A Nine Year Study Of Background Surface Ozone Concentrations On The Island Of Gozo In The Central Mediterranean a a b c Martin Saliba , Raymond Ellul , Hans Güsten , Liberato Camilleri a Department of Physics, University of Malta, Msida MSD 06, Malta b Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Universität Karlsruhe, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany c Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Malta Msida MSD 06, Malta Atmospheric Research, Physics Department UNIVERSITY OF MALTA Msida MSD 06, Malta ray.ellul@um.edu.mt . http://projects.um.edu.mt/apr The second approach involved the plotting of the daily maximum and minimum means for the sequence of all 9 years and examining the difference in the slopes of the plots; slopes were computed both with and without the year 2003 which was a particular year with mean ozone readings higher than expected: Ozone mean maximum minimum Slope excluding 2003 0.413 0.382 0.470 0.241 0.150 0.334 Both methods show that the minimum ozone is increasing at a higher rate than the maximum ozone with a small upward trend of just under 0.5 ppbv per annum over the nine years. Since, in the early days, we did not measure all meteorological parameters we have plugged these gaps in our own data using local meteorological data from the meteorological office at Malta International Airport and global radiation measurements from the institute of Energy Technology of the University of Malta. These results are in direct contrast to the results of Gerasopoulos et. al (2005) who find a decrease in the ozone trend for the Eastern Mediterranean for a seven year study between 1997 and 2004. All data collected are averaged every 15 minutes and for the purpose of this work we have again averaged these data to hourly values. The background CO (1997-2005) and SO2 (2004-2005) measurements have also been analyzed in relation to ozone concentrations and wind sector. The ozone daily mean observations over the past nine years (1997-2005) are shown in Fig.1 while Fig.2 shows the ozone monthly means as a simple line graph; the latter clearly brings out the spring ozone maximum in April- May with a strong shoulder/s over the summer months lasting into September /October. A clear diurnal cycle is observed. All 9 years conform to this behavior with the maximum and minimum of the diurnal cycle varying with the time of the day between winter and summer such that the trends fit well to what is expected of photochemical ozone formation (Güsten, 1986; Sonnemann, 1992; Nolle et al., 2002) The annual averages of the ozone mixing ratios for all nine years are shown in Fig.3 It is clearly evident that we have a slight upward increase of ozone mixing ratios from 1997 to 2003 with this change leveling off and possibly decreasing very slightly after this period. Outstanding is the year 2003 with a mean of 54.6ppbv. To analyze this long term trend we have adopted two approaches: The first approach computed the percentiles for each individual year. The ozone percentiles for each individual year were than combined into one data set and a linear regression analysis was performed for each percentile with the year taken as CORRELATED CO AND SO2 MEASUREMENTS A clear background variation with wind sector is visible. It is also clear that the peaks of both CO and SO2 emissions coincide (Fig.5). In the case of both CO and SO2 the peaks are anti correlated with ozone when prevailing winds blow over the Maltese islands from the South East. Apart from the wind direction of the main island of Malta, the observations are due to regional emissions from the Sicilian mainland as well as ships' traffic in the straits of Sicily- Gozo. The link between ozone and the meteorological parameters that influence ozone mixing ratios has been studied using regression analysis with the help of an SPSS (Statistical package for Social Sciences) software package. This work has focused on the development of two regression models which predict the daily maximum and minimum ozone concentrations given information about the relevant predictors. These predictors include temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, atmospheric pressure and global radiation and were all assumed to be covariates. Since it is known that ozone exhibits both diurnal and seasonal cycles, other predictors such as time of day, time of year and wind direction were included as factors in the model fit. In order to explain more adequately this ozone variability these factors were respectively categorized into 24 hours, 12 months and 6 wind sectors (Fig.6). The coefficient of determination for the maximum and minimum Ozone mixing ratios (in ppbv) 70 60 50 We have recorded and examined a nine year series of ozone mixing ratios between 1997 and 2005 and find a small upward trend under 0.5ppbv per annum. This is in contrast to the Eastern Mediterranean where the trend shows a decrease in ozone over the same period. We attribute this increase of ozone over the Maltese Islands to (a) long range transport of air masses from the North West as well as (b) higher regional pollution by ships' traffic in the Gozo-Sicily straits and emissions from the Sicilian mainland. REFERENCES Gerasopoulos, E., Kouvarakis, G., Vrekoussis, M., Kanakidou, M., Mihalopoulos, N., 2005: Ozone variability in the marine boundary layer of the Eastern Mediterranean based on 7-year observations. J. Geophys. Res. Vol 110, No D15, D15309. Güsten, H. ; 1986: Formation, transport and control of photochemical smog. In: Hutzinger, O. (Ed.) The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol 4/ Part a Air Pollution. Springer, Berlin, Germany. pp. 53 106. Nolle, M.; Ellul, R.; Güsten, H.; Heinrich, G.; (2001): Long Term Background Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Measurements on the Maltese Islands. Proceedings of 8th European Symposium on the Physico Chemical behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants. September 2001, Turin, Italy. Nolle, M., Ellul, R., Heinrich, G., Güsten, H., 2002: A long term study of background ozone concentrations in the Central Mediterranean- diurnal and seasonal variations on the island of Gozo. Atmos. Environ. 36, 1391-1402. REGRESSION MODELLING 80 CONCLUSION Sonneman, G.: 1992: Ozon Natürliche Schwankungen und anthropogene Einflüsse. Akademie Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Germany. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Meteorological Office, Malta International Airport. Institute of Energy Technology, University of Malta. 120 160 100 150 80 140 6.5 6 5.5 CO mixing ratios (ppbv) TRENDS IN SURFACE OZONE LEVELS Ozone mixing ratios (in ppbv) period 1997-2005 period 1997-2005 period 1997-2005 Slope ozone models was improved to r2 = 62.3% and 52.9% respectively (Figs.7a,7b). The sufficiency of the regression assumptions was also analyzed using Studentized plots. These show that approximately 95% of residuals lie between +2 and -2 indicating that the assumptions applied to both regression models are correct. 60 40 5 130 4.5 120 SO2 mixing ratios (ppbv) A nine year study of ozone concentrations was carried out at a background regional GAW station (36° 4⁄ 24⁄ north; 14° 13⁄ 9⁄⁄ east) known as Giordan lighthouse on the island of Gozo in the Central Mediterranean. Details of the station and experimental setup may be found in Nolle et al. 2002. Measurements are made at a height of 167 meters above sea level with the anemometer being set above the highest point of the lighthouse at 181 meters above sea level. The meteorological parameters ( wind speed and direction, relative humidity and temperature) as well as the ozone mixing ratio are also measured at our main laboratory in Xewkija where, in addition, the pressure and global radiation are measured using a calibrated Vaisala PTB 101 B barometric pressure sensor and a Kipp and Zoned SP-Lite pyranometer. For all intents and purposes we assume that the pressure and global radiation measurements at Xewkija are valid for the lighthouse which is only 10 km away. 4 20 40 110 0 1996 30 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 3.5 100 0 Year 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 3 360 Wind direction in degrees 100 98 50 2 0 Linear (100) Linear (98) Linear (50) Linear (2) Linear (0) Carbon monoxide 20 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Sulphur dioxide 2006 Year Figure 1: Plot of daily ozone mixing ratios from January 1997 till December 2005. Figure 4: Ozone percentiles from January 1997 till December 2005 Figure 5: Variation of CO and SO2 mixing ratios with wind direction 60 Ozone mixing ratios (ppbv) 55 50 45 40 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month Figure 7a: Maximum ozone model scatter plot Figure 2: Plot of ozone mixing ratios from January 1997 till December 2005 60 56.6 52.2 50 49.7 49.0 52.4 52.3 50.8 50.4 50.7 40 Mean Ozone (ppbv) G AW Station - Giordan Lighthouse INTRODUCTION parameter. The variations of the ozone percentiles together with the linear regression (represented by a trend line) are shown in Fig.4. The 100th percentile is decreasing at an annual rate of 1.1ppbv while the median and 0th percentile are both increasing at a rate of 0.5ppbv per annum. 30 20 10 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3: Annual averages of ozone mixing ratios from January 1997 till December 2005 Figure 6: Classification of wind sectors for air masses arriving at Giordan lighthouse station. The Maltese islands are shown inset within the map delineating the Mediterranean and surrounding countries. The wind sectors are numbered 1 to 6. sector 3 indicates polluted wind from the main island while sectors 5, 6, 1 indicate wind sectors relatively unaffected by the local topography. Figure 7b: Minimum ozone model scatter plot