Joanna Scicluna is a full-time ...

Joanna Scicluna is a full-time member of staff at the Occupational Therapy Division, Institute of
Health Care since 1992. She was a coordinator of the Occupational Therapy Diploma in Health
Science Courses and eventually assisted in setting up the BSc(Hons) Occupational Therapy Degree
Programme in collaboration with Dr.A. MacRae (Fulbright Scholar) from the San Jose State
Universitiy, California. She has a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Sociology and obtained a
Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy from University of Exeter in 1999. She has both clinical
experience in physical and geriatric rehabilitation together with extensive experience working with
clients suffering from psychosocial dysfunction. She serves on various Boards and Subcommittes at
the institute of Health care and works on inter-faculty collaboration and liases with the different
clinical areas. Her research has mainly focused on the Mental Health Care reform in Malta and its
effect on occupational therapy service provision.