11/21/13 Features - University of Malta STREETS Project STREETS Project to improve Accessibility to Malta and Sicily The STREETS Project was launched in October 2013 in Vittoria, Sicily. STREETS (STRatEgia IntEgrata per un Trasporto Sostenibile_Italia-Malta) is a 3-year project partly financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Operational Programme Italia-Malta 2007-2013. The project aims to improve the accessibility to both islands, while overcoming the current bottlenecks identified between the two islands. STREETS involves six partners, with the leading partner being the Regione Sicilia (Dipartimento Regionale delle infrastrutture, della mobilità e dei trasporti), together with C ollegio Universitario ARC ES, Vittoria Local C ouncil, C atania Port Authority, Transport Malta and the University of Malta’s Institute for C limate C hange and Sustainable Development. The Institute is responsible for a number of tasks which include an analysis of the territory and the traffic flows in and out of the port areas of C atania and Malta; the proposal of a draft joint strategy to determine current territorial problems; the identification of intermodal means of transport within the Sicilian-Maltese environment; an analysis of passengers and goods flows between Malta and Sicily; and the promotion of an integrated and sustainable transport solution. The STREETS launch conference took place in Vittoria with all project partners discussing progress so far. The University of Malta was represented by Dr Maria Attard (project coordinator), Ing. Luana C hetcuti Zammit, Ms Nicolette Formosa and Ms Deborah Mifsud (project research officers) and Ms Boglarka Toth (project administrator). At the conference Dr Attard presented the work being carried out in the development of a digital map of the transport network and the survey results gathered so far on the flow of passengers by air to and from C atania and Trapani. Dr Maria Attard (first from right), Ing Luana Chetcuti Zammit, Ms Deborah Mifsud, Ms Boglarka Toth and Ms Nicolette Formosa, from the University of Malta Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the STREETS Launch Conference in Vittoria, Sicily, October 2013 15 November 2013 Official Opening of the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Building www.um.edu.mt/newsoncampus/features#item_200671 4/15 11/21/13 Features - University of Malta One of the largest construction projects undertaken of late by the University of Malta, jointly funded by the Government of Malta and the European Union, is the new building for the Faculty of IC T. This ERDF 017 Project which cost 17 million Euro is part-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund Programme 2007-2013, with a C o-financing rate of 85% EU Funds, 15% National Funds. The new building was inaugurated by the Hon. Evarist Bartolo, Minister for Education and Employment, in the presence of the Hon. Stefan Buontempo, Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth & Sport, Rector, Prof. Juanito C amilleri, and the Dean of the Faculty, Dr Ernest C achia, on the 15th of November 2013 as part of the events held during Discover University Open Week. The opening included short speeches followed by a tour of the new faculty building. The building consists of a concrete substructure with a steel framed upper structure. The exterior envelope predominantly consists of a special engineered façade which is filled with an inert gas and treated to minimise solar heat gains whilst not compromising the light transmission into the rooms. The building has no open-able windows but is climate controlled through an advanced Building Management System (BMS). The internal climatic conditions, such as temperature, introduction of fresh air and extraction will all be managed by an automated system. Heat recovery units have also been installed in key areas such that the fresh air being introduced inside the building is pre conditioned by the extracted air, resulting in increased overall efficiency. The rooms shall be furnished with presence detectors in order to switch off lights and air conditioning systems automatically after a predefined period of time, if these are left on when the room is vacated. The underground parking will be monitored and automatically ventilated. It is envisaged that this centralised climate control system, together with the use of the most advanced outer façade materials, will significantly reduce the energy demands of this building thus helping to minimise the environmental impact that the addition of another building on campus will have. In general, the air-conditioning units are of VRF type using inverter driven compressors in order to optimise running efficiency under partial load conditions. Although the building houses its own dedicated electricity sub-station to ensure a stable supply of power, it is also equipped with a powerful Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) system, a standby generator for emergency power provision suitable to run all essential loads. Another feature of the building is its own rain water harvesting. Even in case of water supply interruption, the building can rely on its own voluminous subterranean water reservoir. This water reservoir shall be used to provide second class water for toilet use, provide water for irrigation purposes, as well as for fire fighting systems. The types of light fittings vary depending on the application and location, but in general they all provide a high lumen output per watt and are therefore energy efficient. The building is furnished with a PV array on the roof which shall serve the dual purposes of providing shading to the roof, thereby decreasing the fabric heat gain and also generating power for direct use by the building. The building is also furnished with security and safety systems including a fire detection system, fire fighting system (with inert gas suppression in the server rooms), C C TV and access control. The structure itself is a four-floor edifice offering approximately 6700 sq. m. of floor space in total, configured as two blocks connected via a central multi-storey entrance, lobby, stairwell, and lift area, with a ramp-accessed underground level 70+ car park. Attention was given to the overall skyline of the University’s Msida C ampus. The sloped landscape surrounding the building minimised the visual impact on the surrounding university buildings. The various areas in the new building will include teaching labs, research rooms, tutorial rooms, undergraduate study areas, post-graduate rooms, research labs, and more. www.um.edu.mt/newsoncampus/features#item_200671 5/15 11/21/13 Features - University of Malta 15 November 2013 Travelling Smart Using the Bicycle at Discover University 2013 The Institute for C limate C hange and Sustainable Development through the Green Travel Plan (GTP) C oordinator of the University of Malta collaborated with the BAG (Bicycle Advocacy Group) to deliver safety information and tips on how to use and maintain a bicycle. A variety of safety leaflets, stickers and 'C ustom Travel Information' bookmarks were distributed amongst the attendees of Discover University on Sunday 10 November 2013. The GTP coordinator explained the cycling facilities situated on campus to visitors as well as staff and students that were present at the main campus. He also explained the incentives that exist to support the purchase of bicycles and bicycle equipment. C ycling ambassadors, recently appointed at the University were also present on site. Pedal Power was also present at the event with a variety of bicycles and e-bikes on display. Visitors had the opportunity to try out a number of bicycles around a car free campus. This event was an exciting opportunity for those interested in contributing to sustainable mobility and personal well-being. C ycling helps reduce the number of cars driving to and from the University, thereby reducing the C O2 footprint of the University. www.um.edu.mt/newsoncampus/features#item_200671 6/15