VOCAL PERFORMANCE *** 2010 AND PRIOR CATALOGS *** DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC MAJOR OPTION ROADMAP Music 1A Ear Training & Sight Singing I (2) Music 1B Ear Training & Sight Singing II (2) Music 4 A Piano Class I (2) Music 4 B Piano Class II (2) Music 4 C Piano Class III (2) (until Piano Proficiency is passed) Music 20 Convocation (0) required each semester until completion of Music 198 Music 39/139 (8) (4 semesters at advanced standing) Music 40 Theory & Literature I (3) [F] Music 41 Theory & Literature II (3) [S] Music 42 Theory & Literature III (3) [F] Music 43 Theory & Literature IV (3) [S] Music 58 Basic Conducting (2) [F] Music 81 Basic Improvisation (2) [F] Music 103 appropriate to major (8) Music 113 Vocal Pedagogy (2) [F, odd numbered] Music 144 Form & Analysis (3) [F] Music 158B Advanced Choral Conducting (2) [S] Music 140T, 141, 142, 148 150A, 160T, 170A, 170B, 171, 186 or 187 select 2 (5) Music 161A Survey of West Art Music (3) [F] Music 161B Survey of West Art Music (3) [S] Music 172 Vocal Literature (2) [S] Music 185A Lyric Diction (2) [F] Music 185B Lyric Diction (2) [S] Foreign Language (4 units) Music 198 Senior Recital (2) *General Education (51) Progress check-off: Competencies: (check if completed) Current GPA Ear Training 1A Ear Training 1B Jury I – S’ freshman year ______ Apply for Vocal Performance option Jury II – S’ sophomore year Piano Proficiency – F’ soph. year Upper-div. writing skill (after 60 units) – F’ junior year Apply for graduation (during 1st week of grad. sem.) Pre-recital Hearing – S’ senior semester Senior Recital senior semester Concert attendance – each semester in program ______ Music History and Music Theory Diagnostic Department of Music Website – http://www.csufresno.edu/music/index.shtml Department of Music Undergraduate Handbook http://www.csufresno.edu/music/degrees_programs/undergraduate/handbook.shtml Rev. 5/11 VOCAL PERFORMANCE *** 2010 AND PRIOR CATALOGS *** DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC MAJOR OPTION ROADMAP Freshman – Fall Music 1A Ear Training & Sight Singing I Music 4A Piano Class I Music 20 Convocation Music 39 Lessons Music 40 Theory & Literature I Music 103CC Concert Choir *General Education (Areas A1 & A2) Sophomore - Fall Music 20 Convocation Music 4C Piano Class III Music 39 Lessons Music 42 Theory & Literature III Music 58 Basic Conducting Music 81 Basic Improvisation Music 103CC Concert Choir Music 185A Lyric Diction Foreign Lang. 1^: German, French, or Italian Apply for Vocal Performance option Piano Proficiency 2 2 0 1 3 1 6 15 0 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 4 0 0 17 Junior - Fall Music 20 Convocation Music 103CC Concert Choir Music 139 Lessons (adv. stand.) Music 144 Form & Analysis Music 161A Survey Western Art Music *General Ed. (Areas B2, D2 & C1 or C2) Upper-Division Writing Exam Sophomore - Spring Music 20 Convocation Music 39 Lessons Music 43 Theory & Literature IV Music 103CC Concert Choir Music 158B Advanced Choral Conducting Music 185B Lyric Diction *General Education (Areas B1, C2^, & D1) ^ GE area C2 incl. foreign language courses Jury II 2 2 0 1 3 1 6 0 15 0 1 3 1 2 2 9 0 0 18 Junior - Spring 0 1 1 3 3 9 0 17 Senior - Fall Music 20 Convocation Music 103CC Concert Choir Music 113 Vocal Pedagogy Music 139 Lessons (adv. stand.) Music 170A, 171, 187 Music 140T, 148, 150A *General Education (Areas IB, D3) Music History & Music Theory Diagnostic Freshman - Spring Music 1B Ear Training & Sight Singing II Music 4B Piano Class II Music 20 Convocation Music 39 Lessons Music 41 Theory & Literature II Music 103CC Concert Choir *General Education (Areas A3 & B4) Jury I 0 1 2 1 3 3 6 0 16 Music 20 Convocation Music 103CC Concert Choir Music 139 Lessons (adv. stand.) Music 161B Survey Western Art Music Music 141, 142, 148, 160T Music 172 Vocal Literature *General Education (Area C1 & E) Senior - Spring Music 20 Convocation Music 103CC Concert Choir Music 139 Lessons (adv. stand.) Music 198 Senior Recital *General Education (Areas IC, ID & M/I) Apply for Graduation 0 2 1 3 3 2 6 17 0 1 1 2 9 0 13 *General Education Requirements [51] (Students are responsible for checking the current catalogue for specific courses that will meet the following requirements) Foundation (12 units): Area A - Oral Comm.; Written Comm.; Critical Thinking; Area B - Quantitative Reasoning Breadth (27 units): Area B - Physical Universe and Its life Forms; Area C - Arts and Humanities; Area D Social, Political, and Economic Institutions and Behavior, Historical Background; Area E - Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development Integration and Multicultural/International (12 units); Notes: 1. Students are responsible for meeting all prerequisites & co-requisites for each course. 2. This program is subject to change and approval. Rev. 5/11