Dr. JOSEPH G. AGIUS, M.Sc. (Dublin), Ed.D. (Sheffield), is a registered Speech Language Pathologist with special interest in fluency disorders and humour research. He holds a Master of Science degree in Clinical Speech and Language Studies from Trinity College, University of Dublin and a Doctor of Education degree from the University of Sheffield. As partner expert nominated by the University of Malta, Dr. Agius collaborates with experts from ten European Universities on the development and delivery of the ‘European Clinical Specialization Course in Fluency Disorders’. He has an extensive background in training, lecturing, evaluation, facilitation and programme management. Dr. Agius has experience working with diverse populations around Europe helping to develop skills in communication, leadership and public speaking, and conflict management. He is Senior Principal of the Speech Language Department and employed by the Health Division, Government of Malta. Dr. Agius is reviewer for the Journal of Fluency Disorders and the International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, and lectures at the University of Malta on ‘Fluency Disorders’, ‘Language and Psychiatry’ and ‘Creativity, Humour and Communication’. He is member on the Board of Studies of the Communication Therapy Division, University of Malta. Dr. Agius has been a state-appointed family mediator since the very inception of the Family Court in 2003 and Civil and Commercial Mediator in 2008. List of Publications Theses: EdD Thesis School of Education, University of Sheffield, UK (2007) Title of Thesis: ‘Un-cemented words’- School-age children who stutter: Feelings and attitudes following a thinking skills programme’ M.Sc. Thesis Trinity College, University of Dublin (1995) Title of Thesis: Language Analysis of Bilingual Maltese-English Stuttering Children. Publications: AGIUS, J. (2009) School-Age Children who Stutter: Attitude changes following a Thinking Skills Programme. Journal of Stuttering Therapy, Advocacy and Research. AGIUS, J. (1995) Language Analysis of a bilingual Maltese-English stuttering child. In: H.W. Peters, (Eds.), Stuttering: proceedings of the first world congress on fluency disorders: Munich, Germany, August 8-11 (pp. 175- 178). The Netherlands: University Press Nijmegen. Work in Progress PROYER, R.T., RUCH, W., AGIUS, J. et al. (data analysis). Breaking ground in cross-cultural research on the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia): multi-national study involving 74 countries. AGIUS, J., PLATT, T., & Ruch. W. (data collection) Gelotophobia and Stuttering: The fear of being laughed at among people who stutter. PLATT, T., & AGIUS, J. (devising instrument) The Ridicule and Teasing Scenarios Questionnaire for Stuttering (RTSq_stuttering). RUCH, W., PLATT, T., & Stuttering. AGIUS, J. (devising instrument) GELOPH <S> Questionnaire for AGIUS, J., & PLATT, T. (data collection) Ridicule and Teasing in school age children who stutter. Conference Presentations AGIUS, J. (2010, April) Seminar: ‘Wit or Without: Facilitating a Positive Attitude towards Communication using Humour in Stuttering Therapy. 2nd European Symposium on Fluency Disorders, Antwerp, Belgium. AGIUS, J. (2009, March) Workshop: Thinking Skills: Targeting this-ability in school-age children who stutter. 1st International Conference on Strategic Innovation and Future Creation, Malta AGIUS, J. (2008, July) Workshop: With a little help from the ‘young consultants’: The ‘Smart Intervention Strategy’ for school-age children who stutter. 8th Oxford Dysfluency Conference, Oxford, U.K. AGIUS, J. (2008, April) Seminar: The Smart Intervention Strategy (SIS) for School-Aged Children who Stutter. European Symposium on Fluency Disorders, Antwerp, Belgium. AGIUS, J. (2007, May). Workshop: School-age Children who Stutter: Coping with Attitudes and Emotions …. Made Simple! 8th World Congress for People who Stutter, Croatia. AGIUS, J. (2002, August). Workshop: Stuttering: Coping with Attitudes and Emotions … made simple! Socrates Intensive Programme - Speech and Language Therapy: Towards an International Dimension in Assessment and Therapy, Dublin, Ireland. AGIUS, J., & MICALLEF, R. (2000, July). Workshop: The Early Bird Programme in Malta. First Malta International Conference on Autism, Malta. Conference Presentations (Posters): AGIUS, J. (1994, August). Poster session: Language Analysis of a bilingual Maltese-English stuttering child. 1st World Congress on Fluency Disorders, Munich, Germany.