11) -0.0008276 -(2.30) -0.0017989 -(4.88) -0.0484043 -(7.04) 0.0021213 (7.50) 0.0028508 (9.92) 0.0017101 (5.22) 0.0223515 (3.11) -0.0030331 -(7.55) -0.0020193 -(5.42) -0.0014257 -(4.11) 0.00000486 (1.13) -0.0000232 -(7.06) 0.0000381 (8.03) 0.000012 (2.84) -0.0000278 -(8.32) 0.0000266 (6.05) 0.0000216 (5.00) 7.901164 (783.58) -0.0000126 -(3.29) 8.859302 (1299.95) 0.0000217 (5.32) 7.956833 (768.33) 0.9014 0.8821 0.9014 0.8822 1,638,053 899,923 1,638,053 899,923 Q1: Shock Quantile (omitted) Q2: Shock Quantile Q3: Shock Quantile Q4: Shock Quantile Q2 Shock * Age Q3 Shock * Age Q4 Shock * Age Q2 Shock * Age2 Q3 Shock * Age2 Q4 Shock * Age2 Constant R2 NT 0.1092603 -(17.77) 0.0922004 -(14.42) 0.0628521 -(8.54) 0.0047362 (16.16) 0.0040232 (13.22) 0.0019899 (5.68) 0.0000499 -(14.64) 0.0000403 -(11.41) 0.0000141 -(3.45) 8.924096 (1231.47) N 215,034 157,505 215,034 157,505 Columns (1) and (2) are ln(earnings) regressions introducing demand shocks from countylevel annual personal income. Columns (3) and (4) introduce demand shocks from countylevel wage and salary employment numbers. The Q1 through Q4 variables are formed by categorizing the county-level annual percent changes in the shock variable over all years and all counties. 43