Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Report of the Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Charge: The Task Force is charged with identifying unique needs of graduate students enrolled in graduate programs in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, particularly those related to scholarly activities and other aspects of their graduate experience that would enhance quality of their academic experiences and professional achievements. The Task Force Report will include background information, current status, and recommendations with budgetary implications. The Report will be shared initially with the Provost, the Student Affairs Committee of Graduate Council, and the Graduate Student Council. Task Force Members: Frederick Burrack—Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Music; Director of the Office of Assessment Geraldine Craig—Professor and Department Head of Art Sherry Haar—Professor of Apparel & Textiles Andrew Long—Assistant Professor in Security Studies/Political Science Laszlo Kulcsar—Associate Professor in Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work Kelly Yarbrough—MFA Student Allen Mallory—M.S. Student, Marriage and Family Therapy Chair: Katherine Ankerson—Professor and Department Head of Interior Architecture & Product Design Administrative and Analysis Assistance: Megan Miller, M.S. PhD Candidate, Dept. of Psychological Sciences, Graduate Research Assistant, KSU Graduate School Amanda Taylor, Administrative Specialist for Dean of Graduate School. 1 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Table of Contents Executive Summary………………………………………………………. p. 3 Summary of Survey Results………………………………………………. p. 5 Task Force Recommendations…………………………………………… p. 10 Appendix A: Programs and Degrees……………………………………… p. 14 Appendix B-1: Process of Distribution of Surveys……………………….. p. 18 Appendix B-2: Graduate Task Force Survey……………………………... p. 19 Appendix C: Descriptive Data…………………………………………… p. 20 Appendix C-2: Compiled Survey Comments……………………………… p. 22 Appendix D: List of Potential Changes and FAQs for the Graduate Website………………………………………………… p. 30 Appendix E: Full Results of Surveys……………………………………… p. 32 2 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction. The Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities was given its charge in the fall of 2013 and through a series of meetings and information gathering activities (i.e., student surveys and peer institution inquiries) compiled the following report for the Dean of the Kansas State University Graduate School, Dr. Carol Shanklin. Programs and Degrees. Graduate studies mean very different things for different students and fields. Two major distinctions may be cast as those with practical versus conceptual emphasis; and, those including traditional research versus creative activities. Some fields (such as those within the College of Architecture, Planning and Design) include a combination of all of the mentioned distinctions. A list of the programs and degrees associated with the Task Force’s work is found in Appendix A. The number of graduate students currently enrolled in degree programs in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences numbers nearly 2,000. Fifty-eight degrees, housed in twenty-two programs within four colleges (Architecture, Planning & Design; Arts and Sciences; Education; and, Human Ecology) are included in this population, and includes non-terminal master’s degrees and terminal master’s and PhD degrees. Process. The Task Force held four meetings. Initially, the members discussed ideas on the particular needs of students in the fields included in the charge by Dean Shanklin and agreed on some basic concerns and challenges of students in these fields. Task Force members identified best practices from their respective fields through personal and professional networks. The Task Force considered a number of topics in its initial meetings and identified the following partial list of student concerns and challenges for consideration by the members in efforts to enhance the quality of graduate student life: Travel support to attend professional meetings, exhibit work, give performances, and conduct field/archival research Financial assistance for supplies/materials (including emergency assistance) Receptions for performances/shows/exhibits Scholarships, fellowships and small research grants Physical space on campus suitable for research, scholarly and creative work Career opportunities and professional development Financial assistance to travel to a place for data gathering Within the initial discussions of the Task Force, the members recognized that graduate students in different degree programs within the same college/department (e.g., doctoral v. master’s), from different academic fields, and receiving different levels of financial assistance from KSU (i.e., GTA/GRA, student worker, etc.) may have different needs in terms of both financial and non-financial support. To be more specific, graduate students that plan to pursue academic careers in their discipline may need additional professional development 3 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities and training in areas (e.g., teaching and learning theories) that are not applicable to graduate students in professional degree programs that lead to employment in fields outside of academia. The members determined that it was important to be aware of this diversity in graduate student concerns and challenges when assembling recommendations. To that end, the survey commissioned requested information on the type of degree being pursued by each student and their employment status. The Task Force also utilized the diversity of its membership across multiple academic disciplines to provide a set of recommendations that is sensitive to the diversity of the graduate student population in the humanities, arts and social sciences. The members also recommended that a list of the graduate programs and degrees offered by these programs should be compiled and a survey of graduate students within those graduate programs be conducted to acquire student input. After determining the program and student population to be targeted, a short survey was created and approved by the members. The survey was distributed through Graduate Program Directors and conducted from February 11 through March 1, 2014. The survey of graduate students produced approximately 200 responses to questions about financial and non-financial resources that students believe would assist them in research, scholarship and creative activities (see Appendix B-1 and B-2). Overview of Findings. Students’ responses to the question about financial support included frequent mention of the need for professional development and travel funding, research and scholarly activity support, and the need for financial assistance through scholarships and Graduate Assistantships. Broadly, the responses reflected concern that pursuit of income to meet basic expenses hampered students’ ability to pursue scholarly activities. Many students reported seeking additional employment because of a lack of funding or inadequate funding to meet their needs. Responses to the question about support in addition to funding covered networking opportunities, professional development and career building, and improvements and increased access to electronic resources (see Appendix B-3). 4 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Summary of Survey Results Summary of Survey Descriptive Data. A survey was made available to graduate students in arts, humanities, and social sciences. The number of usable responses was 196. Three open-ended questions were presented. Megan Miller, created response categories and organized the descriptive data in two ways: degree type and employment status. See Appendix C, Tables 1-4. Question 1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? The most common response categories were: a) support for travel (45.9 %), b) support for research, scholarship, and creative activity (31.1 %), and c) financial/assistantship support (26.0 %). When separated out by degree type, those in the professional master’s degrees had fewer responses for support of research, scholarship, and creative activity (15.4 %); and more responses in the categories of equipment/materials (26.9 %) and facilities/infrastructure (23.1 %). Master of science and non-terminal master of art respondents had higher responses (23.8 %) for professional development compared to terminal MFA (14.0%) and professional master’s students (7.7%). Those pursuing a terminal degree noted greater needs for travel and research support. These differences highlight that the graduate students population seems to belong to two general tracks: those in traditional academic fields emphasizing “soft” support (travel, general scholarly activities) and those in “professional” or applied fields for whom equipment and infrastructure is the main concern. When separated by university funded and non-funded students, the three most common categories remain; however, non-funded students represent a larger proportion in the support for research, scholarship, and creative activity (42.4 %); internships (12.1%), and financial/assistantship support (34.9 %). It is notable that about one in every four funded respondent still mentioned financial support, which provides further evidence for the noncompetitive assistantships at the university. Question 2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? The two most common response categories in response to question two were: a) professional development (37.8 %) and b) resources/opportunities for collaboration or networking (28.4 %). These two, however, varied greatly once degree type was added as an independent variable. Both of these are the most important for those on professional master’s tracks. The difference between traditional/academic and professional/applied tracks can be seen here as well: percentages for the first group were lower, and the numbers of respondents revealed that half of the subsample skipped this question (there was some response loss for the other two degree groups too, but not this much). This implies that traditional/academic degree students are much less likely to think beyond traditional funding 5 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities categories (which is mostly travel). Professional/applied students have more specific needs, which is not surprising since their training involves more specific equipment or activities. The big difference between funded and not funded students for this question was in course improvement (mentioned more frequently by not funded students), and research opportunities (cited mostly by funded students). This seems to indicate the strategy (or the reality) of enhancing academic experiences: those that are not funded seem to be looking toward the classroom (where they are equal with the funded students) while those that are funded would like to do this via extra opportunities provided by the university. Question 3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Respondents’ most popular topic of concern was lack of funding and assistantships. Other reiterated concerns were lack of human and physical resources, meeting needs of distance students and part-time students, and desire for a shared graduate student space. A common new challenge noted was managing degree completion with work, family, and expenses. Other concerns were community support for students who are away from campus when writing their dissertation, increased flexibility (course times, due dates, course offerings), and desire for real experiences compared to theoretical. A specific set of challenges are the ones facing international students. This is particularly important when put together with GTA appointments that require both quality teaching and advance in the student’s own program. Internationals need time to get used to the academic and cultural jargon and expectations, and support in this largely comes from individual faculty mentors. A typical problem for students in social sciences and humanities where funding is not guaranteed is when funding decisions are made just before the student would need to make other commitments (for example housing or summer positions). Balancing deadlines seems to be very difficult in the general aura of uncertainty, and adds to the challenges of time management. One interesting comment came from a doctoral student who mentioned that of the ~$11,000 made in a year, about $1,000 goes back to the university in fees (beyond other college related expenses). This fee structure suits graduate students in the sciences better because funding and opportunities are greater there, and the university could revise some of this internal resource shuffling to lessen the burden on students in social sciences, arts and humanities. Summary of Qualitative Responses. The following are the students’ voice, some including statements from several students into a singular quotation. The topics are noted with the title and organized in order of comment frequency: Travel Funds "If availability for travel funding for each students that were accepted for conference presentations, students would be encouraged to develop their research skills earlier in their program and increase the number of submission/acceptance for top research conferences. In doing so, students would be able to network with top scholars and future colleagues in the field increasing the chances of entrance into their ideal career positions. Furthermore, 6 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities representation of the university would make KSU more appealing to potential candidates and applicants for programs and university positions. “ Graduate Funding Support "KSU funding available to graduate students/dissertation fellowships/grants etc. are all geared toward the physical sciences. Fellowship or grant opportunities specifically for graduate students who are in the social sciences, arts, and humanities should also be available. Such funding should also be available to provide graduate students access to a wider range of pre-candidacy clinical and research development experiences to promote research involvement and skill development earlier on in the program. Access to small funding to support research projects." Time Constraints “As it stands, I do not have the time to attend such professionalization events. Not only do I hold an hourly student worker position (at a lick above minimum wage), but I also have two other jobs working a total of around 50 hours per week to support myself. If more funding were allotted to my department and I could secure a GTA position, my quality of work would increase tremendously." "TIME to write a thesis. I was never given the time to do so because my workload was so much. " Assistantship Stipends "Increase GTA pay since we are one of the lowest in the Big 12. Increased stipends will enhance the attractiveness of K-State to future graduate applicants allowing for recruitment to be more selective, thus gaining better students and in turn likely increasing the amount/quality of research being completed by K-State" "As a GA, my tuition is not waived unlike many of my GTA and GRA colleagues. While, my GA experience is proving to be invaluable, it is a constant struggle to figure out how to make financial ends meet. I feel that if I didn't have to focus as much on finances I would be able to commit more time to my academics and possible research. " Professional Development Suggestions (beyond the initial orientation) "Basic information on ITAC resources, navigating the graduate process, finding supportive personnel in departments." “Workshops on Publication --many of us don't know what/how to ‘break into’ the publishing world…advice (such as a mini seminar dealing with publishing) would be helpful." "Lectures and workshops regarding the job search and how to make the best use of graduate student time to tailor yourself for the job search would be incredibly helpful. Also, providing more help and guidance, or even awareness of opportunities for conferences and publishing." “A structured program for figuring out what to do post-graduation would be really helpful.” 7 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities “Guidance in applying to PhD programs help would be great.” “More funds need to be provided to programs so they can bring in guest clinicians/lecturers.” “Training on how to use research software programs.” “It would also be nice if there were some way of looking up a list of available GTA, GRA, and GA positions.” Communities of Practice "Create more opportunities for students through communities of excellence. For example, graduate students in education focusing on qualitative analysis could hone their skills by periodically meeting together and then collaborate on focused projects. Faculty advisors could then guide them on the publication process either locally, online, or via other venues." "GTA round-tables that have structured discussion topics (rather than just complaining). It would be nice to have structured opportunities to connect with other graduate students at K-State, or even within the region. " Alumni Network "An established alumni program where students could network with other individuals from their field. This would help me because my area is in a place where we haven't had any recent graduates that I could talk to about their experiences in the workforce." Graduate Student Center "Although there is a graduate student work area in the library, it would be quite nice if there were a couple of larger tables so that people could sit in groups or pairs. The way the tables are lined against the wall in both rooms makes that quite a struggle. It also would also be nice if there were a graduate student computer lab/printing area with access to statistical and other research software. Statistical and other research software that is necessary for our research activities, as well as physical space for graduate student leadership and professional activities. I wish there was a building on campus specifically for graduate students where they could collaborate, study together, and have access to other such resources. Something similar to the graduate life center at Virginia Tech would be so useful at K-State not just for grad students to flourish, but this would also help with K-State 2025 I'm sure. Check out their site at http://www.graduatelifecenter.vt.edu/about.html" Computer and Related Facilities “University or department licenses for common computer programs that would allow students to use them on their personal computers could greatly increase productivity.” “Availability of advanced statistical software (i.e., SPSS, mplus, AMOS) in common study areas with enough SPSS software enabled computers.” Online Learning "An orientation class about how to do online classes offered PRIOR to starting my classes would have been good. I'm still not sure I'm doing everything correctly." 8 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities “Increased access to ‘live’ classroom sessions and in-person sessions in Manhattan or other locales covered by tuition” "The one area I find K-State less than adequate is with student support for distance education students (transferring credits, seeking technological assistance, etc.) I have encountered bureaucratic inefficiency in this area at K-State. If K-State can improve their student support for distance education students, it would enhance their overall program. I took distance education courses at Penn State and their World Campus support staff was friendly, knowledgeable and efficient. They met the students' needs. Evidently, Penn State recognized the importance of this area - and dedicated and trained support staff to fulfill distance students' needs. K-State is falling short in this area." Office Space "Most GTA offices are small, cramped and thrown together. Our offices are either freezing or sweltering and have barely functioning outdated technology. Windows that actually have glass on them, radiators that actually function, more wall space to put work up. The offices need updated and the Graduate Student study areas could use computers not just desks.” Outreach "Once the coursework is completed and the preliminary exams behind, the next phase is tremendously lonely. Many students have no contact with anyone from the University for months. More outreach to create and sustain community amongst the cohort would be encouraging through the dissertation writing phase." 9 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Task Force Recommendations Task Force Recommendations are grouped under the four following categories: 1) Financial Resources 2) Resource Hubs 3) Networking, Professional Development, and Career Opportunity Resources 4) Communication and Enhancement of Underutilized Resources While some areas of the Task Force Recommendations have specifics that are unique to graduate students in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, many of the recommendations will benefit all graduate students at Kansas State University. 1) Financial Resources GRA/GTA stipends Students surveyed made it clear that additional financial support through increased GTA/GRA stipends and more opportunities for GTA/GRA positions would boost their ability to pursue their research and scholarly activities. Short of direct financial support in the form of employment, financial support to purchase software, acquire supplies/materials and offset travel expenses necessary for research, scholarly and creative activity would benefit all graduate students in the humanities, arts and social sciences. The Task Force recommends the Provost’s office provide an increase in the overall number of assistantships available, with increased stipend and a tuition waiver for GRA/GA appointments. Software and Supplies/Materials Resources Provide common areas with computers and software funded at the university level (conceivably, this could be a part of the Graduate Student Center). This action would offset the expenses borne by individual graduate students and could alleviate a portion of the financial burden while increasing the aptitude and proficiency of student work. Specific recommendations include statistical and analytical software such as SPSS, mplus, AMOS; commonly used programs such as PhotoShop, Illustrator, InDesign, as well as those used in developing teaching materials such as Camtasia, PowerPoint, and similar programs. Online training and support can be an efficient way to inculcate students to the software, and increase the level of their proficiency. One such online resource is Lynda.com which is subscribed at many of the universities across the nation including Virginia Tech, Northwestern, Bowling Green State University, Yale University, University of Cincinnati, Duke University, and Indiana University to name a few. Subscription at the university level to these training resources have the added benefit of faculty and staff software training and updates. Travel support grants (Professional Meetings and Field/Archival Work) The Graduate Student Council currently maintains a Graduate Student Council Travel Awards program to provide travel support to students presenting research at domestic and international conferences and meetings. The Task Force recommends consideration of additional travel support to support travel to exhibitions and performance venues for the presentation of creative work. Small-research grant opportunities (equivalent to USRG for faculty) The Task Force recommends a new initiative for competitive funding in small amounts for graduate 10 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities students. The Faculty Development Awards (FDA) and University Small Research Grants (USRG) programs for faculty could serve as models for a similar program for graduate students, especially for research, scholarly and creative activity accomplishment that has already passed a peer-reviewed process such as conference paper or juried exhibition acceptance. 2) Resource Hubs Physical Resource Hub (Graduate Student Center and Computing Lab) The Task Force recommends the establishment of a Graduate Student Center that can host multiple nonfinancial support resources. Examples of resources to be provided in a Graduate Student Center are a dedicated computing laboratory with software utilized by multiple disciplines installed, meeting spaces for graduate student organizations and the Graduate Student Council, a common area to encourage engagement among students across disciplines and promote a sense of community as well as opportunities for inter-disciplinary research groups and gathering area for casual interaction such as brown bag lunches or study breaks, and a place that graduate students feel is their second home. This Graduate Student Center is seen as a space(s) that are active and encourage interaction and resources through the variety of modes described above. Currently, there is dedicated space available in Hale Library designated as a “quiet zone” for study (51 desks in Rooms 306 and 309 are dedicated for graduate student use). On-line Resource Hub There is a wealth of information and links to resources available on the Graduate School website; however, survey responses demonstrated that at least some students are unaware of the resources that are available to support their research and scholarly activities. Task Force members sometimes found it difficult to find information, or found it under locations that were not supportive of intuitive action. It is the recommendation of the Task Force that the Graduate School devote resources to establish an on-line resource hub that will enhance communication with graduate students about the resources available through the Graduate School directly and to promote use of underutilized resources. This on-line hub can additionally serve in many of the same ways the physical hub does to connect students; in this case connecting on-line students with each other and with those physically on campus. At a minimum, the On-line Resource Hub should be a simple reorganization of navigational choices on the existing Graduate School website plus a more robust offering of information. Wiki One portion of the site should be designed as a wiki where all graduate students can add information on campus and community life, research opportunities in their discipline, and the like. Links While other connections are important as well, clear linkages to the Career and Employment Services, Teaching and Learning Center, and Writing Center Services, among others, should be readily available. Conferences and Other Opportunities Development and maintenance of a common resource listing potential conferences, exhibit opportunities, competitions and other venues for the peer evaluation of research, scholarly and creative activity is an important component of the On-line Resource Hub. 11 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities 3) Networking, Professional Development, and Career Opportunity Resources Teaching and Learning For students pursuing careers in an academic field, expansion of and encouragement to utilize the Teaching and Learning seminars and resources is recommended. Coupled with this are additional panels or presentations on expectations of an academic career in various fields (types of universities and related expectations, the tenure and promotion process, tips when applying and interviewing for academic positions). Research Methods Identify and develop a list of methodology courses across all programs (open to students outside the core major) as a resource. Specifically identify those courses that incorporate ethnographic and other social science research methodologies (such as historical-comparative methods) so that students from disciplines incorporating qualitative methods may identify those courses that would help them most. Alternatively, develop workshops or seminars to introduce social science research methodologies and resources for further development of knowledge. Research Forums The Task Force determined that ‘traditional’ research forums are limiting for students that do not typically present research in a panel/exhibit/poster session format. The members recommend that the university consider a more inclusive provision of research and creative discovery forums that allows students from all disciplines to participate in demonstrating their scholarly activity. The KSU Research Forum could also serve as a model for a shared regional Graduate Research Forum with other Kansas universities, which would provide a more regional showcase and networking opportunity, rotated among campuses. The Graduate Research Forum might extend over a two day period, under the same marketing and scheduling umbrella, with one of the two days devoted to scholarly and creative work that is not in the traditional Poster or Paper Presentation format and may have differing spatial and acoustical needs. 4) Communication and Enhancement of Underutilized Resources Inclusiveness The incorporation of inclusive language should be maximized to attract graduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences conducting scholarly activity to identify with. Using the terminology “Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities” rather than merely “Research” would not only support the University language, but would express a more diverse approach to the activities associated with the varied graduate student experience expectations. Clearly identify and make readily available those resources and activities developed for or aimed at graduate students (as opposed to a “one size fits all” undergraduate/graduate approach) in multiple areas such as the Career and Employment Services website. Notice of Funding Opportunities Distribute a “graduate student” version of the Research & Sponsored Programs Funding Bulletin by email to graduate students. Enhance the current Funding Bulletin with notices of Fellowships and Foundations funding the varied work of those disciplines in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Website recommendations The Career and Employment Services (CES) website contains resources tailored to Graduate Student needs; however, they are buried multiple layers deeply on the site. Diligence to be sure all of the offerings listed on the CES website: http://www.k-state.edu/ces/students/gradstudents.html are indeed specific to graduate (versus undergraduate) students is important. While the linkage from the Graduate School 12 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities website is fairly straightforward, navigating from the original CES page to the graduate student area is less so. The Task Force recommends that the Career and Employment Services create clear minimal and intuitive navigation for graduate students who come to their website first rather in addition arriving at it from the Graduate School website. Several additional specific recommendations for the Graduate School website navigation and items is included in Appendix D. 13 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities APPENDIX A: Programs and Degrees 14 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities 15 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities 16 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities 17 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Appendix B-1 Process of Distribution of Surveys The following message and link was emailed to Department Heads and Graduate Program Directors on February 11, 2014: Dear Department Heads and Graduate Program Directors, The Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities wishes to collect information from students in your graduate programs to better understand their specific and unique needs. Our task force is gathering information from a variety of sources in order to provide recommendations to Dean Carol Shanklin and Provost April Mason of ways we may assist graduate students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in their creative and scholarly activities. Please distribute the link to the survey found here to your graduate students for their immediate attention. https://kstate.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_aWOBOcC0aGgTlOJ We ask that students complete the survey by March 1, 2014. Thank you for your assistance in this endeavor! A supplemental email request was sent on February 17, 2014 as a reminder: Dear Department Heads and Graduate Program Directors, Last week, you should have received the message below. This is a friendly reminder to please share this message with graduate students in your department/program and encourage them to complete this short survey. If you have already distributed the message, we appreciate you sending a reminder to your graduate students. The Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities wishes to collect information from students in your graduate programs to better understand their specific and unique needs. Our task force is gathering information from a variety of sources in order to provide recommendations to Dean Carol Shanklin and Provost April Mason of ways we may assist graduate students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences in their creative and scholarly activities. Please distribute the link to the survey found here to your graduate students for their immediate attention. https://kstate.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_aWOBOcC0aGgTlOJ We ask that students complete the survey by March 1, 2014. Thank you for your assistance in this endeavor! 18 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Appendix B-2 Graduate Task Force Survey Intro: This survey is an initiative of the Task Force commissioned by the Graduate School to improve the academic experience of graduate students in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. The aim of this survey is to identify the unique needs of graduate students in these fields. The survey takes only a short time to complete, but helps tremendously to identify areas the Task Force should focus on. Degree The graduate degree I am seeking is: MFA (1) Professional Master's (such as MARCH, MIAPD, etc) (2) MA (3) MS (4) PhD (5) Year I am currently in the _____ year of my graduate studies. First (1) Second (2) Third (3) Fourth or beyond (4) Employ Which, if any, of the following employment positions do you currently hold? GTA (1) GRA (2) GA (3) student hourly worker (4) I am not employed by KSU (5) Q1 If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Q2 Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Q3 Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. 19 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Appendix C - Descriptive Data for Graduate Task Force Survey for Graduate Students in Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Table 1. For each of the use of funding response categories, the table below shows the percentage of students within each degree category who desire the respective use of funding. E.g., of the 86 terminal degree respondents, 4.7 percent would like greater availability/diversity of graduate courses. Degree Type Termina l (n = 86) Prof. Master’s (n = 26) MS/MA (n = 84) TOTAL (n = 196) Availability/ diversity of graduate courses Equipment/ Materials Facilities/ Infrastructur e Professional Development Travel Support Practical Experiences/ Internships Research/ Scholarly Activities and Support Financial Support/ Assistantships Online/Distanc e Education 4.7 11.6 4.7 14.0 55.8 1.2 41.9 19.8 1.2 0 26.9 23.1 7.7 46.2 15.4 15.4 23.1 0 2.4 14.3 7.1 23.8 35.7 8.3 25.0 33.3 2.4 3.1 14.8 8.2 17.4 45.9 6.1 31.1 26.0 1.5 Table 2. For each of the use of funding response categories, the table below shows the percentage of students within each employment category who desire the respective use of funding. E.g., of the 130 funded respondents, 1.5 percent would like greater availability/diversity of graduate courses. Employ. Status Funded (n = 130) Not Funded (n = 66) TOTAL (n = 196) Availability/ diversity of graduate courses Equipment/ Materials Facilities/ Infrastructur e Professional Development Travel Support Practical Experiences/ Internships Research/ Scholarly Activities and Support Financial Support/ Assistantships Online/Distanc e Education 1.5 14.6 10.0 20.0 53.1 5.4 30.0 25.4 0 7.6 16.7 7.6 15.2 45.5 12.1 42.4 34.9 4.6 3.1 14.8 8.2 17.4 45.9 6.1 31.1 26.0 1.5 20 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Table 3. For each of the resources/opportunities response categories, the table below shows the percentage of students within each degree category who desire the respective resource/opportunity. E.g., of the 46 terminal degree respondents, 8.7 percent would like improvements to facilities/infrastructure. Degree Type Termina l (n = 46) Prof. Master’s (n = 19) MS/MA (n = 62) TOTAL (n = 127) Facilities/ Infrastructur e orientation/ informationa l sessions Electronic/ Online Resources Professional Development Career preparation Support for Research or Professional/ Scholarly Activities Improvements to courses Resources/ Opportunities, For Collaboration or networking Social/Cultura l activities Housing 8.7 2.2 17.4 34.8 2.2 13.0 6.5 37.0 0 0 10.5 0 0 42.0 10.5 15.8 5.3 42.1 0 0 11.3 4.8 12.9 38.7 11.3 4.8 11.3 17.7 3.2 3.2 10.2 3.2 12.6 37.8 7.9 9.5 8.7 28.4 1.6 1.6 Table 4. For each of the resources/opportunities response categories, the table below shows the percentage of students within each employment category who desire the respective resource/opportunity. E.g., of the 85 funded respondents, 12.9 percent would like improvements to facilities/infrastructure. Employ. Status Funded (n = 85) Not Funded (n = 42) TOTAL (n = 127) Facilities/ Infrastructur e orientation/ informationa l sessions Electronic/ Online Resources Professional Development Career preparation Support for Research or Professional/ Scholarly Activities Improvements to courses Resources/ Opportunities, For Collaboration or networking Social/Cultura l activities Housing 12.9 1.2 11.8 37.7 7.1 10.6 5.9 31.8 2.4 1.2 4.8 7.1 14.3 38.1 9.5 7.1 14.3 21.4 0 2.4 10.2 3.2 12.6 37.8 7.9 9.5 8.7 28.4 1.6 1.6 21 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities APPENDIX C-2 Compiled Survey Comments (spelling and grammar as reported, not corrected) More robust, searchable, online access to the k-state "network" of current ph.d students and graduates that included details of knowledge base or research area, so that I could contact them for ideas. Essential a k-state linked in. Greater exposure to careers/professionals in applied or industry careers in order to become better acquainted with non-academic career opportunities. With the technology of online learning, the ability to audit a certain number of online courses each year would assist with exploration of courses and topics beyond the minimum requirements of my program. More attention to coursework-- some classes stimulate little to no new thought None that I can think of... A session on the process to complete the degree plan and get through the thesis would be great for first year students so we could know what to expect. It might make the process feel less daunting knowing more information on the front end of the grad school experience. Personally I would like to have more oppotunities to adapt and to learn more about American culture; I would also like to preform daily activities with Amercan people to develop my speaking skills. N/A Library Right now the library's electronic database only includes a limited ammount of access to journal articles and historical access to the New York Times. I would like to see these resources expanded, to give us access to more electronic media archives, including major news magazine archives and other newspaper archives like the LA Times and Washington Post. K-State's goal of being a top 50 research facility by 2025 is an excellent project! Unfortunately, because most of the fine arts are not research based, but more performance based, the school of music, theater, and dance doesn't receive the appropriate monetary needs that are required. Because of not being able to hire faculty K-State had to withdraw the offer of a Dance Major, overload its faculty because of the physical limitations of the buildings, and 20 member classes are shoved into classrooms made to seat 12. Stronger support system from the instructors, actual classes that support and discuss current industry needs, working and available equipment and facilities to perform work and research, stronger communication throughout the department. Professional development workshop pertain to my specific field. Bring in more guest speakers to class- it is helpful to me because I am able to gain a better sense of how what I learn in class will be applied in real-world situations once I complete my education. University or department licenses for common computer programs that would allow students to use them on their personal computers could greatly increase productivity. Another resource that would alleviate stress for many graduate students would be a more efficient and intuitive health care sign up system. It does not seem uncommon to spend a semester without health insurance because of what must be communication issues between the university and the insurance company. 22 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Bringing in world class professionals for conferences/meetings specific to our field would be really neat if trips are not possible. Inclusion of case studies, use of animation in class room lecture, cultural training for international students, easy accessibility of professional softwares, dedicated english counseling team for scholary writings. As mentioned previously, access to printed materials outside of the K-State library. Online tutoring to assist with difficult material. Having the ability to hire some one to read archival material and other materials that technology can not scan and read. More guides to conducting research, writing Theses, developing topics of study, checklists, etc. I ended up having to go to other university webpages to actually figure out what a Thesis is and best ways to go about conducting my research. Student discounts could be more prevalent. More on campus housing for Graduate Students. A car would make a great difference. A way to file Graduate forms online would be awesome. meeting/shadowing professionals, workshops with professionals, inclusion in professor's research Visiting architectural firms is always enlightening. Having opportunities to visit them in KC could help quite a bit. Having more discussions and projects between majors would help prepare us for the real world. Materials for building models and making posters would be helpful. It would be great if the staff continues to make interantional connections for interships, study abroad, and residency opportunities. This has added considerably to my education here and should continue to be pursued. Resources such as housing on campus. It is hard to work on campus, study on campus when we as students live off campus because we can't get housing on campus. It is also very expensive to live off campus and so there are some of us that have to have jobs off campus to supplement our income. If there were graduate housing on campus that was paid or that was at least all inclusive and the rent was cheaper than off of campus living then it would be a better option. It would also be nice if there were more internships available. / It would also be nice if there were some way of looking up a list of available GTA, GRA, and GA positions. Being informed about more opportunities to gain teaching experience/work experience would be helpful. better facilities, esp. desk furniture options in studio / provide more lectures, just really good ones The one area I find K-State less than adequate is with student support for distance education students (transferring credits, seeking technological assistance, etc). I have encountered bureaucratic inefficiency in this area at K-State. If K-State can improve their student support for distance education students, it would enhance their overall program. I took distance education courses at Penn State and their World Campus support staff was friendly, knowledgable and efficient - they met the students' needs. Evidently, Penn State recognized the importance of this area - and dedicated and trained support staff to fulfill distance students' needs. K-State is falling short in this area. I would icrease the amount of resources for students seeking internships/graduation. While in some cases this means people, in other cases it also means photo help for things like professional head shots or a studio lounge (a quiet place where students can go to make professional phone calls to firms during the day.) 23 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Involvement of professionals on studio projects I'd like the opportunity to participate in Design-Build projects on the side, or as a specialization studio. More GA's, GTA's, and GRA's in my field. More trips and visits to sites would be immensely beneficial when researching new project material. Students can usually transport themselves to local areas at no cost to the university and the knowledge gained from these first hand experiences would be far more helpful than any powerpoint. More information and practice on licensing after graduation. / More interaction with professionals, in the field experience. / More interaction with upcoming research/ innovative practices and how that relates to the profession. Practical applications at work setting I would love to see the GTA series of presentations expanded beyond its current system. I've learned a great deal from the sessions I have been able to attend, but consistent scheduling issues are preventing me from attending further sessions. Sufficient data base, A users' how-to session for using NVivo transcript coding software. There were a lot of cool functions that I didn't have time to muddle through on my own. Peerr counseling or Mentors that have walked through our shoes telling us advised that we need to know that are professors can't more opportunities for academic exchanges with other universities and research institutions. Computer and related facilities Availability of advanced statistical software (i.e., SPSS, mplus, AMOS) in common study areas. A good adviser is the most important factor to develop my research performance. Also, the mentoring program would be a good idea. Time is also the crucial resource. I need more time to focus on my research, but I have a lot of things besides researching. / / Being involved with my design competitions as well as getting set up with internships. Research grants to help with our Evidence-Based Design course related research endevors in the fourth year of the IAPD program. I think the school is doing great but more faculty would be good. That way not all 16 of us can focus on one professor I want more experience in scholarly writing. Getting to know other graduate students more, having more support from our advisors, and having a guide to help up with our graduation plan would be very beneficial and enhance many of our experiences. I also listed several other resources in my previous comment that would be valuable. It would be nice to have more conferences, symposiums, and other presentation opportunities on campus. The majority of symposiums are geared towards STEM topics. Take every opportunity and advantage for free activities (art exhibitions, concerts, sport) sponsored by the university and be more active in the community. A course or workshop in grant writing would be great. I need to get over the inertia of grant writing and learn how to tell people to fund my projects. I want a communal in my department. A space where grad students, undergrads faculty can regularly bump into one another. I shouldn't have to liberate the water cooler to get this. An undergrad lab would be nice. I'm leading some undergraduates in a research project and it would be nice to have somewhere we could work that wasn't entirely alien to them or me. More 24 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities ways to meet other graduate students would be great. Maybe more mixers. It's hard to study a lot and still meet people. Counseling services. My damage control is pretty good, but it might be worth it to have someone to talk at from time-to-time. Funding is primary. More opportunities to collaborate with faculty members on research and publications. Training in teaching methods/pedagogy. computers in our office. Equipment such as scanner, printer, etc. Professional development is the largest missing link -- lectures and workshops regarding the job search and how to make the best use of graduate student time to tailor yourself for the job search would be incredibly helpful. Also, providing more help and guidance, or even awareness of opportunities for conferences and publishing. guest speakers, learning activities, health and wellness programs Opportunities to develop courses would greatly enhance my marketability once I graduate. As a non-baccalaureate student in the RCP program, I find it extremely unfair that only post-baccalaureate students are eligible to serve as GTAs. Typically, the non-bac students have completed more coursework in the RCP program and would make competent GTAs. I think both groups, 4th/5th year non-bacs and 1st/2nd year post-bacs, should be able to apply for positions, with competitive selections made based on the applications. Non-bac students would benefit from the experience, and they need the money just as much! Especially since many students in my program often come from out-of-state (and aren't eligible for some reciprocal funding that students can received in the other CAPD programs) As a history student, I would like to see my department become more involved in the professional community by hosting a conference here in Manhattan. Workshops on essential skills: learning to skim, formatting theses, etc... More access to classes specifically designed around research and the arts. Some sort of experience where I can learn about the professional opportunities/jobs after completing my Master's, rather than feeling like I'm being trained only to be an academic. A more selective undergraduate student body, when teaching and taking classes a segment of the students consistently slows coursework. More travel grants for conferences that are worth more. I very much appreciate the funding, resources, and opportunities that have already been provided to me. If that could continue, I would be happy about it. An established alumni program where students could network with other individuals from their field. This would help me because my area is in a place where we haven't had any recent graduates that I could talk to about their experiences in the workforce. Having more travel opportunities would be great. Being able to have greater connection with design professionals. Working with firms on real life projects or helping cities with problems would be great. Professional development opportunities on campus. Out of classroom experiences more teaching assistantship opportunities, more workshops and chances to network with professionals in my related field new tools for research, such as qualtrics. / and also enough library resources. / APA style (writing) training. Opportunities to guest lecture, teach, and collaborate on publications would enhance the quality of my scholarly activities. 25 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities I could very much use money to live on. Credit cards keep me able to afford costs of living. Esecially i nthe summer there is not funding for my GTA. Multidisciplinary research opportunities. Better computing resources. More professional development opportunities; relevant guest speakers It would be nice to have more structured opportunities to connect with other graduate students at K-State, or even within the region. A more structured program for figuring out what to do post-graduation would be really helpful. Oh, and applying to PhD programs help would be great. GTA round-tables that have structured discussion topics (rather than just complaining) A tutorial on classroom technology, a post-graduation workshop Publication workshops--many of us don't know what/how to "break into" the publishing world…advice (such as a mini seminar dealing with publishing) would be helpful. More discussions on finding careers or phd programs after graduation. I have noticed that the graduate school offers things like today's brown bag tax discussion. I would have loved to attend that, but it is so inconveniently scheduled... I would have attended it had it been in the evening. I would personally appreciate more opportunities for exploration into career options once my degree is held. More speakers related to my field of study More dialogue across the university in other departments like theater and dance for example. Information about alternative funding sources and opportunities to interact with professionals in the field so as to bridge the connection between class topics and its application in the real world. Capstone course options: job searching, networking, scholarly writing, other I am currently aware of the many professional development opportunities and those are great keep them coming. Perhaps more social science related speakers, and more variety of them. Funding is a big issue. I actually transferred here from another university. My GTA wages are about 50% of the wages at my previous university. Paying bills each month is a huge struggle even with financial aid from the government. The cost of living in manhattan is overly high. The pay we receive as graduate students is actually well below the poverty line. Many of us do not have parents who can help or other sources of income. Funding is really the major issue. I would enjoy the opportunity to gain some online teaching experience in my field. confrences / study tour / attend exhibitions I believe workshops in writing grant proposals would be very helpful. I wish there was a building on campus specifically for graduate students where they could collaborate, study together, and have access to other such resources. Something similar to the graduate life center at Virginia Tech would be so useful at K-State not just for grad students to flourish, but this would also help with K-State 2025 I'm sure. / Check out their site at http://www.graduatelifecenter.vt.edu/about.html / Conferences sponsored by local groups. some way to connect with other graduate students - I am in C&I and I have not had multiple classes with multiple people and I do not know many people here - it has been a lonely PhD experience - there needs to be a way to get graduate students together and together with faculty K-State needs campus licenses for software such as STATA and SPSS. 26 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Mentorship with faculty member outside of my direct department. / Help with the mechanics of scholarship. How does it begin and how does it evolve. What does it look like as a conference presentation or scholarly paper. / REgular Meetings with other graduate students to look at collaboration across units / I have had a fantastic experience in my program and I cannot think of anything that would make it better! Management seminars/ retreats. Also, holding a class on how to transition from college to the working world-- what to expect, managing time, etc. Same as above. Bringing the textbook information to life. Allowing us to experience the various styles of counseling theory instead of just watching it in a YouTube video or reading about it from the textbook. N/A Equipment like for example enough SPSS software enabled computers that way when people go to the lab people actually do it themselves rather than watch someone else do it. Opportunities would most likely include give us more scholarships we can apply to and vacancies to be able to attend other conferences and see what other people are doing out there coz that way we can be able to see where we stand as a school and moreso as an individual. As a graduate student seeking more experiences and better opportunities getting decent jobs for the future and needing financial supports, I would appreciate that we have more connections with other organisation or government, so we could have at least contract that I would work for them for one or two years getting paid in order to have convenient and simply path exploring actual job in protection of the university. My program is entirely online. Occasional "retreat" seminars that would allow students and faculty face time would be beneficial. More opportunities to practice skills outside of school settings. I find I am seeking out academic and professional partnerships by building relationships with other departments and schools. I would like to see more interdisciplinary cooperation. can't think of anything off hand more opportunities of internship or actual experiences in the related media industries. There's a graduate student work area in the library. It would be quite nice if there were a couple of larger tables so that people could sit in groups or pairs in there because the way the tables are lined against the wall in both rooms makes that quite a struggle. It would also be nice if there were a graduate student computer lab/printing area. Opportunity to publish without paying for "research hours" if you want to pursue a thesis. TIME to write a thesis. I was never given the time to do so because my workload was so much. I would like more opporunities forprofessional organizations More opportunities to be involved in research will faculty members would enhance the quality of my academic experience at Kansas State. Professional Development seminars are great for Student Affairs students, if they are not during the same time as the classes we are supposed to attend. I would have loved to attend the programs put on by the school to enhance my outside education, but I had to attend class. Publishing seminars and or courses educated to help students get published collecting data in the field, and be able to work ith industry 27 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Having time away from a demanding job would be helpful / to focus on writing. Having a group of students in the same / dissertation writing mode would be helpful for support, accountability and motivation. Dissertation writing / is a lonely and stressful process. A support network. A Facebook page that graduate students could join might be a sufficient starting place. from my family Outreach! Once the coursework is completed and the prelimary exams behind, the next phase is tremendously lonely. Many students have no contact with anyone from the University for months. More outreach to create and sustain community amongst the cohort would be encouraging through the dissertation writing phase. I think i have many opportunities given to me already. Having more immediate access to examples of good design especially landscape, architecture,mart on campus. Better integration of different disciplines - collaboration with art, literature, other humanities disciplines. / Being able to book rooms that are appropriate for the type of activity needed as a theatre student. Often, the only rooms we are given are in an inappropriate location or not a good fit (for example: a business meeting type of room with a huge table when we really need open spaces to move around). more activities geared for grad students. or trips designed to enhance study for grad students Within my assistantship, I would like to see better use of space for each individual departments/offices. I think that more orientation opportunities or social opportunities with other graduate students would be helpful. I think it is very easy to get lost in the transition to graduate school. I feel as though this isn't my campus, but it is my students' campus. Finding ways to establish pride in my program and KSU would be helpful. / / N/A If College of Human Ecology have a library in the college building it will be a great resource. Since Text books are costly it will be great helpfull for my academic experience and time savings. copy of text book can be borrowed from library if any measures taken. More inclusion in on campus graduate student activities for students at Ft. Leavenworth. More workshops through the graduate school on topics such as thesis preparation, grant/fellowship applications, etc. None. Study abroad for graduate students; funding to attend conferences for presentation of research. Opportunities for employment as a distance student Not sure because my degree is earned online as a distance student. More off-campus partnerships (especially for therapy purposes) to support generalization into the workforce. / / The program has come a long way since I began -- the current students are very organized and cohesive. Their efforts to get together are appreciated and that type of support is energizing and provides positivity. Being told about professional development opportunities that will further my career and my PhD--- speakers, internships, etc. Increased partnerships with alumni to provide internship opportunities for students at the graduate level. Access to other resources are plentyful at this university. Funding is not. I have thoroughly enjoyed what KSU has to offer. 28 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities A summer internship would have helped. A larger availability of books in the Hale library stacks. As a first year MA student, I would like to see either a second year or a Ph.D. buddy student assigned to help ease the transition from undergrad to grad and to help acclimate me, as a first year, to the university,both in and out of the classroom, and the surrounding areas. I feel that I have just about everything that I would need in a program like mine. I would invest in making sure the faculty who teach online can do so effectively and must demonstrate examples of best practices regarding online instruction and pedagogy. Atmosphere. Research-oriented atmosphere. Faculty should do research and they should show and teach something to students and students should cooperate, help, and compete in research to develop the program. Establishing a clear path of courses that--in the process of taking them--leads me through the research process and results in a draft proposal I believe that the graduate students who are on campus working as TAs are given preferential treatment. They have more access and support from those around them. It is difficult to work full time outside of the college and still maintain the partnerships with committee members. I also believe that the graduate students who are on campus are provided "perks" that the rest of the students do not receive. This is probably just a fact of university life however I have seen it play out multiple times with my friends and self. None I'm not sure at thiis time? The quality of this experience boils down to the quality of my fellow students, the faculty, and the structure of each individual class and the overall program. It seems the very way we build the university system precludes the sort of constructive, hands on oversight that might improve the curriculum, and protects professors that are perhaps past their best teaching years. Make sure you hire good professors and shape their approach early when you still have formal authority to do so, and come up with ways to attract great grad and PhD students. None, that I am aware of at this time. Basic information from Graduate School since the beginning of the program, information on ITAC resources, support in navigating the system, supportive personnel in departments. More connection to planning departments throughout the state and county, more access to internships. n/a Definitely an orientation class about how to do online classes - one offered PRIOR to starting my classes would have been good. I'm still not sure I'm doing everything correctly. I feel there should be more opportunities for involvement from distance students. As a member of Kappa Omicron Nu, I am unable to attend meetings or be involved in events. easier to use online library resources for distance learning 29 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities APPENDIX D: List of Potential Changes and FAQs for the Graduate Website Changes to the Graduate School website: Items that should be moved from under “Graduate Student Council” tab and given their own link under the “Current Students” button on the graduate school website: o Travel Awards o Leadership Opportunities o Professional Development o Upcoming Events These items can be linked back to the “Graduate Student Council” section but need prominence on the initial “Current Students” screen for graduate students unaware that these functions are handled by the Graduate Student Council. Other suggested additions to graduate school website o For thesis, dissertations, and reports having a link to each department’s specific requirements on their website. The requirements under the current tab do not apply to all departments and majors. o Inclusion of departments professional development events and networking opportunities that are open to public on the Graduate School’s Events Calendar A Frequently Asked Questions Section under the initial ”Current Students” tab on the Graduate School website that includes information regarding (based off our survey responses): o A list of suggested places and links to inquire about travel support. For example: Department Graduate Student Council Office of Study Abroad o Suggestions about finding GTA/GRA/GA positions. For example: Ask major professor Make an appointment to talk to department head Check with administrative offices for GA positions Look for openings in other departments o Information and links to networking events. For example: Career and Employment Services Graduate Student Council Links to college or department event calendars o Suggestions for locating research and scholarly activity opportunities. Suggestions need not be specific necessarily since each students needs may be unique. Just information about places to begin looking should suffice. For example: On campus opportunities to present research, have an exhibition, perform, etc. Suggestions for potential community organizations that may provide an external forum for scholarly activities Checking out your fields national organization or local organization 30 Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities The frequently asked questions section could have other information regarding other topics. Regarding task force recommendations, inclusion of the above information would be a helpful starting place regarding student needs for scholarly activities in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. 31 APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J Yes PhD 1st Yes PhD 4th or beyond Yes MS Online Learning ‐ most of my classes are attended via distance learning, therefore, I'd like to see investment in additional technologies that would enhance that experience. For example, I admire the automated, online presentations of course material that my daughter has access to from her elementary teachers (I believe these use a combination of power point, smart boards, not employed or other media technology). I would also like to see more "live" classroom sessions if possible, by KSU where students and faculty are connected real time for a "classroom" session. / / Research ‐ I have been impressed with the library support and online tools. Any more staffing, in‐depth help or tools here would always be helpful. / / Face‐to‐face time ‐ in person sessions in Manhattan or other locales, where I could meet with and get to know my fellow PhD students and professors better. Ideally, these would be covered by tuition. L X X GRA I would increase financial support for GTAs, GRAs, and GAs. I also would improve scholarly resources for graduate students in my department. For example, graduate students in my department must use personal funds to purchase statistical software that is necessary for our research activities. I also would create a physical space for graduate student leadership and professional activities (e.g., for GSC meetings and events, graduate students professional developments seminars, research presentations). X X 1st GTA The Journalism and Mass Communications MS Program (in which I am currently enrolled) needs a research lab so that students can get a feel for research in this field. X X X M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y More robust, searchable, online access to the k‐state "network" of current ph.d students and graduates that included details of knowledge base or research area, so that I could contact them for ideas. Essential a k‐state linked in. X Electronic Resources (n=16) More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Q2 Response Categories Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) Equipment (n=28) Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Employment Status Year in graduate studies Degree Type Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories X X Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities For online, distance students connecting with fellow students and professors is always a challenge. 3 4 5 X Greater exposure to careers/professionals in applied or industry careers in order to become better acquainted with non‐academic career opportunities. Yes PhD 1st With additional funding, I would be able to explore courses beyond the minimum requirements of my program. This would allow me to learn more about research theories, statistical practices, and other enhancing subject matter. / / Additional funding for conference travel would allow me not employed to engage with professionals on a national level and be more attuned to the current research by KSU trends in the field. / / Access to small funding to support research projects at program or dissertation level would allow the pursuit of a wider‐range of interests. / / Additional university‐ granted scholarship, not always based on financial need but rather merit, would be an endorsement from the university to students who strive to go beyond the required course work. Yes MS 2nd student Better curriculum development for courses, more assistantship opportunities, partnerships in hourly worker research with faculty X Yes PhD 1st GRA X None that I can think of... Yes MS 1st not employed I would request more online classes to make the master's degree program more convenient for by KSU distance students. Also scholarships for full time working professionals would be awesome. X A session on the process to complete the degree plan and get through the thesis would be great for first year students so we could know what to expect. It might make the process feel less daunting knowing more information on the front end of the grad school experience. Yes PhD 2nd not employed Out side tutorials for statistics by KSU X Yes MA 1st GTA Yes MA 1st Yes MFA 2nd X X X With the technology of online learning, the ability to audit a certain number of online courses each year would assist with exploration of courses and topics beyond the minimum requirements of my program. X More attention to coursework‐‐ some classes stimulate little to no new thought X The costs of a PhD program make a big impact on my household budget. Any financial assistance or awards that reduce tuition, reduce the cost of conference travel, or reduce the cost of research would expand the experience. 6 7 8 I would like to see more graduate level classes offered that are specific to my interests. X 9 10 I would like it if I had more specific education to my interests ‐ my degree specialization is too broad. X X X Personally I would like to have more oppotunities to adapt and to learn more about American culture; I would also like to preform daily activities with Amercan people to develop my speaking skills. I would also like that Modern Languages will use KSOL as a tool for giving the assignments to the students; like ELP Program currently uses it. In other words, the students would be able to do their assigments and having their grades at the same time. As a GTA I would like to say that there is no enough time to grade essays, assignments, quizzes, test, etc. while using this tool students could be more involvement in their assignments. not employed More audio‐visual, interactive classroom materials by KSU X X N/A Instructors encouraged participative learning and incorporated various learning techniques to enhance learning opportunities GTA I would use it to enhance facilities and equipment, as some of it is lacking. X X X X X X Library The library resource is not enough I would like to use those resources to remodel the Modern Languages facilities such as having modern technology classrooms and well‐equipped laboratories. 11 12 13 Yes PhD 2nd GRA With sufficient funding, I would be able to purchase materials (i.e., books) relevant to my field of study which would improve my knowledge of my subject area and make me more employable. I would also be able to afford travel to conferences easier (while reimbursement is provided by the institution, I must front the funds to be able to go which can be difficult). I would be able to afford better nutrition (which has been shown to affect cognitive ability). Yes Profession al Master's 2nd GTA Developing the professional equipment. Developing the library system. 14 15 Yes 16 PhD 4th or beyond If more travel grants were available, I would travel to more archives to enhance the quality of my not employed dissertation. I would also order resources from video archives that I cannot currently afford to by KSU get. X X X Right now the library's electronic database only includes a limited ammount of access to journal articles and historical access to the New York Times. I would like to see these resources expanded, to give us access to more electronic media archives, including major news magazine archives and other newspaper archives like the LA Times and Washington Post. 32 X The history department is very good about offering PhD courses in the evenings, when working people can attend. But they lack the facilities and faculty to do this all the time. I would like to see the faculty and facilities expanded so the history department and other departments can expand their offerings of evening courses. And how about weekend courses! APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J Yes MA 2nd L M N O P Q R S T K‐State's goal of being a top 50 research facility by 2025 is an excellent project! Unfortunately, because most of the fine arts are not research based, but more performance based, the school of music, theater, and dance doesn't receive the appropriate monetary needs that are required. Because of not being able to hire faculty K‐State had to withdraw the offer of a Dance Major, overload its faculty because of the physical limitations of the buildings, and 20 member classes are shoved into classrooms made to seat 12. Electronic Resources (n=16) More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? GTA The music department has very poor facilities, and has outgrown most of the building we currently reside in. We are in desperate need of new facilities. I would also like to see more guest clinicians arrive to lecture on material that is relative to our major after college. X X Stronger support system from the instructors, actual classes that support and discuss current industry needs, working and available equipment and facilities to perform work and research, stronger communication throughout the department. X X Professional development workshop pertain to my specific field. X X Bring in more guest speakers to class‐ it is helpful to me because I am able to gain a better sense of how what I learn in class will be applied in real‐ world situations once I complete my education. X X U V W X Y Q2 Response Categories Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) Equipment (n=28) Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Employment Status Year in graduate studies Degree Type Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories X Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities X 17 Yes MFA 1st GTA In a nutshell, if the university had sufficient funding I feel it would be very beneficial to have up‐to‐ date and working equipment available to students, up‐to‐date and working facilities, current classes that match with today's industry needs, and instructors with available time for students. Additional scholarships or grants would be helpful to help students with purchase of supplies, travel for shows or openings, and the bringing in of additional visiting artists. Any left over funding could then be used for the marketing and promotion of the department within the community and beyond to build support for students. Yes MFA 2nd GTA Travel and equipment. GRA I would purchase an iPad because it seems everyone in the College of Ed is using them and by not having one, I am missing out on all of the apps, iBooks, and other resources my professors and other students are using. I would also be able to attend more conferences, conventions, etc. X X University or department licenses for common computer programs that would allow students to use them on their personal computers could greatly increase productivity. Another resource that would alleviate stress for many graduate students would be a more efficient and intuitive health care sign up system. It does not seem uncommon to spend a semester without health insurance because of what must be communication issues between the university and the insurance company. X Bringing in world class professionals for conferences/meetings specific to our field would be really neat if trips are not possible. Challenges include not having a strong support system from the instructors. There seems to be a high demand of their time to be split between undergrad, grad, and showing and creating their own work. It seems from this list that the graduates get overlooked. Communication does not seem to be a strength between the department and its grad students. Information consistently is changed or overlooked or not available until the last minute. Support has not been given when asked to pursue an independent study. Feedback for growth has not been productive, but provided to some in ways that shuts down individual creativity or trust within the group. Equipment is limited, unavailable or not working. Facilities are beyond the need of updating to keep up with the industry norm. / / Opportunities include meeting a great group of grad students who all want to learn, are excited about their ideas and work together in the face of many of the above challenges. 18 19 Yes MS 1st 20 X Yes PhD 2nd GRA There are many items that are near necessities that are not affordable with the current state of funding. For example, many computer programs such as SPSS and MatLab are prohibitively expensive, and are only available on licensed computers. Increased funding could also allow for more worry free travel to conferences. There are many travel grants available, but there are often times shortfalls and the turnaround on reimbursement can tie up funds for months. Yes Profession al Master's 1st GTA Travel grants have been most helpful this year. Travel to conferences, interviews, and visitations to other graduate schools either as a comparable program or as a possibility for future study. Equipment grants would also be something that I would appreciate having. X Yes PhD 1st GTA Inclusion of technology, games and practical based learning, professional and extensive proof reading service for scholary writing, enriching labs, incentive based education, professional recognition and outdoor activities related to individual course, X Yes MS 1st not employed I would purchase additional resources necessary for my graduate studies. It is difficult to find free by KSU materials online. X X Yes MS 2nd not employed It would be helpful if textbooks were covered by our tuition fees. by KSU X X Yes PhD 4th or beyond not employed To aid with IT accessability and research. And to hire a graduate student to assit in dissertation formatting. by KSU X X Having the ability to hire some one to read archival material and other materials that technology can not scan and read. Yes Profession al Master's 2nd X X More guides to conducting research, writing Theses, developing topics of study, checklists, etc. I ended up having to go to other university webpages to actually figure out what a Thesis is and best ways to go about conducting my research. I think most graduate students are greatful for the opportunity to be graduate students at Kansas State, and know the University supports us. 21 22 23 Building replete personal libraries as a tool for current and future research and growth. On a social level, since it's a transitional part of life, a challenge is finding friends who understand and will be flexible for whatever time we're here. X Inclusion of case studies, use of animation in class room lecture, cultural training for international students, easy accessibility of professional softwares, dedicated english counseling team for scholary writings. X As mentioned previously, access to printed materials outside of the K‐ State library. Online tutoring to assist with difficult material. Being an international graduate student, understanding slang (colloquial) words in the classroom is the biggest challenge for me. Struggle with difficult content ‐ understanding. My graduate work is in a different area than my undergraduate so I have no formal information to assist with supporting my graduate work. / / More flexibility with assignment due dates. I work full‐time, plus have a family and other commitments. Some weeks are overwhelming. X 24 One of the challenges I face as a distant education student is that I am sometimes required to interview professionals in the field. I'm currently unemployed and i find it very hard to call up people asking to interview them. People are usually very busy and don't want to take the time out of their schedule to help an online student. 25 Travel. MOre contact with disertation committee. And working out of Kansas is a big challenge. 26 GRA 27 I think it would be great if there was access to technology programs such as SPSS for all graduate students (should they so desire) and training on how to use those programs. I would also like to see access to more publications and scholarly resources. K‐State seemed to have a very limited amount of literature resources concerning my topic (alternative modes of transportation). Yes MA 1st not employed I would purchase books instead of renting them. Buy more stationary and a better PC. by KSU Yes MA 2nd GRA X X Student discounts could be more prevalent. More on campus housing for Graduate Students. A car would make a great difference. 28 29 I think it would be beneficial to have more properly working computers in the Family Center computer lap. If they were quicker, had helpful programs on all the computers, and would all print that would be helpful academically. X 33 X The library support person for my program of study, who was recommended if we needed research help, was of virtually no assistance. He recommended I search ProQuest. Well duh. I heard similar complaints from other people in my field as well. Our experiences have been positive largely. I wish housing was more flexible ‐ many of us are in year long leases and in the event any of us want to bail, for whatever reason, it's hard to find subleasers ‐ especially for off campus housing. If a student is stuck in an environment hostile to her and can't get out of a lease, that can adversely effect studies. I wish the University removed that problem altogether and provided flexible semester leases or three month leases for students like they do in Europe (Germany at least). That way a student can change and breathe a sigh of relief. APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J L GTA 30 I would put it toward providing more than just the Graduate student study area in the library. Most GTA offices are small, cramped and thrown together. Our offices are either freezing or sweltering and have barely functioning outdated technology. The offices need updated and the Graduate Student study area could use computers not just desks. M N O P S W Electronic Resources (n=16) More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) X X X GTA investment in technical equipment and software X 32 GTA I would use funding to provide graduate students with much needed computer programs (software) for their personal computers. X Yes Profession al Master's 2nd GTA Although my college provides most of what I would ever need, introducing other pieces of technology could increase the scope of what is possible. X Visiting architectural firms is always enlightening. Having opportunities to visit them in KC could help quite a bit. Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond not employed I would get more tools for the students to use by KSU X Having more discussions and projects between majors would help prepare us for the real world. Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond not employed I would use it to apply directly to supplies for posters and printing (Interior Architecture and by KSU Product Design). X Materials for building models and making posters would be helpful. Yes MFA 3rd 36 V X 1st 3rd First, the equipment and staff need to be added to. We very much need a technition to maintain kilns, text and mix glazes, stock our dry materials, and maintain/checkout other technology that is currently inaccessable. All professors want to help, but are spread so thin that I feel guilty asking for their time and have to consistantly reschedule meetings. / / If additional funding were avaliable I would love to attend conferences, do internships abroad, and study at museums to see the work in person. U meeting/shadowing professionals, workshops with professionals, inclusion in professor's research MS PhD GTA T A way to file Graduate forms online would be awesome. Yes 35 R X Yes 34 Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? 31 33 Q X X X X Y Q2 Response Categories Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) 2nd Equipment (n=28) Year in graduate studies MA Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Degree Type Yes Employment Status Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories X Yes MA 1st GTA If funding were available I would like to find ways of being more involved in presenting at conferences on ways that Drama Therapy could help in many different populations and locations. it would also be nice to be able to find a quite place for graduate students to work on projects and assignments that is just for graduate students. X X Yes MFA 2nd GTA Enhancements made to our studio spaces would be a major one. Windows that actually have glass on them, radiators that actually function, more wall space to put work up. Also more equipment for graduate students to use, such as a designated photographic printing area, a space for cutting mats/framing work, lenses for us to checkout. I would also use it to fund trips to areas that are art hubs (unlike Manhattan). X X Being informed about more opportunities to gain teaching experience/work experience would be helpful. Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond X X better facilities, esp. desk furniture options in studio / provide more lectures, just really good ones Yes MS 2nd none X X It would be great if the staff continues to make interantional connections for interships, study abroad, and residency opportunities. This has added considerably to my education here and should continue to be pursued. Resources such as housing on campus. It is hard to work on campus, study on campus when we as students live off campus because we can't get housing on campus. It is also very expensive to live off campus and so there are some of us that have to have jobs off campus to supplement our income. If there were graduate housing on campus that was paid or that was at least all inclusive and the rent was cheaper than off of campus living then it would be a better option. It would also be nice if there were more internships available. / It would also be nice if there were some way of looking up a list of available GTA, GRA, and GA positions. Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities X Money plays a key role in stress of this program of study. Teaching a 2‐2 load is very difficult on top of studio maintaince, our own class load, studio work, and all the other components of a graduate education. The amount we teach genuinely takes away from my own studies and ability to get what I had hoped from my time in grad school. X X X Living off campus is the biggest. However, it would be nice if after we come to K‐State and realize that we don't fit the GTA position we have that there be other options available for use to look into. 37 38 39 40 not employed better facilities, esp. desk furniture options in studio / provide more lectures, just really good by KSU ones / aid in finances / pay for field trips student Facility improvement. hourly worker I believe K‐State has one of the finest programs in Adult and Continuing Education in the country. The courses are well‐designed and interactive. It is the cadre of professors who are the not employed university's most valuable assets. I havetaken graduate courses at other top universities, some by KSU larger than K‐State, and K‐State is superior. / / I believe obtaining the very best technology for distance education would be a wise investment. X X Yes MS 3rd Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond GRA Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond not employed Facility upgrades by KSU 43 X Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond With proper funding, I would like to see some development of studio stress relief spaces. These may be additions to Seaton Court Plaza, Bosco Plaza, the link, Pierce Commons, etc. Our days are student hourly worker long enough as is and it would be nice to have somewhere in the building where we could go to take a short break. X Yes MA 2nd not employed More computers in the architecture library. by KSU X Yes Profession al Master's 2nd GTA Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond Yes MA 1st Create real studio spaces for planning students. X There is a problem with lack of specificity/clarification on requirements for our mid‐program reviews and final thesis work. It is not consistent across our department and no one seems to be aware of what anyone else is doing. Also there seems to be a problem with professors actually wanting to support and help graduate students. I think the education is good, but could be better...not sure how exactly / and then of course i've racked up a lot of student debt ill need to pay back... X X The one area I find K‐State less than adequate is with student support for distance education students (transferring credits, seeking technological assistance, etc). I have encountered bureaucratic inefficiency in this area at K‐State. If K‐State can improve their student support for distance education students, it would enhance their overall program. I took distance education courses at Penn State and their World Campus support staff was friendly, knowledgable and efficient ‐ they met the students' needs. Evidently, Penn State recognized the importance of this area ‐ and dedicated and trained support staff to fulfill distance students' needs. K‐ State is falling short in this area. 41 42 X I would icrease the amount of resources for students seeking internships/graduation. While in some cases this means people, in other cases it also means photo help for things like professional head shots or a studio lounge (a quiet place where students can go to make professional phone calls to firms during the day.) Overall, the K‐State academic program is excellent. I am truly pleased that I chose K‐State for my graduate education ‐ Adult and Continuing Education Master's degree. X X 44 45 46 47 48 Improvement of studio conditions, funding for projects outside of Manhattan/Kansas (travel/lodging) student Participating more in non‐profit activities, such as Build‐A‐Better Block and Festival of Trees. Also, hourly worker take more site visits and firm visits. GRA Do more internships within my field (for free) to have more experience and gain greater knowledge. X Involvement of professionals on studio projects X I'd like the opportunity to participate in Design‐Build projects on the side, or as a specialization studio. X X More GA's, GTA's, and GRA's in my field. 34 X Not enough GA's, GTA's, and GRA's in our field. Too small of budget. Under appreciated and not a high priority. APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond As a design student I feel it would be incredibly helpful to do more design‐build projects. In my time at K‐State I have not truly built any of my designs beyond a scale model. Installations are an easy way to create interest to attract not only new students but new potential monetary donors to aid the program. Additionally these design build scenarios enhance understanding of course not employed material. For example, designing and detailing a simple structure is a simple process to by KSU regurgitate; however, the practical process of manually constructing said structure is an entirely different procedure. When experiencing this hands on knowledge, we as designers are more understanding of other professions' needs and process; this opens the door to design applications that could potentially help others down the creation line. Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond Getting more interaction with professionals and firms such as holding more events. / Travelings student to more firms/destinations to look at case studies and understanding how projects are built. / hourly worker More field experience / Greater use of technology. We do have a lot but having it more integrated in studios would be helpful. / X X More information and practice on licensing after graduation. / More interaction with professionals, in the field experience. / More interaction with upcoming research/ innovative practices and how that relates to the profession. Yes MA 3rd not employed Overseas internship by KSU X X Practical applications at work setting student I would attend the Elder Mediation trainings in Boston by Elder Decisions. hourly worker X X X X More trips and visits to sites would be immensely beneficial when researching new project material. Students can usually transport themselves to local areas at no cost to the university and the knowledge gained from these first hand experiences would be far more helpful than any powerpoint. Electronic Resources (n=16) More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Q2 Response Categories Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) Equipment (n=28) Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Employment Status Year in graduate studies Degree Type Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities School is expensive; plain and simple. I often question why I am pursuing a masters degree when I have friends that make just shy of 100k annually out of high school. True, these jobs tend to be more physically demanding but it is difficult to stay excited about school when I know I will be paying for it for the next N years. Any sort of funding, literally anything that reduces an expense I would typically cover, would be helpful. 49 X X 50 51 52 The challenges are time management and funding to further my education Doctorates Degree. Yes MS 1st Yes PhD 4th or beyond GTA If my GTA stipend were increased (beyond experiencing less stress and emotional discomfort regarding my budget and bills) I would be better able to pursue networking opportunities. Although I am often reimbursed for the majority of the costs of my travel for conferences, typically coming up with these travel and registration funds up front is impossible. If I had the funds to do it, I would be happy (and prepared) to take my research to 3‐4 conferences a year. X Yes MA 1st GTA I would like to see a subsidized or benefits package included in out GTA/GRA benefits that would partially cover the costs of field research/travel. THe development of more graduate programs abroad would be a good use of university funds as well. X X X I would love to see the GTA series of presentations expanded beyond its current system. I've learned a great deal from the sessions I have been able to attend, but consistent scheduling issues are preventing me from attending further sessions. Yes PhD 1st GTA Pay tuition, attend international conference, and conduct field study. X X X Sufficient data base, X Yes MA 3rd I would use it to travel to the national Association of American Geographers convention each not employed year and to travel for my fieldwork for a month or two to collect data. Funded on my own, I by KSU could only stay a week. X X A users' how‐to session for using NVivo transcript coding software. There were a lot of cool functions that I didn't have time to muddle through on my own. X Yes MS 2nd I would use it to buy the more advanced computer software like Photoshop InDesign and others student on my personal computer which I spend more time on then the schools. I would also use the hourly worker funding for travel for global and national academic conferences X X Peerr counseling or Mentors that have walked through our shoes telling us advised that we need to know that are professors can't X Yes PhD 1st GTA 1. To be better equipped for experiments and analyses (experimental instruments, data analysis softwares, etc.) / 2. To attend more academic conferences X X more opportunities for academic exchanges with other universities and research institutions. X Yes PhD 2nd student Carry out more research projects. Connect with other countries and collaborate on the same. hourly worker Make trips for presentations, exchange of ideas and basically learning. X X Computer and related facilities X X Availability of advanced statistical software (i.e., SPSS, mplus, AMOS) in common study areas. X X A good adviser is the most important factor to develop my research performance. Also, the mentoring program would be a good idea. Time is also the crucial resource. I need more time to focus on my research, but I have a lot of things besides researching. / / X X Being involved with my design competitions as well as getting set up with internships. 53 Interdepartmental communications could be better‐‐many disciplines would benefit from increased interactions that emphasize networking opportunities, research collaboration,and academic conference opportunities that might only be made available to a single department. X 54 Pay for GTA/GRA is probably the lowest compared to similar programs in the US. / Should provide guarantee housing for first year students. 55 56 57 58 X X I want to be able to use what I learn and apply it to the real world and right now I am learning how to write a thesis. I don't plan on being a researcher for the rest of my life I need to gain more tools that will get me ahead in the world that is why I cameto get a masters in education. Instead I have only really learn how to write a research paper Largely financial 59 Yes PhD 1st GRA Funding should be used to encourage graduate student attendance at national and international conferences. With availability of complete travel funding for each student presenter, students would be encouraged to develop their research skills and increase representation of KSU at top research conferences. In doing so, students are able to network with top scholars in the field increasing the chances of entrance into their ideal career positions. Furthermore, representation of the university would make KSU more appealing to potential candidates and applicants for programs and university positions. / / Funding should also be used to provide graduate students access to a wider range of clinical and research assessments, that although empirically and clinically strong, are often expensive. Furthermore, doctoral students conducting research should be able to apply for more funding opportunities pre‐candidacy to promote research involvement and skill development earlier on in the program. Yes PhD 3rd GTA If I can have more fund, I will conduct more research activities like a survey. Also, I will more go to academic conferences related to my area. Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond X 60 61 62 not employed Field trips, a computer farm to process renderings, or the las test 3d modeling equipment. by KSU 35 X I heard some schools encourage graduate students to participate in diverse academic conferences supporting all costs if it is acceptable. K‐State is supporting us through the travel award program, but $500 a year is not enough. APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Electronic Resources (n=16) More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Q2 Response Categories Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) Equipment (n=28) Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Employment Status Year in graduate studies Degree Type Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities X X Research grants to help with our Evidence‐Based Design course related research endevors in the fourth year of the IAPD program. We take upwards of eighteen credit hours each semester during our time as graduate students within the College of Architecture. This workload is split between undergraduate and graduate courses. However, we are technically considered grad students and are therefore not eligible for grants through FAFSA. This is extremely difficult because of the high cost of our graduate education due to the amount of credit hours required by our program, but also because we never see a bachelor's degree. We only receive the Master's degree when we graduate. we do not have the opportunity to spend time in professional practice between our undergraduate and graduate programs. We have less opportunity to alleviate some of the cost of our graduate schooling with money that may have otherwise been earned during that interval. Lastly, our graduate course load, as previously mentioned, is very heavy, leaving little to no time for work study, or other means of employment to help us pay for our tuition and fees. Please consider these issues when making your assessment/decisions. Thank you. I would definitely be able to take on more projects that I am sure would be funded. Pushing yourself out of a comfort zone. I believe even being assured of being sent to conferences and see what other students are doing out there is a chance to be able to leverage myself especially when I am done with grad school. X X I think the school is doing great but more faculty would be good. That way not all 16 of us can focus on one professor challenges are definitely cultural barriers GTA I would travel to more conferences and would set up relationships with others in the field around the country. I would love to go visit and observe/work with practioners in my field across this country. X X I want more experience in scholarly writing. X X Getting to know other graduate students more, having more support from our advisors, and having a guide to help up with our graduation plan would be very beneficial and enhance many of our experiences. I also listed several other resources in my previous comment that would be valuable. I would use it to help pay for my study abroad experience, which for many in my major takes student takes during their time as a graduate student. This help s much needed and would be an hourly worker incredible help in that important investment. Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond Yes MA 1st GTA Yes MA 1st 63 64 65 Yes MS 2nd GA I think that it would be beneficial to promote more professional development opportunities with research and presentations. Not every department has a consistent way to address helping students with their research, thesis, and/or masters report. It would be helpful to know how to begin or approach research, learn how to analyze and synthesize information (in depth), and to start creating an outline and time line for our work. Many people think graduate students should have all of these tools already, but some do not. I also think that extra funding should be spent towards travel grants and opportunities to present research. Yes PhD 2nd GRA I would be able to go to more than one professional conference a year, which would give me the opportunity to network with more academics, build my cv, and gain speaking experience in the academic setting. I would also be able to purchase more academic books to help with my research, as opposed to only being able to purchase class required texts. X X It would be nice to have more conferences, symposiums, and other presentation opportunities on campus. The majority of symposiums are geared towards STEM topics. Yes PhD 3rd I would be more engaged in my scholarly activities and research: / ‐ participating in worshops not employed related to my subject and field; / ‐ using and developing framework to support in my reseach; / ‐ having the books and school supplies; / ‐ traveling for conferenes ( work‐study); / ‐ using a by KSU prepaid meal plan; X X Take every oppotunity and advantage for free activities ( art exhibitions, concerts, sport) sponsored by the university and be more active in the community. X X A course or workshop in grant writing would be great. I need to get over the inertia of grant writing and learn how to tell people to fund my projects. I want a communal in my department. A space where grad students, undergrads faculty can regularly bump into one another. I shouldn't have to liberate the water cooler to get this. An undergrad lab would be nice. I'm leading some undergraduates in a research project and it would be nice to have somewhere we could work that wasn't entirely alien to them or me. More ways to meet other graduate students would be great. Maybe more mixers. It's hard to study a lot and still meet people. Counseling services. My damage control is pretty good, but it might be worth it to have someone to talk at from time‐to‐time. We need more faculty. We have one faculty member for our program and this faculty member's plate is full. X X I think that many students who come to K‐State as a graduate student and were not here for their undergraduate degree need extra support in their transition. Many graduate students I have talked to experience transfer shock when they come to K‐State for the first time. Their needs to be more support and guidance than a simple orientation. We may be older and adults, but we still have needs to help assist us in various matters. 66 67 68 Yes PhD 3rd GRA I would buy a dinning card. I would opt for dental care. I would rent a nicer apartment. Maybe one with windows. I would use the money to buy research supplies. I'd buy police reports. I'd buy a field mic. I'd buy a digital camera. I'd buy field notebooks. I would offer financial incentives to participants. I'd pool research funds with other grad students to develop larger scale projects. I'd pool research funds to save money on van or hotel rentals while at conferences. I'd go to more conferences. Yes PhD 4th or beyond GTA I would travel to libraries, archives, and professional conferences more. I would also dedicate more time to my own research project(s). X X Funding is primary. Yes PhD 4th or beyond GRA I would use it to fund my research and traveling to conferences to present my research. X X More opportunities to collaborate with faculty members on research and publications. Training in teaching methods/pedagogy. Yes PhD 4th or beyond not employed I would use the funding to cover travel expenses for archival research. by KSU X X Yes PhD 2nd Perhaps it would be worthwhile to have some sort of interdisciplinary work, other than the IGERT program, to help other scientists and researchers realize the strengths of social science work and increase funding opportunities. X Participation in academic interaction programs in the field related to student's interest for achievment and school success. 69 I am married with three children and hold a full‐time job outside of my studies. Time is the most precious thing in my life. If I had a fraction of the time that I spend fulfilling other obligations outside of the classroom, I would happily use it studying the subject matter that I love. 70 71 X My major challenge is carrying out my doctoral studies while being employed full time in a demanding job. The greatest challenge I will face is completing my preliminary examinations in Security Studies, because I must manage preparation time around my full‐time work schedule and I will have to take time off work to sit for the examinations. 72 GTA I would: / Attend, Participate, and present in more conferences and events. / Do a deeper study on my topic. Lack of enough funding persuade me personally right now to just finish the program. / Take more courses and hold more lectures for other students. / X X GRA It would allow for more discretionary money which could be used for research. It would also allow for more publishing and conference travel which are extremely hard with the current funding situation. X X 73 74 Yes PhD 4th or beyond KSU funding available to graduate students/dissertation fellowships/grants etc. are all geared toward "hard" sciences. It would be nice if there was a fellowship or grant opportunity specifically for graduate students who are in the social sciences and humanities. computers in our office. Equipment such as scanner, printer, etc. X we need competitive funding. 36 APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J Yes PhD 3rd Yes Profession al Master's 2nd Yes PhD 4th or beyond Mostly travel for research. Visiting archives, setting up interviews with living sources. Purchasing books is important for humanities students, as the personal libraries we begin building will remain important to us throughout our career. There is a significant case to be made just for student quality of life and psychological worry. Graduate work is incredibly stressful on its own, but added hourly worker to that is the fact that many students take on a massive amount of debt that will take years or decades to pay back, and in some cases cannot be paid back in their lifetime. This is an incredibly psychological burden that can prove mentally and emotionally destructive. University funding provides relief from that, which leads to increased focus on research. L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Electronic Resources (n=16) More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Q2 Response Categories Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) Equipment (n=28) Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Employment Status Year in graduate studies Degree Type Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories X X Professional development is the largest missing link ‐‐ lectures and workshops regarding the job search and how to make the best use of graduate student time to tailor yourself for the job search would be incredibly helpful. Also, providing more help and guidance, or even awareness of opportunities for conferences and publishing. X X X guest speakers, learning activities, health and wellness programs X X X Opportunities to develop courses would greatly enhance my marketability once I graduate. Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities 75 76 77 Yes Profession al Master's not employed I would go on academic related trips, i'd put the money toward research for my master's project by KSU If funded, I would be able to focus on my research and complete my degree in a more timely not employed manner, as outside employment related to my career path requires extensive travel time. by KSU Funding would also permit attendance at conferences, which would allow for networking in the field. X 2nd I have had to limit the number of conferences and publications I use to disseminate my Master's Project research due to my personal financial constraints. While I typically receive enough funds from my department and the Graduate Student Council to cover some of the costs of a student conference trip, it definitely limits the number of opportunities I can take. / / It might also be hourly worker beneficial for graduate students who need financing to complete a survey, study, etc. to be able to submit an application for funding that is distributed on a competitive basis. Otherwise, students have to constrain their study based on personal financial feasibility. Or at least for the university to let students know when other funding opportunities are available. X X As a non‐baccalaureate student in the RCP program, I find it extremely unfair that only post‐baccalaureate students are eligible to serve as GTAs. Typically, the non‐bac students have completed more coursework in the RCP program and would make competent GTAs. I think both groups, 4th/5th year non‐bacs and 1st/2nd year post‐bacs, should be able to apply for positions, with competitive selections made based on the applications. Non‐bac students would benefit from the experience, and they need the money just as much! Especially since many students in my program often come from out‐of‐state (and aren't eligible for some reciprocal funding that students can received in the other CAPD programs) X X As a history student, I would like to see my department become more involved in the professional community by hosting a conference here in Manhattan. X X Lack of available funds has been my major obstacle in completing my degree. It's hard to explain to some employers that I will have a Master's degree, but not have a Bachelor's degree. Of course if you make it to the interview stage, one can explain the reasoning. But it is difficult to convey the reasoning on some generic applications (especially applications within government planning offices). I still stand by my decision to enroll in a competitive 5‐year Master's program, but I wish I better understood why I do not receive a Bachelor's degree. I have several friends in a 5‐year Master's program in Accounting, but they still graduate with both a Bachelor's and Master's degree. / / I have also been told multiple interpretations of how students in five‐ year Master's programs can obtain minors. One person I ask tells me that I have earned the minor, while another explains that I haven't met the requirements. I thought this was fixed... but either all departments aren't aware of the situation or something is still fishy with the system. 78 Yes MA 2nd It is really quite simple. If I were able to secure funding for my graduate education, I would be able to not only put out my master's thesis in a more timely manner, but I would also be able to put out a more well‐polished product. More funding would also allow me to participate in professional endeavors such as conferences. As it stands, I do not have the time to attend such student hourly worker professionalization events. Not only do I hold an hourly student worker position (at a lick above minimum wage), but I also have two other jobs. I work a total of around 50 hours per week to support myself. If more funding were allotted to my department and I could secure a GTA position, my quality of work would increase tremendously. Yes MS 1st GRA Funds to go to professional conferences, funding for thesis (since most scholarships were for dissertations), and tuition waiver for GRAs as well as GTAs (since we do just as much work). X X Workshops on essential skills: learning to skim, formatting theses, etc... Yes MA 1st GA I would like to be able to have a GTA position that is relevant to what I am studying (performance/theater). I would also like to be able to find more funding to attend conferences. It would be nice if there was available funding for research in the area of performing arts available to graduate students. X X More access to classes specifically designed around research and the arts. Yes MA 1st Look into more paid positions for students to teach/work with professors. Also perhaps an not employed endowment to help students pay for professional or educational opportunities during the by KSU Summer/Winter break. X X Some sort of experience where I can learn about the professional opportunities/jobs after completing my Master's, rather than feeling like I'm being trained only to be an academic. Yes MA 2nd GTA More travel funding and better stipend. Currently, i feel like I am skimping on anumber of activities and forced to rely on my partner for many life expenses X X A more selective undergraduate student body, when teaching and taking classes a segment of the students consistently slows coursework. Yes MS 2nd GRA I would be able to stop taking out loans and worrying about money. I would be able to take trips to conferences that I have not been ble to pay for. X X More travel grants for conferences that are worth more. 79 80 81 82 83 84 Yes MS 1st GTA I would love to attend more conferences and professional development workshops. I would also use to money to pay for school. X X I very much appreciate the funding, resources, and opportunities that have already been provided to me. If that could continue, I would be happy about it. GTA If the funding were available, there would be three main areas I would improve. The first is to bring in more outside speakers to our department. In my area, most of the people I would like to come speak hold positions in industry and thus require a fee of some sort to come and speak in Manhattan. It would be nice if the funding were available to actually have more of these people come to Manhattan and speak. The second thing I would suggest to increase is the amount of GTA funding available. Our department stretches GTA funding the best they can, but at the end of the day I have to budget very carefully and plan ahead to make sure that I don't spend more than my paycheck. It would help my studies if I had a little more wiggle room so I didn't have to pay so much attention to my budget. The last point is related to the second, but I wish there was more funding for traveling to conferences. I have to save all year round just to go to one conference in my area. It would be nice if more travel funding was available so that I could try to make it to some different conferences. X X An established alumni program where students could network with other individuals from their field. This would help me because my area is in a place where we haven't had any recent graduates that I could talk to about their experiences in the workforce. I recently almost didn't take a class because paying for the 3 graduate credit hours (I already have student all the credits I need to graduate) would have been too much thankfully since this was a problem hourly worker for a few of us I was able to enroll for 1 undergrad credit hour and take the class. Also going on very beneficial and educational trips have been limited because the costs are too high. X X 85 Yes PhD 2nd Yes Profession al Master's 4th or beyond 86 87 37 For future new graduate students: Better explanation about how assistantships are structured (didn't find out that I was expected to make up hours for breaks until the spring semester). / / SafeZone training after the working hours for students with assistantships. / / Information about GSC positions and elections. / / X X X I think it is challenging for many incoming students to obtain assistantships and scholarships. I also think it can be frustrating for students to be able to afford going to conferences, especially because deadlines to get requests in is so early. X My main challenges have been living off of a GTA salary and still making it to conferences with limited funding. APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J 90 91 92 93 L M N O P Q R S Electronic Resources (n=16) Having more travel opportunities would be great. Being able to have greater connection with design professionals. Working with firms on real life projects or helping cities with problems would be great. Profession al Master's 2nd GTA I would like to travel a bit more to see and experience the landscapes that we are or have studied. I would also use it to pay my tuition and keep my student loans to a minimum. X Yes MA 2nd GTA More opportunities to attend conferences and other related events that are relevant to my field of study X Yes MA 2nd GTA Bring in more guest lecturers/visiting professors X Yes MA 1st GTA It would be great to particpate on professional development opportunities. X Professional development opportunities on campus. Yes MS 1st GTA Additional out of classroom experiences to enhance my overall education and experience in the field. X Out of classroom experiences Yes MS 1st GRA attending more conferences and workshops to expand my knowledge on specific interest areas X more teaching assistantship opportunities, more workshops and chances to network with professionals in my related field Yes MS 2nd GRA I would use the money for attending conferences in other academic institutions. Because I think it is really necessary and beneficial for the graduate students to exchange opinions with scholars from other universities and get innovative ideas. X new tools for research, such as qualtrics. / and also enough library resources. Yes PhD 1st not employed Attend national conferences. by KSU X / APA style (writing) training. Yes PhD 4th or beyond not employed Beyond basic living expenses, I would use sufficient funding to attend professional conferences by KSU and to fund research, including travel to collect data. X Opportunities to guest lecture, teach, and collaborate on publications would enhance the quality of my scholarly activities. Yes PhD 2nd GTA X I could very much use money to live on. Credit cards keep me able to afford costs of living. Esecially i nthe summer there is not funding for my GTA. Yes PhD 1st GRA Yes PhD 1st Yes MA Yes X More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) Equipment (n=28) Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Employment Status Year in graduate studies Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? T U V W X Y Q2 Response Categories Yes 88 89 Degree Type Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories X X Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities I don't really know that I have too many challenges but really using all the potential resources that are available and working on real world problems is great. Having actual space dedicated to our field/rooms that we're not sharing with undergraduates (it's like we're borrowing all of the little space we do get from the undergraduates). X I think the one main challenge is finances. With tuition continuously rising and our stipends for GTA's not following that, it is becoming more and more difficult to see graduate school as a realistic possibility. X X X as an international student in mass communication major, I have a lot of troubles in writing and speaking english when I first come here. I think it is better for the school to provide us some training sessions on weekends and help us promote that. X 94 95 96 I am always needing funding for conferences especially travel costs and funds to conduct my dissertation research. Living expenses are very tight as well. 97 98 99 100 X X Just cost of living and being able to afford living is a great necessity. As well as finding summer positions on campus that will understand if I am going to a conference to give me time off and to help build my CV. X Multidisciplinary research opportunities. GTA I would plan on attending more professional conferences where I could either 1) present my own research, or 2) receive training specific to my field that will enhance my vita and give me better job options upon graduation. I would use it to go to conferences and professional development workshops. X Better computing resources. 2nd GTA I would attend more conferences and professional development workshops. X More professional development opportunities; relevant guest speakers MA 2nd GTA I would be sure to attend more conferences to make professional contacts and represent the university. It would also be ideal to have a lighter teaching load, so focus more on my research and coursework. X It would be nice to have more structured opportunities to connect with other graduate students at K‐State, or even within the region. A more structured program for figuring out what to do post‐graduation would be really helpful. Oh, and applying to PhD programs help would be great. Yes MA 2nd GTA I would love to be able to attend professional development outside of K‐State (conferences, etc.) X GTA round‐tables that have structured discussion topics (rather than just complaining) Yes MA 1st GTA I would travel to conferences, participate in summer programs for instructors. X Yes MA 1st GTA I would travel to more conferences and be more inclined to present my work at conferences. X Yes MA 1st GTA I would travel to more conferences, and I would use towards traveling to visit other campuses or potential workplaces for interviews and such. I would also use to towards bring speakers/experts I'm interested in to the university/my specific department. X A tutorial on classroom technology, a post‐graduation workshop Yes MA 1st GTA I would use the funding to pursue faculty‐led study abroad experience that would enhance my research and language proficiency. X Publication workshops‐‐many of us don't know what/how to "break into" the publishing world…advice (such as a mini seminar dealing with publishing) would be helpful. X Yes MA 2nd GTA I would use the money for funding graduate student conferences. X More discussions on finding careers or phd programs after graduation. X Yes MA 4th or beyond Yes MA 1st GTA X I have noticed that the graduate school offers things like today's brown bag tax discussion. I would have loved to attend that, but it is so inconveniently scheduled... I would have attended it had it been in the evening. X Yes MA 2nd There are various organizations that offer those who meet academic criteria chances to join. not employed Usually these organizations charge fees to join. There are times when those fees can be high. by KSU Help with paying those fees to organizations that can ultimately help with learning and later employment would be appreciated. X I would personally appreciate more opportunities for exploration into career options once my degree is held. X Yes MA 1st GTA X More speakers related to my field of study X X X X X 101 102 103 X X Time management, always. 104 105 X X We didn't find out until March that we had received GTAships, so when we applied for housing at Jardine the complex was already full. Could there be reserved graduate student housing so that moving to a new place is not so nerve‐wracking in the future? 106 107 108 not employed More scholarships to encourage students to present at conferences would be nice. by KSU The English department brings in some pretty awesome speakers, but I think in general if the graduate school could bring in some more speakers of even greater boss‐status, that would be awesome. X 109 110 111 To attend conferences or language study over the summer not offered at K‐State 38 The funding available for conferences is great, and I will be using one this April to attend the PCA/ACA National Pop Culter Conference in Chicago. I am stoked! APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J L M N O P Q R S MS 2nd Electronic Resources (n=16) Yes More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) 1st Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) MS Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Yes T U V W X Y Q2 Response Categories Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) GTA Practical Experiences (n=11) 2nd Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) MFA Equipment (n=28) Year in graduate studies Yes Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Degree Type Employment Status Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities X More dialogue across the university in other departments like theater and dance for example. X Challenges are mainly time management. The GTA is great, but we are left to our own devices and given little in the way of prep materials so we can become effective in the classroom. I spent the first year and a half of my graduate experience preparing for teaching when I should be focusing more time in the studio preparing for my own future. not employed I would attend scheduled conferences, workshops, presentations, visits by guest speakers, and by KSU participate in university groups/organizations. X Information about alternative funding sources and opportunities to interact with professionals in the field so as to bridge the connection between class topics and its application in the real world. X The primary challenge is balancing education with demands of work and personal life. Due to class workload and class schedules, it is not possible to hold a full time job and the majority of hourly work and part‐time employment is in industries unrelated to my degree. This results in unstable financial circumstances, stress, increased loan debt, and lack of work experience in my field. GA X Capstone course options: job searching, networking, scholarly writing, other X I am currently aware of the many professional development opportunities and those are great keep them coming. X Perhaps more social science related speakers, and more variety of them. GTA I would be able to afford to attend and present at more professional conferences. I would also be able to attend teaching workshops and conferences to improve my own teaching. X Funding is a big issue. I actually transferred here from another university. My GTA wages are about 50% of the wages at my previous university. Paying bills each month is a huge struggle even with financial aid from the government. The cost of living in manhattan is overly high. The pay we receive as graduate students is actually well below the poverty line. Many of us do not have parents who can help or other sources of income. I would be able to attend conferences, workshops and professional development. X GTA I would be able to attend more than one conference per year, including teaching conferences. More visiting artists and guest lecturers, funds for the graduates so we can apply to shows. Cost of professional development is troubling and it would be nice if we each had say a 100 bucks a semester designated for professional development and showing work. 112 113 114 115 116 Yes PhD 3rd GTA Yes PhD 2nd GTA Yes PhD 2nd professional development opportunities such as conferences, networking, and memberships I think the biggest concern right now is having enough money to go to professional conferences. I would love to go to more than 1/year but as the travel process currently works, 1 is all that the Graduate school budgets for. I would attend more annual meetings of scholarly organizations. I would also purchase more books related to my studies rather than borrowing or other means where I cannot highlight in them. X X My last semester of graduate school is difficult to balance with a job search Providing funds to do research for a week or over summer to learn new lab techniques at another institution. X See previous statement. 117 118 119 120 121 Yes PhD 1st Yes PhD 4th or beyond Yes PhD X Funding is really the major issue. 1st not employed I would travel to more conferences for presentation. by KSU X I would enjoy the opportunity to gain some online teaching experience in my field. X confrences / study tour / attend exhibitions Yes PhD 2nd not employed I would use funding in attending conferences, and using that for study tour. by KSU Yes PhD 2nd GTA I would use it to attend more conferences. There has been one national conference in particular that I would have attended but could not due to lacking funds. I was generously offered a travel grant from the Grad Student Association but it wasn't enough to get me to the conference (and back). X Yes PhD 1st GTA I would use the funding to attend conferences relevant to my field. X I believe workshops in writing grant proposals would be very helpful. Yes PhD 4th or beyond GTA More funding means less stress on students trying to figure out how rent and other bills will be paid. We work hard and sometimes more than 20 hours. AS such, having the extra funding would help relieve some of that stress allowing me to have time to participate in other activities, but most importantly succeed academically. / / This is beyond just bills. Having more funding would allow me to go to more conferences, which right now I barely do at all. My colleagues in Agriculture go on many conferences without even a blink of an eye because their departments have funding to pay for such scholarly and professional development opportunities. X I wish there was a building on campus specifically for graduate students where they could collaborate, study together, and have access to other such resources. Something similar to the graduate life center at Virginia Tech would be so useful at K‐State not just for grad students to flourish, but this would also help with K‐State 2025 I'm sure. / Check out their site at http://www.graduatelifecenter.vt.edu/about.html / Yes PhD 3rd GTA More funding would mean that I would be able to attend more professional conferences. Even with travel funds from the GSC and my department, many of my fellow grad students and my self cannot afford to go to more than one professional conference per year, and when we do go, the funds we receive rarely cover all of our expenses. X Yes PhD 2nd GTA Most of the primary academic conferences which are the gold standard of professionalism, require travel and funds. There are also regional and multidisciplinary conferences that I have to ignore because of funding. All of which would benefit me greatly with potential participation financially. X Conferences sponsored by local groups. Yes PhD 2nd GRA travel funding for graduate students to conferences (from the College of Education) to foster the research environment we are talking about X some way to connect with other graduate students ‐ I am in C&I and I have not had multiple classes with multiple people and I do not know many people here ‐ it has been a lonely PhD experience ‐ there needs to be a way to get graduate students together and together with faculty Yes PhD 4th or beyond GRA Travel to academic conferences, funding for dataset construction X K‐State needs campus licenses for software such as STATA and SPSS. Yes PhD 4th or beyond not employed Travel to attend national and regional conferences / Graduate student retreat to explore by KSU connecting across disciplines X Mentorship with faculty member outside of my direct department. / Help with the mechanics of scholarship. How does it begin and how does it evolve. What does it look like as a conference presentation or scholarly paper. / REgular Meetings with other graduate students to look at collaboration across units / 122 123 124 X None. X More money and resources means happier, more productive and active grad students. I'm glad someone is finally asking us our needs, but I hope it actually turns into action, and not just another survey about our needs. X Financial challenges are huge. Last year I made less than $11,000 over the course of the entire year, and I had to spend around $1,000 on semester fees, which doesn't include my book fees. That's about 10% of my income that goes right back to KSU, though I have to pay taxes on that money. $1,000 when you only make $11,000 total is a huge amount to have to pay, and really makes funds tight for me. 125 126 X X there is a need for a colloquium series in this college ‐ I attend other colleges and departments talks and lectures X As a part time student, I feel very disconnected from a cohort and the inner workings of my department. 127 128 129 39 X X APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J GTA With sufficient funding from the university, I would have more money to be able to attend additional conferences to present my research. While I apply for and receive funding, I'm often restricted to one or two conferences a year because I meet my funding limit and can't pay the additional costs on my own. Additionally, there are a number of scholarships and fellowships available but so many of them are for the "hard science", such as math, engineering, physics, etc. So while other funding is offered, not everyone has the same opportunity to receive funding. L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Electronic Resources (n=16) More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Q2 Response Categories Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) Equipment (n=28) Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Employment Status Year in graduate studies Degree Type Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities As a side note, increased funding (i.e., increased stipends) would make my life, as a whole, less stressful. Instead of worrying about how to pay rent or how I'm going to buy groceries for the week (I've been living on bread and peanut butter for two weeks), I could be using that time and energy to get more school work and research completed. I'm 25 years old but I still have to live like an undergraduate (food, housing, car, etc.) because I'm so poor. Honestly, I have less money now than I did when I was an undergraduate. There are so many times that I have actually considered dropping out of grad school just so I could get a better paying job that would allow me to be able to make a living and even save some money (which I currenly can't even do). Yes PhD 3rd Yes PhD 4th or beyond Yes MA 1st I would love to do some research in the specific areas of my interest‐ childhood obesity. Creating not employed and implementing campaigns for specific causes would be great. Also, working with clients who by KSU have specific needs would be a great professional achievement. X Yes MS 2nd GA I think off campus experiences would be very beneficial. I currently do not get any of these in my program but going elsewhere to see other professionals/departments in my field would be very useful. X X 130 131 132 not employed attend and present at conferences by KSU 133 I have had a fantastic experience in my program and I cannot think of anything that would make it better! X Management seminars/ retreats. Also, holding a class on how to transition from college to the working world‐‐ what to expect, managing time, etc. X X Same as above. Yes MS 2nd not employed I would spend more time in Intership by KSU X Bringing the textbook information to life. Allowing us to experience the various styles of counseling theory instead of just watching it in a YouTube video or reading about it from the textbook. Yes Profession al Master's 2nd Allow for more opportunities to work with communities in the state. As a planning student and not employed an intern in the area, I know communities are looking for help to either do a comprehensive plan, by KSU housing study, or economic development scheme. This would supply us with more real world experience. X N/A I've had a challenge of relating the various classes required for my field to my degree. I thought counseling theory related more to students getting a degree in dorm management or human services and I wanted to see the various theories in action with school counseling so now I'm in my practicum and still searching for modeling of the theories actually being used by a school counselor and not in a clinical setting. I though the class prin of assessment would apply more to students working on a doctoriate but again I continued to try and relate when and where I would use the information as a school counselor since I don't give any tests. Maybe if we had spent more time reviewing and reading test results and comparing how those test results could indicate their disorder or lean towards a learning challenge we could request teachers begin to collect data for or turn it over to the school psychologist to inquire about what data would need to be collected might have been more helpful. I have a masters in special education and I understood the location or need for the various tests, but still I'm at a loss of when and where the information needs to be used in the position of school counseling. 134 135 Yes MA 1st GTA Conuct more research studies and challenge myself. Professionaly i would maybe wish for a higher paycheck X X Equipment like for example enough SPSS software enabled computers that way when people go to the lab people actually do it themselves rather than watch someone else do it. Opportunities would most likely include give us more scholarships we can apply to and vacancies to be able to attend other conferences and see what other people are doing out there coz that way we can be able to see where we stand as a school and moreso as an individual. X X As a graduate student seeking more experiences and better opportunities getting decent jobs for the future and needing financial supports, I would appreciate that we have more connections with other organisation or government, so we could have at least contract that I would work for them for one or two years getting paid in order to have convenient and simply path exploring actual job in protection of the university. My program is entirely online. Occasional "retreat" seminars that would allow students and faculty face time would be beneficial. 136 Yes MA 2nd It would be very wonderful to have it, because since I'm using my own fund, techinquely sending lots of money without earing money so far, I feel so unproductive and somehow "wasting money" so that I could feel free to pushing myself harder enough in my academic acheivements, not employed always seeking opportunities to earn some money, worrying about money that I'm spending, and by KSU being stressed out by the situation. / I would feel much more confident and confortable if I was using the fund from university, because at least I could feel I'm getting fund for my academic journey and that means what I'm studying is that much valuable. Yes MS 2nd not employed I would not have to work full time and could focus on my grad school studies more. by KSU X X Yes MS 2nd GRA I wouldn't have to work, providing more time for studies. X X GTA I'm not sure if this refers to funding in terms of scholarship or in terms of funding for departments. I would like to see more funding available for research in our field. X Challenges i think the workload is heavy but with effective time management its achievable. Opportunities are too many X X X I know that there used to be lots of opportunities getting funds for students who need finacial help or job offers because a univercity have lots of connection and they try to generate more chance for their students to have at least experiences about certain jobs they are looking for. 137 Because my program is through the Great Plains Alliance, I have to have muliple user names and passwords for every university. It would be helpful if the user name could be centrally determined and disbursed and allow same passwords. Every different university has different password required structure, so a passwrod that works at one university may not work at another. X 138 139 Yes MA 1st Yes PhD 4th or beyond X 140 141 142 143 Yes PhD 3rd Yes MA 1st not employed Funding to use research instruments by KSU not employed go for grants / investigate other databases by KSU I would like to do more specific research which is related my final topic More opportunities to practice skills outside of school settings. I find I am seeking out academic and professional partnerships by building relationships with other departments and schools. I would like to see more interdisciplinary cooperation. X X X can't think of anything off hand X more opportunities of internship or actual experiences in the related media industries. 40 making time for school while working full time and raising a family X X APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J L M N O P Q R S Electronic Resources (n=16) More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) MA 2nd GTA I wouldn't work three jobs while being a graduate student so that I could focus more on my actual Programme of Study. X There's a graduate student work area in the library. It would be quite nice if there were a couple of larger tables so that people could sit in groups or pairs in there because the way the tables are lined against the wall in both rooms makes that quite a struggle. It would also be nice if there were a graduate student computer lab/printing area. Yes MA 2nd GRA If funding was available then I would pursue a thesis rather than taking comps. Completing a thesis will require another semester and at least 9 more credit hours which is an additional $9450.90 (without campus fees)(Tuition based on 13‐14 school year). X Opportunity to publish without paying for "research hours" if you want to pursue a thesis. Yes MA 3rd GTA If funding were available, it would reduce my stress and I'd be able to complete my assignments and work on my papers without the stress of money coming back into my head X TIME to write a thesis. I was never given the time to do so because my workload was so much. Yes MS 2nd not employed I would be able to focus much more of my time on school rather than working full time to afford school and housing. by KSU X I would like more opporunities forprofessional organizations Yes MS 1st GA I would be able to use funding in any research I decided to do at the graduate level. I have found that getting students to participate in research typically works better if some sort of incentive is offered and funding would certainly help with that. Having sufficient funding would also make graduate school less stressful in general. I spend a lot of time thinking about where the funding will come from to pay for everything that comes with attending graduate school. X More opportunities to be involved in research will faculty members would enhance the quality of my academic experience at Kansas State. X Professional Development seminars are great for Student Affairs students, if they are not during the same time as the classes we are supposed to attend. I would have loved to attend the programs put on by the school to enhance my outside education, but I had to attend class. X X Publishing seminars and or courses educated to help students get published X 144 145 Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Yes Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Equipment (n=28) Year in graduate studies Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Degree Type Employment Status T U V W X Y Q2 Response Categories Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities X The College Student Development program at K‐State is academically deficient compared to other programs that offer courses in law, budget and finance. 146 I wanted to take a couple electives out of my department to learn more and because I was interested in them. But how the program MS in Adult, Continuing and Occupation education is set up, it's impossible to be able to take any classes that are outside the already set curiculum. I've worked with my advisor to try to make it happen, and it just won't work. I would like to see the opportunity to take outside the program electives if someone wished. X 147 148 Yes MS 1st GA I would conduct research concerning the student affairs field to better improve the literature that surrounds students that are in residence life or living in campus housing. There is a lack of research on students of a diverse background and our current graduate assistants will be experiencing diversity more and more as the years pass. Research on diverse student bodies, as well as research on the many types of higher education systems, needs to be more present for student affairs professionals. More research would allow better reports to be written and encourage students in the CSP program to write a thesis. Yes PhD 4th or beyond GRA Could have engaged in research aimed at publication to make myself more employable not that I am done. PhD 4th or beyond GTA Yes PhD 4th or beyond not employed I would use additional funding to cover expenses incurred for dissertation research. Money by KSU spent out‐of‐pocket reached the thousands of dollars. X Yes PhD 4th or beyond I would use funding to collaborate with other students researching / in the same field. Depending not employed on the funding, maybe I could afford not / to work full time in a demanding job which takes away by KSU time from my / writing of my dissertation. X X 149 150 151 152 Yes I would do experimental research in the field. X 153 X Mounting debit. Non supportive administration and some faculty collecting data in the field, and be able to work ith industry X No funding and being pressure by money to finish in 3 years a doctoral program that normaly takes 4 to 5. Having time away from a demanding job would be helpful / to focus on writing. Having a group of students in the same / dissertation writing mode would be helpful for support, / accountability and motivation. Dissertation writing / is a lonely and stressful process. / X I would use it to devise research projects that could include my undergraduate students. X A support network. A Facebook page that graduate students could join might be a sufficient starting place. GRA It is useful for conducting research because it would need to much money to get a data X from my family 4th or beyond GA More ways to make the process less drudgery. Research assistants, statistical analysis assistants (Purdue offers free statistics coaching to any student of the university). Some reason for the cohort to meet together. X Outreach! Once the coursework is completed and the prelimary exams behind, the next phase is tremendously lonely. Many students have no contact with anyone from the University for months. More outreach to create and sustain community amongst the cohort would be encouraging through the dissertation writing phase. PhD 3rd GRA Most importantly, i could afford my fieldwork without worrying about my livelihood. i would buy more books. Now, in order to save money, i order via interlibrary loan. X I think i have many opportunities given to me already. PhD 1st GRA Would work more on publications, research related activities, and professional development. X Yes PhD 4th or beyond Yes PhD 2nd Yes PhD Yes Yes X Those who are established in their career and working on / a dissertation have the difficult balancing act of keeping up / with the demands of a full time job and juggling finding time / to continue to write. I wish there were more of a support system / during the dissertation writing phase. X I'm working full time and trying to do a PhD. It is incredibly difficult. I don't feel like my employer fully understands how difficult it is. (I'm a tenured KSU associate professor, by the way, in a department that does not require PhD, but does require industry experience.) I'm getting close to finishing, but am struggling to bring things to a successful conclusion. I think my department (and perhaps KSU) underestimates the value of a home grown professor. I grew up in Kansas. I started out not even wanting to attend college. After a hitch in the military, and working as a civilian, I attended community college and have been working my way up ever since. One of the things that really motivates me is knowing that my students can look to me to see what is possible with their lives. I think K‐State can do a better job of encouraging existing employees to set high academic goals and make it possible to achieve them. 154 some instructing seminar for research tool is to be needed for graduate students. 155 X 156 157 158 Yes 159 Profession al Master's 4th or beyond I would use funding to support student organization and community involvement projects such student as through SCASLA; I would also use funding to support my own research for travel, further site hourly worker research. X The biggest issue is that there is no funding for research. To do a good fieldwork in sociology sometimes we have to spend a semester and two out of the campus and mhk. We cannot work then as gta or gra; then we dont have income which is crucial to afford field work. No tuition waiver Having more immediate access to examples of good design especially landscape, architecture,mart on campus. Better integration of different disciplines ‐ collaboration with art, literature, other humanities disciplines. 41 X The time frame of a 9‐month masters project attempting to fulfill the requirements for worthwhile graduate project is challenging. Particularly for landscape students, the need to visit sites for study fits poorly with the time frame for masters projects. APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J L M N O Q R S Yes MS 1st Yes MS Yes MS i could afford to continue to attend college. Next year i will be forced to have more loans which does not thrill me X more activities geared for grad students. or trips designed to enhance study for grad students GRA A better coverage of academic expenditures for the graduate students, i.e. full tuition coverage. X Within my assistantship, I would like to see better use of space for each individual departments/offices. 2nd GA As a GA, my tuition is not waived unlike many of my GTA and GRA colleagues. While, my GA experience is proving to be invaluable, it is a constant struggle to figure out how to make financial ends meet. I feel that if I didn't have to focus as much on finances I would be able to commit more time to my academics and possible research. X I think that more orientation opportunities or social opportunities with other graduate students would be helpful. I think it is very easy to get lost in the transition to graduate school. I feel as though this isn't my campus, but it is my students' campus. Finding ways to establish pride in my program and KSU would be helpful. / / 2nd GA Assistantships that cover tuition costs or a waiver X N/A X If College of Human Ecology have a library in the college building it will be a great resource. Since Text books are costly it will be great helpfull for my academic experience and time savings. copy of text book can be borrowed from library if any measures taken. 162 Electronic Resources (n=16) GRA More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) 1st / Being able to book rooms that are appropriate for the type of activity needed as a theatre student. Often, the only rooms we are given are in an inappropriate location or not a good fit (for example: a business meeting type of room with a huge table when we really need open spaces to move around). Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) MA Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Yes Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? X 160 161 P T U V W X Y Q2 Response Categories Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) not employed It would greatly help if funding was used to get more GTA's and GRA's for the theatre by KSU department. Practical Experiences (n=11) 1st Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) MA Equipment (n=28) Year in graduate studies Yes Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Degree Type Employment Status Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities X cost of living. affordable decent housing X X 163 164 Yes MS 1st Yes PhD 4th or beyond GRA Fundind will help me to conduct more research in efficient way .Funding becomes a barrier to take the research futher way. 165 166 not employed Financial support to offset the cost of tuition, financial support for dissertation research expenses by KSU Yes PhD 4th or beyond Yes PhD 3rd not employed I believe a GTA position at Ft. Leavenworth would be beneficial to the Security Studies program. by KSU Yes Profession al Master's 2nd GTA GRA 167 168 169 170 Honestly, I'd probably be able to live more comfortably in this town. Manhattan is very expensive for a small college town, and it's sometimes very tough to get by week to week with current stipends given bills, rent, and tuition (as I'm an RA). While tuition continues to increase, my stipend does not, which kind of sucks. N/A X X X More inclusion in on campus graduate student activities for students at Ft. Leavenworth. Better funding to ensure that all entering graduate students in my program are offered funding packages at the start of their studies at K‐State. Most universities make such an offer to incoming students, and LARCP's inability to do so has driven away potential students in my time here. X More workshops through the graduate school on topics such as thesis preparation, grant/fellowship applications, etc. I would not have to find a second job besides my position as a GTA to support myself and my family. X Yes MA 2nd GTA Yes MA 1st not employed I would pay my tuition fees and book expenses. by KSU Yes MFA 2nd GTA The Opportunity for Industry experience for graduate students in field of apparel and textiles is less. Specially for international students. If any curriculam is added with collabration with industry will be a added advantage for the degree. X X X X X Our professors have us read too much. / There is nothing wrong with reading, but reading 300‐ 600 pages per week and only talking about a few important points that are later highlighted by the professor is wasted energy/time. / Instead, focus our reading on the important areas so we learn more. / Thank you for your time. None. 171 172 173 174 175 176 I would find it beneficial to have more alternative ways to earn a GTA than Teaching, or at the very least limit only one class taught per semester. X Yes MS 3rd not employed I would allow more funds to be set aside in scholarships to those who are distance education by KSU students Yes MS 2nd GA Yes MS 1st not employed I would pay my tuition to finish my 1st degree and start a 2nd graduate degree program by KSU X Study abroad for graduate students; funding to attend conferences for presentation of research. Yes MS 1st not employed I would use it to reduce my number of hours worked or to find work in the field I am interested in by KSU but at an entry level position. X Opportunities for employment as a distance student Yes MS 1st not employed If enough funding was available, I would be able to cut down on full time work to help with my by KSU study time to ensure I am getting the most out of my courses. X Yes MS 4th or beyond not employed Offer more financial incentives to graduate students. by KSU I would be able to pay tuition and not stress over monthly living expenses. X X X As a distance graduate student, more opportunities to meet and interact with faculty is needed. My biggest challenge is finding time to get everything read and completed. I have taken 8 week course before, but I feel I would be able to manage my studies a lot easier if the course offered were a full semester. I wouldn't feel pressured to take time off work to complete reading and studies. 177 178 Yes MS 2nd Yes PhD 4th or beyond Yes PhD 1st 179 GRA At Ft. Leavenworth, we miss out on all the professional academic forums that are held on main campus. X Not sure because my degree is earned online as a distance student. Use it toward helping more graduate students financially. / / Provide students with a basic, 'get‐ started gift' of materials for therapy purposes (e.g., clipboard, schedule board, articulation cards, reinforcements, children/adolescent books, etc) that can assist the future professional in developing their own therapeutic materials library. X More off‐campus partnerships (especially for therapy purposes) to support generalization into the workforce. / / I work full‐time, so I would seek ways to get some sort of paid leave to complete my studies. X The program has come a long way since I began ‐‐ the current students are very organized and cohesive. Their efforts to get together are appreciated and that type of support is energizing and provides positivity. I would use it to help towards tuition and fees. X Being told about professional development opportunities that will further my career and my PhD‐‐‐ speakers, internships, etc. 180 181 42 none X The program provides much better structure. It would have been nice to have more classes offered very late in the day and evening to accommodate employment situations. I have enjoyed my coursework enormously. X APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J L M N O P Q R S GTA If I were given greater funding, I could stop worrying all the time about making ends meet. I could also quit my second job and focus only on my school work, which would enhance my overall performance. I currently live below the poverty line and made less than $11,000 last year. Living from paycheck to paycheck is stressful and scary when I don't know if I can afford heat during the winter and don't come home because it is too hot during the summer. X Yes PhD 3rd GTA Increase GTA pay since we are one of the lowest in the Big 12, this will increase the attractiveness of K‐state to possible graduate students allowing us to recruit more selectively thus gaining better students and in turn likely increasing the amount/quality of research being completed by K‐ state X GTA Increased funding would ease stress levels and the borrowing of money allowing me to focus on academics rather than an additional part‐time job. I would be able to participate in more professional development activities e.g. conferences. I would be eating healthier, be able to visit my family more often etc. The overall quality of my life would be enhanced. / 11K a year is laughable; factor in taxes and universtiy fees this leaves ~8K to cover rent, utilities, insurance, phone, food, fuel etc for nine months. This puts me in debt during the school year. Additionally, during the summer 10K students are all competiting for temporary positions during the summer. This has forced me to move back to my hometwon during the past three summers to work a full time to pay off my debts and cover rent etc over the summer for a lease on a apartment I cannot live in during those months. Furthermore, my academic progress grinds to almost a complete hault over the summer as a result and puts a huge burden on me to come back to Manhattan, Ks for meetings with my faculty advisor and commitee. I have calculated hours worked V pay serveral semesters and generally average below federal minimum wage! 182 183 Electronic Resources (n=16) 4th or beyond More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) PhD Equipment (n=28) Yes Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Employment Status Year in graduate studies Degree Type Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? T U V W X Y Q2 Response Categories Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities Living under the poverty line is a challenge in and of itself. Carefully budgeting money and trying to figure out how to buy groceries and gas challenges me on a daily basis. Increased partnerships with alumni to provide internship opportunities for students at the graduate level. X X Access to other resources are plentyful at this university. Funding is not. I'm not happy about the new changes to travel grants being taken out of finicial aid. These are not "grants" at all anymore. I can just as easily budget that money at the beggining of the term with my fin aid than having the university "grant" it to me later out of my own funds. / / This has already deterred me from attending a conference this year. I need ALL of my finicial aid money to to make ends get close (not even meet). Now that travel is taken from this source (fin aid) I will not be able to attend as many conferences or the larger more prestgious national/international conferences. This also limits the university's exposure and networking opprotunities. not employed Provide stipends for those traveling from out of state or offer in‐state tuition. by KSU X I have thoroughly enjoyed what KSU has to offer. Not being able to Skype into a class when there was bad weather. 3rd not employed Scholarship opportunities for Non‐Traditional/Commuter students who have to hold full time by KSU jobs and can't be a Grad. assistant X Profession al Master's 2nd GTA I would not get loans and just use that money instead. X MA 1st GTA I currently receive sufficient funding and use it on books, campus fees, and research. Yes MA 1st I would be able to concentrate more on my studies and less on having to find ways to make student money to support myself. I would be able to spend more time researching as well as more time hourly worker experiencing the program and field with other students rather than having to build these activities into a schedule the is full between class work and working. As a first year MA student, I would like to see either a second year or a Ph.D. buddy student assigned to help ease the transition from undergrad to grad and to help acclimate me, as a first year, to the university,both in and out of the classroom, and the surrounding areas. Yes MA 2nd GTA I feel that I have just about everything that I would need in a program like mine. Yes MA 1st Yes MS 2nd Yes PhD 1st GRA Yes PhD 2nd Yes PhD 3rd Yes PhD 4th or beyond Yes PhD Yes Yes 184 185 186 187 188 A summer internship would have helped. A larger availability of books in the Hale library stacks. X X 189 190 191 192 I'm really not sure. not employed n/a by KSU Honestly, the majority of my classes have been taken and completed online. The experiences as not employed an online student for the most part, were excellent and I can't think of any other significant by KSU resources the university would need to invest in to increase the quality of my academic experience. I would invest in making sure the faculty who teach online can do so effectively and must demonstrate examples of best practices regarding online instruction and pedagogy. I would like to see some programs that are geared towards those of us in the program that have families be scheduled at family‐friendly times to help us connect with one another to share experiences and offer advice to one another on how to best navigate in a community, such as the grad level of academics, that are unaccustomed to having students with family needs that may take priority over our education at times. X Atmosphere. Research‐oriented atmosphere. Faculty should do research and they should show and teach something to students and students should cooperate, help, and compete in research to develop the program. X Here's financial support is not sufficient to focus on research and academic performance for grad students. To develop programs, competitive graduate students are needed and they gather the program with more funding and support. It is obvious. I would create more opportunities for students to publish their work through communities of excellence. For example, graduate students in education focusing on qualitative analysis could not employed hone their skills by periodically meeting together and then collaborate on focused projects. by KSU Faculty advisors could then guide them on the publication process either locally, online, or via other venues. Establishing a clear path of courses that‐‐in the process of taking them‐‐ leads me through the research process and results in a draft proposal X I think graduate students need to focus more on writing. When reflective writing links personal experience to the curriculum, it can be an effective adult pedagogy. Seminars and courses that provide a philosophical and practical backdrop to the academic writing process would help enhance critical thinking skills, the linkage to learning objectives, and the confidence of novice scholars. This mentorship model could further strengthen the quality of proposals defended‐‐ regardless of discipline. I believe that the graduate students who are on campus working as TAs are given preferential treatment. They have more access and support from those around them. It is difficult to work full time outside of the college and still maintain the partnerships with committee members. I also believe that the graduate students who are on campus are provided "perks" that the rest of the students do not receive. This is probably just a fact of university life however I have seen it play out multiple times with my friends and self. I find it challenging to arrange meeting times with my committee and chair. I know this is not their fault but the fault of a system that is not supported adequately with funding and many must serve in multiple capacities. I do not have to concern other living‐related issues such as rent, grocery, utility, books, and research travel. Also, it makes me comfortable and focus on my academic performance. 193 194 Yes PhD 4th or beyond I would like to free up advisers or committee members and chair to meet more often regarding not employed the writing of the dissertation. By this I mean hire enough professionals so that I have more by KSU access for what I need. Those on campus can just walk by and drop in............that does not happen if grad students are working off campus to support themselves and families.. Yes PhD 4th or beyond not employed I would not be as reluctant to make repeat trips to archives. by KSU None There are few jobs upon graduation, especially ones that pay enough to pay down student debt within ten years. Thus, it might not be worth it to attend grad school. Yes PhD 3rd not employed I would use it and make attempts at being more available on campus for assistance with others if needed or required. by KSU I'm not sure at thiis time? It is tough working and being in graduate school as all know, time is a huge variable that could still further be examined. Sometimes the semester as the clock is okay and other times it is not as more time is needed. Of course, close work with Instructors, Advisors, this too can be accomodated. Yes PhD 1st GTA 195 196 197 198 More funding would allow more detailed survey (including field trips). More participation on Congress and more networking opportunities. 43 APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J Yes PhD 1st not employed Not really applicable. I am here on the Army's tab and they consume the free time available in by KSU the summer. Current facilities, faculty, and resources are adequate. Yes PhD 2nd GRA 199 200 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 M N O P 228 229 230 231 232 233 R S Take time out of my current job Yes Profession al Master's 2nd Some funding for travel is available through the GSC, but the $500 limit doesn't really cover all not employed the expenses for the conferences I travel to (airfare, hotel, conference registration). Also, the by KSU inability to get federally subsidized loans really sucks. Yes Profession al Master's 3rd GTA Travel a little more and be able to interview with companies not in the region Yes Profession al Master's 1st GTA Yes, there are opportunities where funding would help. Yes MS 1st not employed n/a by KSU Yes MA 1st not employed by KSU Yes MA 2nd Yes MA 1st Yes MA 3rd GTA Yes MA 1st not employed by KSU Yes Yes MA MA 1st 1st GTA GTA T U V W X Y Electronic Resources (n=16) More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. The quality of this experience boils down to the quality of my fellow students, the faculty, and the structure of each individual class and the overall program. It seems the very way we build the university system precludes the sort of constructive, hands on oversight that might improve the curriculum, and protects professors that are perhaps past their best teaching years. Make sure you hire good professors and shape their approach early when you still have formal authority to do so, and come up with ways to attract great grad and PhD students. Basic information from Graduate School since the beginning of the program, information on ITAC resources, support in navigating the system, supportive personnel in departments. 4th or beyond Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Practical Experiences (n=11) Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? None, that I am aware of at this time. Basic information such a existing resources on campus is essential, courteous treatment at Graduate School and prompt follow up on issues need to b addressed. X More connection to planning departments throughout the state and county, more access to internships. X n/a Provide more archGIS training for post‐bacs. n/a not employed by KSU Yes MA 1st not employed by KSU Yes MA 1st not employed by KSU Yes MA 1st not employed by KSU Yes MA 1st GTA Yes MA 1st not employed by KSU Yes PhD 1st not employed by KSU Yes PhD 1st GRA Yes PhD 4th or beyond not employed by KSU Yes PhD 4th or beyond not employed by KSU Yes PhD 2nd not employed by KSU Yes PhD 1st Yes PhD 2nd Yes PhD 4th or beyond Yes PhD 4th or beyond Yes PhD 2nd not employed by KSU Yes PhD 4th or beyond not employed by KSU Yes PhD 3rd not employed by KSU Yes MS 2nd GA Yes MS 1st not employed by KSU Yes Yes MS MS 1st 3rd GRA GA office spaces ‐ could use more room Definitely an orientation class about how to do online classes ‐ one offered PRIOR to starting my classes would have been good. I'm still not sure I'm doing everything correctly. X X Just glad to be able to finish my education. not employed by KSU Increased funding, as well as summer funding, are the two main challenges for me. Coming to K‐ State with my master's degree, I took a paycut working as a GTA. I work a second job outside of school in addition to the regular GTA position. I do feel like this impacts my education, as I would rather focus all of my energy on school rather than being split between the two, but don't make enough to do so. GTA 226 227 Q Q2 Response Categories None, that I am aware of at this time. PhD 202 203 L Provide tenure track professors with additional research assistance, enabling them to increase instructional time and improve interaction with graduate students. Yes 201 Equipment (n=28) Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Employment Status Year in graduate studies Degree Type Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities 44 APPENDIX E: Full Results of Surveys I J 236 237 238 241 L M N O P Q R S MS 2nd not employed by KSU Yes MS 4th or beyond not employed by KSU Yes MS 3rd not employed by KSU Yes MS 4th or beyond not employed by KSU Yes MS 4th or beyond not employed by KSU Yes MS 4th or beyond not employed by KSU Electronic Resources (n=16) Yes More orientation/ informational sessions (n=4) not employed by KSU Q2: Beyond funding, what resources or opportunities would enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Facilities/ Infrastructure (n=10) 2nd Financial Support/ Assistantships (n=48) MS T U V W X Y Q2 Response Categories Research/ Scholarly Activities (n=55) Yes Practical Experiences (n=11) not employed by KSU Facilities/Infrastructure (n=17) Professional Development/ Conferences (n=96) 3rd Equipment (n=28) MS Q1: If sufficient funding from the university were available, how would you use it to enhance the quality of your academic experiences, scholarly activities, and professional achievements? Availabililty/diversity of graduate courses (n=8) Yes 239 240 Employment Status Year in graduate studies 235 Degree Type 234 Finished Survey 2 K Q1 Response Categories I feel there should be more opportunities for involvement from distance students. As a member of Kappa Omicron Nu, I am unable to attend meetings or be involved in events. easier to use online library resources for distance learning 45 X X Q3: Please add any other comments about the challenges and opportunities that you or others in similar fields of graduate study may have. Housing (n=1) H Networking resources/ opportunities Collaboration opportunities G Improvements to courses (n=9) F Research Support (n=10) E 1 Professional Development/ Career preparation (n=44) D Task Force on Needs of Graduate Students in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Conducting Scholarly Activities A challenge I faced included balancing full time employment with studies. I have found it somewhat difficult in working with the career center to work on my resume and practice interview as priority is given to on‐campus students. I feel appointments should be made on a first come, first served basis. / / The opportunites presented are working with knowledgeable guidance in the order in which to take the courses in my program